Success!!! Finally! - Vibrant General

So I contacted samsung tech support for help on the FB sync which hasnt been working since I got the phone.. When I did, all the dude told me to do was remove the battery for 3 seconds, hearing such basic, useless advice made me pretty mad, so i logged off of the chat session... about 2 or 3 min later when i jumped into my contacts... it had worked. This is coming from a dude that tried literally EVERYTHING, so if you're having sync issues, this just might do the trick.
Good luck!

Glad you found a fix!
In the future, could you be a *bit more* informative in your subject line? "Success!!! Finally!" is completely vague and not helpful. It wouldn't even help in a search.
Food for thought. Thx.

Good thinkin!! I'm brand new here, so I'm still learning the proper XDA etiquette.

That would be proper etiquette on any forum. Not just xda.
Sent from my Vibrant using the XDA app.
Typos, incorrect words, gibberish, and other nonsense brought to you courtesy of Swype.

For me a little bit of a back story would help. What exactly do you mean your facebook wasn't syncing?
Using the contact list using another app?
I don't mean to be rude, but since I don't sync and I might try it, it would be helpful to know what the problem was to match the solution to.

Arr MiHardies said:
That would be proper etiquette on any forum. Not just xda.
Sent from my Vibrant using the XDA app.
Typos, incorrect words, gibberish, and other nonsense brought to you courtesy of Swype.
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you must lead a very depressing life if you have enough time to post as useless of a comment as that..

kizer said:
For me a little bit of a back story would help. What exactly do you mean your facebook wasn't syncing?
Using the contact list using another app?
I don't mean to be rude, but since I don't sync and I might try it, it would be helpful to know what the problem was to match the solution to.
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My google accounts, twitter, work email and facebook calendar synced perfectly, even the buddies samsung widget connected with my facebook without a flaw, I just couldnt get my facebook contacts to sync. I tried doing it through the app, removing samsung mobile from my facebook account, removing the sync, and everything else that everyone on here had advised me to try, and nothing worked.
To my disbelief, a 3 second battery pull set all of my sync's up to run perfectly.
Good luck!!

Arr MiHardies said:
That would be proper etiquette on any forum. Not just xda.
Sent from my Vibrant using the XDA app.
Typos, incorrect words, gibberish, and other nonsense brought to you courtesy of Swype.
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+1 OP, please change the thread title and don't be so sensitive. The above comment is not a flame. Your post is immensely misleading.

jesse_wildcat said:
you must lead a very depressing life if you have enough time to post as useless of a comment as that..
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Right back at you. I was not rude or insulting, as you have become. Blunt maybe, but not mean or degrading. I was making a statement for your own benefit, since you obviously did not know, and you choose to be mean in return.
Here's another bit of advice... Keep that attitude up, and people on this forum will not waste their time trying to help you. Like me.
Sent from my Vibrant using the XDA app.
Typos, incorrect words, gibberish, and other nonsense brought to you courtesy of Swype.

Thanks for the Advice, im sure ill find a way to survive without your comments..
Anyway, back to the point of my post... for those who have had bad luck with their Facebook contact sync, a simple battery pull just might do the trick!
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App

Pointless or not. I can come out, and say that this 3 second battery pull worked for me as well, and I've tried everything but this little simple step. Thank you OP!

I get the facebook updates in my contacts, but my contacts photos are no longer synced through facebook (i.e. they're blank). I had chalked it up to having deleted the accounts and sync app. Idk, but it'd be nice to have the photos back.
Fyi, the above comment was not out of line. He was merely explaining forum ettiquette to you.
EDIT: hrm. I was thinking I deleted feeds and updates, but that's a tw widget which explains why I haven't seen it in a while. Guess I just deleted the acct & sync odex. Anyway, my pics still aren't synced.


Are Tweets to @samsungukmobile being Ignored

I posted a message in the topic 'The best way to convey your message to Samsung is via Facebook' see Post 14.
In that post I mentioned messages I am sending to @samsungukmobiles are not appearing on their web page here.
This now makes me believe that someone at Samsung is deliberately ignorinf the tweets being sent.
Given that I was told Samsung use Twitter as their prime message conveyer I am wondering what the heck is going on.
I've sent off a message to Samsung but as of yet I've not heard anything back from them.
Therefore, what I would ask of you is those that have a Twitter account, could you please send off a tweet to @samsungukmobile and afterwards look to see if it appears on their twitter page.
Again their twitter page is here.
Could you please post back stating either yes your message was added to their twitter page, or no, it was not added.
The more tweets that are cancelled the stronger my argument with them.
This way I will know one way or another if the problem is my end.
It will not get added to their page, it will be added to your own page showing that you have sent them a tweet. It will however appear in their time-line that they see privately along with the other hundreds of tweets they are bound to receive every month.
Lynchy30 said:
It will not get added to their page, it will be added to your own page showing that you have sent them a tweet. It will however appear in their time-line that they see privately along with the other hundreds of tweets they are bound to receive every month.
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So the messages from other users (not Froyo related) that are displayed on their twitter page... how come they are generated?
Just realized, the messages from other users are simply Samsungs replies.
Okay, it then proves Samsung are merely not bothering to reply to any of the tweets being sent yes.
Beards said:
Okay, it then proves Samsung are merely not bothering to reply to any of the tweets being sent yes.
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Nail on the head
If anyone else can make a tweet to Samsung and lets see if they too are ignored.
With the results I'll have further ammo to blast back at Samsung.
that's the difference in nature between Tweeter vs. Facebook
Tweeter is like a 1 way communication, it only shows what the account owner types in the page
Facebook is 2 way, you can post stuff directly into their Wall, the account owner can delete the stuff if they choose to, but if they care, they will leave it there and reply back to it, or simply ignore it.
i sent a tweet to samsung uk as a test, let see if they get back to me
Is there anything in particular you would like me to ask them? Just incase they do reply, you would have a useful answer
enigmameusa said:
Is there anything in particular you would like me to ask them? Just incase they do reply, you would have a useful answer
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Yes please..... Ask them:-
"It has been mentioned quite a lot of replies to @samsungukmobile are being ignored. Proof of this is shown at @samsungukmobile where there has not been any replies nor comments since the 20th Sep".
It's a long tweet so I'll leave it to you to abreviate as you see fit.
Just noticed Samsung have actually posted a tweet....... Their first since 20th Sep.
Unfortunately it has NOTHING to do with any of the issues we are talking about.... It's to do with the Galaxy Tab where they are asking readers to Check out iGizmo's piece on the Galaxy Tab, which basically is yet another marketing plan.
no response to my enquiry yet
AllGamer said:
no response to my enquiry yet
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Many thanks.... The more who try this ther stronger my case.
On a same note ~ I've posted many, many times on the UK Facebook and just the same... NOTHING back from Samsung to either declare or defend the posts.
I didn'd receive a response either, although my tweet was a bit harsh so it's to be expected, LOL
NetCopAD said:
I didn'd receive a response either, although my tweet was a bit harsh so it's to be expected, LOL
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Cheers... Another name added to the list.
Today, i actually had a long conversation with @samsung_Mobiles.
Check it out on twitter
My Acc is @CrAsHeRiT
It seems that they listened to me about Lag issue..and i linked them to XDA & Voodoo Project.
Hope it's the time to get things fixed.
AlessandroIT said:
Today, i actually had a long conversation with @samsung_Mobiles.
Check it out on twitter
My Acc is @CrAsHeRiT
It seems that they listened to me about Lag issue..and i linked them to XDA & Voodoo Project.
Hope it's the time to get things fixed.
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Thank you.
It would appear at least your Samsung twitter part responds. The UK twitter clearly does not.
That is the Indian Twitter account, im seriously suprised that they are replying to you :O
Sad part is that they are stating the release of Froyo @ end of October
thanks for the list
AlessandroIT said:
Today, i actually had a long conversation with @samsung_Mobiles.
Check it out on twitter
My Acc is @CrAsHeRiT
It seems that they listened to me about Lag issue..and i linked them to XDA & Voodoo Project.
Hope it's the time to get things fixed.
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I've sent a few messages over the past few days but nothing back off them. Methinks their continued insistence that froyo was coming at the end of the month was wrong and they are now keeping their heads down.
sionyboy said:
I've sent a few messages over the past few days but nothing back off them. Methinks their continued insistence that froyo was coming at the end of the month was wrong and they are now keeping their heads down.
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Thanks... Appreciate the feedback.
Details added.
Same thing here, they've ignored my Tweets in regards to the bugged/locked bootloader.
Fuggin' bum'oles!
Wired_God said:
Same thing here, they've ignored my Tweets in regards to the bugged/locked bootloader.
Fuggin' bum'oles!
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Thanks.... added.

Wierd icon next to 3G icon

Hi guys,
There is an arrow icon to the left of my 3G icon, and I was wondering if anyone knew what it was? it shows two white arrows forming a loop but I can't find it in the manual.
Can someone let me know?
That's the sync service running (GMail, Contacts, Calendar, etc).
If it keeps running forever, you might have an issue, but it should pop up from time to time.
It was running forever and I realized it was failing to synch, a data reset fixed.
another useless thread.... gratz newb android user ITS CALLED GOOGLE PEOPLE USE IT! DONT BLOAT FORUMS
billakid said:
another useless thread.... gratz newb android user ITS CALLED GOOGLE PEOPLE USE IT! DONT BLOAT FORUMS
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Oh my god dude you are getting on my nerves. If you don't like the thread don't look in it. I'm not an android noob, I've been using since vzw got android in the first place, Ive used chrome and gmail since beta, my whole life is in Google's cloud. Damn. Not noticing a small icon doesn't make me a noob. People like you are the exact reason I never posted here before and only lurked and donated. What an amazing bit you are contributing to the community, good thing I'm not judging the whole on you.
Go ahead and do a search for what I was asking, I couldn't find anything. If you read I also consulted the manual to find nothing relating to the symbol. Go to hell.
billakid said:
another useless thread.... gratz newb android user ITS CALLED GOOGLE PEOPLE USE IT! DONT BLOAT FORUMS
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Not everyone knows those arrows mean that it's syncing to Google, so this thread is not useless.
chrisw27 said:
Not everyone knows those arrows mean that it's syncing to Google, so this thread is not useless.
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Exactly, I had assumed it would use normal data signal for that. Plus I hadn't really seen it before because normally its on and then off, but in this case mine got stuck, thats all. Thanks guys.
I wonder if it would violate guidelines to report a post like that.
Completely unhelpful, and ultimately detrimental to the community as a whole.
Sure there's no profanity, warez, or otherwise problematic material, but it's definitely something that shouldn't be here.
billakid said:
another useless thread.... gratz newb android user ITS CALLED GOOGLE PEOPLE USE IT! DONT BLOAT FORUMS
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Slow your roll man, you were a noob once to and you didn't use google per your recommendation. SEE. Hard to bloat a general discussion forum.
good day.
billakid said:
another useless thread.... gratz newb android user ITS CALLED GOOGLE PEOPLE USE IT! DONT BLOAT FORUMS
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yet another useless post by you. you have been a member here for 7 months in most of the forums im on you would still be a noob and by posting this crap(seen it in at least 2 threads) you still act like a noob. dont like whats being posted either dont read it or keep your comments to yourself.
chopper the dog said:
Slow your roll man, you were a noob once to and you didn't use google per your recommendation. >>>>>SEE.<<<<< Hard to bloat a general discussion forum.
good day.
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I love it. Good pull.
blah blah... still bloating forums.. imagine how bad its gonna be when roms start rolling out
billakid said:
blah blah... still bloating forums.. imagine how bad its gonna be when roms start rolling out
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Soooooooo. Is this brother #1 or brother #2 that edited the post? Roms rolling out will be a welcome sight. Answering noob questions also welcomed. But the attitude that may have been picked up from a different forum is not welcomed.
good day.
Anyways Did you find out why it was stickin dude? O-o
I dont know for sure but looking at the last successful synch times its right around the time I tried to send an email with the firefox beta apk to like five people at once that might have broke it somehow
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App

Google +

What are people's thoughts?
Sent from my EVO 4G with Tapatalk
I think it's amazing. Clean, and simple. Oh...and A LOT better than Facebook. Facebook should die. only my opinion.
Sent from...
pluses: NO GAMES, whoriscopes i mean horoscopes, and or crappy as question things. i like how i can post a thing for my friends or my work colleagues which includes my boss (i work in an IT dept so we are all nerds and wanted it) with out sharing to much or what ever. honestly im just glad its not facebook i had been only keeping for the point to keep in contact with people that have moved away and inviting them to google was easy
cons: ummm invite only? ha jk its blown up as is so im happy. I feel as if i am selling my soul to google but if thats true i have done that awhile ago so too late now
the only thing really i think that needs to be added is that we need a way for events and functions to be added to google calender or something. like facebook (i know i hate it but it works)
oh im a keep pushing that we should all leave facebook at a semi coordinated time
ben.nesheim said:
pluses: NO GAMES, whoriscopes i mean horoscopes, and or crappy as question things. i like how i can post a thing for my friends or my work colleagues which includes my boss (i work in an IT dept so we are all nerds and wanted it) with out sharing to much or what ever. honestly im just glad its not facebook i had been only keeping for the point to keep in contact with people that have moved away and inviting them to google was easy
cons: ummm invite only? ha jk its blown up as is so im happy. I feel as if i am selling my soul to google but if thats true i have done that awhile ago so too late now
the only thing really i think that needs to be added is that we need a way for events and functions to be added to google calender or something. like facebook (i know i hate it but it works)
oh im a keep pushing that we should all leave facebook at a semi coordinated time
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I totally agree, with the selling your soul to Google. If Goog made it, I will pretty much be inclined to like it. I guess, I'm a Goog FanBoy? Ant-Apple as well.
Also, can't agree with you more on Google+, it's got a little bit of a learning curve. Mainly because we are all creatures of habit, and there are a few differences from FaceBook, but overally am liking it more and more. Also, worthy of mention is the fact that their Adnroid App, is WAY better hands-down, than FaceBooks.
I am Pro-Simplicity when it comes to the web, and Google is the epitamy of simplistic design. Plus, I was getting totally annoyed with all those stupid Farmville request. Especially when I see a pop-up from a friend that says "I need Help" in the title. So you automatically think, oh, I should look at that right away. Only to find out, your supposed friend was playing some bakery/store game and is asking you to give them some flour or something. Lame.
So far it's been really great. Much simpler interface than FB, more web 2.0 if you will...
I'm hoping a LOT of people get on board and give FB a run for their money. I don't hate FB, but it's pretty clear there needs to be SOME competition to the Zuckerburg juggernaut.
munkybeatz said:
Plus, I was getting totally annoyed with all those stupid Farmville request. Especially when I see a pop-up from a friend that says "I need Help" in the title. So you automatically think, oh, I should look at that right away. Only to find out, your supposed friend was playing some bakery/store game and is asking you to give them some flour or something. Lame.
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You actually only have to deal with that once. You can hide all posts regarding any app or game and you don't have to deal with that rubbish again.
i would have to agree with what i am reading i just wanted to hear some other peoples thoughts... lots of pros and i have yet to really find a con other then i am wanting more people to jump on board so i can see where the app will lead!!! LOVE THE SIMPLICITY and the fact that.... well.... everything seems to work unlike facebook!!!! its social network at its finest without all the crap from what i have seen!!!!...... and actually i think Google already owns our android loving souls at this point, I'm sure its in the fine print
i've been wanting to see what the big deal is with this if any of yall have an extra invite and dont mine sending one this way that would be awesome. my email is [email protected]
rrd297 said:
i've been wanting to see what the big deal is with this if any of yall have an extra invite and dont mine sending one this way that would be awesome. my email is [email protected]
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You need gmail.
pwnst*r said:
You need gmail.
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i have a gmail account
rrd297 said:
i have a gmail account
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lol...invites have to be sent to a gmail account. You posted a yahoo mail account.
I would love to try it as well. I have been reading a lot of good reviews. If anybody has a spare invite, t.kowalke [email protected].
Welcome to the EVOlution!
tommyp said:
I would love to try it as well. I have been reading a lot of good reviews. If anybody has a spare invite, t.kowalke [email protected].
Welcome to the EVOlution!
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Invite sent.
Edit: Don't want to turn this thread into an invite fiasco so if anyone needs one just send me a PM with your gmail.
Its elite! A completion of a true Google experience
Sent by Supersonic!
mattykinsx said:
Invite sent.
Edit: Don't want to turn this thread into an invite fiasco so if anyone needs one just send me a PM with your gmail.
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To keep your soul from wanting hell today, I will also send a couple of invites to anybody that Pm me their gmail account. I will not be a snappy/fast thing. But I will check it atleast once a day ok.
Back to topic, the resounding answer to your question is a YES! I Like it! It's a social network that got it right and its not Facebook!
Simple Elegant UI and I love the auto upload of photos shot on your phone from the app, its a nice way to bacup automatically to the cloud.
In the app also, the "nearby" tab on the stream is golden if you ask me, it allows you to see peoples public post around the location in which you are at the moment, allowing you to get in the conversation with new people and knowing is somebody close by and might be somebody that you already seen around or something.
It's Golden!
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
PM me as well and I will send out invites.

why is EG22 not in the wiki yet?

Mutatis Mutandis also links to nothing
saquerum said:
Mutatis Mutandis also links to nothing
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The wonderful thing about the wiki is that if there is something missing the reason is you haven't added it yet.
Oh god. I asked why the wiki was so far out of date a few months ago, and every holier-than-thou member of this community gave me pages and pages of **** about it.
Yes, it's true, anyone can go in and update the wiki. There will be plenty of people who get up on their pedestals and condemn you for not keeping your mouth shut and just updating it yourself, while at the same time not doing it themselves either.
If you don't know how to update it, it's really not that hard to figure out. Just look at what has already been done, copy someone else's entry, and then change all the info.
I had assumed that it was up to the developers to keep their wiki entries in order, but apparently it's not. The only good that will come of this is that you brought attention to it, and people will again start updating entries, but expect a bunch of **** over it as well.
It's up to the users, not developers, to update it. Oh yea, I am not updating, because I don't care about it.
That was certainly a long winded reply for an Op that didn't care enough to post a complete statement. Just sayin'.
I'm glad I can't sit on xda posting hypocritical diatribes about what other people are going to say about something that doesn't matter, just for the erep..
Oh, wait..
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA Premium App
The wiki is pointless. All it does is link to threads, and since there's never a way to know if the latest thing has been updated on the wiki, you're going to need to search the forum anyway. It's easier and more productive just to search the forum in the first place.
That cause it was never cared for. Also only one who would update it was impaler I believe. And he's busy usually nowdays.
Sent from my Epix 4G using XDA

HTC One users on Google Plus, join here!

After Google I/O 2013 there were so many great features about Google+ I wanted to use more often but hardly any of my friends use G+. I was wondering if any of you guys had it and want to add each other so we can all use the new G+ a little more often. Pretty much all of my posts/shares/likes/etc pertain to tech/Google/Android anyway.
I haven't done much on my profile since G+ came out way back when, but here it is if you want to add me, feel free to post on my page or share stuff: Syn Ack
Feel free to add your profile links here too and we can all add each other. I will put you in my HTC One circle.
I recommend going to and then posting your link in that format.
Just post your link below and I will copy it to the list. Mine is
I find it fascinating that G+ has more users than Twitter but not a single friend of mine uses it. I've been trying to push it, but doesn't seem to be gaining much traction ):
Added btw
ArmedandDangerous said:
I find it fascinating that G+ has more users than Twitter but not a single friend of mine uses it. I've been trying to push it, but doesn't seem to be gaining much traction ):
Added btw
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I don't see where you added me, maybe I don't know enough about G+ yet. But it's certainly got a better layout and more features than Facebook.
Syn Ack said:
I don't see where you added me, maybe I don't know enough about G+ yet. But it's certainly got a better layout and more features than Facebook.
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I just added you to my Circles, I guess it's like "liking" a FB page, where you don't get friend requests, just that your posts get shared to those following. Probably, haven't really used it too
I have to admit I prefer G+ over all other social media sites. There is just not enough of a user base in my real life circles and the people who are on it don't have a clue how to use it.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using xda app-developers app
@Syn Ack:
Please rename thread to smth like: Google+ Hangout for HTC One users.
The way it is named atm, I have to move it to General section as it is not Device related.
Hey, here's my Google+ profile page
I am telling everyone I know with a phone about Google+ and hangouts. Its not working so well :/ they need a really nice commercial dial.
Here's my profile.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
Im on Google+ but havent used it for ages, i may try and get into it again
Here is my profile
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using xda app-developers app
I will do that now.
Sent from my HTC One
@Syn Ack - maybe it would be a good idea to set this thread up like the Sensation g+ has been done.
This will make it easier for everyone to add others rather than having to look through loads of pages just to add people.
Using the short URLs, as mentioned in the other threads OP, would be a good idea aswell rather than post massive links
Here's a link to mine anyway - KidCarter93
For all people who use the shortening site, please put your nickname as your XDA username. It makes it easier for the rest of us that way
KidCarter93 said:
@Syn Ack - maybe it would be a good idea to set this thread up like the Sensation g+ has been done.
This will make it easier for everyone to add others rather than having to look through loads of pages just to add people.
Using the short URLs, as mentioned in the other threads OP, would be a good idea aswell rather than post massive links
Here's a link to mine anyway - KidCarter93
For all people who use the shortening site, please put your nickname as your XDA username. It makes it easier for the rest of us that way
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Good idea, I didn't know there were any other threads out there like this. Just put up all the names/links listed so far.

