Downgrade 6.5 to 6.1 - Touch CDMA General

Hey guys, any help will be GREATLY appreciated...I had my HTC Touch Vogue replace by sprint's insurance no more than 2 weeks ago because it broke. I decided to install Windows Mobile 6.5 on this one and WOW its like a completely new phone the problem is that now the screen is acting all crazy. It spins all over the place and even moves without me touching it. I reset all the settings on the phone so I believe is a hardware problem. Its a real bummer because I haven't even pay the $100 for this replacement crap and now its broken. Can I put Windows Mobile 6.1 back to the phone so I can take it to the store and get it checked out? thanks in advance!!

systemind said:
Hey guys, any help will be GREATLY appreciated...I had my HTC Touch Vogue replace by sprint's insurance no more than 2 weeks ago because it broke. I decided to install Windows Mobile 6.5 on this one and WOW its like a completely new phone the problem is that now the screen is acting all crazy. It spins all over the place and even moves without me touching it. I reset all the settings on the phone so I believe is a hardware problem. Its a real bummer because I haven't even pay the $100 for this replacement crap and now its broken. Can I put Windows Mobile 6.1 back to the phone so I can take it to the store and get it checked out? thanks in advance!!
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yea put the stock rom from what ever carrier you have back on the device, if it is hardware related which it sounds like they should replace it for free

Stock roms to download and use for flash
Be sure to put the bootloader back to stock as well

I was able to put the stock Winmo 6.1 on it however Im not sure how to put the stock bootloader on it ?

You usually don't need the stock bootloader on the phone to take it back to the store. I have always just flashed back the stock rom and went with it.

Well but im going to send the phone back to the insurance since I received the new one, I dont want any problems with them lol besides I dont know what they re going to do with the phone, what if they try to reset it and install the OS again, and see CoKe bootloader

I was reading a tutorial on this site about relocking the voge and it says to simply put the stock rom from my manufacturer on the phone, but that clearly doesnt work I wish it was that easy, can you guys point me in the right direction pleasse

You have to install the .40 unlocker from imcokeman; then install your default carrier ROM and it will relock your ROM. I've done this for returns and it works. Here is the link with the file and some notes:

yes yes yes, I was doing that right now, I kept reading and found that article however In some place around here I saw something about freezing at 29% and ironically I was installing the stock rom after going to .40 and froze at 29%!! so I though I was dead but went into recovery mode and gave it another try and is almost at 100% now!! *crosses fingers* thank you very much for your help will report how it goes.

great success! thank you so much to everyone who contributed!!


Blackstone dead!

guys i posted earlier today that that my phone kept switching off, i thought i fixed it but now its switched off and will not come back on! ive tried charging it but doesnt seem to have any affect, i want to send back to HTC but im using a custom rom, and as it doesnt switch on i can not flash a stock rom, so my warranties gone down the drain, any1 got any ideas? i was thinking off buying a new battery but i doubt thats the problem as it would have work when i put it on charge
guys if i manage to get the phone on what stock rom/radio do i flash? im in the uk with tmbile
same here but..
i have been using htc touch hd since last February (ard) and its not that long time but my touch hd is showing problems like its dead quite often i cant see anything in my screen (but i can hear vibration on calls)and it only works once i reset i even tried factory restore but doesn't work. its same and if its problem of any other third party software i have only spb mobile shell, and skyfire.
can i know what is solution for me if i get replacement from htc. its really ridiculous to have such a product which doesnot even work for half a year.
Leave the battery out for a couple of days, and see if it can start up after that. If not, then the chances are that HTC will not see the custom rom as they will replace the main board (that is what they did for me).
In future, use USPL as this gives the fastest and easiest way to get back to a stock rom. It means that you can just install the stock rom without having th flash back to the stock SPL and can be done easily if your screen breaks.
If you can flash your device, flash it with the latest ROM from HTC if it was non branded. If you have Hard SPL, you will have to flash that back as well.
It appears that this problem is becomming more widespread - it has happened to me plus a few others.......... therefore i guess HTC will be aware of this issue.
i hade the same problem as you. And i had duttys 3.4. I had no problem whit the warranties.
If you can't even get phone to start, chances are its a motherboard problem and likelyhood is that HTC will just replace motherboard without evenm looking at whats installed on device. Others have had same problem and they had no problems. However I CANNOT stand by this 100%. It will be a risk!!
thanks guys the phone wont start so im hoping they will just fix the mother board and send it back and hopefully that will be the end of it, ill keep you guys updated they are picking it up in the morning

Cracked my screen problem

Ok, so i dropped my phone and cracked my screen the other day. It is only the screen as i can still use it but just has a big crack in the middle. As far as i am aware i can take it back to Vodafone and they will fix it, but i got the phone with a hero rom on it and i'm thinking they wont help me because its been tampered with.
So my question is should i try and revert it back to the original state or just take it back? (bare in mind i have no clue atm of how to change it from hero rom).
Nemshki said:
Ok, so i dropped my phone and cracked my screen the other day. It is only the screen as i can still use it but just has a big crack in the middle. As far as i am aware i can take it back to Vodafone and they will fix it, but i got the phone with a hero rom on it and i'm thinking they wont help me because its been tampered with.
So my question is should i try and revert it back to the original state or just take it back? (bare in mind i have no clue atm of how to change it from hero rom).
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Did you make a nandroid backup, that the easiest way to get it back to the state you had before putting the hero Rom.
hmm i dont know how can i check? i got the phone when it was in hero rom.

HD2 wont turn on

Hey everyone, my hd2 died (original 1.48 rom), I already tried soft reset, hard reset, put out my battery, charge it and everyhting that came to my mind but when i turn it on it wont go further than the first htc image.
Is there anything i cant do or should i just take it back to the shop?
I would take it back, even if you do fix it. You don't want a phone that may still have a underlying problem.
Htc HD2 BRICK Need HELP!!!!!!!
I flashed Duttys_Leo_Sense_2.5_5.2.23554.5.5.0_1.72_Multi-Lang_6.5.5_Radio_2. into tmobile htc hd2 cause i was [email protected]$kin goin Rom happy and didnt double check its compatibility and my screen went blank black, cant power on, cant go into bootloader, and cant hard reset but when i plug it in to my computer it recognizes it as a device without a driver i saw it in the device manager on windows 7 ulitmate. CAN I SAVE MY HTC HD2??
I KILL my htc hd2 (BRICKED)
I used HSPL2_1024_RUN.exe i flashed like 5 roms within 24hrs i was trying them out and this one made killed my hd2.
for those stuck on the htc boot image
take off the back cover of the phone and press the little red button, this will restart the phone
AS SOON AS you press it, press and hold the volume down button this will bring you to the bootloader
connect the phone via usb to your computer and flash a different radio rom (look first which are compatible with your rom)
if this doesnt work, using the same method flash back to your original rom.
hpg said:
I flashed Duttys_Leo_Sense_2.5_5.2.23554.5.5.0_1.72_Multi-Lang_6.5.5_Radio_2. into tmobile htc hd2 cause i was [email protected]$kin goin Rom happy and didnt double check its compatibility and my screen went blank black, cant power on, cant go into bootloader, and cant hard reset but when i plug it in to my computer it recognizes it as a device without a driver i saw it in the device manager on windows 7 ulitmate. CAN I SAVE MY HTC HD2??
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for tmous with 1gb rom NEVER flash a radio with .51. in the code.
still haven't seen anyone recover from this. if anyone has please let me know.
Damn it captain!!!!!!
I just got it on the 24th shhhhhhhh....... ummm i just will take it to TMOBILE i hope i can get an other one, they may not have one in stock or they WONT give me another. i will see as soon as the store opens.
Sorry to hear about people's problems. Just remember if you have TMobile
USA there is NOT a way to flash another rom onto the phone..Just give it time the wonderful folks here are working on it. If your still in your 14 day grace period just return the phone to the store and play dumb. You might
have to wait for another phone since apparently they did not anticipate
how many people wanted this phone and sold out quickly. I know I was there
at 6:30 and the second in line and they only had 5!
Anyway, the most important thing you can do here is DO a search!
I KILL my htc hd2 (BRICKED)
BUT I have flashed roms into Tmobiles htc hd2 like TOUCH_X_TREME_23549_TMOUS_2_30_5_49 among others and they worked! i was just try different ones and i PICKED and I BRICKED!!!!!!!!!!!
Damitu said:
Just remember if you have TMobile
USA there is NOT a way to flash another rom onto the phone..
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sorry? sure about that? seems to me lots of people have successfully flashed their tmous hd2.
It only goes wrong if you
1 - flash a rom based on anything less than 2.10 rom
2 - flash a radio with ..51.. in the version number.
I KILL my htc hd2 (BRICKED)
When I take it back do you think tmobile can they tell if i flashed a rom?
hpg said:
When I take it back do you think tmobile can they tell if i flashed a rom?
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possibly, however its worth a try, there are other people that have reported they got it exchanged. the worst theu can do is send you it back un fixed. They can't keep it and make you pay for the fix.
I KILL my htc hd2 (BRICKED) and the walk of SHAME!!!
Ok well thanks for your GREAT!!! input how can i add you to friends for future epic fail endeavours!!! i encounter.
hpg said:
Ok well thanks for your GREAT!!! input how can i add you to friends for future epic fail endeavours!!! i encounter.
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hehe, i rarely bother accepting friend requests, this isnt a social networking site!
Just find any post be me, and either click my name or the green button next to my name to PM me.
Shamely going back to tmobile on wed
I went to tmobile last friday they tried to turn it on, pushing reset and taking out the battery so they put me on a list for this coming wed. I still got the bricked one with me they told me to bring it in for a trade. i have tried everything to turn it on but the screen remains BLACK. so i got a BLACK BRICK!!!
Any more ideas?
cgrec92 said:
for those stuck on the htc boot image
take off the back cover of the phone and press the little red button, this will restart the phone
I do not see a little red button under the back cover. I am in the US, just bought phone, slightly used of course, no warranty. It suddenly went dead this afternoon while charging, will sometimes try to power up but will just keep flashing that one screen "stick together" over and over.....
Tried another battery, same thing.
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Mine is doing the same thing . . . in the US, the reset button is right next to the SD card slot, and it's yellow. Mine wouldn't come on Friday, and I started a web chat with Tmobile to see if they would exchange it, and then it just came back on. They said as long as the white sticker at the top of the battery compartment is still white (proving you didn't get it wet), then they will exchange it. It worked fine for me the rest of the weekend (AFTER I did a hard reset, and got it running great!!). This morning, I locked it while running MobiTV, then I couldn't unlock it, so I pulled the battery. That was 2 hours ago, and it still won't come on . . .
If it doesn't come on before I leave work, I'm taking it to Tmobile tonight!!
UPDATED 20 minutes later: Just came on . . . no rhyme or reason why?? Just started after MULTIPLE times of taking out and putting back battery, SIM, and SD card. Got the same error that I've been getting the last couple months on reboots (services.exe)?? When I did a CleanRAM, it free'd up 3.36MB . . . so SOMETHING was hung up, but nothing was running in the task manager??
Generally, few task managers show what's really going on with the phone's memory. Use an advanced task manager which will allow you to control the actual processes running on your device, Google for the names of those which seem to cause mischief and terminate them (if possible) or try to find a solution.
hpg said:
When I take it back do you think tmobile can they tell if i flashed a rom?
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Hey I am also Tmobile User and I have flashed a few ROMS luckily I have not Bricked my phone (knock on wood.) I was just wondering how your return went? I have insurance on mine and figured I would just take it back if that happened. I just didn't know if that would work? Did you ever get a new one
Another update . . . used my phone all afternoon, and tried to charge it, and it wouldn't charge??? Luckily, my husband has the same phone, so I checked his with the same charger. Compared the two phones, and the prongs that hit the battery were bent back. I folded them back down, and now it can charge again. Makes me wonder if that is the problem with the phone not coming back on? Maybe putting the battery back in so that it wasn't hitting the prongs has been keeping it from turning back on . . .

G1 Black Screen Fix? Bricked?

Hello all,
I have recently upgraded from my g1 to an HD2. HD2 is a great phone but still miss android . Anyways, today I wanted to get my g1 to work without a sim or data plan and was about to start working on it when my g1 screen dimmed to just the blacklight with a black screen. I turned it off and tried turning it back on but it just comes up with the backlight on a black screen. It does not even get to the G1 screen. I cannot get to recovery mode or any other mode for that matter. I have searched around but not found any real solution to this problem (if there is one). I am thinking my phone is bricked but have heard possibilities using ADB. I have never used ADB before and if anyone knows if this is a possible fix to my problem that would be great. It would be nice to know if it actually could fix my problem before looking into it and learning it all while finding out it has no chance of fixing my problem. I have tried using my sim card and a different sd card so those are not causing the problems.
So the background of what I am running on my g1. Right before I got my HD2 I was using Cyanogen version with and ext 3. I had no problems with it until now. I got my HD2 a week ago and my g1 has been on about twice in that time without a sim card just for comparing purposes to the HD2. Then just today (about 2-3 days since I last turned it on) the screen just went black and I had my problems. I cannot return my phone because it has been over a year and I dont have insurance on the phone so these are not possibilities for me unfortunately. I also don't really want to get parts from other g1's and take apart and put my g1 back together. I am just looking for something with ADB or any other possible solution to the problem (if one exists).
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I had this happen to me before. Apparently, it was a hardware GPU problem that would cause a boot loop because it couldn't draw anything on the screen. This happened on SuperD, AOSP, Cyanogen, and stock Donut.
If your problem is the same, you should be able to get into recovery, regardless of your ability to see what you're doing. Easy way of telling is to hit Camera+End on boot. If it doesn't vibrate, you're able to flash still. You may be able to get the screen back temporarily by either pulling the battery or letting the battery die and recharging.
Anyways, I ended up flashing the DREAIMG.nbh, and trying to upgrade back to 1.6 to remove traces of hacking. (Be careful if you have DangerSPL, you want to restore the default before flashing DREAIMG.nbh) I eventually got the screen working on 1.6, but it died again, so I sent it in to T-Mobile and got a replacement. I'm now using AOSP with no problems.
One small note, however, I did start having my problems using Cyanogen's mod. May want to bring it up with him?
Sorry if this sounds scatterbrained, it's a bit late and I should be asleep right now.
e:Just realized you said the warranty was void. You may be able to get something out of what I did, though? Good luck, in any case.
Thanks very much for the help even though it was really late. I did understand pretty much everything you said and I tried the camera plus power button and it didn't vibrate so it should mean I probably can flash things still. I have drained the battery and am charging it back up to see if that helped.
I have a friend who knows ADB so I am going to have him look at it to see if we can't get it working through there. Also the G1 screen has been popping up but then fading right when its about to change to the boot animation. So we will see how things go and I'll try a couple different things and report back if anything seems to work or open up more possibilities.
Thanks again for your information.
Ok, so my friend and I were going to flash a rom through fastboot. It was responding and such so we knew we were able to get it in there.
Anyone know what the command to flash a rom in fastboot is and if there are specific instructions to follow?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
coolookoo said:
Ok, so my friend and I were going to flash a rom through fastboot. It was responding and such so we knew we were able to get it in there.
Anyone know what the command to flash a rom in fastboot is and if there are specific instructions to follow?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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google it. i did and got about 100 links telling me how to do it. "unroot g1 with fastboot."
sorry i have the same problem, but my g1 is not rooted nor has it been flashed before, my friend messed it up somehow? wen i turn it on all there is is a blank highlighted black screen. What do yall suggest i should do
r3s-rt said:
google it. i did and got about 100 links telling me how to do it. "unroot g1 with fastboot."
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First of all we are not trying to unroot the phone just flash another rom
Secondly we already tried your "fantastic" method of using google before coming to the forums
Ok I think I just bricked my G1
I was following the steps on and was following the steps to the T like I always do.
The problem incurred after flashing the spl. I flashed the correct radio then ir rebooted and went back into recovery mode. Then I flashed the spl all seemed well home+back and never rebooted. It stayed on a black screen for over 30 mins. So I took out the battery and waited a few mins and put battery back in and same thing. Just a black screen nothing I can do. I have tried holding home+power and camera+power and back+power nothing. I am stuck have looked it up and this is the best forum I have found to post in.
Any input would be great.

HELP! I bricked my friends phone!!

okay so i flashed my unbranded HD2 phone many times over with chuckydroid rom and used shubCrafts build on my phone.
now my friend wanted android on his Tmobile HD2 phone also so i flashed his with chuckydroid rom and then with mattC's android with sense. turns out he de didnt like it and wanted to switch back to the stock rom.
now i acidentally flashed an unbranded HD2 stock rom back onto his Tmobile HD2 instead of the stock Tmobile rom and now its bricked. (wasnt thinking because ive done it this way with my phone all the time not even thinking that his was a different model)
light doesnt turn on when charged. cant even get into bootloader. phone doesnt work. i DID FLASH HSPL3 before it got bricked so iono if that helps any if any at all...
i feel really bad right now. can someone please help?
im sorry to say i think the phone is bricked for good...that's if the international ROM you flashed included a most probably was a .51 radio that is not compatible with t-mobile us hd2....
mini_robot said:
okay so i flashed my unbranded HD2 phone many times over with chuckydroid rom and used shubCrafts build on my phone.
now my friend wanted android on his Tmobile HD2 phone also so i flashed his with chuckydroid rom and then with mattC's android with sense. turns out he de didnt like it and wanted to switch back to the stock rom.
now i acidentally flashed an unbranded HD2 stock rom back onto his Tmobile HD2 instead of the stock Tmobile rom and now its bricked. (wasnt thinking because ive done it this way with my phone all the time not even thinking that his was a different model)
light doesnt turn on when charged. cant even get into bootloader. phone doesnt work. i DID FLASH HSPL3 before it got bricked so iono if that helps any if any at all...
i feel really bad right now. can someone please help?
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Try to flash another rom if you can get back into wou get back into windows your ok. thats what I would do just keep trying to flash until you get back into windows then flash back to the correct stock rom
mini_robot said:
okay so i flashed my unbranded HD2 phone many times over with chuckydroid rom and used shubCrafts build on my phone.
now my friend wanted android on his Tmobile HD2 phone also so i flashed his with chuckydroid rom and then with mattC's android with sense. turns out he de didnt like it and wanted to switch back to the stock rom.
now i acidentally flashed an unbranded HD2 stock rom back onto his Tmobile HD2 instead of the stock Tmobile rom and now its bricked. (wasnt thinking because ive done it this way with my phone all the time not even thinking that his was a different model)
light doesnt turn on when charged. cant even get into bootloader. phone doesnt work. i DID FLASH HSPL3 before it got bricked so iono if that helps any if any at all...
i feel really bad right now. can someone please help?
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I don't have a suggestion to unbrick the phone, but I do for a reasonable price on a replacement. I bought my T-Mo branded HD2 a few months ago for $225 off Craigslist. I just checked locally (Portland) and there's three listed today at or under $250.....and sorry for your friends loss.
DashDaKidd said:
Try to flash another rom if you can get back into wou get back into windows your ok. thats what I would do just keep trying to flash until you get back into windows then flash back to the correct stock rom
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i cant flash another rom because his device wont even turn on. its dead as a rock. can i return this for warranty? i flashed HSPL3 before flashing it back to the original (but wrong) rom.
is the HSPL3 still in the device meaning i cant return it? or like first poster said, the new radio is now on the device? meaning im still able to return it?
Well if it won't turn on then they won't be able to see its unlocked.. as for a solution did u try manual bootload (volume up + down and press power and keep holding volume up and down) that should get u into bootload if it doesn't then its a different issue.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
mini_robot said:
i cant flash another rom because his device wont even turn on. its dead as a rock. can i return this for warranty? i flashed HSPL3 before flashing it back to the original (but wrong) rom.
is the HSPL3 still in the device meaning i cant return it? or like first poster said, the new radio is now on the device? meaning im still able to return it?
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You could try to flash the official tmou rom via SDCard. Just use a card reader, place the rom at the root of the card, put the card back in phone, hold volume key down + power and you *might* be able to get back to bootloader.
The issue here is that if you flashed official (non tmou) rom from the sdcard when you bricked it, it might have removed the HSPL. From what I can recall, official roms flashed from sdcard will wipe hspl.
It's worth giving it a shot. In any case, I just received an EDM from microsoft through my hotmail acct where they are doing a buy 1 get 1 free for the HD2. Might want to check it out. I'm tempted to take them up on it and have 3 HD2's.
mini_robot said:
i cant flash another rom because his device wont even turn on. its dead as a rock. can i return this for warranty? i flashed HSPL3 before flashing it back to the original (but wrong) rom.
is the HSPL3 still in the device meaning i cant return it? or like first poster said, the new radio is now on the device? meaning im still able to return it?
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you said it doesnt even charge... check the battery if is properly installed that happened to me once and got scared. just double check.
If he has insurance on the phone just call tmobile say that the hd2 wont turn on anymore! You have no clue how it happened ! They will send a replacement! Then he has to send his phone back within a week of receiving the new one! It does have a one year warrenty but if u have to send the phone in to htc they will probably know u bricked it and void the warranty! Tmobile is really cool about warranty's so try to get one from them even if its refurbished and then leave it stock!!
The ROM probably had a .51 radio like the last post said.
When you flash a .51 on a TMOUS HD2 you lose. Game over.
well my phone was stuck ina bootloop kinda thing... if i conected it to a charger it wud turn on and keep restarting on me, if i removed batery while still plugged in it wudnt respond nor charge... i fixed it by leaving it like that for a few minites then i un pluged and held down volume roker as i pluged in to acces bootloader and flashed a diff rom
hmm this sucks try what the others said with the volume keys and report back. This makes me think it would be cool if the developers created a pandora battery like service battery and memory stick for the hd2 as how people brought back bricked psps to life with those methods, would be so awesome then we wouldn't have to really worry about stupid crap like this !
yes. im dumb. it was a .51 radio. doesnt turn on. i did it to my own phone so many times and it just became repetitive when i was flashing his phone that i didnt even stop to think that it was a TMobile model. and yes the power button + volume button is not working since MY PHONE (originally his phone since i have to give him my phone now) doesnt have power.
so my best bet right now is to return it to tmobile and not HTC correct?
The only way to unbrick your phone is whit a jtag interface , ( , ) but maybe this kind of tools are illegal in some countries.
Check Copper battery contacts
Hey mate, I had the same issue you did. I took the battery out often during my flashing and once it stopped responding ie. not charging not turning on etc.
I checked where the battery sat and found one of the copper contacts (I think there are 3 spring-like ones) was stuck inwards and therefor not offering or receiving power.
Give that a shot buddy. good luck
Sucks, but at least you swapped phones with him. If the phones under warranty give T-Mobile a call, tell them it wont turn on...but you might want to have your buddy handle it (he is the original owner I hope?) since the phone should be on his account.
mini_robot said:
yes. im dumb. it was a .51 radio. doesnt turn on. i did it to my own phone so many times and it just became repetitive when i was flashing his phone that i didnt even stop to think that it was a TMobile model. and yes the power button + volume button is not working since MY PHONE (originally his phone since i have to give him my phone now) doesnt have power.
so my best bet right now is to return it to tmobile and not HTC correct?
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Quick side note, I don't necessarily agree that you owe this guy a phone. If you flashed it as a favor, then I think that all risks associated with the flash were his just as if he flashed it himself. There is an implied risk even when flashing the correct ROM/Radio etc, and if he didn't want to take the time to learn how to do it himself, you shouldn't be held 100% liable. If he is a good friend, then it would be a nice gesture to go in with him on a craigslist replacement (I too got mine for $225).
Now if he paid you for the service, then yeah, you owe him a phone.
gauge41 said:
Hey mate, I had the same issue you did. I took the battery out often during my flashing and once it stopped responding ie. not charging not turning on etc.
I checked where the battery sat and found one of the copper contacts (I think there are 3 spring-like ones) was stuck inwards and therefor not offering or receiving power.
Give that a shot buddy. good luck
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I did the same thing, phone went into a boot loop, and I thought Id bricked it, copper contact was slightly bent and causing it, make sure the copper contacts are pointing straight up in the battery compartment, it could save ya a warranty return
shizzyraw585 said:
Quick side note, I don't necessarily agree that you owe this guy a phone.
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I completely agree, unless he's a n00b and you didn't explain that there were any potential dangers.
Just as another side note, if I'm doing anything for a friend that involves firmware flashing of any kind whatsoever, just say.
"Look I'm happy to do this, however there is always a risk involved in that your phone might die! It's rare, but are you happy for me to proceed?"
Always gets me out of potentially tricky situations! Stick those caveats in before it's too late
In my opinion you owe him a phone unless you told him about the risk and asked if he was willing to try it.. I would still feel sick to my stomach over him buying a new phone himself.. Another point is that the "risk" didn't damage the phone, your obliviousness did..
It sucks, but I would try to get him a used phone and pay the cost.. and accepted it if he offered to pay parts of it
