Do you think it's worth ? Tell us your thoughts !
Owning an OP5 and then upgrading to the 5T 6 months later rewards One Plus for being complete pricks. If I was a millionaire I still wouldn't do it.
No, why should I?
Same generation upgrades are almost never worth it. I'm quite happy with my OnePlus 5.
No, moving the fingerprint scanner to the back just for an extended screen of softkeys is not nearly enough reason to upgrade. I'll wait at least a generation in phone tech for bezel less displays and secure face recognition to mature before my next phone. I came from a still working Nexus 5 to the OP5 so I know how to wait.
Soufiansky said:
Do you think it's worth ? Tell us your thoughts !
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I've never seen the birth and death of a flagship in such a short period of time, I think Oneplus need to really never do this again, not only does it splinter the development community which is honestly why people buy the Oneplus (easy root, no warranty void etc, great custom roms...)
The Oneplus 5 is around six months old? I find it unfathomable that it's obsolete and isn't even available on their website no longer? A year maybe but not less than six months thats crazy, it's a kick in the teeth to anyone who bought the Oneplus 5.
On paper would i upgrade? Absolutely not.
In the real world do I want the Oneplus 5T? Yea sure but literally for the screen, it's in no way shape or form a worthy upgrade and anyone contemplating this device as an upgrade coming from the 1+5 needs their head testing.
If i was on a different device then yea I would grab it but from their track record I would seriously think twice.
The 5T should have been the only device launched this year, Oneplus needs to fix their deployment.
Sorry Rant over !
Nah, It's pointless. Bigger screen with same 1080p so its lower ppi, It's nice that it has small bezels but needed a QHD display. Plus with the same size battery and .5" larger screen, battery life will certainly not be the same and I love getting 10-12 hours of SOT per charge with medium to heavy usage. The new second shooter might be nicer to have then the Tele lens but this camera is WAY more then adequate for everyday. If I need serious shots I'll just use me Nikon.
100% satisfied with my OP5. I'll wait for the 6 or maybe wait til a 6T.
Actually the ppi is same in both Oneplus 5(1980*1080:resolution) and 5T(2160*1080:resolution). We'll anyway get face unlock one way or another. Though I would really love the bigger bezeless display! Don't use camera much.
I see no reason to sell my oneplus 5 that I bought 2.5 months ago with an original pierre cardin case. So total cost= 33700 rupees.
At best I can sell my 5T for maybe 25000-27000 rupees after much time waste and headache. Then to buy 5T for 33000 rupees. Too expensive for me?.
upgrade ?
never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never
drbest said:
never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never
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OK calm down now :laugh: :laugh:
I would but only if my current 5 sells, which I haven't had any luck with. I don't think very many people know about OnePlus so I haven't been getting as many offers as I did back when I had my iPhone and even OG Pixel up for sale
i'm not planning on it. if they would offer a deal for op5 owners of a reduction of $100US then probably. maybe if sales of the 5T suck bad enough they do some type of incentive. but, i doubt it.
when they do stuff like this 5T crap it is destructive of value of the op5.
Nope. Glad I got the std 5 when I did, right before they stopped selling them. I'm not a fan of soft buttons. I like "physical" buttons. I can't think of any benefits for a slightly longer screen but there are tons of drawbacks, for how I use my devices.
I have Op3T the OP5. OP5 is good phone but if I want to upgrade it will be Samsung S9 or LG V30.
dkryder said:
i'm not planning on it. if they would offer a deal for op5 owners of a reduction of $100US then probably. maybe if sales of the 5T suck bad enough they do some type of incentive. but, i doubt it.
when they do stuff like this 5T crap it is destructive of value of the op5.
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That's not a bad shout to be honest. They really should offer a trade in fit selling a phone that is essentially obsolete within less time than it takes to grow a crap beard.
They didn't even apologise.
Huawei honor v10 seems like a mishmash of op5 and op5t.. Any takers?
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nktwister said:
Huawei honor v10 seems like a mishmash of op5 and op5t.. Any takers?
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Ips screen ?????
Sent from my OnePlus 5 using XDA Labs
To be completely honest, even with all the new phones coming out this year, I still wouldn't swap my 1+5, not being biased, I just prefer it.
There's only two things I'd change.
OIS for the camera.
Proper mhl support.
Maybe waterproofing?
How does the 5T fare on benchmarks compared to the 5? I'm guessing with the slightly reduced screen resolution the 5 will best it
I just love having finger print scanner on the front panel. Otherwise I wouldn't just use it. Love my OP5
No reason for that, because in fact its just about the new display, and that's not worth it for me.
Also, I don't want to support their business strategy of releasing a new device only 4 months after the last one.
Dunno if this is a common occurrence, I havent seen anyone mention anything similar to this not that its an amazingly unique and spectacular problem, but I just didnt think I would be experiencing this while only having the phone for less than 5 days. First of all, I believe this phone was a return from the store that I bought it from, but I couldnt tell until today when I figured out what was actually supposed to come in the box. Besides that, all of a sudden today it died on me and I didnt think it was the battery since it had 40% left the last time I saw it. Shrugged it off until I plugged it in, at which point it didnt turn on so I decided to pop out the battery and stick it back in and I had a bit of a sigh of relief.
Its been a while since Ive actually had a phone worth caring for, is this something I should return it for and get a new one while I still can? Even if its not a huge problem now, does it have the potential to get worse and worse? *sigh* out of all of the phones Ive had, Ive liked this the most since it was problem free.
I've never had to do this.. But hard freezes are possible.
But if it happens a lot, it might be a doa.. Either way, in most countries you have 10 working days at least for DOA, which allows you to return and get your money back or new unit. Given the complaints about GPS though, it is possible they have tried to resell some returned units as "brand new"
Whats a hard freeze? Its only happened once, but then I dont know when the next time it may happen. My phone has a way of turning off in my pocket multiple times a day due to the case that I use for it, which Im probably going to stop using once I find a suitable pouch. I dont know, maybe that had an effect on it for some ridiculous reason? It mighta turned off and just not turned back on?
Actually..... Come to notice it right now, I cant even turn the phone off without going through the unlock pattern. So, does that mean my phones been intermittently shutting down on its own or something? Ffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu**********************
My phone did this a few times. I had to re-install battery to get it going again. It happened on the 1st, 2nd, and 5th day,...but hasn't happened for about 1 week now. 2 reasons it may have stopped:
1) I got a new battery. My friend was going to return his SGS because of multiple problems, and swapped me batteries before returning it.
2) Did the firmware update (Bell Mobility - canada)
If i were you, i would exchange it for a new one. You don't want to sleep in on an important appointment because your phone turned itself off in the middle of the night! You are paying big bucks for this phone, and deserve a phone that works great.
My mom who is not too savvy has moved onto her 3rd Evo due to all of them having a Blackout. Where she can never get the screen to come back. I have messed with it and I have never seen any of my friends evo have this issue, as well as mine. Have you expereienced this?
my mom did that once too, haha. she just went to the store and i think they reset the evo no problems since then its been a few months
I just had to order my fourth G2 in the past six weeks.
First one developed a striated screen after a week.
Second one would not receive any LTE signal and 3G was often unstable.
Third one seems to get an LTE signal briefly when phone is reprogrammed and tries to do a profile update, but it never completes the update and LTE never shows again. Same instability when trying to get 3G. This one also keeps throwing an error message that it has a bad UICC card. Something about an invalid SIM card. No one at the Sprint store or any of the techs that I called had any idea about how to fix that last thing. And the tech manager at the Sprint Repair center was incredulous that I had found three defective G2s in a row. This last one was tested before I left the store with it due to my previous experience. When I did take it home (after ordering a new one) it was so annoying I just turned it off and re-activated my Galaxy S3.
Anyone else have any sort of experience or am I just lucky?
Your unlucky. But what if that store gave you phones that were returned previously?
Sent from my LG-D802 using Tapatalk
4 times in 6 years is doable or I should say "was doable" (Pittsburgh Steelers dynasty).
4 phones in 6 weeks is unthinkable. FOUR???
mrm43 said:
Your unlucky. But what if that store gave you phones that were returned previously?
Sent from my LG-D802 using Tapatalk
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That's what they are telling me.
The guys at the Sprint store claim that they can't tell whether it's a refurb or not. They say it's so new that they are probably all new. I doubt it.
I'm finding it pretty unbelievable. I know it's not a conspiracy or anything, but this next one had better be perfect or there will be a bit of a scene. I'm not walking out of the there without a 100% working phone.
what are you doing rhat causes this?
skinny jeans maybe with extra small pockets and extra tension on phone?
backpocket while sitting?
I'm also on my third replacement, first one had a bad screen it kept flickering while in a call, second one had radio connection issues, and this one I currently have has the same radio problems and also gets really hot sometimes. The quality control on these phones is bollocks at best, I will never get another LG phone again. It's a shame because I enjoy the speed of the Snapdragon 800 processor, the OIS camera is good and I like the IPS display
I have my 3rd phone coming on Monday. Got my G2 1 month ago and I am going on my 3rd. I love the phone but not sure I could deal with it if it breaks again. For me, I woke up, unplugged my phone, it rebooted and that was it. No wifi, no data, and just kept rebooting. Did a factory reset, which did nothing. So I flashed the 12b on with the LG Flash Tool which wipes out your internal storage. and still nothing. Called Verizon and they are shipping me another phone! Hopefully I get more than 2 weeks out of it! Can't keep starting over every 2 weeks.......
Syst3mSh0ck said:
I'm also on my third replacement, first one had a bad screen it kept flickering while in a call, second one had radio connection issues, and this one I currently have has the same radio problems and also gets really hot sometimes. The quality control on these phones is bollocks at best, I will never get another LG phone again. It's a shame because I enjoy the speed of the Snapdragon 800 processor, the OIS camera is good and I like the IPS display
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isnt that the proximity sensor that turns off and on screen?
tattooz305 said:
I have my 3rd phone coming on Monday. Got my G2 1 month ago and I am going on my 3rd. I love the phone but not sure I could deal with it if it breaks again. For me, I woke up, unplugged my phone, it rebooted and that was it. No wifi, no data, and just kept rebooting. Did a factory reset, which did nothing. So I flashed the 12b on with the LG Flash Tool which wipes out your internal storage. and still nothing. Called Verizon and they are shipping me another phone! Hopefully I get more than 2 weeks out of it! Can't keep starting over every 2 weeks.......
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do you use original charger and good electrical outlet?
For the record, I never did anything crazy to them.
I only rooted the first one after the stuff started happening so that I could create a backup to try to install on the second.
Second and third never even got rooted, as I didn't want any bull about having anything that I did creating the flaws.
Each phone was never dropped and in a case it's entire life. Not a scratch. Only used stock cable and chargers (except when in the car).
My fourth one has been almost flawless and confirmed as a 100% new device.
I am having a small issue with the knock/on feature, but I think that's a result of the ROM I'm using now and the way I messed around with it. We'll see when I flash something new this weekend.
Trident said:
I just had to order my fourth G2 in the past six weeks.
First one developed a striated screen after a week.
Second one would not receive any LTE signal and 3G was often unstable.
Third one seems to get an LTE signal briefly when phone is reprogrammed and tries to do a profile update, but it never completes the update and LTE never shows again. Same instability when trying to get 3G. This one also keeps throwing an error message that it has a bad UICC card. Something about an invalid SIM card. No one at the Sprint store or any of the techs that I called had any idea about how to fix that last thing. And the tech manager at the Sprint Repair center was incredulous that I had found three defective G2s in a row. This last one was tested before I left the store with it due to my previous experience. When I did take it home (after ordering a new one) it was so annoying I just turned it off and re-activated my Galaxy S3.
Anyone else have any sort of experience or am I just lucky?
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Same here, 3G is commonly unstable and keep disconecting, even when connected is very slow.
I have a major issue with reception as well: 2-3 bars in areas when all other phones has full signal strenght (used to have motorola on the same operator for 10 years and never seen a single bar drop in reception) Sometimes even looses reception. !This is the worst anthena on mobile device I'vee ever seen!
It is pretty useless on mobile data, as it never gets strong enough signal to browse
WiFi limited to 72mbps on 2.4Ghz wireless N network (unacceptable)
Maybe it's Sprint? I'm on TMO and LTE and connectivity in general has been blazing and never drops. And still on my first G2.
I've yet to read of this issue until your thread, so hopefully you're able to figure it out. Good luck!
I have owned an s3, s4, note 1,2,3,4 and this is the first time i have had to return a samsung phone.
The lag was so bad, and i posted for help and tried everything, that when i showed the manager today he even got frustrated trying to navigate the thing.
I even took it to a samsung service store and they admitted it was a lemon, as she called it.
Even better i really wanted a white one and he is going to let me swap my black for the white one he is getting tomorrow.
So to those who have denied, or called out those complaining of lag, it is real and is a defect.
I tried every unit at the samsung store and every one from every carrier was lag free.
I have used more foul language and lost more sleep the past week trying to fix that damn thing it is ridiculous. Thank God i can sleep well tonight knowing i am getting a new one tomorrow.
Just as an add on, i know there are some good and smart phone reps out there, but the few samsung people i dealt with over the phone and the one in the store were about as knowledgeable as my parents. I love it when they read the script to you on their computer screen lol. "Have you taken the battery out and restarted?" Really?
Anyway, for those of you experiencing problems, the way i see it is if i am gonna spend almost a grand on something it is gonna be right. I understand there is always issues with the first batch of anything, but this was my first time going through it and i feel for the guys who have had to swap devices out three and four times.
I pray the second one is right.
A thank you to everyone who tried to help me solve the problem, even though it was defective you all helped me learn a lot more about phones than i knew before this happened. I have been on this site since I owned my htc hero and hd2 and through the years I have seen some rude and disrespectful members, but I have also met some good friendly people and made friends. No doubt my rambling post will get some knocks but it is part of the game.
Thanks for reading.
One last thing, does anyone here own a Note 3 that they are keeping? There is a reason I am asking and I will tell you why when i get a response.
Well my 1st N4 had a dead pixel and my 2nd had crappy machining on the aluminum edge. The cnc machine basically gave up on doing the right side chanfer. ( shiny part on the aluminum trim) half way up the phone. Didn't noticed till late at night.. Im on my 3rd and this one is good.
Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Mayonesa said:
Well my 1st N4 had a dead pixel and my 2nd had crappy machining on the aluminum edge. The cnc machine basically gave up on doing the right side chanfer. ( shiny part on the aluminum trim) half way up the phone. Didn't noticed till late at night.. Im on my 3rd and this one is good.
Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
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l hope I don't have to go to a third. I may go more insane
I'm on my second N4 too. My first was a nightmare to get set up (took 1.5hrs in the store), lagged like crazy, had a back button with a mind of its own and rebooted at random.
I'm very happy with my replacement N4.
Anyone notice speaker crackling. I have noticed this on my phone.
To OP, or anyone else who had to return a N4, were any of you rooted?
p()()pypants said:
To OP, or anyone else who had to return a N4, were any of you rooted?
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Good question.
I am having data issues and was told by T-Mobile that I am still within my Buyers Remorse period and can swap out the phone if I want to, which is what I am thinking of doing tomorrow.
Just wondering how the KNOX / ROOT situation will go or do they not even look at it? Please advise
I was rooted and Knox tripped on 2 N4 returns. I did mail in returns. Both were refunded within 3 days of my return package arriving at T-Mobile.
Tmo reps don't check for tripped knox or root.
I do know the Tmo my account checks for that tho
I did keep my note 3. In my opinion it runs better than the 4 ?
randpost said:
I was rooted and Knox tripped on 2 N4 returns. I did mail in returns. Both were refunded within 3 days of my return package arriving at T-Mobile.
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Might I ask why you're on your 3rd N4?
24 defective phones for every 1 million made is decent odds to me. I never use cheap charging cables or blocks. I buy everything samsung and I've never had problems with any phone I've had. I think im gonna keep my phone because the pre order was a pain in the ass and I dont wanna go through something again where i cant get a new batch note 7
I'm on the fence too I'm holding on to it I'll see how replacements start going in the coming weeks.
Holding on to mine until they actually have a unit to swap, I don't want an s7 edge even if it's temporary.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N930A using Tapatalk
I'm thinking about holding mine too. I've charged my phone plenty of times and had no issue... Does that mean I'm fine?? Lol
Hanging on to mine till they get the new ones in. If I had wanted an S7 that's what i would have bought in the first place.
I read that we have the same batteries as the ones that exploded, but different processors. Supposedly the snapdragon will sgut the phone down before it gets too hot where the others didn't
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N930A using Tapatalk
I'll swap mine once the new batch arrives but I like this phone to much to give it back. My wife works for at&t and she told me all day people have been bringing there notes in.
I just went ahead and returned my Note 7 earlier, went back to my Nexus 6p didn't want to take any chances. Didn't have any issues with AT&T with full return, didn't really want to bother with an S7 or any other exchange since honestly it wouldn't be the same as the Note plus I still had my paid for 6p. Kinda missed my 6p anyways, may come back to the Note whenever they get issues resolved.
It takes me a full day even with Smart Switch to get my phone set up. I may not return it at all. Of the reported cases of fried phones all were being charged at the time. So worst thing that can happen is my phone fries itself on its wireless charging stand. I've been using the 25W charger and the phone doesn't even get warm. I doubt there will be statute of limitations on exchanges so I'll wait until I scratch it or have some reason to get a new one down the road. I know it's a game of chance but no one on XDA which has a worldwide audience has reported a personal phone frying incident. So the odds might be better than some of the speculative threads here would make them seem.
I'm wondering about exchanging for the v20 when it comes out, if the time line lines up.
carelockh said:
I just went ahead and returned my Note 7 earlier, went back to my Nexus 6p didn't want to take any chances. Didn't have any issues with AT&T with full return, didn't really want to bother with an S7 or any other exchange since honestly it wouldn't be the same as the Note plus I still had my paid for 6p. Kinda missed my 6p anyways, may come back to the Note whenever they get issues resolved.
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What did you miss about the 6P? Have always been curious about pure Android.
ive got the 930FD , Im holding mine.
Replacing it tuesday. AT&T in Chicago will have note 7s without the issue. That said I will replace it and with the replacement, I'll sell it. I think while the note 7 feels great in hand, I am going to really get a pixel xl and the iphone 7 (piano black)
I'll be selling it with the galaxy gear s2 as a bundle so we will see
Took the sim card out of the Note7 and put it into the Nexus 6P for now. Will hold on to the Note7 until replacements ship into the store.
Im holding on to mine for now till the replacements are in stores. Ive been charging mine overnight and so far i dont see any overheating or anything.
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sireniankyle said:
What did you miss about the 6P? Have always been curious about pure Android.
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Well for one, the relative ease of rooting. Unlocked bootloader, no bloatware etc. Not having to worry about finicky bluetooth, just basically works as it should even after rooting. Sure root is there for the Note 7 but just a tad bit tedious and was starting to not be worth it for me. Sure it's no touch wiz UX or w/e they're calling it now and no S pen but I've been okay without it before, some may think pure android is "boring" but that's what customization is for.
eyesofice said:
ive got the 930FD , Im holding mine.
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Missed the I'm holding mine part. Lol
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N930A using Tapatalk
Just returned mine to Best Buy. Was allowed to keep the watch.
domineus said:
Replacing it tuesday. AT&T in Chicago will have note 7s without the issue. That said I will replace it and with the replacement, I'll sell it. I think while the note 7 feels great in hand, I am going to really get a pixel xl and the iphone 7 (piano black)
I'll be selling it with the galaxy gear s2 as a bundle so we will see
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How are they getting the new ones in when samsung said it will be weeks
Cracked out N7
Well I read that the problem is An overheating of the battery cell occurred when the anode-to-cathode came into contact which is a very rare manufacturing process error, so people reported this happening after 2 weeks of using the note 7, also some sites say a way of knowing if your note 7 could explode is looking at the manufacturing site, its behind the phone and can barely be seen, if it says Korea or Vietnam, then its on risk, like mine that says Korea, so the truth is that it can happen at any point from the first day to later on, so they have to be replaced, am charging mine after I wake up, in an hour or so its at 100 percent, then it doesn't need charging till the next morning, but if it takes too long for the replacements to arrive, I think I might get the s7 until then, I have three kids, wouldn't want anyone getting hurt by this.
c-prodigo said:
Well I read that the problem is An overheating of the battery cell occurred when the anode-to-cathode came into contact which is a very rare manufacturing process error, so people reported this happening after 2 weeks of using the note 7, also some sites say a way of knowing if your note 7 could explode is looking at the manufacturing site, its behind the phone and can barely be seen, if it says Korea or Vietnam, then its on risk, like mine that says Korea, so the truth is that it can happen at any point from the first day to later on, so they have to be replaced, am charging mine after I wake up, in an hour or so its at 100 percent, then it doesn't need charging till the next morning, but if it takes too long for the replacements to arrive, I think I might get the s7 until then, I have three kids, wouldn't want anyone getting hurt by this.
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Yup my my kids first I dont need anything to happen
Cracked out N7