Completely lost trying to root UK Vodafone HTC Magic - myTouch 3G, Magic General

Hi all,
Firstly apologies for the long post, and thanks for all the info that is up here... however I have managed to get quite lost. I'll try to take you though the whole story as much as I understand it, but I woke up this morning and decided (after 8 months) to finally root my android.
That was 8am, it is now midnight, and I've had sandwiches while working at it, all day. It has been in various stages of bricked, and I think I might have just sent it back that way - should not be playing with it when tired.
Things I have
1 x UK Vodafone HTC Magic, doing return plus power = 32B, HBOOT-1.33.0009 (another story here).
1x 16GB SD-HC card
1x 1gb Card
1x cheap nokia I can use as a reader for the 1gig card, but it can't handle SD-HC
Anyway I started off with the 1 click root idea, which obviously doesn't work these days, so followed the next link, then the next, finding I need to do the 'goldcard' method.
Anyway I'm not sure where all the time has gone (16 hours now), but I have learnt what an SPL was, flashed mine to an ‘imperfect’ one, managed to flash it to deteethed google, then cyanogen on top, but it would never boot, and just hangs saying HTC Magic, then managed to flash it using 'myhero' which gave me a Hero like phone.
However I now seem to have messed it up again as I'm determined to do the cyanogen mod - I really want to be able to tether, and lots of other bits and pieces.
The state at the moment therefore is I have it all working with fastboot, and can easily get the Amon_RA recovery image going, but the cm_recovery one makes it hang and do nothing. If I try and replace the recovery section using fastboot it tells me it has failed (I forget the exact message).
I can therefore upgrade things using the Amon_RA backup, but as I said things don't seem to entirely work, and at the moment my phone is hanging (I think as I'm tired I've overwritten my backup). I'm also not sure if this goldcard method is working – I asked a question in the thread and it seems that it might not be.
I guess I'm just looking for a few pointers, after 16 hours sat here I'm generally pretty frustrated and totally lost - there is a lot of information, but there are so many permutations of hardware, and a lot of the information is now out of date. Trying to take everything in as well as deal with a specific problem may actually be beyond me  Which is something I hate- being the newbie needing help with a potentially simple problem (though I have had a good go at it).
I'm really not sure what stage the phone is at, have I rooted it? After all I can use the myhero rom, but on the other hand I can't do what I want to do, so therefore is there a problem? Exactly which step makes it ‘rooted?’ as every guide is obviously a chain of events to make it in to something else. I'm honestly not sure, but it isn't a fun feeling – I’m stressed and at the momentI have no phone just a brick that I can fastboot to recovery, and a bunch of backups as soon as I get it working again.
I really had no idea it would be this difficult, and am a big angry at Google/HTC for making it so - it is easier to get Hackintosh working than this! I’ve also managed to do hundreds of other similar things without any problem – Xbox Media Center (including soldering), and a few more spring to mind, all to use the hardware I already own! My hardware!
Anyway advice and pointers are appreciated, as although I've learnt a lot today, I'm still blundering about, and it is a matter of time until I cause serious damage in my attempts to make it better, al alternatively just throw in the towel, but then I don’t think I can go back as I have a horrible feeling that the restore I did didn’t work.
Again anything you can offer is appreciated, and if you need more detail, I’ll do what I can!

Also just to add I've tried searching, which is partially how I've got myself in to this mess - solve one problem but make another!
Also I do have my APN settings, so when I get it installed, I can get my google account workign with it - I think i've had to do this about 6 times now! So if there is a way to get it in to 'myhero' which I think I can do again, and download an apk, then I should be able to do that.

There is a lot of information and everyone is recommended to do their research before rooting the phone.
That being said, it sounds like your phone is rooted if you can boot into recovery and load up a sense ROM. It'd been much easier to follow cyanogen's wiki instructions for non T-mobile 32B Magics. I also have a vodafone Magic and I rooted my phone successfully using the method.
Not having used the goldcard method, I don't exactly know where it went wrong. Have you done full wipes before applying a zip file? Stuff like that which might be easily overlooked?

Yeha I've been wiping it all before flashing, so that isn't the problem.
I also did as much reading as I could before starting (and watching the youtube guides before doing anything), but I guess a lot of the problems were unexpected (aren't they always?), for example I only found out half way through that I would need to flash the SPL, and it took me 40 minutes to figure out what SPL was, and what it did, then another 40 to work out how I was going to do it, then 40 to do so.
I have been following guides though - for the cyanogen one I get all the way down to flashing it with the detoothed google build, then cyanogen (obviously wiping before doing these). All the steps appear successful but then it doesn't boot.
The phone is also a rather strange one, a vodafone branded one that says 32B, but I'm sure it has more RAM.
Currently trying 'method 2' from here
to see if that works, but I'm not optimistic.

Yup 15 minutes laters same problem - it hangs on HTC magic screen, which is exactly what it does when I go for the Cyanogen one.
I'll goign to try and google for other roms, see if any of them work sucessfully (and might provide a bridghe to what I want to have.
Again however anybody knows good guides, sites or anythign else let me know.
As I said a big problem before is I'm reliant heavily on google, and a lot of the informaion out there is useless, as it is out of date in a big way. Also I don't know anyoen else who has doen this, so recommendations ofmethods/roms are dependent on my reading, not wword of mouth (which is generally better).

Ok I've tried the method 2, defiantely no sucess, went back to the myhero (which performs awfully, so much lag!), and have now tried flaskrec.apk on there.
It does not backup, but then bypassing that step, it gives me the error 'Flash failed'.
Really stuck now, and no idea what to try, any suggestions at all would be helpful. I'm almost at the stage of wishing I'd got an iphone :-(


Newbie: It all got so complicated, so quickly

If you'd be so kind, just to clarify the following.
I've got an Orbit II, with Copilot. Yes it does feel as if one is part of a club, but there's the topset and the thick kids... I'm the latter.
As I understand it, the Hard SPL unlocks the phone, from it being tied to a mobile network, right?
The O2 II isn't locked so then I don't need it, yes?
Therefore, I can either install all the tweaks and tips thus keeping Copilot, or put another ROM, (is this a type of disk image?), with all the tweaks and tips built in, on it.
In which case I'd lose CoPilot, for I'd have written over the device and voided the warranty, to boot, right?
What actually is the difference between a ROM and all the 'tweaks and tips'.
Is it because if you need to Hard SPL (ie unlock a phone from the network), then you don't have any built in functions left, so you couldn't install the Tweaks and Tips, which would in effect bring all the same advantages.
Look, I know Bebe has managed to do a version of WM6.1 which features threaded SMS and everthing, but I'm still not quite with it, I'm afraid.
The wiki entry for "What is a Hard SPL", just says it's one way of not trashing your phone. Not trashing your phone before you attempt what though?
For I've seen mention of the SIM/CID unlocker as if it's a separate entity, indicating they are two distinct things, created for two different tasks.
I like the idea of the phone looking funkier and working better (God knows what the AMMD is for the Video, but I know there are issues with the video, so having that sounds like a good idea as well. Right?)
Whatever it all is, it sounds like it's been a mammoth job/labour of love and has involved the purchase of two new Polaris phones, but beyond that, I'm all at sea.
(Dons bullet proof vest and climbs into protective Pope Mobile)
I think the fact you are asking all these questions juxtaposes that you should not flash your ROM. I myself am in your class and just look on with admiration. With that said, there are many things that you can do to your phone to "spice" things up. I have bought a couple of programs, Astronavigator II, (tells you what the sky at night is above you, My Girlfriend loves it), Fun contact, much more finger friendly than wm6. I also have PZP program. It automatically sets my phone to do things at certain times of the day, i.e at night it switches off, emails and phone calls then do not wake me and GF up, much to her relief! So there you have it, oh btw I have tomtom as have the TC.
The phone works quickly, efficiently and never have to soft reset. 5 years of using WM devices, I have found that idiots like me should just live and let be and use the phone as it is.
This should anser none and all of your questions
Kind Regards,
unfortunately you have discovered HTC
I hear ya. I am fat boy too. lol
I can't keep up and these forums use a form o speak, and implications that are not clear. I have no idea of why one of the cubes is called a bunch of letters for instance. unfortunately, we want our phones up to date, and the fastest they can be. But it is not that simple. I agree, I am lost on the spl thing and the sim, but then ??? it is not that clear to me.
Here is how I understand it. It may not be right, but it is an analogy that seems to work. A soft reset is reboot, a hard reset in a wipe/reinstall. As I understand it, the rom is the basic operating system, meaning when you hard reset, that is what loads into memory. Once it is loaded, it can be soft reset ie rebooted without harm. The rom is kept on the device, so when you hard reset, it can reload/reinstall itself without needing to be connected to anything. Disk Image? I guess. If your original rom, from the manufacturer installs copilot with a hard reset, then you will keep copilot. When they cook a rom, they change those installation files permanently. They adjust things, and remove things. they alter hardware drivers per say ie the radio patches you get. If Copilot is not in the cooked rom, then you would lose Copilot. You would need to buy it or download it and install it yourselft. You would have to use a restore disc, hooked to a computer and mobile center, to overwrite a cooked rom back to the original rom in this cases wm6. ROMS are much more of a big deal, as there are bugs and some things don't work as expected. They are faster tho, imho. Tips and tweaks are just that, certain replacements and other alterations. I woul think most tweaks I have seen generally do stay with the device thru soft resets, some don't if you have to hard reset. I keep my tweaks and settings/programs on the storage card incase I have to hard reset. Hope that helps, it may not be correct, but it works for me as a basic understanding level. There is a way to chose what you install as the rom (ie operating system permanently on the phone for hard resets), and i think the term they use is the kitchen. Using the kitchen, you chose this piece of a rom, and that one, etc....all that goes to the permanent part where a hard reset tell it what to read and install. I am not too clear on that one myself. I find using a kitchen fightening and wrought with risk at bricking.
Will has summed it up pretty well.
We buy these phones for what they can do, and they are just not supported by manufacturing like they should be. Our expectations are flavored by the continual upgrades from things like MS and windows upgrades fixing and patching things. I have had two pda (one previous phone). Either manufacturer was the same, limited upgrades and basically no further development on the devices.
It was a harrowing experience to upgrade my phone/pda to wm6 out of fear of bricking it. My phone came with wm2003. Bricking if you don't know, is leaving your device in an usable is caught in limbo somewhere, and will not work.
Advice, wait a while, keep reading. Since things are hard to understand, keep reading and don't be in a hurry. Eventually someone will ask a question, in one forum or another, that inadvertanly answers one of yours. Check out the hacking forums, nice tweaks in there. And yes, they kinda of leave out steps. Keep Pocket Controller, it lets you tweak the registry, and see your device on your desktop. Even MS was impressed, troubleshooting a bluetooth issue. MS loved they could control the pda themselves using remote desktop. MS sent the name of that progie up the chain of command. They loved it. You can screen shot and all sorts of things. It come in handy trying to explain things. Once you feel you can risk losing the phone/device, then consider upgrading to new rom and try some of the tricks/tweaks. I know I don't want to waste 700.00 or more dollars to brick something. I think most of the time, they can get the bricked phone back, but not 100% certain of that. I study the reset and etc procedures and print them out, before I muck with the rom. I consider what I do to the phone very carefully. I was so scared I would ruin my phone.
And the other thing i say, is if you tell people you are a noob at this stuff and have a hard time understanding, they generally won't flame you too hard. Really. Just explain yourself, and give your disclaimer, and they won't be too hard on you. As you have seen, they may not fully explain things as clearly as you like, due think that is just the nature of the people and the way they think, not a personal attack or lack of anything, but they won't be rude.
As you said, this forum is run by the topset, and we are thick ones. They do astounding work and some of us just look up at them and admire. But they will help you. Keep reading, and keep trying to understand, it gets better with time. And don't be in hurry either. I see two post already of people bricking their devices already. And one guy seriously bricked his to the point of no return it seems.
ukdutypaid said:
Therefore, I can either install all the tweaks and tips thus keeping Copilot, or put another ROM, (is this a type of disk image?), with all the tweaks and tips built in, on it.
In which case I'd lose CoPilot, for I'd have written over the device and voided the warranty, to boot, right?
For I've seen mention of the SIM/CID unlocker as if it's a separate entity, indicating they are two distinct things, created for two different tasks.
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As I understand it (and I've loaded HardSPL + a modified ROM on my Polaris), the SIM/CID unlocker is for those devices that were purchased from a telco and therefore locked to that company (pernicious behaviour, btw, but they offer low purchase prices to tie customers in). If your device was unlocked at purchase, then this issue doesn't bother you.
The HardSPL load is designed to prevent you bricking your device with a crook modified ROM - this obviously pre-supposes that you will load modified ROM's. If you want to do this (ie. try modified ROM's), then loading HardSPL 1st is a no-brainer.
Why would you want to load a modified ROM ? The short answer is that the marketing depts of the manufacturers load the devices with all sorts of fluffy software crap. They do this in the released ROM. So to remove this junk - and have the device fast, responsive and with enough room left to do what you want - the gurus here modify these ROM's. [Of course, some people like the fluff]. The manufacturers also occasionally release ROM upgrades, but development is done mostly in forums like this.
CoPilot 7 ? Yes, flashing a new ROM will kill this, because the DeviceID changes when a new ROM is loaded. But if you visit the CoPilot website before loading a new ROM, you can deactivate your current license and then reactivate it after installing on a "new" device. In fact, CoPilot is one of the few commercial apps to cater for ROM upgrades with honour. CoPilot doesn't care how many devices you install on, just that only one at a time is actually capable of running.
Here are your acronyms to understand what they are doing and talking about. This may not be right, but alot of this came from the Hermes. It seems someone was looking to run linux on his hermes i think. I am still kind of digesting this information now. Remember I told you look around?
Here are your definitions to help you understand.
AKU - Adaptation Kit Update: they usually patch up existing bugs and enable several new features. Each newly released AKU pack retains fixes found in previous versions of AKU
CID lock (aka vendor lock): put on your device by the manufacturer to prevent installation of a ROM not released by them. CID is a vender lock, the post above talks about that. It is placed on you phone to deliberately prevent you from changing the rom. It is vender specific it seems. I assume the Super CID tells the device to ignore that lock or overwrite the vender lock all together, or it might just tell it to ignore the error code. That is what I am seeing. This seems basically related to full administrator priviledges account for the device. it seems the CID was located on a secure area on the radio. People had bad flashing to the radio upgrade and corrupted their CiD essentially bricking some of their phones.
RIL - Radio Interface Layer.
RUU - ROM Upgrade Utility: Its the s/w used on your PC to do a ROM upgrade for your PPC. I assume this can be the default utlity or a kitchen program. The default you can find pictures of, it is generic and just tell you are flashing. The kitchen program, i canceled once, had options to choose.
IPL - Initial Program Loader: Its the bootloader for PPC. It boots up SPL. Bootloader. Basic operations.
SPL - Secondary Program Loader: By inferenece only? Hard SPL then stands for a forced control over the secondary Program layer. You can make it load something else when it boots. It seems the newer factory SLP would want to reference the CID or only properly signed files, thus limiting what you could actually do with your phones.
WWE Edition - World Wide English Edition
XIP - Execute-in-Place
It seems while trying to unlock the Hermes, they were using a radio upgrade and somehow got this Super CID. See above about CID. So it seems there was a reverse engineer done with a legitmate unlocker program. This unlocker program was installing certifcates and changing the device to a lower bootloader it seems. That bootloader ignored the CID or converted it to full priviledges. they also figured out, some bad flashing can be undone....the CID was stored in a secure area on the radio. A bad radio flash corrupted part of the CID. Once they converted to a different bootloader, they could reflash radios...thus unbrick some phones. They have replaced the bootloader with this Hard SLP. The new SLP converts or tells the phone to ignore the CID when upgrading a ROM or other things. It appears HSPL v1.13 also keeps track of bad blocks of memory. That version also reflashes bad blocks or corrupted files with fresh versions as well. It also respecs completely bad blocks, i am thinking that means, the os is not allowed to write there. The you can reflash anything to the device. Or so it seems. But again, depending on how bad you muck up your phone, some things are not repairable.
That is what I am seeing right now. Still reading. It is all out there. Just google the terms above, and slowly you will find the threads and start piecing it together.
Seems this Hard SLP is important for ROM ugrades. Still reading about it. I am post like 500, out of 1000, and trying to keep track of it is difficult. Lots of interjections of what people did wrong. Very confusing.
I did tell you read, read read, and you will find the answers to your questions, it just takes awhile and it hard to understand becuase of the lingo.
v nice. u guys need to read som basic stuffs. it will help u, & u don't have to worry about u,r phone. u can upgrade, u can change things with full confidence. xda-developers have wiki pages, i think it will help much. keep readingggggggg. soru 4 my english
You won't lose your copilot if you use the original HTC ROM....I put the original HTC ROM (which is much better than the O2 ROM)...added a few standard registry tweaks..runs NICE..reinstalled Copilot7 (from the 2577 folder on the SD card) reactivated it..(did not need to deactivate it) and everything is fine. If you need to got back to the original ROM for whatever reason...reflash it and then flash with originalSPL file.
You can reactivate copilot as many times as you like (the only thing I do before reflashing...mor as a precautionary backup the SD card)
If you use a cooked ROM ..then I think you have to deactivate Copilot and reactivate it on the new install.....but I'm sure the experts will know better.
pistonripper said:
If you use a cooked ROM ..then I think you have to deactivate Copilot and reactivate it on the new install.....but I'm sure the experts will know better.
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Agreed - I've had to do that a number of times, from both modified ROM changes and device changes, but it's easy and painless.
Thanks for the indulgence...
People, I'd like to thank you for taking the time and trouble to provide your very useful responses. One does read of course and things like lego bricks begin to click into place. I don't even have a car, so quite why I'm so obsessed with CoPilot, I don't know. Okay I giggle when listening to one of the ladies (through headphones), on the bus, but other than that.. lol.
I didn't know you could actually download CoPilot from the site though, I'll check that out. I've 'funked it up' a bit using the HTC Home cab and Slideunlock. Tempted to play with one of the Cube .cabs...(The one it comes with is pretty rubbish if you can't change what the cubes link to and the icons)
Yes, Yes I'll search for the original O2 rom, before I play anymore...
The actual HTC rom, sounds like a safe bet though, cos then you get the proper funky screen..
Don't want to clutter (anywhere actually) the hard core threads with stupido questions. I'll look, I'll read, I'll learn...
As one of you has said, these things aren't toys (lol) and I don't want to be left looking at a $700 £350 quid (non contract Orbit), that I can't use...
I think Bebe wm6.1 is going to stay undownloaded for the time being!
I'll leave the topset, to carry on.. Wouldn't mind getting rid of the "Streaming Media", program mind. Errr, it does/streams what exactly, anything at all?

New to this...any help appreciated here goes. I have been out of the smartphone market for some time now and am getting this awesome phone tomorrow. I am friggin excited! Feels like Christmas in the summer! Verizon tells me that it will already come with the 6.1 update installed. Anyone gotten one recently to verify this, and how do I tell when I get it...also how can I tell the radio that it has? I also already wanna mod this machine, and although I am selfproclaimed computer savvy, I am a little nervous about bricking the phone. I think I def want either an iCRAP setup to piss off everyone at work, or nfsfans 6.5....although I would like to have someone walk me through it. I have to say, everyone on this forum has done an excellent job with their machines and I am impressed. Also, I don't know that this will even be an issue, but it will still need to function as a phone and I have read in a few different places that some cant use their phone function anymore, etc. And I definitely wanna get the GPS running ASAP, due to travel on the job. Any help will be greatly appreciated, and I will def help out anyone on here if I can. I also am not sure about when and when not to let customizations run...any help with that would be awesome too
i am also getting this phone from vzw thursday, they told me it comes standard with wm6.0 idk or care. as soon as i get it im gonna flash a custom rom.
Hey there, I'm a fellow Verizon user. It was kind of nerve-wracking flashing the ROM for the first time, but its really NBD once you get into it (be sure and try android too!).
Do your reading first, there are tutorials all over the place. Something to remember about customizations - Don't let them run on any official Verizon updates you see floating around the internet, as they will cripple your GPS. Don't let them run on any ROM designed for another carrier. If you're flashing a generic or Verizon-specific CUSTOM ROM, let them run.
And you can check in settings to see your radio and OS version and all that (under "about" I think, correct me if I'm wrong)
Have fun!
so if i run mr1 from verizon to get to wm6.1, then I SHOULD NOT not run customizations. What buttons do I press to do a hard reset before that comes up? But, if I were to do NFSFAN's 6.5 rom, then I SHOULD let customizations run. Also, could someone point me to a set of CLEAR directions on doing the flashes? I have read a bunch of them, and it seems they are all missing little parts.....probably something so familiar to the editor, they just forget to include in the steps.
Yes, the lack of CLEAR instructions as a stickey is a real problem on a lot of boards. I've read threads over 300 posts in order to get solid info. I don't mind searching for info, but jeesh, guys it is unbearable. Granted some of this stuff is not for the faint of heart, but there can be so much info, and sometimes it is often confusing and contradictory. The SR. members and the Admins need to get their heads together and take a month to provide the community some solid resources, and weed out some of the erroneous info here. We want to make having this phone FUN and Practical. A Case in point is trying to get GPS working. Have you guys looked at all the info on here about this. Granted there is variety of carriers, but it shouldn't be brain surgery.
Also chevyspd,you want to do a SOFT reset before the customizations. Use your stylus to depress the small hole in the bottom of the phone before they run. Should be golden. A HARD reset will restart the flashing process from scratch. only do a soft reset by only pressing the button in the hole on the bottom before customizations runs. That is very contradictory from about 50 other posts I've read so far. A whole bunch of them say to do a HARD reset, but I will remember not to. But, when I do a custom rom like NFSFANS, I don't have to do a reset at all....correct?
You wouldn't believe how many times I got flamed for that same kinda comment on other forums.....interestingly though....Also...if I flash to NFSFANs 6.5, are the cubes still active, or is that something from HTC that gets written over with a new rom?
So, my new phone already has 6.1 right outta the box. Interestingly enough, it went to the customizations screen as soon as I powered the phone up, so I immediately hit the soft reset. How can I tell if what I did worked, and if it didn't, how can I fix it so I can use 3rd party gps programs?
Wow; a lot of questions. I'm not sure about NFSFAN's rom. To see if the gps works, make sure you have the Settings>phone>services>location is set to on. Then make sure the external gps setting is set to Comm4, then hardware NONE, baud 4800, and allow Windows to manage gps. Do a Google search for HTC QuickGPS if it's not already on your phone (varies from carrier to carrier) and Install it; Run it, outside and allow it 10 minutes to get a lock. If gps is working, then you should be golden. You will probably need to turn the radio on after every re-boot; and be aware that leaving the radio going WILL drain you battery faster than usual. All this assumes you are using the stock rom, and not one of the custom ones; each to those varies, some work out of the box so to speak, some of them require tweaking.
Funny i just got the phone yesterday to, but i actually already had it for about a year lol, just replaced the one i broke on saturday. But honestly the first thing i did with the phone is put in my SD card and boot up Android....
I really want my GPS back again but i dont really want to go through the hassle of unlocking, flashing, unlocking, and flashing, but if you deem it neccessary. and maybe i will to one day soon. lol heres the link
chevyspd said:
You wouldn't believe how many times I got flamed for that same kinda comment on other forums.....interestingly though....Also...if I flash to NFSFANs 6.5, are the cubes still active, or is that something from HTC that gets written over with a new rom?
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The cube is way back when man, sorry but those things are old school already. lol so when you flash to the 6.5 NFSFAN rom it will not have the cube, but it will have titanium and manilla 2d, which in my opinion are awesome replacements
chevyspd said:
But, if I were to do NFSFAN's 6.5 rom, then I SHOULD let customizations run?
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Yes, and remember to install the Verizon cab in his post :thumbsup:
Well, the phone didn't come with the cube anywho...I think the GPS is working anyways...just gotta find a free GPS like vznavi or something.

G1 Black Screen Fix? Bricked?

Hello all,
I have recently upgraded from my g1 to an HD2. HD2 is a great phone but still miss android . Anyways, today I wanted to get my g1 to work without a sim or data plan and was about to start working on it when my g1 screen dimmed to just the blacklight with a black screen. I turned it off and tried turning it back on but it just comes up with the backlight on a black screen. It does not even get to the G1 screen. I cannot get to recovery mode or any other mode for that matter. I have searched around but not found any real solution to this problem (if there is one). I am thinking my phone is bricked but have heard possibilities using ADB. I have never used ADB before and if anyone knows if this is a possible fix to my problem that would be great. It would be nice to know if it actually could fix my problem before looking into it and learning it all while finding out it has no chance of fixing my problem. I have tried using my sim card and a different sd card so those are not causing the problems.
So the background of what I am running on my g1. Right before I got my HD2 I was using Cyanogen version with and ext 3. I had no problems with it until now. I got my HD2 a week ago and my g1 has been on about twice in that time without a sim card just for comparing purposes to the HD2. Then just today (about 2-3 days since I last turned it on) the screen just went black and I had my problems. I cannot return my phone because it has been over a year and I dont have insurance on the phone so these are not possibilities for me unfortunately. I also don't really want to get parts from other g1's and take apart and put my g1 back together. I am just looking for something with ADB or any other possible solution to the problem (if one exists).
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I had this happen to me before. Apparently, it was a hardware GPU problem that would cause a boot loop because it couldn't draw anything on the screen. This happened on SuperD, AOSP, Cyanogen, and stock Donut.
If your problem is the same, you should be able to get into recovery, regardless of your ability to see what you're doing. Easy way of telling is to hit Camera+End on boot. If it doesn't vibrate, you're able to flash still. You may be able to get the screen back temporarily by either pulling the battery or letting the battery die and recharging.
Anyways, I ended up flashing the DREAIMG.nbh, and trying to upgrade back to 1.6 to remove traces of hacking. (Be careful if you have DangerSPL, you want to restore the default before flashing DREAIMG.nbh) I eventually got the screen working on 1.6, but it died again, so I sent it in to T-Mobile and got a replacement. I'm now using AOSP with no problems.
One small note, however, I did start having my problems using Cyanogen's mod. May want to bring it up with him?
Sorry if this sounds scatterbrained, it's a bit late and I should be asleep right now.
e:Just realized you said the warranty was void. You may be able to get something out of what I did, though? Good luck, in any case.
Thanks very much for the help even though it was really late. I did understand pretty much everything you said and I tried the camera plus power button and it didn't vibrate so it should mean I probably can flash things still. I have drained the battery and am charging it back up to see if that helped.
I have a friend who knows ADB so I am going to have him look at it to see if we can't get it working through there. Also the G1 screen has been popping up but then fading right when its about to change to the boot animation. So we will see how things go and I'll try a couple different things and report back if anything seems to work or open up more possibilities.
Thanks again for your information.
Ok, so my friend and I were going to flash a rom through fastboot. It was responding and such so we knew we were able to get it in there.
Anyone know what the command to flash a rom in fastboot is and if there are specific instructions to follow?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
coolookoo said:
Ok, so my friend and I were going to flash a rom through fastboot. It was responding and such so we knew we were able to get it in there.
Anyone know what the command to flash a rom in fastboot is and if there are specific instructions to follow?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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google it. i did and got about 100 links telling me how to do it. "unroot g1 with fastboot."
sorry i have the same problem, but my g1 is not rooted nor has it been flashed before, my friend messed it up somehow? wen i turn it on all there is is a blank highlighted black screen. What do yall suggest i should do
r3s-rt said:
google it. i did and got about 100 links telling me how to do it. "unroot g1 with fastboot."
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First of all we are not trying to unroot the phone just flash another rom
Secondly we already tried your "fantastic" method of using google before coming to the forums
Ok I think I just bricked my G1
I was following the steps on and was following the steps to the T like I always do.
The problem incurred after flashing the spl. I flashed the correct radio then ir rebooted and went back into recovery mode. Then I flashed the spl all seemed well home+back and never rebooted. It stayed on a black screen for over 30 mins. So I took out the battery and waited a few mins and put battery back in and same thing. Just a black screen nothing I can do. I have tried holding home+power and camera+power and back+power nothing. I am stuck have looked it up and this is the best forum I have found to post in.
Any input would be great.

[Q] Having a hard time removing WP7

hello all, first let me just say yeah im a noob and yeah i tried searching.
so like the rest of the world i hated win 6.5 more than anything. seriously. probably something like 1. hitler 2. win 6.5 3. snakes
finally i managed to install win 7, but however the battery is just way to short, some numbers wont be recognized, marketplace isnt open in my country, etc. frankly im ****ing tired of all of this. now i want to remove it and again try to install android on NAND. if not maybe just settle for win 6.5 i dont know.
to clarify:
-basically ive searhed everywhere
-i have the offical rom and i want to install that
-i cant connect my phone to zune,
-so when i run the offical htc rom, it just says connect your phone
You need to either flash a stock ROM via sd card method or via bootloader (hold vol down key during power-on, then flash with normal exe from windows).
so, just to be clear,
you got a device with Win mobile on it which you seem to have a massive dislike for and wrongly make an assumption that everyone else doesnt like it, then in a hugely disrespectful manor you compare it to hitler, quite what you are thinking is anyones guess but it might be worth considering a change of manor is perhaps in need
Then attempted to install WP7 without fully reading everything.
Then try and install an original ROM without Fully reading everything
I think That about sums it up
So, in the intrest of sanity, go here
read it all, and if you have an issue reply in that thread
Couple of pointers to help your days on XDA dev out, if there is a thead open on an issue use it, dont make a new one because it makes it harder for people who actually search for things to find what they are loooking for and its a pain for people who try an help because we are forever repeating ourselves
Secondly, when you make a tread it gave you a list of threads already out here with a similar name, if you didnt see anything relivent its because your use of title is pretty poor, Its windows phone 7 or WP7, Noob isnt a word most of us use
Thirdly, if you can not use the XDA search then use google, (i find it much more accurate) i just searched google using this string
and the third one down took me straight to that thread above
XDA DEV is pretty obvious, LEO is the listed device name thats on this site WP7 is the OS then FLASH ORIGINAL is the subject matter im searching for
Keep it short, like bullet points, not a long story
So, head over there an folk will be happy to help you out, including myself
I hope i didnt sound rude and off hand, im simply nudging you in the right direction
Neo84 You need to either flash a stock ROM via sd card method or via bootloader (hold vol down key during power-on, then flash with normal exe from windows).
ok, thanks for you reply. sorry to ask but what is a stock ROM? is that like an official ROM from HTC?
also tried to hold down the volume key, get the coloured screen, but then cant do anything. where would one find the "normal exe"? thanks for your willingness to help out someone not as experienced as yourself
and dazza, my good man i do appreciate the nugde, but do find it a bit harsh.
you got a device with Win mobile on it which you seem to have a massive dislike for and wrongly make an assumption that everyone else doesnt like it,
-everyone i spoke to agrees, including the guy who sold it to me for almost nothing (bought for 1100 US 6 months before) because he hated it like no other
then in a hugely disrespectful manor you compare it to hitler, quite what you are thinking is anyones guess but it might be worth considering a change of manor is perhaps in need
-well irony doenst work online my bad, haha seriously noone in ther right mind would compare the 2 and/or accuse someone of doing so
Then attempted to install WP7 without fully reading everything.
-i did, it works almost perfectly, reading on these forums ive seen plenty of ppl having issues, so yeah its close to perfect, except the battery drain (which still works for a full day so i can charge at night)
ive searched google, xda and god knows what. and after trying all, my good old hd2 still wont connect maybe in the end its not worth the time and effort, just leave WP7 on there (it is in fact pretty sweet) and buy an offical android next time! however i do feel i have the right to be a bit angry. winmo 6.5 isnt worthy of selling for a high price in 2010.
anyways, thanks for your help, i will check out those links and see where it takes me just remember that not everyone is as experienced as yourself, a friendly heads up works wonders sometimes
I appologise, it was not supposed to come across rude, harsh is perhaps an accurate way of putting it, remember that some of us take a lot of time out of our lives to go over these things, infact some have even added entries in to the Wiki for just such issues (check leo wiki section) and im sure you can imagin that repeating yourself over and over can be quite frustrating!
I completely agree that a "heads up" is always needed, which is why ive nudged (perhaps with a prod or two ) you in the right direction, those few tips can save you a lot of hassle in the future, the google one especially as i know only too well that the XDA search is crap

[Q] new nook touch, stuck after root failed

I hate to have to write this asking for help but I wasn't able to use the other posts I found to help me. The directions for touchnooter seemed straight forward, but I am stuck anyway. Here is what I did and what is happening, and what I have tried to remedy situation. It is a bit long, but I wanted to be as complete as I can.
I have a new nook bought at end of March so assuming it has latest update. I followed directions and was able to get touchnooter onto microsd card. I stuck it in nook and turned on. I got an instruction screen saying to take card out when screen goes black and reboot. My screen did go dim but you could still see the writing behind. I wasn't sure if this what they meant by going black or if I was waiting for complete darkness. I think I panicked for a second (don't know why) and might have rebooted with the card still in (would this have created a problem that I will be describing).
So upon rebooting, it goes through the same reboot nook screen, gets to a screen with an n and the balls and that is the furthest I have gotten it. Messing with the power key seems to initiate a reboot, but it still never makes it past the n screen. Cannot turn off the nook. I was able to get it to give me the factory reset message by doing the failed reboot 8 times. I tried that a couple times but wasn't able to get any further past the screen with the n, so it seems it may not be doing any resetting. I tried repeating the rooting process (except for the shuting down the nook part since I can't actually get it to shut down) and it gave me the same rooting instruction page but no change the problem of not getting past n screen.
I have seen people asking similar questions about rooting with something else called CNW or something because the touchnooter didn't work for them but I didn't understand the instructions and wanted to get help first before trying something else. I had also read that there is something called a factory restore, which is supposed to be different from reset but I don't know how to do that. I downloaded barnes and nobles latest update thinking I would just reload it/ but I can't see my nook from my computer (do I need to download some drivers? Or is this because it can't get past the n screen?). I tried using a different microsd card in case the first was faulty, but didn't help.
Does it seem there is something wrong with the touchnooter content on the card, like maybe it doesn't work with the latest nook update? Also wanted to mention, I did not do a backup before trying to root. I originally planned to but after I was done researching what I needed to do and got to the touchnooter downloading directions, they didn't mention it, so I didn't do it (besides that, I don't know how to do it and don't know if it would help in this situation anyway). Could it be that the nook itself has a problem?
Anyway, I would still like to root but would be happy to at least get a basic nook back. If you have made it this far in reading my problem, what do you think I should try? I am thinking of taking it back since I don't think it actually rooted but if I can fix it, that would be better. Thanks in advance for anyone who takes the time to work on this with me. I wish I had someone right in front of me to ask questions to but this the next best thing.
I am really leaning towards just seeing if I can return it. The instructions for touchnooter seemed so straight forward and I thought I could handle it. Since it didn't work and I don't even know if it was a problem with something I did, the device, or the touchnooter (since other people with new nooks are having similar problems), then I don't even know if it is something that will work at all. Trying to use some of the other methods are just way beyond my ability without more detailed instructions. Sigh.
Should help You to restore to factory state. After You can use any other ways to root(if You want )
PS: From what You say, You haven`t done anything irreversible yet. So calm down reread the forum and go on
Thanks for the reply! I did come across that at one point but didn't try it. But I will give it a go once I get the nook charged (it discharges by the end of everyday while having this prob so I have to charge it back up everyday). These directions look pretty straight forward though, so I am crossing my fingers.
"I did not do a backup before trying to root...besides that I don't know how to do it and don't know if it would help in this situation anyway."​
After you get your Nook back to stock state don't shy away from making the backup. And do it before you make any other changes. Having a pristine image of your Nook's original state will make you nearly bulletproof. Give yourself time to understand the issues involved in making the backup. This new knowledge will generalize to other aspects of rooting.
The instructions for making the backup are here but you may find this isn't enough information. I found this post from Renate extremely helpful.
Finally, it will be helpful to know that, done correctly, your Nook v.1.1.2 backup will be exactly 1,958,739,968 bytes.
Efemmeral said:
Finally, it will be helpful to know that, done correctly, your Nook v.1.1.2 backup will be exactly 1,958,739,968 bytes.
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Depend on nook memory chip used (manufacturing date) it should be either 1,958,739,968 or 1,962,934,272 bytes
ApokrifX said:
Depend on nook memory chip used (manufacturing date) it should be either 1,958,739,968 or 1,962,934,272 bytes
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Yes? I have always gotten 1,957,616,640.
Hmm, mine is 2.000.683.008.
EDIT: I think that was 1.1.0 (or 1.1.1?)

