[Q] EB13 and Android Market Crash - Epic 4G General

There was a brief thread on February 19 concerning the Android Market crashing. The person with the problem said he flashed a new ROM and that solved the problem. Well, I really am not a ROM flasher, so that won't help. I had the updated market, upgraded to EB13, and all was well. Then suddenly yesterday I started getting an error "market.proces.com.android.vending has stopped." I have cleared the cache and the app data, and when I do market can be accessed, the agreement to terms screen comes on, and after I agree, I get the market, but within a minute it will crash again with the same error.
I tried to reinstall the update.zip from the Samsung site, but it won't let me (presumably because I already updated to 2.2.1?). So what do I do? Is my only option a factory reset? And if so how can I backup all my data and apps. I am rooted, and do have MyBackup Pro, but it too is giving me problems, crashing at various points as I try to backup my data. I hope someone out there can help. Thanks.
Update: I did do a hard reset, after managing to have MyBackup Pro backup my data and apps. I got into the Market after signing on, and re-downloaded MyBackup Pro -- but then the ERROR started again, "market.proces.com.android.vending has stopped." WTF?

You can always try to Odin eb13 to a fresh install and see if that works.

Thanks. I may just get another.

I have had this problem and it is related to a bad update of.eb13. ODiN is th only solution that I could figure out.
Sent from Bonsai 5.0.3


[BUG] Market Apps failing to download after root.

Just started to have issues downloading apps from the market. Im on any connection and im connected to the internet but they fail right away with this message "Download Unsuccessful" ..........rooted too. Any Ideas?
I need some others to check this out
Last night I reset to factory defaults and after 1-2 downloads from the market everything after I tried to download fails, rooted. Then I flashed the stock firmware downloaded a couple apps no problem, rooted, couple more downloaded then FAIL! Not able to download until I do a factory reset, even than I can only get 1- maybe 2 downloaded.
I'm having trouble as well. I'm rooted, I posted yesterday but nobody replied. Can somebody out hedre try and install fring?
Rooted. And no problems.
Are you signed into Talk for authentication?
I had similar problem on my EVO yesterday as well.. So i don't think it's a phone issue...
I did a reset back to stock pulled down a couple apps then dead after that...CAn anyone pull apps off the market right now?
I was having major problems with apps, then I did a cache wipe and factory reset. Problem solved.
I was also restoring apps from mybackup pro, which may have caused the issue. The apps were backuped from my evo and restored on the epic.
Its a apk I removed just don't know which one :/
I take that back...I lost market functionality again and have not removed any files only rooted AM i the only one experiencing this?
I rooted (using the older line by line instructions, not the single automatic script) and have not had any problems with the market.
i rooted with the one click script and have been downloading apps with no problem, downloaded an update to gps status tonight on 3g and barcode scanner over wifi tonight.
Im having the same issue, I rooted so i can do free wifi tethering (hotspot) and now i cant even download the ****ing app to do so.....

[Q] Any Vibrant Experts Around?

My Vibrant is having some serious issues. I've only found one other person that seems to have my issues and that thread went out of control so I'm starting another.
Within 5ish (if that) minutes of a factory reset, the market will get stuck on Starting Download... for any application. Nothing fixes it. I can download 10ish applications but that's all.
Attempted Fixes:
Factory Reset
Various ROMs via Odin
Flash JFD ROM with "repartition" option selected, then flash another ROM over that without repartition
Factory Reset and different Gmail account to set up the phone
"Easy Fixes" like logging in to GTalk, resetting Market cache, switching networks and over to wifi in any combination and every other suggestion that doesn't work.
Everything was working fine until that OTA update came in and I opted to install it without checking online to see if there were any issues. Of course, the update froze halfway through and I used Odin to install JI6, then all these issues started.
This is my first phone and it used to work perfectly well in any number of locations around where I live. Now it doesn't work anywhere.
I periodically get spammed with a lot of application downloads that I didn't initiate and they all turn up unsuccessful (since the problems started).
I tried using the Appbrain quick web installer feature which may or may not have caused the problem.
I am currently using Bionix 1.8 with VOODOO.
My wife's phone has the same set up and works. I tried her Gmail account on mine after a factory reset and I had the same issues.
Any suggestions?
When you flashed JI6 did you use the pit file?
are you restoring any backups after you flash?
I posted this in another thread. Someone did this with success and it worked for me too. The key thing "AND Uninstall updated"
I have managed to sort this now - here's what I did:
Go into settings - applications - manage applications- scroll down to market & long touch to open. Clear cache AND Uninstall updated. It will ask for confirmation and then uninstall. I then went back to market and Bluetooth file transfer downloaded and installed with no probs. Hope this helps anyone else with same problem.
m509272 said:
I posted this in another thread. Someone did this with success and it worked for me too. The key thing "AND Uninstall updated"
I have managed to sort this now - here's what I did:
Go into settings - applications - manage applications- scroll down to market & long touch to open. Clear cache AND Uninstall updated. It will ask for confirmation and then uninstall. I then went back to market and Bluetooth file transfer downloaded and installed with no probs. Hope this helps anyone else with same problem.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Also have you ran a "Fix permissions" from RomManager? It seems to help with a lot of these strange errors ....
Sorry for not responding... work is keeping me busy.
Anyway, when I go Manage Applications, select Filter~>All and go down to Market there is nothing to do with Uninstall. I tried long clicking and that did nothing. When I click on Market, the only buttons are Clear Cache, Clear Defaults, and Force Stop. Am I missing something?
To answer other questions, both the JI6 and JFD .tar files I used (found on xda) came with their own .pit files and I did use the respective .pit files when flashing. After the flash, all I do is install Appbrain and start loading my applications again (no other restoration methods). I've run fix_permissions and that didn't help when I ran it though I've only done it once or twice in the whole process.
Note - I have Market 1714.
Cleared the download manager cache?
+1 on Fix Permissions in ROM Manager. This has fixed many market issues.
The TMo Android customer service folk had me try clearing the Download Manager's cache (and I tried again just for laughs) with no results. Tried fix permissions again with no luck. My replacement (refurbished? from TMo) should show up today.
Got the new phone (with JI6 on it and the new market that keeps applications up-to-date), flashed Bionix Fusion 1.1 and things look to be working pretty well. My signal is noticeably better than it was before (it used to be good then got worse for some reason so I guess it's back to what it used to be).
I paid $10 for 7-10 business day shipping or something like that but I got a text about it shipping on the 25th and it got here today (after being back-ordered) so I'm relatively satisfied. Sure would like to know what's wrong with the other phone and how to fix it if need be in the future but I'll just avoid accepting any OTA updates in the future.

apps and new roms

when ever i flash a new rom all the apps that i have installed even ones i uninstalled start to download in the market ?? any idea how to fix this maybe even wipe my maket history beside my paid apps and i just started using lex lite 3 and im getting random reboots
Clear your cache in Koush's bootstrap.
thank u i will try this
that didnt do anything to the market its still trying to download all those apps even though i already ran titanium
Funny, I recently reflashed fission rom and experienced the same thing. I thought about playing with the "detach from market" option in Titanium Backup.
Ultimately I just manually stopped all the downloads and proceeded in setting up my accounts and batch restoring my apps via Titanium.
I think this happens when you first sign into Google after you boot your new rom for the first time. I skip logging into Google, and then it doesn't download all the apps right away. later I set up my google account and then go into the market and reinstall what I want.
as always, don't quote me on this
Hope this helps.

[Q] My Epic4G w/Syndicate Frozen keeps getting Swype/MMS errors

Many months back I did my first rooting of my Epic 4G and I installed the Syndicate Frozen Rom version 2.1.1. Kernal version and Build number Twilight Zone v1.1.1 - Hajime-taisho.
Lately I get this when the phone rebooted:
su binary outdated
When I tried to update it says the updater is incapable of updating my binary since it is installed in /sbin.
That was fine for a while but a few days later I am getting all these popups that say "Sorry! The application Swype (process com.swype.android.inputmethod) has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again. Then gives a force close button.
The MMS process also pops up and several others. I cleared some of the caches last night like I read to do here and it worked over night but this morning it is back and making the phone unusuable.
Tried to go to into CMR and clear the caches there and reboot but that didn't help.
Any ideas of what I can do? Can I reflash the rom without losing all my data?
Thanks for any help you can provide.
Note: Also getting this gapps error. And the phone is just rebooting on its own.
You need to upgrade to the newer superuser. Maybe try going to the market and getting it, or someone here may have the apk for you.
Went to the Market and downloaded the SuperUser Update Fixer and it said it didn't have anything to fix. I updated Superuser, ran the update fix and I am still getting that su binary outdated message. And my phone keeps rebooting.
Another error I am getting is an "acore" process needing a force close too.
Did you clear data in Google Framework Services?
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
kennyglass123 said:
Did you clear data in Google Framework Services?
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks just tried that but still not working. Getting all these force stop windows from acore to mms to gaaps and swype and then it reboots.
Then you are left with Factory data reset and restoring apps from the mrket so you don't restore any corrupted data. Make sure when you get a good working phone again to flash the journal on script.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
Hmmmm. OK. Should I do a backup in CMR? I am in the process of doing a Titanium backup right now.
Do you think I should update the ROM or just reflash the one I had before?
Not sure what flash the journal on script is.
ryan4sc said:
Hmmmm. OK. Should I do a backup in CMR? I am in the process of doing a Titanium backup right now.
Do you think I should update the ROM or just reflash the one I had before?
Not sure what flash the journal on script is.
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Click to collapse
Your choice but updated rom* never hurts ..
*/ F u autocorrect
Something had to be corrupted. I flashed Syndicate Frozen ROM 1.2 and a new kernal and was still getting those errors. So I had to do a backup, wipe the phone and then reinstall and that fixed everything. I reinstalled most of the apps and so far no more errors. Thanks for the help!

[Q] update breaking functionality

So I've been running CM 12 for about a month and today I went to update and afterward my phone was unuseable. After the update I started getting the pop-up gmail has stopped so I uninstalled it. After that I couldn't use the play store. It kept asking me to sign in even though I was already signed in. I cleared cache and deleted data in play store and still the same problem. After This I tried reinstalling gapps to see if that was the problem. After reinstalling gapps my phone kept saying unfortunately phone has stopped working. After clicking ok it would come back up immediately, rendering the phone unusable. I couldn't even get to the desktop to try to get into settings. Before the update I backed up my rom so I was like, "Good for me, I saved the day." Nope. After installing my backup same problem. The only way for this problem to stop happening was to reinstall cm12 all together wiping system and data. I tried reinstalling my backup hoping it would work but I get the same problem.
What's going on here? How do I get my old rom back. I need my contacts back. I don't care about anything else as much. It would be nice to get everything but contacts is the main thing.

