Phone was stolen and I know now how to prevent it - AT&T Samsung Galaxy S 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshootin

So on Friday, i was out playing billiards, with my S4 in the pocket of my jacket, draped on the back of a bar stool about 20 feet away. As usual me and some friends were having a few bourbons, so not much thought was left to who was around my jacket. Toward the end of the night i went to put on my jacket, and immediately could tell the phone was gone.
I used another persons phone to call mine, straight to voicemail. I used their phone to open my Google account and Device Manager, nothing. Knowing i had at least 50% battery left, i knew whomever lifted it had pulled the battery. I also have the full version of Got Ya!, but received no email notifications of a shutdown or SIM change. Its been three days now, nothing. Location history has not shown anything since about an hour before i discovered it missing. It showed the phone going out to the parking lot, about 100ft away from where i left it, then nothing.
Ive already had the IMEI blacklisted. Though thats no real satisfaction, as a quick look on Craigslist will show you a handful of people that will use a jtag box to flash a new IMEI to any phone you happen to bring them for about $50.
During my frustration, i was thinking of how Republicans had stalled to pass a bill to nationally require better theft deterrents and kill switches in smartphones. Then i thought "i should just switch to an iPhone, i wouldn't be so easy to steal." Just six more months and i can upgrade to the iPhone 6, its the perfect size, not ridiculously huge like the S5, and i had much better software for theft prevention and recovery.
Though what makes the iphone better at theft deterrent than the S4?
Its the software firstly, Apple has mimicked many of the features found in apps such as Cerberus or Lookout. As well on the hardware size, the SIM is harder to remove, AND THERE IS NO REMOVABLE BATTERY.
I personally have never removed the battery or SIM card from my S4 since i purchased it, other than for cleaning. I have an external 10000mah battery pack i keep in my car in case i need charging, and besides i usually have the phone plugged in when im in the car or at my desk. So why do we need a removable battery? Why do we need a removable SIM card? So why not just superglue the battery in place inside the phone? The phones i have not lost to theft, i usually keep as spares (Im using an old Galaxy S2 at the moment), so i dont really care about resale value.
Gluing the battery in would make it more difficult to remove, preventing abrupt power loss that stopped the GotYa app from working, as well as preventing the SIM card from coming out. If they powered the phone up once before having the chance to clean the IMEI, i might be able to get a location, as well as send and SMS codes to wipe info.
Have any thoughts on this?

iphones are just as easy to steal, their battery is removable with just a tiny screw driver that fits on a key chain. their sim comes out with just a paper clip. don't glue your battery in there is a greater chance you will need a new battery than your phone getting stolen by the one person smart enough to pull the battery.

Cerberus is far better than Apple antitheft methods

coolloser said:
Cerberus is far better than Apple antitheft methods
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Though think of what is the one thing that would disable any attempt to recover your phone: the battery being pulled out. Why not just eliminate that variable. Hopefully by next year thanks to California's new law, well have better software controls across all phones.

Caligula36 said:
Though think of what is the one thing that would disable any attempt to recover your phone: the battery being pulled out. Why not just eliminate that variable. Hopefully by next year thanks to California's new law, well have better software controls across all phones.
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As it was said before... An iPhone battery can be pulled with little issue.
With Cerberus, I get a location as soon as the battery goes back in, even if they switch Sims or do a factory reset.

coolloser said:
As it was said before... An iPhone battery can be pulled with little issue.
With Cerberus, I get a location as soon as the battery goes back in, even if they switch Sims or do a factory reset.
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I agree with you completely, its just less likely that a scumbag that steals a phone is going to have what i think is a T000 screwdriver handy. I should have done some more testing to make sure these apps i had were configured correctly, though at least i know now.

Caligula36 said:
Though think of what is the one thing that would disable any attempt to recover your phone: the battery being pulled out. Why not just eliminate that variable. Hopefully by next year thanks to California's new law, well have better software controls across all phones.
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I hope they dont pass that law...already losing enough privacy everyday lol...just be responsible and keep your phone on you or in a safe place, it's not that hard
Sorry your phone got stolen tho :/ I hope you get really lucky and one of your apps give you an update and you some how manaage to get your phone back...
On a side note, my girlfriends sister got her iphone stolen at high school last year...her dad was able to track it to the kids house...he went there 3 days in a row and would knock and knock and no one would answer the door, not even the parents, school wouldn't do anything about it and he even tried to get the police this day they still havent gotten it back, they ended up just buying her a new iPhone. Moral of the story...sometimes all these apps and antitheft tracking and what not isnt even enough, I mean yeah it can lead you to the place...but if the police dont wanna get involved what can you do? You cant break in and steal it back lol


Strange but true

Something really weird happened to my O2 mini s. I just saw all the LED lights flash and then the phone vibrated and went blank. I did a soft reset it restart but then the same thing happened. I did a hard reset it was all ok, then when the O2 software began installing it did the same. Flashed all LEDs including the flash led vibrated and went blank. I though it was the battery. Changed the battery and it would refuse to wake up, just switch on all LEDs and keep vibrating. This kept happening for several times, and then suddenly all was ok. Re-installed an all, all is fine now. But I wonder what happened? And will it happen again? Any explanation by anyone would help. Thanks in advance.
This sounds like a hardware fault to me.
Can you think of ANY outside influences? Things like extreme temperature exposure, exposure to high humidity, or very fast changes of temperature or humidity could all cause shorts or low resistance conditions. I don't know that any of these historically lead to the type of fault you experienced specifically in Wizards, but from an electronics standpoint, anything of this nature could cause bizarre but temporary faults. Even dropping it could cause you problems of an unusual nature.
If the answer to any of the above (except dropping) was yes, do this:
Gather up all the desiccant you can find. This stuff can be found in bags of jerky, and in just about any electronics box ever packed. Sometimes I find little "jars" of desiccant in medicine bottles (long-acting antacids, in particular). Put the phone in a plastic zip-top bag in a warm, dry place with all of the desiccant inside and seal it up tight. Leave it for at least 12 hours, but 24 would be better. Throw away the desiccant when you're done.
If you can't come up with an outside cause for the fault, you may just have to chalk it up to the age of these phones. They are far from new. Even if you just bought yours, chances are good that it is refurbished, and electronics, like fruit, will go bad eventually.
Thought so...
Thanks for your detailed reply. I think the temperature would be the reason. I am in India and that too in the Southern part and its been awfully hot these last few days (40 deg. C or more) yesterday I was in my room and had switched on the air conditioning, the phone was near the ac for a while. Then I did switch off the ac, probably this fluctuation caused to form moisture? It was behaving weird but its ok for the time being... for the last 12 hrs or so. I am waiting for 3G services in India before I decide on my new phone, so I hope this lasts for another 6 months. Hope! Thanks again, will try your method if this happens again.
The problem is back and won't go away. Should I bury my phone? Or is there hope? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
If dessication didn't work, you can also try swapping batteries with someone (best to do this while the problem is presenting itself).
You can also try doing a hard reset as a last resort (remember to backup your PIM info!), but I doubt this will do you any good. However, it doesn't cost you anything, and is therefore worth a try.
See if your service carrier offers insurance on your phone. If they do, sign up, and turn it in a week later for replacement. Just remember to wipe out your personal data and remove any HardSPL/Unlocks you might have done.
If insurance fraud is distasteful to you, hit eBay. You can usually score a decent condition Wizard for around $120 USD.
I haven't really tried dessication, but I think its gone beyond that. Batteris I have 3 and none of them worked. Is it easy to open the phone and try and "air" it? Will that help. Unfortunately carriers in this country don't have insurance plans. So that leaves out that last option. And if I have to buy another phone then why... the same one... ;-) Thanks anyways..

[Q] HELP!!!!! TMobile No Help

Basically whats happening. Me and my wife have exchanged both of our Vibrants through T-Mobile 3 times due to overheating and the proximity sensor acting up. My wife literally burned her hand this morning when she grabbed her vibrant off of the charger. We only replaced the phones yesterday and are already getting the same issue. I called T-Mobile and they said they can either give me another Vibrant or exchange my phone for the original Motorola Cliq or the Blackberry 9700. When I was with AT&T they gave us the option to select another phone within the same price bracket of what our phones were worth. I paid full price for both vibrants. Do I have any options or should I work through the BBB to solve this?
Tell t-mobile that you are ready to file with the BBB, see what they do, if it comes to the worst, actually file a claim or complaint and hope for the best. Good luck mate !
you need to get out of 1st line support. You can easily get the email address to the executives of Tmobile easily. And write them a professional email stating your case and you will be taken care of.
My brother did this a few times to get out of contracts, to get a free phone and to get out of a ETF. It is effective.
So you're saying that all SIX of the Vibrants you've owned have had the same issues? Either you are the unluckiest people to walk the Earth, or your expectations are beyond reason.
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I mean, LITERALLY burnt her hand? That's lawsuit worthy if you have hospital bills bud. I think you're overreacting, get a battery app and see how hot its getting. It should only get abnormally hot under heavy use while charging, like tethering or something. I mean, 6 vibrants? You expect them to keep sending them to you on demand? Obviously they're trying to stop you having to exchange your phone so often, not screw you over. But yes, use one of the above methods.
Crazy thought, but maybe it is the batteries and not the phones?? How about Tmobile replaces both batteries?
kponti said:
Crazy thought, but maybe it is the batteries and not the phones?? How about Tmobile replaces both batteries?
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My thoughts exactly, especially since this is not a known problem with the phones. In fact this is the first time I think I've ever heard of it happening with the galaxy S line in general.
Actually it takes a fair amount of heat to damage tissue. I expect that plastic would be melting around that point.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
Have you talked to tech support or just customer service?
the only time ive heard of anything like this is with cheap chinese knock off batteries. did you buy a pair of high cap batteries and a charging station on ebay or something? If so consider putting stock batteries back in cause every replacement you get is a manufacturer refurb meaning they have been fixed and tesed to be running. I have 4 Vibrants on my T-Mo plan and none have had any issues, minus the first set being hardware locked but that was a long time ago.
Lol six phones.... only in America
Now this is interesting. I actually had this happen Saturday, my story is that the wife was doing the updates and things, it froze as usual so instead of messing with it then, I told her to put it on charge and let it go (We didnt have time to screw with it then). Later on, she took it off charge, it burned her hand and she dropped the phone (Not really burned, but more of a shock it was so hot). The screen cracked, I called tmo and was told in a rude way that it was samsung's problem, not theirs and that they didn't care. I had to do a warranty exchange on it due to it being damaged at that point.. I told them it wouldn't have been damaged had it not been so hot.. blah blah, again, it was like talking to the wall.
I like to trust people on here, but when i hear SIX phones have the same problem.... I know it is NOT the phone.
same battery in each phone?
what apps are running?
A friend of mine experienced this but it was not due to the phone but the fact he was using some non-OEM extended batteries that were overheating instead. Once he went back to using OEM battery, it's been fine ever since.
The only reason he went with the extended battery is because of the unsatisfactory battery life. After getting him setup on Bionix and reconditioning his battery, he's no longer complaining about battery life.
If this is case with the OP, I actually feel sorry for TMO / Samsung. So much waste in hardware, time, etc.
Are you using a crappy ebay charger?
mrsbelpit said:
Are you using a crappy ebay charger?
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That's reminds me...
I've seen "crappy" chargers that don't seem to stop charging after the phone is at 100%. So, it just keeps charging until unplugged. That can't be good...
I've also seen so-called generic micro-usb "quick chargers" that claim to charge the battery up to 50% faster. Even if it's not a "crappy" charger I imagine doing so might make the battery unnecessarily hot as result of the increased speed of the charge.
rpope904 said:
Now this is interesting. I actually had this happen Saturday, my story is that the wife was doing the updates and things, it froze as usual so instead of messing with it then, I told her to put it on charge and let it go (We didnt have time to screw with it then). Later on, she took it off charge, it burned her hand and she dropped the phone (Not really burned, but more of a shock it was so hot). The screen cracked, I called tmo and was told in a rude way that it was samsung's problem, not theirs and that they didn't care. I had to do a warranty exchange on it due to it being damaged at that point.. I told them it wouldn't have been damaged had it not been so hot.. blah blah, again, it was like talking to the wall.
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The fact is that it wasnt abnormally hot. it just surprised his wife. I've touched cold things and twitched because I thought they were hot.
Yes the battery/charger may be the problem
I have had this problem on my HD2 But..... it was a result of an aftermarket battery. The probability of 6 phones having the same internal like winning the lottery, so I'd be looking to the charger and battery as the issue.
FYI, for temperature reference hot water in commercial building is usually set @ 112-120 f unless it is a building for kids then set @ 108 max. At 120 to get a real 2nd degree burn you would need your hand in it for 15-30 sec. depending on the person.
Most plastics we use in building phones, electronics and consumer goods range resisting deformation until 150-180 degrees but with a protracted long heat source can become malleable 125degree depending on the plastic.
Anyway some trivia for reference. I'd would look to the battery
My first phone died due to overheating. But this was from using a car charger that was not meant for the exact phone model.
I picked up a $0.98 charger from amazon and no more overheating issues when charging in my car. When you charge with the wrong charger it will heat near 120 degrees.

How many times did you exchange your mt4g?

Let The Games Begin...
Post And State Your Reason(s) why you exchanged it.
Im on my 3rd, going to the 4th!
Reason(s): Washed Displays, Wifi Busted
I'm on my third MT4G and here's why:
- First one had a loud creaking sound at the bottom, most noticeably when pressing the back button.
- Second one was dropped less than two feet from the ground with the Flex case on it, and the phone's bezel was scratched and misaligned.
5 times
1. change color
2. power button quit working
3. Tried to get a good screen
4. Tried to get a good screen.
5. I got the good screen Happy so far.
this is messed up i bought mine from craigslist brand new and i called tmo try to exchange it they said they wont do it. because i did not buy it from them. the ime number is not in their system what can i do?
Got mine the day it released and still on the same original one. No creaking, good screen, cameras centered.
Knock on wood...
Exchanged once to get a good screen
2012iawait said:
this is messed up i bought mine from craigslist brand new and i called tmo try to exchange it they said they wont do it. because i did not buy it from them. the ime number is not in their system what can i do?
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Just call them up and ask for technical support. Tell them you want to verify the IMEI number is correct in the system so you can get the OTA update. They may not find it in the system but they can manually put it in. I know because I called them 2 days ago and they told me mine was not in the system. She put it in for me manually.
Then you could call them back up and ask them for a replacement as it will be in the system. you don't have to tell them where you bought it.
If you are the very first person to use the phone, warranty will apply to you. If anyone else has used the phone, your screwed because the warranty only applies to them. I'm still in my original one, I see no reason to exchange it, I swear some people just abuse the system. Eventually it'll end up ruining it for the rest of us.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
Exchanged once because the phone earpiece made a buzzing noise.
This is my second one. The first device had a dead pixel and everything else was great. The second one has a clean screen but it's the washed one and it creaks from the bottom of the phone, but the most frustrating is the GPS, it's not working , it detects like 10 SATs but never locks the location. Wifi is acting weird too, it tries to connect to the same network like 2 or 3 times before it connects . I don't like to replace phones that often, if I have to replace a phone more than one time it does say something about quality or their quality check process. I mean how hard is it to check the phone for a misplaced FFC (for me I don't care about that ) ? I am done with the phone and I am going to try the NS. I liked the phone, and I can't understand HTC, how can you build such a great phone and forget about such basic quality issues. I think companies try to save on quality tests and throw their production directly to people to work as cheap test engineers. If a company knows that their phones are that good they will not make it that easy to replace the phone for several number of times for the same customer.
First one exchanged because of creaking buttons.
Second one exchanged because of light leak from bottom edge of screen and a gap between the bezel and the body.
I'm on my third one. Build is fine. Battery life is questionable but tolerable. Screen quality is fine for me but pales in comparison to samoled. I'm keeping this one until the next best thing comes around.
Swyped on my rooted MyTouch4G
raeef said:
This is my second one. The first device had a dead pixel and everything else was great. The second one has a clean screen but it's the washed one and it creaks from the bottom of the phone, but the most frustrating is the GPS, it's not working , it detects like 10 SATs but never locks the location. Wifi is acting weird too, it tries to connect to the same network like 2 or 3 times before it connects . I don't like to replace phones that often, if I have to replace a phone more than one time it does say something about quality or their quality check process. I mean how hard is it to check the phone for a misplaced FFC (for me I don't care about that ) ? I am done with the phone and I am going to try the NS. I liked the phone, and I can't understand HTC, how can you build such a great phone and forget about such basic quality issues. I think companies try to save on quality tests and throw their production directly to people to work as cheap test engineers. If a company knows that their phones are that good they will not make it that easy to replace the phone for several number of times for the same customer.
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if you want quality control Samsung is not the company to go to I had my Vibrant replaced 4 times all had problems right out the box.
first phone GPS all have this problem plus the phone would freeze where I had to take out battery.
second phone a visible line down the screen.
third phone. turned it on and it just started opening apps and settings randomly.
fourth phone no bugs yet but it is rooted with custom rom on it now and my wife uses it I just got the mytouch 4g sick of samsung.
I bought 2 myTouch 4G and exchanged both of them 1 time. One for a bad screen (see this) and the other one for bad color screen.
After reading this thread. I regret selling my Blackberry 9700. That, and the battery life still sucks. Eff you HTC. Make better quality equipment.
Hoping nothing eff's up on my phone. I use it for work, I'm almost regretting paying in full for it as I need a phone that lasts ALL day under email and internet use. IE. 9am-2am.
I'm hoping third time's the charm....
1st: Creaky back button, sucky HSPA+ speeds
2nd: leaking battery acid from battery!
I'm pretty sure this battery was FUBAR out the box. With moderate use its dead by 4pm, even with using task killer. Whats the best/fastest story I can tell tmo for my first exchange? I've had the phone almost 3 weeks. Would the store do the exchange, or do I need to call Tech Support?
1. Phone app kept fcing and acore fcing.
2. Wanting a better screen and where the bottom on the screen meets the buttons. The light was showing theough the seam.
3. Got a chinese phone. All issues resloved. Very happy now.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
Sl3PR said:
I'm pretty sure this battery was FUBAR out the box. With moderate use its dead by 4pm, even with using task killer. Whats the best/fastest story I can tell tmo for my first exchange? I've had the phone almost 3 weeks. Would the store do the exchange, or do I need to call Tech Support?
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Well i was 5 days over my 14 day remorse period. just went in and told then i would like an exchange. So if i were u just give it a shot. I got lucky and got a China made MT4G with a superior screen! Dead Centered FFC. All i did is just ask.
My phone: Original. FFC is slightly off, there is a small cosmetic defect around the BFC bezel, and a -very- small chip in the front chrome near the FFC. Annoyed about it, but not enough to swap for a refurb when everything works -great- (S-OFF, rooted no problems, good screen, etc).
Wife's phone: 1st swap. Original one would -not- take S-OFF or root at ALL. It would even take the ENG HBOOT, but still be S-ON! Replacement has been great and went S-OFF easily like mine
We actually swapped my wife's via 611 even though we bought both phones in store. The store was completely useless in help with anything and will never receive my business again! Called 611, 'cancel' at autoprompt to get a retentions person. They suggested the store, we explained what horrible service we've had since they sold us the phones, he chuckled and said ok no problem new phone on the way.
I swapped out my original MT4G with a washed-out display for a replacement unit with a good display.

Focus over heating

No one has brought this issue up as far as I know but I am on my 2nd Focus and 2nd battery and having what i believe to be heat related lock ups.
I reformatted tried with fresh phone not even signed into a Live ID and I can duplicate this issue about 90% of the time. I make a phone call and stuff it in my shirt pocket with a jacket on. It will lock up with the Samsung Logo and be hot to the touch. A battery pull is needed to reset and the battery is extremely hot. When I reboot the battery life is drastically diminished.
I am not using an SD card and replicated the issue with or without apps. The only way I can keep it from locking up is on my hip in a case. I can only imagine how the summer will be if I am having the problems now in the winter.
ps I kept my Touch Pro 2 and currently My Moto Droid in my pocket without issue.
Bizarre. I've never experienced that issue before. My Focus usually stays pretty cold actually.
Maybe yours is defective? It's possible.
No issues with the phone getting hot, or even warm, for me.
2 phones and batteries. I thought I would just put it out there to see if others were having issues.
I've noticed my phone getting a little warm while playing Crackdown but it never got slow or locked up ever.
When I download many songs from Zune or play a long game it gets pretty warm but it has never been "to hot" to hold and never crashed.
Deadem said:
It will lock up with the Samsung Logo and be hot to the touch. A battery pull is needed to reset and the battery is extremely hot.
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I also had this problem, i just had this happen for the first time today. I was using my phone earlier in the day, all of a sudden I felt it getting warm in my pocket. After I pulled it out, it was stuck on the samsung logo and warm to the touch. Pulling the battery and resetting does nothing. I keeps booting to the Samsung logo and never proceeds further. I have even left it off for a few hours and attempted to power it up again: still no luck.
I am unable to hard reset the phone.
I called my local AT&T store before they closed, they agreed to replace it tomorrow :-\
I am having so much buyers remorse. I would have returned it but it happened on my 31st day. I went through 2 phones and batteries and I still get the problem. If I talk on the phone or surf the net and stick it in my pocket the phone is toast until I realize it and do a battery pull. If I wait too long the battery is pretty much drained.
I don't ever think I will buy a Samsung again. WM7 is lacking but I knew what I was getting into but from the memory card debacle and the Samsung Boot menu the phone is crap. Hell we can't even set it down flat on a surface and use the tough screen properly. Beautiful screen but all other hardware is crap.
I also noticed a pretty hot Samsung Focus in my pocket today. After turning off wireless search it got cold again.
I have experinced the heating up issue. It happens a few times a week. I kind of think it could potentially be dangerous because of the battery. Samsung should have a recall or fix for free.
ppyy said:
I have experinced the heating up issue. It happens a few times a week. I kind of think it could potentially be dangerous because of the battery. Samsung should have a recall or fix for free.
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If they start blowing up they might issue a recall, but until bodily injury (and getting sued for real bucks) is on the table it is probably cheaper for them to replace or fix them.
Samsung got a ton of bad press for the GPS woes in the Galaxy S line of phones and didn't do a thing about it.
The SD card thing is weird. MS could have revoked their Windows Phone 7 compatible seal of approval but didn't probably bc it was a launch device and didn't want to piss off Samsung. Rediculous.
MS and Intel went through the same thing with the 'Vista Certified' thing. They let big names do what they want because either way they are getting paid for the licences.
my focus got warm when playing Need 4 Speed Undercover from start to finish in 1 sitting lol but my Nexus One,Palm Pre,and iphone would get hot after playing for that amount of time too. It just depends on what u are doing and how long u are doing it imo.
I did make 1 hour call on my Focus and it doesnot seem overheating...
Alson runed the Harvest for harvest and it was fine...

Screen off/black/dead? But onscreen buttons, sound, touch and LED lights work

I have the dreaded S7 that only has the Eng boot image to root it. G930p. I change the wallpaper put it on the charger because the battery was quite low, and came back a few minutes later to a black screen or a completely off screen, but all on-screen touchdowns work, touches work because I can open the lock screen with swiping, and on-screen buttons work because I can turn it off. Also all the LED lights work. Yet I still can't see anything on the screen and I've tried touching all over to see if the brightness may have been turned all the way down. I have read online that when the battery gets too low the screen dims to a certain level until the battery dies or the phone is plugged in. In some cases at the battery is too low the phone fails to wake up when it's plugged in and the screen goes out. Now here's the problem I can't figure out when the phone is in download mode therefore after flashing firmware I can't go through the proper steps of factory resetting the device because I can't see the screen. Now there may be a couple of reasons why this happened one being having used in Xposed module to remove some status bar icons. Now I didn't have issues with the same exact phone on Android 7 with the Xposed module blocking status bar icons so I use the same module for this device which is now on Oreo. However I am used to seeing the screen stay on and a warning pop-up saying the system user interface has crashed and usually that warning presents itself over and over until the status bar icon is replaced. Now I did have to go about a different way of doing this on Oreo. Since turning off data doesn't actually make the data indicator disappear I turned on airplane mode to get rid of it and then made the airplane mode icon disappear because that Xposed module will not make the data icon disappear. I'm willing to do whatever it takes to get this device back I just want someone to tell me the screen is not dead and it's still able to be brought back that would make me happier at this moment.
Hey, i hzve an s7 edge myself i spent the extrra doe and got the one with dual sims and 128gb motherboard as well. It's been my bae ever since. its been tied to me everywhere i go. 3 or four jobs the lake, hiking, skiing, the shower while it was all original She's fell out of my pocket into the toilet while i was bent over cleaning. Don't get me started how many times ive dumped it out of my lap getting out of the car or bed. what im getting at is im not the type of guy to buy a lambo and leave it at home while i take everybodies pink slips with the camero. I bought the one i wanted and i use the **** out of it because i love it. Ill try to shorten this up a bit here. I had my girlfriend cussing me like a moron when i bricked it 10 minutes in to its 1st full charge. But I straightened it out that morning and then i took the plastic off and slapped it in an $80 case because i used to own a umi super and the screen on that thing would break if you laid you hand on it too hard while you were driving and since this phone cost like $400 more i was bound and determined to not break it like the umi. (That phone puts anything ive ever play edwith to shame when it comes to performance but still to this day theres not one case that covers the screen that fits that phone).With the curved screen and that price tag There was no other way to go at the time i know where to get a case to get the job done for much less now but ...Any ways what i first started having problems with was battery life turned charging port problems. Basically kept a clean rom and fresh apps to for the longest time just to keep the damn thing on for a couple of hours at work when. It never lasted more that 4 hours even when it was brand new but if i kept the screen off i could just make it through rush and still have some sort of music or movie the whole time. Eventually it ended up strapped to a power bank because maybe its just me but 3 or 4 hours isnt **** for a phone battery . i mean who buys a mini tv that only plays the shows you like and its backwards compatible all psxsegatendo 1 and 2 games and turns the screen off. battery life to me is how long it will last on high full blast and a little flash light just in case. every thing I read about this thing raved about its all day 2 with the screen off battery life. Talk about everyone being liars my umi had a little bit bigger battery by the specs but it would last like 4 days if it was half dead and i realized i was gonna be in the woods for a while. what i'm getting at is eventually no matter if i kept my storage and apps clean or not the it was gonna be dead real quick if i didnt have it plugged in. No problem i just settled into carring my phone around on a power bank the size of a brick. Talk about rocking it old school. I might as well have been walking around the appartments with the house phone and the dock. Around here if you get your phone fixed you do it yourself or you can just plan on them breaking the damn thing or bugging it or losing it out of spite and after i did the screen on my umi a couple of times i was not looking forward to doing my edges. I wasnt sure it was in my skill set. I'll have you know when my charging cables started going bad so often that i was staked out trying just daring a ***** to get close to my phone you know drawing down on servers at waffle house because i would go take a piss and somebody broke the wire i just bought at the store across the street oh hell no. Somebody was gonna die either some random waitresses or that f**king wire knome that gets me every time slip up and zone out or it was gonna be my phone. so researched a little bit and made a few calls and ihad a tuperware container with $600 worth of screws and stickers. I say it again i have you know when i finally had to replace the battery my phone was in mint condition there wasnt a scratch on it. Except the little bit of paint around the inside of the charge port. And i try not to drop my phone and i put it down if i need to use both hands but it was mint condition after it came back from hell the second or third time before. Turns out when i changed the battery i was back to getting a reasonable 4 hours of screen on time but it didn't take long for me to realize it wasnt a tweeked out waho and it wasnt knomes and it wasnt my power bank ****ting out on the quickcharge port ... I just needed a new charge port.heres where we come back around to your question. I bought one and while i was waiting on it it dawned on me that all i really did was pop the back off i might wanna see how hard it was gonna be to change the charge port. So about the time the package came i finally found a video with somebody that actually doing a good step by step tutorial on changing the charge port. Then needless to say i see why i couldnt find video where somebody only changed the charge port. The only way to do it with out doing super micro soldering is to replace the screen because you have to actually dismantle the screen to get the capacitive buttons out. This is because the are actually on a pcb with the homebutton and then wrapped around the frame then the screen is glued down. the only people i saw get the screen loose from tje glass and frame from whatr i could tell where just lucky and happened to have the camera going when they rolled the dice and either tried to hit that 3 degree sweet spot inbetween burning the leds and the glue not melting.. Or they didnt give a **** about this $600 burner phone because they have a whole room full of them for parts in their daddys dust free glass lab that has has every niche piece of tech for doing the job minus the actual machine at samsung. Oh and dont forget the fat mexican kid that stole a bottle of the adhesive remover made for it god knows who he knows that works there but i have to put him in there even though he didnt risk anything because the internet won't tell you what adhesive they use so good luck figuring it out i tried like 15 different chemicals and hes not gonna tell you either and he made sure to put it in a different bottle so you cant tell from the video. you might keep on being positive and think well i saw new screen s for like 30 dollars 10 if its used but let me tell you they used to be 50 with everything you need to do it fairly easily . Those $10 $15 are at leaste 30 now and they dont come already fastened to a frame and most dont even have the glass that goes over it. All this is assuming that you still have a mint condition untouched screen thats still ok. If you actually need the screen its no skin of your back now that i told you what you are getting into most straightend you out so theres not much trial and error where you spent 50 80 on parts you cant use before you just go ahead and breakdown and buy the whole thing even though the pieces are less than half cost because most people dont have the equipment and know how to properly use them and get the job done right. Now once you sit with this price tag for a while and decide if you guys can get along with each other after that much money comes up missing. It's a piece of cake to change basically the hardest thing is getting some of the cables to actually snap back onto the different pieces. the rest might take you 30 minutes or an hour but its really kindercarden low level difficulty you just have to have a blow drier or hopefully a heat gun. so here it is the original samsung screen is the only one, out of the 4 screens that i got my hands on, that the touch digitizer or whatever still works after the screen is out. The rest must have had the electronics tied together because they would work with just crack but if the screen goes out all the way none of the screens i had were resposive to touch. so try and get that thing re flashed to stock and see if that helps. i doubt it but ive seen it before . Now its been a year since i bought a screen so they may have doubled by now but last time i bought one I got one of what is understood to be one of the better ones actually put together in a factory with the gold foil caps where the different screws go and it wasnt pulled off a parts phone. and the cheapest if could find was $100 and tax and shipping it WAS like 120 american keep in mind 2 or 3 months before that i bought the same thing for $50 to the door frame and all. if i had to do it again i would definatley buy a used original if i could find one with no burn marks. There were hot boys in china selling the **** out of some screens off phones they stole and parted out like a chop shop would do a car. but i couldnt see past the used part the first time i replaced my screen especially since if every thing was as it should be in the world i wouldnt be taking a perfect screen and throwing it in the trash because nobody at any of these 20 something electronic repair places in my town has the nuts to take a soldering gun to my phone an replaceing the port its self. Oh and one more thing dollar for dollar they wanted exactly the same amount of money at the shop to replace the screen if you don't think you can do it they said 120 for an s7 edge. but the piece of mind was well worth doing it yourself once you get into it and see how easily it can be done.
Sincerely Walter,

