[Q] update breaking functionality - Galaxy S 5 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

So I've been running CM 12 for about a month and today I went to update and afterward my phone was unuseable. After the update I started getting the pop-up gmail has stopped so I uninstalled it. After that I couldn't use the play store. It kept asking me to sign in even though I was already signed in. I cleared cache and deleted data in play store and still the same problem. After This I tried reinstalling gapps to see if that was the problem. After reinstalling gapps my phone kept saying unfortunately phone has stopped working. After clicking ok it would come back up immediately, rendering the phone unusable. I couldn't even get to the desktop to try to get into settings. Before the update I backed up my rom so I was like, "Good for me, I saved the day." Nope. After installing my backup same problem. The only way for this problem to stop happening was to reinstall cm12 all together wiping system and data. I tried reinstalling my backup hoping it would work but I get the same problem.
What's going on here? How do I get my old rom back. I need my contacts back. I don't care about anything else as much. It would be nice to get everything but contacts is the main thing.


[Q] Deleted IM and IMprovider

I have the original Tmobile mytouch. Recently I thought of rooting it. I used universalandroot and rooted the phone. I then though of removing some stock apps which are not used by me. I used titanium app to remove amazon, IM and IMprovider. I was not aware that removal of the last 2 IM related apps causes issues. The mistake I did was I did not even back up these before uninstalling. After removing these I started getting messages which said com.android.process.gapps stopped unexpectedly. This happened each time I tried accessing gmail or any other google app and also while accessing market. I google the problem an read that this can be resolved by going to settings - applications and clearing data from each google related app and then ensuring sync is disabled and then late reenabling the sync. After I tried this, I was able to access gmail but gtalk and contacts still could not be accessed withthe same error. I therefore thought of doing a factoryreset which might bring the original apps back. I did a factory reset and cache wipe from android stock reboot options but when I rebooted the first message I got upon reboot is "com.android.process.gapps stopped unexpectedly". I tried to sign in into my google account to use the phone but am pretty sure the the factory reset has not resolved my problem. I am currently unable to sign in to the phone using the intial google account set up wizard. Everytime I press finish in the wizard, I get "The application Setup Wizard (process com.android.setupwizard) has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again". Does this mean my phone has been rendered useles???
Can some expert help me resolve this issue? I am a noob and have committed mistakes and need some help fixing them. The phone current has donut android 1.6 on it.
Thanks in advance for your valuable help and time.
Update - Solved
I have resolved the problem. I flashed the phone with sappimg.nbh which took the phone back to the initial state (android 1.5) and this causes the rooting to be undone and also reinstalls the google apps. i dont see the failures due to gapps not found anymore and all is well.

[Q] com.google.process.gapps force close EVO

Question, Im getting alot of "com.google.process.gapps" force closes on my EVO since I restored a few apps thru Titanium Backup. I rooted about a week ago and never had any issues with this. The only apps that I restored was angry birds and a to-do-list app along with all the data that came with the apps. I have tried cleaning caches and restarting the phone and nothing seems to work... what would you suggest? I seen a few threads when i searched - but they were for the G1 and the Captivate, nothing for the EVO... any help would be appriciated...
Did u flash any Rom or Theme??
nope, I rooted and am still using the stock ROM... I was going to flash Frost or some thing, but I want to make sure this doesnt carry over to the flashed ROM, or if there is a fix...I would prefere to fix it...
I am also getting a force close on the phone process.... when some one calls me and I ignore the call it force closes the process for the phone as well...
Try reinstalling the gapps.apk. One of them must of been corrupted by the data you restored.
do you know where I can find that at? I have never heard of it...
Also the thing that is confusing, is I can still access my market, maps, latitude, people, gmail... etc
If the apk or files were corrupted, I wouldnt be able to access those apps... i will try to reinstall the apk, but I would like to know what I did to make this error happen, so I know not to do it again...
one thing I think it could have been was there were two "people" files in my Titanium Back up... One was up near the top it said "People 1.00" and then there was one near the bottom with a line thru it that said "People 1.1.1" or some thing to that effect... I deleted the one at the bottom with the line thru it cause I thought I didnt need it any more... could this be wahts up with this error?
I can still access People thru the People widget, but some times it takes abnormally longer to load my list of contacts...
I can also still access Market, Gmail, Maps, Latitude...
I just clciked on Talk and it seems to be the problem, every time I click Talk it brings up the force close issue...
should I just reinstall the Talk.apk?
I also get "com.android.phone" force close when I decline a call...
when I went into my ROM manager, I clicked the "fix permissions" and it says "error occurred while attempting to run privlaged commands"
Any info on any of this would be great...
Anyone out there
Sent from my EVO while tethered into the Matrix thru Wifi...
Okay well I have googled/searched XDA 'til I was green in the face... I still can't figure out how to fix this issue?
Just answer me this, If I do an entire factory reset - will I loose root?
I have wiped the cache thru recovery, Should I try wiping the delvic-cache also, before I factory reset to see if that works??
I can not find any where to download the "gapps.apk" anywhere, I found this one thread that told me to install these in this order:
1. TalkProvider.apk
2. GTalkService.apk
3. Talk.apk
but none of them worked... they wouldnt even install... it just kept saying install failed...so I found another thread with the 2.2 gtalk and it installed...but Im still getting the error...
I have been getting several other errors, like htc.bgp force close (or some thing like that) as well as com.android.phone force close...
So should I just do a NAND restore or should I do a factory reset instead? OR should I run the RUU and start over to root...??
I am at wits end here and am not getting anywhere with searching...
I would start with a NAND restore. (Hopefully you have one from before the problem started)
If that doesn't fix it, do a factory reset.
If that doesn't fix it, Factory reset and instal a custom ROM (Sprint Lovers is very close to stock if that's what you like)
I don't think running an RUU is necessary. Once you obtain full Root, you should be able to fix any problem with .apk's or programs on the phone.
Biggest Fro said:
I would start with a NAND restore. (Hopefully you have one from before the problem started)
If that doesn't fix it, do a factory reset.
If that doesn't fix it, Factory reset and instal a custom ROM (Sprint Lovers is very close to stock if that's what you like)
I don't think running an RUU is necessary. Once you obtain full Root, you should be able to fix any problem with .apk's or programs on the phone.
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Thanks for the input, I was beginning to think I was invisible... lol... I will try that and see what happens...
Well, I went ahead and tried one more thing before I did what you said to do and I think it worked... I went into my EVO while in Disk Drive mode and I cut my entire Titanium Backup folder out of the phone and copied it onto my Desk top. Then I went into my OLD EVO files from the end of the year and I copied the latest folder into my phone. I then went to Charge only, clicked TB and refreshed the app list... Then I was left with a ton of apps that were not installed on my phone. I then went thru each one and restored the ones that were still installed and deleted the ones that were not... (except for the stock apps that came with the phone), so far so good... I will test it more tonight and see whats up, have not gotten any force closes since I finished...
One thing I would like to know tho - where can I get the stock dialer.apk
Some how it got deleted off my new EVO and when I try to load up one of the htc.dialer.apk from my old EVO - the new one does not recognize it... I am currently useing "dialer one" from the market - but I would prefere to make my NAND back up of the Official stock ROM with all the stock apps...any ideas?
EDIT: Okay, fixed the com.google.process.apps issue but did not fix the other force closes... I guess I will have to try the steps above - and worse case - ill just run the RUU and start all over...
I had this problem once and it was related to a widget I downloaded that retrieved missed calls. Don't know if that helps.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
sw99 said:
I had this problem once and it was related to a widget I downloaded that retrieved missed calls. Don't know if that helps.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
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But thats the thing - I didnt download anything - I restored two apps, one was opera mini with data and the other was spareparts... then I lost my htc dialer - so I installed Dialer one from the market... I dunno Im just gonna have to do the stpes above and if they dont work - Ill just wipe and run RUU and reroot... no biggie...
Okay I did a NAND restore... then I went thru and set up ALL my apps and settings again and then I did a fresh NAND Backup with clockwork first AND then Amon_Ra... all seemed well except, after I did the Clockwork Backup... I was getting "com.smithmicro.DM has stopped unexpectedly" so searched and read a little and it seemed to have some thing to do with the PRL/Profile updater... so i went into the settings and opened the app manager and cleared the "data" in com.smithmicro.DM and then I restarted the phone and that seemed to fix it... thanks for all the help...

[Q] EB13 and Android Market Crash

There was a brief thread on February 19 concerning the Android Market crashing. The person with the problem said he flashed a new ROM and that solved the problem. Well, I really am not a ROM flasher, so that won't help. I had the updated market, upgraded to EB13, and all was well. Then suddenly yesterday I started getting an error "market.proces.com.android.vending has stopped." I have cleared the cache and the app data, and when I do market can be accessed, the agreement to terms screen comes on, and after I agree, I get the market, but within a minute it will crash again with the same error.
I tried to reinstall the update.zip from the Samsung site, but it won't let me (presumably because I already updated to 2.2.1?). So what do I do? Is my only option a factory reset? And if so how can I backup all my data and apps. I am rooted, and do have MyBackup Pro, but it too is giving me problems, crashing at various points as I try to backup my data. I hope someone out there can help. Thanks.
Update: I did do a hard reset, after managing to have MyBackup Pro backup my data and apps. I got into the Market after signing on, and re-downloaded MyBackup Pro -- but then the ERROR started again, "market.proces.com.android.vending has stopped." WTF?
You can always try to Odin eb13 to a fresh install and see if that works.
Thanks. I may just get another.
I have had this problem and it is related to a bad update of.eb13. ODiN is th only solution that I could figure out.
Sent from Bonsai 5.0.3

[Q] Facebook Messenger force closes.

I downloaded and flashed 'cm-11-20140922-NIGHTLY-jflte' (which I know is not as stable as a snapshot but the snapshot was stuck in a reboot loop when I installed it so I had to revert to the nightly) onto my previously stock phone and everything is fine, I can't believe I haven't had a custom rom sooner. However, the ONE app I have problems with is Facebook Messenger; it opens, but crashes when it goes to load my details in and force closes from that point on. It wouldn't be such an issue if I could still interact with people through the Facebook app, but you're forced to use the Messenger app, which seriously will not work at all for some reason.
I've tried reflashing the ROM, clearing the data and cache, cloaking the fact that the device is rooted, installing an earlier version of Messenger and just about everything I could think of. I'm at a complete loss, I don't know what's wrong. I thought maybe something to do with it accessing my contacts or something but I'm really not sure.
Any help will be appreciated, it seems stupid but Messenger is an important part of my phone, I use it daily, so if I can't get this figured out I might have to go back to stock. Thanks in advance guys!

[Q] Can't install apps from google play website

The usual problem - I flashed a custom ROM, signed into my gmail account, then restored the backup of my main ROM,
Now I can't install apps from a PC browser on G Play, it works fine on the phone, just not from the PC
I've cleared cache, data of play store and google services from the phone
Remove my account and re-added it
Removed all devices permissions from my account and set them back up
rebooted the phone
Ive run out of ideas, anyone know what's up?
The device shown in my account is saying it's last access was the 26th, which was about when I flashed that custom ROM, so I'm guessing it's still not seeing my current ROM even after all of that
PITA Google, why make things so complicated ?
Anyone know how to remove that old device and force it to see my current one?
*Detection* said:
The usual problem - I flashed a custom ROM, signed into my gmail account, then restored the backup of my main ROM,
Now I can't install apps from a PC browser on G Play, it works fine on the phone, just not from the PC
I've cleared cache, data of play store and google services from the phone
Remove my account and re-added it
Removed all devices permissions from my account and set them back up
rebooted the phone
Ive run out of ideas, anyone know what's up?
The device shown in my account is saying it's last access was the 26th, which was about when I flashed that custom ROM, so I'm guessing it's still not seeing my current ROM even after all of that
PITA Google, why make things so complicated ?
Anyone know how to remove that old device and force it to see my current one?
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thr s no such thing to remove device and force to recognize new one!
what is the error u got from this process?
Geeks Empire said:
thr s no such thing to remove device and force to recognize new one!
what is the error u got from this process?
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I've fixed it, there was no error, it just refused to detect the phone at all, when I pressed INSTALL on the website, it only gave options of my old April 26th ROM, not my current one
Finally after booting to recovery and clearing all caches, then opening Play store app on the phone, it finally (After 20 tries) detected the phone again and works as it should
That's 2 days of using my phone, that the play store web version failed to detect the phone at all
Come on Google, get it sorted, this has been going on for years, I remember the same problem back in 2012 with my tablet

