Newbie with limited knowledge in need of help .. - G2 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Teenage son swam with his one month old LG G2. Ouch.
Used reviveaphone liquid as only 12 quid and worth a try. I'm amazed but it actually seems to have worked, except I think in water shorting the phone we've lost the root because on the firmware update screen I get a message "920K 8100 Unrooted" appearing in a rectangular box at bottom of screen.
I'm a little computer savvy but know nothing about mobile roots. I imagine this is the built in Rom that fires everything up which has got corrupted by the water. I realise I might be wasting my time and it may be fried but being only one month old I want to give it a good try before binning it.
I don't want any hacked rom or anything complicated just want original rom restored if possible?
I expect there's a sticky that someone can link me to? I'm not completely sure which model I have but the back is off and maybe there's some identifier in there?
Sorry to sound terribly dim! Any help most gratefully received!
If you do reply can you please bear in mind I know none of the technical terms! Thanks

Okay, so the device is working? Does it boot into a workable mode or are you only getting that box with unrooted text? That doubts like you're in download mode.
Without knowing which variant you have, this is going to be tough. Start with this thread:
That should link you to everything you need to know to get back to stock rom.
This link will take you to a thread which will use a program on Windows to get back to stock rom as well.


Downgrade 6.5 to 6.1

Hey guys, any help will be GREATLY appreciated...I had my HTC Touch Vogue replace by sprint's insurance no more than 2 weeks ago because it broke. I decided to install Windows Mobile 6.5 on this one and WOW its like a completely new phone the problem is that now the screen is acting all crazy. It spins all over the place and even moves without me touching it. I reset all the settings on the phone so I believe is a hardware problem. Its a real bummer because I haven't even pay the $100 for this replacement crap and now its broken. Can I put Windows Mobile 6.1 back to the phone so I can take it to the store and get it checked out? thanks in advance!!
systemind said:
Hey guys, any help will be GREATLY appreciated...I had my HTC Touch Vogue replace by sprint's insurance no more than 2 weeks ago because it broke. I decided to install Windows Mobile 6.5 on this one and WOW its like a completely new phone the problem is that now the screen is acting all crazy. It spins all over the place and even moves without me touching it. I reset all the settings on the phone so I believe is a hardware problem. Its a real bummer because I haven't even pay the $100 for this replacement crap and now its broken. Can I put Windows Mobile 6.1 back to the phone so I can take it to the store and get it checked out? thanks in advance!!
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yea put the stock rom from what ever carrier you have back on the device, if it is hardware related which it sounds like they should replace it for free
Stock roms to download and use for flash
Be sure to put the bootloader back to stock as well
I was able to put the stock Winmo 6.1 on it however Im not sure how to put the stock bootloader on it ?
You usually don't need the stock bootloader on the phone to take it back to the store. I have always just flashed back the stock rom and went with it.
Well but im going to send the phone back to the insurance since I received the new one, I dont want any problems with them lol besides I dont know what they re going to do with the phone, what if they try to reset it and install the OS again, and see CoKe bootloader
I was reading a tutorial on this site about relocking the voge and it says to simply put the stock rom from my manufacturer on the phone, but that clearly doesnt work I wish it was that easy, can you guys point me in the right direction pleasse
You have to install the .40 unlocker from imcokeman; then install your default carrier ROM and it will relock your ROM. I've done this for returns and it works. Here is the link with the file and some notes:
yes yes yes, I was doing that right now, I kept reading and found that article however In some place around here I saw something about freezing at 29% and ironically I was installing the stock rom after going to .40 and froze at 29%!! so I though I was dead but went into recovery mode and gave it another try and is almost at 100% now!! *crosses fingers* thank you very much for your help will report how it goes.
great success! thank you so much to everyone who contributed!!

Completely lost trying to root UK Vodafone HTC Magic

Hi all,
Firstly apologies for the long post, and thanks for all the info that is up here... however I have managed to get quite lost. I'll try to take you though the whole story as much as I understand it, but I woke up this morning and decided (after 8 months) to finally root my android.
That was 8am, it is now midnight, and I've had sandwiches while working at it, all day. It has been in various stages of bricked, and I think I might have just sent it back that way - should not be playing with it when tired.
Things I have
1 x UK Vodafone HTC Magic, doing return plus power = 32B, HBOOT-1.33.0009 (another story here).
1x 16GB SD-HC card
1x 1gb Card
1x cheap nokia I can use as a reader for the 1gig card, but it can't handle SD-HC
Anyway I started off with the 1 click root idea, which obviously doesn't work these days, so followed the next link, then the next, finding I need to do the 'goldcard' method.
Anyway I'm not sure where all the time has gone (16 hours now), but I have learnt what an SPL was, flashed mine to an ‘imperfect’ one, managed to flash it to deteethed google, then cyanogen on top, but it would never boot, and just hangs saying HTC Magic, then managed to flash it using 'myhero' which gave me a Hero like phone.
However I now seem to have messed it up again as I'm determined to do the cyanogen mod - I really want to be able to tether, and lots of other bits and pieces.
The state at the moment therefore is I have it all working with fastboot, and can easily get the Amon_RA recovery image going, but the cm_recovery one makes it hang and do nothing. If I try and replace the recovery section using fastboot it tells me it has failed (I forget the exact message).
I can therefore upgrade things using the Amon_RA backup, but as I said things don't seem to entirely work, and at the moment my phone is hanging (I think as I'm tired I've overwritten my backup). I'm also not sure if this goldcard method is working – I asked a question in the thread and it seems that it might not be.
I guess I'm just looking for a few pointers, after 16 hours sat here I'm generally pretty frustrated and totally lost - there is a lot of information, but there are so many permutations of hardware, and a lot of the information is now out of date. Trying to take everything in as well as deal with a specific problem may actually be beyond me  Which is something I hate- being the newbie needing help with a potentially simple problem (though I have had a good go at it).
I'm really not sure what stage the phone is at, have I rooted it? After all I can use the myhero rom, but on the other hand I can't do what I want to do, so therefore is there a problem? Exactly which step makes it ‘rooted?’ as every guide is obviously a chain of events to make it in to something else. I'm honestly not sure, but it isn't a fun feeling – I’m stressed and at the momentI have no phone just a brick that I can fastboot to recovery, and a bunch of backups as soon as I get it working again.
I really had no idea it would be this difficult, and am a big angry at Google/HTC for making it so - it is easier to get Hackintosh working than this! I’ve also managed to do hundreds of other similar things without any problem – Xbox Media Center (including soldering), and a few more spring to mind, all to use the hardware I already own! My hardware!
Anyway advice and pointers are appreciated, as although I've learnt a lot today, I'm still blundering about, and it is a matter of time until I cause serious damage in my attempts to make it better, al alternatively just throw in the towel, but then I don’t think I can go back as I have a horrible feeling that the restore I did didn’t work.
Again anything you can offer is appreciated, and if you need more detail, I’ll do what I can!
Also just to add I've tried searching, which is partially how I've got myself in to this mess - solve one problem but make another!
Also I do have my APN settings, so when I get it installed, I can get my google account workign with it - I think i've had to do this about 6 times now! So if there is a way to get it in to 'myhero' which I think I can do again, and download an apk, then I should be able to do that.
There is a lot of information and everyone is recommended to do their research before rooting the phone.
That being said, it sounds like your phone is rooted if you can boot into recovery and load up a sense ROM. It'd been much easier to follow cyanogen's wiki instructions for non T-mobile 32B Magics. I also have a vodafone Magic and I rooted my phone successfully using the method.
Not having used the goldcard method, I don't exactly know where it went wrong. Have you done full wipes before applying a zip file? Stuff like that which might be easily overlooked?
Yeha I've been wiping it all before flashing, so that isn't the problem.
I also did as much reading as I could before starting (and watching the youtube guides before doing anything), but I guess a lot of the problems were unexpected (aren't they always?), for example I only found out half way through that I would need to flash the SPL, and it took me 40 minutes to figure out what SPL was, and what it did, then another 40 to work out how I was going to do it, then 40 to do so.
I have been following guides though - for the cyanogen one I get all the way down to flashing it with the detoothed google build, then cyanogen (obviously wiping before doing these). All the steps appear successful but then it doesn't boot.
The phone is also a rather strange one, a vodafone branded one that says 32B, but I'm sure it has more RAM.
Currently trying 'method 2' from here
to see if that works, but I'm not optimistic.
Yup 15 minutes laters same problem - it hangs on HTC magic screen, which is exactly what it does when I go for the Cyanogen one.
I'll goign to try and google for other roms, see if any of them work sucessfully (and might provide a bridghe to what I want to have.
Again however anybody knows good guides, sites or anythign else let me know.
As I said a big problem before is I'm reliant heavily on google, and a lot of the informaion out there is useless, as it is out of date in a big way. Also I don't know anyoen else who has doen this, so recommendations ofmethods/roms are dependent on my reading, not wword of mouth (which is generally better).
Ok I've tried the method 2, defiantely no sucess, went back to the myhero (which performs awfully, so much lag!), and have now tried flaskrec.apk on there.
It does not backup, but then bypassing that step, it gives me the error 'Flash failed'.
Really stuck now, and no idea what to try, any suggestions at all would be helpful. I'm almost at the stage of wishing I'd got an iphone :-(

Need software help!!

Ok since I upgraded to the 2.1 myphone has been having major problems almost to the point where I cant use it anymore. I have done a factory reset 3 times and still hasnt fixed the problems. I did do the upgrade over the air, what I need to know is, is there anyway I can downgrade back to the 1.5 or manually re upload the 2.1 version to see if it fixes my problems. Thank you.
what is exactly wrong with your phone that is making it unusable?
There is no current way to downgrade 2.1 to 1.5, even with OTA update, unless you would like to flash the root image, then downgrade back to regular 1.5... Also we may be able to better assist you if you explain the issues you are having with your phone a little better.
The issues I am having are text app force closes all the time, mostly when the phone itself is charging. I dont receive texts a lot, I have to *228 frequently through out the day. When I am at the homescreen the pages will slide all the way to the left and stay there the only way I can get back to anywhere is to either do a soft reset or long press the home key to go to another app. The biggest problem though is the texting and like i said it mostly just happens when the phone is charging. But the keyboard will seriously lag, force close...the cursor jumps to the begining of whatever i am saying or just randomly go to the left and mix all my words up.
have you installed any apps or do you use any widgets? are you using the sense home launcher?
i have not installed any apps since the 3rd time i did the factory reset, and i have no idea about the other question.
It sounds to me like there was some corruption with your OTA update. I would venture to say that you have two options here:
1. Take your Eris into Verizon and have them replace it.
2. Root your Eris and enjoy the many available roms here.
*Standard disclaimer: I am not responsible for what you do to your device, it is your choice to do whatever you please...*
why don't you just go into the verizon wieless store and tell them what is happening and they will give you a replacement. i had slight wifi issues so i went there and they gave me a new phone on the dot! they might make you do some factory resets and such there also
yeah thats what i think too..but since i did the over the air update to the 2.1 i didnt think I could do any roots or whatever. I am not that knowledgable when it comes to the roots or any of that. I would like to do that so I can fix my phone and actually use it. Can you please provide me with step by step instructions on how to do that.
ok i am not responsible for this but here is the link to the instructions:
also this will void your warranty so you can't get a free replacement from verizon after you root
update: these are instructions for windows if you search around you can find instructions for linux and mac (i rooted on a mac so if you need help PM me and i will respond when i can (i am not an expert))
ok so once i dothe root or whatever will my contacts still sync with google?? I cant get a replacement phone anyhow because I bought this phone from a private owner, but I did not have problems with it until right after I did the upgrade a few weeks after I bought the phone.
naenaek22 said:
yeah thats what i think too..but since i did the over the air update to the 2.1 i didnt think I could do any roots or whatever. I am not that knowledgable when it comes to the roots or any of that. I would like to do that so I can fix my phone and actually use it. Can you please provide me with step by step instructions on how to do that.
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Here is a link to a thread that will take you through the root process. These guys, ECLIPS3 and Jamezelle, know their stuff! They even made an app to do the hard part.
naenaek22 said:
ok so once i dothe root or whatever will my contacts still sync with google?? I cant get a replacement phone anyhow because I bought this phone from a private owner, but I did not have problems with it until right after I did the upgrade a few weeks after I bought the phone.
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Yes, you can still sync with Google. (Did someone say g00gl3?) Lolz
Anyhow, just do some research as you choose which rom to load. Every rom has it's own features and charateristics. Also, make sure to create Nandroid backups whenever flashing from rom to rom just in case of issues. Good luck!
ok since i am very illiterate about the whole rom thing and all that..can you please in your opionion tell me which way to go?? I wont hold anything against you I just want to be able to use my freakin phone. I dont really care about the techy stuff as long as i can use the apps and text and make calls I am good. I looked at the link you provided "google" lol..and i am not sure quite how to do it. I know i am being a big pain right now I just dont want to mess my phone up.
actually the jumpy screen while charging thing is pretty common I believe its a hardware issue though...its my belief the mini usb connecter on the eris is shoddy
plug in the charger and wiggle it you may notice the connetor is not properly fastened to the phone
fyi DO NOT hold the phone up or horizontial by the usb wife did that to both our phones and ever since then it will flake out
a quick fix would be to plug in wiggle it and unplug you want the mini usb connector back in alignment
naenaek22 said:
ok since i am very illiterate about the whole rom thing and all that..can you please in your opionion tell me which way to go?? I wont hold anything against you I just want to be able to use my freakin phone. I dont really care about the techy stuff as long as i can use the apps and text and make calls I am good. I looked at the link you provided "google" lol..and i am not sure quite how to do it. I know i am being a big pain right now I just dont want to mess my phone up.
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No worries - everyone is hesitant at first - no one wants to brick their phone...
What kind of computer do you use; Windows, Mac, or Linux? This is important for following the root procedure.
I still believe the EMA app that I linked is your best bet. It handles the tough command line tasks for you.
As for a rom, you can see by my signature that I prefer Sense-able 3.1 from Jamezelle. But I also really like Evil Eris 2.0.1 by Framework43.
I would probably suggest Sense-able 3.1 for you because it is based on an Eris build. I have found it to be very stable and doesn't really need any tweaks to run well.
*Just wanted to note that I am in no way knocking any other roms or devs on these boards. Thank you to all the talented devs out there for all the work you do!!!*
i downloaded the sensible far as the app goes how do I go about getting that or whatever?? I am running windows..but the sensible rom file is downloaded to my desk top i havent done anything with it yet beings that I dont have a clue as to what I am doing lol..
naenaek22 said:
ok since i am very illiterate about the whole rom thing and all that..can you please in your opionion tell me which way to go?? I wont hold anything against you I just want to be able to use my freakin phone. I dont really care about the techy stuff as long as i can use the apps and text and make calls I am good. I looked at the link you provided "google" lol..and i am not sure quite how to do it. I know i am being a big pain right now I just dont want to mess my phone up.
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use the app that jamezelle and i made. its super simple. were always on the irc server if you need help.
i am working on downloading it now, i am downloading the net 4 thing ..but i am going into this blind..
naenaek22 said:
i am working on downloading it now, i am downloading the net 4 thing ..but i am going into this blind..
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Just download the EMA app and use it. The thread has instructions to use it. Just read the part about pre-requisites to install the needed software. Then run EMA and follow the center column of 4 commands. Thats really all there is to it.
Like I said earlier, ECLIPS3 and Jamezelle do great work and are willing to provide help. As he said above...

[Q] Lg Quantum Non responsive touchscreen

Hey so this is my first post ever, and im really sorry if i put it in the wrong place, if so mods can you do me a solid and move it?
Ive looked around the forums and didnt really seem to find anything on my issue, but my Lg quantum's touchscreen locked up on me. It is completely Non-Responsive, i thought maybe i messed something up in the registry so i did a cold boot and now im stuck at the Welcome to your LG LG-C900 windows phone screen and i cant hit anything! Any ideas what could be causing this to happen, and/or how to fix it? Thanks in advance for any help you guys can provide!
when (if) you did your update to 7008, it should have made a restore point for ya. if you hook it back up to zune theres a restore button in the update page. might be worth a shot...
Hey buddy, thanks a lot! Im gonna give it a shot now, im putting it back together as we speak! If i havent updated it could an update maybe fix what was wrong? If that doesnt work, is there anything else we can try to do to fix it? Anybody know a good tutorial for me to take it apart?
Hey so im having trouble putting the phone into emercency download mode, im trying to work from the thread here , , and im confused at the (VOL+CAM+PWR) i hold those and nothing happens to enter a download mode.... anybody have any advice?
i read somewhere that for the (VOL+CAM+PWR) to work, your phone must first be off first.
and idk if we are allowed outside links here, but THIS looks like the same link as your just on a diffrent site. maybe some searching on that site might bring up something...
So an update, after much tinkering with the phone I found that to get into emergency download mode you must first:
shut the phone off
slide open the keyboard
hold space then press power
it goes to download mode instantly
Sadly, updating the firmware manually did not bring back my touchscreen =[
Any other advice? Or somewhere i can go to learn to take apart the quantum properly?
Please post in the proper device forum! I will now move your thread. Please remember to look at the stickys up top, and to look at all the device forums before you post.
Did your digitizer go out? I broke mine -_-
Anyone find a guide on how to replace the digitizer?
Did you get the phone from a supplier (e.g. Bell, Sprint, AT&T)? If so, you might be able to contact their Customer Service to talk about repair/replacement...
I does sound like you have a hardware fault -- not something that can be fixed with firmware, etc.
I just took apart my quantum and found an amazing service manual for it if anyone needs it. I had the same thing when I put it back together but I had just unplugged the digitizer and didnt plug it back in. Ill put up a link to the file if anyone needs it. I gotta also say I friggen love this phone. I apparently knocked it off the table one night into a pitcher of Koolaid. It sat there for hours. In the morning I picked it up and poured a glass and there is my quantum at the bottom of the pitcher. I was livid. I just pulled battery out, dried it, gave it an alcohol bath, opened it up and put it in a tupperware container of rice for 24 hours, then used a hairdryer to get any remaining liquid in there dried. Put it all back together and the only thing wrong with it was water in the LCD. Just replaced the LCD so I can see better, (it was only annoying, but perfectly functional). Digressing... SO I found the service manual and even made a youtube video of the basics of taking it apart. Ill post the links in an edit.
The video sux I know but it was only because no one had one up yet, so I had to post it to show what I found out and what troubles I had etc.
And I posted the Svc manual as well here

Remove Root with Broken Screen (T-Mobile Warranty Replacement)

[ABANDONED] My worries have been aliviated by the people posting here that T-Mobile did not check for an unlocked bootloader. That's enough for me to close the issue. If someone does need to find the answer to this question, feel free to pursue it otherwise I consider this [CLOSED]
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I've already searched for this EXTENSIVELY and need more help. I have a similar problem to this thread (which wasn't resolved), but didn't want to revive a dead thread from Dec '10 to ask this.
First and most important question is: WILL I NEED TO DO THIS?> Will T-Mobile check for the unlocked bootloader on a broken-screen phone and will they notice my MIUI rom? (I'm REALLY worried about this because rooting my phone does void the warranty, but honestly I didn't break it. The screen just stopped working. Really worried = the search for a solution).
Is HTC warranty a better option? (I'm actually the second owner and the original owner is going to try to do the replacement)
I've realized that I can use Android Screencast to see what the phone is showing, and touch input still works on my phone (though Android Screencast isn't letting me use my computer mouse/keyboard to use my phone). This is only available on a rom/backup with USB debugging enabled, and shows CWM Recovery (using the latest version).
Can someone please help me go through all the steps needed to restore everything to stock? I am cursed by this issue and realize that someone would need to take over an hour to figure all this out.
>>I know I'm asking for a lot, but this is a great community to be involved in and I've searched all over for help before posting.<<
P.S. I've also looked at [Guide] Remove permanent root, and I need to know what extra steps I will need to know with a broken screen. CWM 3.0+ presents a problem for stock rom, and I need one with USB debugging enabled already.
Also, fyi I used the Rage/Gfree latest version available as of Jan 24 (when I rooted). I did not flash the Engineering HBoot, which would probably help.
What i found was they dont care about the software. confirmed twice. Apparently it is a known defect in the phone that the screen stops working, they will admit it now. We have done 2 warranty replacements and the first one at the time of the post, they tried to charge me for breaking the screen (we did a better business bur Complaint) and got refunded. The second time they didnt even question it and we werent even charged.
So no they dont care, dont worry about it.
I just so happen to have the exact problem as you, i stepped on my phone leavng the screen internally broken put the touch screen still worked. I was running CM7 and i called them and just sent it in with no problems. there not there to look at the software and are not going to take the time to replace screens on all the phones they get in first to see if there rooted or not. If you cant tell its rooted by looking at the screen (i mean it is broken) then theres no way they will. Just send it in and you'll get it in about weeks time
I had this problem and submitted it to warrenty, anyway. They asked me three questions, is the screen cracked. Is there any external damage, and any water damage. All were no's, so they replaced the phone without ever checking for root.
Thanks for all the responses. All three of you have reassured me to the point that I'm not going to worry about it either. While I appreciate that T-Mobile is not going to charge me for rooting my device (which I should be able to do), I am annoyed that as a secondary owner I do not get warranty support and need to have the original owner take care of it.
daboma said:
Thanks for all the responses. All three of you have reassured me to the point that I'm not going to worry about it either. While I appreciate that T-Mobile is not going to charge me for rooting my device (which I should be able to do), I am annoyed that as a secondary owner I do not get warranty support and need to have the original owner take care of it.
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Actually no, even if you are a second owner u can still get it replaced. I am also a second owner but I know a way to get it replaced. Pm me
Sent from my HTC Vision using Tapatalk
