[Q] Facebook Messenger force closes. - Galaxy S 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I downloaded and flashed 'cm-11-20140922-NIGHTLY-jflte' (which I know is not as stable as a snapshot but the snapshot was stuck in a reboot loop when I installed it so I had to revert to the nightly) onto my previously stock phone and everything is fine, I can't believe I haven't had a custom rom sooner. However, the ONE app I have problems with is Facebook Messenger; it opens, but crashes when it goes to load my details in and force closes from that point on. It wouldn't be such an issue if I could still interact with people through the Facebook app, but you're forced to use the Messenger app, which seriously will not work at all for some reason.
I've tried reflashing the ROM, clearing the data and cache, cloaking the fact that the device is rooted, installing an earlier version of Messenger and just about everything I could think of. I'm at a complete loss, I don't know what's wrong. I thought maybe something to do with it accessing my contacts or something but I'm really not sure.
Any help will be appreciated, it seems stupid but Messenger is an important part of my phone, I use it daily, so if I can't get this figured out I might have to go back to stock. Thanks in advance guys!


[Q] Android 2.3 Browser issues.

i have the android 2.3.1 version on my phone, i flashed the NAND and everything for it, i have had it working fine for a while now, but since two nights ago, i was trying to go on my browser, and for some reason when i click it, it opens up and then just immediately minimizes itself and closes and just leaves me at the homescreen, and i cant seem to figure out why its doing that..ive been trying to search all over for it, does anyone know how i can fix this ?
Try clearing the cache for the browser in manage applications. Also, have you tried rebooting the phone?
yeahh i rebooted it, and cleared the cache and date from the browser, but it still acts up, i dont know how to fix it, or should i just get a different rom ?

[Q] CM 10.1 ROM Gmail problems

I've recently installed CM 10.1 nightly build, the most recent, on my Nexus 4. I am experiencing only problems with gmail, when I attempt to open the application, it loads then crashes every time. It is becoming very disturbing and making me not want to use this ROM. If anyone else is experiencing this issue can you tell me below to get this thread popular so someone might find a fix? And if you've fixed it, can you let me know how?
Thanks, Eric.
EDIT: I'm also realizing that almost all of my GAPPS are not functioning whatsoever. I did a restore of my apps and system and shared to get all my apps back, but now half of them are incomplete for some reason (no icon and non functioning) and the rest work fine though.
ericvolp12 said:
I've recently installed CM 10.1 nightly build, the most recent, on my Nexus 4. I am experiencing only problems with gmail, when I attempt to open the application, it loads then crashes every time. It is becoming very disturbing and making me not want to use this ROM. If anyone else is experiencing this issue can you tell me below to get this thread popular so someone might find a fix? And if you've fixed it, can you let me know how?
Thanks, Eric.
EDIT: I'm also realizing that almost all of my GAPPS are not functioning whatsoever. I did a restore of my apps and system and shared to get all my apps back, but now half of them are incomplete for some reason (no icon and non functioning) and the rest work fine though.
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If this is your first flash of CM 10.1, you also needed to flash the 11/30 gapps that they point you to in their OP
lol dude another "i flashed xyz rom and now everything is broken" thread
Hey everyone learns one way or another here at q&a. Heck, I'm still asking questions myself
If you backed up everything in Stock, then it will be tricky when you try to restore in Cyanogenmod. You can restore downloaded apps and data safely. But you may start running into problems when you begin to restore system apps, system data, and system settings.

[Q] CM11 WhisperPush Issue

So I tried out the CM11 nightlies, and of course to see how it works I tried the WhisperPush out since it is included in noobdev's builds. Now after attempting setup Messaging crashes immediately upon tapping to open. If i switch Hangouts to be in charge of SMS, same thing, crashes if i try to create a text. I tried 2 other SMS apps from the play store, same problem. Reflashing rom has same issues, coming from another rom to it, also same. Any idea what could be causing it, I can run other 4.4 roms without this issues, so definitely something with CM/WhisperPush.
Same Issue here
wafflenator said:
So I tried out the CM11 nightlies, and of course to see how it works I tried the WhisperPush out since it is included in noobdev's builds. Now after attempting setup Messaging crashes immediately upon tapping to open. If i switch Hangouts to be in charge of SMS, same thing, crashes if i try to create a text. I tried 2 other SMS apps from the play store, same problem. Reflashing rom has same issues, coming from another rom to it, also same. Any idea what could be causing it, I can run other 4.4 roms without this issues, so definitely something with CM/WhisperPush.
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I got the same problem.
Trebuchet crashed constantly, too. Also, saving Trebuchet's options did not work (migrating from CM 10.2 to 11 M3)
Edit: The "Unfortunately, WhiserPush has stopped" message comes right after receiving the verification code and generating the keys.
Edit2: In Trebuchet Settings, I cannot access "Drawer" or "Dock".
on SGS 9505 without gapps.
Did you wipe data before flashing CM11? Since this is a major Android version change, it could very well be that there's issues from the 4.3 vs 4.4 data.
For Trebuchet Settings not giving access to drawer or dock, it might have been placeholder or there's a bug accessing those.

[Q] update breaking functionality

So I've been running CM 12 for about a month and today I went to update and afterward my phone was unuseable. After the update I started getting the pop-up gmail has stopped so I uninstalled it. After that I couldn't use the play store. It kept asking me to sign in even though I was already signed in. I cleared cache and deleted data in play store and still the same problem. After This I tried reinstalling gapps to see if that was the problem. After reinstalling gapps my phone kept saying unfortunately phone has stopped working. After clicking ok it would come back up immediately, rendering the phone unusable. I couldn't even get to the desktop to try to get into settings. Before the update I backed up my rom so I was like, "Good for me, I saved the day." Nope. After installing my backup same problem. The only way for this problem to stop happening was to reinstall cm12 all together wiping system and data. I tried reinstalling my backup hoping it would work but I get the same problem.
What's going on here? How do I get my old rom back. I need my contacts back. I don't care about anything else as much. It would be nice to get everything but contacts is the main thing.

System lags and crashes, makes impossible the use

Hi. I have a Xiaomi MiA1, Lineage 16.0 (I try to update it two or three times per week). It is rooted. I use openGapps.
I have a problem since yesterday: suddenly, my phone got a lot of lag that makes impossible the use. KLWP got closed (it stopped being the default background), Nova Launcher was lagging and restarting several times. Openning any app was impossible, including the settings and system, it freezes and closes, returning to the launcher home screen... I tried to stop, clean data and delete klwp, nova, but i got the same result. The minutes passed and it got worse. Finally, the phone freezed, the clock wasn't working, so the only solution was doing a manual soft reset.
So, yesterday I did a dirty flash, because I didn't have a recent backup. I used SDMaid database feature in the morning so I tought maybe it was bad executed and was the origin of the issue. I tried to rescue some information (to backup some app data) with oandbackups. I cleaned caché and did a Factory reset. It seem to work. and do a clean installation. at first, it seem like it worked. I installed the apps I had by my Google account, and went to sleep. Today, it was ready, I turned it off and charged it, and in the morning: again the crash. So I did a clean installation. Again, it seemed to work. It installed all my apps and... crash again. I fear it could be some launcher issue? any prob with lineage? Any app? How can I know whats happening?
Sorry for my bad english. Any help would be apreciated.
vainille said:
Hi. I have a Xiaomi MiA1, Lineage 16.0 (I try to update it two or three times per week). It is rooted. I use openGapps.
I have a problem since yesterday: suddenly, my phone got a lot of lag that makes impossible the use. KLWP got closed (it stopped being the default background), Nova Launcher was lagging and restarting several times. Openning any app was impossible, including the settings and system, it freezes and closes, returning to the launcher home screen... I tried to stop, clean data and delete klwp, nova, but i got the same result. The minutes passed and it got worse. Finally, the phone freezed, the clock wasn't working, so the only solution was doing a manual soft reset.
So, yesterday I did a dirty flash, because I didn't have a recent backup. I used SDMaid database feature in the morning so I tought maybe it was bad executed and was the origin of the issue. I tried to rescue some information (to backup some app data) with oandbackups. I cleaned caché and did a Factory reset. It seem to work. and do a clean installation. at first, it seem like it worked. I installed the apps I had by my Google account, and went to sleep. Today, it was ready, I turned it off and charged it, and in the morning: again the crash. So I did a clean installation. Again, it seemed to work. It installed all my apps and... crash again. I fear it could be some launcher issue? any prob with lineage? Any app? How can I know whats happening?
Sorry for my bad english. Any help would be apreciated.
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Keeping in mind the kind of apps you mentioned, I'd go with an app+data backup of those apps you installed and uninstall them completely, check if problem is still there.
I suspect you're facing a compatibility or configuration issue, since both apps are related to home screen.
If problem is solved, first read if those apps are actually compatible with ROM and OS version, then you could try to install just one app, without data, and check if things go well (give it a day), same with the rest until you can confirm OS is working well with apps just installed, no changes made in them yet... In other words, were trying to confirm that problem comes from apps and/or their configurations, so you could somehow report those issues to apps developers. You can use Catalog or other apps to record System logs until app crashes.
On the other hand, if problem is still there, even before you started to reinstall apps, then Dirty flashing isn't a good choice in that case, since it preserves System configurations, no mention your device is rooted, were user changes are present... you are opened to different problems, worse if you use an old Magisk version, or installed modules there, or apps that force your OS to do things it doesn't do in it's original state.
So, as you were so dare to go with a dirty flash, you could better go with a clean flash instead.
Erase any system lock protection (fingerprint, pattern, etc), do a ROM Backup from TWRP, flash latest firmware and make a clean install of the latest version of the ROM of your choice, keeping in mind their own flashing procedure.
As with above reply, if a completely clean install doesnt work, consider going back to a previous lineage release. If it still doesnt work, consider a full EDL stock rom reflash using MiFlash -- then flash your custom rom.
KaaMyA said:
Keeping in mind the kind of apps you mentioned, I'd go with an app+data backup of those apps you installed and uninstall them completely, check if problem is still there.
I suspect you're facing a compatibility or configuration issue, since both apps are related to home screen.
If problem is solved, first read if those apps are actually compatible with ROM and OS version, then you could try to install just one app, without data, and check if things go well (give it a day), same with the rest until you can confirm OS is working well with apps just installed, no changes made in them yet... In other words, were trying to confirm that problem comes from apps and/or their configurations, so you could somehow report those issues to apps developers. You can use Catalog or other apps to record System logs until app crashes.
On the other hand, if problem is still there, even before you started to reinstall apps, then Dirty flashing isn't a good choice in that case, since it preserves System configurations, no mention your device is rooted, were user changes are present... you are opened to different problems, worse if you use an old Magisk version, or installed modules there, or apps that force your OS to do things it doesn't do in it's original state.
So, as you were so dare to go with a dirty flash, you could better go with a clean flash instead.
Erase any system lock protection (fingerprint, pattern, etc), do a ROM Backup from TWRP, flash latest firmware and make a clean install of the latest version of the ROM of your choice, keeping in mind their own flashing procedure.
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I made a clean flash in the morning, with the same results, so there's when I thought it could be an app the main problem. It worked with Nova a few hours.
I just followed your instructions, I installed the last firmware (the jan one) and the last rom of lineage. I didn't installed the apps in my google backup so I can install them and check how is the behaviour. I will install CatLog so I can check the logs too! I really hope installing the firmware was enough. Thank you very much!
ayunatsume said:
As with above reply, if a completely clean install doesnt work, consider going back to a previous lineage release. If it still doesnt work, consider a full EDL stock rom reflash using MiFlash -- then flash your custom rom.
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I was planning to reflash the custom ROM but I couln't find the latest one that's compatible with MiFlash. I really hope the clean install is enought... thank you
I was planning to reflash the custom ROM but I couln't find the latest one that's compatible with MiFlash. I really hope the clean install is enought... thank you[/QUOTE]What our partner said was flashing stock (original) ROM.
In any case, if you went with a clean flash, try to leave your system free of user installed apps for a few and check how it goes.

