OnePlus Store in Beijing! - ONE General

I hope they open one in NYC!

That's pretty cool I must say that I don't like the Apple imitation of the badges and store style, wish people would think outside the box for once.


Who else has an IPhone friend they'd love to kill

I love my new HD2 its a very capable device, but why does my Iphone buddy constantly rub in my face all these amazing apps, I find myself constantly looking through google to find similar apps for this but mostly fail. Dont get me wrong I opted for this as opposed to the Iphone I just dont like to see a better phone suffer to this now OLD Iphone maybe its just early days but maybe one day we'll all be forced into the plague that is APPLE!
i know how you feel, my little neice over xmas kept showing me her iphone...
i got annoyed, but i was telling her my phone is better, faster.. lol
she then asked me if i could check the train times i said do it your self, an she said her phone cant view flash.. i was like well thats no good then is it mwahaa lol
hammers4life said:
I love my new HD2 its a very capable device, but why does my Iphone buddy constantly rub in my face all these amazing apps, I find myself constantly looking through google to find similar apps for this but mostly fail. Dont get me wrong I opted for this as opposed to the Iphone I just dont like to see a better phone suffer to this now OLD Iphone maybe its just early days but maybe one day we'll all be forced into the plague that is APPLE!
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What sort of apps are you looking for?
The Apple App Store has many thousands of choices but for every good one there are probably 2 or 3 bad ones.
The long established WinMo app sites like PocketGear and Handango have pretty much anything you could need, but lack the easy download/installation that the MS and Apple App stores offer.
hammers4life said:
I love my new HD2 its a very capable device, but why does my Iphone buddy constantly rub in my face all these amazing apps, I find myself constantly looking through google to find similar apps for this but mostly fail. Dont get me wrong I opted for this as opposed to the Iphone I just dont like to see a better phone suffer to this now OLD Iphone maybe its just early days but maybe one day we'll all be forced into the plague that is APPLE!
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lol, could it be that this time the Apple plague spreads to all of us??? The "lymphatic" Mac sales do seem to be increasing, who hasnt got an ipoc(ipod) and that stinky iphone is everywhere..
beyondthought said:
who hasnt got an ipoc(ipod)
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I havent! Had the original nano and good though it was i sold it. I cant stand itunes!!! What was ever wrong with drag and drop and a proper file explorer?
"Do you want to sync your music library?" NOOO!!! I want to manage it myself. Stop telling me what to do!
just for that reason i bough me an iriver instead of ipod
I have a few friends who have the iphone. I quite like the iphone and what it has to offer.
I bought a HD2 though so you know where my preference is but the iphone is ok. I enjoy all technology.
To answer your question would I kill them (my friends that is). No.
JUST PUT FpseCE 0.10 WITH WIPEOUT 2097 OR FFIX and show him
i'll have to to try fpsece looked a lol one app i was a little jealous of was the Nazi zombie game I was shown today, i'll be checking out handango Ive been using which is not bad at all.bit complicated but i'll give it a go
Makes me wonder why those apps are not finally put into the MS Store...does not matter to us - but for casual users - they will not want to search for aforementioned websites.
Another issue is the price. I am not willing to pay $20-$30 for PPC apps. The iPhone app store is mostly 99c. And what WM is missing are those LITTLE apps - restaurant finder, train schedule etc. They are so simple, yet not available. I mean on the iphone they are basically nothing more than simple webservices hidden in an app. I mean they query some website, which saves you going to the website and just opens an app. I think it would be great if we had more of that kind. If MS put more effort into filling the app store i think prices would go down, too, as more people would buy the apps, there would be no need to keep a high price to make decent profit.
HD apps
I choose the HD2 over the iphone because HD2 gives you much greater control over your phone and what you can do and install on it. The iphone is a good phone but overall the HD2 is much better. When it comes to applications there are more than enough for the HD2 and not gimmick apps
The HD2 can trash the iPhone until maybe v4 comes out so make the most of it.
Screen size, clarity, stronger gps chip and reception, stronger radio reception. Better sound quality. WM has a very decent app collection, add mobihand to the list.
I still love the iPhone though. Its clamped down but just works.

Apple OS 4 Change-Log

Apple rolls out v4.0 of their iPhone OS for dev preview and finally, multitasking will be officially available. Seems like a lot of changes in security, performance and feature updates.
1. Multitasking (apple claims that its going to be best at this, just like copy/paste). They also admit that it might make the phone's performance sluggish.
2. Phone's notification bar now shows if someone requested for its location.
3. Fast App Switching allows an app to save its session and resume from there later.
4. Drag and drop app icons in custom folders. That means you can now have any number of apps. When you run out of space, just create a folder any drag apps into them. (There is something more but i didn't make what Steve was trying to explain.
5. Unified inbox for several mail clients, including fast inbox switching to focus on a specific client. Attachments can now be opened with a third party app. Support for multiple Exchange accounts and some VPN options.
6. iBooks on iPhone.
7. More privileges to developers including interaction with calendar, photo library, quicklook etc. Over 1500 new APIs and a new framework for hardware accelerated math function (called accelerate).
8. Better gaming with social gaming network.
9. iAds, thats delivers mobile advertisements with emotions (I don't know what Steve meant by this).
10. Create playlists, 5x digital zoom, tap to focus on video, gift apps, geotagging, places in the photo app, change the homescreen wallpaper, bluetooth keyboards, spell checker etc.
There are over 100 new updates, these were the only ones revealed at the event.
Some of the features are really funny, like folders, wallpapers, playlists, geotagging, spell checker. What I don't get is that Android already supports all of these features (other than the iCraps) but new versions of Android aren't as anticipated as iPhone's OS. Seems like Google really needs some good marketing strategies.
Yeah I agree.
It annoys me how much of a cult that apple has following its every move. Even if they don't come out with the best product they have so many sheep that will buy their products at the drop of a hat it doesn't matter how inferior their products are. Dunno if I would even want Google followers to become sheep like they are with Apple.
If Google did the same thing and put together keynotes / apple style events and focused on a few particular products then I could see it but there's a big difference between the two: Apple is a hardware company, Google is a advertising company. Hard for Google to have Keynotes about its Android operating system when most of the devices aren't even on the latest version.
Perhaps FroYo will change this...
Is this coming to the current iphone or just for hte next-gen iphone?
INeedYourHelp said:
Is this coming to the current iphone or just for hte next-gen iphone?
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Its coming out for current phones this summer...
faraz1992 said:
Its coming out for current phones this summer...
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not every feature. i believe they said multitasking will only be on the new version.
I do believe that Apples announcement is very much an update full of catchup!
Certainly pretty much all features announced android can do natively!
The problem I have and i'm by no means an apple fanboy as I have an N1 and love it sinece coming from my 3GS is that the android implementation needs to be way more polished.
Exchange support for me is a biggy and needs to be much better the HTC Desire ROM is much improved over stock google one for the N1 but still room for improvement.
I would like all my email in one exchange and gmail in one app rather than have to flick between two different apps.
but hey!
ap3604 said:
Yeah I agree.
It annoys me how much of a cult that apple has following its every move. Even if they don't come out with the best product they have so many sheep that will buy their products at the drop of a hat it doesn't matter how inferior their products are. Dunno if I would even want Google followers to become sheep like they are with Apple.
If Google did the same thing and put together keynotes / apple style events and focused on a few particular products then I could see it but there's a big difference between the two: Apple is a hardware company, Google is a advertising company. Hard for Google to have Keynotes about its Android operating system when most of the devices aren't even on the latest version.
Perhaps FroYo will change this...
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I agree here, I don't know if I want Android to have slaves around it like Apple - those Apple fanboys tend to get irritating, and hearing Android ones wouldn't be too soothing either..
Google is hiring a marketing manager, OP, let's just hope they don't go overboard. Just enough to bring Android more into the eyes of the public.
Eclair~ said:
I agree here, I don't know if I want Android to have slaves around it like Apple - those Apple fanboys tend to get irritating, and hearing Android ones wouldn't be too soothing either..
Google is hiring a marketing manager, OP, let's just hope they don't go overboard. Just enough to bring Android more into the eyes of the public.
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Yes, we need to always remind google that it does have flaws, and that it needs improve its core apps.
I don't know about anyone else, but I'm not going to buy a nexus 2 unless that phone wows me just like the n1 did.
jz9833 said:
not every feature. i believe they said multitasking will only be on the new version.
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multi on 3GS and the 4th gen
zachthemaster said:
multi on 3GS and the 4th gen
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No multi for 3g??? I thought it had a good processor....
@faraz1992 - Not good enough it would seem.
Looks like iPhone OS 4 is bringing the iPhone up to par with my Nokia 3330 though ;-p
Google really should advertise the Android OS. iPhones are a joke in comparison. Its taken until version 4 to be able to change the home screen?!?! UNBELIEVABLE!
Just sayin'
All of you complaining about fanboys, are acting like fanboys yourselves. So, umm, STFU you morons
bobtentpeg said:
Just sayin'
All of you complaining about fanboys, are acting like fanboys yourselves. So, umm, STFU you morons
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Ooo "stfu", you are definitely not an immature moron. This is an Android section, obviously the people here will have more interest in Android and more hate in Apple. Even if they are acting like fanboys, their statements are quite true.
This fourth OS is nothing too spectacular - many features it contains are already preset in Android, and many other phone that have been out for a while, now just because Apple is announcing it - it is seen as something of amazement..
Why is this posted in nexus forum?
Thanks for the post. A very interesting topic indeed.
Even with all the problems I've had with my Nexus One (Touch input indexed incorrectly, Phone locking up during phone calls via Google Voice) I doubt I would ever even think about switching back to the iphone much less actually do it.
That said, I believe Google could benefit greatly by adopting 2 apple iphone platform paradigms (say that 3 times fast)
1) A more rigorous app store review process. Too much crap makes it way to the Android app store in my opinion. Google should review each app to ensure it meets certain quality measurements both in interface design and "under the hood". Apple, and thus the iphone platform, benefits greatly from being able to ensure end users that any app they use from their store will work with the phone and will meet apple's very high (almost too high) quality standards. I doubt very many of us can honestly argue that apple doesn't make a product that is great to use. Apple's stuff glistens and people want stuff that glistens...or at least I do!
2) Funnel all payments through Google and then back out to the developers. the iphone app store again benefits greatly from the fact that any purchase you make goes through your iTunes account. You never have to try and fumble around trying to key in a credit card number directly into the phone and you can be sure you information is safe (or at least is only in one database). Simply said, it simplifies the process. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a big fan of mass consumerism but the iphone app store, because of what I said in my first item and because of what I stated in the second lends itself greatly to impulse buying or, at the very least, kills having to debate whether you feel like whipping out your credit card, keying all the information in, submitting, worrying about where your data is going, etc. etc. I can buy with confidence. And when I buy I want to be confident about what I'm getting and I want the process to be fast and simple. the iphone app store is fast and simple.
anyway, again a great topic.
DaveKid said:
2) Funnel all payments through Google and then back out to the developers. the iphone app store again benefits greatly from the fact that any purchase you make goes through your iTunes account. You never have to try and fumble around trying to key in a credit card number directly into the phone and you can be sure you information is safe (or at least is only in one database). Simply said, it simplifies the process.
anyway, again a great topic.
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But you don't have to type your CC number in to buy an app all the time?
I have my card stored on my google account I just clicked 'buy' or am I misreading your post?
Amdathlonuk said:
But you don't have to type your CC number in to buy an app all the time?
I have my card stored on my google account I just clicked 'buy' or am I misreading your post?
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Click to collapse bad. It was assumed by me that we all know you don't ALWAYS have to type it in. Also, I believe there is a review process in place but again I assumed that we all know it isn't nearly as rigorous as with the iphone app store.
But I do want to add one more thing. Google should be funneling money into XDA!!!! this site and some others like it are the life blood of the android OS and it's popularization and customization. If Google were smart they would fund the development of the XDA site and get the main players involved on the payroll....(this assumes that anyone involved would actually like to be on their payroll. autonomy does have it's own set of niceties)
DocRambone said:
Why is this posted in nexus forum?
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Its posted in the nexus one forum so that we can make fun of what apple's newest update has to offer. People going crazy about this update because of features like wallpapers, folders and MULTITASKING, something that first generation android phones were capable of...

despite blatant rip-off, iOS 5 notification center looks pretty sweet

now i know this will generate all sorts of hubbub, but the iOS 5 notification center looks really awesome. it IS a pretty blatant rip-off of their main competitor (and frankly something THEY would have taken google to court for), but they have some really sweet differences.
i'm hoping something similar shows up in android soon since i will NEVER be switching to ANY iOS device EVER. it just looks like it will be pretty cool. am the only one who thinks this?
Wrong forum.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA Premium App
dude, like 95% of your posts are negative, troll-esque comments. how about just share your thoughts on the topic? why be 'that guy'? seriously...
I'm pretty sure that once its released, the uneducated hive mind that is apple fans will declare that android stole their notification style.
Steve Jobs will again proclaim it to be innovative and new, and whatever new iphone it will be released in will sell millions.
In all seriousness, I actually like their "new" notification tray- it just looks better than Android IMO.
I do think it looks pretty nice, but thats to be expected from apple. But that was souch a low hit...are they running out of ideas? Hm...
fliparsenal said:
I'm pretty sure that once its released, the uneducated hive mind that is apple fans will declare that android stole their notification style.
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Ha! i literally thought the same thing.
i also think that having widgets in the drop down is pretty cool too.
I thought it looked pretty awesome.
But I will quote myself from past, present and future and say that I will NEVER buy an Apple device.
Dunno, it's just some hate I've had towards it since the first iPod (so, pretty much when I first realized that company existed)
Never owned an apple product (Don't listen to music and being a gamer wouldn't stand Mac OSX) and never will, apparently.
Linux + Android will keep me company forever.
fliparsenal said:
I'm pretty sure that once its released, the uneducated hive mind that is apple fans will declare that android stole their notification style.
Steve Jobs will again proclaim it to be innovative and new, and whatever new iphone it will be released in will sell millions.
In all seriousness, I actually like their "new" notification tray- it just looks better than Android IMO.
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Yes the isheep will fall in line and proclaim it the greatest invention everrrrrrrrr lol
I had a thread on this very topic... also wrote on my blog that the thing that pissed me off the most about them ripping it off, is that they brought their polish to it, and Google has let it sit stagnant for 3 years... Google really should try to improve the UI more.
This may also help people from moving to phones with custom UI (ala slower updates).
s15274n said:
I had a thread on this very topic... also wrote on my blog that the thing that pissed me off the most about them ripping it off, is that they brought their polish to it, and Google has let it sit stagnant for 3 years... Google really should try to improve the UI more.
This may also help people from moving to phones with custom UI (ala slower updates).
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complteley agree.
2.2 to 2.3 what did google do? a few hardware accelerations and make the icons in the notification green.
yeayyyyyyy gingerbread.
xriderx66 said:
complteley agree.
2.2 to 2.3 what did google do? a few hardware accelerations and make the icons in the notification green.
yeayyyyyyy gingerbread.
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And correct me if I'm wrong, but wasnt Gingerbread supposed to be a HUGE leap from a UI standpoint? Yay. We received green icons.
fliparsenal said:
I'm pretty sure that once its released, the uneducated hive mind that is apple fans will declare that android stole their notification style.
Steve Jobs will again proclaim it to be innovative and new, and whatever new iphone it will be released in will sell millions.
In all seriousness, I actually like their "new" notification tray- it just looks better than Android IMO.
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This person has all the right ideas lol. I totally agree, and it's almost as if their running out of ideas of their own. I mean seriously, what else can you do to the iPhone? Oh wait rip the camera from WP7 too lol.
Of course, it'll sell millions and all of your little iPhone using friends will brag about how their new 5 year old toy is better than yours.
Sent from my Galaxy S via XDA App
Am I the only one who doesn't actually think the iOS 5 notification is worse than Android?
Just look at it this way. If you have CM7 (or Samsung ROMs for that matter) you literally have thousands of options for style and theme of that menu. Yes the stock ones don't look as good as the Apple one but that's why you are on XDA and have hundreds of themes. Some of those themes really go circles around the Apple theme they used. Last I checked, iOS5 also didn't offer you the option of theming that notification center. . . you are stuck with it forever.
As for widgets in the notification bar...quite honestly I can't think that would be a good idea. You put a few widgets and the whole menu is taken....then you have to scroll up and down to see things....which effectively defeats the point of a notification dropdown menu. Yes it's useful if you are in an app...but that's the only place I see it being useful and as far as I remember Android is GREAT at mutitasking. iOS is not and neither does it have widgets...hence why it makes sense for iOS5 to have this feature.
I haven't used straight stock Android in quite a while, so I don't know how much/little the UI changed. My understanding was Google would attempt to improve the mechanics of the OS and if you want something nice you modify it. However I also think it would be silly of Google to put too much time into modifying the UI since they let the manufacturers ruin it any way (depending on your take).
}{Alienz}{ said:
Am I the only one who doesn't actually think the iOS 5 notification is worse than Android?
Just look at it this way. If you have CM7 (or Samsung ROMs for that matter) you literally have thousands of options for style and theme of that menu. Yes the stock ones don't look as good as the Apple one but that's why you are on XDA and have hundreds of themes. Some of those themes really go circles around the Apple theme they used. Last I checked, iOS5 also didn't offer you the option of theming that notification center. . . you are stuck with it forever.
As for widgets in the notification bar...quite honestly I can't think that would be a good idea. You put a few widgets and the whole menu is taken....then you have to scroll up and down to see things....which effectively defeats the point of a notification dropdown menu. Yes it's useful if you are in an app...but that's the only place I see it being useful and as far as I remember Android is GREAT at mutitasking. iOS is not and neither does it have widgets...hence why it makes sense for iOS5 to have this feature.
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yeah i agree with most of what you said. i was referring more to the functionality of it rather than the look of it. I just love the slide to open feature for facebook, sms, voicemail, etc. maybe i don't have the best facebook or twitter apps, but i rarely get notifications for them (which is more likely a failing of facebook and twitter for having poor push notification implementation and not a shortcoming of android). and also, i like the tiny drop down that will give you a preview of a text or twitter mention (that is similar to the ticker). while in apps that hide the notification bar (i.e. most games and camera apps) i'd just like a heads up that i got a text without having GoSMS halt everything with a popup.
Senorkabob said:
And correct me if I'm wrong, but wasnt Gingerbread supposed to be a HUGE leap from a UI standpoint? Yay. We received green icons.
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No the opposite actually. It was supposed to improve majorly upon the performance. Not the UI, they (Google) stated that there were very few visual differences between froyo and gingerbread.
Sent from SGH-T959 (CM7)
bstromberg said:
yeah i agree with most of what you said. i was referring more to the functionality of it rather than the look of it. I just love the slide to open feature for facebook, sms, voicemail, etc. maybe i don't have the best facebook or twitter apps, but i rarely get notifications for them (which is more likely a failing of facebook and twitter for having poor push notification implementation and not a shortcoming of android). and also, i like the tiny drop down that will give you a preview of a text or twitter mention (that is similar to the ticker). while in apps that hide the notification bar (i.e. most games and camera apps) i'd just like a heads up that i got a text without having GoSMS halt everything with a popup.
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You know, I'm sure if we told the GO Developers that, they MIGHT make something similar in the lines of that, I too LOVE popups, but have them disabled because I use fullscreen apps and when i get a text...
treyvaporizer said:
No the opposite actually. It was supposed to improve majorly upon the performance. Not the UI, they (Google) stated that there were very few visual differences between froyo and gingerbread.
Sent from SGH-T959 (CM7)
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truth. Wonder what ice cream will bring regarding the UI.
s15274n said:
truth. Wonder what ice cream will bring regarding the UI.
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it's supposed to be their "most ambitious announcement", I can't wait.
I am switching back to iPhone when the iPhone 5 comes out. I really like Android but I am sick of Samsung and not really impressed with HTC or Motorolla.

Ad Campaign?

Do you think Google will start an ad campaign, like the Nexus 7, for the N4? It would surely capture peoples attention who don't know about the Nexus phones yet. What do you think?
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using XDA Premium HD app
I don't think it makes much sense for them outside of using their own AdWords reach to do it.
Anyone who would get a Nexus already knows about it or has a relative who does who will be getting it for them.
It's a moo point. It's like a cow's opinion. It's moo.
They will start campaign and i think they already do, but for all 3 device. I saw hell out of ads when I click, it land on
Red Wolf said:
They will start campaign and i think they already do, but for all 3 device. I saw hell out of ads when I click, it land on
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But like TV ads, because I've never seen Google advertise anything much besides the Nexus 7.
bmg1001 said:
But like TV ads, because I've never seen Google advertise anything much besides the Nexus 7.
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Hm, I've never seen a Nexus 7 ad, actually. But I see Chrome ads constantly.
They already have an ad that I have seen on tv a few times that shows off the Nexus family of devices. It mostly featured the N7 but also had brief bits of the other two, and ended with a shot of the N4 on top of the N7 on top of the N10, and a quote which I can't remember about there being a size for everyone, and then "The Playground is Open."
Edit: Here it is:
Edit 2: And here is the non mobile version:
bmg1001 said:
But like TV ads, because I've never seen Google advertise anything much besides the Nexus 7.
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I was actually having this same conversation with a friend of mine a few days back. Google makes some great commercials but they seemingly only do actual televised spots for them during the Super Bowl. And even at that it's basically for Chrome or Google+. You look at all their commercials online and they're so fricking awesome. With Google having so much money, you'd think they'd throw some out there to advertise their products like the Nexus devices. Samsung does it, and they're currently doing with for the GS3, and Apple is always pushing out tv spots for their brand and products. Google needs to get on the ball. Not to say that catering to the masses is what they're aiming for, because the Nexus line has never really been known to be a mass consumer product, but it'd be good for their own cause to spread the word. They've got the ads, just start pushing them off YouTube and into the homes.
Ashen Victor said:
I was actually having this same conversation with a friend of mine a few days back. Google makes some great commercials but they seemingly only do actual televised spots for them during the Super Bowl. And even at that it's basically for Chrome or Google+. You look at all their commercials online and they're so fricking awesome. With Google having so much money, you'd think they'd throw some out there to advertise their products like the Nexus devices. Samsung does it, and they're currently doing with for the GS3, and Apple is always pushing out tv spots for their brand and products. Google needs to get on the ball. Not to say that catering to the masses is what they're aiming for, because the Nexus line has never really been known to be a mass consumer product, but it'd be good for their own cause to spread the word. They've got the ads, just start pushing them off YouTube and into the homes.
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I live in Fargo, ND, so not exactly a major market, and I have seen two different Nexus 7 commercials (the one with the boy camping and the one where the girl wanted to be an astronaut), probably a half dozen different Google+ commercials, a Chromebook commercial, at least one Chrome commercial (the one with the girl and her dad), and now the new Nexus family commercial I linked above. I have seen them all quite frequently on our local channels, and on ESPN, AMC, Discovery, and History. The new Nexus one is actually about as common as the new Surface commercial here.
Google have been showing adverts on the telly in the UK. Couldn't find them though as youtube only has the American versions.

Thoughts on the Samsung Theme Store

My Rant...
I really love the idea about samsungs theme store but they have totally went about it the wrong way.... They are putting the cart before the horse by not making the theme creator open to the public. They should make it open to the public to get more themers interested and test any submissions so they don't harm any phones. Instead they are denying anyone that doesn't have a hello kitty portfolio. It makes you think it is being run by a 10 year old girl. Also the theme store app is lacking... It is very basic and doesn't even have search. Granted there is only a couple dozen themes but it is that they didn't think ahead. I really hope they rethink how they are approaching this or it will just become another useless option because someone will come along and do it better.
I hope I didn't offend any hello kitty fans...
Agree, theme store must be open public like htc. I was using M9 and Htc' s theme store way better than samsung 's.
I totally agree. They need a search, allow it to be open, also it would be nice if you could choose not to use the keyboard included over samsung stock. Most of the themes aren't good though and do lag my note 5.
I had the m8 loved HTC theme engine. Create ur own themes that was dope. Samsung needs to do that
Sent from my Epically powered Note 5 using Tapatalk
I was going to wait for the HTC E9 but my s4 decided I needed a new phone now and there is no release date yet if there is going to be one. I have always liked sense a lot more then TW. The s4 was my first Samsung... I have always had HTC before that phone going all the way back to the evo and thunderbolt( don't remember which came first). TW has always looked cheap and lacking to me and why it needs good theme support.
I hope Samsung has second thoughts and corrects before they get left behind.
While i think the samsung theme store is a great idea, there are only a few (very few) good themes in there. Also why does it look like a 10 year old would be the only one to like almost all of these themes? I don't think any 10 year olds are using a phone as expensive as the galaxy note 5...
the Samsung theme store is for more then the note 5.
cmos8088 said:
the Samsung theme store is for more then the note 5.
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I'm aware of that but maybe Samsung should have a 'grown-up' theme store
Ideal theme store should be like the xiaomi has on its MIUI...
Sent from my SM-N910C using Tapatalk

