HTC One users on Google Plus, join here! - One (M7) General

After Google I/O 2013 there were so many great features about Google+ I wanted to use more often but hardly any of my friends use G+. I was wondering if any of you guys had it and want to add each other so we can all use the new G+ a little more often. Pretty much all of my posts/shares/likes/etc pertain to tech/Google/Android anyway.
I haven't done much on my profile since G+ came out way back when, but here it is if you want to add me, feel free to post on my page or share stuff: Syn Ack
Feel free to add your profile links here too and we can all add each other. I will put you in my HTC One circle.
I recommend going to and then posting your link in that format.
Just post your link below and I will copy it to the list. Mine is

I find it fascinating that G+ has more users than Twitter but not a single friend of mine uses it. I've been trying to push it, but doesn't seem to be gaining much traction ):
Added btw

ArmedandDangerous said:
I find it fascinating that G+ has more users than Twitter but not a single friend of mine uses it. I've been trying to push it, but doesn't seem to be gaining much traction ):
Added btw
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I don't see where you added me, maybe I don't know enough about G+ yet. But it's certainly got a better layout and more features than Facebook.

Syn Ack said:
I don't see where you added me, maybe I don't know enough about G+ yet. But it's certainly got a better layout and more features than Facebook.
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I just added you to my Circles, I guess it's like "liking" a FB page, where you don't get friend requests, just that your posts get shared to those following. Probably, haven't really used it too

I have to admit I prefer G+ over all other social media sites. There is just not enough of a user base in my real life circles and the people who are on it don't have a clue how to use it.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using xda app-developers app

@Syn Ack:
Please rename thread to smth like: Google+ Hangout for HTC One users.
The way it is named atm, I have to move it to General section as it is not Device related.

Hey, here's my Google+ profile page

I am telling everyone I know with a phone about Google+ and hangouts. Its not working so well :/ they need a really nice commercial dial.
Here's my profile.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app

Im on Google+ but havent used it for ages, i may try and get into it again
Here is my profile
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using xda app-developers app

I will do that now.
Sent from my HTC One

@Syn Ack - maybe it would be a good idea to set this thread up like the Sensation g+ has been done.
This will make it easier for everyone to add others rather than having to look through loads of pages just to add people.
Using the short URLs, as mentioned in the other threads OP, would be a good idea aswell rather than post massive links
Here's a link to mine anyway - KidCarter93
For all people who use the shortening site, please put your nickname as your XDA username. It makes it easier for the rest of us that way

KidCarter93 said:
@Syn Ack - maybe it would be a good idea to set this thread up like the Sensation g+ has been done.
This will make it easier for everyone to add others rather than having to look through loads of pages just to add people.
Using the short URLs, as mentioned in the other threads OP, would be a good idea aswell rather than post massive links
Here's a link to mine anyway - KidCarter93
For all people who use the shortening site, please put your nickname as your XDA username. It makes it easier for the rest of us that way
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Good idea, I didn't know there were any other threads out there like this. Just put up all the names/links listed so far.


WinADB: A Frontend for “adb” Command for Google Android Mobile Phones

I have had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with the creation of this app, but I follow this guy on Deviant Art, he is constantly coming up with useful things for windows, I had a look today and I found this and though people may find this useful:
WinADB: A Frontend for “adb” Command for Google Android Mobile Phones
This quote is taken from: HERE
If you have a Google Android mobile phone, you might be already knowing about "adb" command which is used to flash mobile phones, installing applications, copying files, etc.
This command is provided using a command-line and doesn't have any GUI.
Our friend "Solo-Dev" @ DA has created a frontend for this command so that you can take all advantages of "adb" command easily and quickly.
"WinADB" is a frontend for "adb" command used for Google Android mobile phones. All the required files you will need are included in the ZIP file. It also includes the required usb drivers for your PC.
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Solo-Dev on Deviant Art
WinADB on Deviant Art
I have attached the files below also.
Good find for users of this forum!
Droid Explorer from does exactly this and much more with GUI.
Thank you Mystic for the find ...
and thanks to memin for his suggestion as well.....some people appreciate it
Christ88 said:
This site is about sharing information not a competition of who posted the best information,
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thats my point...i was posting an alternative and got shot down
As it CLEARLY says in the first post i had nothing to do with this app i was just posting it for everyone enjoyment as i knew the dev is very good and his previous apps that i have used reflect this.
so no my response was fine.
MysticGenius said:
thats my point...i was posting an alternative and got shot down
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where and by what did you got shot down?
hebbe said:
where and by what did you got shot down?
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i think you're exaggerating it a bit. memin respectfully shared what he knows. if anything, you did that with your comments about his contribution to the community. i saw on several occasions he helped people with providing feedback and instructions etc.
looks like somebody found something cool the 'adb app' then some one post a alternative app , then the op gets offended , the op ...i understand what you are saying , but i dont think he really meant to show you up , and isee you do what i do ...look up people stats to see who your dealing with ..but dont be so harsh on the boy
calm down mobilebuddha thats not the way to do it , i promise ....let it go
Cookies anyone?
Sent from Android using XDA App
I have 300 (three hundred) posts helping people. Search my username for POSTS, not threads. You have no idea who you are blaming.
As always my intentions were helping out the community. Both apps do similar things and people may use whatever suits them best. The other app may have better functions and simplicity. In the end, the goal is to share our knowledge so everbody gets benefit. The response by the OP is VERY wrong.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
memin1857 said:
I have 300 (three hundred) posts helping people. Search my username for POSTS, not threads. You have no idea who you are blaming.
As always my intentions were helping out the community. Both apps do similar things and people may use whatever suits them best. The other app may have better functions and simplicity. In the end, the goal is to share our knowledge so everbody gets benefit. The response by the OP is VERY wrong.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
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I think that maybe if you wouldn't have used the caps, you may have come out a little less strong.
I agree with Thatruth here, I don't think memin meant anything bad, just posted with emphasis that the post shouldn't have had in the first place. I edited his comment (removed the caps) and deleted your post so that this thread can get back on topic. Please guys, keep it that way... there is no reason to be fighting over something like this.
While alternatives are always welcome, you nearly hijacked Mystic's thread here. Next time, if you need to share something, please do it in your own thread. You will not be flamed as long as you post in the right section
Now, guys... play nice.
egzthunder1 said:
I think that maybe if you wouldn't have used the caps, you may have come out a little less strong.
I agree with Thatruth here, I don't think memin meant anything bad, just posted with emphasis that the post shouldn't have had in the first place. I edited his comment (removed the caps) and deleted your post so that this thread can get back on topic. Please guys, keep it that way... there is no reason to be fighting over something like this.
While alternatives are always welcome, you nearly hijacked Mystic's thread here. Next time, if you need to share something, please do it in your own thread. You will not be flamed as long as you post in the right section
Now, guys... play nice.
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This thinking seems to be common on XDA from what I can tell and it seems flawed. Lets say for example someone is searching for ADB interface apps or by name for either of these apps it would greatly be helpful to read this post and see there is a better option available and that the general opinion is one app may be better then the other. If we can't respond to a thread with facts or opinions you end up seriously crippling the information sharing ability and quality of information on this site.
Sorry to carry this on further in this thread but I really think this is something for you to consider changing your mind about and maybe others who have posted might feel the same way.

Devs read!!! Great idea!

k, you know when you meet someone and your all like "text me your number o me"? well what about something like facebook has, where you will get a pop up saying so-and-so has added your number (person has same program) and then that person's added with email and everything done with one click
This post is awash with details.
Isn't that like the Bump app that never caught on?
I get you have the same app installed but how would the person find you in the first place?
I'm thinking the basic idea is that if a lot of people have it maybe you register your number so when they add it it lets you know and fills in extra info like email and stuff
Sent from my Incredible using XDA App

Google+ Invitations

I know this dont have to do with Archos at all, but i want to give you the chance to get Google+
Many people around here are Google Fanboys, so i thought, you might are interested
If you dont know what Google+ is, please watch this video:
1) Post here, why you want Google+ and what you think about Facebook in a small text.
2) Send me a PM with your email adress, so i can invite you.
( I will try to invite you so fast as i can )
Posters like "I want a Invitation" wont be invitated by me.
I would be happy if you hit thanks
If you want to you can also PM eagleofdeath13 or Techngro.
(Dont forget to write a quick post here why you want it and what do you think about FB !)
Looks great, I have it on my A70S ... but haven't used yet ... I didn't have time to test it ... tomorrow maybe ...
I also have Google+ invites, so you can PM me too. Not to hijack the OP thread, but there's no point in making multiple threads for this I think. I hope Lenn doesn't mind.
Techngro said:
I also have Google+ invites, so you can PM me too. Not to hijack the OP thread, but there's no point in making multiple threads for this I think. I hope Lenn doesn't mind.
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Cool, can i add you in the first post?
So the people can pm you or me
What do you think about Google+ ?
@All: If you want an invitation you have to post here why you want to and what you think about Facebook with your email adress!( or send me or Techngro a PM with your email adress!
You can add me too
eagleofdeath13 said:
You can add me too
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You mean you already are on G+, right?
What do you think about G+ and Facebook? (Want to start little discussion)
i am since the 19. July on if someone wants an invitation....just write to me.....
lenn, PM is on the go!
Just PM'd ya, Alaska, thanks!
Sent from my I500 using XDA App
You know, mainly I'm curious to see what ask the hubbub's about. I also think it might integrate better with Android than FB.
Sent from my I500 using XDA App
G+ is better XD
Now, the non-troll version:
Google+ miss just one thing, the people on Facebook.
But it has everything else, the video chat is better, the contact managing is so much better (<3 circles) i just want to quit facebook (when G+ will be released ^^)
eagleofdeath13 said:
G+ is better XD
Now, the non-troll version:
Google+ miss just one thing, the people on Facebook.
But it has everything else, the video chat is better, the contact managing is so much better (<3 circles) i just want to quit facebook (when G+ will be released ^^)
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I delted my Facebook account just this morning
I think G+ is much more clear than FB, isn it?
g+ is much better than facebook.....more privacy, better contact management, .....
I would appreciate an invite to google+
I think Facebook assumes I want to share everything with everyone, which is not the case.
I Thank you in advance.
[email protected]
cambridge1 said:
I would appreciate an invite to google+
I think Facebook assumes I want to share everything with everyone, which is not the case.
I Thank you in advance.
[email protected]
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You are in G+ !
Lenn said:
Cool, can i add you in the first post?
So the people can pm you or me
What do you think about Google+ ?
@All: If you want an invitation you have to post here why you want to and what you think about Facebook with your email adress!( or send me or Techngro a PM with your email adress!
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Sure you can add me to the first post.
I quit Facebook over a year ago. It was all just too much going on. Plus I didn't like the fact that my whole life story was online in one place where you never really know whether what you put up is private, cause they keep changing the rules.
I like the fact that you can really segment the people you know on G+ into groups so that you don't get overwhelmed. I had 300+ friends on Facebook, 285 of whom I barely said two words to in the last 10 years. I don't need to see everything they write every 15 minutes.
I mean, the jury is still out on G+ of course, but so far I like what they're trying to do.
Edit: Guys, don't forget to give your email when you PM. Also don't forget to thank whoever gives you the invite.
Can i please have an invite to Google Plus? Thanks a million guys.
[email protected]
@ninjakc : it's better with a gmail adress (access to the chat )
eagleofdeath13 said:
@ninjakc : it's better with a gmail adress (access to the chat )
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Yep, you have to have a google account already!
Please add me too!
Facebook isn't what I want
Google+ seems really cool
Send from my archos 101
just pm me, Lenn or Techngro......then we will see...


This is a thread I've started for anyone who wants to add each other on Google+. I've found this social network to be far superior to facebook, and will make sharing and providing information to each other a lot more interesting and fun. Being updated to new things and trying new builds etc. Also, it's just fun =D Anyone who wants added, either drop your email address here on this thread or you can PM me.
There has been at least 3 threads like this before. I've seen 2 for the Moto Atrix circle and 1 for the XDA circle.
Yeah I get what yer saying, but it wouldn't do much good to join a circle about a different phone model would it? I made one for the ATRIX. But I'll look and see if there's already one for the Atrix as well. Meanwhile, anyone who wants a Google + invite, just drop me a PM. Or post your email here.
Phalanx7621 said:
Yeah I get what yer saying, but it wouldn't do much good to join a circle about a different phone model would it? I made one for the ATRIX. But I'll look and see if there's already one for the Atrix as well. Meanwhile, anyone who wants a Google + invite, just drop me a PM. Or post your email here.
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No need for invites now.
Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk
There are already many...many...many..threads like this one.
On that note, thread closed.

How to get app reviewed and increase the downloads??

People who has downloaded the app used it have given good rating and feedback. But still downloads are not at all increasing.
All my request to app info sites for review has not been replied or they will ask for money
Looks like there is no scope for good developers with no budget
prakash.jai said:
People who has downloaded the app used it have given good rating and feedback. But still downloads are not at all increasing.
All my request to app info sites for review has not been replied or they will ask for money
Looks like there is no scope for good developers with no budget
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That's not true: if the app is worth it will be reviewed by some important site such as xda portal (for free) and will start getting a good amount of downloads. Of course you need to keep on promoting on the forums etc.
By the way, what's your application?
elban said:
That's not true: if the app is worth it will be reviewed by some important site such as xda portal (for free) and will start getting a good amount of downloads. Of course you need to keep on promoting on the forums etc.
By the way, what's your application?
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I don't know it was my experience till now. Had sent review request for several sites but without any luck.
BTW my app is True Launcher on Play
prakash.jai said:
I don't know it was my experience till now. Had sent review request for several sites but without any luck.
BTW my app is True Launcher on Play
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I can't find it. Maybe there is a problem with the distribution settings in the developer console?
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4
I've had more success sharing my app on Reddit and tweaking the keywords in the description than with review sites myself.
I have also added a review prompt in the latest version which seems to be helping so far, fingers crossed.
pathetic sessaal
elban said:
I can't find it. Maybe there is a problem with the distribution settings in the developer console?
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4[/QUOTE
I can see True launcher as first result in the play as well when i searched on google it is coming as fist result
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dotnick said:
I've had more success sharing my app on Reddit and tweaking the keywords in the description than with review sites myself.
I have also added a review prompt in the latest version which seems to be helping so far, fingers crossed.
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I will try in Reddit
any other sites where i can try
elban said:
That's not true: if the app is worth it will be reviewed by some important site such as xda portal (for free) and will start getting a good amount of downloads. Of course you need to keep on promoting on the forums etc.
By the way, what's your application?
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node to the explaination. :cyclops:
AnTuTuLabs said:
node to the explaination. :cyclops:
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I got some downloads after creating a link in reddit. Thanks
prakash.jai said:
I got some downloads after creating a link in reddit. Thanks
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Google Play has some free channel to help developers promote their apps, but that requires some downloads in some days or something like that.
So, you can try make cooperation with someone, and recommand your app via partner channel.
then you may have the chance of listing in Top New Free to Google Play. :laugh:
AnTuTuLabs said:
Google Play has some free channel to help developers promote their apps, but that requires some downloads in some days or something like that.
So, you can try make cooperation with someone, and recommand your app via partner channel.
then you may have the chance of listing in Top New Free to Google Play. :laugh:
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How to find or where can i find the partner channels ?
prakash.jai said:
How to find or where can i find the partner channels ?
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I think here XDA forum is also a place for hunting partners :lol
Getting some websites to review your app sure can be challenging. Those websites get hundreds of emails a day and it is hard to scan through all of them, but some of them might pick you up on the offer.
I personally posted on Reddit and it didn't get much attention...I might need to try it again, but maybe people didn't like the app...
AnTuTuLabs said:
Google Play has some free channel to help developers promote their apps, but that requires some downloads in some days or something like that.
So, you can try make cooperation with someone, and recommand your app via partner channel.
then you may have the chance of listing in Top New Free to Google Play. :laugh:
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What channel are you talking about? is it Top New lists or something else?
Congratulations for your successful apps, i see that you've done a great job with them and it pays well
Any recommendations for partener channels?
AnTuTuLabs said:
Google Play has some free channel to help developers promote their apps, but that requires some downloads in some days or something like that.
So, you can try make cooperation with someone, and recommand your app via partner channel.
then you may have the chance of listing in Top New Free to Google Play. :laugh:
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Sorry, what do you mean with "some downloads"? 10k? 100k? Thank you..
I believe that the best always rises to the top.You do not even need to market your app.It only takes a man to download your app and get the ball rolling.If your blog is interesting and useful,you don’t need to do much else.Example of this is the popularity of Instagram.
kevin619 said:
I believe that the best always rises to the top.You do not even need to market your app.It only takes a man to download your app and get the ball rolling.If your blog is interesting and useful,you don’t need to do much else.Example of this is the popularity of Instagram.
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This only works for some very special cases; for the others, a bit of "push" is necessary.
To my mind, the quality of the app does evrything by itself.
We had the same problem after we have launched (
We found out that the best way is to approach our users who were engaged with the app.
We thought of a compelling way to ask them to rate us at the store /share the app with a friend/ tweet etc and it worked beyond our expectations...
Bottom line - when you ask someone who likes you nicely at the right time you are much more likely get respond.
We have since decided to develop it to a product which other developers can use -
Right now Reddit is a good way to promote your app, but best way is here in XDA.
Also, post it on forums allways can help a lot, since most of review sites are not free....

