Timur Followers, where to now? - Nexus 7 (2013) General

So I went ahead a few months back and bought the timur kernal for my n7 2013, then i got busy. Now i go back to the main source of support, his thread right here in this general section and find out that it was closed almost a month ago! I understand the reasoning but also would love to know where to go to for supports and updates, what's everyone doing now that bough his kernal?

bossman137 said:
So I went ahead a few months back and bought the timur kernal for my n7 2013, then i got busy. Now i go back to the main source of support, his thread right here in this general section and find out that it was closed almost a month ago! I understand the reasoning but also would love to know where to go to for supports and updates, what's everyone doing now that bough his kernal?
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As of now there is nowhere ....
You can contact him directly for support ....
Hopefully we can find a home soon ....since xda wont accommodate us
Sent from my LG-D803 using XDA Free mobile app

I dont understand how we are allowed to talk about tasker but we cant talk about the software package from Timur. It reeks of favoritism.

Agreed. Extremely arrogant move.

It has more to do with all the whiny - no skill devs who constantly complain about him not releasing the sources to his kernel ...probably because they cant accomplish the same on there own.
This is the on going theme here with many roms and many highly skilled devs
You see it in any dev section where the devs get reported on for stealing work even though they are the ones who created it. Its a wonder some devs even keep there work public anymore , cause it is constantly happening
As usual the whiners ruin it for everyone ...its a shame but thats the world for you
Sent from my LG-D803 using XDA Free mobile app

deadgiveaway said:
It has more to do with all the whiny - no skill devs who constantly complain about him not releasing the sources to his kernel ...probably because they cant accomplish the same on there own.
This is the on going theme here with many roms and many highly skilled devs
You see it in any dev section where the devs get reported on for stealing work even though they are the ones who created it. Its a wonder some devs even keep there work public anymore , cause it is constantly happening
As usual the whiners ruin it for everyone ...its a shame but thats the world for you
Sent from my LG-D803 using XDA Free mobile app
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I could swear I have seen some devs on here supporting their paid apps for certain phones.
11. Don’t post with the intention of selling something.
Don’t use XDA to advertise your product or service. Proprietors of for-pay products or services, may use XDA to get feedback, provide beta access, or a free version of their product for XDA users and offer support, but not to post with the intention of selling. This includes promoting sites similar/substantially similar to XDA-Developers.com.
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NNL said:
I could swear I have seen some devs on here supporting their paid apps for certain phones.
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I know eh lol
Someone didnt get there cut ???
Sent from my LG-D803 using XDA Free mobile app

NNL said:
I could swear I have seen some devs on here supporting their paid apps for certain phones.
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Did you read the article you linked??
Let me point some things to you that you obviously missed:
Now, a big chunk of Rule 11 deals with other topics aside from paid apps
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Pro-Tip #1 – Sell in the correct area
If you have a paid app that you are advertising on xda-developers, it must be posted in the Paid Software Announcement and Discussion section, which has a few guidelines that need to be followed before posting. To save you some reading, you must be a member in good standing with some good history behind you on the site. This way, we ensure that people are not here solely to sell stuff.
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Pro-Tip #3 – Link =| Spam
Be mindful of the amount of advertising you do with your paid work. Again, you can link from within the thread of your free version. However, you cannot include direct links to your paid apps in your signature, profile, or anywhere else. You can, however, put links to your free app threads in the aforementioned places, which already contain links to the paid counterparts. Simply put, you must first present your free app before you direct others to your paid work.
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deadgiveaway said:
I know eh lol
Someone didnt get there cut ???
Sent from my LG-D803 using XDA Free mobile app
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I don't know what you mean, but xda has never gotten any money from developers, except from volunteer donations to the site that anyone can make.
deadgiveaway said:
It has more to do with all the whiny - no skill devs who constantly complain about him not releasing the sources to his kernel ...
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As a result, we would like to clarify our position on the GPL, and users’ obligations to this effect. By posting your work on XDA-Developers, you are agreeing that it complies with relevant licensing conditions. As such, by posting a kernel or other work containing GPL code, you are confirming to us that you have made this source code available publicly under the GPL, and should highlight this in your thread with a link.
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bjornh said:
Agreed. Extremely arrogant move.
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How is it arrogant?
Please read the forum rules.(8,11)
NNL said:
I dont understand how we are allowed to talk about tasker but we cant talk about the software package from Timur. It reeks of favoritism.
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If you see any download link of any paid app please use the report button and the moderation team will take care of it.
Please read the forum rules.(6)
bossman137 said:
So I went ahead a few months back and bought the timur kernal for my n7 2013, then i got busy. Now i go back to the main source of support, his thread right here in this general section and find out that it was closed almost a month ago! I understand the reasoning but also would love to know where to go to for supports and updates, what's everyone doing now that bough his kernal?
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The thread was closed for a reason so you can assume not in the xda forum as long as the kernel remains donation only. You can contact the original developer and ask him.
Thread closed.
I hope I answered your questions, for any comments or further discussion you can contact me via pm.


KingXKlick's new kernel. Thanks, but NO THANKS

I cannot believe this dude will publicly bash and feud with members of XDA, then attempt to sell his kernel for $5.50..A MONTH! That's almost as much as I pay for Sirius satellite radio.
The idea is revolting. Absolutely devs should make money off their work, but the fact that people are supporting this guy is extremely disheartening. I implore everyone to not support his nonsense and wait for the public release, or find it another way.
I'm not saying he's not a good dev, his kernel is widely used and stable, but his actions and his juvenile behavior added with his holier-than-thou persona makes him persona-non-grata to me, and hopefully to you too.
I was willing to look past the fact he's been kicked off XDA and even the fact that he fueds with other devs and I was willing to try his kernel, as a persons coding skill should not be affected by his child-like behavior, but the fact that he charges a monthly friggin fee goes against everything this open source movement stands for and his actions actually hinder the further development of our Samsung Galaxies.
Don't. Just don't. He doesn't deserve your support.
agreed! lol
i thought i was the only one that thought this hahaha
...flashing now.
wait you didn't develop anything...learn to post in the correct forum.
geekus33 said:
...flashing now.
wait you didn't develop anything...learn to post in the correct forum.
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i'm commenting on the development of a known developer, in the development forum. That a problem?
loogielv said:
i'm commenting on the development of a known developer, in the development forum. That a problem?
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I believe geekus33 was trying to say this is more of a general forum topic; as it's not a comment/post from either a Dev or a comment on a bug with a ROM/MOD/Kernel.
Besides, this is more of a childish rant than anything else. Not useful in any way shape or form. If you don't like the way someone does business don't support them by voting with your wallet.
edit: +1 to the ignore list
Not supporting this thread, not denying what it's stating, just wondering how it can even be charged monthly. Is there built in software that makes it stop working if you haven't paid up, or what?
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loogielv said:
i'm commenting on the development of a known developer, in the development forum. That a problem?
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Technically, geekus33 is right. Whenever you want to post something like this, just post it under General. Development sections are for Roms, Kernels, and Development projects, and not to talk about them.
sorry if this should be posted elsewhere, although i fail to see why.
in any event, all of you *****ing about me *****ing, are just doing the same thing you said i shouldn't do.
Moved to general as not development.
Please see http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=8475563&postcount=2 for guidance on when to post in development.
egzthunder1 said:
Technically, geekus33 is right. Whenever you want to post something like this, just post it under General. Development sections are for Roms, Kernels, and Development projects, and not to talk about them.
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ahh, i see. i read the rules, but just misunderstood the different forums. my bad.
loogielv said:
i'm commenting on the development of a known developer, in the development forum. That a problem?
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yeah, it belongs in general, Development section is for developers to share work, and communicate with other developers.
not saying your opinion is any less valid just doesn't belong here...
loogielv said:
ahh, i see. i read the rules, but just misunderstood the different forums. my bad.
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Its cool...I tend to be overly sarcastic.
geekus33 said:
yeah, it belongs in general, Development section is for developers to share work, and communicate with other developers.
not saying your opinion is any less valid just doesn't belong here...
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yah i re-read the rules. my bad. now my rant seems less meaningful
geekus33 said:
Its cool...I tend to be overly sarcastic.
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me too! we should hand out. go bowling or something.
Its a paypal monthly recurring charge, you can unsubscribe anytime, it won't affect your hardware, just you may not get the new password when its updated to get into the donation section.
wait, are you serious?
Where is this thread that talks about a monthly fee? I've always heard nothing but BAD things, but this is absolutely laughable.
If you go to his site you will see over on the right a place to subscribe for either Platinum or Gold level membership. The membership entitles you for exclusive access to the kernels and also he says you will make you a custom ROM or something. $5.50/month
kangxi said:
If you go to his site you will see over on the right a place to subscribe for either Platinum or Gold level membership. The membership entitles you for exclusive access to the kernels and also he says you will make you a custom ROM or something. $5.50/month
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yup. and the $5.50 a month entitles you to the updates of your kernel. otherwise, you're out of luck.
what a douche.
If he's distributing a modified linux kernel, he has to provide the source to go with it under the terms of the GPL. So, anybody who "subscribes" will have the rights to the source code and can republish that. If he's *not* distributing his source code along with the binaries, that's a GPL violation, and I bet the FSF would be interested.
I'm all for people asking for donations and all, but unless he's providing the code to subscribers this is a problem. If he *is* providing the code to subscribers, they can turn around and repost it for everybody else to use.
mind = blown
Thank God we have people like Team Whiskey, Eugene and JAC (not a complete list, just examples).
he's not.
10 letters

Bakedsnack thread closed

Does anyone know why this got closed? Was it due to the childish stuff that was going on?
Look through the forums, the mod has posted his reasoning in the BS 1.6 thread, whether its true or not is a personal oppinion, mine will not be broadcast, but there you go
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
Seanc13 said:
Look through the forums, the mod has posted his reasoning in the BS 1.6 thread, whether its true or not is a personal oppinion, mine will not be broadcast, but there you go
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
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I must have missed it. Tried to find a reason in that thread. So I assume that mod will no longer be supported here?
mynewepic10 said:
I must have missed it. Tried to find a reason in that thread. So I assume that mod will no longer be supported here?
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check the op, xda mod edited it
what a drama whore.... he makes some decent roms but very much likes to QQ
johnsongrantr said:
check the op, xda mod edited it
what a drama whore.... he makes some decent roms but very much likes to QQ
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Yea I found it after I posted my last one. It is really sad, as I tried out his rom and got great battery life. I had almost 15 hrs from full charge to battery blinking. Have yet to get that with anyone else.
I personally think the mods should have closed all the other rom/kernel threads and just left Herver's open.
nobloat said:
I personally think the mods should have closed all the other rom/kernel threads and just left Herver's open.
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Still absolutely no problems with any of his ROMs! He didnt want to give up his code source (so other devs could see his work) and that is against the "GPL" guidelines. This happens everytime he puts out a ROM on here. I would suggest going to BakeSnackShack.com to keep updated and support him. He said he was going to make it a free forum soon so we will see....but I will pay $5 for each and everyone of his roms!
PS I have the links if anyone still wants Version 1.6....
Unplugged 15hrs and at 78% battery.....I mean come on!
jeremyglass said:
Still absolutely no problems with any of his ROMs! He didnt want to give up his code source (so other devs could see his work) and that is against the "GPL" guidelines. This happens everytime he puts out a ROM on here. I would suggest going to BakeSnackShack.com to keep updated and support him. He said he was going to make it a free forum soon so we will see....but I will pay $5 for each and everyone of his roms!
PS I have the links if anyone still wants Version 1.6....
Unplugged 15hrs and at 78% battery.....I mean come on!
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Is that 15 hrs with light usage?
It really sucks for Epic development in general. I thought we were on a roll there for a while with all the great ROM's and development going on. Weather you like his ROM's or not, the more dev's the better. Is there this much bickering and drama on other device forums?
So basically if you do not release your code you are not in gpl guidelines?
mynewepic10 said:
So basically if you do not release your code you are not in gpl guidelines?
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Yep here is the google def:
Versions entitled GPL Ghostscript are distributed with the GNU General Public License, which allows free use, and free copying and redistribution under certain conditions (including, in some cases, commercial distribution).
I would not want anyone else changing my work and claiming it as there own so I don't blame Hero!
And yes thats light use since I flashed my phone, played some angry birds, texting, and left it unplugged over night (usually a 25% drain/ but last night only 12%)
jeremyglass said:
I would not want anyone else changing my work and claiming it as there own so I don't blame Hero!
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This is what every phone manufacturer does with Google's stock Android, technically. Which is why the GPL states you must release your source.
mattallica76 said:
Is there this much bickering and drama on other device forums?
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All I can say is I've had 2 other android devices and Ive only started seeing shady/weird stuff since getting this new phone and browsing the epic forums..other devs must think this side of xda is a joke
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twoeleven99 said:
All I can say is I've had 2 other android devices and Ive only started seeing shady/weird stuff since getting this new phone and browsing the epic forums..other devs must think this side of xda is a joke
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
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What do you mean?
Yea I had 2 other android phones and never seen this type of **** that goes on here,i love my epic but sometimes I wish I went with vibrant cuz it got better roms and forums.
can someone actually just PM me the link to the ultimate kernel? i have 1.6 ROM and babystep and step2 but would like to try ultimate and didnt get a chance to grab it, TIA!
EDIT: nvm, 2 seconds of resourcefulness and i was able to deduce it from the link to one of the other files, thanks anyway
Lol this is sad, not letting someone steal your hard work gets you banned ? That's all I got out of this
Well what I dont understand about GPL is this. Cant you just download the file and then extract out the code to get it?
Same thing happened with the Samsung Moment over at SDX Developers between their board and that ghetto hoodrat DearmasFamily.
MeOverTrance said:
Lol this is sad, not letting someone steal your hard work gets you banned ? That's all I got out of this
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If you modify GPL code then you must release your changes if its released as a binary.
If he's such a great dev then he could start from scratch and attach his own license.
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Why R all the HDMI threads getting closed??

Can anyone give me a detailed answer as to why the HDMI threads are getting closed? I would like to stay informed of the progress and share my experiences with the dev... isn't that why we all come to XDA?
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My guess is because they often turn into arguments of "so-and-so stole code from so-and-so."
theundeadelvis said:
My guess is because they often turn into arguments of "so-and-so stole code from so-and-so."
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This and people report them. I've reported two myself because if I want to watch drama, I'd turn on Jerry Springer or Maury. I come here to learn, see what's new with Android developements, get updates on CM7, MIUI, and the like, and maybe even contribute here and there.
If the HMDI threads can keep out the "Down with Teamwin" and "Orrebmas is two-faced" crap, and maintain meaningful dialog, then the threads will live a nice long life...we'll see what happens to this one.
The XDA drama queen is in the house! Now where were we?
lol j/k
As long as no one pokes me with a stick again, I'm done with it.
These guys are right, it just turns into a feud between teamwin supporters and the ooremmbas(however you spell it) supporters. That guy and team win have achieved awesome things lets just accept the greatness and enjoy our evos. Who cares, ooreammbas gave us hdmi, teamwin gave us 4g the 2 single most important things on our evo. I support them all man.
Sent from my Evo in your sisters closet using Tapatalk
I don't understand all the drama either. People just need to shut up and enjoy the awesome work that these devs do. Orrebmas has a thread over on Android Central that seems to be staying civil and on topic.
kd0axs said:
I don't understand all the drama either. People just need to shut up and enjoy the awesome work that these devs do. Orrebmas has a thread over on Android Central that seems to be staying civil and on topic.
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what about the teamwin does anybody know where to get some info on it? about the progress with HDMI?
I would love to follow bough
There was one thread last night saying people who donated would get a "pro version" of the beta. After seeing that I'm not surprised they got shut down.
jpatterson350 said:
Can anyone give me a detailed answer as to why the HDMI threads are getting closed? I would like to stay informed of the progress and share my experiences with the dev... isn't that why we all come to XDA?
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
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[GPL- Violation] Full HDMI Mirroring(Released)--(NEW UPDATED APP) claims GPL violations. My question to the admins is this. Is the beta apk posted in violation of GPL or the modified kernels or both? If it was the kernel then all that had to be done was have the posted kernels removed. If it was the apk. then there are a hell of a lot of threads that need to be closed on this site.
My personal opinion with regards to this is, the rules are black and white so follow them and enforce them AT ALL TIMES. If there is any confusion/requests (in this case there's a whole lot) as to what the violation is, cite examples of the offending file or post. If no example is given then is looks like typical political BS. As far as "who stole code from whom", post code or GTFO.
To all devs. If you claim to be working on something post links to, or examples of progress or don't post. When you don't show examples it makes the thread/post look like vaporware or BS.
To members. Posting nothing more than "cool" or some of useless drivel makes no sense in a dev thread. If you like then there's a "thanks" button, use it and move on. Dev threads are for test results, bug reports and feature requests. If you want to chat about something in the dev thread there's a "General" forum just a click away. If a general discussion thread is started then request that the OP post a link to it in the first post.
Cjunior said:
what about the teamwin does anybody know where to get some info on it? about the progress with HDMI?
I would love to follow bough
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follow shinzul on twitter for updates, he just posted another video yesterday!
xHausx said:
There was one thread last night saying people who donated would get a "pro version" of the beta. After seeing that I'm not surprised they got shut down.
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I believe you misunderstood that post. What he meant was that people who already donated would not have to pay for the final release of the app; not the beta. The beta that is out now is the same whether you have donated or not and is available to anyone.
@Lokifish: It is the SBC HDMI kernel that is in violation of GPL. There is a stock HTC kernel where the only change are the HDMI drivers that were added to it which is not in violation of anything. The app is not in violation of anything, either. A member of this site posted the kernel here after orrebmas had removed the link to it voluntarily to not be in violation of any GPL rules.
DomSim said:
follow shinzul on twitter for updates, he just posted another video yesterday!
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thanks man i just started following
rugedraw said:
@Lokifish: It is the SBC HDMI kernel that is in violation of GPL. There is a stock HTC kernel where the only change are the HDMI drivers that were added to it which is not in violation of anything. The app is not in violation of anything, either. A member of this site posted the kernel here after orrebmas had removed the link to it voluntarily to not be in violation of any GPL rules.
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That's my thought as well, but instead of closing the thread and deleting everything all it would have taken is the removal of one file to be in compliance. It's akin to formatting a HDD because you find one wallpaper offensive, very childish IMHO.
Off topic but related. TW's development is very tight lipped and from the two vids I've seen I've already found flaws, this doesn't benefit development.
Lokifish said:
That's my thought as well, but instead of closing the thread and deleting everything all it would have taken is the removal of one file to be in compliance. It's akin to formatting a HDD because you find one wallpaper offensive, very childish IMHO.
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I think that due to the drama that has been circling around anything related to Evo HDMI lately, there is little to no tolerance from the mods for anything that doesn't 100% follow the rules. I myself am partly to blame, because I have been beyond outspoken with my opinions. However, I'm ready to let it go and hopefully the other protagonists to this soap opera are, too.
Maybe someone can start a new thread and it can be kept clean. I'm not going to do it seeing as I am probably not the most popular person on the XDA Evo forum right now, but I think someone should.
Lokifish said:
That's my thought as well, but instead of closing the thread and deleting everything all it would have taken is the removal of one file to be in compliance. It's akin to formatting a HDD because you find one wallpaper offensive, very childish IMHO.
Off topic but related. TW's development is very tight lipped and from the two vids I've seen I've already found flaws, this doesn't benefit development.
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Is this one next?
You have been EVOfied.
rugedraw said:
@Lokifish: It is the SBC HDMI kernel that is in violation of GPL. There is a stock HTC kernel where the only change are the HDMI drivers that were added to it which is not in violation of anything. The app is not in violation of anything, either. A member of this site posted the kernel here after orrebmas had removed the link to it voluntarily to not be in violation of any GPL rules.
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Him not releasing the kernel source changes makes it a GPL violation regardless.
Gotta pay to play, be a true citizen and report the denizens of the internet for GPL violations!
ooremmbas's project is not open sourced ... and he fully intends to release it as a payed product. He's made no mystery about that. Even if it's not in literal violation of a certain rule ... it's certainly against the spirit of XDA, so I couldn't care less if it gets shutdown.
Justin.G11 said:
ooremmbas's project is not open sourced ... and he fully intends to release it as a payed product. He's made no mystery about that. Even if it's not in literal violation of a certain rule ... it's certainly against the spirit of XDA, so I couldn't care less if it gets shutdown.
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The gpl is more than just a rule made up by xda, it is a legal agreement you agree to in order to use the linux kernel.
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Necrosan said:
Him not releasing the kernel source changes makes it a GPL violation regardless.
Gotta pay to play, be a true citizen and report the denizens of the internet for GPL violations!
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If that's the case then there are a lot of threads on XDA that need to be deleted. Actually lets follow precedence and just lock and delete the whole site. This whole thing goes deeper than just his work, it's the "pick and choose" application of forum rules and GPL.
Justin.G11 said:
ooremmbas's project is not open sourced ... and he fully intends to release it as a payed product. He's made no mystery about that. Even if it's not in literal violation of a certain rule ... it's certainly against the spirit of XDA, so I couldn't care less if it gets shutdown.
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What are your options then? Are you going to support a closed development project just because you'll get the app for free? From what little I've seen of the alternative it's already flawed but find me the thread where it's discussed so I can voice this. You can't.

[Q] where the **** is the best kernel dev thor?

Why kick a linuxnerd with this knowledge!!?
PsYCoR said:
Why kick a linuxnerd with this knowledge!!?
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Where do we sign to get him back?
wait what happend?
nycbjr said:
wait what happend?
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Did he quit because of the HTCClay ordeal? If so All those folks went to rootzwiki.com
His kernel thread was closed due to a lack of source being provided, in order to keep the site compliant with the law. Some jerk took that to mean he was banned or punished or in some way unwelcome at XDA, which is false. The OP deserves a nice temp ban for having such a glaring attitude towards the administrators here at XDA who are doing their best to keep this site running. But, for someone with one post, I can't see that doing any good. Best to just ignore the troll till the admins remove this thread.
Out of all the worthless crappy 100+ threads you chose one that is actually useful WOW.
daveid said:
His kernel thread was closed due to a lack of source being provided, in order to keep the site compliant with the law.
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i can't belive it.
Johnny0906 said:
Out of all the worthless crappy 100+ threads you chose one that is actually useful WOW.
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Sorry, but I LOL´ed imagining you saying that. Anyway, that sucks =(
daveid said:
His kernel thread was closed due to a lack of source being provided, in order to keep the site compliant with the law.
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That actually seems reasonably fair... Everyone is angry at Acer for doing that, I don't see why Thor should be held to a different standard. Having said that, his kernel was great... I hope he comes back and plays according to the rules.
With any luck this was all a big misunderstanding, and he just hadn't started a GIT yet but was about to, or something like that.
I mean his kernel was up a few days only, you couldnt have given him some more time to explain or something?
This is the guy that got Clockwork for EVERYBODY for ****s sake...
And its impossible to put a price tag on how important it is.
Johnny0906 said:
I mean his kernel was up a few days only, you couldnt have given him some more time to explain or something?
This is the guy that got Clockwork for EVERYBODY for ****s sake...
And its impossible to put a price tag on how important it is.
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We can only guess that PM's were being exchanged over the issue before any action was taken. At least, I HOPE they were. They wouldn't just boot him without talking first, would they?
FloatingFatMan said:
We can only guess that PM's were being exchanged over the issue before any action was taken. At least, I HOPE they were. They wouldn't just boot him without talking first, would they?
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As I say, let's just hope this was all a big misunderstanding. Thor was asked for his source a few times in that thread, and he never responded to those requests publicly. I don't know what happened behind the scenes though, as you say. Perhaps a mod can clarify?
Of course they would... They ban all the best devs over stupid $h*t. Android is "open source" but now we say he was banned for not including source? Thanks conan keep up the great work...
Sent from my My Touch 4G using XDA Premium App
Please let's get Thor and his work back !
Wtf is this s%%%???
First there's not even ONE mod to sticky the important threads and now some N00B comes to play sheriff in town and kick the DEV who brought CLOCKWORKMOD to ICONIA out?
Who the F%%% is this brilliant MOD???
WHY the F%%% don't you CLOSE ALL 3.1 topics and ask acer for a 3.1 source?
Thor was rebuilding his kernel from ground up anyway.
WTF? is this XDA OR CCCP?
Mod who bans = CONANTROUTMAN... Send all requests to him ;-)
Sent from my My Touch 4G using XDA Premium App
Please post the C&D if it REALLY was a legal thing
Seriously? Because he hasn't had time to post the source up? Really?
This isn't anything new even here on XDA, and as far as being legally compliant, show us the cease and desist order, please. In any event that's no cause to get a poster banned and XDA had plenty of occurrences on significantly less open platforms where they didn't ban the poster, but locked the content due to C&Ds.
Thor did significant amounts of work here to get us what we want. Acer and pretty much 100% of corporate industries are limited to what they can do or say because of much greater liability of what they produce. One user/fan/coder posting here not so much liability as none of it is anywhere near official.
So, again please post the C&D
Even if he was being a total jackass and blurted out obscenities AT mods, a temp ban would all that it would warrant.
CONANTROUTMAN banned him or CONANTROUTMAN is in charge of mods overdoing their job?
Who banned him?
This is crazy about one month ago we didn't have recovery, Then Thor arrived and fixed that he is very important to the development of the a 500, Lets hope this is temporary, Without devs like Thor we get nowhere on our devices, I have seen in the past when devs have fights with mods the devs leave for good. Its almost like they get jealous of the work they do.
Sent from my A500 using Tapatalk

Galaxy Nexus Boot, Recovery, and System dump (NEW!!)

found it on android central
Idk if you read the post that you linked. It specifically asks not rehost the files. While we are in no obligation to follow requests from other forums its common courtesy to support other developers when they do so much for the community as a whole. Something to keep in mind...
Otherwise thanks for the link!
i just thought the original host was horrible since you gotta wait 15 minutes between downloads unless you have an account. but alright, i wont rehost.
skeepon said:
i just thought the original host was horrible since you gotta wait 15 minutes between downloads unless you have an account. but alright, i wont rehost.
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Much appreciated.
so what does this mean in terms of developers? (im a noob)
jug6ernaut said:
Obviously you did not read the post to which you linked. It specifically says to NOT rehost the files. While we are in no obligation to follow requests from other forums its common courtesy to support other developers when they do so much for the community as a whole. Something to keep in mind...
Otherwise thanks for the link!
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Point of stating this is? Are you like an online mall cop?
Sent from my HTC Evo 3D using xda premium
Simer03 said:
so what does this mean in terms of developers? (im a noob)
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It means that porting ics to other devices should devices should be a lot easier. The more pieces we have the better a chance of it happening.
denson9874 said:
Point of stating this is? Are you like an online mall cop?
Sent from my HTC Evo 3D using xda premium
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(I'm assuming u don't know who your talking)
If u consider xda a mall, then yes I am lol. Still as I said, its a matter of courtesy. We are under no obligation to follow any request from other forums(that I'm aware of at least). I said something because paul is a huge figure as Android community goes and he deserves respect as does everyone. Android community is built on the backs of people liked him.
In comparison your post is pointless & if it want explicitly directed at me I would be removing it as it is unconstructive and is a direct attack (for lack of a better weird) on another user which is not tolerated. as it its I'll let it slide, but don't try and push it, I doubt another mod will do the same.
Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk

