Emergency SOS Function - Samsung Galaxy S8 Questions and Answers

So, I set this up recently and as a heavy camera user I'm now discovering this function could be a slight problematic.
Friday I was about to take a photo and so I doubled tapped the power button to launch camera and then tried to take some pics but at first it wasn't working.
After about 20 seconds finally I started to get the photos working. I was a little puzzled as never been an issue.
Almost immediately after the Mrs texted me worryingly asking me if I was ok?
Apparently when I tried to launch the camera it must have tapped the power button 3 times and set off the SOS mode.
It had without me knowing, taken front and back camera photos, recorded audio and sent to my emergency contacts along with my location.
Now I'm glad the emergency function works, but surely having the same button as the camera launcher seems a little silly as can lead to issues like what happened to me.

I ended up invoking via my Gear S2 because of accidental pressing.
Sent from my SM-T710 using Tapatalk

Or disable double click power for cam. Then you won't have any reason to tap on power button more than once. And then you could download program to remap Bixby to open camera instead.


Something interfering with the camera

I have the stock AT&T Pure.
For some reason I can't figure out, the camera isn't working properly anymore. It starts up fine, the autofocus works, I can enter the Settings and the Advanced Settings menus and change settings without problem.
However, when I touch the shutter button to actually take the photo, the camera responds like it should, makes the shutter sound, and even displays the photo I just took on the screen. But that's where it freezes. The photo "review" never goes away. I've even tried changing the review duration to zero, but when I take a picture the screen just becomes white and freezes there. The "back" arrow button below the screen does not respond when this happens, nor does the Home button. But the "end call" button does take me to the home today screen. From there, if I go back to the camera tab and touch the icon to start the camera, nothing happens. The button responds visually when I touch it, but the camera does not start. Only a soft reset (or sometimes running CleanRAM at Level 3) will make the camera app start again, but still not completely take a photo. No photo is actually stored/saved when this happens.
I thought it might be due to lack of free memory, but even after a soft reset or running CleanRAM this still happens. I even tried reducing the resolution to see if that did anything, but it didn't.
I think it has to be one of the other apps I installed that's interfering with the camera. After a hard reset, the camera worked fine. Then after I installed my apps this started happening again. Nothing I can see in the registry settings for the camera look incorrect or out of the ordinary. Only one or two of my apps have functions that access the camera, and the same thing happens when I enter the picture mode in them. I removed both of them but still have the same experience.
Any ideas?
I'm afraid there is no other way:
- hard reset
- install your apps one by one, softresetting each time
- check the camera
- install another app
In the end you will know what's wrong.

[Q] Camera button intermittently not waking up the phone

I noticed that about half the time a press and hold won't wake the camera when the phone is in a sleep state. It's progressed to almost never waking the phone from a sleep state. Sometimes if I walk the phone and then put it to sleep, it will then work for a minute or so then stop working again. I've confirmed the feature is turned on in settings. The button seems to always work when the phone is not asleep. I was about to go exchange the phone thinking it might be a bad button but had this inkling that it could be related to the additional memory installed. Anyone else having this issue? I have a Sandisk 16gb class 2 card installed with no other problems.
I've got the same problem. I'm still not sure if its supposed to wake it up, or am I supposed to press the power button first, then the camera? I know it's supposed to work without unlocking it, but I have to unlock it every time.
No extra SD card for me, just the stock phone.
If you are using the camera on the phone to wake it up in camera state from the sleep state...the proper method is to hold down the camera button in the sleep state, you will feel a haptic feedback(vibration), and then you need need to let go of the camera button immediately. If your device is already awake just tap camera button and it should open.
Thanks for that clarification.
So from a sleep state I can get the camera to turn on. Pressing and holding the camera button I feel the haptic buzz, and then it's on.
From an awake state, but locked screen - the camera doesn't turn on either if I hold the button or just tap it.
From an awake state, unlocked, the camera turns on with a tap of the button.
I've tried all kinds of combinations but basically sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. I'm going to go swap out the phone at the AT&T store today just to be safe. It could be a short in the button.
The phone just reset itself and wiped all my data. The camera button issue could be related to the memory card problems. I'm exchanging the phone today and will run without the memory card for now.
Make sure your hand isn't blocking the proximity sensor near the earpiece. It uses that to make sure it doesn't turn on the camera when it's in your pocket, etc.
LOL, RustyGrom is totally right, guys!
I thought my camera button was going bad, too, but I can easily recreate/avoid the issue by changing where I grip the phone with my left hand.


So I was messing with my phone, showing off JK6 and all it's glory to a friend of mine who also has a Vibrant, when suddenly the phone lagged a bit and I heard a camera shutter. Then a little pop-up came up saying the screen capture had been saved. I look in my gallery, and lo and behold, it actually screen captured! And I'm not even rooted! I look in my running applications, and there it is, ScreenCaptureService (com.sec.android.app.screencapture).
Now after a good half hour of Googling, I found out that the Tab can take screenshots by holding down the back button then hitting the power button. But I wasn't even near the power button when it happened, so that couldn't be it. I also found that in the leaked Froyo builds for the Epic 4G, a few people had the same thing with a ScreenCaptureService in their running applications. Someone mentioned you had to hold down the back button then hit home to capture, but I tried pretty much all the methods under the sun and to no avail.
Has anyone else stumbled upon this and/or found out what the key combo is?
it's a mystery.. lol but we all follow the same pattern.. we discovered it by accident once but never able to duplicate it again..
Happened 3 times. Couldnt duplicate it
how? i know i was pressing down the back button to exit zedge... then click! picture saved i dont really know what triggered it other than the back button was involved..
I have tried to duplicate this as well since I have come across it many times. When you guys figure it out let me know! Lol
Sent from my SGH-T959
I have noticed this too and ONLY when I am in the messaging app. I can be typing something and it randomly takes a screenshot. I dont know what combination of keys are used but Its kinda annoying and I would like to turn it off without completely removing it.
Just happened to me and by reading the thread it's random as hell. I was in the "Location and Security" settings and I heard the camera shutter sound. Like everyone else I tried to duplicate it and couldn't.
coasterman927 said:
So I was messing with my phone, showing off JK6 and all it's glory to a friend of mine who also has a Vibrant, when suddenly the phone lagged a bit and I heard a camera shutter. Then a little pop-up came up saying the screen capture had been saved. I look in my gallery, and lo and behold, it actually screen captured! And I'm not even rooted! I look in my running applications, and there it is, ScreenCaptureService (com.sec.android.app.screencapture).
Now after a good half hour of Googling, I found out that the Tab can take screenshots by holding down the back button then hitting the power button. But I wasn't even near the power button when it happened, so that couldn't be it. I also found that in the leaked Froyo builds for the Epic 4G, a few people had the same thing with a ScreenCaptureService in their running applications. Someone mentioned you had to hold down the back button then hit home to capture, but I tried pretty much all the methods under the sun and to no avail.
Has anyone else stumbled upon this and/or found out what the key combo is?
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Pressing the back and power button started the screencaptureservice but did not take a screen shot. I killed it in running services and tried pretty much every button combo, nothing... Pressed back and power button again and sreencaptureservice is running again, but still no screenshots...
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
dubbz106 said:
Pressing the back and power button started the screencaptureservice but did not take a screen shot. I killed it in running services and tried pretty much every button combo, nothing... Pressed back and power button again and sreencaptureservice is running again, but still no screenshots...
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
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yes, looks like BACK and POWER call for screencapture service. so anyone figured out how to actually take one ?
It's so funny to me how this forum is loaded with so many intelligent people and we can't figure this out. For those who did get it to work, are you stock or on a custom rom?
When I try back + power I am not able to get the screencapture app to open. My custom ROM does have the .apk included though.
It would be nice to see if we can get this working for those who do not want a 3rd party app or root.... plus, I dont think any other android phone has this feature.
s15274n said:
It's so funny to me how this forum is loaded with so many intelligent people and we can't figure this out. For those who did get it to work, are you stock or on a custom rom?
When I try back + power I am not able to get the screencapture app to open. My custom ROM does have the .apk included though.
It would be nice to see if we can get this working for those who do not want a 3rd party app or root.... plus, I dont think any other android phone has this feature.
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there is no screen capture app. (there is apk file). all it does is launch the service. I suppose there is some sort of weird key press combinations to actually take the shot
the .apk (app) is in system/app... I understand there is no icon in the app drawer or anything, ha.
On y Galaxy S I9000 (France) holding down the back butter and pressing the home button triggre the screenshot
Just use ShootMe (free from market) and when you shake your phone will get a screen capture.
inspigr said:
Just use ShootMe (free from market) and when you shake your phone will get a screen capture.
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yes but you have to be root i think.
Been trying to figure this out off and on for a while now. Holding the back button definitely activates the screencapturesevice but I can't for the life of me get it to take a screenshot. My girl has done it on accident but had no idea what she did. Kind of fun to have a froyo "puzzle" to solve though. Guess I know what I'm doing on the flight home today lol.
I have a I9000M and to take a screen shot using this stupid service you hold your finger on the back button and tap the home button, I noticed that the Vibrant is missing a home button.
My problem is that sometimes this service starts up and goes into screen capture mode just by tapping the back button and the only way I can get out of this mode is to take a screen shot. So I currently have over 200 screens of various crap that I dont want.
Does anyone know what would happen if I removed this service completely?
BioHazard2000 said:
I have a I9000M and to take a screen shot using this stupid service you hold your finger on the back button and tap the home button, I noticed that the Vibrant is missing a home button.
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Um, what? The Vibrant, like any other Android phone, has a home button.
exoplasm said:
Um, what? The Vibrant, like any other Android phone, has a home button.
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I think the home button on the galaxy is that big button in between the menu and back. We may be only randomly getting screen caps because of a software hangup causing the multipress screen cap combo. Perhaps the vibrant soft keys are not multitouch whereas the home button on the galaxy is a separate device that allows holding the back button and hitting that home button at the same time.
and also, some android devices do not have home buttons.
exoplasm said:
Um, what? The Vibrant, like any other Android phone, has a home button.
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International version have 3buttons. Menu home back. Their home button is physical button unlike us galaxy s.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App


I know you take screenshots with by holding down the power and volume down buttons, but 99% of the time when I try it, the volume either ends up increasing or decreasing as opposed to actually taking a screenshot. I found several apps in the play store for screen shots that will put a notification in the notification shade, but I can't find any with low priority notification so they always show an icon at the top of the screen or always appear with all my one-time notifications instead of with the persistent notifications. Is there some other shortcut I can use for screenshots or an app that uses low priority notifications?
Google Now On Tap does screenshots if you press the share button, so this is even easier!
Are you using a case? There are quite a few cases that get in the way of taking a screenshot. If you're doing it without a case I don't see how it could fail, except for user error.
Tried it without a case. Press the bottom of the volume down button and the top of the power button. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
Using Google Now On Tap is easier anyways since I can do that with one hand.
It sounds to me like you have a faulty button assembly, taking a screenshot with the button combo should be easily achieved. I'd be getting an RMA started.
Not really worth the trouble of having to set my phone back up the way I want and reinstalling all my apps seeing as how the buttons work fine for everything else. I ordered it through Amazon, how would I go about the RMA process if I wanted to though?
Restore it back, by flashing the factory image.
Visit this thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/nexus-6p/general/guides-how-to-guides-beginners-t3206928
Read section 10 & 11. You can lock the bootloader again, if you want, and take it to the service center.
I have no idea where a service center would even be.
Search Google my friend, for Huawei service centre in your region/country.

Camera problem still persists after f10 update

Hi, does anyone face issue of black screen after using camera for some time and closing and re opening the camera app? This issue started to appear right from realme UI update. But in recent f10 update, they has mentioned that fixed black screen while using camera. But I still face that issue. To open camera again, I need to restart the phone. Along with the issue of camera, There is also a similar issue that the mobile will not respond for some time after pressing power button. It will show blank screen and will not show lock screen and fingerprint sensor will not work. To make it work, I need to press power button thrice to make emergency call then mobile will respond. Anyone facing these issues?
