Goodbye xperia - Xperia SP General

I have got xperia sp as my first android phone,it gave a lot of memories,a connection to my old friends via whatsapp or the smooth android with a huge 1gb memory,i bought it in 2013, but sadly it has worn out,i have currently flashed android 6 and planning to upgrade to android 7.
The dualshock 3 pairing is most crucial aspect of this phone,in its essence this phone was a legend.
I will ask you guys this,
What should i buy next,
iPhone 6s/7 or a new android phone?
comment below

I think you should buy an Android phone.
Xperia XZ - Xperia X Compact my suggestions.

Whatever works best for you?
I, for example, tried a few phones and decided after it which one would be my next phone. I advice you to do the same: try a few ones and choose the one that works best for you.

I dont want iphone to show off or something,i just want to use it as it is an option otherwise i am thinking google pixel...has anyone used it??

So, what's your budget? Around $650 or something?
And are you play any games on phone?

I'd say get a Xperia X Compact, if it fits on your hands. (Same screen size, but different body dimension, when it hold my hand it feels much better than Z3 Compact, yep i've checked at phone shop.)
[Off Topic] I still using Xperia SP, Because i'm waiting releasing the Snapdragon 830 and 835 (somewhere in future 2018 Q1)
If they're asking to me "Why waiting for new snapdragon? get it buy the Google Pixel, damn!"
But, the reason is, it would waste of money, what they're gimmick like fetaures, hardware, camera. (The most important strongest chipset it means you get good FPS in newer games, Virtual Reality cool stuff, 10nm node on chip Snapdragon, emulator if could get work like NFS Carbon, Zelda Wind Walker etc. *blah blah too much stuff if you wouldn't want to hear*)
Wait there's more, Otherwise if you don't have enough money then next year it will price cut cost, you could get steal money.

Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 Pro

OnePlus 3T
OnePlus 3T vs iPhone 7 Plus Speed/Multitasking/Heat Test!

Excalipub said:
OnePlus 3T
OnePlus 3T vs iPhone 7 Plus Speed/Multitasking/Heat Test!
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This video is funny as hell. Comparing the specs, it blows my mind how freaking slow android is. I mean, the One Plus 3T has like 3 times more RAM than the iPhone 7 Plus, and when it "beats" it the difference is like a few seconds at most. Of course, the A10 Fusion is a freaking beast and IOS optimization is incredible, but still.

xperia x performance would be awesome.

A bit late?
I might be a bit late to this post but all I have got to say is that Sony have changed a lot, their devices used to be really nice and the software was great back in the pre-2014 days, but since then I think Sony has gone downhill, none of the devices even appeal to me anymore. Like the other guy said, don't limit yourself to Sony and go for something different-whatever is right for you. In my opinion LG is very nice-their devices appeal to me a lot.

My budget is around 600-650$

Sushrut52 said:
My budget is around 600-650$
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You still haven't got a new phone? If so then you might as well wait for MWC 2017, end of Feb. There will be plenty of announcements including Nokia who may announce several phones. :victory:
Even if there isn't anything good announced, prices of current devices may be driven down so then you could jump in and get a good bargain.

That is why i am waiting for mwc,nokia android phone and many more are on their way.
Btw galaxy s8 might be announced in mwc 2017 next month

Sushrut52 said:
My budget is around 600-650$
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I really loved the SP. I bought a Z3 Compact to replace it but it's slightly smaller than the SP and never felt right and then I broke it :crying:
When I read about the Edge Mod for the Moto Z I immediately backed it and bought a Moto Z Play.
So far I like everything but the camera on it. It has a great battery too.
My carrier had it on sale for half price so I ended up paying around $460 CAN with the Edge mod.


[Q] What would you replace your X10 with?

And here goes the debate: "Which would be your logical replacement for your Xperia X10"!
Of course we all know that we have a phone that was released some time ago, and in technological standards it is an "oldie but Goldie". I am thinking I had a fair deal with my X10, which is why I will probably use it for quite some time until my tech-bug hits the necessity of the newest available (and cheap) advances in smartphones. This is where all the ppl here which not only have one, but 2 or more smartphones, come in. You obvious better knowledge of the latest and greatest gives my room to confide in your opinion, and taking in consideration that the region I am at, has only recently been taking in the possibility of getting 4G through Claro, a latin provider of such technologies, maybe we can still settle for the sluggish 3.5G (although I admit it must be a thrill to have 100Mbit/s or even 1Gbit/s soaring on my handset), as long as what I have in hand is a Gargantuan of the Smartphone arena.
Things I would take in account:
Screen size: I like to scroll through music on my X10, which is fun, especially when it helps you with that unknown tune that you never studied, but since you sightread, might give you all you need to know before showtime. 3.7+ screens with the highest resolutions possible
Processing speed: THE MUST, the faster the merrier!
Software Support: Although that is settled with XDA (and other places that have great devs, sadly not working together with xda in some cases), the latest updates are magnificent to have
Connectivity: Because not only 4G (which in Panama might start being a bit expensive), but WIFI and BT, plus the connectables, you know!
Sturdiness: Yes, the X10 lacks it... today my mom let my x10 go to the ground... CONNECTED! I spent 2 hours trying to fix the microUSB to be able to charge, which finally happened... but some other models have Titanium/Vibranium/Adamantium/WillNotBreakium/Lastforeverium covering plus a protective 7-point Barrier Chakra enchantment and Harry Potter type seals, plus Legolas, Aragorn and Gandalf protecting it... what I mean is, Si vis pacem, parabellum (to seek peace, prepare for war), and maybe you are going to be super protective with your baby, but one can't be so sure!
Last but not least
Price: Hey, technology is getting cheaper every day, not saying flea-market prices, but at least affordable enough when buying without a data/call plan, since I work independently, is not going to put a hole in my economy, plus it will last a long time before getting outdated... yeah, too much to ask, but I'm putting it out there for analysis
Bring in your opinions and advices! All are welcome!
Is this really the right place for this discussion? if it's about replacing the X10, it's not about the X10.
I am getting a Nokia N9.
In the Android world, I'd get a Galaxy S II.
arg0 said:
Is this really the right place for this discussion? if it's about replacing the X10, it's not about the X10.
I am getting a Nokia N9.
In the Android world, I'd get a Galaxy S II.
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Yikes... is there a place for a post like GENERAL ANDROID PHONE? If so, I don't mind if my thread is put in the right place; just thought since I speak of the X10 as my CURRENT main phone, I was wondering the people's opinion on which would be the best replacement for it, me being a current happy user, only wanting to upgrade to something that would be mostly like it, only just... well... newer?
you forgot hdmi port
i think HTC Sensation 4G is probably best of wait for Sony's Dual core phone !! probably my next from ny 1 of those !!! :-D
well, i will probably get next Nexus phone ( if it's quadcore ) or Samsung galaxy 3
Presume Iphone 5 (4s), my contract with t-mobile ends in December, so I assume i'll be offered iphone
Already replaced mine with a sensation, thnx to SE for their broken Yang connectors. My usb broke 5 times till now
I love Galaxy S2
IMO i'm not going to change the x10 until it dies. it provides me all the functionality i need from a phone (mind that, phone) for now. it has it's role to play, and it has delivered its purpose.
i'm going to get a tegra 3 tablet be it android/windows 8 for other demanding tasks and portable gaming. i can get all my connectivity from the phone, saving me the need for a 3G enabled tablet. saves a lot.
Samsung Galaxy S II, LG Optimus 3d.
Or just the SE Xperia X10, it is fabulous and lovely regardless of SE ****.
Samsung Galaxy S II but still loving Wolf's ROM so yeah gonna take a while before I change
he said a cheaper phone... the last time i checked it, the galaxy s 2 was the most expensive one...
The cheapest smartphone plan here in Canada is $50/month =(. Looks like imma be stuck with my X10 for a while.
Probably a Google phone so I would always get updates or the xperia arc of course. No one makes phones like Sony with all the social entertainment
Sent from my X10i using XDA App
SGS II caused of the screen
JazzLOCO said:
Processing speed: THE MUST, the faster the merrier!
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I'd say dual-core is the bare minimum to settle for these days. Dual-core phones are still the minority, but they really are the way of the future, and it's immediately noticeable on system performance when you start having multiple things going at once.
JazzLOCO said:
Software Support: Although that is settled with XDA (and other places that have great devs, sadly not working together with xda in some cases), the latest updates are magnificent to have
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As great as XDA is (it's been absolutely the saving grace for the X10), I'd say company history of timely updates is very important. That knocks anything from SE out for the running for me (their promises with their newer phones are good, but I'd take the wait-and-see approach before giving considering them after the mess they made of updating the X10).
JazzLOCO said:
Price: Hey, technology is getting cheaper every day, not saying flea-market prices, but at least affordable enough when buying without a data/call plan, since I work independently, is not going to put a hole in my economy, plus it will last a long time before getting outdated... yeah, too much to ask, but I'm putting it out there for analysis
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Not sure what qualifies as affordable in Panama, but by your requirements you couldn't even buy a new X10 here in Canada for a "affordable" price without signing a new contract (it's $499.99 to buy one outright).
With all that said, I just got the HTC EVO 3D on Monday. It satisfies all my requirements - dual-core, full multi-touch, ample (1GB) RAM, Gingerbread. Only cost $149.99, but that was with a 3 years contract renewal.
well i already have the HTC HD2, which runs android flawlessly. The only thing is it doesn't look/feel as nice as the X10.
If the xperia DUO appears to be real i am concidering it, i always loved the stability in SE software, even if updates takes a little longer some times and i really like the camera quality of the X10 and Arc.
Sent from my X10i using XDA Premium App
samsung galaxy s2 by far...
nothing else at the moment can compare

Never buy Sony again

In the beginning of this topic I like to thank all the people here that helped me and inspired me for the past 6 months and made me love my phone more and use it to the max.
I just got a heartache when I saw the news of jb not coming for our beloved device which is capable unfortunately .sony used their own ways to make the rumors come true .
So I will sell it today I am not a fan of Sony anymore I will buy nexus or s3 or HOX, so goodbye my friends and god bless you all.
Special thanks for :
And many more of you .
Sent from My Xperia U_R_J_I_B_S
drali500 said:
In the beginning of this topic I like to thank all the people here that helped me and inspired me for the past 6 months and made me love my phone more and use it to the max.
I just got a heartache when I saw the news of jb not coming for our beloved device which is capable unfortunately .sony used their own ways to make the rumors come true .
So I will sell it today I am not a fan of Sony anymore I will buy nexus or s3 or HOX, so goodbye my friends and god bless you all.
Special thanks for :
And many more of you .
Sent from My Xperia U_R_J_I_B_S
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I also expected that atlest arc s will get jb
Lot of us won't buy sony again. I'll stick to samsung or maybe LG Nexus 4. A lot of people ask me for advise when buying a new phone, Sony is banned from now on.
Only Sony if they release acceptable hardware with unlocked bootloader. Probably LG or Nexus for me next year.
Via Mobile
this is what i think
i dont know more about this
but as i have noticed and i have seen as weel
compair to SAMSUNG and LG sony is giving at list 2 updates as well as if you take a close look at UI and hardware design then you will realize that sony is making such nice handset of the level where in samsung LG cant even think
one very true incident
in my family most of people are using sony and you all guys wont believe they all have even not update to ics they has to say that its more then enough
so if you think keeping general customer in hand then they all are satisfied
but you for development crezzy genies like you all guys sony should at list provide 4.1.1 or 5.1 to arc s as that is the most and the last expensive handset by SE(sony ericsson)
here i have just shared my opinion i may b wrong or right but this is what i think
I don't like sony because...
- Screens are not so good imho
- Outdated Hardware
- Crappy build quality just lost my arc while jogging and now its screen is cracked and i can pay 130$ haha Never... I'll buy new phone
- Exmor R actually really sucks compared to Note 2 Camera for example
- Really Slow. My arc on stock ics had 0.00MB free RAM.
jader13254 said:
Why I hate Sony:
- Screens are all 100% CRAP! arx Screen has 20% Contrast compared to S3, looks really unsharpen
- Outdated Hardware
- Crappy build quality just lost my arc while jogging and now its screen is cracked and i can pay 130$ haha Never... I'll buy new phone
- Exmor R actually really sucks compared to Note 2 Camera for exsample
- Really Slow. My arc on stock ics had 0.00MB free RAM - than Ultimate HD came LOLz
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- Screens are not crap. And it doesn't look unsharpen because of contrast but because of much lower dots-per-inch density. And, comparing an phone released in january 2011 with one released in may 2012... Really?
- Get yourself an Samsung/Apple device, and let it fall while you're jogging. Let us know the result.
- Exmor R Sucks?
- Yes, the ICS update is quite slow, mostly because of laziness of Sony programmers, not because of crappy hardware.
mr_torture said:
- Screens are not crap. And it doesn't look unsharpen because of contrast but because of much lower dots-per-inch density. And, comparing an phone released in january 2011 with one released in may 2012... Really?
- Get yourself an Samsung/Apple device, and let it fall while you're jogging. Let us know the result.
- Exmor R Sucks?
- Yes, the ICS update is quite slow, mostly because of laziness of Sony programmers, not because of crappy hardware.
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1. I said it look unsharpen AND low contrast. I hate sony screens
2. Ok. I dropped my iPod 3 times at same day and no probs at all
3. Yes, very high colored Pixels (dont remeber word)
4. Yeah
Sent from my LT18i using xda app-developers app
My Mighty WhiteHOX has arrived
Goodbye SONY & welcome HTC
Good luck with white hox!
Well about the ppl comparing arc s and samsung galaxy s 3 are u ****ing kiding me? ?? 4 cored phone vs single core ? with around 1 and a half year defferance ?Sony was never really good at developers phones.Sony/sony ericsson was good at making beautiful phones and thats what arc is and now xperia T.In my opinion arc s gives all the productivity the main stream user needs.If u were looking for a developer's phone u should have bought nokia n900 or HTC HD 2 and test whatever software u want.I still have friends that are all new software inthusiasts and they are still using hd 2 with ICS on it.So... pls stop crying about sony not adding more and more updates to there 2011 phones.U cant ever compare arc s to sg s2 because s2 got 2 times the proccesor power and if u bought atnt version it got even more soooo ***** please
I just cant believe all these post.
- Sony has a really nice screen, beatiful real color, not amoled that are just strong shiny fakes color, Only for the blacks are better. And outside with the sunlight i dont have problem with my Arc, except sometimes but trust me, all other phone would have the same problem.
- My Arc fell from my bed or desktop thousand of times and it has only a uncolored edge and some lines behind the cover if u look really closly. My bro dropped his Nexus S once and the glass got broke. Its just luck, but for sure isnt bad our screen.
- The camera is something awesome. A bit buggy? well still 1000 better than my friend's Galaxy Nexus.
- Audio quality and all Media services are fantastic. I love the Walkman, the Album, and Video. Are really well done. Listening music with the earplugs makes me enjoy about my choise and i dont need some stupid iPod or Mp3 player.
- Design, i fell in love with it.
- price/quality of the Arc is perfect.
- ICS yes it was buggy but at least we had it, lot of other mobile didnt even get it and are stuck with Froyo or GB, so u can go back to GB to have a smoothest phone and have their same experience and dont have ICS.
And well the outdated hardware is true, but then if u prefer the last quadcore dont complain about the prices. I payed my arc S same price of how much the Galaxy S was. Glad i choose this. and honestly if i have to pay 150 euro for a ****ty phone with 300MB of ram, 600Mhz a 3Mpx camera and 3.5" screen, or 700/800 euro for a quadcore , 4.7" screen and God knows what other useless feature, i prefer 300 euro for such a good quality.
Next time feel free to buy a useless quadcore (they are smartphone...playing N.O.V.A or FB dont really need a 1.5GHz quadcore) that come with ICS, will get JB and LK and then in the middle of 2013 or beggining of 2014 will be the same story again. Samsung/HTC/LG dont update our phone, they suck, never again.
Only the Ram its the only thing that new phones, and also old one needs.
Im sad like all of u, but they need to sell new phones, they dont gain anything by upgrading. Maybe in a future would be nice if they give us the source, but nowdays people changes phones every 6 months, like people who had bought GSII and some months after the GS III and as soon the GS IV will come out, they will buy it. There are always people who will buy the last product, so they just care about creating new things for new consumers. Sony already updated the ICS series. Buggy? then as i already said go back to GB like most of all other 2011 phones.
+1 For Gogobaba behind me even if Arc S kicks GS II ass. For normal phone usage (is not playing games. We arent iPhone users, we buy SMARTphone not Gambeboy) the dual core doesnt show any difference, maybe 0.5 second faster.
BTW my first phone was a Samsung Omnia II: WM 6.x and Samsung top mobile. 1 weeks after that i bought it,all omnia's owner find it out that we werent going to get WP 7.
Did i said Samsung suck or never again windows? no i just enjoyed my phone.
As above, people moan but they're talking about what is now technologically an old phone....
People grumble about lagging and other trivial things but mine for example, flies! Admittedly through the help of some good developers....those who complain surely haven't had it from release because there are some crazy expectations. If you can't afford a fancy top line handset, At least don't moan about the best your budget can afford. I've had one from release and still now there's not anything on any other phone that I can't live without...
Sent from my LT15i using xda app-developers app
I ditched Sony when I found out downgrading your arc two versions lower bricks the battery gauge.
Sent from my tee pee.
---------- Post added at 06:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:17 PM ----------
Oh yea and I couldn't unlock my bootloader for some reason, just wouldn't let me from the Sony website.
Sent from my tee pee.
I totally agree with you. So many butthurt people =j
Sent from my LT18 using xda premium
I can't believe people buy Sony phones expecting to get a powerhouse, my sister owns a Xperia Arc and she doesn't even knows she can update to ICS (she doesn't even knows what that is) and she is 100% in love with her phone, the reason why I like and will stick to Sony phones are the following:
-Polished, simple and unique UI (I'm looking at you, TouchWiz and however LG's UI is named).
-Beatiful designs. (Kind of personal here, but I mean, SG2 is just a rectangular phone with a button on the center compared to the NXT series).
-Good camera. (at least on my X10a, MK16a and SK17a).
-Unlike other companies, they prove hardware doesn't means good user experience (check iPhone 4 performance [good] and 2011 Xperia performance on GB [good] and LG Optimus Black performance [ugh])
There may be some more reasons I forgot, but seriously, Xperias are very good offerings all around, that's why my next phone will be either Xperia V or P, I mean: good designs, good prize (at least on Xperia P), good camera and good performance.
Besides, I got Galaxy Note 1 with my new contract on March and I really didn't liked it, screen was pretty nice and camera didn't dissapoint, but performance wasn't as smooth as Samsung was claiming, it also got pretty hot, HELL! when I got out of the store the day I got it, it got so hot I had few blue paint on my hand! ._. I sold it in 1 week and got my Xperia Pro and a Laptop with that money. <.<
I agree that Sony has already done its good job to arc, but I dun agree that it has "finish" their job already.
Here is the fact:
- Arc was launched since 2011 Apr
- 4.1 Jelly Bean Source Code Released to AOSP in 2012 Jul, which is 16 months after Arc was available
- Sony(Ericsson) was a member of the Android Alliance which has promised timely Android OS updates for 18 months after device launch, in Google I/O 2011
Unless Sony gives out a strong reason and proof that the hardware of Arc is the inadequacy for the update, I cannot conclude Sony has delivered its best effort to for Arc/2011series
I think sony still better than samsung as the devices are less brickable hardware-wise.
ninsuko said:
I agree that Sony has already done its good job to arc, but I dun agree that it has "finish" their job already.
Here is the fact:
- Arc was launched since 2011 Apr
- 4.1 Jelly Bean Source Code Released to AOSP in 2012 Jul, which is 16 months after Arc was available
- Sony(Ericsson) was a member of the Android Alliance which has promised timely Android OS updates for 18 months after device launch, in Google I/O 2011
Unless Sony gives out a strong reason and proof that the hardware of Arc is the inadequacy for the update, I cannot conclude Sony has delivered its best effort to for Arc/2011series
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Couldn't agree more
But I was expecting JB atleast for Arc S.
Sent from my LT26i using xda app-developers app
---------- Post added at 08:25 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:19 AM ----------
Atleast, Arc S should have been updated, no?
Oh lord and even for the newly released ph we have to wait 4-5 months more, when it was supposed to come with JB. And no new about NXT series. Uff, I dont even like Samsung and HTC, and now only way is "Nexus".
Too bad Sony, you asked for it.
Sent from my LT26i using xda app-developers app
I think Sony users are very lucky and should be happy with their phones. I had an Arc, absolutely loved it. Jumped ship to an LG Optimus 3D and it doesn't even have ICS yet, much less any talk about JB (screw the Open Handset Alliance). Sony ROMs give one of the cleanest, stock-like experiences unlike almost all the other manufacturers which bundle crap like Touchwiz, Optimus UI, Sense etc, which imo is one of the few reasons why the 2011 Xperia devices are able to run ICS so smoothly. I really don't see why people are already complaining because there isn't any phone running JB that is single core AFAIK, especially when the phone is admittedly rather old.

Xperia Z - Over Hyped & Over Priced Device

Sorry to all Sony fanboys here but I used Xperia Z for 2days and I can say its just ok mobile with good design, nothing special. Once S4, M7 will be announced XZ is dead.
Below are the points:
1. Its very expensive
2. Not really premium built, still plastic feeling. Power Button flimsy, not as attractive as shown/hyped in videos.
Try it, you will come to know
3. Poor viewing angles, Butterfly screen is far far better than XZ
4. Audio output poor via speakers
5. Only camera quality is good
NOTE - Iam not trolling its a good phone but not the Best !!!
Sent from my Nexus 4 - True Android
Obvious troll is obvious. How expensive do you think the M7, S4 etc are going to be? In Australia the XZ RRP is *less* than the street price of the SGSIII 4G (a 6 month old re-design of a 10 month old phone). Sounds good to me.
The rest is basically down to user needs.
mattman83 said:
Obvious troll is obvious. How expensive do you think the M7, S4 etc are going to be? In Australia the XZ RRP is *less* than the street price of the SGSIII 4G (a 6 month old re-design of a 10 month old phone). Sounds good to me.
The rest is basically down to user needs.
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I already reported his post as a troll/flamebait post to mods like 30 mins ago. It's best to not even respond to this kind of trash. When you see these just report them to mods using the report post button and ignore these little d-bag trolls.
Not troll but facts, you ignorent Sony fanboys................accept it XZ is just over hyped, get hands on then comment.
Sent from my Nexus 4 - True Android
Its a quad core phone with good looks and its water proof I am.wrong
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda app-developers app
lol why are yall hating on this guy he is just stating his opinion on the phone....i mean he does have valid points...not like he listed anything off the wall here....
You want the best phone you'll ever get in your life, wait for the day before you die, then hoot the best phone at the moment.
Then you can say you have owned the best phone in your life.There is no best phone. Get what's good enough for your needs. If you buy a phone just to be a specification whore, then too bad.
sent from Giant Killer Galaxy Note 2
I somewhat agree though, the Xperia Z is launching in a month with outdated hardware. Well... not outdated but the S4 Pro and Adreno 320 has been out since last year.
The new HTC M7 and Galaxy S4 will be much more powerful and they are also launching soon.
So the Xperia Z will be overlooked again.
I'm still getting my Xperia Z though, cause I'm a Sony fanboy and also love the design.
ssj_jaypee said:
I somewhat agree though, the Xperia Z is launching in a month with outdated hardware. Well... not outdated but the S4 Pro and Adreno 320 has been out since last year.
The new HTC M7 and Galaxy S4 will be much more powerful and they are also launching soon.
So the Xperia Z will be overlooked again.
I'm still getting my Xperia Z though, cause I'm a Sony fanboy and also love the design.
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I think the point being raised here is that specs aren't everything. The Z won't be the most powerful phone this half, but it's still incredibly powerful all the same. I used to think my desire was good and it only pulled 4K in antutu compared to 20K for this phone!
What *does* sell the phone for me is that Sony are the only manufacturer to openly cooperate with and encourage the developer community. None of us would be here on XDA if we didn't care about modding/custom roms etc and life is going to be much better for the sony than it will be for upcoming Samsungs & HTC's. Samsung release broken kernel source and no source at all for exynos - what good is an 8 core CPU if you can't even get hardware UI accel working on anything other than a touchwiz rom. HTC are just dead slow, another GPL violation with kernel source for the latest HOX update, that and it still took some light modification for it to actually work. Don't forget they don't fully unlock bootloaders any more either and kernels have to be flashed via fastboot every time.
On the other hand, Sony have published source for the Z weeks before it is even available! Not only that, but they've chosen the chipset with the best open source support and also a massive dev community to pull from via the N4. I'm fully aware this won't be the biggest selling phone this year, I'm also fully aware that it won't be the most powerful.... but I just don't care, but it'll do what *I* want much better than the upcoming HTC/Samsung releases.
this topic reminds me of me with my S3
Another fanboy of some company trolling the threads. He doesnt even give detailed explaination and picks up some random points and says its over-hyped. And what was the need to make a thread on this? You could have written the same thing in the main thread comments section. Obvious Troll!
M7 has the same APQ8064 just clocked higher. So its only going to be on par with the Z as Butterfly is behind Z in terms of performance. Extra 200mhz clock in the M7 might help it perform on par with the Z.
SGS4 will of course be more powerful than M7, Z and all other phones.
And the purpose of this thread is what exactly ? Xperia Z is not the 'bestest' and ultimate phone ever ? You don't say...
Mods, please close this flame bait...
xperiax10.awesome said:
You want the best phone you'll ever get in your life, wait for the day before you die, then hoot the best phone at the moment.
Then you can say you have owned the best phone in your life.There is no best phone. Get what's good enough for your needs. If you buy a phone just to be a specification whore, then too bad.
sent from Giant Killer Galaxy Note 2
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Well said buddy, well said.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
People spent or will spend money to buy this phone, so I can't allow this thread to be opened.

No more Sony Compacts?

So apparently the Zs are dead replaced by the newly announced Xperia X series.
There were 3 X models, none smaller than 5". Does that mean there will be no "compact" models anymore or for at least some time?
I think I'm done with Sony. Their decision making is a train wreck.
They can give is new devices with 4,6" or 4,7" devices.
Think about the performance which the compact devices have. No compact device from another manufacturer has nearly the same performance than their big brothers as from Sony!
I bought my z5c 3 days ago and i had changed from a z1c, and I didn't realize the different performance. The only change i realized is the fingerprinting sensor.
So what you want from a real compact device?
I did understand, that the X-series is "mid-to-high-end", whereas the Z will stay the "high-end" series.
(I think, the X-series does not make sense, too many devices... - just make the Z-series little cheaper ).
I'm sure they'll revisit in few years when Apple makes few more billion on the updated 5S and Sony slumps down further.
I'm by no means an Apple supporter but they seem to be the only ones that have any understanding what the market wants and how to make money...
I was telling myself I should have not bought the Z5 Compact and waited for X Performance instead, then I saw the expected price and I think Z5 Compact was a very good choice.
I really don't understand Sony's strategy at all now. Announcing new phones that won't be out for months is going to royally duck up the Z5 sales. No compact models, no phablet models. What is this X series supposed to be? Is Z6 coming at all? So many questions.
Also where's my Marshmallow? (but that's a whole other thread)
You'll have to wait more months to know this.
The XA is 5" but, based on the width, is nearly compact.
I think that Sony will launch a replacement for the Z5C at the end of the year.
Compact (one-handed) mid/hi-end phones are getting "a bit" popular. Apple is trying to launch a smaller phone (I know a lot of people who still use the small iPhone and consider the 4.7" iPhone 6/6S big). I think that Google realized that many customers didn't like the size jump from 5 to 5X. (And I didn't like the jump from GNexus or Moto X to Nexus 5 in size), so maybe we'll have some small Nexus alternatives, who knows..
In Japan, smaller phone is very demanding that's why Sony making compact and you guys will see next model again in future no worry. Z1c and Z3c even beat the sales of IP5s in Japan.
Sony has stated that z serieswas phase from sony ericsson to Sony. Now x series is their new series that will be their top line.
raytheblacksmith said:
I really don't understand Sony's strategy at all now. Announcing new phones that won't be out for months is going to royally duck up the Z5 sales. No compact models, no phablet models. What is this X series supposed to be? Is Z6 coming at all? So many questions.
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There will be no Z6
Let us all join in a moment of silence
Well I guess that just makes our z5c that extra bit special
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thesebastian said:
You'll have to wait more months to know this.
The XA is 5" but, based on the width, is nearly compact.
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But the Xperia XA is based on the budget Mediatek P10 SOC. Unless they put a high-end SOC in a compact phone I wouldn't consider it an alternative to the Z compact-series!
I hope they have something else coming. Otherwise I guess I'll have to stick with my current phone for a while longer than planned.
Sony fooled me once with the Xperia S and now with the Z5C (that I have kept in a box waiting for the FW update). They will never fool me again, that's for sure.
What was wrong with the XPERIA S? I LOVED that phone. Camera was a bit naff but everything was good. I especially liked the transparent LED strip at the bottom.
theprince1991 said:
What was wrong with the XPERIA S? I LOVED that phone. Camera was a bit naff but everything was good. I especially liked the transparent LED strip at the bottom.
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As you said, the camera, and the lack of updates, same as for the Z5C.
Was a smidgen close to buying the z5c again after trying and not liking the 5x. Glad I didn't. Support will be dead imo. I'm going for the new iphone se. Only new small high end phone incoming. I know most here don't care but it is rumoured to have the a9/m9 processors, hopefully 2gb ram, 12mp Camara, touch Id ect. Basically a high end 4 incher. Been using my son's old iphone 5 for the last couple weeks and I'm kind of loving it. Yeah I know, you'd never go to Apple no matter what. Ha well if Sony had their crap together, I wouldn't have been persuaded by another manufacturer.
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theprince1991 said:
What was wrong with the XPERIA S? I LOVED that phone. Camera was a bit naff but everything was good. I especially liked the transparent LED strip at the bottom.
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I was a XS white user and that one no doubt more beautiful than my Z5c... lol
@weasel is right. Sony was the best manufacturer that prided performance in the compact lineup vs offering us a Mini. This has changed due to lack of sales cause they don't believe in lining pockets of reviews some 3 yrs ago to win the market and bait clicks on every Sony news. They pass HUGE dollars to bolster security leak and paid employees that sued them due to that security leak.
Their ensuring manufacturing costs don't explode with the higher US dollar which also affects profits in Europe and the UK!! Look at current currency exchange rates then tarrifs this hurts profits!
Sony is on a path to offer a sort of luxury lineup at the mid range with acceptable performance without heavy R&D which translates into more profits from revenues to fund a better Z series replacement at the high end luxury scale. Sony can test the waters with the X series (which is NOT the first time this existed, recall the X1 that was a beauty but built by HTC) this allows the Z lineup to continue selling, while they stop manufacturing in early May, empty out the distribution channels and complete revenues for that target market I'm happy to buy 2 Xperia Z5C's to hold me back until a real luxury compact suits my needs from Sony. Then the X lineup is introduced, if it fails no major cost to Sony. If it takes they may be able to release a new series with a name not a letter. Sony is running out of letters X is now repeated in 5yrs, M, S, Z, T, U, not much left that doesn't sound weird.
---------- Post added at 12:55 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:52 AM ----------
"I did understand, that the X-series is "mid-to-high-end", whereas the Z will stay the "high-end" series.
(I think, the X-series does not make sense, too many devices... - just make the Z-series little cheaper  )." the Z series will have a price cut soon. But that's retail look for cheaper quality enjoyed Z's to keep you running. MARSHMALLOW DELAY is annoying BUT I'd rather NOT have Android Memory sharing like LG did with the G5!! I paid for my MicroSD I own it not Android! So don't for it on anyone. Samsung learner this with the SGS7 so I'm inclined to think Sony will too.
@josie I seem to recall the Xperia S had a few updates to Kitkat thus well supported. Not sure about camera woes though you may need to elaborate in full.
Sony already gave a statement saying the Z line is no more. I think it's a REALLY terrible idea, but they know better I guess.
It's possible they maybe working on something better b

[NEWS] ZUK Mobile is shutting down
That is some sad news for us
At least we have some awesome devs that will continue doing their awesome work for our phone!
I bought the Z2 for backup device and flash Lineage OS. 64GB/4GB with Snapdragon 820 and big battery for 150€...
I think with stock rom I will not buy it, even for 100€.
I wouldn't trust some no name Chinese analyst. And even if this is true, they will still continue to support Zuk devices for a few years, like Nokia did. And to those who complain, I have a special deal for you: right now you can get Xperia XZ, a similar device, which is available for preorder at some change: 749 euros. And keep in mind, on custom roms you will have a camera quality of a feature phone. Although, Sony isn't going anywhere, they abandon their devices after 2 versions of Android. So, if Xperia XZ was released with MM, that means, they will abandon the device after Android O, which means next year Good luck...
optimumpro said:
I wouldn't trust some no name Chinese analyst. And even if this is true, they will still continue to support Zuk devices for a few years, like Nokia did. And to those who complain, I have a special deal for you: right now you can get Xperia XZ, a similar device, which is available for preorder at some change: 749 euros. And keep in mind, on custom roms you will have a camera quality of a feature phone. Although, Sony isn't going anywhere, they abandon their devices after 2 versions of Android. So, if Xperia XZ was released with MM, that means, they will abandon the device after Android O, which means next year Good luck...
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my main concern is not about updates because we have some awesome devs like you that will keep our device updated with custom ROMs, my concern is actually that we may not have any 5-inch phone with snap 835 for a really good price since now it seems 5.5-inch is the standard.
If you plan to use it for 2 or 3 years, you should wait what is around in 3 years and not in half a year.
jho55 said:
If you plan to use it for 2 or 3 years, you should wait what is around in 3 years and not in half a year.
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I plan on using it until it starts becoming problematic. Could be months or years.
My previous phone (Zenfone) started having a lot of problems in 8 months and I didn't use custom ROMs on it, it was just the stock ROM all along and a lot of problems. If my ZUK Z2 starts showing problems and I can't fix, I will want to buy another phone with at least the same specs and size, so I hope they release another "budget" until then.
