why is EG22 not in the wiki yet? - Epic 4G General

Mutatis Mutandis also links to nothing

saquerum said:
Mutatis Mutandis also links to nothing
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The wonderful thing about the wiki is that if there is something missing the reason is you haven't added it yet.

Oh god. I asked why the wiki was so far out of date a few months ago, and every holier-than-thou member of this community gave me pages and pages of **** about it.
Yes, it's true, anyone can go in and update the wiki. There will be plenty of people who get up on their pedestals and condemn you for not keeping your mouth shut and just updating it yourself, while at the same time not doing it themselves either.
If you don't know how to update it, it's really not that hard to figure out. Just look at what has already been done, copy someone else's entry, and then change all the info.
I had assumed that it was up to the developers to keep their wiki entries in order, but apparently it's not. The only good that will come of this is that you brought attention to it, and people will again start updating entries, but expect a bunch of **** over it as well.

It's up to the users, not developers, to update it. Oh yea, I am not updating, because I don't care about it.
That was certainly a long winded reply for an Op that didn't care enough to post a complete statement. Just sayin'.
I'm glad I can't sit on xda posting hypocritical diatribes about what other people are going to say about something that doesn't matter, just for the erep..
Oh, wait..
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The wiki is pointless. All it does is link to threads, and since there's never a way to know if the latest thing has been updated on the wiki, you're going to need to search the forum anyway. It's easier and more productive just to search the forum in the first place.

That cause it was never cared for. Also only one who would update it was impaler I believe. And he's busy usually nowdays.
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Any new info on the official 2.2???

I have been following samsung mobile on twitter and haven't heard anyone really talk about the 2.2 rom after that rumor of it being released dec 26 2010. Anyone heard anything else?
Android nerd learning new things daily
There are plenty of threads about this already and no we are never going to get official froyo
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Anyone with some REAL INFORMATION?
Android nerd learning new things daily
adleyh2000 said:
Anyone with some REAL INFORMATION?
Android nerd learning new things daily
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Forum mod has asked people specifically to stop posting these threads. When there is any real indication of Froyo coming, it will be posted.
I've read many blogs, twitter feeds, and comments about this. All I've heard is that even though it's still not ready, it's still being tested. It seems as though they're trying to iron out all of the kinks so that every phone gets the update smoothly and that EVERYTHING works. That goes for all Galaxy S phones, and not just the Epic 4G.
However, in my opinion, it seems as though they're taking their damn sweet time. Can't figure out if Samsung has incompetent programmers, management, or both. However, on the bright side, atleast Samsung is letting us know what's up and not COMPLETELY leaving us in the dark. Although, they're not setting a deadline other than "when it's done" nonsense.
In terms of whether or not it's the carrier's problem really isn't correct. I would assume the carriers don't care as long as the phone can comply with certain guidelines (AKA no hot spotting unless you pay for it), then it's good to go.
Remember, even though most of us are salivating for a new upgrade, I'd say most people have no idea that a new one is in the making. If you say all of your friends know about the upcoming upgrade, you have some mighty geeky friends!
My guess is that it should roll out in the next couple of weeks. Hell, they've had since August to work on the damn upgrade. My guess is that Samsung has a crappy programming staff, ****ty management, and limited budget for upgrading phones.
That's my take on the big mess. Here's hoping it comes soon and works as they promised.
If new useless froyo threads popping up in this forum was a drinking game we would all be dead from alcohol poisoning.
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i would only be lightly trashed.
^ awesome
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Wow, another one of these posts. Reported.
Again I will say it. Why isnt there a dedicated sticky that deals with ALL froyo speculation? All of these threads could be merged with it and all speculation could happen inside of it. Where are the mods and what are they doing? I know its not an easy job to do, but it seems like no one is in charge of this forum at all. No sticky linking to the wiki or a basic guide so that noobs can set up their phone easier. No sticky dealing with froyo speculation. Why not just add another moderator if you need the help?
styckx said:
If new useless froyo threads popping up in this forum was a drinking game we would all be dead from alcohol poisoning.
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. . . . . LOL
I am thinking you cannot make people stop commenting about something if that is what they want to talk about. Perhaps a sticky at the top of this section of the forum with the official status of froyo 2.2 has or has not been released yet so PLEASE don't ask anymore. We will change the topic of this post the first thing when it is released to let you know it is available.
I am not telling anyone what to do, I am simply trying to offer ideas towards a solution to this problem.
Exactly. Have a sticky where people CAN discuss Froyo speculation, and then any threads that are STILL posted to general can just get merged with that sticky thread or deleted.
Instead of childish responses, why arent these threads just closed. Is there no type of moderation here?
EA04,thats all Ill say for now...
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Dear Mods, I will not insult you anymore about Froyo. I'm soo over it and flash to Custom Roms weeks ago. So you don't have to say a word about these threads being started. Just Close them and ask questions later or hell don't ask or explain why you closed them. Just Do IT!
ecooce said:
EA04,thats all Ill say for now...
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EA04 would mean it was completed 2 days ago. So 3-6 more months of testing and 30-40 more versions and we should have a final release.
mynewepic10 said:
Instead of childish responses, why arent these threads just closed. Is there no type of moderation here?
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Instead of insulting our forum mod who tries his best to keep our forums clean, why don't we just let him do his job when he gets time to do it?
kenvan19 said:
Instead of insulting our forum mod who tries his best to keep our forums clean, why don't we just let him do his job when he gets time to do it?
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There should be another mod in ADDITION to him. I think that is the point.
Sprint will only release Froyo when there are no new xda "when is froyo coming out?" posts for an entire day. Unfortunately, at this rate it may never be released.

Not your typical rant.......

First off let me say that this is not against Sprint or Samsung (shocker). I know my way around a computer but am no way a developer. Before I ever loaded a rom I read and did my research it took me betweem 24 to 48 hours before I felt confident enough to root and flash and if I had any questions I searched the forums for a solution. Its not hard. Now here comes the complaint. I know they say there are no stupid questions but damn, I see the same question over and over again when there are easily found answers right in front of your face. Don't be lazy and read, no one one here gets paid to answer your questions that have already been answered. I'm not saying there aren't legitimate questions because there are plenty of them and that's not what is bothering me at all. I guess what I'm trying to get at is do the effing research take your time and you will figure it out, and stop asking what is the best rom it is the most worthless question on here because no one can give you the right answer. One more thing if you do run into a problem try and figure it out before running to the computer and then maybe you could actually contribute. That's all sorry for such a long post.
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Couldn't agree more. I've been a longtime member with a very low post count. Unless you're the first or second person to download a rom and notice a secific bug to report, the community is large enough that very rarely do you need to post as someone else already has.
Not to mention its a self perpetuating problem. If less people were posting the same thing 10 times, there would only be 1/10th the amount of posts to read through to find your answer to begin with.
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A lot of people say that, and yeah, people need to do some research first or something...but for some people..they really aren't being lazy or anything, they just really dont know that thats what they are supposed to do.
Let me put it like this..I saw this on my facebook yesterday. Someone I know was asking how somebody got their phone to look they way it did (the guy took a screenshot of his Vibrant with a Gingerbread theme). The guy told him to either ask me or to come to xda. Now, the guy who asked had a Hero and doesnt know what rooting is...he probably doesnt even know how a forum (or really, how this forum) works. So when he gets here, the first thing he'll do is register and make a thread asking that question. Since he'd be a new user, he wouldn't know how many times the question has been asked, hell, he wouldnt even really know where to look. It'd be his only question and to him, he thinks that he'll be able to get the answer and leave and its done.
Now, thats the only time I say we should tolerate such behavior. but for users that have been on here a while and have been posting and contributing, there's no excuse.
Typical rant.
You opened a new thread, clogging the front page just like those you hate.
The words you speak will never truly reach those who don't read before posting... by definition.
Waste of time and space, get over yourself.
Why does this bother people so much. Ignore the threads/questions if you have an issue with them. Some people aren't aware of the resources. Being a prick about it doesn't help. These same rants have been done over and over and over...
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What a SHOCKER! Another typical "non-typical" rant.
But, you know, you're right. No one should be allowed to post until they've read all 3000+ posts in this forum. No one is allowed to ask other's opinions on the best ROM. No one is allowed to think differently than you.
Wanna know why the HTC side is so good? It's not because HTC releases source code (You should have seen the community in the early days before anyone released code). It's because the users are helpful. They contribute. They don't rant.
You, and users like you, are the reason the community is falling apart. Get in there and answer some questions. Contribute. Post to the useful threads so they stay close to the top. Add to the Wiki. Don't sit around and complain. These forums are for everyone, not just you.
You have only 12 posts, and the only thing you can contribute is "restart your phone" or "use a different USB cable?"
Here's my plea for the mods to lock this thread before we spiral out of control. What do you mean, it's too late?
compuw22c said:
If less people were posting the same thing 10 times, there would only be 1/10th the amount of posts to read through to find your answer to begin with.
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Or, you could post a like to the wiki, pointing the noobs in the right direction. Answer the question and the thread falls to the bottom, and useful stuff with high post counts rise to the top.
Here's an example:
"Hey man, totally get where you're coming from. Rooting seems tricky, but it's not. Here's the guides in the wiki. It's got most of your questions answered. The search is useful if you can't find it there. Glad to have you on XDA.
But I guess it's much more useful to post inane responses on useless threads. Crap floats.
ms79723 said:
A lot of people say that, and yeah, people need to do some research first or something...but for some people..they really aren't being lazy or anything, they just really dont know that thats what they are supposed to do.
Let me put it like this..I saw this on my facebook yesterday. Someone I know was asking how somebody got their phone to look they way it did (the guy took a screenshot of his Vibrant with a Gingerbread theme). The guy told him to either ask me or to come to xda. Now, the guy who asked had a Hero and doesnt know what rooting is...he probably doesnt even know how a forum (or really, how this forum) works. So when he gets here, the first thing he'll do is register and make a thread asking that question. Since he'd be a new user, he wouldn't know how many times the question has been asked, hell, he wouldnt even really know where to look. It'd be his only question and to him, he thinks that he'll be able to get the answer and leave and its done.
Now, thats the only time I say we should tolerate such behavior. but for users that have been on here a while and have been posting and contributing, there's no excuse.
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I don't buy that at all. If you've been on the internet more than 10 minutes, searching should always be your first instinct.
flat out, most people just dont even know what to search for, keywords will get you the right information, but also knowing the key words is what is troubling the new people.
I'm also one of those old members with years of lurking experience, because i know to search. But, at the same time, i don't tell people to do it. He'll i barley give advice... Mainly because i just come here, give rep, and get what info I need and then leave.
Let the forums grow i say... the more questions are asked, the easier they can be answered later, because of the keywords aspect. If someone doesnt know the keywords, they will ask a question with wrong ones, and then get corrected. and later down the line, someone searching with the same wrong keywords can find the answer... At least i hope it works out like that, i would like to think it does to some degree...
Anyways... my 2c
The only problem I have with searching is this: my laptop crashed a while back so I haver to search with the phone and xda app. The xda app search sucks. It brings up irrelevant posts. So since i can't use the search feature, unless I go to the site through the web browser, I just read the wiki and search post by post lol. I am for the side that says, if you don't like the post don't read it. Be helpful, not insane. Some attitudes on here are equivalent to some one coming up to you on a street, new to the town, and asking where mcdonalds is, and some of your responses would be: Look up in the sky for the big f?%#ing golden arches before I shot you in the head with my glock. That is a little over board. I say search, but if the didn't don't get mad.
Sent from my Shoe.... I mean my Samsung Epic http://mobilepi.wordpress.com/
JettMartinez said:
I don't buy that at all. If you've been on the internet more than 10 minutes, searching should always be your first instinct.
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Man, more people are familiar with school than the internet...and in school you usually ask the teachers questions before you whip out your book to find the answer. Most people also try to act like themselves online like they do in real life...and since in a real life situation there more likely to ask a question than search for the answer...so first instinct would probably be asking that question, that is, if you arent used to forums (specifically this one).
Very serious business.
warrior420 said:
flat out, most people just dont even know what to search for, keywords will get you the right information, but also knowing the key words is what is troubling the new people.
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When you see question, give an answer. At least point them to the wiki so they can learn the things to search for.
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I have more of a problem with the **** stains that walk in and flame you than with noobies posting the same questions again and again. In fact im pretty sure there are more posts accumulated bashing noobs than there are noob question posts. Swing that pendelum the other way. Your the problem. Stfu and contribute or don't enter the post. Better yet log out. Usually the ones that ***** are the ones that spend way too much time on here. Only ones that get to complain are devs cuz we owe it to them
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RushAOZ said:
I have more of a problem with the **** stains that walk in and flame you than with noobies posting the same questions again and again. In fact im pretty sure there are more posts accumulated bashing noobs than there are noob question posts. Swing that pendelum the other way. Your the problem. Stfu and contribute or don't enter the post. Better yet log out. Usually the ones that ***** are the ones that spend way too much time on here. Only ones that get to complain are devs cuz we owe it to them
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This is just about the most typical rant you can find on this board.. 1000 miles away from non typical
Elite11b said:
First off let me say that this is not against Sprint or Samsung (shocker). I know my way around a computer but am no way a developer. Before I ever loaded a rom I read and did my research it took me betweem 24 to 48 hours before I felt confident enough to root and flash and if I had any questions I searched the forums for a solution. Its not hard. Now here comes the complaint. I know they say there are no stupid questions but damn, I see the same question over and over again when there are easily found answers right in front of your face. Don't be lazy and read, no one one here gets paid to answer your questions that have already been answered. I'm not saying there aren't legitimate questions because there are plenty of them and that's not what is bothering me at all. I guess what I'm trying to get at is do the effing research take your time and you will figure it out, and stop asking what is the best rom it is the most worthless question on here because no one can give you the right answer. One more thing if you do run into a problem try and figure it out before running to the computer and then maybe you could actually contribute. That's all sorry for such a long post.
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Can a brother get a carriage return?
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Failing to search occurs in ANY forum out there. The difference with the Epic scene is we have more self-proclaimed moderators than any board I am a member of. There are simply too many people trigger happy to call out a “noob” who may or may not know what it is that they are looking for.
It’s a shame that we are so quick to assume that someone is lazy.
I am here several times a day. More often than not, you will see folks spending more time correcting other’s forum posting etiquette than actually helping or contributing. In the other forums I frequent (mostly cars), the members actually help one another and asking questions, regardless of them previously posted, is no problem at all.
Go figure, the forums where mistakes cost A LOT more money in damages is stress-free compared to one that can almost always be fixed with a good old odin.
I definitly feel like an ass for posting this in the first place. I guess I should have been more specific when I posted. I apologize to anyone I offended. I have no problem helping anyone that needs help it just aggravates me when people ask a question one a thread that was answered on the previous page. But whatever I honestly don't give two squirts what people think about me.
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Elite11b said:
I definitly feel like an ass for posting this in the first place. I guess I should have been more specific when I posted. I apologize to anyone I offended. I have no problem helping anyone that needs help it just aggravates me when people ask a question one a thread that was answered on the previous page. But whatever I honestly don't give two squirts what people think about me.
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I think you were saying what you felt and there is no harm in that. You were not out of line in the way you said it. It was simply something you felt like expressing.
I don’t believe your last sentence though. It contradicts your first sentence.
No it's true I just regret not being more specific about what I was saying. Anyway life is full of contradictions
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Just received u{pdate notice !

Just logged into motoblur ro mess around and I was alerted of update. Picked up my phone and did update and it said GB 4.57 available.
Im on 2.3.4 now so it bombed. Flashed back to 1.83 to try it.
Hopefully not crying wolf !!!
Wolf! Stop and read the forum first!
Sent from my MB860 using XDA Premium App
should have searched....
dicksteele said:
Just logged into motoblur ro mess around and I was alerted of update. Picked up my phone and did update and it said GB 4.57 available.
Im on 2.3.4 now so it bombed. Flashed back to 1.83 to try it.
Hopefully not crying wolf !!!
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OMFG! LOL..............They just keep on coming!
You posted so fast you didn't even get your thread title correct!
Trying to be the first to post this?
Holy ****. The assholes are out today. I did look through the threads real quick and didn't see anything.
I did see the thread from DarkY from like the 26th. This is the first time I received the update after checking multiple times since I flashed the 2.3.4.
And it was through a different Motoblur account then I originally signed in with when I was on 1.83 and earlier. So I got my hopes up.
It's not like this is my first visit here. Totally not surprised by CaelanT responses. After I did the search, noticed as always he's pissing in everyone else's face who posted about the update. Takes a special person to bounce around multiple threads just to be an asshole. Impressive.
EDIT : xfinrod and Blue Puma. Assholes is not directed at you in this thread. It's an epidemic after I searched about the update.
maybe you should have waited until you flashed back and actually tried to update it successfully before you posted this. then people wouldn't be on your back for jumping the gun and posting.
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Hahahaaaa this is getting too goood
Sent from Moto Atrix
dLo GSR said:
maybe you should have waited until you flashed back and actually tried to update it successfully before you posted this. then people wouldn't be on your back for jumping the gun and posting.
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That is a correct statement. I guarantee my involvement will lessen after today.
Posting on XDA is always a learning experience. Unfortunately.
I don't remember this much **** in the Captivate forum though.
Twice in one day! LOL
Stupid peasants
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dicksteele said:
Holy ****. The assholes are out today. I did look through the threads real quick and didn't see anything.
I did see the thread from DarkY from like the 26th. This is the first time I received the update after checking multiple times since I flashed the 2.3.4.
And it was through a different Motoblur account then I originally signed in with when I was on 1.83 and earlier. So I got my hopes up.
It's not like this is my first visit here. Totally not surprised by CaelanT responses. After I did the search, noticed as always he's pissing in everyone else's face who posted about the update. Takes a special person to bounce around multiple threads just to be an asshole. Impressive.
EDIT : xfinrod and Blue Puma. Assholes is not directed at you in this thread. It's an epidemic after I searched about the update.
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there are assholes out everyday, this isnt xda as it was back in G1 days (;
does anyone now when the update will be REALLY available?
the last thing i heard is that it will be this month but i just want to know if anyone knows more.
dicksteele said:
Takes a special person to bounce around multiple threads just to be an asshole. Impressive.
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I am special maybe because I actually read all the threads posted in the Atrix forums, and some people evidently don't read any! If calling it like it is is being an a**hole, then I am guilty as charged, as are most of the people who post their dislikes about having to read the same threads over and over again because people like you are too lazy to actually spend any time on searching. Sure, we all make posts/threads which have been posted before, but come on there........this one had already been posted so many times in the last few days, I can't count them all on both hands, and I have all my fingers.
Aerokimg said:
does anyone now when the update will be REALLY available?
the last thing i heard is that it will be this month but i just want to know if anyone knows more.
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Nobody knows. Moto is being tight lipped on dates as usual. There has been word in the last week on the Moto forums that the soak test invites will be going out soon, but again, soon could be in 2 months for all we know.
Aren't we on 1.83 awaiting 2.3.3 or 2.3.4?
And isn't July, when the update is supposed to come?
Why is there a post about 1.57?
Isn't there a "Please use search." message, or two, generated once you join? Just wondering...
It's like bait to the lions. haha
CaelanT said:
I am special maybe because I actually read all the threads posted in the Atrix forums, and some people evidently don't read any! If calling it like it is is being an a**hole, then I am guilty as charged, as are most of the people who post their dislikes about having to read the same threads over and over again because people like you are too lazy to actually spend any time on searching. Sure, we all make posts/threads which have been posted before, but come on there........this one had already been posted so many times in the last few days, I can't count them all on both hands, and I have all my fingers.
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Yeah, having a life is a *****. My wife and family are a little more important to me.
I would have thought Boston would have more to offer someone than sit in their underwear and read every thread in every Atrix forum. Sad really.
I did read through some of your posts, though. You did provide useful information in about 50 % of the posts I read. Stopped after about four pages, though. Life and all.
But it was a good enough sampling for me to determine that you call it like it is.
dicksteele said:
Yeah, having a life is a *****. My wife and family are a little more important to me.
I would have thought Boston would have more to offer someone than sit in their underwear and read every thread in every Atrix forum. Sad really.
I did read through some of your posts, though. You did provide useful information in about 50 % of the posts I read. Stopped after about four pages, though. Life and all.
But it was a good enough sampling for me to determine that you call it like it is.
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I have a family.............wife and 7 children, (3 still at home), so the Atrix forums are my getaway some of the time. Speaking of family time, we are about to leave for super duper fireworks!
Even if the noobiest noob asks a stupid question and I know it has been answered a hundred times here, I still answer the question (if I know the answer) but also point to where I found it. Try to be more friendly ppl. There are assholes here. Lets try to keep it to a minimum. You don't need to be a **** to make your point. And you don't need to make smart remarks. It don't help. It just makes you sound more like a ****. This is supposed to be a community. That's the way I was brought up anyway.
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CaelanT said:
I have a family.............wife and 7 children, (3 still at home), so the Atrix forums are my getaway some of the time. Speaking of family time, we are about to leave for super duper fireworks!
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Outstanding. Congratulations. I have four. Two still at home.
Like I said, a lot of your posts were helpful, informative. The rest, well, were not. I just don't get it. It just looks like you go out of your way to call people idiots. Then there are band wagons, that jump into the mix. So a majority of the threads turn to crap.
I spent a good three to four months after joining and didn't post anything just to avoid the bull****.
Apparently if you post here, and it may be a stupid or noob question, you won't get an straight answer. You'll get a smart ass remark, then it's like blood in the water.
Heaven forbid if you don't search before you post. For god's sake, don't post in the wrong forum. Every swinging **** comes after you with a baseball bat with a nail through it.
This is a premier site. Other sites reference this site. I just don't get all the bull****.
I saw it on Blackberry sites also. But I guess I should just STFU, cuz it ain't gonna change.
Have a great night. Seriously, I mean it.
Maybe u can save it
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What's so special about cm7?

Just want to know what's the huge buzz about when it comes to cm7 and why its taking so long to finish. Right now I'm acs ics ei22 v3.5 rom and its great so far. But for some reason a lot of people are holding off and waiting for cm7. Just like to know what the big deal is. Other developers are dropping roms left and right and people are still waiting on cm7 I guess it must be something amazing.
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blackdragon79 said:
Just want to know what's the huge buzz about when it comes to cm7 and why its taking so long to finish. Right now I'm acs ics ei22 v3.5 rom and its great so far. But for some reason a lot of people are holding off and waiting for cm7. Just like to know what the big deal is. Other developers are dropping roms left and right and people are still waiting on cm7 I guess it must be something amazing.
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It's stock AOSP, with some modifications.
Nothing special really, but it's the only way we'll ever see Ice Cream Sandwich.
You just wanted to know something that is well documented, so you start a new thread to ask, instead of reading? If you're too lazy to read the CM website and the existing Epic CM thread (mostly the website, though, for the feature list and such), then we're too lazy to hold your hand.
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jnadke said:
It's stock AOSP, with some modifications.
Nothing special really, but it's the only way we'll ever see Ice Cream Sandwich.
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Thanks dude. I wanted to get input on why it's special to certain people. Thanks man.
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blackdragon79 said:
Just want to know what's the huge buzz about when it comes to cm7 and why its taking so long to finish. Right now I'm acs ics ei22 v3.5 rom and its great so far. But for some reason a lot of people are holding off and waiting for cm7. Just like to know what the big deal is. Other developers are dropping roms left and right and people are still waiting on cm7 I guess it must be something amazing.
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First, I apologize for other, more cynical, people lurking in these forums. I know that we grow tired of questions like these, but we were all newbies once and a lot of people just don't understand the concept of patience.
As someone who recently started using CM7 (past two months) I can say that, for me at least, I use it for the speed and simple nature of it. It isn't packed full of things that I don't need right out of the gate, which allows me to customize it as I see fit. First thing I did was install most of the GO applications and all the widgets/apps/games that I've paid for over the past year. On other firmwares I would be down to less than 40MB of space, but with CM7, I still have 299MB left without using the SD card at all for apps.
I'm sure I'll run EI22 for a little while once a stock tar is out, but CM7 has really proven itself to me.
As far as why CM7 is taking so long, the developers have lives of their own. They make no promises and release firmware of their own good will. I think that we're very lucky to have that. The internet and ever quicker releases of things has made us all impatient, what seems like ADHD. We want the next best thing, and we want it now. I suppose that I'm in that boat now too, unfortunately, but I strive not to bug developers who release software for free.
---------- Post added at 02:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:25 PM ----------
blackdragon79 said:
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Just felt like I needed to say that there's no need to be rude and feed the trolls. Ignoring them (and not sinking to a low level) really is the best way.
blackdragon79 said:
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Um you kind of DID ask for his input by asking a question on a public forum...
why don't you grow up??
Jackalo said:
First, I apologize for other, more cynical, people lurking in these forums. I know that we grow tired of questions like these, but we were all newbies once and a lot of people just don't understand the concept of patience.
As someone who recently started using CM7 (past two months) I can say that, for me at least, I use it for the speed and simple nature of it. It isn't packed full of things that I don't need right out of the gate, which allows me to customize it as I see fit. First thing I did was install most of the GO applications and all the widgets/apps/games that I've paid for over the past year. On other firmwares I would be down to less than 40MB of space, but with CM7, I still have 299MB left without using the SD card at all for apps.
I'm sure I'll run EI22 for a little while once a stock tar is out, but CM7 has really proven itself to me.
As far as why CM7 is taking so long, the developers have lives of their own. They make no promises and release firmware of their own good will. I think that we're very lucky to have that. The internet and ever quicker releases of things has made us all impatient, what seems like ADHD. We want the next best thing, and we want it now. I suppose that I'm in that boat now too, unfortunately, but I strive not to bug developers who release software for free.
---------- Post added at 02:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:25 PM ----------
Just felt like I needed to say that there's no need to be rude and feed the trolls. Ignoring them (and not sinking to a low level) really is the best way.
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Great response. As far as that one guy I had to go in on I'm going say this if you agree with a post don't troll on it. Now back to you I just really got into rooting and trying roms thanks to xda I may never go back to a stock rom again. My current rom is pretty damn good I may say. I'm looking for a pernament rom to use until I get another phone. So when cm7 is done I may have to give that a test drive
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA Premium App
Jackalo said:
First, I apologize for other, more cynical, people lurking in these forums. I know that we grow tired of questions like these, but we were all newbies once and a lot of people just don't understand the concept of patience.
As someone who recently started using CM7 (past two months) I can say that, for me at least, I use it for the speed and simple nature of it. It isn't packed full of things that I don't need right out of the gate, which allows me to customize it as I see fit. First thing I did was install most of the GO applications and all the widgets/apps/games that I've paid for over the past year. On other firmwares I would be down to less than 40MB of space, but with CM7, I still have 299MB left without using the SD card at all for apps.
I'm sure I'll run EI22 for a little while once a stock tar is out, but CM7 has really proven itself to me.
As far as why CM7 is taking so long, the developers have lives of their own. They make no promises and release firmware of their own good will. I think that we're very lucky to have that. The internet and ever quicker releases of things has made us all impatient, what seems like ADHD. We want the next best thing, and we want it now. I suppose that I'm in that boat now too, unfortunately, but I strive not to bug developers who release software for free.
---------- Post added at 02:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:25 PM ----------
Just felt like I needed to say that there's no need to be rude and feed the trolls. Ignoring them (and not sinking to a low level) really is the best way.
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Its forum rules... he was not trolling are you kidding?
Also IB4L
Sent from my Samsung Legen-wait for it-dary! 4g
Styles420 is not a troll.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
austin420 said:
Styles420 is not a troll.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
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ac16313 said:
Its forum rules... he was not trolling are you kidding?
Also IB4L
Sent from my Samsung Legen-wait for it-dary! 4g
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Thanks for the support, guys - the problem with issues like this is that, in order to be able to follow the rules, one must be able to read them, and if he could do that then he could have read the answer to this same question without re posting it
And if you read his response, it kinda sounds like his frustration is sexual in nature...
blackdragon79 said:
Yes he is was trolling. When you go on threads and post comments that not of any help to subject it's a form of trolling. When people like to say things like use the search button instead of just helping the thread guess what that's also trolling..
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And when people start new threads for old questions that have already been asked and answered?
Don't jump down my throat because you feel foolish for making an ass of yourself. You have two other XDA veterans telling you that the mistake was yours, and you start hurling poorly formed insults... way to prove their point by example
As for the part about saying to search instead of helping the thread... if you search, that is helping the thread. If we just answer the same question each time, it only further encourages people not to search, which hurts the thread. Don't accuse me of not helping until you're willing to do your part to help as well - we call that being a hypocritic
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
I've posted a similar thread on this topic a few months ago. I honestly just had no idea what was so special/unique with the Cyanogen project versus AOSP. I even did the research before asking. The information I found didn't really give me an idea of how different the two really are.
I did think styles420 was a bit out of line in his/her reply; however, your response (OP) was completely uncalled for. The OP definitely broke XDA rules of conduct in the reply.
To the OP:
CM About page
There are still some items not working 100%, and therefore it's not production ready yet. It will get there in time. Asking for ETA's of releases is usually frowned upon.
To styles420:
Member rules of conduct for XDA
10. Help others if you can.
If you see posts from others where you can help out, please do. This place exists because people are helping each other, and even if you are relatively new to the matter, there's probably already quite a few people newer than you that would benefit from what you've learned. Don't be shy.
You could have simply ignored this post or pointed the OP in the proper direction for information.
nikon120 said:
To styles420:
Member rules of conduct for XDA
10. Help others if you can.
If you see posts from others where you can help out, please do. This place exists because people are helping each other, and even if you are relatively new to the matter, there's probably already quite a few people newer than you that would benefit from what you've learned. Don't be shy.
You could have simply ignored this post or pointed the OP in the proper direction for information.
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I'll admit, I could have been more helpful, but my defense is that it would only encourage him to keep breaking the primary rule to at least try to find the answers before posting. And I may be mistaken, but I think I've seen this guy do this before, so I was under the impression that he'd already used his newb card on this forum and has had the rules pointed out - if we get unlimited second chances, why bother to follow the rules in the first place?
EDIT: I got curious, so I checked - he started two new threads for old questions, one about Siri (search would have brought up Zanderman's Iris thread), and one about a gmail problem that I will admit was harder to find an answer to.
He also asked for an ETA in the EH17 based ACS ICS thread...
OP, just do a little more digging before starting new threads - you're putting your username on the front page of threads, drawing attention both good and bad. It's nothing personal, but if we make exceptions for you, we have to throw the rules out the window to make exceptions for everyone who breaks them.
And calm down with the foul language and childish insults - you'll get more help if you're at least polite when you make a newb mistake
So, truce?
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Very well said, Nikon, you took what I wanted to say and packaged it up neatly and succinctly!
Yes, the OP should have done a bit more research on his own (he's obviously been on XDA a while and should know that's the norm), but I felt that Styles didn't help the situation at all--too often people around here get an elitist attitude toward ignorant folks. As I understand it, XDA is here to expand everyone's knowledge of our phones and therefore people should not explicitly state "Go figure it out." If you don't want to help them / hold their hand, fine, just don't post at all. Styles420, obviously you get tired of people asking redundant questions that they could have found the answer to--I get that. But I get tired of seeing all the smartass, elitist answers that do just as much to clutter up XDA as the ignorant posts.
To the OP: your response was way overboard. It's a free country, I can't tell you not to feel that way, nor can I tell you not to post such things. But I can tell you this: that type of offensive behavior on XDA is a surefire way to have sanctions brought against you. The mods around here don't put up with that sort of thing. I understand your frustration, but XDA is not the place to vent in such a childish, immature way.
/parenting session
This devolved rather quickly.
But to answer the op, CM7 is a highly customizable, low battery consumption version of the Android Open Source Project (ASOP) version of Android.
You have less "for-show" frills, such as Touchwiz and purely aesthetic additions on your stock rom. Battery life is much better and over all experience seems more upbeat from users.
And yes, that guy was trolling, but your response was highly inappropriate OP. Keep that to you and your friends, as in the public, it just questions your maturity.
Good luck and wishes in your future Android adventures.
styles420 said:
I'll admit, I could have been more helpful, but my defense is that it would only encourage him to keep breaking the primary rule to at least try to find the answers before posting. And I may be mistaken, but I think I've seen this guy do this before, so I was under the impression that he'd already used his newb card on this forum and has had the rules pointed out - if we get unlimited second chances, why bother to follow the rules in the first place?
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
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Are you a moderator? No? Well leave the forum policing to those qualified, as your posts seem to show your ineptitude for such a task.
Have a nice day.
styles420 said:
I'll admit, I could have been more helpful, but my defense is that it would only encourage him to keep breaking the primary rule to at least try to find the answers before posting. And I may be mistaken, but I think I've seen this guy do this before, so I was under the impression that he'd already used his newb card on this forum and has had the rules pointed out - if we get unlimited second chances, why bother to follow the rules in the first place?
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Fair enough Styles, I fully understand that sentiment! I agree that people should not be coddled, especially if they should know better--and with a post count of 250+, blackdragon79 obviously has been around the block at XDA. Maybe the middle ground between holding his hand and blowing him off is the best answer, such as linking to the information to help himself like Nikon did. You don't have to waste much effort, and it encourages him to "figure it out for himself," but at least gives him a push in the right direction.
Oh, and I realize I'm getting on my high horse with these two posts, so feel free to tell me to F*** off, LOL! I just feel compelled to act as a social mediator on here sometimes.

[Q] Recovery on MF3

EDIT: Problem Resolved
Hello, after reading for hours, I now realize that I was wrong. Not totally new to rooting, etc. but this one caught me off guard. I updated to the latest MF3 OTA from ATT.
My problem is I tried to install TWRP from the goo manager, and now the recovery doesn't work on the phone at all. For the longest time it just kept rebooting the phone endlessly, and I could make it get into download mode.
I managed to get the phone to boot up by flashing the stock rom with odin in the bootloader section (did this by accident trying to recover the phone), and then went into download mode, and clicked cancel. It booted up fine.
If I try to enter recovery at all, it goes back into the endless boot cycle till I do some playing around with odin.
How to do I get the normal recovery working again? I would like to factory reset this and sell it for a GPE phone.
Thank you for your time.
Is there a downloadable mf3 ROM out there I can use to flash it with Odin?
agent929 said:
Is there a downloadable mf3 ROM out there I can use to flash it with Odin?
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---------- Post added at 06:32 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:27 AM ----------
agent929 said:
Hello, after reading for hours, I now realize that I was wrong. Not totally new to rooting, etc. but this one caught me off guard. I updated to the latest MF3 OTA from ATT.
My problem is I tried to install TWRP from the goo manager, and now the recovery doesn't work on the phone at all. For the longest time it just kept rebooting the phone endlessly, and I could make it get into download mode.
I managed to get the phone to boot up by flashing the stock rom with odin in the bootloader section (did this by accident trying to recover the phone), and then went into download mode, and clicked cancel. It booted up fine.
If I try to enter recovery at all, it goes back into the endless boot cycle till I do some playing around with odin.
How to do I get the normal recovery working again? I would like to factory reset this and sell it for a GPE phone.
Thank you for your time.
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There is a method, you'll have to search for it, because I can't find it right now and link you to it.
It's your luck day . http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=43512474
---------- Post added at 06:44 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:32 AM ----------
Both of you should do a lot more reading before you mess with your phones. There are good stickies in the general forum which would be good starting points. If you had read them you might not be posting here now.
jd1639 said:
Both of you should do a lot more reading before you mess with your phones. There are good stickies in the general forum which would be good starting points. If you had read them you might not be posting here now.
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Not to be a stickler but it's the same person.
And not to be disrespectful, but the galaxyroot website says installing a custom recovery is fine but it must be rooted first - if not rooted go here - you go here and it shows the mf3 root method. Never said much else about it. I rarely use XDA to ask for information. The post always turns into a flame war with people who are extremely disrespectful. To me this forum is extremely mixed up with post, and other times the information isn't clear. I agree totally that I made the mistake, but I admit to my failure and now I'm trying to learn from it. I'll never understand why the people on this forum and I mean especially this forum love to bash others.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using XDA Premium HD app
Edit: I see the post I was mainly referring to is now gone.
agent929 said:
And not to be disrespectful, but the galaxyroot website says installing a custom recovery is fine but it must be rooted first - if not rooted go here - you go here and it shows the mf3 root method. Never said much else about it. I rarely use XDA to ask for information. The post always turns into a flame war with people who are extremely disrespectful. To me this forum is extremely mixed up with post, and other times the information isn't clear. I agree totally that I made the mistake, but I admit to my failure and now I'm trying to learn from it. I'll never understand why the people on this forum and I mean especially this forum love to bash others.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using XDA Premium HD app
Edit: I see the post I was mainly referring to is now gone.
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The reason people are annoyed is because people are constantly coming here with little knowledge, ignoring all the useful guides stickied at the top of the forums to try and help these exact same people, then rushing into an advanced procedure without a proper idea of what they're doing. Then they make a brand new thread to ask a question/beg for help, when it's already been answered 100 times, rather than searching for the answer first.
It's not something to get upset about because it's going to keep happening no matter what...but it is laughably annoying.
Anyways, I don't know what website galaxyroot is, but you need to get your info/guides/procedures/research right here at XDA...not at some random website with crappy information. That was your first mistake.
jeffreii said:
The reason people are annoyed is because people are constantly coming here with little knowledge, ignoring all the useful guides stickied at the top of the forums to try and help these exact same people, then rushing into an advanced procedure without a proper idea of what they're doing. Then they make a brand new thread to ask a question/beg for help, when it's already been answered 100 times, rather than searching for the answer first.
It's not something to get upset about because it's going to keep happening no matter what...but it is laughably annoying.
Anyways, I don't know what website galaxyroot is, but you need to get your info/guides/procedures/research right here at XDA...not at some random website with crappy information. That was your first mistake.
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And I might add...
Asking questions (regardless of how many times they have already been asked) is NOT learning. Learning IS searching and reading available information, no matter how much time it takes, until a person has complete knowledge about their device and what it is they are going to be doing to it. It is called "being responsible for your own actions":. People that keep asking the same questions over and over again are NOT trying to learn anything. They are just trying to get someone else that usually did take the time necessary to learn about their phone to get them out of a situation that they got themselves into while putting a minimum of their own effort into it. Just so they can go back and screw something up again.
People who ask valid questions AFTER they have searched, read, and learned are generally handled in a very friendly manner because they have displayed a willingness to actually learn about what they are doing. I've already said this in several other posts but it comes down to people that do things correctly versus people that are lazy, have a sense of entitlement, or feel as if their time is more valuable than others...it's just that simple.
scott14719 said:
And I might add...
Asking questions (regardless of how many times they have already been asked) is NOT learning. Learning IS searching and reading available information, no matter how much time it takes, until a person has complete knowledge about their device and what it is they are going to be doing to it. It is called "being responsible for your own actions":. People that keep asking the same questions over and over again are NOT trying to learn anything. They are just trying to get someone else that usually did take the time necessary to learn about their phone to get them out of a situation that they got themselves into while putting a minimum of their own effort into it. Just so they can go back and screw something up again.
People who ask valid questions AFTER they have searched, read, and learned are generally handled in a very friendly manner because they have displayed a willingness to actually learn about what they are doing. I've already said this in several other posts but it comes down to people that do things correctly versus people that are lazy, have a sense of entitlement, or feel as if their time is more valuable than others...it's just that simple.
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The funny thing is: often the people who are accused of being mean/rude/unfriendly are people who spend an exceptional amount of time, each and every day, helping people in these forums! It's FREE tech support. You get "mean" when you deserve it and you are not entitled to complain about it, in my opinion.
sense of entitlement
scott14719 said:
And I might add...
Asking questions (regardless of how many times they have already been asked) is NOT learning. Learning IS searching and reading available information, no matter how much time it takes, until a person has complete knowledge about their device and what it is they are going to be doing to it. It is called "being responsible for your own actions":. People that keep asking the same questions over and over again are NOT trying to learn anything. They are just trying to get someone else that usually did take the time necessary to learn about their phone to get them out of a situation that they got themselves into while putting a minimum of their own effort into it. Just so they can go back and screw something up again.
People who ask valid questions AFTER they have searched, read, and learned are generally handled in a very friendly manner because they have displayed a willingness to actually learn about what they are doing. I've already said this in several other posts but it comes down to people that do things correctly versus people that are lazy, have a sense of entitlement, or feel as if their time is more valuable than others...it's just that simple.
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well said... I'd say part of my good luck is reading everything in here... whether I grasp it or not... initial exposure is the opening of a door...explanation falls on deaf ears, that have never entertained the sound in the first place!
scott14719 said:
And I might add...
Asking questions (regardless of how many times they have already been asked) is NOT learning. Learning IS searching and reading available information, no matter how much time it takes, until a person has complete knowledge about their device and what it is they are going to be doing to it. It is called "being responsible for your own actions":. People that keep asking the same questions over and over again are NOT trying to learn anything. They are just trying to get someone else that usually did take the time necessary to learn about their phone to get them out of a situation that they got themselves into while putting a minimum of their own effort into it. Just so they can go back and screw something up again.
People who ask valid questions AFTER they have searched, read, and learned are generally handled in a very friendly manner because they have displayed a willingness to actually learn about what they are doing. I've already said this in several other posts but it comes down to people that do things correctly versus people that are lazy, have a sense of entitlement, or feel as if their time is more valuable than others...it's just that simple.
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I agree with that. In my case it was a few hours of researching with no clear answer to me.
The website is galaxys4root.com and it is referenced in this forum quite a bit.
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jeffreii said:
The funny thing is: often the people who are accused of being mean/rude/unfriendly are people who spend an exceptional amount of time, each and every day, helping people in these forums! It's FREE tech support. You get "mean" when you deserve it and you are not entitled to complain about it, in my opinion.
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He had like 7 post...I'm not thinking so.
Nevertheless people will ask everyday a question that has already been answered. If somebody is going to call me stupid along with other names I don't want their help, I'll eventually figure it out myself. I was just hoping to significantly speed up the process by asking a question I didn't see asked yet on the forum. (Or if it was I didn't see it and yes I did look)
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using XDA Premium HD app
Simple as opening up your web browser and googling it. All you have to do is sort through the posts and READ through it.
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[email protected] said:
Simple as opening up your web browser and googling it. All you have to do is sort through the posts and READ through it.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using xda app-developers app
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.......I did...nevermind about the post...I don't think I'm going to get any help here. I'll check another forum out to see if we have any solutions as of yet. Thanks for your guys time.
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Finally figured it out with the help of a few friends. Again for those who helped thanks for your time!
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agent929 said:
.......I did...nevermind about the post...I don't think I'm going to get any help here. I'll check another forum out to see if we have any solutions as of yet. Thanks for your guys time.
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I'm not quite understanding you. Instead of "checking another forum out to see if we have any solutions as of yet", why didn't you take the time to read what has been posted about it in this forum (as suggested)? People (here) even gave you a screenshot and instructions on how to find the EXACT links that would have helped. Was that not enough? I think you are being difficult just to be difficult...or do you really think that you shouldn't have to take the time to research and learn about something even when the links are handed to you? Maybe you should take a little of YOUR time to read and learn a little bit instead of expecting people to take THEIR time to answer your questions that have already been answered multiple times elsewhere, especially when people are nice enough to show you the way. What is your definition of "help"?
You don't have to answer any of this if you don't want to, I actually rather you didn't.
scott14719 said:
I'm not quite understanding you. Instead of "checking another forum out to see if we have any solutions as of yet", why didn't you take the time to read what has been posted about it in this forum (as suggested)? People (here) even gave you a screenshot and instructions on how to find the EXACT links that would have helped. Was that not enough? I think you are being difficult just to be difficult...or do you really think that you shouldn't have to take the time to research and learn about something even when the links are handed to you? Maybe you should take a little of YOUR time to read and learn a little bit instead of expecting people to take THEIR time to answer your questions that have already been answered multiple times elsewhere, especially when people are nice enough to show you the way. What is your definition of "help"?
You don't have to answer any of this if you don't want to, I actually rather you didn't.
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I'm not even going to fight with you. I'd suggest sticking on topic. Anyways I did thank those that helped so don't complain at me for not reading something you know about.
Nevertheless my recovery is working again now. Something that XDA doesn't have posted on it (at least for the mf3). Maybe I could be more of a nerd and explain things in more detail like I should have. I have been pretty sick these last few weeks. I'm a disabled veteran and have quite a lot of problems. You don't freaking know me. Don't tell me what I'm trying to be. Just because I'm not as familiar with this forum like you doesn't mean I didn't freaking try.
I am TRUELY sorry for the inconvenience I have put you through. I won't ask anymore questions here again. I'll go where I should have in the first place.
P.S. - read ALL my post before you decide to play God and tell me what I am. A post I referee to earlier was deleted so it kinda makes me look like a you know what.
Please don't try to bash me here anymore as I really never meant to offend anyone here. Its just really depressing to me that just because you found something and I didn't I'm the idiot.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using XDA Premium HD app
agent929 said:
I'm not even going to fight with you. I'd suggest sticking on topic. Anyways I did thank those that helped so don't complain at me for not reading something you know about.
Nevertheless my recovery is working again now. Something that XDA doesn't have posted on it (at least for the mf3). Maybe I could be more of a nerd and explain things in more detail like I should have. I have been pretty sick these last few weeks. I'm a disabled veteran and have quite a lot of problems. You don't freaking know me. Don't tell me what I'm trying to be. Just because I'm not as familiar with this forum like you doesn't mean I didn't freaking try.
I am TRUELY sorry for the inconvenience I have put you through. I won't ask anymore questions here again. I'll go where I should have in the first place.
P.S. - read ALL my post before you decide to play God and tell me what I am. A post I referee to earlier was deleted so it kinda makes me look like a you know what.
Please don't try to bash me here anymore as I really never meant to offend anyone here. Its just really depressing to me that just because you found something and I didn't I'm the idiot.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using XDA Premium HD app
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You don't have to listen to the suggestions of people that are trying to help you, It's nothing personal. Good luck and I hope your health improves.
scott14719 said:
You don't have to listen to the suggestions of people that are trying to help you, It's nothing personal. Good luck and I hope your health improves.
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Thanks. It does make me feel better that we can end on a good note .
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using XDA Premium HD app
Wow - 1 question and 2 pages of beating this poor guy senseless.
No disrespect but you guys/gals with 1000+ posts, try to remember when you where single digit posts.
Some people dont "haunt" this forum day and night and know "common" issues/symptoms and their fixes.
I see lots of threads with what appear to be valid questions and just about all say "this has been covered - do some research".
I hope I never go to a Doctor and say "I dont feel well, my nose is running and feel itchy" and they respond "this has been covered - do some research".
Again no disrespect but WOW!!!!
atari800 said:
Wow - 1 question and 2 pages of beating this poor guy senseless.
No disrespect but you guys/gals with 1000+ posts, try to remember when you where single digit posts.
Some people dont "haunt" this forum day and night and know "common" issues/symptoms and their fixes.
I see lots of threads with what appear to be valid questions and just about all say "this has been covered - do some research".
I hope I never go to a Doctor and say "I dont feel well, my nose is running and feel itchy" and they respond "this has been covered - do some research".
Again no disrespect but WOW!!!!
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If you find a doctor who provides around the clock support for free, let me know!
If that doctor posts the answers to most of your ailments right on the door when you walk in with a big READ THIS FIRST sign...and you walk right past it and ask him a question that's on the door, do you think that might get annoying?
Ok, I'm tired of this analogy!

