Facebook Pics Sync - EVO 4G General

Maybe I am late to the party on this one but I felt some people, especialy the newer people who are new to using Cyanogen nightlies and use Facebook a lot might like this tidbit of information. There is an app called Sync my Pix. I just installed it and voila My contacts have their facebook pics now. Thank you to lucky lui for pointing this out. I hope someone else finds this app as helpful as I did.
Enjoy everyone

nice apps but kinda old

CheesyNutz said:
nice apps but kinda old
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Do you have any other/better options that would be "new"

This wouldn't belong in the Development forum regardless.
BTW, it might be 'old' for CN users, but people wanting to give CN a try from Sense (we have that feature built-in) will be happy to hear such an app exists. I feel more confident giving it a try now. Thanks!


Which IM do you use? Let people know why you think its great

Hello everyone,
I made this post to hopefully help people with Instant Messenger and finding a great one for their use.
I have used Agile, IM+ and I am now using Verichat which used to be a palm aplication but has now been converted for pocket pc use.
It his by far superior to IM+ and Agile in fontionality I think
Imov I really dont like the interface.
So yes I think Verichat is the best for Pocket PC use.
The only problem is that it's not free!
Which one is your favorite and why ?
I am using IM+ and am very happy with it; it supports MSN, Yahoo!, AIM, ICQ, Google and Jabber. I haven't used all the background modes, but for chatting, it works great; easy to manage the various windows; and can view contacts by group (integrated across services). I haven't tried Agile, though I used Verichat on the Palm before -- My understanding is that Verichat connects to a Verichat service rather than directly to the IM services. I quickly removed the T-Mobile OZ client from my device ;-)
Would like to hear the pros and cons of Agile vs. IM+ for comparison, if someone has used both.
Re: Which IM do you use? Let people know why you think its g
magnusbaron said:
Hello everyone,
The only problem is that it's not free and there's isnt a crack out there for it yet. Hopefully soon !
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Do you find these forums usefull? I am not going to go software nazi on you (its how I earn a living), but discussing cracks etc on here could well get the forums shut down. Not really worth it, keep it to yourself.
Re: Which IM do you use? Let people know why you think its g
magnusbaron said:
Hello everyone,
The only problem is that it's not free and there's isnt a crack out there for it yet. Hopefully soon !
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Do you find these forums usefull? I am not going to go software nazi on you (its how I earn a living), but discussing cracks etc on here could well get the forums shut down. Not really worth it, keep it to yourself.
Re: Which IM do you use? Let people know why you think its g
ferrerpheonix said:
magnusbaron said:
Hello everyone,
The only problem is that it's not free and there's isnt a crack out there for it yet. Hopefully soon !
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Do you find these forums usefull? I am not going to go software nazi on you (its how I earn a living), but discussing cracks etc on here could well get the forums shut down. Not really worth it, keep it to yourself.
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He wasn't discussing cracks. If you want to be a software nazi, keep it to yourself.
Re: Which IM do you use? Let people know why you think its g
Echilon said:
ferrerpheonix said:
magnusbaron said:
Hello everyone,
The only problem is that it's not free and there's isnt a crack out there for it yet. Hopefully soon !
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Do you find these forums usefull? I am not going to go software nazi on you (its how I earn a living), but discussing cracks etc on here could well get the forums shut down. Not really worth it, keep it to yourself.
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He wasn't discussing cracks. If you want to be a software nazi, keep it to yourself.
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How is wishing publicly for someone to develop a crack (in a sense advertising for one) not discussing cracks? If you want to disregard the facts and post contradictory messages, keep it to yourself.
Re: Which IM do you use? Let people know why you think its g
dadarkmcse said:
How is wishing publicly for someone to develop a crack (in a sense advertising for one) not discussing cracks? If you want to disregard the facts and post contradictory messages, keep it to yourself.
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In a sense you should quit advertising your ignorance. Keep it to yourself.
P.S. Having MSCE as part of your name is laughable.
Re: Which IM do you use? Let people know why you think its g
Stoodo said:
P.S. Having MSCE as part of your name is laughable.
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Whatever gives you a laugh I guess, a good ole' personal attack is always the best route to go whenever you are faced with ugly facts. Good message boards can be ruined by crack requests. Developers no longer wish to lend their talents to the boards, board admins can get in trouble (Depending on where the server is located), Web Hosts / Co-Lo's can butt in, etc... Anyway, this thread has gotten off topic way too much, so this will be my last post in this one. Flame me if you want, but I'm not listening
It wasn't a personal attack. I was just stating popular opinion.
Umm, back to the topic. I like agile, but it has issues with my Wizard. It doesn't work well in landscape mode and it locks up my phone frequently. I like the fact that all my buddies on the different services show up on 1 buddy list.
I tried Verichat trial the other day, but it didn't display my side of the IM. That is unacceptable.
I also used OZ messenger for T-Mobile. It has a neat interface, but it uses SMS to send and receive.
I haven't tested IM+ yet.
OK guys yes bakc on topic. I removed the line that bothered all of you.
Any other suggestions ?
Thank you
... I tried Verichat trial the other day, but it didn't display my side of the IM. That is unacceptable.
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I don't understand this ??? I see my side of the IM after I hit <enter>. It's displayed in red. There is a short delay before it appears tho...
Yeah, I think that is an issue with your verichat install. Mine works fine. I had IM+, but liked verichat a bit more for some reason. Seemed a bit more polished to me.
Plus, I like having access to the Verichat Bots to get info if Edge/GPRS isn't working.
which of these let u click a phone number or webpage to view like on the sidekick
ok, let me re-download and install. I tried their WM5 trial download.
ok i guess no1 wants 2 answer a ? for me ive used agile and really hated getting knocked off-line all the time by the way does any1 know of a program to let me recieve an im and click the link that was sent to view
The funny thing is that by quoting him you have kept his original message up on this thread, where as now although he has edited it, you are now the one putting the forum in jeopardy... please edit out your quotes of the post that insulted you sooo much.
Later; Lew
MCSE is the WIN! :roll:
bringing this thread back on topic
Agile Messenger for WM5 has been released in build alpha....
download and install and report your bugs!
oh and btw....IM+ sucks! it's no better than AgileMessenger......and the reason why it sucks is because it costs $40!! I mean c'mon 40$ to IM...that's just wrong! Max I'm willing to pay for a PPC app for IM'ng is 9.99 and it better be worth it damn it! (and the 9.99 better be a one-time fee....sure if they upgrade from version 2 to version 6 I don't mind paying an upgrade fee of 4.99....but yeah....that's where i stop)

Will there ever be sence UI on our n1?

Do you think there will ever be a theme or a ROM with sence UI like the one that is on the hd2, While the N1 is an impressive piece of hardware, im not to crazy about the UI and would love to have sence 2.5 running.
* Mod EDIT *
look here:
As i said the sence that is on the hd2, not the android sence and im well aware that we have the desire rom.
you don't realize this is ANDROID on the N1, the HD2 had WINDOWS MOBILE 6.5 ?
the hd2 sense/touchflo 3d system was built for windows, and therefore not on android.
my thoughts exactly and winmo is a dead platform a port of that rom to the nexus one,if possible, would be a large step backwards.
Im sure someone could make a theme or build a rom that has the hd2 sense, all i was asking was do you think someone will.
BlackHawk6 said:
Im sure someone could make a theme or build a rom that has the hd2 sense, all i was asking was do you think someone will.
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no..no one ever will lol..htc made a sense ui for android that allows for user customization. The sense HTC made for windows mobile is a UI to cover up the plain UI windows mobile has.
All the guy did was ask for a yes or no answer and he gets a smart ass remark from about 5 people. This is what i hate about xda, someone is always ready to bash on someone for anything.
Sense UI for WinMo is WM version, current Sense for Android is far perfect also.
austin8868 said:
All the guy did was ask for a yes or no answer and he gets a smart ass remark from about 5 people. This is what i hate about xda, someone is always ready to bash on someone for anything.
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The only reason I thought it was a joke was because at first I thought he was referring to getting plain Sense on Android, not the Sense available on the HD2. Even though, the reason people usually flame here is because most people know what is to be known, and most know that you cannot (well you can, I think, well its possible, I think lol) port Windows Mobile over to Android.. therefore making most people THINK this is a rather stupid question.
Also, the closest to a theme would be the Desire ROM I would think.. guess you could tweak it a little tad more.
BlackHawk6 said:
Are you calling me stupid?
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calm down...
jesus christ, its times like these when we should be helping one another instead of getting butthurt over stupid **** that doesnt matter five minutes from now.
OP, do some research before posting,
and everyone else? you dont know what the OP has been doing for the past couple of months, maybe he has better **** to do that be on xda 24/7 like the rest of us ha
GOOGLE is your bestfriend
zachthemaster said:
calm down...
jesus christ, its times like these when we should be helping one another instead of getting butthurt over stupid **** that doesnt matter five minutes from now.
OP, do some research before posting,
and everyone else? you dont know what the OP has been doing for the past couple of months, maybe he has better **** to do that be on xda 24/7 like the rest of us ha
GOOGLE is your bestfriend
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Yes you are right i should search google. I searched all the forums and did not find anything, so i thought well if its not here on XDA then its most likely not on google.
Forum rules, please read!
There seems to be a significant amount of animosity of late in the forums. I'm not certain as to why this is, nor do I want to hear any reason for justification; what I do know is that it is unacceptable.
XDA is about bringing together folks who have similar passions about mobile technology. As the forum is accessed worldwide, you will encounter all types of folks from different walks of life; some of these folks will be extremely technical, others not. In all cases, it is the responsibility of all members to remain respectful of one another. We all have different opinions, we do not all have the same level of knowledge, and some folks are looking to feel like they are learning while trying to contribute.
Show maturity and professionalism by responding with helpful and constructive information. There is absolutely no reason to respond in a rude tone or to make someone feel stupid ... it is not constructive and serves no purpose.
I would remind members that the best moderation is self-moderation.
Forum rules, please read!
austin8868 said:
All the guy did was ask for a yes or no answer and he gets a smart ass remark from about 5 people. This is what i hate about xda, someone is always ready to bash on someone for anything.
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What I hate about XDA is people who post whining about rude replies to stupid questions, almost as much as I hate replies to those whiny posts whining about whiny posts.
/my head 'splode
maxawesome said:
What I hate about XDA is people who post whining about rude replies to stupid questions, almost as much as I hate replies to those whiny posts whining about whiny posts.
/my head 'splode
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so you hate yourself?
bobdude5 said:
so you hate yourself?
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+1 my good man... ahahahaha
Two moderators have had to come to this thread and clean it up. As it would appear that my last warning was somehow not clearly understood, I'm going to try it again.
If you have nothing helpful to offer, please do not post. Anyone else who feels like posting in this thread for the sake of trolling will likely find themselves with a holiday from XDA.
Hopefully back to topic:
I do not miss the Sense UI, I can live with beautiful widgets, calendar, messenger; but I DO miss Exchange cal sync with native calendar application a lot!! I was really used to have all my calendars at one place (incl google cals, exchange cal) on my Hero, and THIS is the feature I miss most on my N1... Any chance to improvents (exchange cal sync?) with Android in the future?
bmszabo said:
Hopefully back to topic:
I do not miss the Sense UI, I can live with beautiful widgets, calendar, messenger; but I DO miss Exchange cal sync with native calendar application a lot!! I was really used to have all my calendars at one place (incl google cals, exchange cal) on my Hero, and THIS is the feature I miss most on my N1... Any chance to improvents (exchange cal sync?) with Android in the future?
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Theres tons of ways to get exchange cal support on n1 rom. Most are paid apps but google has a free app.
shep211 said:
Theres tons of ways to get exchange cal support on n1 rom. Most are paid apps but google has a free app.
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Sure.. except -as in my case- if the company policy does not allow Google Calendar Sync to install, and if you want to merge your exchange calendar and gmail calendar into one calendar on your phone -as Sense UI on the Hero did. I don't want to use a separate program to make a separate calendar on my phone -just to see all my calendars at one place.. and except Sense UI I could not find anything offering this functionality.

Does any body want a vanilla rom

but i need it bassed on something or not if u dont want it
It depends on weather its a proper Rom or if its just filepushing like your 'Cronos LightSpeed Supper Rom'
and weather you've learnt to spell...
On a more serious note, anyone can use WinZIP, we don't need someone to spam the forums doing it for us.
Please don't see this as anything against you, its just advice.
42turkeys said:
It depends on weather its a proper Rom or if its just filepushing like your 'Cronos LightSpeed Supper Rom'
and weather you've learnt to spell...
On a more serious note, anyone can use WinZIP, we don't need someone to spam the forums doing it for us.
Please don't see this as anything against you, its just advice.
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Weather? That's whether I think
"and weather you've learnt to spell..."
I laughed.
And don't ask us if you want a ROM. Just develop, ask for help, improve it before it's launched (do this sequence 3 or 4 times), then release, and be flooded with bugs.
That's how it works.
Also, if someone wants to be my tutor, I'd be very glad.
I'm thinking of starting ROM developing aswell. I don't know what to read first.
And please, don't post cyanogen sticky post link here. I've read it, but it has too much information and I don't know where to start.
shokkapic said:
"and weather you've learnt to spell..."
I laughed.
And don't ask us if you want a ROM. Just develop, ask for help, improve it before it's launched (do this sequence 3 or 4 times), then release, and be flooded with bugs.
That's how it works.
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That seems too stupid. Maybe it was a joke?
C0mpu13rFr34k said:
That seems too stupid. Maybe it was a joke?
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People are so bad at detecting sarcasm...
No thanks. Already have Ve 4.0. Perfect vanilla IMHO. Vb
Sent from my Hero using Tapatalk
I still want a tutor:
shokkapic said:
Also, if someone wants to be my tutor, I'd be very glad.
I'm thinking of starting ROM developing aswell. I don't know what to read first.
And please, don't post cyanogen sticky post link here. I've read it, but it has too much information and I don't know where to start.
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ive just tried those sticky guides and the links dont work
djdavis said:
ive just tried those sticky guides and the links dont work
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How? They open fine to me.
shokkapic said:
I still want a tutor:
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Try asking Feeyo and elemag for help. They are very open to give information.
Feeyo in particularly is learning me a lot about how I can create an rom for myself from AOSP. Those 2 are not greedy nor being secretly about how they do things.
Cant say that from that other Team.
I'm sorry but I've one question in my mind and I cant answer for it by my self: why someone buy a "sense/rosie" phone if he want a plain (vanilla) rom? Why that person doesn't buy a N1??
tbrain said:
I'm sorry but I've one question in my mind and I cant answer for it by my self: why someone buy a "sense/rosie" phone if he want a plain (vanilla) rom? Why that person doesn't buy a N1??
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Price perhaps?
tbrain said:
I'm sorry but I've one question in my mind and I cant answer for it by my self: why someone buy a "sense/rosie" phone if he want a plain (vanilla) rom? Why that person doesn't buy a N1??
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Well, price, I guess. And availability. The N1 wasn't available in my country, unless for an extremely unreasonable price.
Also, I think the N1 is not as sexy as the hero, or the desire...
Wow - there's some 'bad-mood' users around here, ey? We all start somewhere, so give the guy a little slack.
Anyway, if you want my honest opinion, you will struggle in the Vanilla ROM world on these forums. VanillaEclair, aHero, EzHero, CyanogenMod....there are more then enough really good Vanilla ROM's. On the other hand, Cronos, Villain, ChocolateEclair, Kimera....there are also more then enough great Sense ROM's too. It's a tough area to enter into as there is a lot of competition, and I'm sure many users can agree that we have seen some really detrimental side effects of the competition.
So, back to my honest opinion - I don't think anybody wants another vanilla ROM, nor another Sense ROM, unless you have something great to bring to the party, in which case I suggest rather make a public thread with your 'great thing' so that it can be implemented into existing ROM's. At the same time, this is a developement forum, and new developements are obviously always welcome. So, if you have the patience (for bug reports and updates) and decency (to work with the other developers), by all means, bring out a new ROM. I for one will be happy to test and report.
Just my 2c.
Mr P.
what I would suggest is you make the rom that YOU want to use. not pure vanilla, not pure stock sense, but the features you want most, including the (freely distributable) apps you want to include in the rom.
then you can always post it here in case others like it too.
I'd like to see a rom that doesn't include the standard apps but instead includes preinstalled the best free alternative calendar, widgets, launcher(pro...), alternative gallery, alternative camera, music player, app organizer, and so on.
something that is out of the box really really cool and setup for instant use (the way sense phones are setup from the factory, but using non-sense apps maybe).
that would be worth seeing here. it's been done but recently most popular roms are variations of the same thing and the competition is more about stability, performance, and working hardware. if you can base yours upon an already stable, fast and fully working hero rom (with permission from the authors), then customizing it and repackaging it could be really cool.

Wierd icon next to 3G icon

Hi guys,
There is an arrow icon to the left of my 3G icon, and I was wondering if anyone knew what it was? it shows two white arrows forming a loop but I can't find it in the manual.
Can someone let me know?
That's the sync service running (GMail, Contacts, Calendar, etc).
If it keeps running forever, you might have an issue, but it should pop up from time to time.
It was running forever and I realized it was failing to synch, a data reset fixed.
another useless thread.... gratz newb android user ITS CALLED GOOGLE PEOPLE USE IT! DONT BLOAT FORUMS
billakid said:
another useless thread.... gratz newb android user ITS CALLED GOOGLE PEOPLE USE IT! DONT BLOAT FORUMS
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Oh my god dude you are getting on my nerves. If you don't like the thread don't look in it. I'm not an android noob, I've been using since vzw got android in the first place, Ive used chrome and gmail since beta, my whole life is in Google's cloud. Damn. Not noticing a small icon doesn't make me a noob. People like you are the exact reason I never posted here before and only lurked and donated. What an amazing bit you are contributing to the community, good thing I'm not judging the whole on you.
Go ahead and do a search for what I was asking, I couldn't find anything. If you read I also consulted the manual to find nothing relating to the symbol. Go to hell.
billakid said:
another useless thread.... gratz newb android user ITS CALLED GOOGLE PEOPLE USE IT! DONT BLOAT FORUMS
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Not everyone knows those arrows mean that it's syncing to Google, so this thread is not useless.
chrisw27 said:
Not everyone knows those arrows mean that it's syncing to Google, so this thread is not useless.
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Exactly, I had assumed it would use normal data signal for that. Plus I hadn't really seen it before because normally its on and then off, but in this case mine got stuck, thats all. Thanks guys.
I wonder if it would violate guidelines to report a post like that.
Completely unhelpful, and ultimately detrimental to the community as a whole.
Sure there's no profanity, warez, or otherwise problematic material, but it's definitely something that shouldn't be here.
billakid said:
another useless thread.... gratz newb android user ITS CALLED GOOGLE PEOPLE USE IT! DONT BLOAT FORUMS
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Slow your roll man, you were a noob once to and you didn't use google per your recommendation. SEE. Hard to bloat a general discussion forum.
good day.
billakid said:
another useless thread.... gratz newb android user ITS CALLED GOOGLE PEOPLE USE IT! DONT BLOAT FORUMS
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yet another useless post by you. you have been a member here for 7 months in most of the forums im on you would still be a noob and by posting this crap(seen it in at least 2 threads) you still act like a noob. dont like whats being posted either dont read it or keep your comments to yourself.
chopper the dog said:
Slow your roll man, you were a noob once to and you didn't use google per your recommendation. >>>>>SEE.<<<<< Hard to bloat a general discussion forum.
good day.
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I love it. Good pull.
blah blah... still bloating forums.. imagine how bad its gonna be when roms start rolling out
billakid said:
blah blah... still bloating forums.. imagine how bad its gonna be when roms start rolling out
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Soooooooo. Is this brother #1 or brother #2 that edited the post? Roms rolling out will be a welcome sight. Answering noob questions also welcomed. But the attitude that may have been picked up from a different forum is not welcomed.
good day.
Anyways Did you find out why it was stickin dude? O-o
I dont know for sure but looking at the last successful synch times its right around the time I tried to send an email with the firefox beta apk to like five people at once that might have broke it somehow
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App

Google +

What are people's thoughts?
Sent from my EVO 4G with Tapatalk
I think it's amazing. Clean, and simple. Oh...and A LOT better than Facebook. Facebook should die. only my opinion.
Sent from...
pluses: NO GAMES, whoriscopes i mean horoscopes, and or crappy as question things. i like how i can post a thing for my friends or my work colleagues which includes my boss (i work in an IT dept so we are all nerds and wanted it) with out sharing to much or what ever. honestly im just glad its not facebook i had been only keeping for the point to keep in contact with people that have moved away and inviting them to google was easy
cons: ummm invite only? ha jk its blown up as is so im happy. I feel as if i am selling my soul to google but if thats true i have done that awhile ago so too late now
the only thing really i think that needs to be added is that we need a way for events and functions to be added to google calender or something. like facebook (i know i hate it but it works)
oh im a keep pushing that we should all leave facebook at a semi coordinated time
ben.nesheim said:
pluses: NO GAMES, whoriscopes i mean horoscopes, and or crappy as question things. i like how i can post a thing for my friends or my work colleagues which includes my boss (i work in an IT dept so we are all nerds and wanted it) with out sharing to much or what ever. honestly im just glad its not facebook i had been only keeping for the point to keep in contact with people that have moved away and inviting them to google was easy
cons: ummm invite only? ha jk its blown up as is so im happy. I feel as if i am selling my soul to google but if thats true i have done that awhile ago so too late now
the only thing really i think that needs to be added is that we need a way for events and functions to be added to google calender or something. like facebook (i know i hate it but it works)
oh im a keep pushing that we should all leave facebook at a semi coordinated time
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I totally agree, with the selling your soul to Google. If Goog made it, I will pretty much be inclined to like it. I guess, I'm a Goog FanBoy? Ant-Apple as well.
Also, can't agree with you more on Google+, it's got a little bit of a learning curve. Mainly because we are all creatures of habit, and there are a few differences from FaceBook, but overally am liking it more and more. Also, worthy of mention is the fact that their Adnroid App, is WAY better hands-down, than FaceBooks.
I am Pro-Simplicity when it comes to the web, and Google is the epitamy of simplistic design. Plus, I was getting totally annoyed with all those stupid Farmville request. Especially when I see a pop-up from a friend that says "I need Help" in the title. So you automatically think, oh, I should look at that right away. Only to find out, your supposed friend was playing some bakery/store game and is asking you to give them some flour or something. Lame.
So far it's been really great. Much simpler interface than FB, more web 2.0 if you will...
I'm hoping a LOT of people get on board and give FB a run for their money. I don't hate FB, but it's pretty clear there needs to be SOME competition to the Zuckerburg juggernaut.
munkybeatz said:
Plus, I was getting totally annoyed with all those stupid Farmville request. Especially when I see a pop-up from a friend that says "I need Help" in the title. So you automatically think, oh, I should look at that right away. Only to find out, your supposed friend was playing some bakery/store game and is asking you to give them some flour or something. Lame.
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You actually only have to deal with that once. You can hide all posts regarding any app or game and you don't have to deal with that rubbish again.
i would have to agree with what i am reading i just wanted to hear some other peoples thoughts... lots of pros and i have yet to really find a con other then i am wanting more people to jump on board so i can see where the app will lead!!! LOVE THE SIMPLICITY and the fact that.... well.... everything seems to work unlike facebook!!!! its social network at its finest without all the crap from what i have seen!!!!...... and actually i think Google already owns our android loving souls at this point, I'm sure its in the fine print somewhere....lol
i've been wanting to see what the big deal is with this if any of yall have an extra invite and dont mine sending one this way that would be awesome. my email is [email protected]
rrd297 said:
i've been wanting to see what the big deal is with this if any of yall have an extra invite and dont mine sending one this way that would be awesome. my email is [email protected]
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You need gmail.
pwnst*r said:
You need gmail.
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i have a gmail account
rrd297 said:
i have a gmail account
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lol...invites have to be sent to a gmail account. You posted a yahoo mail account.
I would love to try it as well. I have been reading a lot of good reviews. If anybody has a spare invite, t.kowalke [email protected].
Welcome to the EVOlution!
tommyp said:
I would love to try it as well. I have been reading a lot of good reviews. If anybody has a spare invite, t.kowalke [email protected].
Welcome to the EVOlution!
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Invite sent.
Edit: Don't want to turn this thread into an invite fiasco so if anyone needs one just send me a PM with your gmail.
Its elite! A completion of a true Google experience
Sent by Supersonic!
mattykinsx said:
Invite sent.
Edit: Don't want to turn this thread into an invite fiasco so if anyone needs one just send me a PM with your gmail.
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To keep your soul from wanting hell today, I will also send a couple of invites to anybody that Pm me their gmail account. I will not be a snappy/fast thing. But I will check it atleast once a day ok.
Back to topic, the resounding answer to your question is a YES! I Like it! It's a social network that got it right and its not Facebook!
Simple Elegant UI and I love the auto upload of photos shot on your phone from the app, its a nice way to bacup automatically to the cloud.
In the app also, the "nearby" tab on the stream is golden if you ask me, it allows you to see peoples public post around the location in which you are at the moment, allowing you to get in the conversation with new people and knowing is somebody close by and might be somebody that you already seen around or something.
It's Golden!
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
PM me as well and I will send out invites.

