[Q] "Unfortunately, Phone has stopped" after TB restore - Nexus 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

So I upgraded ROM (factory reset, etc), and started restoring using Titanium Backup.
Edit: It was an old Carbon ROM 4.3 to the new CarbonROM 4.4 nightly. I also used the newest PA Gapps
Here's what happened:
Chose "Restore all app with data"
Chose "Let me choose myself!"
Clicked on "Deselect all"
Then, I chose only the green and yellow colored app data, as well as all my missing apps
I started the Restore process...
At 92% completion, it remained stuck at "phone/messaging storage"
I waited 30 minutes and it was still there.
For some reason, I rebooted my phone.
Then I keep getting this message: "Unfortunately, Phone has stopped"
When I press okay, 2 seconds later it pops up again. Every time I press Okay, it pops up immediately after. Very frustrating....
I have also noticed now I no longer have phone signal either....What can I do?

Factory reset will fix. Phone data is not gonna be compatible between kitkat and other roms as the dialler is different.


soooo I'm restoring my latest nandroid backup and all it's displaying is ....

My most recent cyanogen mod kept freezing and rebooting, so I restored my most recent Nandroid backup. But it keeps displaying the ............ . It's been doing that for the past 10 or 15 minutes. A lot longer then all the other times I restored a backup. Should I stop it and try it again?
Anyways, I got impatient and yanked the battery out. Put the battery back in and powered her up. It works... i think. i got all my apps and everything, and the version 4.2.5 of cyanogen is running. one of the processes crashed and it was just a black screen, but i could still display the notification dropdown menu. I rebooted, and then it asked me to enter in all my google information again. opening up cm updater crashes, and it appears that many other apps crash upon load. I think I can pull outta here by just doing a wipe.
did you wipe it before you did your nandroid restore?

Unfortunately Phone Has Stopped

I did a full wipe and fresh install now whenever the phone boots up I'm getting the toast message "Unfortunately Phone Has stopped" Any clues I've tried to wipe and flash a couple of times and I'm getting the same. BTW I didn't do a Nandroid backup this time.
Logcat Attached

[Q] Blank Black Home Screen + How Do You Uninstall Gapps?

So ive been using OmniROM 4.4 on my Samsung Galaxy S3 GT-19300 for over 6-7 months now (since around 22/11/2013). It has all been working as a treat. Two nights ago something seemed to of happened on my phone and few apps disappeared (they had the green android robot logo). I was also notified that some apps have updated. I am unsure what these apps were (my guess would be the googles apps; google books, google movies etc. because they were all next to each other in alphabetical order). So because of this i decided to turn my phone off. When i turned it back on, it would be stuck on the OmniROM Logo whilst booting up. It would be stuck on this for a few hours. So I left it over night. Then the next morning it had booted up and a error message popped up saying "Stystem UID's Inconsistent" with a button saying "I'm Feeling Lucky". So I clicked the button and unlocked the phone. Then the homescreen was black and blank. There was no background image, apps, widgets etc. However, I can access the notification bar. If i had any notifications, for an example a message on kik. I can click on it and it will take me to kik and it can use it as normal. When i click the home button it takes me back to a black blank screen.
So, My first reaction was to create a nandroid backup (of the black blank screen OmniROM) then wipe everything (data/factory, cache partition and dalvik cache) in CWM Recovery v6.0.4.4. After this I restored my old nandroid backup, this is my backup i created before i moved onto OmniROM so it was the Samsung galaxy s3 stock 4.1.2. So once i did this i was again greeted with the error message saying "Stystem UID's Inconsistent" with a button saying "I'm Feeling Lucky". So i clicked the button and set up my device. During this and after this Ive had about a billion pop up error messages saying "Unfortunately, the process com.google.process.gapps has stopped." and "Google books has stopped working" and it did this for all the other google apps. So its pretty clear that it must be something to do with Gapps (Correct me if i'm wrong please). Also, It did not allow me to get anything from the play store apart from twitter and rom manager. snapchat and the google app updates didn't work (that is all i have tried). I had error messages saying that i couldnt download it. I have tried installing gapps and OmniROM again and it works but i still get the error messages saying that gapps and google apps have stopped. I have also restored by nandroid backup of the omnirom (that I did before i wiped everything) and i still get the blank black homescreen.
So, I want to know whether it is gapps that has caused this? If so what do i need to do? Do i need to unistall it and install it again? How do i do that?
All I want is to go back to OmniROM and it works and this problem wont happen again. Also if i can get all my data (apps, pictures etc.) that i saved in my nandroid back that i did when i was on OmniROM (before i wiped everything) then that would be great!
I appreciate it very much if you have read this and helped me out.

[Q] Attempting to restore using a backup now working

So last night I decided to try our CyanogenMod 12 on my Spring Galaxy S5, so like always I made a backup of my rom/settings using clockworkmodrecovery and when I went to flash/restore to my old rom and settings because I wanted to go back, when I do it restores my phone but as soon as I get in I get MULTIPLE popups saying "Unfortunately, Beep' n Go has stopped working", "Unfortunately, Swiftkey has stopped working" , "Unfortunately, Hangouts stopped working" ect ect so much so that I cannot do anything on my phone. Anyone know a fix for this?
Almost the same thing here on International variant, G900F. On my case even the phone doesn't boot up, stock rom BOC7, after restoring it.
It stucks on the kernel splash forever.
I'm going to flash the rom in Odin over the restordd one, just in case.
Mine seems to restore just fine but I just keep getting none stop popups saying this and that app has crashed. And I have no idea how to fix it.
Same as me while restoring my NANDROID and flashing my BOA2 stock rom. FCs all the time.
Solved with a simple factory reset. Now it runs as it should

Please Help! BOOST 306SH In the boot screen to Stopped

I have a 306sh and got it fully rooted with TWRP installed. Today i was messing around in rom toolbox and disabled tthe following: Phone, Phone Storage, And Messaging because i currently don't have the phone activated. After a reboot I am faced with a never ending stream of pop ups "Unfortunately, the process com.android.systemui has stopped" and "Unfortunately, Phone has stopped".And then I do wipe data/factory resetwipe cache partition.But unfortunately, stay in the boot screen, enter the system failure. Thank you all in advance.
charlescha said:
I have a 306sh and got it fully rooted with TWRP installed. Today i was messing around in rom toolbox and disabled tthe following: Phone, Phone Storage, And Messaging because i currently don't have the phone activated. After a reboot I am faced with a never ending stream of pop ups "Unfortunately, the process com.android.systemui has stopped" and "Unfortunately, Phone has stopped".And then I do wipe data/factory resetwipe cache partition.But unfortunately, stay in the boot screen, enter the system failure. Thank you all in advance.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Same thing happened to me! After a flashing (recovery.img & boot.img) and reboot, stay in the boot screen. I need help.
Do you have a backup
Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
no friend, no backup

