[Q] Any Vibrant Experts Around? - Vibrant General

My Vibrant is having some serious issues. I've only found one other person that seems to have my issues and that thread went out of control so I'm starting another.
Within 5ish (if that) minutes of a factory reset, the market will get stuck on Starting Download... for any application. Nothing fixes it. I can download 10ish applications but that's all.
Attempted Fixes:
Factory Reset
Various ROMs via Odin
Flash JFD ROM with "repartition" option selected, then flash another ROM over that without repartition
Factory Reset and different Gmail account to set up the phone
"Easy Fixes" like logging in to GTalk, resetting Market cache, switching networks and over to wifi in any combination and every other suggestion that doesn't work.
Everything was working fine until that OTA update came in and I opted to install it without checking online to see if there were any issues. Of course, the update froze halfway through and I used Odin to install JI6, then all these issues started.
This is my first phone and it used to work perfectly well in any number of locations around where I live. Now it doesn't work anywhere.
I periodically get spammed with a lot of application downloads that I didn't initiate and they all turn up unsuccessful (since the problems started).
I tried using the Appbrain quick web installer feature which may or may not have caused the problem.
I am currently using Bionix 1.8 with VOODOO.
My wife's phone has the same set up and works. I tried her Gmail account on mine after a factory reset and I had the same issues.
Any suggestions?

When you flashed JI6 did you use the pit file?

are you restoring any backups after you flash?

I posted this in another thread. Someone did this with success and it worked for me too. The key thing "AND Uninstall updated"
I have managed to sort this now - here's what I did:
Go into settings - applications - manage applications- scroll down to market & long touch to open. Clear cache AND Uninstall updated. It will ask for confirmation and then uninstall. I then went back to market and Bluetooth file transfer downloaded and installed with no probs. Hope this helps anyone else with same problem.

m509272 said:
I posted this in another thread. Someone did this with success and it worked for me too. The key thing "AND Uninstall updated"
I have managed to sort this now - here's what I did:
Go into settings - applications - manage applications- scroll down to market & long touch to open. Clear cache AND Uninstall updated. It will ask for confirmation and then uninstall. I then went back to market and Bluetooth file transfer downloaded and installed with no probs. Hope this helps anyone else with same problem.
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Also have you ran a "Fix permissions" from RomManager? It seems to help with a lot of these strange errors ....

Sorry for not responding... work is keeping me busy.
Anyway, when I go Manage Applications, select Filter~>All and go down to Market there is nothing to do with Uninstall. I tried long clicking and that did nothing. When I click on Market, the only buttons are Clear Cache, Clear Defaults, and Force Stop. Am I missing something?
To answer other questions, both the JI6 and JFD .tar files I used (found on xda) came with their own .pit files and I did use the respective .pit files when flashing. After the flash, all I do is install Appbrain and start loading my applications again (no other restoration methods). I've run fix_permissions and that didn't help when I ran it though I've only done it once or twice in the whole process.
Note - I have Market 1714.

Cleared the download manager cache?

+1 on Fix Permissions in ROM Manager. This has fixed many market issues.

The TMo Android customer service folk had me try clearing the Download Manager's cache (and I tried again just for laughs) with no results. Tried fix permissions again with no luck. My replacement (refurbished? from TMo) should show up today.

Got the new phone (with JI6 on it and the new market that keeps applications up-to-date), flashed Bionix Fusion 1.1 and things look to be working pretty well. My signal is noticeably better than it was before (it used to be good then got worse for some reason so I guess it's back to what it used to be).
I paid $10 for 7-10 business day shipping or something like that but I got a text about it shipping on the 25th and it got here today (after being back-ordered) so I'm relatively satisfied. Sure would like to know what's wrong with the other phone and how to fix it if need be in the future but I'll just avoid accepting any OTA updates in the future.


Apps Hang and dont donwload from Market

I am having this problem recently. I try to download any app or an update to any app. It will just sit at starting download and never download.
I am on Fresh ROM 1.0
I did update some apps after installing the ROM so that's not the problem.
I also have a problem that if I clear the cache, when I reboot Everything force and keeps force closing forever. Whats up with that? isn't the cache supposed to recompile on reboot?
I tried clearing the cache to fix the market issue to no avail (beacuse of all the force closes never got to see what happened after clearing cache). I tried clearing the cache from recovery and using Fresh's app installer,and both times tons of force closes.
Someone please HELP!
U probably need to login to gtalk. I had the same problem from using autostarts. Jus open the gtalk app, it will/should sign u in automatically.
this is not a gtalk issue. gtalk is not even related to what problem he has. i had it happen to me on my eris when i was playing around in the bootloader. when i started back up everything force closed and would not start. only sugetion i can give you on the force close it is a factory reset or ruu reset both will work. as far as downloads not starting are you rooted?
Yes, to install a custom ROM you need to be rooted. Tried the gtalk sing in to fix the Market issue and no dice. Still hanguing...
Anything else??
rigamrts said:
this is not a gtalk issue. gtalk is not even related to what problem he has. i had it happen to me on my eris when i was playing around in the bootloader. when i started back up everything force closed and would not start. only sugetion i can give you on the force close it is a factory reset or ruu reset both will work. as far as downloads not starting are you rooted?
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So I'm not going to call you out or something, but please read before you speak. Gtalk is MAJORLY tied in to the market and it is a documented fix from google themselves to try signing in to gtalk to fix stalled downloads.
Even though it doesn't work for everyone (depending on the reason it's stalled) it IS related.
daveli said:
Yes, to install a custom ROM you need to be rooted. Tried the gtalk sing in to fix the Market issue and no dice. Still hanguing...
Anything else??
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Hundreds (maybe thousands?) of posts. Starting back in March and dating all the way until today. Google hasn't been able to resolve the issue. I can tell you that what has always worked for me is a combination of cancel download > disable wifi > disable mobile data > enable mobile data > try download again.
Didn't work? Reboot and repeat. Eventually it will go......
Thanks a lot flipz. I'll try that
flipzmode said:
So I'm not going to call you out or something, but please read before you speak. Gtalk is MAJORLY tied in to the market and it is a documented fix from google themselves to try signing in to gtalk to fix stalled downloads.
Even though it doesn't work for everyone (depending on the reason it's stalled) it IS related.
Hundreds (maybe thousands?) of posts. Starting back in March and dating all the way until today. Google hasn't been able to resolve the issue. I can tell you that what has always worked for me is a combination of cancel download > disable wifi > disable mobile data > enable mobile data > try download again.
Didn't work? Reboot and repeat. Eventually it will go......
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95% of the time your second sugestion works. it may be that gtalk has major issues with stalled downloads but ussually i have this issue when i start my download over wifi for some reason it just never connect to the google server but when i kill the download and connect over 3G or Edge it works everytime on my G1. that's been a documented fix too. this issue only happens more frequently on custom roms than stock android roms. so it's more of a rom issue that googe issue. we're all here to help each other not trash talk each other. from my point of veiw gtalk may have some type of issue but it's more with the rom cooks than the app itself and it's not their fault either gtalk was desighned to work on googles cookie cutter os not on the home brew roms so errors happen you just have to know how to sweat talk your andoid to doing things when issues happen. the problem i had with your post was you only stated the gtalk issue when the wifi issue is more prevelent. i wasn't sure if he was on stock os or custom os so i asked about it. then i would have given him the instructions on turning off the the wifi, killing the downloads, and restarting the phone. like you told him to in the second post cause that seem to work better than the gtalk method.
rigamrts said:
i wasn't sure if he was on stock os or custom os so i asked about it.
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I stated clearly on my first post I am on Fresh 1.0 ROM, so everyone would know I was on a custom ROM.
daveli said:
I stated clearly on my first post I am on Fresh 1.0 ROM, so everyone would know I was on a custom ROM.
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sorry. i did not read your post clearly thought when you said fresh you ment fresh install. haven't really been keeping up with the hero roms to much and thier names still waiting for my eris to get it's turn at root. when i saw your post it just reminded me of how my rooted G1 would not start downloads over wifi. so i asked rooted or not just to be on the safe side.
the thing that got me a little heated was when he said "not to call you out" then he goes into a trist about how wifi seems to be the better fix.
by the way did you get your problem fixxed?
rigamrts said:
sorry. i did not read your post clearly thought when you said fresh you ment fresh install. haven't really been keeping up with the hero roms to much and thier names still waiting for my eris to get it's turn at root. when i saw your post it just reminded me of how my rooted G1 would not start downloads over wifi. so i asked rooted or not just to be on the safe side.
the thing that got me a little heated was when he said "not to call you out" then he goes into a trist about how wifi seems to be the better fix.
by the way did you get your problem fixxed?
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(Ok,fair enough it can be confusing when i wrote fresh; no worries).
About my problem: Not at all man, I tried every single one of the fixes and no luck. I am thinking about going back to stock and reflashing the custom ROM. I'll report back if/when/how it gets fixed
Nevermind Disregard
daveli said:
(Ok,fair enough it can be confusing when i wrote fresh; no worries).
About my problem: Not at all man, I tried every single one of the fixes and no luck. I am thinking about going back to stock and reflashing the custom ROM. I'll report back if/when/how it gets fixed
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I ended up factory resetting and now everything downloads normally
So... apps were downloading perfect from market UNTIL I restored a nandroid backup. Afterwards, Apps hang again. I mean exactly after restoring, went to the market and the problem is there again. Can the problem be tied to restoring backups? Or just coincidence?
Got the downloads working after clearing the cache of every single google application on the phone as well as IM.
After this, started downloading the app and it still hung. Opened gtalk and exactly as it signed in it started downloading fine.
I tried the afore mentioned fixes and had no luck, so for anyone who has this issue and has not been able to resolve it, this is another workaround.
Just FYI to anyone still with problems, I had problems again today EXACTLY after restoring a backup again.
This post I quoted by Zippy-man did the trick today Great Help..

Market Downloads Quit Working

I apologize ahead of time if there is a thread on this, I couldn't find one off hand.
Just installed Fresh 1.1 on a friends Hero, and installed Task Panel. I ignored any system apps from auto kill, but downloads quit working after a while. I had this happen once when I first got mine rooted, but don't remember what it was, any droidians know the fix?
Uninstall task killer
Sign into Gtalk
toggle wifi if you have it on.
I have this problems at times. The easiest fix is to go to Disable and then Enabled Backgroud Data. If that doesn't work, then just turn your phone off and back on.
Found this, but there was no solid response with how succesful it was...
Originally Posted by zippy-man View Post
To fix this I made a nandroid backup then did a factory data wipe from the recovery.
Let the phone reboot and now all my settings were gone its ok i have a nandroid backup now sign into the market as normal with your normal sign in
Download a free app (anything works) it should now download without a problem (mine did)
Now boot back into recovery and restore your most recent backup.
Reboot and now market seems to work (well atleast for me it did)
Now this happened cuz i almost bricked my phone trying to get the market to work in the 2.1 ROM I am not sure if this will fix your issue but it is worth a try as it fixed my market problems.
By the way mine would load but the apps would hang at Starting Download and would never pass that.
I found out the hard way that Google talk and the market downloads are tied together.

[BUG] Market Apps failing to download after root.

Just started to have issues downloading apps from the market. Im on any connection and im connected to the internet but they fail right away with this message "Download Unsuccessful" ..........rooted too. Any Ideas?
I need some others to check this out
Last night I reset to factory defaults and after 1-2 downloads from the market everything after I tried to download fails, rooted. Then I flashed the stock firmware downloaded a couple apps no problem, rooted, couple more downloaded then FAIL! Not able to download until I do a factory reset, even than I can only get 1- maybe 2 downloaded.
I'm having trouble as well. I'm rooted, I posted yesterday but nobody replied. Can somebody out hedre try and install fring?
Rooted. And no problems.
Are you signed into Talk for authentication?
I had similar problem on my EVO yesterday as well.. So i don't think it's a phone issue...
I did a reset back to stock pulled down a couple apps then dead after that...CAn anyone pull apps off the market right now?
I was having major problems with apps, then I did a cache wipe and factory reset. Problem solved.
I was also restoring apps from mybackup pro, which may have caused the issue. The apps were backuped from my evo and restored on the epic.
Its a apk I removed just don't know which one :/
I take that back...I lost market functionality again and have not removed any files only rooted AM i the only one experiencing this?
I rooted (using the older line by line instructions, not the single automatic script) and have not had any problems with the market.
i rooted with the one click script and have been downloading apps with no problem, downloaded an update to gps status tonight on 3g and barcode scanner over wifi tonight.
Im having the same issue, I rooted so i can do free wifi tethering (hotspot) and now i cant even download the ****ing app to do so.....

[Q] com.google.process.gapps force close EVO

Question, Im getting alot of "com.google.process.gapps" force closes on my EVO since I restored a few apps thru Titanium Backup. I rooted about a week ago and never had any issues with this. The only apps that I restored was angry birds and a to-do-list app along with all the data that came with the apps. I have tried cleaning caches and restarting the phone and nothing seems to work... what would you suggest? I seen a few threads when i searched - but they were for the G1 and the Captivate, nothing for the EVO... any help would be appriciated...
Did u flash any Rom or Theme??
nope, I rooted and am still using the stock ROM... I was going to flash Frost or some thing, but I want to make sure this doesnt carry over to the flashed ROM, or if there is a fix...I would prefere to fix it...
I am also getting a force close on the phone process.... when some one calls me and I ignore the call it force closes the process for the phone as well...
Try reinstalling the gapps.apk. One of them must of been corrupted by the data you restored.
do you know where I can find that at? I have never heard of it...
Also the thing that is confusing, is I can still access my market, maps, latitude, people, gmail... etc
If the apk or files were corrupted, I wouldnt be able to access those apps... i will try to reinstall the apk, but I would like to know what I did to make this error happen, so I know not to do it again...
one thing I think it could have been was there were two "people" files in my Titanium Back up... One was up near the top it said "People 1.00" and then there was one near the bottom with a line thru it that said "People 1.1.1" or some thing to that effect... I deleted the one at the bottom with the line thru it cause I thought I didnt need it any more... could this be wahts up with this error?
I can still access People thru the People widget, but some times it takes abnormally longer to load my list of contacts...
I can also still access Market, Gmail, Maps, Latitude...
I just clciked on Talk and it seems to be the problem, every time I click Talk it brings up the force close issue...
should I just reinstall the Talk.apk?
I also get "com.android.phone" force close when I decline a call...
when I went into my ROM manager, I clicked the "fix permissions" and it says "error occurred while attempting to run privlaged commands"
Any info on any of this would be great...
Anyone out there
Sent from my EVO while tethered into the Matrix thru Wifi...
Okay well I have googled/searched XDA 'til I was green in the face... I still can't figure out how to fix this issue?
Just answer me this, If I do an entire factory reset - will I loose root?
I have wiped the cache thru recovery, Should I try wiping the delvic-cache also, before I factory reset to see if that works??
I can not find any where to download the "gapps.apk" anywhere, I found this one thread that told me to install these in this order:
1. TalkProvider.apk
2. GTalkService.apk
3. Talk.apk
but none of them worked... they wouldnt even install... it just kept saying install failed...so I found another thread with the 2.2 gtalk and it installed...but Im still getting the error...
I have been getting several other errors, like htc.bgp force close (or some thing like that) as well as com.android.phone force close...
So should I just do a NAND restore or should I do a factory reset instead? OR should I run the RUU and start over to root...??
I am at wits end here and am not getting anywhere with searching...
I would start with a NAND restore. (Hopefully you have one from before the problem started)
If that doesn't fix it, do a factory reset.
If that doesn't fix it, Factory reset and instal a custom ROM (Sprint Lovers is very close to stock if that's what you like)
I don't think running an RUU is necessary. Once you obtain full Root, you should be able to fix any problem with .apk's or programs on the phone.
Biggest Fro said:
I would start with a NAND restore. (Hopefully you have one from before the problem started)
If that doesn't fix it, do a factory reset.
If that doesn't fix it, Factory reset and instal a custom ROM (Sprint Lovers is very close to stock if that's what you like)
I don't think running an RUU is necessary. Once you obtain full Root, you should be able to fix any problem with .apk's or programs on the phone.
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Thanks for the input, I was beginning to think I was invisible... lol... I will try that and see what happens...
Well, I went ahead and tried one more thing before I did what you said to do and I think it worked... I went into my EVO while in Disk Drive mode and I cut my entire Titanium Backup folder out of the phone and copied it onto my Desk top. Then I went into my OLD EVO files from the end of the year and I copied the latest folder into my phone. I then went to Charge only, clicked TB and refreshed the app list... Then I was left with a ton of apps that were not installed on my phone. I then went thru each one and restored the ones that were still installed and deleted the ones that were not... (except for the stock apps that came with the phone), so far so good... I will test it more tonight and see whats up, have not gotten any force closes since I finished...
One thing I would like to know tho - where can I get the stock dialer.apk
Some how it got deleted off my new EVO and when I try to load up one of the htc.dialer.apk from my old EVO - the new one does not recognize it... I am currently useing "dialer one" from the market - but I would prefere to make my NAND back up of the Official stock ROM with all the stock apps...any ideas?
EDIT: Okay, fixed the com.google.process.apps issue but did not fix the other force closes... I guess I will have to try the steps above - and worse case - ill just run the RUU and start all over...
I had this problem once and it was related to a widget I downloaded that retrieved missed calls. Don't know if that helps.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
sw99 said:
I had this problem once and it was related to a widget I downloaded that retrieved missed calls. Don't know if that helps.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
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But thats the thing - I didnt download anything - I restored two apps, one was opera mini with data and the other was spareparts... then I lost my htc dialer - so I installed Dialer one from the market... I dunno Im just gonna have to do the stpes above and if they dont work - Ill just wipe and run RUU and reroot... no biggie...
Okay I did a NAND restore... then I went thru and set up ALL my apps and settings again and then I did a fresh NAND Backup with clockwork first AND then Amon_Ra... all seemed well except, after I did the Clockwork Backup... I was getting "com.smithmicro.DM has stopped unexpectedly" so searched and read a little and it seemed to have some thing to do with the PRL/Profile updater... so i went into the settings and opened the app manager and cleared the "data" in com.smithmicro.DM and then I restarted the phone and that seemed to fix it... thanks for all the help...

[Q] Any way to restore My Apps in Market?

Nookcolor with MN 4.5.25, 1.1 overclocked kernel. I had the market problem, but 4.5.25 cleared it up. It worked fine for a week or so. Then yesterday all of "My apps" disappeared from market except the several I paid for. I did the 4.5.25 market fix several times and the rename Vending.apk fix a couple of times, no cigar (I'm aware of the risk of appearing insane, so I won't keep doing the same thing over and over, at least not too many times). On the desktop Android Market, my account, "My Orders" shows only these same paid apps and two free apps (with no rhyme or reason as to which two, except both have been uninstalled by me). If this isn't clear to you, I am talking about the list of the apps I have downloaded on market. All of my apps are working fine on the NC.
If I find the rest of my apps on Android Market on the desktop, all are marked "installed". But they simply will not appear, no matter what I do, on the NC or on the "My Orders" screen on the desktop.
Short of downloading each again (my time, ambition, patience, and data allowance are limited) how can I restore the apps to list on "My apps" on the NC and "My Orders" on the desktop?
I have a Titanium backup taken a few days before the failure. Is this information kept in some data area in the NC and sync'ed to market? Could I restore an app or that app's data and get my apps back in sync? I hesitate to restore everything, as I am beginning to believe that I am digging a hole.
Waiting patiently for some informative responses, DaveD
I haven't resolved this problem, and am still waiting for suggestions. In the meantime, an additional problem. Whenever I install a new app, downloaded in the standard manner from market, market will then appear briefly when I try to load it again, then disappear. I then have to restore the market.apk with Titanium, after which i will work again until the next time I install an app. I will now see in the my apps section the same several paid for apps plus any additional that I have installed since the problem first occurred.
Please help if you can. I would like to fix this. DaveD
I am trying to figure out the best way to backup my data and apps.
I am between using Titannium Backup or Backup Pro.
Any suggestions....?
Do you know what's the easiest way to reboot into recovery mode?
I'm running CM7 off SD card. Tried the Power and N button combination, with no luck also tried selecting reboot into recovery mode from CM7 desktop.
Which backup?
Since no one else is responding, I'll give you my recommendation based on limited experience. I like Titanium, and after installing it quickly paid for the Pro version, for the simple reason that it allows multiple backups, which I consider necessary in any backup program. I don't know about backup pro. But overall, among the two dozen or so apps I run, both free and paid, Titanium Pro appears to be the highest quality of them all.
Regarding rebooting into recovery mode, I don't know how else to reboot . See the next item in this thread for additional info on that.
Well, since no one is either interested enough or can help, I took the plunge and fixed it myself. If there is any interest, here is the only answer I could come up with.
First, I tried selectively restoring system apps with Titanium. I ended up restoring 20 or so. All that did was got me deeper into it. At the end I could no longer download apps--it would come up with the infamous "starting download" and that was the end of it.
So I decided to start from scratch, attempting to revert the Nook to it's original 1.1 out-of-the-box unregistered version. I followed the directions in the Nook Wiki (don't remember the two items and don't have time to go looking, as will be the case with a lot of the explanation below). I started with the ADB interface and entered the reboot failure 8 count from the desktop, upon which it rebooted, but did so into ClockWorkMod recovery, and recovered to the MN 4.5.25 system I was trying to get rid of. So, ignorant as I am about how all this works, I did the eight reboot failures manually, same thing, same thing. Now, I guess I could have gone in and uninstalled ClockWorkMod, but didn't think of that. So next time I tried it (third), I had recovery reset all data and cache. Then when I rebooted I was in NookColor stock 1.2, without rooting. But every time I tried to get back to out-of-the-box 1.1, I entered recovery again.
Now, withe the expectation that I could reinstall MN for the express purpose of killing ClockWorkMod recovery, then go about following the directions in Wiki which should work, I MN'ed it. Upon reemerging into MN, market worked! So I installed the 1.1Ghz kernel, and started reinstalling the apps, which I am still doing. No need to go back to the 1.1 clean level, as far as I have seen. Some of the old apps are still there, but most are gone. Again, no rhyme or reason as to which apps. But it works.
I could reinstall the old apps from Titanium, which I did for Dolphin merely to get the latest Beta 5.0.6 back and for the bookmarks, but for the most part am reinstalling from market, as I need for market to be aware of the apps I have.
Bottom line, it is much easier to wipe the Nook (provided you get ClockWorkMod out of the way first) and reinstall apps then to spend hours upon hours trying to figure out how to fix a market problem. Market is nice and solid with 4.5.25; I hope it stays that way this time (I don't know what caused the original failure, but I am highly suspicious that it was operator error)! I guess a clean wipe and reinstall to 4.5.25, including an overclocking kernel and apps, will take an hour or so, less if you reinstall apps from backups.
titanium pro is the only way to go. buy it!. I had back up pro before and had to uninstall it because it would not reinstall from time to time. titanium pro always works and with the pay version you can batch activities not like the free version where you'll have to do it one by one. anyway, if you restoring with titanium pro remember to restore apps only and not the data. you don't want to pass on bad data to your fresh flash.
with the market did you try to clear cache in application manager? sometime this will help. go to settings / application / manage application / view all and scroll down to market and clear cache and data. I also think you'll need to clear cache and data with google services framework, but I forget, not sure.
for flashing nighties (only if you're going from cm to cm) all you have to do is wipe partition cache, not data and wipe dalvik cache and flash your new nightie. all of your app will be there. I hope this helped a little. good luck.

