GIFed Lock Screen - Galaxy Note 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hello there,
I'm a new registered user here but an old admirer of this forum. I hope I am of plus to this community in some way .
earlier this week, I've wondering in my thoughts while driving, and since long drives, alone, makes you question everything in life ( and long toilet sessions too ) I've came across some idea.
I've always been fascinated with picturing doors and windows and have them as wallpapers on my phone/lap/desktop. I use some now on my lock screen.
anyhow, I was wondering if creating a GIFed lock screen is possible. The idea is as follows:
-Lock screen of a Door/Window
-when pattern is drawn, it triggers the GIF to be played.
-Door/window opens, camera move towards door/window to enter.
-slowly walks into homescreen ( not slowly slowly, but for dramatization purposes )
Is that possible to do, It would be really awesome if it is.
Many thanks to y'all.
I'm not a robot :silly:


On screen keyboard rotation (slow)

I got my hero about 3 weeks ago. I was content with not rooting it and just using what it came with; However, once I saw how slow the keyboard rotation was, I have since been on a quest... trying all the different roms to see if the keyboard would rotate faster.
Just so we are clear, Im talking about the on-screen keyboard on my Sprint Hero (with Google). When I rotate the phone from portrait to landscape, the screen goes dim and then pauses for a few seconds before it rotates. I am kind of interested in the processes that happen when it rotates and I was thinking it just took that long before the accel-meter noticed that the phone had rotated and then once it figured it out, another second or two to redraw everthing.
But then when using the fresh 1.0 rom I noticed that extra animation setting where it zooms the screen out and then it rotates and swings back and forth for a while. When I turn the phone sideways it INSTANTLY zooms out and swings... no-delay. But that whole animation takes a few seconds and actually seems like it takes longer before the keyboard is usable again.
Anyway, I know this is getting long so I will just get to it. Do you guys know of any rom, or setting, or modification to this phone that will stop it from dimming the screen and taking so long before it rotates. My bosses iphone is near instant in it's rotation habits, and that is what I am after. I mean, yea, I love that locale does a lot of extra stuff for me, sipdroid lets me make calls over wifi, and I can use this phone as a remote for XBMC. But if it cannot do these basic things quickly, like rotating the keyboard, then I am going to consider spending my free time modifying my own rom. I am chest deep writing my first two apps for android and was hoping not to have to spend much time on such a trivial thing.
Is it sense? Is it the screen dimming animation? Any directions you can give me that will point me in the direction of giving this phone a stern kick in the butt would be appreciated. As I said, I am not afraid to dive into making my own custom rom, just down want to start that trip if I don't have to.
Thanks for any help you can give me guys.
flexgrip said:
But then when using the fresh 1.0 rom I noticed that extra animation setting where it zooms the screen out and then it rotates and swings back and forth for a while. When I turn the phone sideways it INSTANTLY zooms out and swings... no-delay. But that whole animation takes a few seconds and actually seems like it takes longer before the keyboard is usable again.
Anyway, I know this is getting long so I will just get to it. Do you guys know of any rom, or setting, or modification to this phone that will stop it from dimming the screen and taking so long before it rotates.
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/system/framework/framework-res.apk > res > anim houses all of the phones animations.
Ones of particular interest to you would likely be fade_in, fade_out, accelerate_interpolator, decelerate_interpolator.
The down side? These are not human readable xml files, they are in binary. I can tell you that what you would look at changing would be
What I can't tell you is how to change it, because honestly I don't know. You can use axmlprinter2 (google it) to read it, but you can't convert it back to binary.
Thanks, I am checking that out now. I was able to look into all these cookie-cutter animations and see that they all seem pretty sluggish. Hopefully the api is documented/open enough to look into the process and see where all the time is spent. It is just mind-boggling that no one from HTC looked at this and tried to compare the user experience with other phones. I played with the droid a little and the keyboard is instant on it too. I doubt it is just a limit of the hero hardware.
It seems like the stock rotation setting makes the backlight dim and not fade-in or out in terms of animation. Any clue why? It doesn't seem like I can turn it off.
I ran that emulator version for the android SDK that lets you see how your app works when you rotate the screen. Unfortunately it doesn't follow the same routine that the actual phone uses when rotating and is merely for visuals.

Android 2.1 Wish/Looking For List

I've just moved to Android 2.1, coming from WinMo (HD2 Flashed WM6.5.x). I spent many long hours, tweaking just about everything in order to get the look I wanted. I was told by many, that I would have no problem doing all the same on the Evo and even much more. So I'm in love with my Evo experience so far and have no plans to go back to WinMo even though I was happy with it.
All weekend, I've searched high and low. Ran through nearly a hundred apps out of a list of 150 and growing. Yet here I am still trying to find a few types of apps and mods.
1. An app like ListPro which is the best Windows Mobile general list keeping app ever made. I'm looking for an app to create general lists of all types, with custom fields and so on. And furthermore, having a desktop app that syncs with it, is also high on the list. Being able to enter data on a desktop and sync it all with great ease, to a matching mobile app, is something I would pay dearly for.
2. On the HTC Evo, the Sense home screen is okay but could really use a touch of xda Co0kies Home Tab. Looking, but can't find any such app. Recently, I downloaded nearly 200 analog clocks for the HD2 Sense home screen. Where are the Android custom analog clocks?
3. Is it possible to change the color of the top status bar of Android? And also how about the bottom bar? Can we not have wallpaper that extends the entire screen so that the bars match the wallpaper?
4. Can the slide to unlock bar be disabled? Pressing the power button is hard enough to not have to worry about the screen being on when not wanted.
5. How about an on-screen power/sleep icon/button? It would be nice to be able to put the phone to sleep without having to reach for that little power button.
6. What is up with the wallpaper??? At first I thought, well since I love my HTC HD2 wallpaper so much, why don't I just transfer it to my Evo. Sure thing but it ends up being cropped and stretched, no matter what I do. I've read page after page and tried a few different things and can't seem to get it right. I tried using a png image that was 960x800 after first trying the 800x480. I tried holding my finger in the crop screen and sliding the selection area but it will not allow me to select the entire image size. So the Evo Sense has 7 screens but why not just one image displayed in full screen, on each screen? What was Google/HTC thinking?!?!?!
I've searched many forums and I just can't seem to find the answers to these questions so far and so I figure it can't hurt to ask around.
Thanks to jmxp69, an answer for number 4: Freeware app called No Lock in the Android market does the trick. Installing it and then activating it will turn off the slide to unlock screen. Furthermore it makes the volume up/down buttons wake up the Evo, the same as the power button does. So far it looks like it does not effect any of the 4 cap buttons.
You can install Menu Unlock form market [donate] or find it on xda for free. It works for me(I removed HtcLockScreen). I'm not sure I like No Lock yet. It works but it seems like it can be too much. Meaning I don't want it to wake and unlock, just wake from the volume buttons then slide or menu to unlock the screen.
That said I'm trying to get something like trackball wake going that will let the phone just be woke from sleep then you'll need to slide or tap menu.
The other thing I'm looking forward to is full display out on the HDMI. I want to see the home screen and games and anything else on the display.
Thanks but now I'm trying to find a way to only disable the lock screen on wake up and only have it show up when the phone rings. Still looking and hoping to find a way to do this.......

New home screen manager

Someone needs to develop a new home screen manager. One that instead of just moving left to right moves up and down as well. This way screens are always just one flick away instead of 2 or more depending on where you are at. It would be like a cube where the main homescreen is in the middle and the other 4 screens would each be in a direction (up, down, left, right). Moving from one of those screens in a direction (up, down, left, right) would result like moving from the home screen. So more than just a cube. A little more complex. I'll develop it if someone can help me along. Just an idea i had when looking at the linear movement of the ui.
Unfortunately I don't have any of the required skills or time to match even 1% of the ability of the Android development community but I'd definitely second this request. A very unique idea and I really like it.
BTW, a big thanks to the devel community. Without you guys fulfilling my gadget whore needs, I'd be buying a new device every week!
This is cool..maybe even an option in the notification bar to switch screens while in an app? Like the Linux desktop cube?
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Rather than write something from scratch, maybe you could try to contribute this as an option in ADW.Launcher?
This has already been done before on a certain rom. I remember it being ported to the vogue android. I cant remember the phone it was ported from though. Blur or something.
Gde home had exactly this feature
~ The Nameless Creator
Actually there were a few Windows CE based home mangers that had this feature. I also would love to have this. I asked a while back and got no response as to if there is anthing out there that did this.
wouldnt it be kinda hard to keep track of which screen is in which direction? like it seems orientation would feel very complex. but maybe not, i dunno
SLOflatlander said:
wouldnt it be kinda hard to keep track of which screen is in which direction? like it seems orientation would feel very complex. but maybe not, i dunno
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I could see something like dots on the edge of the screen kinda like how launcher pro does it.
SLOflatlander said:
wouldnt it be kinda hard to keep track of which screen is in which direction? like it seems orientation would feel very complex. but maybe not, i dunno
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Wait'll you see the home screen replacer I'm building based on a tesseract.
You just need to turn your head sideways to keep track of what face you're on.
Who doesn't want 24 home screens?
For a 4 or 5 way slide/cube desktop, look at Dx Top. It has not been updated for a while but is stable and can use themes built for many of the other desktop replacements.
I have been running it over many ROMs and it works on all so far. Was a little funny with the app drawer on SkyRaider, it kept rebuilding the icons for some reason, that might have been due to installing too many icon packs.
Thanks for the support on this guys and the answers. i'm going to do some research and see what can be done/ported or if needed then created. Just trying to do like most people and think outside the box. Its what makes android 1000x better than the iphone/ipod scene. They are so restricted. i mean come on. 1 button. But keeping on topic, i really appreciate no flaming on the topic.

Brand New Android Status Bar

Hello everyone, many of you probably have seen me post around here since mid July of this year. I've tried probably every ROM released so far, and I'd like to thank every Dev that has put work into all of these ROMs for us. You're all excellent in your own rights. But I've had an idea that I'd like to present to the community, and maybe it seems silly, but I'm just curious. First let me say I know nothing about the programming language in which Android is programmed. I've tried my hand at HTML and Flash as well as a bit of C++ and different things but really I'm a dabbler, never done any concrete work. So forgive me for sounding uninformed, and I am in no way saying I COULD do this. So here's my question: Why is the Android operating system status bar stuck at the top of the screen? Now yes, you can move it to the bottom in CM7 for example, under the tablet settings. But let me ask: Why could it not be a moveable object? For instance. If you held your finger on the status bar for lets say 5 seconds, why couldn't it be made to be interactively moved around the screen do different positions, lets say the left hand side of the screen, and then be a vertical bar? Or be dragged to the bottom left hand side, and be resized to a widget size which could be opened upon clicking? Just a thought, I know nothing about the work it would take to do such a thing or why it hasn't been implemented. If it's not possible, I understand. Just an idea for the advancement of the community, and if it's already been covered thoroughly, then I apologize.

[Q] touch and hold delay length (touch & hold delay)

Hi everyone,
I am kind of impatient, and although I love my nexus 7 very much, I hate waiting for a left click.
Is there any way to alter the alleged "short" delay length to maybe... shorter? I'm thinking like 1/2 a second while right now it is at about 1.000000 second.
Or maybe a fast double tap = hold tap could be a solution. I'm willing to learn, but have the programming knowledge of a 3 year old (I managed to root my nexus today). If it is out there already that is awesome, if I need to do it myself, what would I do?
This pertains to both the OS (on the home screen changing wallpapers) and in apps (like when I'm in opera trying to get a freakin' background tab opened). (FWP)
Ever find a solution to this?
Wow, 2013 question -- 2022, I am trying to figure out the opposite (I have large flat fingers so I'd love to lengthen touch and hold longer than the long setting to stop launching things accidentally).

