Help with Nook Classic - Did I brick it? - Nook Touch General

This is the only forum I can find to post this to.
Got out my old nook classic and wanted to remove a soft root I did a few years ago and I flashed the wrong firmware. I flashed 1.0 and it's a newer 1005 model. Now it's stuck on the "installing software update screen" and the LCD keeps looping.
Being that it's so old I'm having trouble finding out any info. Is there anything I can do? I can't get it to mount.

I assume you tried something like this? (from here)
This will actually restore it to the same exact way you got it from the store, brand new, including with the un-updated software assuming that there have been updates since you got it. It's the Nook equivalent of restoring your computer with a fresh format and new Windows/Mac/Linux installation.
Pop out your SDCard if you have one installed, again just to be safe.
Turn off your Nook by pressing the Power Button on the top of it.
With it off, showing you the blank white screen, press and hold the power button until the screen flickers black for a second, then continue to hold it for another 12 seconds. You won't see anything happen at this point, the screen will stay white.
Repeat the above step 6 more times in a row. Yep, you read that right, 6 more times in a row. My assumption is they do this so people don't accidentally restore their Nooks during normal use.
Now press the Power Button once to turn the Nook back on.
You'll see the touch screen go black, with a sky blue progress bar, and a description of what it's doing, such as mounting the drive, formatting, etc. This takes a few minutes so be patient.
Once it does that, it'll boot up to your main screen, (it can take a while) with any previous version of the software showing, and you'll need to treat it just as you did when it was brand spanking new. i.e. re-register it, set the display name again, reload your screensavers, books and so on.
To update to the latest software version, press the "My Library" button, and make sure you're in the "My B&N Library" area; tap the "Check for new B&N content" button, it'll re-discover that it needs to be updated to the latest software, and automatically go through that process again for you. It can and often does take some time, and do some reboots, partition mounting, etc., so just be patient and let it do it's thing.

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I have followed that and have had no luck. It just keeps looping.
I'm thinking it's dead...

"Dead" is it will not turn on. Yours is "confused"
Seems like what is needed is a method like NookManager or CWM in which the Nook 1 boots from the external SD card and then some repairs are pushed in.
There *is* seemingly such a method, detailed on, but unless your Russian is up-to-date, you'll have to see if the Google translation is clear enough to give it a try. You don't have anything to lose and everything to gain at this point.
Search on this URL in Google and choose "Translate this page":


Hermes wont boot - 4 color bars - help please

Hello everyone. After some researching, this seemed like the best site to answer my question, as I have not found an answer yet.
Yesterday morning, I was running my ATT 8525 (which I believe you refer to as "hermes") just fine. I was using the internet sharing feature, and went to reset the phone. I "believe" I pressed the power button while pressing the "ptt- push to talk" - button. The phone turned off, and when I turned the phone back on, rather than loading like it normally did, I got a new screen.
The screen has 4 color bars. A red bar at the top, then a green bar, then a blue bar, and last, a white bar of color on the bottom. Each bar takes up 1/4 of the screen and runs horizontally. At the top, the phone says, in white text:
At the bottom of the screen, in the white bar of color, in black text, it says
Now, when I press the power button to turn the phone off, nothing happens. I have to remove the battery to shut off the power. If I plug in a USB cable, the SERIAL text changes to USB. If I press the top two buttons, the one above window and the one above ok, while pressing the stick in to reset the phone, that screen works ok. I believe it is called a "hard reset" It asks if I want to erase all data and restore factory settings, and if so, press r. I press R on the keyboard, and the screen then says reset complete, press space. I press space and then I am back to the screen with 4 color bars. Nothing else I have tried works either. I have been stuck on this screen with 4 color bars since yesterday.
I took my cell phone in to ATT to be looked at and the sales people at the store say that I am 7 days past my warranty, and that they can't/won't repair the phone, but they would be happy to sell me a brand new one... for several hundred dollars.
So, the folks on the internet are my last hope =( If anyone reading this knows anything, even if it is a link to another site or something, that may help me resolve this problem, I would greatly appreciate it. If not, I at least thank you for your time reading my post.
- Wormling
Oh, as an additional thought, if it helps, I have not used any of these :baked: roms or any such thing. I bought my phone and used it as is. The one and only change I ever did to my phone was I followed ATT's steps on upgrading from Windows Mobile 5 to Windows Mobile 6, if I remember their names correctly. Hope this helps.
Bootloader. This is the name of the screen according to my research.
"Is your device able to boot Windows Mobile OS?
This one is easy: If can you see your today screen and use your phone as a PDA means you can boot OS. If you only see the splash screen, bootloader screen (tri-color) or windows mobile splash screen you can't boot OS."
Got this from the thread at
So, I guess I am stuck at the bootloader screen.
Try a Hard reset - hold both soft keys and reset with stylus. Hold in until it asks to reset to factory (whatever). Press "r" on the slideout keyboard and then space. You should go back throught the setup PPC steps.
YOU WILL LOOSE ALL INFORMATION ON YOUR HERMES...This is unescapable as you would any other way you tried to recover your Hermes too.
I suggest if you get it working to install Hard SPL V7 (makes recovery easier) and also pim backup so you can restore all your contacts/messages if something goes wrong again.
Cheers... & good luck.
I have tried hard resetting many times, and it does not work. It says that it succeeds and that factory settings have been restored, and then I am back to the bootloader screen. I have been to the wiki on bricked hermes phones and recovering from a brick. From that, I ascertain I have a type 2 bricked phone (goes directly to bootloader screen). I tried the MTTY tool, and it says that the NAND write was successful on both commands, but, I am still stuck at bootloader screen. I have since tried installing a few different roms, even in SSLL and HARDSPL modes, and nothing has worked.
What I have not tried is the JPIN fix, as I am not an engineer and don't have the tools or knowledge on how to do that. I also don't know how to do the microsoft operating system download fix (using an emulator?)
** UPDATE **
I think it might have been the mtty commands, but I took the battery out overnight, and when I put the battery back in to try the KITL attempt, the phone booted up and started to do the config. I was happy and thought that the phone was fixed, but when it was done with the configurating the phone, it reset back into boot loader screen -_-
You may need to check for bad blocks. This sometimes causes the problems you descibe as well as spontaneous Hard Resets and occasional soft resets.
Do a search for "how to fix bad blocks hermes" and you should get the info you need...
Hope this helps...

[Q] Nook color screen not working

Have a nook color, cm7 - screen will not light. Power will cut on and off (i can tell because volume buttons produce noise when on). Screen gives no illumination when on.
Nothing software or programming updated or changed that would have caused it. I've charged it overnight and attempted to cut on while plugged in.
Plugged back into laptop via USB and I can see (nook color icon with yellow exclamation point) but still no screen.
I'm at a loss. Searched all posts but cannot find one similar. Thx!
I know that this happens and is fixable, although I cannot remember where I saw the "official" fix. If you have nandroid backups on a SD card, you could hard reboot the nook with the 8x reboot, and then reflash CWM and restore your backup.
Are you willing to lose your data and temporarily revert to stock?
I'll give anything a try.
Thanks for the idea. I'll try this in the morning and repost. I had thought about hard booting and taking it back but was worried they wouldn't replace it since it had been rooted. I'll go back and research the steps you mentioned. I'm not a techie so it will take a fresh mind and some coffee to pull it off. I was beginning to think it was a bad screen.
Power off nook, and power it back on. As soon as it begins to load, press n, power, and volume+ (I learned it with both volume keys, but I just heard it may only need the +) and hold for about ten seconds. The nook will flash off, release buttons. The nook will automatically restart, so after you release the keys, you want to repress them gain right as it starts to boot (where you would normally see the cyanogen logo). After the eigth time it will load into froyo firmware. If you. Misstime the sequence you will need Ronstadt over, so if it doesn't work the first time, just try again. Maybe a dark room, so you can see the slight illumination somewhat.
Bad screens do happen, I suppose, but the nook is unbrickable from a software standpoint. The primary boot is off the sdcard, so there is always a way to circumvent or preempt anything that may be corrupted internally. If you were to have a bad screen, after you hard reboot the nook, it will load the stock OS, but if you flashed CWM internally that will still be in your emmc. The way to get rid of the CWM is to follow the hard reboot with a factory reset through the froyo menu (standard nook OS for any future readers). If your screen is indeed bad, you can take your chances that they wont notice since they are replacing an obvious hardware issue, or you could hold it next to a working nook and base your touches approximately off that. There aren't that many steps, but have to go through the B&N registration process, and your user name and password would be a *****.
I might just hard reboot and roll the dice myself, although I haven't personally heard of a bad screen yet. Good luck.
Solution worked!!
Thanks so much.....I couldn't get the 8x to work because the screen was not on and I couldn't time it right. The only way I could tell if it was on or off was with the power button making noises. So I held down power and N button together until flash. After the flash the cm7 open screen popped up. woot woot. and many thanks but I can only push the button once.

Nook -completely- unresponsive/truebrick,full battery,unrelated to Rooted Forever scr

Hello all, I'm curious to hear your thoughts and advice.
My nook is completely unresponsive. It is not stuck at rooted forever.
In fact this has nothing with a root attempt/reset/restore/power on.
I had done a a fresh reset/root with touchnooter about four months ago and was happily and smoothly reading for about two months. I then got busy and put the nook down, did not touch or use for about another two months. I tried to use it about a week ago but found that it had run out of battery in sleep after the two months of disuse (not surprising). I put it on charge overnight and everything booted right and functioned well once it turned on, except that the battery indicator in the statusbar showed a "?" and the battery info in system info showed 100% "unknown". After alot of fruitless research I put it down with the intention of reset/restore/root when I had the time.
I just picked it up this morning and was faced with the expected "Press then button below to wake up your NOOK" screen. But when I pressed the "n" button nothing happened. Obviously holding the "n" did nothing as well.
I tried to power it off and on- nothing
holding power for 20- nothing
power for 30- nothing
8 failed boots- nothing
left right- nothing
left right power-nothing
random pushing and holding of power- nothing
all these with mem card in and out- nothing
all these plugged usb- nothing
all these pugged ac- nothing
I let it charge some more- nothing
None of the buttons do anything, the screen stays inevitably at the " press the n button to wake" screen. no activity whatsoever except that when It is plugged in, the green light shows. NO ORANGE LIGHT... it is fully charged by both usb and ac.
It is not detected at all by windows anywhere.
In Linux- lsusb, bklid, and df -h yield nothing. My nook might as well be the invisible stupid ereader.
I did not drop it, sumbmerge it, perform magic around it... It has been sitting on a shelf doing nothing.
To repeat, the only thing my nook does is light up green when plugged.
It is unchangeably stuck on poe's face...
If this isn't true brick, I don't know what is.
I'm exhausted. Any ideas? I appreciate the help.
i don't know. i just know my dog ate mine and i'm now in the market for a new screen, so if you don't get it working sell me the unit and get some money for yourself to purchase a new one =D
or you could google the disassembly instructions and try unplugging the battery, not very hard to do. could be of .. some help perhaps?
I would definitely take you up on your offer, but i'm still under warranty.
However, I would still like to have my original, and figure out what is going on and why it happened.
Thank you.
similar problem were solved
Hi! I might have read about similar problem solved on USB host mode here
That's it, thanks so much.
if it help
if it helps let them know in the tread that you had same problem. they are wondering whether it is due to host mode
[N2E]: After automatic update to 1.1, Nook Touch Screen absolutely DEAD--Nothing Work
I was reading on my N2E last night. I put it down for about 30 minutes and when I came back it was displaying the default "Authors" screensaver (I had switched to the Nature photos) and asking to slide to unlock. I thought, "Oh, the new software update must have downloaded and installed. I'll check it out." To my shock, the touch screen was completely unresponsive--no amount of swiping would unlock from the screen saver. I let it set for a while longer thinking perhaps the softare update was not yet finished. No such luck.
As a result of the new update, my NOOK is now completly DEAD! I tried powering off, but couldn't do that because you are asked to confirm power off on the touchscreen, which no longer works. So, I looked online and tried the soft reset/reboot by holding down the "Home" or "n" button and then pressing the power button for several seconds. Great--it started rebooting...and came right back to the "authors" screen saver and asking to swipe to unlock. I tried this rebooting process several times, always with the same result: back to screeensaver mode with completely unresponsive touchscreen.
So, looked at the online technical troubleshooting discussion and helps and decided to try a downloaded manual install of the software update. Plugged my NOOK into my computer and it recognized it. So, I downloaded the manualo software update and dragged and dropped it onto the NOOK as directed and sure enough, it started to reboot itself. I thought, "whew, maybe this will fix it". NOPE--came right back to the locked screensaver, with no mention of attempting to update software, and the touchscreen is still dead. (By the way, all of this was done initially with the NOOK showing about 94% charged, so it was not a battery issue.)
Reconnected the NOOK to my computer and the software update file was gone from its home directory, which implies it did something with it. So, I tried repeatedly to install the software update manually, always with the same result: NOOK comes back to locked default "authors" screensaver wtih a dead touchscreen.
Looked online for B&N technical support again saw that others had this problem (though only found a couple references). Found the instructions to do a factory reset and reluctantly tried that, desparate to make my NOOK work again, but frustrated that if it did I would have to rebuild everyting on it and download my 400+ B&N book library all over again. But, guess what, factory reset just comes up to the "Welcome to your all-new NOOK" screen (sounds like progress), BUT the touchscreen is STILL dead, so I can't hit the "Next" button onscreen to proceed with setting up my factory-reset NOOK. Tried rebooting again (as this seems to be the only solution offered in the online tech support) and now it just keeps coming back to the "Welcome to your all-new NOOK" screen with a dead touchscreen keeping me from doing anything.
So, now I am taking it back to my local B&N store in hopes they will exchange it for a new NOOK.
I really want to see a feature to disable automatic updates in the future. I specifically didn't download and manually install when the update came out, figuring I'd wait for the automatic download to give time to B&N to work out the bugs and perhaps issue a patch (as they have done in the past for the N1E). Instead I get no warning about the automatic download (happens while I am reading and set the NOOK aside for 30 minutes), and then the update KILLS my NOOK.
I am not a satisfied NOOK customer at this point.
MY POST: (from the that site)
Not Sure how to do this post or whatever, but I was happy until the update and everything that happened to you is the same with me. This is the first post that describes what happened to me. I'm out of warranty and refuse (and can't) to buy another one of these. If their updates can do this, I'm not sure I want to sink another $100 into the shareholders pockets. I'd really like to know if anyone knows what may be wrong with it.
In addition to what was already mentioned, I took the battery out several times(which seems intimidating but very easy but voids the warranty) and took it completely apart cleaning the screen very well with water and another time a glass cleaner. I tried rooting also. Not sure of what to do now. It seems software related due to working fine until the update. Still at the "Welcome to your all-new NOOK" screen with unresponsive screen. I wasn't sure if the last sentence from B&N was a personal message to me welcoming me to the "new" state of the my nook.
Thanks for any help from anyone.
Identical problem.... and no fix..
It is a shame you got no solution for this. and the worst, you are not the only one... it happened exactly the same with my Nook ST....
Machiavelli_The_Man said:
I was reading on my N2E last night. I put it down for about 30 minutes and when I came back it was displaying the default "Authors" screensaver (I had switched to the Nature photos) and asking to slide to unlock. I thought, "Oh, the new software update must have downloaded and installed. I'll check it out." To my shock, the touch screen was completely unresponsive--no amount of swiping would unlock from the screen saver. I let it set for a while longer thinking perhaps the softare update was not yet finished. No such luck.
As a result of the new update, my NOOK is now completly DEAD! I tried powering off, but couldn't do that because you are asked to confirm power off on the touchscreen, which no longer works. So, I looked online and tried the soft reset/reboot by holding down the "Home" or "n" button and then pressing the power button for several seconds. Great--it started rebooting...and came right back to the "authors" screen saver and asking to swipe to unlock. I tried this rebooting process several times, always with the same result: back to screeensaver mode with completely unresponsive touchscreen.
So, looked at the online technical troubleshooting discussion and helps and decided to try a downloaded manual install of the software update. Plugged my NOOK into my computer and it recognized it. So, I downloaded the manualo software update and dragged and dropped it onto the NOOK as directed and sure enough, it started to reboot itself. I thought, "whew, maybe this will fix it". NOPE--came right back to the locked screensaver, with no mention of attempting to update software, and the touchscreen is still dead. (By the way, all of this was done initially with the NOOK showing about 94% charged, so it was not a battery issue.)
Reconnected the NOOK to my computer and the software update file was gone from its home directory, which implies it did something with it. So, I tried repeatedly to install the software update manually, always with the same result: NOOK comes back to locked default "authors" screensaver wtih a dead touchscreen.
Looked online for B&N technical support again saw that others had this problem (though only found a couple references). Found the instructions to do a factory reset and reluctantly tried that, desparate to make my NOOK work again, but frustrated that if it did I would have to rebuild everyting on it and download my 400+ B&N book library all over again. But, guess what, factory reset just comes up to the "Welcome to your all-new NOOK" screen (sounds like progress), BUT the touchscreen is STILL dead, so I can't hit the "Next" button onscreen to proceed with setting up my factory-reset NOOK. Tried rebooting again (as this seems to be the only solution offered in the online tech support) and now it just keeps coming back to the "Welcome to your all-new NOOK" screen with a dead touchscreen keeping me from doing anything.
So, now I am taking it back to my local B&N store in hopes they will exchange it for a new NOOK.
I really want to see a feature to disable automatic updates in the future. I specifically didn't download and manually install when the update came out, figuring I'd wait for the automatic download to give time to B&N to work out the bugs and perhaps issue a patch (as they have done in the past for the N1E). Instead I get no warning about the automatic download (happens while I am reading and set the NOOK aside for 30 minutes), and then the update KILLS my NOOK.
I am not a satisfied NOOK customer at this point.
MY POST: (from the that site)
Not Sure how to do this post or whatever, but I was happy until the update and everything that happened to you is the same with me. This is the first post that describes what happened to me. I'm out of warranty and refuse (and can't) to buy another one of these. If their updates can do this, I'm not sure I want to sink another $100 into the shareholders pockets. I'd really like to know if anyone knows what may be wrong with it.
In addition to what was already mentioned, I took the battery out several times(which seems intimidating but very easy but voids the warranty) and took it completely apart cleaning the screen very well with water and another time a glass cleaner. I tried rooting also. Not sure of what to do now. It seems software related due to working fine until the update. Still at the "Welcome to your all-new NOOK" screen with unresponsive screen. I wasn't sure if the last sentence from B&N was a personal message to me welcoming me to the "new" state of the my nook.
Thanks for any help from anyone.
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The factory restore does not actually fix every possible problem with your Nook.
If your Nook responds at all, try to boot it up on an SD card like ClockworkMod or noogie.
At least that way you can see what is happening.
The partitioning might have become corrupted which the "factory restore" does not touch.
If no response with anything, try disconnecting the battery.
You might also try booting over USB using the techniques in rooting the new white glow.
Hello I was wondering if I'm just screwed I bought 2 nook simple touch, one for me and one for a present to my mother for her birthday on march 16. I bought them at best buy for $40 a piece on January 30. I used mine and was perfect but when I tried to set up my mom it wouldn't load the license agreement, always got stuck or reboot or something, so I loaded cwm on an sd card just to play around, tested on my nook and was fine, then put it on my moms nook booted once then I didn't press anything and turn it off then I load the image but when I tried to boot again it got stuck on the load screen and wont do anything, no reset sequence will work with the sd card on or off the other nook boots with this sd card. at the end I exchanged with my mom she is happy with her nook an I have a useless unit do you think they will exchange it I didn't rooted it or did anything to it but has the n cwm splash on screen forever. I'm in Costa Rica right now and wont return home until May do you think I'll might be able to exchange it or should I just try to repair it.
I'm glad that your mother got the working one!
You say that that one will boot on your CWM SD card, but yours won't?
It may be hard to get your unit exchanged with a conspicuous screen on it, even if it's not your fault.
When you plug it into your desktop is there any indication of a new USB device found?
If it's charged and no amount of the power button gets a reaction, I'd open it up.
any news???
Hi endor43, same problem here, have been able to find any solution?
endor43 said:
Hello all, I'm curious to hear your thoughts and advice.
My nook is completely unresponsive. It is not stuck at rooted forever.
In fact this has nothing with a root attempt/reset/restore/power on.
I had done a a fresh reset/root with touchnooter about four months ago and was happily and smoothly reading for about two months. I then got busy and put the nook down, did not touch or use for about another two months. I tried to use it about a week ago but found that it had run out of battery in sleep after the two months of disuse (not surprising). I put it on charge overnight and everything booted right and functioned well once it turned on, except that the battery indicator in the statusbar showed a "?" and the battery info in system info showed 100% "unknown". After alot of fruitless research I put it down with the intention of reset/restore/root when I had the time.
I just picked it up this morning and was faced with the expected "Press then button below to wake up your NOOK" screen. But when I pressed the "n" button nothing happened. Obviously holding the "n" did nothing as well.
I tried to power it off and on- nothing
holding power for 20- nothing
power for 30- nothing
8 failed boots- nothing
left right- nothing
left right power-nothing
random pushing and holding of power- nothing
all these with mem card in and out- nothing
all these plugged usb- nothing
all these pugged ac- nothing
I let it charge some more- nothing
None of the buttons do anything, the screen stays inevitably at the " press the n button to wake" screen. no activity whatsoever except that when It is plugged in, the green light shows. NO ORANGE LIGHT... it is fully charged by both usb and ac.
It is not detected at all by windows anywhere.
In Linux- lsusb, bklid, and df -h yield nothing. My nook might as well be the invisible stupid ereader.
I did not drop it, sumbmerge it, perform magic around it... It has been sitting on a shelf doing nothing.
To repeat, the only thing my nook does is light up green when plugged.
It is unchangeably stuck on poe's face...
If this isn't true brick, I don't know what is.
I'm exhausted. Any ideas? I appreciate the help.
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There are times when a Nook gets in a mode where it won't accept a charge.
Opening it up and disconnecting the battery for a minute might fix this.
endor43 said:
That's it, thanks so much.
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When this worked for you did the light turn orange right when you plugged the battery back in? I just took the battery out, plugged the nook into a charger, and with it plugged in plugged the battery back in and the light stays green the whole time yet I'm not able to use the nook at all.
My nook second generation is not responding to my touch I tried everything to get it to work and I eventually got it to completely power of what if it does not work when I turn it on what should I do
It could be power/battery problems.
Check to see if it makes itself known when the USB is plugged in.
If it reacts at all, that's an indication of life.

Poor Battery Life even After Restore? Help Please..

Hello Everyone,
I have a Nook Simple Touch, which I rooted using one of the methods on this forum, and then unrooted after seeing the adverse effect on the battery.
The battery life still seems pretty poor after restoring (I basically just used the built in Nook (Deregister and Restore) function), and I was wondering if some gapps are still running or something.
Does unrooting a device involve anything more than using the built in reset? Or do I need to go to further measures.
My battery went from 96%>82% from last night to right now with probably only 30 minutes of reading. I really don't think this is normal.
TL;DR: Battery life is poor after restoring from root with built-in function, do I need to do anything else to fully unroot?
Thanks guys!
I can't post external links since I'm still a newb, but I used the info from nookdevs website under "nook simple touch > community portal > restoring to stock" when I did my restore.
Method #1. Use this if you haven't rooted your nook.
Press Settings on the touch pad, then Device, then "Unregister your Nook"
Below that press "reset to factory settings" & Confirm
It should reboot and be restored to the latest firmware you had installed.
Method #2. Use this to go back to the firmware the nook was shipped with (use this if rooted)
This will actually restore it to the same exact way you got it from the store. It's the equivalent of restoring your computer with your installations disks.
Turn off your nook completely.
If you are at the "home" screen then hold power button for 3 seconds and choose "Power off" when prompted.
If you are in the screen-saver mode then hold power button for 10 seconds until screen will freeze or go blank, or text "Your nook is switched off" will appear.
With it off, hold the power button until the screen flickers black for a moment THEN CONTINUE to hold it for another 15 seconds. You won't see anything happen at this point - but the animated arrows will stop typically.
Repeat the above step 6 times in a row. YES, Six is the magic number that tells the nook to do a restore. At the six time screen will get half white- half black and it's a good sign!
Now press the Power Button once to turn on the nook.
The touch screen will go black with a description of what it's doing (restoring). This may take several minutes - do NOT stop it.
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It sounds like you used method #1. Try method #2?
Well I did what you said... and now I have no menu at the bottom of the screen and the "n" button no longer does anything..
Dang it.. What do I do?
try this:

Nook Stuck On Installing

I rooted the Nook a while back and wanted to go back to a stock experience, so I rebooted it the six or eight times to get it to restore. However, when I did so, I could still get in to the ADW launcher that was installed. It began updating automatically shortly thereafter and has been stuck on the "Installing" screen. Nothing I have done has helped at all including:
- Charging the Nook
- Holding the power button
- Holding the power button and the bottom page buttons
- Holding the power button and the Nook button
- Holding the power button for sixty seconds, followed by holding the power and Nook buttons for sixty seconds (as per B&N support instructions)
- Removing the battery
When I called B&N support, they told me it was dead and they would replace it if it were within warranty, but it is not and I have obviously opened it up to remove the battery, so that probably wouldn't work anyways. It seems like the computer detects something when I connect it, but it does not show it as a storage device or anything.
Maybe someone here who is a bit more savvy can help me with this because I would have really liked to give this as a Christmas gift to my mom.
Also, my wife has a Nook with Glowlight and has just noticed a small crack in the screen. I recently had to open up the device to reseat the plastic around the USB port because the case popped it out when she removed it one time. Now, obviously, I opened it up, but I want to try to use the warranty to get the screen fixed. Any advice on getting B&N to honor the warranty or somewhere I can find the T5 screws with the sticker still on them or a cheap screen replacement. I didn't do anything to the screen, so it wasn't anything I did that caused this issue.
You'll probably need to put together a clockworkmod micro sd card, and use it to install the latest update over your current system.
Once you're up and running, your apps will still be installed. The update doesn't touch /data. It'll just revert your /boot and /system partitions to stock. I'm not aware of an easy way to revert that without using a backup that you (should have) made before doing any modifications. As far as I know, you have to uninstall those apps manually (using adb if you have to).
Thanks for your response.
The big issue is that it won't budge from the installing screen. Once it gets off of that I could try, but as I said before, I think I have tried everything...

