[Q] Outlook app - Galaxy S 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Anybody use email application Outlook.com say their opinion

A Ekiz said:
Anybody use email application Outlook.com say their opinion
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Trying to get your postcount up?
If you want to know the opinion of some people go here https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.outlook.Z7 and scroll down,
there is a whole section of reviews from all sorts of people.

jeffrey268 said:
Trying to get your postcount up?
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not because I'm really used this app
but I really wanted to hear the opinions of others
To me I do not need a lot of posts
I do not intend to scribble anything anywhere

A Ekiz said:
not because I'm really used this app
but I really wanted to hear the opinions of others
To me I do not need a lot of posts
I do not intend to scribble anything anywhere
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Haha i know, was just kidding, everyone started as a Junior Member even me.
I have been using the Outlook app for a wile, but not anymore had some problems like random crashing (FC), and sync problems.
I now use the google email app on all devices, i usaly remove the stock email app (like the Samsung email app on the Note 10.1 or the Galaxy S4) and install the one from google apps, i just like the clean interface.
O and i wish you good luck XDA Developers. :good:

jeffrey268 said:
Haha i know, was just kidding, everyone started as a Junior Member even me.
I have been using the Outlook app for a wile, but not anymore had some problems like random crashing (FC), and sync problems.
I now use the google email app on all devices, i usaly remove the stock email app (like the Samsung email app on the Note 10.1 or the Galaxy S4) and install the one from google apps, i just like the clean interface.
O and i wish you good luck XDA Developers. :good:
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I understand
I also wish you all the best

Samsung stock email app works with live com email
did not know that
I just saw


Success!!! Finally!

So I contacted samsung tech support for help on the FB sync which hasnt been working since I got the phone.. When I did, all the dude told me to do was remove the battery for 3 seconds, hearing such basic, useless advice made me pretty mad, so i logged off of the chat session... about 2 or 3 min later when i jumped into my contacts... it had worked. This is coming from a dude that tried literally EVERYTHING, so if you're having sync issues, this just might do the trick.
Good luck!
Glad you found a fix!
In the future, could you be a *bit more* informative in your subject line? "Success!!! Finally!" is completely vague and not helpful. It wouldn't even help in a search.
Food for thought. Thx.
Good thinkin!! I'm brand new here, so I'm still learning the proper XDA etiquette.
That would be proper etiquette on any forum. Not just xda.
Sent from my Vibrant using the XDA app.
Typos, incorrect words, gibberish, and other nonsense brought to you courtesy of Swype.
For me a little bit of a back story would help. What exactly do you mean your facebook wasn't syncing?
Using the contact list using another app?
I don't mean to be rude, but since I don't sync and I might try it, it would be helpful to know what the problem was to match the solution to.
Arr MiHardies said:
That would be proper etiquette on any forum. Not just xda.
Sent from my Vibrant using the XDA app.
Typos, incorrect words, gibberish, and other nonsense brought to you courtesy of Swype.
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you must lead a very depressing life if you have enough time to post as useless of a comment as that..
kizer said:
For me a little bit of a back story would help. What exactly do you mean your facebook wasn't syncing?
Using the contact list using another app?
I don't mean to be rude, but since I don't sync and I might try it, it would be helpful to know what the problem was to match the solution to.
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My google accounts, twitter, work email and facebook calendar synced perfectly, even the buddies samsung widget connected with my facebook without a flaw, I just couldnt get my facebook contacts to sync. I tried doing it through the app, removing samsung mobile from my facebook account, removing the sync, and everything else that everyone on here had advised me to try, and nothing worked.
To my disbelief, a 3 second battery pull set all of my sync's up to run perfectly.
Good luck!!
Arr MiHardies said:
That would be proper etiquette on any forum. Not just xda.
Sent from my Vibrant using the XDA app.
Typos, incorrect words, gibberish, and other nonsense brought to you courtesy of Swype.
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+1 OP, please change the thread title and don't be so sensitive. The above comment is not a flame. Your post is immensely misleading.
jesse_wildcat said:
you must lead a very depressing life if you have enough time to post as useless of a comment as that..
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Right back at you. I was not rude or insulting, as you have become. Blunt maybe, but not mean or degrading. I was making a statement for your own benefit, since you obviously did not know, and you choose to be mean in return.
Here's another bit of advice... Keep that attitude up, and people on this forum will not waste their time trying to help you. Like me.
Sent from my Vibrant using the XDA app.
Typos, incorrect words, gibberish, and other nonsense brought to you courtesy of Swype.
Thanks for the Advice, im sure ill find a way to survive without your comments..
Anyway, back to the point of my post... for those who have had bad luck with their Facebook contact sync, a simple battery pull just might do the trick!
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
Pointless or not. I can come out, and say that this 3 second battery pull worked for me as well, and I've tried everything but this little simple step. Thank you OP!
I get the facebook updates in my contacts, but my contacts photos are no longer synced through facebook (i.e. they're blank). I had chalked it up to having deleted the accounts and sync app. Idk, but it'd be nice to have the photos back.
Fyi, the above comment was not out of line. He was merely explaining forum ettiquette to you.
EDIT: hrm. I was thinking I deleted feeds and updates, but that's a tw widget which explains why I haven't seen it in a while. Guess I just deleted the acct & sync odex. Anyway, my pics still aren't synced.

[Q] Linked contacts name priority

On my Vibrant (2.1), when multiple iterations of a contact are linked, you can select in each field where there is conflicting information (i.e. Bob Jones on Facebook, Robert Jones on Google Contacts) which takes precedence in the contact display. On my Nexus S, I have been unable to figure out how to do this.
I'm hoping this is due to my own ignorance and not because the feature has been removed. Can anyone instruct me on the way to set these preferences in Gingerbread? Your help would be most appreciated!
Anyone? No one?
I don't think you can change that on stock android. That was something Samsung added on your vibrant.
Mm. That possibility had occurred to me, but I didn't want to believe it. >.>
Ah, well.
I feel your pain. Click on the entry you want it to appear in the list, and edit, then join it with others.
E.g. you have Robert in your Google contacts and Bob on Facebook. If you want your contact to say Robert, then click on Robert and join it with bob.
If you want it to say Bob, then click on Bob and join it with Robert.
Hope this helps.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
Ah, nice. Not as intuitive as the TouchWiz solution, but it works! Thank you kindly, good sir.
zorak950 said:
Ah, nice. Not as intuitive as the TouchWiz solution, but it works! Thank you kindly, good sir.
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I agree. As much as I like stock Android, I must also acknowledge that some of the extensions of the custom ui are quite useful.
I'm glad I could help.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App

Facebook Pics Sync

Maybe I am late to the party on this one but I felt some people, especialy the newer people who are new to using Cyanogen nightlies and use Facebook a lot might like this tidbit of information. There is an app called Sync my Pix. I just installed it and voila My contacts have their facebook pics now. Thank you to lucky lui for pointing this out. I hope someone else finds this app as helpful as I did.
Enjoy everyone
nice apps but kinda old
CheesyNutz said:
nice apps but kinda old
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Do you have any other/better options that would be "new"
This wouldn't belong in the Development forum regardless.
BTW, it might be 'old' for CN users, but people wanting to give CN a try from Sense (we have that feature built-in) will be happy to hear such an app exists. I feel more confident giving it a try now. Thanks!

Google +

What are people's thoughts?
Sent from my EVO 4G with Tapatalk
I think it's amazing. Clean, and simple. Oh...and A LOT better than Facebook. Facebook should die. only my opinion.
Sent from...
pluses: NO GAMES, whoriscopes i mean horoscopes, and or crappy as question things. i like how i can post a thing for my friends or my work colleagues which includes my boss (i work in an IT dept so we are all nerds and wanted it) with out sharing to much or what ever. honestly im just glad its not facebook i had been only keeping for the point to keep in contact with people that have moved away and inviting them to google was easy
cons: ummm invite only? ha jk its blown up as is so im happy. I feel as if i am selling my soul to google but if thats true i have done that awhile ago so too late now
the only thing really i think that needs to be added is that we need a way for events and functions to be added to google calender or something. like facebook (i know i hate it but it works)
oh im a keep pushing that we should all leave facebook at a semi coordinated time
ben.nesheim said:
pluses: NO GAMES, whoriscopes i mean horoscopes, and or crappy as question things. i like how i can post a thing for my friends or my work colleagues which includes my boss (i work in an IT dept so we are all nerds and wanted it) with out sharing to much or what ever. honestly im just glad its not facebook i had been only keeping for the point to keep in contact with people that have moved away and inviting them to google was easy
cons: ummm invite only? ha jk its blown up as is so im happy. I feel as if i am selling my soul to google but if thats true i have done that awhile ago so too late now
the only thing really i think that needs to be added is that we need a way for events and functions to be added to google calender or something. like facebook (i know i hate it but it works)
oh im a keep pushing that we should all leave facebook at a semi coordinated time
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I totally agree, with the selling your soul to Google. If Goog made it, I will pretty much be inclined to like it. I guess, I'm a Goog FanBoy? Ant-Apple as well.
Also, can't agree with you more on Google+, it's got a little bit of a learning curve. Mainly because we are all creatures of habit, and there are a few differences from FaceBook, but overally am liking it more and more. Also, worthy of mention is the fact that their Adnroid App, is WAY better hands-down, than FaceBooks.
I am Pro-Simplicity when it comes to the web, and Google is the epitamy of simplistic design. Plus, I was getting totally annoyed with all those stupid Farmville request. Especially when I see a pop-up from a friend that says "I need Help" in the title. So you automatically think, oh, I should look at that right away. Only to find out, your supposed friend was playing some bakery/store game and is asking you to give them some flour or something. Lame.
So far it's been really great. Much simpler interface than FB, more web 2.0 if you will...
I'm hoping a LOT of people get on board and give FB a run for their money. I don't hate FB, but it's pretty clear there needs to be SOME competition to the Zuckerburg juggernaut.
munkybeatz said:
Plus, I was getting totally annoyed with all those stupid Farmville request. Especially when I see a pop-up from a friend that says "I need Help" in the title. So you automatically think, oh, I should look at that right away. Only to find out, your supposed friend was playing some bakery/store game and is asking you to give them some flour or something. Lame.
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You actually only have to deal with that once. You can hide all posts regarding any app or game and you don't have to deal with that rubbish again.
i would have to agree with what i am reading i just wanted to hear some other peoples thoughts... lots of pros and i have yet to really find a con other then i am wanting more people to jump on board so i can see where the app will lead!!! LOVE THE SIMPLICITY and the fact that.... well.... everything seems to work unlike facebook!!!! its social network at its finest without all the crap from what i have seen!!!!...... and actually i think Google already owns our android loving souls at this point, I'm sure its in the fine print somewhere....lol
i've been wanting to see what the big deal is with this if any of yall have an extra invite and dont mine sending one this way that would be awesome. my email is [email protected]
rrd297 said:
i've been wanting to see what the big deal is with this if any of yall have an extra invite and dont mine sending one this way that would be awesome. my email is [email protected]
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You need gmail.
pwnst*r said:
You need gmail.
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i have a gmail account
rrd297 said:
i have a gmail account
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lol...invites have to be sent to a gmail account. You posted a yahoo mail account.
I would love to try it as well. I have been reading a lot of good reviews. If anybody has a spare invite, t.kowalke [email protected].
Welcome to the EVOlution!
tommyp said:
I would love to try it as well. I have been reading a lot of good reviews. If anybody has a spare invite, t.kowalke [email protected].
Welcome to the EVOlution!
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Invite sent.
Edit: Don't want to turn this thread into an invite fiasco so if anyone needs one just send me a PM with your gmail.
Its elite! A completion of a true Google experience
Sent by Supersonic!
mattykinsx said:
Invite sent.
Edit: Don't want to turn this thread into an invite fiasco so if anyone needs one just send me a PM with your gmail.
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To keep your soul from wanting hell today, I will also send a couple of invites to anybody that Pm me their gmail account. I will not be a snappy/fast thing. But I will check it atleast once a day ok.
Back to topic, the resounding answer to your question is a YES! I Like it! It's a social network that got it right and its not Facebook!
Simple Elegant UI and I love the auto upload of photos shot on your phone from the app, its a nice way to bacup automatically to the cloud.
In the app also, the "nearby" tab on the stream is golden if you ask me, it allows you to see peoples public post around the location in which you are at the moment, allowing you to get in the conversation with new people and knowing is somebody close by and might be somebody that you already seen around or something.
It's Golden!
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
PM me as well and I will send out invites.

Android apps which i cannot live without.

Discontinued due to violation against forum rules..
I am deeply sorry for creating the thread. Please do not post to this thread anymore.
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk (the older 4.9.5 not that new 4.10 abomination they released for god knows why reason)
MAPS -- ill get lost without this
GO DADDY - ill probably get fired without this
Ben36 said:
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk (the older 4.9.5 not that new 4.10 abomination they released for god knows why reason)
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hehe.. welcome if this actually helped you..
androidous said:
MAPS -- ill get lost without this
GO DADDY - ill probably get fired without this
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hehe.. nice.. i have those social apps too. but it wont hurt me not to have em installed.. i also need an exchange services supported mail client on my mobile for office work. and XDA app for easy forum browsing.. but those apps i mentioned cant be replaced by other third party apps.. thats all
cheers ?
Did u read the forum rules before posting this?
Noyze from Tom Barrasso. Lollipop doesn't permit locking the volume rocker in the lockscreen (leading to inadvertent changes in ring volume while the phone is in a case or pocket). Noyze lets you disable the rocker in the lockscreen. It also does many more things related to device volume control but this one feature sealed the deal for me.
Tom no longer develops the app but he has kindly made it available as donationware at his website. barrasso [dot] me
Bravissimo! The winner of useless threads!
zagorteney said:
Bravissimo! The winner of useless threads!
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Well, it -did- let you post to it so I guess you found -enough- value here to troll. Have a nice day.
exapplerep said:
Well, it -did- let you post to it so I guess you found -enough- value here to troll. Have a nice day.
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You didn't get it. I'm a troll hunter.
Thread closed.

