Xperia Z Android 5.1.1 - Post your impressions (now rolling!) - Xperia Z General

Xperia Blog are reporting that Android 5.1.1 Lollipop is now live. Please use this post for feedback and any issues you have.

Gonna wait for OTA and see if root is retained.

Singapore C6603 (though i'm in indonesia) -- still no update.
will looking forward for this update. hope it run really stable, as this might be the last firmware update for Xperia Z.

Kingroot doesn't work ^^

So far so good, I flashed Mena Arabic .ftf and it looks good, still needs further testing, btw king root is giving error, so no root yet

Looks like no full fix for the Stagefright exploit just yet.

Thread closed. Please continue further discussions here:


anyone tried update to ICS 4.0.4 (4.1.B.0.431) through PCC ?

so, just wondering. anyone tried update to ICS 4.0.4 (4.1.B.0.431) through PCC ?
the last ftf file i flashed was LT15i_4.0.A.2.368_Generic
then after that, i updated via PCC to 4.0.2.A.0.62
and yesterday, PCC asked me to update to 4.1.B.0.431
i've seen lots of threads about unoficial roms, and flash ftf files, root, etc.
but i think i haven't seen anyone mention about updating from stock GB to ICS via PCC.. or maybe i missed it..
so, if you have any experience or thoughts about it, please be kindly enough to share the knowledge
maybe you could even add steps that you do, like backing up your contact and text messages, what app you use.
and also share bugs or issues that you encounter.
thx in advance
ps.this maybe belongs to the "Xperia Arc Q&A" section, but since it didn't get any responce there, i think it's better to try my luck here..
There is an extensive discussion going on regarding the ICS update here. Please use this thread.
Thank you for your cooperation.

[4.4.4][update][23.0.1.A.4.44] for Tablet Z2 series start rolling out today

Well, new update for Tablet Z2. According to this:
yet another firmware update for tablet Z2 is rolling out right now. Newest buildnumber is 23.0.1.A.4.44. Previous was 23.0.1.A.4.30.
Seems that so far Taiwan region and also branded HK, SA, AE, KW are updated. Haven´t seeing any chance log.
Is this going to pose a threat to our root?
I am guessing towel root will not work because of the exploits being patched up in 4.4.4
Very good question....
Got my notification to update via PC a little while ago. Will see if I can trap it first
Suppose I will test the waters. Almost for sure root will be gone.
Most likely towelroot or any other roottool's based on that will not work. However flashing vulnerable kernel from 314 firmware, rooting it and flashing new firmware kernel back might work.
I'll check my tablet when I get home, I've gotten the notification for my z2 phone now.
Unable to update
Unable to install it,
updating via PC Companion, downloading update, but when tablet reboots i get the message from Companion that there is no update available.
I'm probably not the only one with that problem..
I got the same thing happening to my tablet :/
Downloads, starts to update then just turns of the tablet and it fails.
Same here... update fails.
Envoyé de mon SGP511 en utilisant Tapatalk
I used this guide to intercept the download from PC Companion and create an FTF file.
I have no clue if it's a valid file, but here's the link (I have an SGP511):
<link removed>
Well that's nice. PC Companion says there's a new version, but it just downloads the old one
So I download firmware that Sony PC Companion offers as new .167 firmware and found out it is old .314 firmware . Have to wait.
MrMagic said:
I used this guide to intercept the download from PC Companion and create an FTF file.
I have no clue if it's a valid file, but here's the link (I have an SGP511):!nohxDQyD!u05pwh2yP_y8kWwhlS8pQAQbyeuiujlVyvTWUjJnFuM
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And you are up and running with 4.4.4 and no issues?
SweDunda said:
And you are up and running with 4.4.4 and no issues?
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I just edited my post and removed the link, since PC Companion says there's a new version available but it just downloads the old one
Update is working now. Installing... FALS ALARM !
EDIT: FFS ! It only reinstalled the old 4.4.2 !
There's some problems with Sony Server, wait for few hours...
Update is working now. Just finished the upgrade.
Can't root
Updated (Firmware 23.0.1.A.0.167).
Can't root via easyroottool V12.3 or towelroot v3.
I read rooting works if you flash the old .314 kernel first, then root, then flash back the .167 kernel. Didn't try it myself yet though.
Uploading a FTF for SGP511 now! Stay tuned!
Update is working right now. Everything's working fine!

[FTF] Z2 Stock Firmware 23.0.1.A.0.167_Generic (4.4.4) download links included

i havn't updated yet but shared a link
here u go -
no idea its work or not. just shared
u can prove it
Yash Rulz said:
i havn't updated yet but shared a link
here u go -
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Are you sure is this for D6503?
Because the update for only D6502 not D6503...
From wich country does this firmware come from???
Wrong firmware
This is the old firmware. Not the new one.
its Still 314 firmware by the way!
its not actual update, sony Servers are bugged right now
Come on guys, read a bit...
We opened million threads for same thing
Once fw is available it should be released in thread opened for that purpose..
4.4.4. for D6503 isn't available yet
funky0308 said:
Come on guys, read a bit...
We opened million threads for same thing
Once fw is available it should be released in thread opened for that purpose..
4.4.4. for D6503 isn't available yet
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I'm on a German generic firmware and got the update on my phone but it has a Computer required message , I downloaded the on my pc and it got error while updating! , I've tried rebooting phone and pc but still the same error
Thread closed
This thread does not provide a 4.4.4 ROM. Currently the Russian 4.4.4 ROM is the only one out there for the D6503 that is confirmed to be legitimate, if you're looking for said thread please go to here.
If you happen to get your hands on a legitimate 4.4.4 ROM other than the Russian one for the D6503, please post it in this thread.
Thread closed

Android 4.4.4 rolling out for Xperia SP really?

Just today referred to a site and found that xperia z,zl and sp will receive 4.4.4 update .
Really doubt is it possible?
Please refer attachment for image.
There are already a few threads regarding this, the answer is no, refer here.
Sony said: Latest update for sp is 4.3
So don't wait for new update!

REQUEST FIRMWARE Sony Xperia Z5 Compact (E5823) 32.0.A.6.200 Customized IT_1298-5498

Hello guys I curse the day when I switched to Marshmallows, is unusable !!! I would like to return to the previous system, and I need someone to help me find the firm Sony Xperia Z5 Compact (E5823) 32.0.A.6.200 Customized IT_1298-5498, unfortunately due to a damage to an external hard drive I lost all previous firm with Lollypop operating system.
Best Regards
roerisi said:
Hello guys I curse the day when I switched to Marshmallows, is unusable !!! I would like to return to the previous system, and I need someone to help me find the firm Sony Xperia Z5 Compact (E5823) 32.0.A.6.200 Customized IT_1298-5498, unfortunately due to a damage to an external hard drive I lost all previous firm with Lollypop operating system.
Best Regards
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here you are
Yes bro ! But Does not match firmware customized it, it is asiatic sg
roerisi said:
Yes bro ! But Does not match firmware customized it, it is asiatic sg
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i'm sorry, i thought it was the one requested. Did you verify by installing it?
Probably you'll not find Customized IT anywhere else
I know it's not the thing you want to hear, but consider installing latest MM .185 Customized IT downloading with Xperifirm and installing with Flashtool.
Also consider that, if you like custom kernels, TWRP,... the developer community has already moved to MM.
ninestarkoko said:
i'm sorry, i thought it was the one requested. Did you verify by installing it?
Probably you'll not find Customized IT anywhere else
I know it's not the thing you want to hear, but consider installing latest MM .185 Customized IT downloading with Xperifirm and installing with Flashtool.
Also consider that, if you like custom kernels, TWRP,... the developer community has already moved to MM.
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Many thanks for your kindness, I have already tried all the ways also the post of your firm does not match the costumized it....
roerisi said:
Many thanks for your kindness, I have already tried all the ways also the post of your firm does not match the costumized it....
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You should really REALLY update to MM. It's day/life change in terms of UI smoothness. Wether Sony's work or Google's one, it's definetly a worth upgrade from my experience.
Apart from that, you can find all the main MM bugs in a thread here or in the Z5 forums and on sonymobile forums.
