Phone Lagging - Nexus 6P Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Since taking the security update for February upgrading to the newest firmware MMB29Q ice had terrible battery life and the phone has really slowed down, laggy at times. Anyone else run into this issue?
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have you tried rebooting?

Soulfly3 said:
have you tried rebooting?
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Yes multiples times, closed all apps. Also battery life has been terrible since the update.
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Factory reset seems like the only option now.

WizeGuyDezignz said:
Factory reset seems like the only option now.
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I keep hearing how's the phone slows down over time. I'd hate to factory reset my phone every 3 months. I'm not rooted either. Is there an easy way to backup data and SMS/MMS ?
Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk

It shouldn't start lagging every few months, I think you have a freak issue, factory reset and it should go away for good. Some OTA updates cause such issues.

Will helium keep my SMS/MMS messages?
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Mines been really bad since day one, crappy battery life and laggs be hell, think I am going to call Google. Also think the battery life got even worse after the factory reset.
[email protected] Movies - Podcast

moe2046 said:
Mines been really bad since day one, crappy battery life and laggs be hell, think I am going to call Google. Also think the battery life got even worse after the factory reset.
[email protected] Movies - Podcast
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Mines been fine until this last update. If I'm going to factory reset, might as well root it this time around.
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moe2046 said:
Mines been really bad since day one, crappy battery life and laggs be hell, think I am going to call Google. Also think the battery life got even worse after the factory reset.
[email protected] Movies - Podcast
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I just got my device and get about 2 hours SOT so you're definitely not alone. Lags, bad battery, etc.

snappycg1996 said:
I just got my device and get about 2 hours SOT so you're definitely not alone. Lags, bad battery, etc.
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Before this last update I could go pretty much a full day. If get about 3-4 hours sot. This last security patch did something
Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk

gadget069 said:
I keep hearing how's the phone slows down over time. I'd hate to factory reset my phone every 3 months. I'm not rooted either. Is there an easy way to backup data and SMS/MMS ?
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Since you're not rooted, you can look into SMS Backup.

On stock, my phone was very fast and I had about 3-4 hours of SOT. I now run a debloated rooted stock rom and get crazy fast performance and 4-6 hours of SOT.

teh roxxorz said:
Since you're not rooted, you can look into SMS Backup.
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I've used that app before, it's always seems hit and miss for me when backing up. I'd lake to save the mms if possible, if not oh well. Hopefully today will be cleansing day for the phone.

gadget069 said:
I've used that app before, it's always seems hit and miss for me when backing up. I'd lake to save the mms if possible, if not oh well. Hopefully today will be cleansing day for the phone.
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Well, the only other thing I can think of for non-root would be to use Go SMS. It has a native in-app [free] sms and mms backup. I use to use it all the time, til i switched apps.

Stock ROM and kernel wasn't great for me and stuttered after a while and had average battery life. With a custom rom and kernel it flys with no stuttering and great battery life.

Big difference in battery life after resetting the phone.
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News on ICS bugfixes?

Any News from Google about the ICS bugfixes? I want to upgrade to ICS again, but until that horrible battery drain isn't fixed I won't.
Im curious too, gimme your ICS!!!
yeah i upgraded and although i didnt mind at first... this battery drain is really really annoying.
Is it really that bad?
I have no battery drain maybe wipe all and install ics from scratch
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nope it is not. i get at least the same like on gingerbread, i think it is even a little bit better on ics
nandihno said:
I have no battery drain maybe wipe all and install ics from scratch
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I did. Same problems.
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Though the Android OS kept awake for a loooong time,
the battery does not drain so much
As I've posted in the other battery thread, I'm definitely seeing worse battery life running ICS. It's about 10% less than what I'm used to seeing by the end of the day, while maintaining about the same usage.
So, no one knows anything?
I'm at 10hrs with 31% battery left. As someone else wrote its about 10% more than normal at this time of the day for me. So not horrible but some improvement would be nice, its not enough for me to go back to GB. NS4G
Aequilibrium said:
So, no one knows anything?
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Google hasn't announced anything so no one knows. I'm pretty sure most employees do not return to work until next Monday, so I wouldn't expect anything new for at least a week or two.
I'm pretty sure that this bug will be fixed right away
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I had the same issue in the beginning, but not any more after a hard reset with G+ & location services disabled. Actually, the battery performance is awesome.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
I'm also assuming since this is 4.0.3, it already addressed bugs that were in .1 and .2 builds. I wouldn't expect a .4 anytime too soon.
But hopefully better battery life is among the improvements.
I had no problem with battery drain myself, but a really annoying bug - music was stopping itself withing 1-10 minutes after I`d started it. Wipe didn`t help. Sh*t!
So I guess all we can do is wait.
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Weird Battery Behavior. Any solution? Or time for an RMA?

I have had this phone for about 2 months now and everything has been exceptional with the phone. Have seen people complain about the battery life, however it has been really good as far as my experience is concerned. However since a week I have seen the battery screwing up a lot... A LOT.
I always used to charge my phone daily in night. Plug it in..set an alarm of 3.5 hours (yes it takes 3.5 hours to fully charge from less than 10% stage) wake up..turn charging off..sleep back. Okay, some of u might think it is stupid but can’t risk of leaving it on charge the whole night and burn my phone. Anyhow, so, since a week what I do is I charge my phone whenever I want (read it on a few thread and articles) it 50%... 80% or even 92%. I just make sure its 100% whenever I leave home.
But something weird has started happening... The battery percentage keeps on changing.. For instance:
when I unplug it..its 100%.. within minutes of usage it drops to 99..then 98.. then 97 and suddenly it rises back to 100%. (Pics attached)
Sometimes when its on charge and I come to check SMSz and reply them.. battery % suddenly drops.. e.g: if its at 99%... it will suddenly change to 96% in a second and in a minute goes back to 99% .. so on and so forth. And sometimes even when its charging..if it is at 80%, it will suddenly shoot up to 100%. The percentage doesn’t change even after a reboot. Weird, isn’t it?
Now the most weird issue, since yesterday the battery life and dropped to 50% less. I used to get 4 hours OST and now I hardly get 2 hours. During night, the battery used to drop 2% in about 6 to 7 hours and yesterday it dropped 15%. There was this one time when it dropped 9% in 6.5 hours (pics attached). Tried seeing through Wale Lock Detector but there were no Awakes during deep sleep. Too weird :s
I don’t really know where did I phuck up as I haven’t installed any shaddy apps or something. Please advice.
My phone info:
All stock. No root (and not looking). No custom Roms whatsoever.
TL;DR... Battery acts weirdly. Shows inconsistent percentages. Suddenly shoots up. Suddenly Drops. And now the On Screen Time has reduced 50%.
It sounds like it's nothing more than a bug.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
Thanks for ur reply. How to figure it out? And measures should be taken? Any suggestions?
this has really kept me worried since a few days.
This is "normal" for the N4, and the most/all of them do it. Unreliable drivers, or a hardware fault, not sure.
Here are other threads about the various battery bugs, but there are many more:
I know I searched many threads before posting and mostly had the Shooting up issue only, when charging.
Anyhow, this normal behavior has reduced my battery life a lot.. which I am not liking .. What to do?
filthykid said:
I know I searched many threads before posting and mostly had the Shooting up issue only, when charging.
Anyhow, this normal behavior has reduced my battery life a lot.. which I am not liking .. What to do?
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Both my N4's (different H/W revisions) have been doing the 100 to 98 to 100 thing as well since new. Battery life is still excellent for me. An RMA would probably do the same.
Happens with my nexus 4 too. But this hasn't reduced my battery life at all...
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You're pretty much stuck with that phone as you only have 15 days to RMA a device, your only option would be to send it into LG for a repair. My battery has acted up like this once so I stopped using the stock charger and it hasn't happened since.
Ok. Thanks for replies. Do u think Factory reset would do "anything"? better?
filthykid said:
Ok. Thanks for replies. Do u think Factory reset would do "anything"? better?
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Rebooting might help. Could also be an app that updated that now doesn't play nice. You could try a factory reset just to clear out some crap but I'd back everything up just in case first. Not sure if a factory reset deletes all your user data in memory or not. I only did it once right after I got the phone so can't remember. Hate to lose all your pictures, files, etc. that aren't backed up.
kzoodroid said:
You're pretty much stuck with that phone as you only have 15 days to RMA a device, your only option would be to send it into LG for a repair. My battery has acted up like this once so I stopped using the stock charger and it hasn't happened since.
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According to that you should contact Google if you got it from the Play Store
Thank guys for your responses.
Kzoodroid, i regularly back up all my personal data.. Pictures.. Videos.. Music.. So thats not an issue. And all the games and apps r also backed up on my hard drive. So i guess factory reset wouldn't harm much in my case. Any idea how to factory reset N4?
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@waveblade: yeah i bought it from the play store. Just don't want to send it back and otherwise it's flawless really
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filthykid said:
Thank guys for your responses.
Kzoodroid, i regularly back up all my personal data.. Pictures.. Videos.. Music.. So thats not an issue. And all the games and apps r also backed up on my hard drive. So i guess factory reset wouldn't harm much in my case. Any idea how to factory reset N4?
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Yeah, just go to settings, backup & reset and click factory reset.
By the way, I notice you use battery guru and I was wondering if that application really helps in saving/boosting battery life. Personally I like "Greenify". It's a great app.
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It's normal. The N4 isn't great about showing the exact battery life. In fact, what you see isn't the true percentage, it's an estimation. Don't worry too much about it!
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scream4cheese said:
Yeah, just go to settings, backup & reset and click factory reset.
By the way, I notice you use battery guru and I was wondering if that application really helps in saving/boosting battery life. Personally I like "Greenify". It's a great app.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
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This is a question I can't answer along with any facts. I tried disabling it for 2 days and I noticed the OST reduced from 4 hours to 3.xx hours. May its placebo or something but then I enabled it...thinking if it's not doing any good then it's not doing any harm either.
Beremus said:
It's normal. The N4 isn't great about showing the exact battery life. In fact, what you see isn't the true percentage, it's an estimation. Don't worry too much about it!
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
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Hmmm, I didn't know that. But why is that? Any apps or something to show the exact battery percentage left?
Happens to me once in awhile. Do a quick reboot, and if that fixes it, I would not worry too much.
Yesterday when I woke up in morning.. the battery lost 2% only in 6 hours. I felt SOOOO relieved that my "good battery" is back. But who knew what was to come... today I woke up after 7 hours and the battery lost 15% .
My usage is always the same. I force close all the apps I use daily and turn wifi etc all off. So i doubt if its any app.

5.0 battery drain and glitches

My phone was a beast before 5.0 with huge battery life and flawless performance. Now it will hang on screens and the battery is starting to remind me of the S4 Has anyone been able to track down why the battery is draining faster since this update.
Bobby Buggs said:
My phone was a beast before 5.0 with huge battery life and flawless performance. Now it will hang on screens and the battery is starting to remind me of the S4 Has anyone been able to track down why the battery is draining faster since this update.
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my phone is more of a beast after the 5.0 update.. so there is nothing to track down to me.. battery issues seem to be limited to certain ppl and not everyone.. lots are having amazing battery life.. if its not working for you then try installing kk again maybe?
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Not my first cruise here. This phone never even glitched before the 5.0, not the same performance or battery since so there is something to track down.
Any change after a factory reset of your phone?
Same issue here after 5.0. Battery drain and phone overheats after a few minutes of use. Any help would be much appreciated.
It seems that I am having issues as well. I have tracked the problem down to something in google play services and exchange email sync. My phone battery settings page shows that my phone is always awake.... If I do a factory reset it no longer happens. But as soon as I enable my exchange email it starts to do the same thing. My phone turns in to a nice hand warmer because it gets hot in my pocket and dies in 5 hours or so. Try a factory reset and see if it still is giving you bad battery life.
When I do the factory reset and try to do a restore of all my apps I get the same problem. When I do not restore and set my apps up from scratch it seems to work well until I add exchange email. Ill do some more testing and report back.
I dont use any exchange service just Gmail accounts and they are not on active sync, I have to swipe to sync them. Call me lazy but I dont want to Factory Reset unless its proven that its going to fix it.
Locked up so bad today Had to pull the battery for the first time since I bought it in December
No way to guarantee a FDR will fix your phone. I can tell you that it fixed mine. Battery life was terrible and the phone would get so hot it would go into cool down mode. After a FDR everything is as it should be on 5.0. IMO people should FDR after any system updates as large as the Lollipop update just to make sure all the KK files and data are gone so there are no conflicts.
Amen to what newman said i would factory reset before complaining about problems. I haven't updated to 5.0 yet because i really don't see a reason to just yet but i would definitely factory reset for peace of mind if i did.
I did a factory reset twice and still same problem. Battery drains and overheats. I find it weird that some phones have the problem and some don't.
But it definitely is a problem and I don't really "complain". Some people just ask for help which I don't think is the same as complaining. Like Bobby, I've been doing this for a while. I've been rooting and jacking with android phones since the og Droid.
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dgomez6383 said:
I did a factory reset twice and still same problem. Battery drains and overheats. I find it weird that some phones have the problem and some don't.
But it definitely is a problem and I don't really "complain". Some people just ask for help which I don't think is the same as complaining. Like Bobby, I've been doing this for a while. I've been rooting and jacking with android phones since the og Droid.
Sent from my SM-G900V using XDA Free mobile app
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Yeah i probably shouldn't of said "complained" didn't mean to offend anyone so sorry. Just curious after you factory reset did you give it a few hours to see if the battery drained/overheated before restoring/installing apps or anything else?
Savagerun said:
Yeah i probably shouldn't of said "complained" didn't mean to offend anyone so sorry. Just curious after you factory reset did you give it a few hours to see if the battery drained/overheated before restoring/installing apps or anything else?
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No worries man.
No I have not done that but I will try that and see what it does.
I too was a Rom swapper in a previous life but dont have time these days to keep up and needed a rock solid daily driver so I stayed stock on this phone. Please let me know if the reset does fix the issues. I hate to reformat all my stuff again for nothing. What a shame though to fugg up a great phone like this, you would think by now they should have it figured out so this doesn't happen. Or at least leak it early so the rom chefs could have a chance to find the flaws before the release
Bobby Buggs said:
I too was a Rom swapper in a previous life but dont have time these days to keep up and needed a rock solid daily driver so I stayed stock on this phone. Please let me know if the reset does fix the issues. I hate to reformat all my stuff again for nothing. What a shame though to fugg up a great phone like this, you would think by now they should have it figured out so this doesn't happen. Or at least leak it early so the rom chefs could have a chance to find the flaws before the release
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Factory resetting seemed to fix my problems. I'm pretty sure it's the solution.
snowrelyt said:
Factory resetting seemed to fix my problems. I'm pretty sure it's the solution.
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What issues were you having
Bobby Buggs said:
What issues were you having
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Rapidly draining battery.
Freezing S Health fixed my drain and heat problems. Seems that it was keeping the phone awake so it could track footsteps in the pedometer..
heffe2001 said:
Freezing S Health fixed my drain and heat problems. Seems that it was keeping the phone awake so it could track footsteps in the pedometer..
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How did you figure that out.
I played around with s health a bit after loading lolipop, and noticed thats when it heated up on my phone so I froze it in titanium backup, but didn't restart. Apparently the pedometer was still keeping track of the step because it was still running. Restarted the phone and haven't had the issue since.
heffe2001 said:
I played around with s health a bit after loading lolipop, and noticed thats when it heated up on my phone so I froze it in titanium backup, but didn't restart. Apparently the pedometer was still keeping track of the step because it was still running. Restarted the phone and haven't had the issue since.
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Im confused, you can use Titanium Bu on a non rooted phone

TMO LG V20 - Fast battery drain and charging issues

For some odd reason my V20 isn't charging all the way to 100%, only 92% (even overnight with OEM cable/charger). Its been happening for a few days now.
I'm also getting bad battery life. I can easily get a 1% drain in a few minutes and that's just browsing google news.
Has this happened to anyone yet? or anyone got any ideas?
Its full stock and about a month or so old
Have you tried the dreaded factory reset?
Sent from my LG-H918 using Tapatalk
Not yet.. its called "dreaded" for a reason. Maybe I'll bite the bullet and do it tomorrow or something
The LG Backup and Restore is pretty good. I tried it a week ago when I did a factory reset and it restored most of the stuff.
Sent from my LG-H918 using Tapatalk
I got it fixed.. Shut it down, took the battery out and glared at it for a few minutes. I think I shocked it into behaving properly
BootLoops said:
For some odd reason my V20 isn't charging all the way to 100%, only 92% (even overnight with OEM cable/charger). Its been happening for a few days now.
I'm also getting bad battery life. I can easily get a 1% drain in a few minutes and that's just browsing google news.
Has this happened to anyone yet? or anyone got any ideas?
Its full stock and about a month or so old
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My battery life has been excellent and many other I have talked to feel the same way so I agree with the others either factory reset or see if you can't get a replacement.
Aalte12 said:
My battery life has been excellent and many other I have talked to feel the same way so I agree with the others either factory reset or see if you can't get a replacement.
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My battery life has been excellent also, I unplug it in the morning adobe 6 and many times when I go to bed it's still around 50 percent
Sent from my LG-H918 using XDA-Developers mobile app
My battery life is garbage I'm so upset.
Sent from my LG-H918 using Tapatalk
Weird! I'm at the same point too! Stuck at 92% this morning! It was getting stuck at 97% a few days ago and went on for 5 days or so like that!
I had this issue being stuck at 93% and ran the smart doctor and it noted zedge at causing issues with battery. Uninstalled zedge and rebooted and all was fine. Idk if zedge was truly the issue but man is it full of overly intusive ads now. It's akways had ads but now it's insane. Kept promoting me to install clean master and other crap.
Zedge is pure crap and was eating up battery on my phone too. I just get ringtones from websites now and Google searches.
I have horrible battery life. I am on my second LG V20...Still the original battery....LG & T-Mobile decided only to send a phone to me without a new battery...

Something in PL6 draining the battery??

PL6 installed on my phone this morning, and ever since I've had a mysterious battery drain. Even when on a Samsung fast charger, it drains faster than it can charge. The last time this happened, it was an Oculus GearVR update that caused it[1]. Anybody know what it is this time?
jkwjkw said:
PL6 installed on my phone this morning, and ever since I've had a mysterious battery drain. Even when on a Samsung fast charger, it drains faster than it can charge. The last time this happened, it was an Oculus GearVR update that caused it[1]. Anybody know what it is this time?
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i would suggest factory resetting the device. this has happened to alot of people and a sd card format (then copy your stuff back minus android -SD card only) then insert card reset go through all the bull but im hearing it runs almost as good as the OG firmware PB5 (im still on PB5 2 to 3 days battery every charge)
jkwjkw said:
PL6 installed on my phone this morning, and ever since I've had a mysterious battery drain. Even when on a Samsung fast charger, it drains faster than it can charge. The last time this happened, it was an Oculus GearVR update that caused it[1]. Anybody know what it is this time?
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Also i notice some laggy too . Not just battery drain
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Gets laggy, and bad battery life for me also. Sometimes it gets to the point it is unusable, even after shutdown and clear cache. Seems that if you reboot because of lag, you can't use it right away otherwise the lagginess continues. I have a Ventra app for monthly train ticket on my device and there is some security, and purchased tickets are stored locally. I guess I'll have to wait to do a reset when my monthly ticket expires. I thought this update was for Nougat, otherwise I wouldn't have updated. Anybody hear if this version is rootable? So far it seems not from what I've read.
My battery drain issues continue. I got a new message today though ... phone got so hot that I got the popup saying that only calls and messaging would function because of the temperature. This phone is a POS.
jkwjkw said:
My battery drain issues continue. I got a new message today though ... phone got so hot that I got the popup saying that only calls and messaging would function because of the temperature. This phone is a POS.
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Agreed. Wish my Note 4 didn't get smashed, I'd still be a happy man.
jkwjkw said:
My battery drain issues continue. I got a new message today though ... phone got so hot that I got the popup saying that only calls and messaging would function because of the temperature. This phone is a POS.
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I really hate this phone. I wish I could have kept my Note 7.
nosympathy said:
I really hate this phone. I wish I could have kept my Note 7.
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Hopefully The New 7.0 Update Fixes Everything! **** needs to hurry up and release already!
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Son Rise said:
Hopefully The New 7.0 Update Fixes Everything! **** needs to hurry up and release already!
Sent from my SM-G935P using XDA Free mobile app
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I am really hoping so. My average battery life with 40 mins screen on time is about 6 hours until 10% with no rogue apps or nonsense draining the battery.
haven't factory reset, been waiting on the 7.0 update to see what happens.
Koopa210 said:
Agreed. Wish my Note 4 didn't get smashed, I'd still be a happy man.
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nosympathy said:
I really hate this phone. I wish I could have kept my Note 7.
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I've been tempted several times to go back to my Note 4. Like a fool, I enrolled in that stupid Sprint Galaxy Forever program so I'm locked in, unless I want to spend $$$ to get out of it.

