Change MSL/SPC? - Sprint Samsung Galaxy S 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshoot

Anybody know how to change the Change MSL/SPC?
I tired to use DFS and all I get is an error about a bad parameter and it doesn't set.


Change the default install path

I hope I'm right here..
I want to change the default install path of my HTC device. I'm sure there is a simple registry entry, but where?
Is there anyone who can help me?
bumping up cause i`m also interested in this
I've tried lots of things, but nothing want to work.. Then I remembered that I've a programm called "Advanced Config".
There you can edit the default pathes of the HTC. (I think it was the option location...)

Can we unlock the registry for the Snap?

Anything out there yet? Trying to do the ICS fix to my registry and it's telling me ACCESS DENIED.
Also, is the Snap considered Maple or Willow?
kansaskid72 said:
Anything out there yet? Trying to do the ICS fix to my registry and it's telling me ACCESS DENIED.
Also, is the Snap considered Maple or Willow?
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i had the same freakin problem, the only difference is that i have a Ozone.
so what i did was i used the attached zip, i just followed the smartphone instructions and BAM worked like a charm.
and good question about the maple or willow..cause the Ozone is considered the "Cedar"...? why so many diff names ya know?
either way..try the attached zip, it might work for u too
Closer! Now I can delete or change things in the registry, but after a reboot the changes reverse back to original!
Anyone know why this is?
I also have the Sprint HTC Snap and I'm trying to get ICS working.
What's the preferred program for editing your registry? Can we get a reprint here of which keys we need to modify?
Thanks in advance,
Hi, i think i've got a solution for this on the Sprint Snap. first of all, i'm using PHM Registry editor smartphone edition. google for this cab: regedit.Stngr_ARM.CAB
second of all, here's how to reprovision the security on the snap so you can edit the registry.
install, and then install the on your phone from the install directory, run the security configuration manager and connect your phone to your PC, then provision "security off", seems to work so far, and the values stick after a power cycle.
However, a word of warning. When changing or deleting the ForceCellConnection, the value will revert any changes you make after a power cycle and you will lose the connection selection box in the ICS app. this is the only reg value I've found that reverts. I get the feeling that sprint had some kind of script installed that keeps checking for and replacing this particular value.
Also, when using ICS on the "Sprint" setting, it throws an error message up at me and says i need to enter a user name and password. What's going on?

[TEST] Changing SENSE's language?

I changed mine to Turkish (just SENSE not all system) it worked but some path of them are still in English.
you can change the sense's language with regedit.
You need to change HKEY_CURRENT_USER/MUI value to your conty code as you can find in here.
Factory USA code is 1033 you can change it to your country code.
It also can't change CTH menus. You need to change them manualy :S

[Q] Registry change problems

I have tried different reg editors to change settings but get message access denied.I recently tried to update the Net framework version to 3.5 by installing the Cab file and going to the reg editor and setting the 2 versions by changing the 0 and 1 around but again access denied.I used a configuration program and set it to run the new version,( 3,5 which it sees) pushed apply and closed but when i look at the reg editior the old version is still set to 1,and the new version 0.I have done these chages,soft reset etc but nothing changes

[Q] Legal way to change SPC to 000000

i have seen or read many article on how to change spc to 000000. i needed to download and tweak my phone but without changing my imei. it's as good as nothing.
Please which better way to edit my existing SPC number to 000000. i use MSL utility to know my SPC. but i am having problem changing it.
i also made use of CDMA but i was hanged on the Password (16 digit ) where my sprint number said ( check image below )
so how will i achieve this?
thanks should be what you are looking for...

