[Q] Linked contacts name priority - Nexus S General

On my Vibrant (2.1), when multiple iterations of a contact are linked, you can select in each field where there is conflicting information (i.e. Bob Jones on Facebook, Robert Jones on Google Contacts) which takes precedence in the contact display. On my Nexus S, I have been unable to figure out how to do this.
I'm hoping this is due to my own ignorance and not because the feature has been removed. Can anyone instruct me on the way to set these preferences in Gingerbread? Your help would be most appreciated!

Anyone? No one?

I don't think you can change that on stock android. That was something Samsung added on your vibrant.

Mm. That possibility had occurred to me, but I didn't want to believe it. >.>
Ah, well.

I feel your pain. Click on the entry you want it to appear in the list, and edit, then join it with others.
E.g. you have Robert in your Google contacts and Bob on Facebook. If you want your contact to say Robert, then click on Robert and join it with bob.
If you want it to say Bob, then click on Bob and join it with Robert.
Hope this helps.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App

Ah, nice. Not as intuitive as the TouchWiz solution, but it works! Thank you kindly, good sir.

zorak950 said:
Ah, nice. Not as intuitive as the TouchWiz solution, but it works! Thank you kindly, good sir.
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I agree. As much as I like stock Android, I must also acknowledge that some of the extensions of the custom ui are quite useful.
I'm glad I could help.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App


Success!!! Finally!

So I contacted samsung tech support for help on the FB sync which hasnt been working since I got the phone.. When I did, all the dude told me to do was remove the battery for 3 seconds, hearing such basic, useless advice made me pretty mad, so i logged off of the chat session... about 2 or 3 min later when i jumped into my contacts... it had worked. This is coming from a dude that tried literally EVERYTHING, so if you're having sync issues, this just might do the trick.
Good luck!
Glad you found a fix!
In the future, could you be a *bit more* informative in your subject line? "Success!!! Finally!" is completely vague and not helpful. It wouldn't even help in a search.
Food for thought. Thx.
Good thinkin!! I'm brand new here, so I'm still learning the proper XDA etiquette.
That would be proper etiquette on any forum. Not just xda.
Sent from my Vibrant using the XDA app.
Typos, incorrect words, gibberish, and other nonsense brought to you courtesy of Swype.
For me a little bit of a back story would help. What exactly do you mean your facebook wasn't syncing?
Using the contact list using another app?
I don't mean to be rude, but since I don't sync and I might try it, it would be helpful to know what the problem was to match the solution to.
Arr MiHardies said:
That would be proper etiquette on any forum. Not just xda.
Sent from my Vibrant using the XDA app.
Typos, incorrect words, gibberish, and other nonsense brought to you courtesy of Swype.
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you must lead a very depressing life if you have enough time to post as useless of a comment as that..
kizer said:
For me a little bit of a back story would help. What exactly do you mean your facebook wasn't syncing?
Using the contact list using another app?
I don't mean to be rude, but since I don't sync and I might try it, it would be helpful to know what the problem was to match the solution to.
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My google accounts, twitter, work email and facebook calendar synced perfectly, even the buddies samsung widget connected with my facebook without a flaw, I just couldnt get my facebook contacts to sync. I tried doing it through the app, removing samsung mobile from my facebook account, removing the sync, and everything else that everyone on here had advised me to try, and nothing worked.
To my disbelief, a 3 second battery pull set all of my sync's up to run perfectly.
Good luck!!
Arr MiHardies said:
That would be proper etiquette on any forum. Not just xda.
Sent from my Vibrant using the XDA app.
Typos, incorrect words, gibberish, and other nonsense brought to you courtesy of Swype.
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+1 OP, please change the thread title and don't be so sensitive. The above comment is not a flame. Your post is immensely misleading.
jesse_wildcat said:
you must lead a very depressing life if you have enough time to post as useless of a comment as that..
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Right back at you. I was not rude or insulting, as you have become. Blunt maybe, but not mean or degrading. I was making a statement for your own benefit, since you obviously did not know, and you choose to be mean in return.
Here's another bit of advice... Keep that attitude up, and people on this forum will not waste their time trying to help you. Like me.
Sent from my Vibrant using the XDA app.
Typos, incorrect words, gibberish, and other nonsense brought to you courtesy of Swype.
Thanks for the Advice, im sure ill find a way to survive without your comments..
Anyway, back to the point of my post... for those who have had bad luck with their Facebook contact sync, a simple battery pull just might do the trick!
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
Pointless or not. I can come out, and say that this 3 second battery pull worked for me as well, and I've tried everything but this little simple step. Thank you OP!
I get the facebook updates in my contacts, but my contacts photos are no longer synced through facebook (i.e. they're blank). I had chalked it up to having deleted the accounts and sync app. Idk, but it'd be nice to have the photos back.
Fyi, the above comment was not out of line. He was merely explaining forum ettiquette to you.
EDIT: hrm. I was thinking I deleted feeds and updates, but that's a tw widget which explains why I haven't seen it in a while. Guess I just deleted the acct & sync odex. Anyway, my pics still aren't synced.

Facebook Pics Sync

Maybe I am late to the party on this one but I felt some people, especialy the newer people who are new to using Cyanogen nightlies and use Facebook a lot might like this tidbit of information. There is an app called Sync my Pix. I just installed it and voila My contacts have their facebook pics now. Thank you to lucky lui for pointing this out. I hope someone else finds this app as helpful as I did.
Enjoy everyone
nice apps but kinda old
CheesyNutz said:
nice apps but kinda old
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Do you have any other/better options that would be "new"
This wouldn't belong in the Development forum regardless.
BTW, it might be 'old' for CN users, but people wanting to give CN a try from Sense (we have that feature built-in) will be happy to hear such an app exists. I feel more confident giving it a try now. Thanks!

Yet another Google+ invite thread.

I keep using them and they keep giving me more, there's not much *closed* about this field test. Anyway I have over 100 left now(LOL) so post here if you still need one. Please don't make a long post. Let's keep this simple. If you need an invite, just put your Gmail address AND ENTER YOUR FULL NAME INTO YOUR GMAIL ACCOUNT INFO... the name is important because if you don't it is asking me the name and I'm not gonna make one up for you because I think you'd be stuck with it and with my sense of humor you don't want that I assure you. No real need to put anything else. I'll invite everyone I can. And don't forget "Thanks"... apparently having the most "thanks" on XDA forums really helps you with the ladies
Google+ invite
[email protected]
Landara said:
I keep using them and they keep giving me more, there's not much *closed* about this field test. Anyway I have over 100 left now(LOL) so post here if you still need one. Please don't make a long post. Let's keep this simple. If you need an invite, just put your email address AND YOUR FULL NAME... the name is important because sometimes it's asking me the name and I'm not gonna make one up for you because I think you'd be stuck with it and with my sense of humor you don't want that I assure you. No real need to put anything else. I'll invite everyone I can. And don't forget "Thanks"... apparently having the most "thanks" on XDA forums really helps you with the ladies
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Thanks are earned from helping, and from appreciative people that signify you generally know what you're talking about. Not saying I know everything, because I will quickly defer to someone when I surely don't know, but I doubt more thanks = more popular with the ladies. Be good, be yourself, and you may be popular with the ladies.
teh roxxorz said:
Thanks are earned from helping, and from appreciative people that signify you generally know what you're talking about. Not saying I know everything, because I will quickly defer to someone when I surely don't know, but I doubt more thanks = more popular with the ladies. Be good, be yourself, and you may be popular with the ladies.
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You did understand that I was kidding right? I was taking a jab at how people put so much emphasis on "thanks" here that they literally beg for them.
Would love to see the multi-webcam chat in action. If you still have invites available, i'm at [email protected]
Thanks so much!
Landara said:
You did understand that I was kidding right? I was taking a jab at how people put so much emphasis on "thanks" here that they literally beg for them.
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Honestly couldn't tell. I knew it was a jab cuz of the " " marks, but then I couldn't tell if it was a double tap in that you were serious by making fun of it. But I do apologize, and wasn't 'jumping' on ya.
djjowr said:
Would love to see the multi-webcam chat in action. If you still have invites available, i'm at [email protected]
Thanks so much!
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Cant invite you, read my post. I need to know your name. It asks and Im not gonna start making them up.
teh roxxorz said:
Honestly couldn't tell. I knew it was a jab cuz of the " " marks, but then I couldn't tell if it was a double tap in that you were serious by making fun of it. But I do apologize, and wasn't 'jumping' on ya.
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All good mate.
can you spare me an invite ? "Michael Jackson" email is [email protected]. Thank you!
Hi Landara,
Joefrey Rivera
[email protected]
if you still have invites my name is Jose Cosio
email [email protected]
To everyone so far, except no name dude, your invites are sent.
Could you invite me for a google+ ?
My email is [email protected] "Panya Tantiwoot".
thank you very much.
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA Premium App
Ben Belhorn
[email protected]
and I hit the thanks button!!
ok they weren't sent, seems there's another button I forgot about but NOW they really are sent
keep em coming plenty of invites left!
Hook it up! Much appreciated! [email protected]
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
[email protected]
send me one too please. i'd love to finally get one .
I made a new circle in Google+. I titled it jerks.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
May I please have one? Christian Juarez [email protected]

[REQUEST] A developer to work pro bono (Occupy movement)

I am wondering if there is any developer out there who is sympathetic to the Occupy movement, and would like to design an Android app for one of the Occupy locations. Ideally it would collate posts from Facebook, Twitter, and the website, maybe in three screens that you can swipe between (kind of ICS style if you know what I mean?).
If anyone's interested or knows anyone who might be then please PM me
Thanks in advance
Try Googling "dump.apk"
You're better off asking on Reddit.
Sent from my Triumph using XDA App
the occupy wallstreet movement FOR PRO BONO HELp? i don't think anyone would really do it much less get credit by ows
Goose0121 said:
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I think you mean "ridiculous".
Richiehd I don't really understand Reddit to be honest but thanks for the suggestion!
I like this idea!
case0 said:
I am wondering if there is any developer out there who is sympathetic to the Occupy movement, and would like to design an Android app for one of the Occupy locations. Ideally it would collate posts from Facebook, Twitter, and the website, maybe in three screens that you can swipe between (kind of ICS style if you know what I mean?).
If anyone's interested or knows anyone who might be then please PM me
Thanks in advance
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I think George Soros can help. He can handle all the brownshirt code.
Maybe you're better off having a mobile website setup for this kind of stuff instead of an Android app (that only works with android, instead of iOS, BB, Windows Mobile..etc).
Whyzor said:
Maybe you're better off having a mobile website setup for this kind of stuff instead of an Android app (that only works with android, instead of iOS, BB, Windows Mobile..etc).
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Yeh somebody suggested that earlier actually, sounds like a better idea. Will look into it, thanks
Aren't you lot getting tired of everyone else doing everything for you?
It's called specialization, we do what we're good at, no need to go back to ancient times & relearn everything. It's how modern societies work, welcome.
Whyzor said:
It's called specialization, we do what we're good at, no need to go back to ancient times & relearn everything. It's how modern societies work, welcome.
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Oh right, learning. You say 'we do what we're good at' - that's what, protesting? I can't tell if you're being sardonic, parodying a stereotype. Like going back to ancient times to learn how to write an Android app. Welcome?
This site is for active development. Which means it is a tool to help you learn to do these things on your own. Not ask others to do it for you.
Thread closed

[Q] Outlook app

Anybody use email application Outlook.com say their opinion
A Ekiz said:
Anybody use email application Outlook.com say their opinion
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Trying to get your postcount up?
If you want to know the opinion of some people go here https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.outlook.Z7 and scroll down,
there is a whole section of reviews from all sorts of people.
jeffrey268 said:
Trying to get your postcount up?
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not because I'm really used this app
but I really wanted to hear the opinions of others
To me I do not need a lot of posts
I do not intend to scribble anything anywhere
A Ekiz said:
not because I'm really used this app
but I really wanted to hear the opinions of others
To me I do not need a lot of posts
I do not intend to scribble anything anywhere
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Haha i know, was just kidding, everyone started as a Junior Member even me.
I have been using the Outlook app for a wile, but not anymore had some problems like random crashing (FC), and sync problems.
I now use the google email app on all devices, i usaly remove the stock email app (like the Samsung email app on the Note 10.1 or the Galaxy S4) and install the one from google apps, i just like the clean interface.
O and i wish you good luck XDA Developers. :good:
jeffrey268 said:
Haha i know, was just kidding, everyone started as a Junior Member even me.
I have been using the Outlook app for a wile, but not anymore had some problems like random crashing (FC), and sync problems.
I now use the google email app on all devices, i usaly remove the stock email app (like the Samsung email app on the Note 10.1 or the Galaxy S4) and install the one from google apps, i just like the clean interface.
O and i wish you good luck XDA Developers. :good:
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I understand
I also wish you all the best
Samsung stock email app works with live com email
did not know that
I just saw

