Android 2.1 Wish/Looking For List - EVO 4G General

I've just moved to Android 2.1, coming from WinMo (HD2 Flashed WM6.5.x). I spent many long hours, tweaking just about everything in order to get the look I wanted. I was told by many, that I would have no problem doing all the same on the Evo and even much more. So I'm in love with my Evo experience so far and have no plans to go back to WinMo even though I was happy with it.
All weekend, I've searched high and low. Ran through nearly a hundred apps out of a list of 150 and growing. Yet here I am still trying to find a few types of apps and mods.
1. An app like ListPro which is the best Windows Mobile general list keeping app ever made. I'm looking for an app to create general lists of all types, with custom fields and so on. And furthermore, having a desktop app that syncs with it, is also high on the list. Being able to enter data on a desktop and sync it all with great ease, to a matching mobile app, is something I would pay dearly for.
2. On the HTC Evo, the Sense home screen is okay but could really use a touch of xda Co0kies Home Tab. Looking, but can't find any such app. Recently, I downloaded nearly 200 analog clocks for the HD2 Sense home screen. Where are the Android custom analog clocks?
3. Is it possible to change the color of the top status bar of Android? And also how about the bottom bar? Can we not have wallpaper that extends the entire screen so that the bars match the wallpaper?
4. Can the slide to unlock bar be disabled? Pressing the power button is hard enough to not have to worry about the screen being on when not wanted.
5. How about an on-screen power/sleep icon/button? It would be nice to be able to put the phone to sleep without having to reach for that little power button.
6. What is up with the wallpaper??? At first I thought, well since I love my HTC HD2 wallpaper so much, why don't I just transfer it to my Evo. Sure thing but it ends up being cropped and stretched, no matter what I do. I've read page after page and tried a few different things and can't seem to get it right. I tried using a png image that was 960x800 after first trying the 800x480. I tried holding my finger in the crop screen and sliding the selection area but it will not allow me to select the entire image size. So the Evo Sense has 7 screens but why not just one image displayed in full screen, on each screen? What was Google/HTC thinking?!?!?!
I've searched many forums and I just can't seem to find the answers to these questions so far and so I figure it can't hurt to ask around.

Thanks to jmxp69, an answer for number 4: Freeware app called No Lock in the Android market does the trick. Installing it and then activating it will turn off the slide to unlock screen. Furthermore it makes the volume up/down buttons wake up the Evo, the same as the power button does. So far it looks like it does not effect any of the 4 cap buttons.

You can install Menu Unlock form market [donate] or find it on xda for free. It works for me(I removed HtcLockScreen). I'm not sure I like No Lock yet. It works but it seems like it can be too much. Meaning I don't want it to wake and unlock, just wake from the volume buttons then slide or menu to unlock the screen.
That said I'm trying to get something like trackball wake going that will let the phone just be woke from sleep then you'll need to slide or tap menu.
The other thing I'm looking forward to is full display out on the HDMI. I want to see the home screen and games and anything else on the display.

Thanks but now I'm trying to find a way to only disable the lock screen on wake up and only have it show up when the phone rings. Still looking and hoping to find a way to do this.......


Anyone tried Pontui ?
Its free and looks pretty cool... gonna install it when i get home (no cables here) if anyone has a play before the end of the day i'd appreciate opinions before i do the deed myself!
Well, i gave it a try yesterday on my WM5 wizard.
Its overall look and feel is really quite impressive. All the animations are unbelivably smooth, even without any overclocking. The app is finger-friendly, but i dislike list scrolling method they used - it's not like the one in fTouchflo, or iContact, where you scroll the list as if it was a physical object and moves in sync with the finger sweeping the screen, but instead the list moves in the direction of the sweep: if you put your finger on the screen and move it down a bit, the list will start scrolling down at constant speed. if you move finger farther down, it will accelerate and again keep constant speed if finger is still. if you move finger up, it will slow down, move it u even farther, ant the list will reverse direction and scroll up. It's not very intuitive, not to mention that it's really hard to use to precisely scroll long lists. If they changed this one thing, the overall fell of the program would improve significantly.
Beside that UI is clean and well designed, gives you quick access to start menu, settings (control panel, wifi, BT, GSM module, sound volume), tasks, calendar, appointments and clock, it also has some customizable menus for accessing frequently used software.
The downside is that it replaces your Today screen, so you won't be able to use your favorite Today plugins.
Overall, it's worth a try, especially for a user who just wants a phone with a simple, yet really good-looking interface. More advanced users who like to be able to customize everything might find this a bit limiting.
Overall, the program really has huge potential, and let's not forget that it's just the first public version. It will certainly improve over time. I'd recommend giving it a try, just be aware that there are some uninstallation issues read the tread on pointUI forums for more info, or if you have something like SPB backup or other software that does FULL device backup, use it and if something goes wrong, simply HR the device.
By the way:
Given it a try, and was impressed by the smooth flowing interactive menu's. But I find its quicker and easier to use SPB Shell (yes it looks basic in comparison but its straight forward and easily customised) and have therefore unistalled the software. However do not be put off by my comments, give it a go.
prior to my phone breaking ( solutions on a postcard please) i used this UI for a few days and throught it was pretty cool. theres deffo a learning curve as some of the apps are located in strange places but overall i was very happy with it.
Impressive, but very bad support for non-English OS.
Give it time. Its a brand new and revolutionary program and those guys are doin it all in their free time so you got to give them time.
I'm running this on my wizard, Tried it and I liked it enough that I won't leave it alone.
Runs fast on my wizard, thumb approved, things are organized a little funny but after a day of using it everything is cool, I haven't looked yet but I would like to custom the 4 icons that lauch programs and some things are linked incorrectly but overall i'm impressed with the program out of box and I hope development keeps up.
i just wanted to ask
does the weather application on PointUI cost... if so.. .does any1 no how much
thanks in advance
weather is free
i think they get their weather info from yahoo/weather channel, free
Been using this for 3 days now and I love it. This and pocketCM with a the pontUI skin is amazing. Also the Iphone a like skin works well.
The main screen is great with the middle ribbon allowing really smooth action to access Analogue clock, digital clock, Calender, Tasks, Local weather and appointments.
Main screen top contains from left to right; Lock, signal meter Carrier info, Volume, Battery and Cog (settings).
You can lock the device on lock icon, hit the signal icon and the screen flip animates to show all connections settings (Flight mode, phone status wifi things like that) Hit the Speaker Icaon and you can adjust phone and speaker volumes as well as mute. hit the battery icon (which show bat level) and you can see battery life and go to power settings and backlight settings (well I can't but hey it's a beta) Hit the Cog and too many settings to list but among them is update feature so you can get the latest version straight to your device, you can also exit PontUI Home from here.
You have four icon down the bottom of the main screen which are, left to right; phone icon for call history list, tap it then swipe right on a name to call or sms them. Envelope icon press this to go to your email account (can choose which one through new registry string) next is SMS icon tap it to go to standard SMS app. Then last is the WM Icon, tap to go to windows media player (can choose which one through new registry string).
There is also a bar with an arrow down the bottom which you tap this then gives you four options; New, from which you can create new Email, SMS, MMS, Appointment, task, document or spreadsheet.
Favourites which shows all apps in the start menu folder. Applications which allows to to smoothly scroll through all installed apps and Currently running which does what it says on the tin.
As this App evolves i'm sure these menus will become nicely configurable.
I 'm really loving this App and it's only BETA. I'm running HTC Trinity (orange M700) and it's just sooo smooth. I tried Freestyl, which is good and I've been following, but when I tried this, I was blown away.
It's kind of nice to have an App that seems to integerate well with the phone rather than being a kind of clucky overlay that you can tell isn't meant to be there.
I urge you all to try it and see what you think.
Cheers all.
loving it
What i think they can improve are:
1 make the hardware buttons to work, now i can't take a picture, record any sound, or change the volume with the h-buttons.
2 a contacts app will be nice and as well a favorite contacts like the htc home
3 a way to close app on the currently running menu
4 a little bigger back button or more to the left cause when i try to pres the back button with the tumb i usually had to try 2 or 3 times couse is really near to the border.
finaly a way to select favorite app that don’t depend of the start menu
don’t get me wrong i think that app is amazing but this 5 thing will make it perfect to me
I am loving Pointui!

Three more sub-Homescreens on my Hero!!! YEP, count-um TEN Homescreens!

Do you want an additional 'THREE' customizable homescreens on your Hero? Well, there's an 'app' for that! HA!
First, I'm not sure if doing this has any bugs or inherent problems, and I am not responsible for any problems you may encounter doing this! BUT, I haven't experienced any so far myself.
Anyway, I stumbled onto this by using the Home Switcher app. When I saw how it launched the original Android Home app, that gave me an IDEA.
Using an application called 'Bar Control', I setup a Taskbar ICON to launch the native Android 'Home' application which, if you ask me, 'extends' the Hero with an additional three homescreens. I simply pull down the Taskbar and tap Home to launch the original Android Home app which gives me access to three more homescreens. AND, a simple tap of the Home button takes me back to HTC Sense.
So, I now have TEN (10) homescreens!!!!! These additional native Android homescreens are where I put some Android widgets (non HTC Sense widgets of course). And get this, the two Sprint widgets, NFL Mobile Live and Sprint TV, are available too! The Hero uses the same Wallpaper for both HTC Sense and Home, but it unlocks the native Android wallpaper gallery too.
Steps I did:
1. Downloaded Bar Control from the Market.
2. Launched Bar Control and waited for it to scan all the programs.
3. Scrolled down to the app called, 'Home' and selected it.
4. Selected an ICON of choice. (I used the same home ICON)
5. Pulled down my Notification Bar, tapped 'Home, and WALLA!
Simply hit the Home button to return to HTC Sense.
Note: To get rid of this Home ICON in the Notification Bar, simply perform the first three steps above again which will remove it.
OK, now can anyone tell me of a simple shortcut app that can be set to launch the native Android Home app without having to go through the Taskbar via the Bar Control app in my example above?
So, I believe this is the GREATEST HERO HACK so far!
When two unused screens just aren't enough lol, nice find.
Not really an hack if you ask me... why don't you install a few extra homescreen replacement apps (like openhome) so you'll even have more homescreens
this is not a hack at all. installing apps and using them as intended is as far away from a hack as could be. please change the title, this is so lame...
btw, i would love to have my homescreens scrolling "round", meaning if i swipe screen #7 (the most right one) to the left i want to go to screen #1 (the most left one). anybody know if this is possible?
kendong2 said:
btw, i would love to have my homescreens scrolling "round", meaning if i swipe screen #7 (the most right one) to the left i want to go to screen #1 (the most left one). anybody know if this is possible?
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I would like to know this as well, I sort of wonder why htc didn't design it like that.
DaWeav said:
5. Pulled down my Notification Bar, tapped 'Home, and WALLA!
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It's "Voila" not "Walla"!
Sorry, couldn't resist - to me, it's like fingernails on a black board!
lol, the same happens when you install any theme app such as open home, dxtop, etc...
What happens is, the default for the home button is cleared of it's default (HTC Sense) giving you the option which home screen you want to fire up after holding down the home button.
You could probably just clear the default yourself in App settings, limiting the need for another app all together.
Downloading a home screen app equals hacking your phone?
give him a Break it was his first post.He was over zealous on his find..LOL
well atleast he let us know about his find.sum peeps probably wouldnt had even shared..thx DaWeav
Yup, just to elaborate on what N0J mentioned:
menu/settings/applications/manage applications/HTC Sense
tap "Clear defaults"
Now, every time you push your "Home" button you will be presented with the options "Home" and "HTC Sense." As long as you don't check the default box you will always have a two-touch access to either interface.
Alternatively, for those that prefer vanilla Android to Sense, check the default box and hit "Home." Your phone will no longer load the Sense UI. This can be reversed by going to Home in manage applications (above) and again clearing defaults.
cgraunke said:
Yup, just to elaborate on what N0J mentioned:
menu/settings/applications/manage applications/HTC Sense
tap "Clear defaults"
Now, every time you push your "Home" button you will be presented with the options "Home" and "HTC Sense." As long as you don't check the default box you will always have a two-touch access to either interface.
Alternatively, for those that prefer vanilla Android to Sense, check the default box and hit "Home." Your phone will no longer load the Sense UI. This can be reversed by going to Home in manage applications (above) and again clearing defaults.
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Well said and thanks for the detailing the steps out for me!
Dang. I thought this was actually going to be some useful information that could lead me to getting rid of the 4 unused homescreens
This isn't a hack and not much of a discovery but if it makes you happy...
Would be kind of cool if Sense had 10 screens of its own.
nice find! But yes, 7 home screens is a little much. until we find some better widgets.
kendong2 said:
this is not a hack at all. installing apps and using them as intended is as far away from a hack as could be. please change the title, this is so lame...
btw, i would love to have my homescreens scrolling "round", meaning if i swipe screen #7 (the most right one) to the left i want to go to screen #1 (the most left one). anybody know if this is possible?
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GDE Home Screen does this
edit: by the way this is a dumb "hack"
I'm assuming this works for vanilla android as well? One of the most annoying things about my Moment that my Hero does is only having 3 screens.
Does anyone know how to REMOVE any of the homescreens from sense?
My hero is so slow!
I really hope that as part of an update to Sense that they make it so you can have any number of screens so long as it's 2X+1. (1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11)
Personally, I only really use 5, so I would just drop the last 2 screens and have the little indicator get a tiny bit larger.

Using track ball to wake phone screen?

Would it be hard to program the trackball to wake to the lock screen rather than having to hit the top button. I find it very annoying and it would be so much better for one handed use.
(this thing is slippery!)
It bugs me a bit too. When I had an iPhone I almost always use the home button to bring the unlock screen up. Also my nexus one is a bit slippery too I want a case.
I would be more interested in using volume keys to play/pause/forward/rewind the music payer without waking up the phone. This was one of the applications in iPhone.
kolyan said:
I would be more interested in using volume keys to play/pause/forward/rewind the music payer without waking up the phone. This was one of the applications in iPhone.
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If you're playing music, the volume keys are still able to adjust the media volume while music is playing and the phone is locked (and the screen doesn't turn on while doing it either). I prefer that behavior actually.
That's the one thing that always bugged me about the Droid, and what do you know... the N1 has the same problem, lol. Anyway, there has been a lot of discussion about this (including here: There's a thread in development as well about maybe mapping that function to the trackball... who knows.
I just realized if you open the clock application, and let the phone go to sleep, then you can "Turn it on" with the trackball or volume rocker.
Now if there was a way to have the phone set to "Sleep = Clock" we'd be golden; the clock screen doen't look that bad, either.
Lots of great thoughts here. Bump.
I hated this as well!
I found a solution! (sort of).
"Lock bot Free" from the android market is what i use now.
It enables you to pick differnt lock screens ( i like the hero one since u just scroll downwards to unlock) and it allows for u to press the trackball to wake up.
I have found that it is kind of buggy still. If i reboot the phone, I end up with two lockscreens. The regular nexus 1 one and then my hero one. So i had to reinstall it for it to work properly.
Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with that app. I just found it on my search to make my N1 less annoying.
noodles12 said:
I hated this as well!
I found a solution! (sort of).
"Lock bot Free" from the android market is what i use now.
It enables you to pick differnt lock screens ( i like the hero one since u just scroll downwards to unlock) and it allows for u to press the trackball to wake up.
I have found that it is kind of buggy still. If i reboot the phone, I end up with two lockscreens. The regular nexus 1 one and then my hero one. So i had to reinstall it for it to work properly.
Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with that app. I just found it on my search to make my N1 less annoying.
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I was about to come post this same thing, although I'm experiencing a weird glitch too, but I actually like it. For some reason I don't get a lock screen at all after my phone locks. I hit the trackball/volume keys/power button and it just goes straight to whatever screen I was at when it locked. Pretty sweet actually.
noodles12 said:
I hated this as well!
I found a solution! (sort of).
"Lock bot Free" from the android market is what i use now.
It enables you to pick differnt lock screens ( i like the hero one since u just scroll downwards to unlock) and it allows for u to press the trackball to wake up.
I have found that it is kind of buggy still. If i reboot the phone, I end up with two lockscreens. The regular nexus 1 one and then my hero one. So i had to reinstall it for it to work properly.
Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with that app. I just found it on my search to make my N1 less annoying.
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This is Very good, if it was working
it randomly locks or not the screen which is Unaxeptable in my pocket
I tried the alpha3 of myLock. It... sort of worked, except that every time I unlocked/woke the screen, the app itself would toggle itself off. No idea why; it's not like I even have a task killer anymore.
Lock 2.0 from the market works well.
jp_macaroni said:
Lock 2.0 from the market works well.
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does that allow you to have a regular or hero lockscreen?
ALl i saw on the screenshots were Iphone lockscreen ripoffs.
And if i wanted an iphone i would've gotten one. Why you'd want to make your N1 look like an iphone I can never figure out.
Trying Lock 2.0 free, so far it works pretty good. I can't change my lockscreen pic and I don't like how it goes to the lockscreen when touch home...
zole2112 said:
Trying Lock 2.0 free, so far it works pretty good. I can't change my lockscreen pic and I don't like how it goes to the lockscreen when touch home...
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What I don't like about Lock 2.0:
1) If you wake up your phone by accident (and don't unlock the phone) it doesn't go back to sleep after a few seconds of inactivity,
2) it doesn't show your notification bar so you don't know whether you got a new email or text message or other notification.
scrappyabs2 said:
What I don't like about Lock 2.0:
2) it doesn't show your notification bar so you don't know whether you got a new email or text message or other notification.
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Have you even looked in the settings? Please examine the app more closely.
Using Lockbot free now. Does what I wanted perfectly (press any hard button to wake up), plus lets me use the Eclair lockscreen which I've always found more aesthetically pleasing.
Installed Lockbot Free, and it does exactly what I want with the trackball, but I can not work out why sometimes it gives me the Eclair screen which I like, and sometimes it chooses a different screen?
You have to uncheck the stars (I can't remember specifically) next to the unlock screens you do not want to show up. I never liked LockBot, it isn't a precise copy of the real lock screen(s), if I'm going to use a imitation I rather it look complete..
Open up the app, press "My theme." It'll give you a "playlist" of different lock screens. I simply un-star all the ones I don't want and stick with Eclair after changing the background. The clock's font is a bit off, but I will cope.

Can I choose which screen is "home" ?

I have noticed that by default, the left-most screen/desktop is set as "home screen". I want the screen in the middle to be home, is there any way to do this? I'm on the stock XXJF3 firmware.
yea, use the search button theres a thread on it.
it requires you root your device and change 2 digits of code, not hard
I would go with LauncherPro.
You can set how many homescreens you want and which is the main one. Plus it works in landscape
And this goes for all firmwares? Even in the newest firmwares, we still can't choose which one is home (in TouchWiz)?
Set Default Home Screen on your Galaxy S
BronzedDroid said:
And this goes for all firmwares? Even in the newest firmwares, we still can't choose which one is home (in TouchWiz)?
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i did answer this question u just didnt listen, look at gamers link to the thread i was on about, please use search
I actually don't have this issue. I thought I would...but I don't.
When I go to an application or to my applications menu and then go back to home, I always wind up in the last screen I was on. So if I left the homescreen when it was focused on the center most one, when I return I'm back to that same homescreen. So it's just a matter of making sure you go back to your preferred main homescreen before going to the applications menu or wherever else. Yeah it's a few extra presses on your part but if you don't want to bother with the tweak posted by others, then this is the simplest solution. What's a few extra presses or a few extra seconds out of your life right?
I'm actually never bothered by whatever homescreen I'm on. It's easy to jump through them anyway by just clicking the corresponding "dot" on top. The Froyo build will allow for an HTC like homescreen switching experience from what I read so that makes your life even easier.
EDIT: Actually it's just one extra press on your part to go to your preferred homescreen. Most people aren't aware of the jumping to whatever homescreen by pressing the dots on top feature. From all the videos I've seen, the reviewer always remarks on how it's a hassle to swipe all the way to whatever homescreen you want to get to. I guess they didn't know pressing the dots on top allows you to jump homescreens with one press. The same method works for the applications menu. So if you really love that center homescreen, then just press the center dot and there you go, you jump there immediately. Not too hard.

[Q] Want to move or "eliminate" the home icons

My biggest actual usability issue with Nexus 7 is the home icons. It's too easy to swipe them during game play, especially annoying when you are trying to keep the kids busy. I'd like a mod with 2 options:
1. Drag it to the top (or the side?)
2. Even better, Make it go away until the table is "sleeped" and restarted.
Is there an simple option/rom that does these 2 simple things without tons of stuff I don't care about (that affect updates, etc)? If not, which mods do you recommend and feel good about that can at least do this?
I'm not understanding what you're asking. How can you swipe away home screen icons when you are playing a game that takes up the whole screen? Using an alternate launcher from the market, like Apex launcher, will allow you to lock the desktop so that no changes can be made until you unlock it again.
When I play a full screen game I don't want to have any OS home/etc icons that can be swiped accidently. I just want to have to exit through a menu, or sleep the device (tap the power button) and wake it up again so the icons return (since not all games have an exit feature). Locking my home screen or desktop does me no good when I am in a game. I'll give apex a try, but it looks to me like it doesn't do what I want. I'm satisfied with the stock environment except for the one issue I describe. How many times have you accidently left a game?
easily_confused said:
When I play a full screen game I don't want to have any OS home/etc icons that can be swiped accidently. I just want to have to exit through a menu, or sleep the device (tap the power button) and wake it up again so the icons return (since not all games have an exit feature). Locking my home screen or desktop does me no good when I am in a game. I'll give apex a try, but it looks to me like it doesn't do what I want. I'm satisfied with the stock environment except for the one issue I describe. How many times have you accidently left a game?
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I would say the best way to do what you're trying to do is to flash Paranoid Android or another ROM that offers what is called "expanded desktop mode".
Basically "expanded desktop mode" is exactly what you are asking for. When you briefly hold down the power button in Paranoid Android (and this works in any app) a menu pops up that allows you to select "expanded desktop mode" which makes the navigation bar disappear. The navigation bar will reappear when you briefly hold down the power button again and select "expanded desktop mode again".
This feature may be part of other ROMs based on cyanogenmod but I'm not 100% sure. Maybe another member with more knowledge can weigh in on this.
Sent from my Paranoid Nexus 7
I used paranoid android on my htc sensation. It is a cool Rom with a lot of features!
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
Extended Desktop Mode will certainly do the job. But, I don't really want a major desktop redo (I know, that attitude isn't in the spirit of the great things the developers do here). Is there anyway to just install an extended desktop app?
It doesn't even need to be an extended desktop (the screen space isn't a big issue), Just a disabled home bar would do the trick.
Anyway to make a rom with just that feature? (I have some programming skills) Not sure where to start though. Just trying for a minimalist solution.
Thanks for helping. It's really appreciated. I learn a little more every day about what is happening here.

