How to get app reviewed and increase the downloads?? - General Marketing & SEO

People who has downloaded the app used it have given good rating and feedback. But still downloads are not at all increasing.
All my request to app info sites for review has not been replied or they will ask for money
Looks like there is no scope for good developers with no budget

prakash.jai said:
People who has downloaded the app used it have given good rating and feedback. But still downloads are not at all increasing.
All my request to app info sites for review has not been replied or they will ask for money
Looks like there is no scope for good developers with no budget
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That's not true: if the app is worth it will be reviewed by some important site such as xda portal (for free) and will start getting a good amount of downloads. Of course you need to keep on promoting on the forums etc.
By the way, what's your application?

elban said:
That's not true: if the app is worth it will be reviewed by some important site such as xda portal (for free) and will start getting a good amount of downloads. Of course you need to keep on promoting on the forums etc.
By the way, what's your application?
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I don't know it was my experience till now. Had sent review request for several sites but without any luck.
BTW my app is True Launcher on Play

prakash.jai said:
I don't know it was my experience till now. Had sent review request for several sites but without any luck.
BTW my app is True Launcher on Play
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I can't find it. Maybe there is a problem with the distribution settings in the developer console?
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4

I've had more success sharing my app on Reddit and tweaking the keywords in the description than with review sites myself.
I have also added a review prompt in the latest version which seems to be helping so far, fingers crossed.

pathetic sessaal
elban said:
I can't find it. Maybe there is a problem with the distribution settings in the developer console?
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4[/QUOTE
I can see True launcher as first result in the play as well when i searched on google it is coming as fist result
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dotnick said:
I've had more success sharing my app on Reddit and tweaking the keywords in the description than with review sites myself.
I have also added a review prompt in the latest version which seems to be helping so far, fingers crossed.
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I will try in Reddit
any other sites where i can try

elban said:
That's not true: if the app is worth it will be reviewed by some important site such as xda portal (for free) and will start getting a good amount of downloads. Of course you need to keep on promoting on the forums etc.
By the way, what's your application?
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node to the explaination. :cyclops:

AnTuTuLabs said:
node to the explaination. :cyclops:
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I got some downloads after creating a link in reddit. Thanks

prakash.jai said:
I got some downloads after creating a link in reddit. Thanks
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Google Play has some free channel to help developers promote their apps, but that requires some downloads in some days or something like that.
So, you can try make cooperation with someone, and recommand your app via partner channel.
then you may have the chance of listing in Top New Free to Google Play. :laugh:

AnTuTuLabs said:
Google Play has some free channel to help developers promote their apps, but that requires some downloads in some days or something like that.
So, you can try make cooperation with someone, and recommand your app via partner channel.
then you may have the chance of listing in Top New Free to Google Play. :laugh:
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How to find or where can i find the partner channels ?

prakash.jai said:
How to find or where can i find the partner channels ?
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I think here XDA forum is also a place for hunting partners :lol

Getting some websites to review your app sure can be challenging. Those websites get hundreds of emails a day and it is hard to scan through all of them, but some of them might pick you up on the offer.
I personally posted on Reddit and it didn't get much attention...I might need to try it again, but maybe people didn't like the app...

AnTuTuLabs said:
Google Play has some free channel to help developers promote their apps, but that requires some downloads in some days or something like that.
So, you can try make cooperation with someone, and recommand your app via partner channel.
then you may have the chance of listing in Top New Free to Google Play. :laugh:
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What channel are you talking about? is it Top New lists or something else?
Congratulations for your successful apps, i see that you've done a great job with them and it pays well
Any recommendations for partener channels?

AnTuTuLabs said:
Google Play has some free channel to help developers promote their apps, but that requires some downloads in some days or something like that.
So, you can try make cooperation with someone, and recommand your app via partner channel.
then you may have the chance of listing in Top New Free to Google Play. :laugh:
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Sorry, what do you mean with "some downloads"? 10k? 100k? Thank you..

I believe that the best always rises to the top.You do not even need to market your app.It only takes a man to download your app and get the ball rolling.If your blog is interesting and useful,you don’t need to do much else.Example of this is the popularity of Instagram.

kevin619 said:
I believe that the best always rises to the top.You do not even need to market your app.It only takes a man to download your app and get the ball rolling.If your blog is interesting and useful,you don’t need to do much else.Example of this is the popularity of Instagram.
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This only works for some very special cases; for the others, a bit of "push" is necessary.

To my mind, the quality of the app does evrything by itself.

We had the same problem after we have launched (
We found out that the best way is to approach our users who were engaged with the app.
We thought of a compelling way to ask them to rate us at the store /share the app with a friend/ tweet etc and it worked beyond our expectations...
Bottom line - when you ask someone who likes you nicely at the right time you are much more likely get respond.
We have since decided to develop it to a product which other developers can use -

Right now Reddit is a good way to promote your app, but best way is here in XDA.
Also, post it on forums allways can help a lot, since most of review sites are not free....


App Inventor: It begins!

just got my confirmation from google, app inventor is up and running! i think it would be a good idea to maybe get a thread goin for everything app inventor/a help page for using it. just a thought
Dear Google,
I'll give you a cookie.
I go one, I tried it, turns out I still fail :')
I got mine a couple of weeks ago. It will definitely take some learning on my part. Fun though. It would be nice to have a thread for tips and tricks. I wrote a little about it on my blog, link below in my signature.
I signed up for it a couple weeks ago. Do I have to be a registered developer in order to receive the invitation?
Got my invite too.
I didn't get my invite but I am able to get in and create projects.
difrnt said:
I didn't get my invite but I am able to get in and create projects.
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care to explain?
Blueman101 said:
care to explain?
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I'll explain. he is a current member and opened a new account just to see the 100's of people that are going to ask the same thing. congrats, you are No. 1
sstang2006 said:
I'll explain. he is a current member and opened a new account just to see the 100's of people that are going to ask the same thing. congrats, you are No. 1
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Wrong... but nice try.
I simply was logged into my Google account and went to the app inventor page there was a my projects link on the top. I clicked it, I was able to access app inventor. As a word of caution make sure you have the app inventor extras installed prior to trying to use the blocks, it can / will be kind of screwy if you don't.
Now we'll need a new section on XDA..
xda-developers > Android Development and Hacking >Android CrApps
khaytsus said:
Now we'll need a new section on XDA..
xda-developers > Android Development and Hacking >Android CrApps
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lolz. has anyone actually successfully made an app using this?
Made the tutorial hellopurr app in about 5 minutes...the install was about 4mb though
I'm able to log in with out an invite too. Cool!
I've made some little things with it.
I need it to be able to parse RSS, or at least XML, before I'm able to implement any of my actual wanted-app ideas with it, though.
Hi All,
We just enabled another batch of accounts for access to App Inventor.
Due to some technical difficulties the email notifications may be
delayed. So if you requested access, please feel free to try to login
at to see if your account is enabled
For those people who have not yet been granted access, we appreciated
your patience as we ramp up access to App Inventor.
The App Inventor Team
khaytsus said:
Now we'll need a new section on XDA..
xda-developers > Android Development and Hacking >Android CrApps
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I don't know, I think it does have SOME potential. Believe it or not, there are people like me out there with VERY limited java experience that have some neat app ideas. I'm looking forward to seeing what I can do with the inventor.
I do agree that everybody and their mother will probably be making the stupid "click the cat to hear a purr" app knockoff .
There should be a marketplace filter for app inventor apps so you know what you're signing up for haha
Devastatin said:
Hi All,
We just enabled another batch of accounts for access to App Inventor.
Due to some technical difficulties the email notifications may be
delayed. So if you requested access, please feel free to try to login
at to see if your account is enabled
For those people who have not yet been granted access, we appreciated
your patience as we ramp up access to App Inventor.
The App Inventor Team
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So what I just read: Google can't send emails.
I tried it for giggles, nothing for me. I guess I'll have to wait to make those fart machines.
unknownrebelx said:
I do agree that everybody and their mother will probably be making the stupid "click the cat to hear a purr" app knockoff .
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¿Click the cat to hear a purr?
Got my invite as well. Give it a whirl tomorrow while I need to pass some time.

[Q] black market app

help me to find black market application fo xoom
i am anew user
and i need help
mohanadaa said:
help me to find black market application fo xoom
i am anew user
and i need help
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What do you mean by Black Market application?
If you are referring to warez/cracked apps, that is totally against the spirit and the letter of the rules here at XDA. Asking for, discussing or offering stolen software will get you banned here, double quick.
Yep - don't even ask.
Wow, I was way off when I read this thread I assumed the OP meant a black themed Android Market.
I assumed that as well because I was all like: "This is XDA, noone here is that stupid".
Then I read the post, saw the user, created an account yesterday just to find out how to get warez on the most anti warez place there is. Sad world, it's not like even buying the apps and supporting the developers is that bad.
That .99 cents is going to guarantee you getting updates for your apps VS. not paying the developer and *****ing when there are no updates to an app you obtained through sad methods.
Also encourages the developers to continue doing the great work that they do.
mohanadaa said:
help me to find black market application fo xoom
i am anew user
and i need help
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Doesn't it make you think.... A device costing what the Xoom does, and you can't even spend a few ££ on apps. I bet your Xoom is stolen too isn't it?
Post up a pic of your serial number sticker... I dare you!
Sent from my MZ604 using Tapatalk
Warez talk is no allowed here. Thread closed.

Rate Me and I'll Rate You - For Free

I am offering to leave a positive review, 5 star ranking as well as g+1 totally out of the kindness of my heart Well not really, you have to do the same for me as well. Leave a reply with your app's link and don't be a DB and not do the same.
Speak Drive Text
papafizzle said:
I am offering to leave a positive review, 5 star ranking as well as g+1 totally out of the kindness of my heart Well not really, you have to do the same for me as well. Leave a reply with your app's link and don't be a DB and not do the same.
Speak Drive Text
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I did it for ur app
Could you do the same for my app? It's an UTILITY app that minimizes the effort of people to change their settings It's a Free app
You can get my app here:
5 starred!
dinesh2707 said:
I did it for ur app
Could you do the same for my app? It's an UTILITY app that minimizes the effort of people to change their settings It's a Free app
You can get my app here:
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I did the same for you, love the idea.
papafizzle said:
I am offering to leave a positive review, 5 star ranking as well as g+1 totally out of the kindness of my heart Well not really, you have to do the same for me as well. Leave a reply with your app's link and don't be a DB and not do the same.
Speak Drive Text
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Hi, I gave you 5 stars, G+ and a review under Ricky Lane. This is my game so please drop a review. Thanks !
Crichton333 said:
Hi, I gave you 5 stars, G+ and a review under Ricky Lane. This is my game so please drop a review. Thanks !
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Thanks, I've returned the favor
I gave you 5 stars, review and +1. I have less then 10 posts so I can't pos a link to my project here, please check your pm
+1 and gave your app a five star review (As Aaron Turner)!
I have two apps, and I'm hoping you can do both, if you want I'll review another app of yours
My Apps:
Also, to anyone else who sees this, if you'd like to do a review for review dont be afraid to PM me, I check my XDA almost everyday, so I'd get back to you soon!
Both Done
torch2424 said:
+1 and gave your app a five star review (As Aaron Turner)!
I have two apps, and I'm hoping you can do both, if you want I'll review another app of yours
My Apps:
Also, to anyone else who sees this, if you'd like to do a review for review dont be afraid to PM me, I check my XDA almost everyday, so I'd get back to you soon!
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Left reviews for both apps
papafizzle said:
Left reviews for both apps
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Thank you very much!
Here is my Game Neonblocks:
Give me a download, good rating and review and ill do the same for you.
thanks in advance.
Hi, I just sent my review and g+ as Oskar Karas, please take a look at my game :
papafizzle said:
I am offering to leave a positive review, 5 star ranking as well as g+1 totally out of the kindness of my heart Well not really, you have to do the same for me as well. Leave a reply with your app's link and don't be a DB and not do the same.
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Hi, I downloaded, rated and g1+ your app with the name Jose Mari, I hope you can do the same with my game
Sorry folks, trading reviews is not very honest and not in the spirit of true development, where free exchange of ideas and respectful contributions should be made. Using XDA to create this exchange is not very honest in that those who do not know XDA exists will get a false sense that all these apps are all 5.0....Let's be fair here, creating these "exchanges" is not really what XDA is for..
These threads will be summarily closed. So, use this thread and all the others here at XDA for their true intentions.

Timur Followers, where to now?

So I went ahead a few months back and bought the timur kernal for my n7 2013, then i got busy. Now i go back to the main source of support, his thread right here in this general section and find out that it was closed almost a month ago! I understand the reasoning but also would love to know where to go to for supports and updates, what's everyone doing now that bough his kernal?
bossman137 said:
So I went ahead a few months back and bought the timur kernal for my n7 2013, then i got busy. Now i go back to the main source of support, his thread right here in this general section and find out that it was closed almost a month ago! I understand the reasoning but also would love to know where to go to for supports and updates, what's everyone doing now that bough his kernal?
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As of now there is nowhere ....
You can contact him directly for support ....
Hopefully we can find a home soon ....since xda wont accommodate us
Sent from my LG-D803 using XDA Free mobile app
I dont understand how we are allowed to talk about tasker but we cant talk about the software package from Timur. It reeks of favoritism.
Agreed. Extremely arrogant move.
It has more to do with all the whiny - no skill devs who constantly complain about him not releasing the sources to his kernel ...probably because they cant accomplish the same on there own.
This is the on going theme here with many roms and many highly skilled devs
You see it in any dev section where the devs get reported on for stealing work even though they are the ones who created it. Its a wonder some devs even keep there work public anymore , cause it is constantly happening
As usual the whiners ruin it for everyone ...its a shame but thats the world for you
Sent from my LG-D803 using XDA Free mobile app
deadgiveaway said:
It has more to do with all the whiny - no skill devs who constantly complain about him not releasing the sources to his kernel ...probably because they cant accomplish the same on there own.
This is the on going theme here with many roms and many highly skilled devs
You see it in any dev section where the devs get reported on for stealing work even though they are the ones who created it. Its a wonder some devs even keep there work public anymore , cause it is constantly happening
As usual the whiners ruin it for everyone ...its a shame but thats the world for you
Sent from my LG-D803 using XDA Free mobile app
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I could swear I have seen some devs on here supporting their paid apps for certain phones.
11. Don’t post with the intention of selling something.
Don’t use XDA to advertise your product or service. Proprietors of for-pay products or services, may use XDA to get feedback, provide beta access, or a free version of their product for XDA users and offer support, but not to post with the intention of selling. This includes promoting sites similar/substantially similar to
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NNL said:
I could swear I have seen some devs on here supporting their paid apps for certain phones.
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I know eh lol
Someone didnt get there cut ???
Sent from my LG-D803 using XDA Free mobile app
NNL said:
I could swear I have seen some devs on here supporting their paid apps for certain phones.
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Did you read the article you linked??
Let me point some things to you that you obviously missed:
Now, a big chunk of Rule 11 deals with other topics aside from paid apps
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Pro-Tip #1 – Sell in the correct area
If you have a paid app that you are advertising on xda-developers, it must be posted in the Paid Software Announcement and Discussion section, which has a few guidelines that need to be followed before posting. To save you some reading, you must be a member in good standing with some good history behind you on the site. This way, we ensure that people are not here solely to sell stuff.
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Pro-Tip #3 – Link =| Spam
Be mindful of the amount of advertising you do with your paid work. Again, you can link from within the thread of your free version. However, you cannot include direct links to your paid apps in your signature, profile, or anywhere else. You can, however, put links to your free app threads in the aforementioned places, which already contain links to the paid counterparts. Simply put, you must first present your free app before you direct others to your paid work.
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deadgiveaway said:
I know eh lol
Someone didnt get there cut ???
Sent from my LG-D803 using XDA Free mobile app
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I don't know what you mean, but xda has never gotten any money from developers, except from volunteer donations to the site that anyone can make.
deadgiveaway said:
It has more to do with all the whiny - no skill devs who constantly complain about him not releasing the sources to his kernel ...
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As a result, we would like to clarify our position on the GPL, and users’ obligations to this effect. By posting your work on XDA-Developers, you are agreeing that it complies with relevant licensing conditions. As such, by posting a kernel or other work containing GPL code, you are confirming to us that you have made this source code available publicly under the GPL, and should highlight this in your thread with a link.
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bjornh said:
Agreed. Extremely arrogant move.
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How is it arrogant?
Please read the forum rules.(8,11)
NNL said:
I dont understand how we are allowed to talk about tasker but we cant talk about the software package from Timur. It reeks of favoritism.
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If you see any download link of any paid app please use the report button and the moderation team will take care of it.
Please read the forum rules.(6)
bossman137 said:
So I went ahead a few months back and bought the timur kernal for my n7 2013, then i got busy. Now i go back to the main source of support, his thread right here in this general section and find out that it was closed almost a month ago! I understand the reasoning but also would love to know where to go to for supports and updates, what's everyone doing now that bough his kernal?
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The thread was closed for a reason so you can assume not in the xda forum as long as the kernel remains donation only. You can contact the original developer and ask him.
Thread closed.
I hope I answered your questions, for any comments or further discussion you can contact me via pm.

Developers, get free promotion for your apps!

Want better exposure for your apps? Want to show the world your work?
Publish for free an article on "New in android" rising site. This site wants to spread the word for new amazing products like you guys are making and show the world interesting articles.
Visit this link to publish
Thanks for sharing this site, I will definetly try it!
peaumur said:
Thanks for sharing this site, I will definetly try it!
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No problem, we all need help to succeed
If you check this site by, you will see that it's no use.
-=Urbanus=- said:
If you check this site by, you will see that it's no use.
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Hi, the data you're seeing is because it's a new site. It doesn't has many visits yet, but it's growing, and there's no such thing as bad publication.
Thanks for the site! I liked it, I´ll take a look. Good luck!
So the article needs to have at least 3 apps in it? Or can I just publish an article about one app?
Thank for your link. I'm about to publish my first app and looking for a ways to promote it.
Thanks for sharing the website

