XA and XA ultra Important - Sony Xperia XA Ultra Guides, News, & Discussion

Hey everyone,as you know sony stop the nougat for xa and xa ultra because of some big problems and compatibility issues....so all users with 36.1.A.0.179 please update as soon as u can to the new nougat 36.1.A.0.182 this new version will fix a lot of bugs...Dont let your phone run old nougat,check now xperifirm for latest update...The users with 36.1.A.0.179 will not recieve any other updates in the future and will not be able to recieve 36.1.A.0.182 via OTA..

Correction bud, just updated to .182 from .179 via OTA.

In some countries the update will still be 179 ?

ya updated via OTA just now from .179 to .182 with just 48 mb .. its mostly a OTA fix i guess.. no changes still


Xperia Z3 D6653 update via pc 23.0.1.A.1.49

Just received new update for my xperia z3 D6653, testing now, so far icons looks bit biggers, font is different, it has portrait retouch built in.
I am just DL it now. Any other changes yet?
I still stucked in 23.0.A.2.93 version ,should i flash my devices? Why it won't get update? (i have flashed soft with central europe 1 official rom)
It all depends where u r from. For the past few days others have been getting a different update
DanijasDub said:
Just received new update for my xperia z3 D6653, testing now, so far icons looks bit biggers, font is different, it has portrait retouch built in.
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This firmware is old, even .93 is newer. try to upgrade to 23.0.1.A.5.77
If it's old why this fw has feutures, which were missing in. 93, and how updater managed to give me notification (i was on. 93) for older update???
That's from plugging into the Sony website so it is newer than 93
Yes it's newer, because.77 is for D6603 my Z3 is D6653 sony website didn't update website info i think, but let's wait for more users to get that update. Phone looks much snappier than.93
I agree with the fact phone feels faster but apart from that have not noticed much else. There was NFC as part of the update
True, nothing major, i also noticed NFC update on first start after update
But definitely snappier in normal use. Whatever lag there was has gone
DanijasDub said:
If it's old why this fw has feutures, which were missing in. 93, and how updater managed to give me notification (i was on. 93) for older update???
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Nevermind, I just saw the number one (23.0.1.A.1.49), but still this firmware is older than 23.0.1.A.5.77 acording to sony firmware numeration.
DanijasDub said:
Yes it's newer, because.77 is for D6603 my Z3 is D6653 sony website didn't update website info i think, but let's wait for more users to get that update. Phone looks much snappier than.93
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firmware 23.0.1.A.5.77 is for both 6603 and 6653. just check Xperifirm.
here is the correct order:
^^ confirmed - I am running 6653 firmware 1288-4247 23.0.1.A.5.77 R9B. downloaded from Xperifirm and flashed his morning. (unlocked BL, also flashed custom kernel & re-rooted.)
To @all
I'm pretty sure that flashing a new rom from scratch with Flashtool, is a lot better than updating your rom via OTA. It's like upgrading Windows XP to Windows 7 keeping software..... your system becomes slow and unstable.
While isn't a root method for Xperia Z3, you still can flash a new rom from scratch saving your app data with Helium, this is like titanium backup, but without root. just read and learn.
PS: I'm sure that this is the last firmware update untill lollypop.
iBuzman said:
^^ confirmed - I am running 6653 firmware 1288-4247 23.0.1.A.5.77 R9B. downloaded from Xperifirm and flashed his morning. (unlocked BL, also flashed custom kernel & re-rooted.)
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So which version did u DL? I can only see Israel or german
caqo71 said:
Nevermind, I just saw the number one (23.0.1.A.1.49), but still this firmware is older than 23.0.1.A.5.77 acording to sony firmware numeration.
firmware 23.0.1.A.5.77 is for both 6603 and 6653. just check Xperifirm.
here is the correct order:
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What's new with 23.0.1.A.5.77? Up until now i can't find the changelog for that firmware..
I've got the changelog now:
Update: Sony has posted the following changelog for this update:
– Enhanced audio volume in notifications and ringtones
– New Xperia™ camera app: Portrait retouch
– Improved Exchange ActiveSync performance
– Fine-tuned audio for speakerphone
– Stability and performance improvement
jbisana89 said:
What's new with 23.0.1.A.5.77? Up until now i can't find the changelog for that firmware..
I've got the changelog now:
Update: Sony has posted the following changelog for this update:
– Enhanced audio volume in notifications and ringtones
– New Xperia™ camera app: Portrait retouch
– Improved Exchange ActiveSync performance
– Fine-tuned audio for speakerphone
– Stability and performance improvement
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The downside is that this firmware drains more battery
caqo71 said:
The downside is that this firmware drains more battery
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how bad is the battery drain? is it that noticeable? if so, i'm holding off in updating because i'm really loving the battery life of this phone.
rotsloeh said:
how bad is the battery drain? is it that noticeable? if so, i'm holding off in updating because i'm really loving the battery life of this phone.
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Battery life improved for me especially standby time now draining at most 3% overnight as opposed to 5 before.
I wonder how different this update is to the other one people r getting. I have the same features and it still won't update anymore

Xperia Z Android 5.1.1 - Post your impressions (now rolling!)

Xperia Blog are reporting that Android 5.1.1 Lollipop is now live. Please use this post for feedback and any issues you have.
Gonna wait for OTA and see if root is retained.
Singapore C6603 (though i'm in indonesia) -- still no update.
will looking forward for this update. hope it run really stable, as this might be the last firmware update for Xperia Z.
Kingroot doesn't work ^^
So far so good, I flashed Mena Arabic .ftf and it looks good, still needs further testing, btw king root is giving error, so no root yet
Looks like no full fix for the Stagefright exploit just yet.
Thread closed. Please continue further discussions here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/xperia-z/general/xperia-z-lollipop-discussion-t3115208

Possible uodate to Andoid 7 Sony Xperia C4

Good Day everyone!
1 week ago I received an update for latest google play store versoin in my Sony Xperia C4 (E5306)
Do you think that sony might reléase OTA update fot Android 7.0?
Is there a way that phone can be rooted so this latest versión can be installed?
**sorry for the typo , its update
Any information will be appreciated.

Update for people with Honor 5C NEM-L51C432-XXX

Hello community, and specifically to those with the model and build in the title.
After a few weeks of checking firmware finder, I discovered that it says it is now suitable and possible to update to B358.
I was on B357 until today and I can report that I updated to B358 just now with no problems at all. I installed the big file first(it's 1Gb+) and then the smaller file after that (a few hundred MB), again without issue. However with the second file it will complete 100% but then tell you there is another part to download. Just agree. It will do this 2 or 3 times and then will finally restart and install the package.
I have done and so far so good! :fingers-crossed:
Forgot to include proof....
Hey has anyone with nem-l51 updated yet to build 358 ??? I did a few weeks back? Just interested? Please try to reply...
iantechie1979 said:
Hey has anyone with nem-l51 updated yet to build 358 ??? I did a few weeks back? Just interested? Please try to reply...
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No, but I have installed B359 though with no problems.
Dit it myself. There's a couple more updates available, like 359, 360, 361 and even 371. Have yet to test these though.
Anyway, it's nothing but security patches in the end. Don't think we're gonna get features updates anymore.
I think you're right about it only being security update patches from now on. I recently installed the b360 build. This pretty much confirms that the honor 5C and P9-lite will not be in line to receive an official upgrade to Oreo 8.0. Bit of a shame.
Hi guys,
I made a mess... I tried to update to B359 but then by mistake I flashed the wrong recovery So option was to flash full update.app I stored in microSD.
The problem is that that full update was an older version. Anyway now I still have build number B359 but other information refer to older firmware version I actually flashed!! For example security patch is still October!
So I downloaded full update to B357, flashed but again build is B359!!
Anyone experienced same issue? How can I solve?
UPDATE: solved by downloading and flashing an update called "update_data_full_NEM-L51_hw_eu.zip". After flashing this build number was correct!

Sony Xperia X Compact Update 34.4.A.2.118

after flashing the new Update via Flashtool from xperifirm, the Phone cannot recognized that this update is installed. The Phone want to update? What can i do and where is the Problem?
Best wishes...
