Strange but true - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

Something really weird happened to my O2 mini s. I just saw all the LED lights flash and then the phone vibrated and went blank. I did a soft reset it restart but then the same thing happened. I did a hard reset it was all ok, then when the O2 software began installing it did the same. Flashed all LEDs including the flash led vibrated and went blank. I though it was the battery. Changed the battery and it would refuse to wake up, just switch on all LEDs and keep vibrating. This kept happening for several times, and then suddenly all was ok. Re-installed an all, all is fine now. But I wonder what happened? And will it happen again? Any explanation by anyone would help. Thanks in advance.

This sounds like a hardware fault to me.
Can you think of ANY outside influences? Things like extreme temperature exposure, exposure to high humidity, or very fast changes of temperature or humidity could all cause shorts or low resistance conditions. I don't know that any of these historically lead to the type of fault you experienced specifically in Wizards, but from an electronics standpoint, anything of this nature could cause bizarre but temporary faults. Even dropping it could cause you problems of an unusual nature.
If the answer to any of the above (except dropping) was yes, do this:
Gather up all the desiccant you can find. This stuff can be found in bags of jerky, and in just about any electronics box ever packed. Sometimes I find little "jars" of desiccant in medicine bottles (long-acting antacids, in particular). Put the phone in a plastic zip-top bag in a warm, dry place with all of the desiccant inside and seal it up tight. Leave it for at least 12 hours, but 24 would be better. Throw away the desiccant when you're done.
If you can't come up with an outside cause for the fault, you may just have to chalk it up to the age of these phones. They are far from new. Even if you just bought yours, chances are good that it is refurbished, and electronics, like fruit, will go bad eventually.

Thought so...
Thanks for your detailed reply. I think the temperature would be the reason. I am in India and that too in the Southern part and its been awfully hot these last few days (40 deg. C or more) yesterday I was in my room and had switched on the air conditioning, the phone was near the ac for a while. Then I did switch off the ac, probably this fluctuation caused to form moisture? It was behaving weird but its ok for the time being... for the last 12 hrs or so. I am waiting for 3G services in India before I decide on my new phone, so I hope this lasts for another 6 months. Hope! Thanks again, will try your method if this happens again.

The problem is back and won't go away. Should I bury my phone? Or is there hope? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

If dessication didn't work, you can also try swapping batteries with someone (best to do this while the problem is presenting itself).
You can also try doing a hard reset as a last resort (remember to backup your PIM info!), but I doubt this will do you any good. However, it doesn't cost you anything, and is therefore worth a try.
See if your service carrier offers insurance on your phone. If they do, sign up, and turn it in a week later for replacement. Just remember to wipe out your personal data and remove any HardSPL/Unlocks you might have done.
If insurance fraud is distasteful to you, hit eBay. You can usually score a decent condition Wizard for around $120 USD.

I haven't really tried dessication, but I think its gone beyond that. Batteris I have 3 and none of them worked. Is it easy to open the phone and try and "air" it? Will that help. Unfortunately carriers in this country don't have insurance plans. So that leaves out that last option. And if I have to buy another phone then why... the same one... ;-) Thanks anyways..


Weird problems. Whats your opinion?

Thought I'd share my story. I recently got a swap out for a "dusty" screen. My new phone seemed OK. A few days passed by and my camera flash started acting up and not working... Today I woke up and NOTHING on the top half of my phone works. Meaning my ear peice, my 3.5mm jack, my camera, or flash, or proximity/light sensors... nothing. But the speakerphone works, my screen is fine. and my microphone works. kinda odd!
It almost like the top PC board got disconnected internally or something.
Just thought this was a strange issue. Already requested yet ANOTHER swap from HTC. Hopefully this next one can make me beleive this phone was worth it.
On another note. I did get my phone "ghost armored" at a cart in the mall pretty much immediately upon receiving it from fedex. And they do spray a small amount of soapy liquid on the outside of the phone to apply the skins. Do you think this could be enough to cause water damage? I'm afraid HTC is going to charge me for "non warranty problems" if the guys at ghost armor caused this! Its a very "fine mist" they use so I think it would be hard to penetrate the phones seals. But who knows? Whats your opinion?
dills84 said:
Thought I'd share my story. I recently got a swap out for a "dusty" screen. My new phone seemed OK. A few days passed by and my camera flash started acting up and not working... Today I woke up and NOTHING on the top half of my phone works. Meaning my ear peice, my 3.5mm jack, my camera, or flash, or proximity/light sensors... nothing. But the speakerphone works, my screen is fine. and my microphone works. kinda odd!
It almost like the top PC board got disconnected internally or something.
Just thought this was a strange issue. Already requested yet ANOTHER swap from HTC. Hopefully this next one can make me beleive this phone was worth it.
On another note. I did get my phone "ghost armored" at a cart in the mall pretty much immediately upon receiving it from fedex. And they do spray a small amount of soapy liquid on the outside of the phone to apply the skins. Do you think this could be enough to cause water damage? I'm afraid HTC is going to charge me for "non warranty problems" if the guys at ghost armor caused this! Its a very "fine mist" they use so I think it would be hard to penetrate the phones seals. But who knows? Whats your opinion?
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water can literally penetrate the smallest most microscopic points. but i dont know think "mist" could do any harm. i think it sucks that you're having bad luck with all these though man.
I like straweberries, they taste good. When eaten slightly chilled they are refreshing as well. And the things you can do with them... fresh fruit topping for cereal, pancakes, yogurt, or you can make them into jam/jelly/compo(sp?)
Anyways, yes, it is possible for your device to have received water damage, this is why I have not and will never put something on my phone that requires the use of water in the application process. And it might even be probable given that on the top of the phone you have a 3.5mm jack, speaker housing, and when you take the back off this gets exposed... and I am guessing they removed the back before misting it, so even more water can get into that area causing major issues.
pjcforpres said:
I like straweberries, they taste good. When eaten slightly chilled they are refreshing as well. And the things you can do with them... fresh fruit topping for cereal, pancakes, yogurt, or you can make them into jam/jelly/compo(sp?)
Anyways, yes, it is possible for your device to have received water damage, this is why I have not and will never put something on my phone that requires the use of water in the application process. And it might even be probable given that on the top of the phone you have a 3.5mm jack, speaker housing, and when you take the back off this gets exposed... and I am guessing they removed the back before misting it, so even more water can get into that area causing major issues.
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Haha, thanks for your opinion on strawberrys.
I believe they remove the battery, but put the battery cover back on before misting. They also leave the device off while they do this and tell you to leave it off for an additional 2 hours (i left mine off for 6 or 7 hours.)
Even leaving it off, if water gets it, it gets in, and starts causing the circuits and what not to corrode.
I will say, I think it is highly unlikely that you do have water damage causing this problem. If HTC says no go, water damage, those misty dudes are responsible and liable to replace your device/pay for repairs. But, I do highly doubt it.
Still, there is a chance of there being water damage, and even if it isn't causing the problem, HTC won't care.
All in all, I would put money that the swap goes just fine, and hopefull 3rd time is the charm for you. It seems some people, no offense, just have really bad luck with these, while others (not to brag), have bought 5 of them without a single problem.
pjcforpres said:
Even leaving it off, if water gets it, it gets in, and starts causing the circuits and what not to corrode.
I will say, I think it is highly unlikely that you do have water damage causing this problem. If HTC says no go, water damage, those misty dudes are responsible and liable to replace your device/pay for repairs. But, I do highly doubt it.
Still, there is a chance of there being water damage, and even if it isn't causing the problem, HTC won't care.
All in all, I would put money that the swap goes just fine, and hopefull 3rd time is the charm for you. It seems some people, no offense, just have really bad luck with these, while others (not to brag), have bought 5 of them without a single problem.
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5 of them?! jeez!
I agree, I'm having really bad luck. I LOVE this phone. Its just getting annoying having to swap it out every other week.
I'm also angry that this broken one has the best screen I've seen on any nexus, no dust, no pink tint. its perfect! and i have to return it
Oh well. thanks for the advice. I feel a little better about the swap now, I cant really afford to lose another 530$.
One for me, and 4 others for friends that had me help them buy one...

Fixed Reboot, Freeze problem on my X10

I tried everything to fix the heat, freeze, reboot issue with this phone after I bought it used. Upgrade, firmware, downgraded, custom rom..etc..nothing helped. I bought a cheapy phone recently for a back up because the Xperia X10a I bought second hand was that unreliable.
I took apart the phone down to the main board, removed the main board and baked it in my home convection oven. Nothing new, it's the snapdragon processor, it's also used in some dud HTC phones and others. The processor's soldering isn't that great in some and when it gets too hot it just simply freezes and restarts.
Baking it in the oven helped for now. It's functioning fully without issue and while it still warms up a bit, it keeps working. I don't know how long this will last as some hack reflows like this one only last a month or two, sometimes less. Others last a lot longer. Here's hoping. I did upload some vids to youtube for anyone interested. Go to youtube and search for MrSpywhite, or send me a message and I'll give you the links.
It's the only thing that worked for me to get this thing to stop crashing. I bought a new battery thinking that might help, it didn't but it's handy having a second battery.
Interesting solution, you literally "COOKED" the ROM! (Well, not exactly of course but close enough)
If you don't have warranty, give it to a bit more professional service, maybe they will repair this issue for few bucks.. or try to use soldering station with hot air to heat it. I don't think that baking it in oven is the greatest idea
mutarito said:
If you don't have warranty, give it to a bit more professional service, maybe they will repair this issue for few bucks.. or try to use soldering station with hot air to heat it. I don't think that baking it in oven is the greatest idea
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I thought about those options and I did call around to some shops. Soldering station, a cheap one but still reliable runs $100. Many service techs charge $75 per hour, and quote a minimum of two hours with no guarantee it will work. For that money, I may as well go into a store and get another phone.

[Q] [Water Damage?] Replacement parts Source

Tragic moment last week, a mate just got his Find 5, loves it. I'm saving for my own. Anyway, the poor bastard dropped it into some water. :crying: Seemed fine, dried it off and riced it overnight. Worked ok, but occasionally the screen would shut off. Riced it for another night and it seemed to work fine for a few days but it went back to shutting off/screen going off again.
He thought he narrowed it down to launching ingress but it seems very random, it will work fine for a while (eg at work/home it's fine but when he goes out eg to play ingress it shuts off) He mentioned he got a battery overheat warning which is indicitive of a battery fault due to the water damage I suspect.
Anyway, can anyone recommend a few troubleshooters to check if it's the battery or something else such as mobo damage as well as a good teardown/disassembly guide for the Find 5 (I've done a quick search and didn't turn up much). I've not yet opened it up to check for corrosion or moisture. I thought it would have been fine give its short water exposure and relatively sealed unit design, unfortunately It seems not.
Also if someone could recommend a supplier of parts (specifically the battery for the Find 5) that would be great!
Thanks :good:
Auzeras said:
Tragic moment last week, a mate just got his Find 5, loves it. I'm saving for my own. Anyway, the poor bastard dropped it into some water. :crying: Seemed fine, dried it off and riced it overnight. Worked ok, but occasionally the screen would shut off. Riced it for another night and it seemed to work fine for a few days but it went back to shutting off/screen going off again.
He thought he narrowed it down to launching ingress but it seems very random, it will work fine for a while (eg at work/home it's fine but when he goes out eg to play ingress it shuts off) He mentioned he got a battery overheat warning which is indicitive of a battery fault due to the water damage I suspect.
Anyway, can anyone recommend a few troubleshooters to check if it's the battery or something else such as mobo damage as well as a good teardown/disassembly guide for the Find 5 (I've done a quick search and didn't turn up much). I've not yet opened it up to check for corrosion or moisture. I thought it would have been fine give its short water exposure and relatively sealed unit design, unfortunately It seems not.
Also if someone could recommend a supplier of parts (specifically the battery for the Find 5) that would be great!
Thanks :good:
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I believe that the battery is held inside of the phone..unfortunately you cant just take off the battery cover that easy. Youd have to do a tear down and i personally am no expert doing so. I honesty think your friend is SOL, unless he finds parts online on ebay or somewhere else. Sorry for your loss. RIP Oppo Find 5.
Wasn't too hard to get into it. The back peels off with s bit of spudging to release the clips. He's getting a new one under insurance. They may let him keep the old one if so I'll try fully dismantle, check for corrosion and test the battery. If required I'll rebuild my own pack.
My main issue is lack of parts.

[Q] To claim or not to claim? S5 mysteriously survives dive into bubbly bucket.

Hi Everyone
I'd like to start off by apologizing that my first post is a question - as the welcome message so nicely encouraged helpful posts I promise I do have skills (not related to my question though, only software) & in future, when I have time, will hopefully manage to post something helpful. You can have a good lol at the stupid situation I've gotten myself into though.
I've looked over the internet for days but can't seem to find anyone in the exact same situation as myself... In a way I am extremely lucky but kinda not because now I've been left with a dilemma.
I have a Galaxy S5 and lo & behold it fell off the arm of the chair into a bucket of water (sadly not just any water but containing thoroughly diluted Fairy washing up liquid) which I was using to clean the floor an hour earlier. (Bucket placement fail. Rest assured I now always remove the bucket to the bathroom straight after cleaning.) It was submerged for ~2 seconds, was turned on at the time and when removed it was in the process of shutting itself down. Stupidly, my first instinct was to turn it back on (I know it's actually irrelevant but I was pretty uneducated on water damage before this happened so I thought if it came back on it was a good sign.) It began booting up normally but my second instinct was arguably more intelligent and I turned it back off again.
I went off to dissassemble it & just as I was thinking about how lucky it was that the S5 was water resistant I suddenly noticed a gap where the battery cover had come away (probably from the impact of hitting the bottom of the bucket - it fell bottom first and it was very shallow - still deeper than a phone.) That sucked. On removing it it was painfully obvious that water had got into it - everywhere - the water indicator behind the battery is so red it's half fallen off. So at this point I just consigned myself to claiming on my insurance (it is covered for this situation thankfully but there's an excess) and left it in pieces for a few minutes. I really stupidly turned it on again - just to check (please don't tell me off, I totally admit at this point I hadn't read on google this was a bad thing to do) - and the display did not work at this point, it constantly vibrated until I removed the battery again but I was erroneously relieved that it had powered on.
Remembering I had an emergency wet electronics pack - a rich name for a plastic bag with 2 big packets of silica gel in it - I thought I might as well try it (although I really did think there was no hope at this point.) I left it - and the battery - in the packet overnight and tried again in the morning - still no display (vibrating had stopped =)) I returned it to the emergency packet where I pretty much forgot about it for 3-4 days booting up my old S3 mini to use in the meantime. (Pay as you go so I still couldn't ring the 25p a minute insurance line.)
I was just about to pop to a relatives to use the house phone to make my claim when I thought I'd give it the S5 one last shot, not expecting anything, I pressed the power button & realised it wouldn't power on at all, so I wiped it with alcohol (having finally googled my problem... the cleaning kind, not the drinking kind), dried that off, plugged it in and lo & behold - again - it appears to work perfectly. This, ironically, is the crux of the problem.
I've read the insurance T& Cs over and over and whilst it covers water damage it says, in a totally unrelated section, that it doesn't cover damage that does not prevent the normal functioning of the device.
So I started googling some more. I read that water damaged devices may have some problems (namedly with the screen, audio or signal) yet I have none of these. I am ridiculously paranoid that every bit of lag is water damage but then again I have a lot of apps installed *naughty* so it's probably not... and tbh it does perform pretty well (my nonwater damaged laptop is lagging as I type & the S3 mini performs worse.) I also read that water-damaged devices frequently appear to work then give up the ghost within a few days of drowning - this also didn't happen. Aside from the indicator being red (and possibly soap residue inside knowing my luck) it's working. So, because of the fairly large excess I haven't reported it yet (there is no time limit on when you report the damage on my cover, I assume this is because most people want their phone replaced sooner rather than later.).
Soooo... phone is still working what I think is fine. Battery life sucks but tbf I think that's the case with all the droids I've had, if it did actually become a problem it's likely fixably by replacing the battery anyway. What I want to know is do I ring the insurance people anyway? There's no T & Cs regarding time of accident or when it breaks la de da but the clause that's worrying me is that the phone has to not be functioning normally. I don't want them saying "you can't have a new phone because it still works" and then snidily cancelling my insurance the next day because they know there is a heightenend future risk of breakdown. Or is water damage so bad that they will replace it anyway regardless of whether it's showing any signs of damage yet? I just want to know what the typical approach to that is.
I'd also like to know, based on the high-level of detail I've provided on what occured post-plunge - what are the odds & likely timescales of future breakdown? Is most the damage likely to have been done by now or is it still likely to turn into a brick at any second? If problems emerge are they likely to appear gradually or suddenly? It has been 4 weeks since the incident. I think I can safely rely on it day to day at this point but do you think it could last another 4 weeks? 4 months?
I guess I could dunk it again just to be sure it breaks :angel: but that seems like such a waste, both of the phone & the excess money... and not to mention stupid if there were any problems with the claims process or the new phone...
Thank you very much, Im really not much of an expert on what water does to phones. Especially not fairy liquid.
Many thanks
TL;DR = Dunked S5 in water, waterproof cover failed on impact, did turn it back on whilst wet *idiot*, left it in emergency wet electronics pack for 3-4 days, works perfectly, insured for water damage but there's a clause that says damage that doesn't affect the normal functioning isn't covered - I'm guessing their talking about minor cracks here but does it apply to me? . What the hell do I do?? Should I break it properly and claim because the future risk of problems is so great, do I just wait it out and claim only if problems happen, will I get a replacement if i ring the insurance or will they refuse to replace it cos it still works and threaten my future cover.


Still having a problem with black screen of death. I had made a post about it earlier in the week but no response. I have kept everything basically the same, except I use Magisk 21.4-23 (newest), and TWRP 3.5.2 upgraded from 3.5.0 like maybe a couple months ago. Ever since last month have had the problem. I have brand new batteries installed as I thought maybe that was what was causing it (previous experience). Screen goes black, phone vibrates a couple times, then I have to battery pull to try to power on. Sometimes it works, other times it doesnt. In other instances have had screen freeze and get all static and soft reboot itself. I can see the white captive touch buttons working and sound but screen does not wake. Battery pulls for X amount of time does not solve the screen issue. I have flashed correct firmware several times in ODIN. I had this black screen issue and phone died while at the store earlier today. I need a phone thats dependable! This has been happening on any custom roms I use 14.1-18.1. I'm so frustrated I nearly broke my phone in half last night!
Any ideas what's causing the screen issue?
I had a very similar problem on my Galaxy S7. It used to suddenly shutdown, sometimes reboots by itself. Sometimes it won't just turn on at all except after some time.
Sometimes, it vibrates, shows the bootsplash for a few milliseconds, then shutdown.
What a coincidence that when I upgraded to TWRP 3.5, it was when the problem started to hit.
I was using crDroid based on R, It wasn't stable, so I thought the problem was the ROM/Kernel/Recovery. I tried an already known stable ROM.
The same thing happened, then I was semi sure that it is on hardware problem. I teared the device apart. The problem was .. Water Damage.
I thought the phone was water proof/resistant. What a disappointment. Anyway I've cleaned every molecules of water from the phone. It worked fine afterwards.
But I lost the battery percentage diode or something, so the phone can't read battery percentage/voltage.
It took me 3 months to know all these things. I hope it be of help to you.
Mohamedkam000 said:
I had a very similar problem on my Galaxy S7. It used to suddenly shutdown, sometimes reboots by itself. Sometimes it won't just turn on at all except after some time.
Sometimes, it vibrates, shows the bootsplash for a few milliseconds, then shutdown.
What a coincidence that when I upgraded to TWRP 3.5, it was when the problem started to hit.
I was using crDroid based on R, It wasn't stable, so I thought the problem was the ROM/Kernel/Recovery. I tried an already known stable ROM.
The same thing happened, then I was semi sure that it is on hardware problem. I teared the device apart. The problem was .. Water Damage.
I thought the phone was water proof/resistant. What a disappointment. Anyway I've cleaned every molecules of water from the phone. It worked fine afterwards.
But I lost the battery percentage diode or something, so the phone can't read battery percentage/voltage.
It took me 3 months to know all these things. I hope it be of help to you.
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So I did some more testing tonight. I first downgraded TWRP to 3.5.0 from 3.5.2 had same issues. Now i'm on 3.4.0, and I pounded on the display upside down while in recovery. It did the reboot thing and screen went black. Phone would not power up, even after removing and re-installing batteries. It has taken several tries with and without plugging it in. Finally it has booted up and I went into recovery to re-flash yet another rom. The phone would do the black screen thing at random and have issues if placed down too hard.
Obviously it's not software related it's hardware.
So my question is the display bad or the motherboard?
Should I just look into getting a 5G brand new phone or try to get it repaired somewhere?
I've been considering switching to T-mobile once I get a 5G device.
Droid9684 said:
So I did some more testing tonight. I first downgraded TWRP to 3.5.0 from 3.5.2 had same issues. Now i'm on 3.4.0, and I pounded on the display upside down while in recovery. It did the reboot thing and screen went black. Phone would not power up, even after removing and re-installing batteries. It has taken several tries with and without plugging it in. Finally it has booted up and I went into recovery to re-flash yet another rom. The phone would do the black screen thing at random and have issues if placed down too hard.
Obviously it's not software related it's hardware.
So my question is the display bad or the motherboard?
Should I just look into getting a 5G brand new phone or try to get it repaired somewhere?
I've been considering switching to T-mobile once I get a 5G device.
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That's obviously water damage. I used to get all that on my old S7. It is fixable, you need to untie your motherboard, heat it till it literally dries up. Then it won't repeat that BSOD thing.
However, if you tried to boot the device while there's still some water, it will cause more damage to the components, diodes.
Galaxy S5 is for about 40$ in my country. You should consider buying another, more recent phone. Midrange 5G phones are for about 250$ - 400$ here. Though I still miss 2014 phones.
Mohamedkam000 said:
That's obviously water damage. I used to get all that on my old S7. It is fixable, you need to untie your motherboard, heat it till it literally dries up. Then it won't repeat that BSOD thing.
However, if you tried to boot the device while there's still some water, it will cause more damage to the components, diodes.
Galaxy S5 is for about 40$ in my country. You should consider buying another, more recent phone. Midrange 5G phones are for about 250$ - 400$ here. Though I still miss 2014 phones.
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I have no idea how to untie a motherboard or take apart my phone. I'm sure I'd end up doing more damage to it knowing my luck. I have no such tools either to take my phone apart. I've seen S5 for sale here in US for $50 or less and motherboards for a little less. Right now it's hard to afford a brand new 5G phone.
I'm not sure how my phone got water damage? I've always been careful with it over the years never submerged or anything.
Droid9684 said:
I have no idea how to untie a motherboard or take apart my phone. I'm sure I'd end up doing more damage to it knowing my luck. I have no such tools either to take my phone apart. I've seen S5 for sale here in US for $50 or less and motherboards for a little less. Right now it's hard to afford a brand new 5G phone.
I'm not sure how my phone got water damage? I've always been careful with it over the years never submerged or anything.
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Water Damage usually shows a few days up to a few weeks after it's interaction with water. I thought S7 was water resistant.
A tiny drop of water can cause this issue.
Don't know why people rush towards 5G phones, knowing it ain't stable just yet. I've heard USA is shutting down 2G/3G, so the least you should own is a Dual-VoLTE device. I got A70 for ~162$.
Mohamedkam000 said:
Water Damage usually shows a few days up to a few weeks after it's interaction with water. I thought S7 was water resistant.
A tiny drop of water can cause this issue.
Don't know why people rush towards 5G phones, knowing it ain't stable just yet. I've heard USA is shutting down 2G/3G, so the least you should own is a Dual-VoLTE device. I got A70 for ~162$.
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Yes 3G has been getting shutdown. 5G is still building out the network. If I were to stay with 4G I might as well stick with S5 since I know it and all my data is saved with titanium backup.
I have read to soak my phone in isopropyl alcohol for up to a couple hours.
It might be cheaper for me to just find another S5 right now. Can I restore backed up titanium data to a different phone?
I got this phone back in 2015 off eBay after my developer edition SD card slot was broken. Near the front camera it looked like some sort of damage may have occurred after I had received the phone. But I didn't have any of these problems other than a few years ago the BSOD once in awhile which went away.
Currently the BSOD issues have been since earlier this month/last month. As long as I don't put my phone down on table or hit it too hard it has no issue. If it's placed on table as gentle as a feather it's fine. But I have to do lot of battery pulls when I'm out doing errands walking with it.
And screen takes forever to wake when receiving phone calls sometimes I miss them. It's very delayed.
Droid9684 said:
Yes 3G has been getting shutdown. 5G is still building out the network. If I were to stay with 4G I might as well stick with S5 since I know it and all my data is saved with titanium backup.
I have read to soak my phone in isopropyl alcohol for up to a couple hours.
It might be cheaper for me to just find another S5 right now. Can I restore backed up titanium data to a different phone?
I got this phone back in 2015 off eBay after my developer edition SD card slot was broken. Near the front camera it looked like some sort of damage may have occurred after I had received the phone. But I didn't have any of these problems other than a few years ago the BSOD once in awhile which went away.
Currently the BSOD issues have been since earlier this month/last month. As long as I don't put my phone down on table or hit it too hard it has no issue. If it's placed on table as gentle as a feather it's fine. But I have to do lot of battery pulls when I'm out doing errands walking with it.
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So I looked at the water damage indicator sensor. My phone's patch is still white with a reddish x pattern, there is no water damage. If there was damage it would be all red.
There's no other explanation for BSOD the way you described except for damaged components, unless the phone was water damaged, it must have received a very hard hit.
That hit will definitely affect the screen, if the phone was refurbished, you won't notice it, cause the motherboard is connected to a good working device.
If you think it is software, there's bootloader, baseband, kernel, and system that you can change to confirm your thoughts.
It's very easy to untie S5, only needs one tool.
Mohamedkam000 said:
There's no other explanation for BSOD the way you described except for damaged components, unless the phone was water damaged, it must have received a very hard hit.
That hit will definitely affect the screen, if the phone was refurbished, you won't notice it, cause the motherboard is connected to a good working device.
If you think it is software, there's bootloader, baseband, kernel, and system that you can change to confirm your thoughts.
It's very easy to untie S5, only needs one tool.
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I know it's not software the bootloader, kernels, baseband have all been same and worked fine up until this month or so. I smacked the front of it while in recovery to see if it would have the issue. Sure enough it is hardware related! I just messaged a local repair shop on how much a fix would cost. I dont feel comfortable taking apart my phone and I dont have tools or anything.

