soooo I'm restoring my latest nandroid backup and all it's displaying is .... - myTouch 3G, Magic General

My most recent cyanogen mod kept freezing and rebooting, so I restored my most recent Nandroid backup. But it keeps displaying the ............ . It's been doing that for the past 10 or 15 minutes. A lot longer then all the other times I restored a backup. Should I stop it and try it again?
Anyways, I got impatient and yanked the battery out. Put the battery back in and powered her up. It works... i think. i got all my apps and everything, and the version 4.2.5 of cyanogen is running. one of the processes crashed and it was just a black screen, but i could still display the notification dropdown menu. I rebooted, and then it asked me to enter in all my google information again. opening up cm updater crashes, and it appears that many other apps crash upon load. I think I can pull outta here by just doing a wipe.

did you wipe it before you did your nandroid restore?


titanium wont restore apps after rooting

I have been on stock un-rooted rom until just a few minutes ago. I used the idiots guide, backed up my apps with titanium donated version, and installed damagecontrol 3.1.2 with full nand unclock.
Anyways, installed titanium again on the new rom, updated busybox just to be sure, and went to do a bath restore of all missing apps + data. It shows 31 apps, i start the restore and it cycles through to 100% and then says complete.
well, I go into app drawer and none of those apps are there. I tried to reboot just to make sure, still nothing..
Any ideas of why they wont restore?
Did you reboot after the titanium restore? Some of my data didn't show up until after I rebooted.
Yes I rebooted several times. I even did another wipe with new Rom install just to be sure. Still didn't work. Installed apps manually and tried to restore app data and even that didn't work

[Q] ACS force closing Logs Provider on boot

I'm running the latest version of ACS, and I keep getting a force close loop for "", when I boot. Meaning I tap force close, and it comes right back, giving me no access to my phone. This is after two crashes (using the phone then it turns off). Does anyone have a suggestion? My father's Evo did this too, and he had to scream at Sprint before they'd swap the phone, but it's working fine now. I have the insurance thing on my plan, should I try that? If so, would I have to use Odin first?
Did you try to restore a backup with titanium backup??? I would boot to clockwork recovery and try to fix permissions by going to advanced in the menu.
Already done. I wiped user settings or whatever too. I'm now trying to reflash ACS and it says can't open /sdcard/foo/bar/ (bad) could it be my sdcard? Does Sprint cover those under my hardware thing? I'm using ext4 afaik.
Im not sure if the cover the sd card I want to say no unless it is under a month old. However I wouldnt bring the phone in like that I would odin to a stock unrooted rom. Try to recopy the acs rom to the root of your sd card and then wipe data/factory reset 3 times in clockwork and then try to reinstall the rom.
I've been having issues on all my roms, so I'm thinking it could be my sd card. I'll bring it in as a last resort. Don't want to Odin if I can avoid it. Thanks for the help.
the logs provider has to do with mms and call logs and the sd card shouldn't affect it since it is a system app data/data/ Did you try to clear the dalvik in advanced within clockwork???
That's crazy, I'm having the same exact problem. I was running the latest ACS fine for weeks and then I just rebooted it and BAM, 'Force closes' like crazy!
I reformatted, cleared all cache and factory reset to no avail. I still kept getting the same things pop up. I finally installed it through the zip file the 3rd time and somehow iit's working fine. I lost all my apps and evidently they didn't back up to my google account.
I'm too scared to reboot myphone now since that's what seems to trigger the problem.
Anybody know the source of the problem?
Curious if your getting any oneDram errors in dmesg? Seems like you guys are starting to have those odd errors were seeing in the Bonsai 4.1.0 beta.
Sent from Bonsai 7.0.3
I don't think i saw a oneDram error message, I remember seeing force closes for most of the services or processes that usually run in the background like phone and DRM service.
The persistent force close message that kept popping up was the logs.provider one.
This problem is currently happening to me now
I'm to lazy to fix it now though by the end of the week I'll do something
This happened to me while I had very bad/varying signal
(0-2 bars on a six bar scale)
And low battery
I clicked on my email app and while it was loading I locked my phone and walked toward a window for better signal
When I looked back at my phone it rebooted by it self and everything is force closing like email and messaging.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA Premium App
Yeah that's very similar to how out started with me too. Actually it might be exactly how it started.
Please let us know what you find out, because I've actually had this problem once before with an ACS rom.
I had my phone do this the other day with the logs provider. Reinstalled the rom (ACS Latest) and the issue went away...
Brother has been having the same issue for weeks on his epic too. He was running Bonsai 4.0.1 getting the same force closes, only his started first when he tried to open his mms app... He installed the latest ACS to see if it was Bonsai, about an hour later got the force closes again until he had an endless loop again.
We checked our memory blocks just for giggles and noticed he has 3 bad blocks while i have 11... cant be the issue...
He would get those force closes on EB13 and DK28 too.
We always do the 3x 3x 3x dance in clockwork before installing a rom too...
Dont know if this info helps or not. He thought about going stock and hitting up a Sprint store today and taking out an insurance claim....
Sorry I missed this thread.
Here's what I want you guys to do.
Back up your sdcard to your pc. ( just the files you wanna save.
Format your sd card with your phone
put the rom zip on your sdcard
Back up everything with your favorite back up program. titanium or mybackup root.
Reboot into cwm make sure it's
Wipe data, cache, dalvik 3x's ( don't cheat )
Flash your rom.
Boot your phone.
Restore your back up from your backup program. ( apps only no data )
Reboot into cwm again.
This time only wipe cache and dalvik 3x's ( no cheating )
Reboot and you should be good to go
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
^ This is a guaranteed solution to any unexpected FC problems.
k0nane said:
^ This is a guaranteed solution to any unexpected FC problems.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I wish it was, but it isn't a guaranteed solution. It might work 99% of the time.
Sent from Bonsai 7.0.3
Top Nurse said:
I wish it was, but it isn't a guaranteed solution. It might work 99% of the time.
Sent from Bonsai 7.0.3
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I said for FCs, not bricks.
I'm having the exact same problem with the same ROM. The other day it froze after I took a picture and wouldn't respond. Had to do a battery pull after which I was stuck in an endless boot loop.
Tried just reflashing the ROM from SD and no dice, then cleared all caches 3 times and reflashed and I had a working phone again.
Then about 10 minutes ago I was using the phone and it shut down out of nowhere, after that booted back up with a tone of force closes and now the log provider force close won't go away. I'm just going to switch ROMs cause this is ridiculous.
No need to do that. The solution for freezing is excrutiatingly simple - and if it only freezes when you're in the camera, you need only format your SD card.
Do that, wipe data, and reflash, and everything will work 100% perfectly.
i had this issue more than once. and any kind of restoration of a backup made after the fc started resulted in continued fc's. i had to start fresh no backup and restore.
darksideauto said:
i had this issue more than once. and any kind of restoration of a backup made after the fc started resulted in continued fc's. i had to start fresh no backup and restore.
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Click to collapse
As expected - Nandroid bad data, and your bad data will remain. Use MyBackup Root for that.
Just take a Nandroid backup and restore it when you're running properly - or use the zip in the development section to turn journaling on. No problem.

[Q] Trouble after Cyanogen 7 with the TB Restore

I just did my first ROM install on my Moto Defy, and it all went fine, til i had to restore my apps from the Titanium Backup, when i did it, i chose the "restore all your backup apps and System data" or some like that, and after i finished and rebooted the phone, a thread started chowing up, "" app just stopped working, and it asked me to force close it, and it just kept poping and poping, all the time, so i guess i restored some system config, from the TB that just wasnt working with the CM, so please i would like someone to tell me witch system configs i should not restore when using the TB, i just flashed the CM again, but it took me a loooong time to restore my apps from the TB so i wouldnt like to do it again, PLIIIIIZ HELP!!!!
Moe1410 said:
I just did my first ROM install on my Moto Defy, and it all went fine, til i had to restore my apps from the Titanium Backup, when i did it, i chose the "restore all your backup apps and System data" or some like that, and after i finished and rebooted the phone, a thread started chowing up, "" app just stopped working, and it asked me to force close it, and it just kept poping and poping, all the time, so i guess i restored some system config, from the TB that just wasnt working with the CM, so please i would like someone to tell me witch system configs i should not restore when using the TB, i just flashed the CM again, but it took me a loooong time to restore my apps from the TB so i wouldnt like to do it again, PLIIIIIZ HELP!!!!
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Click to collapse
I forgot, i couldnt do anything on the phone anymore cuz the thread just kept showing again and again, and also my network signal went down

[Q] Blank Black Home Screen + How Do You Uninstall Gapps?

So ive been using OmniROM 4.4 on my Samsung Galaxy S3 GT-19300 for over 6-7 months now (since around 22/11/2013). It has all been working as a treat. Two nights ago something seemed to of happened on my phone and few apps disappeared (they had the green android robot logo). I was also notified that some apps have updated. I am unsure what these apps were (my guess would be the googles apps; google books, google movies etc. because they were all next to each other in alphabetical order). So because of this i decided to turn my phone off. When i turned it back on, it would be stuck on the OmniROM Logo whilst booting up. It would be stuck on this for a few hours. So I left it over night. Then the next morning it had booted up and a error message popped up saying "Stystem UID's Inconsistent" with a button saying "I'm Feeling Lucky". So I clicked the button and unlocked the phone. Then the homescreen was black and blank. There was no background image, apps, widgets etc. However, I can access the notification bar. If i had any notifications, for an example a message on kik. I can click on it and it will take me to kik and it can use it as normal. When i click the home button it takes me back to a black blank screen.
So, My first reaction was to create a nandroid backup (of the black blank screen OmniROM) then wipe everything (data/factory, cache partition and dalvik cache) in CWM Recovery v6.0.4.4. After this I restored my old nandroid backup, this is my backup i created before i moved onto OmniROM so it was the Samsung galaxy s3 stock 4.1.2. So once i did this i was again greeted with the error message saying "Stystem UID's Inconsistent" with a button saying "I'm Feeling Lucky". So i clicked the button and set up my device. During this and after this Ive had about a billion pop up error messages saying "Unfortunately, the process has stopped." and "Google books has stopped working" and it did this for all the other google apps. So its pretty clear that it must be something to do with Gapps (Correct me if i'm wrong please). Also, It did not allow me to get anything from the play store apart from twitter and rom manager. snapchat and the google app updates didn't work (that is all i have tried). I had error messages saying that i couldnt download it. I have tried installing gapps and OmniROM again and it works but i still get the error messages saying that gapps and google apps have stopped. I have also restored by nandroid backup of the omnirom (that I did before i wiped everything) and i still get the blank black homescreen.
So, I want to know whether it is gapps that has caused this? If so what do i need to do? Do i need to unistall it and install it again? How do i do that?
All I want is to go back to OmniROM and it works and this problem wont happen again. Also if i can get all my data (apps, pictures etc.) that i saved in my nandroid back that i did when i was on OmniROM (before i wiped everything) then that would be great!
I appreciate it very much if you have read this and helped me out.

Strange things (random reboots and others) on note 4

Hi guys,
I have a problem as I post a thread. I have recently owned a note 4. Before changing phone, I decided to configure all the note 4 settings and apps, root, install twrp and SD fix. All worked fine. So i did a nandroid backup with the app "online nandroid backup". After that, I transfered my sim from my xiaomi Redmi 1 to the note 4, and I continued doing other things :
- 15th july: I put the sim to the note 4.
- 16th july: I messed up my phone because i accidentaly deleted the google framework odex file. So i wanted to restore the nandroid backup done by the app "online nandroid backup" when I finished configuring my note 4 but it failed. So I re flashed stock rom, re rooted and restored backup from titanium backup.
- 17th july: I installed an apk of nova launcher and configured it. Trust me, it is not the prime version I pay the developer me! I installed the apk from internet instead of the app itself from the play store because I never download from play store.
- 18th july: I found that because I also restored the system data with titanium backup, the private mode didn't work, so I factory reset my phone with twrp and I restored only user app and data backup. I did a nandroid backup after that.
- 19th july: I messed up (again) with tasker and so I hadn't notification sound. I decided to re flash the stock rom but didn't work. After that, I left my home without my phone for 2h and when I came back, I sSAW THE FIRST RANDOM REBOOT.
- 20th july: To solve the sound problem, I decided to restore the nandroid backup. It works: the sound came back! But I saw again a random reboot.
The random reboots appear only two or three times per week: indeed, I remembered the other random reboots appeared on the 25th of July and on the 27th July.
The random reboots are special I think because they appear at any time: it appeared when I use the phone or when I don't use it. Moreover we can see the Samsung logo at the minimum brightness and it is infinite: I need to remove the battery to make it restart.
To solve the problem, I first thought that it was a problem from restoring any backup from titanium backup. So I factory reseted the phone using twrp to keep root and internal storage. Then I reinstalled the apps with the official Google backup and restore tool. But as I can see, the random reboots are still here because on the 27th July, as I said, a random reboot appeared.
- 28th July (so today): I removed nova launcher, then shutdown my phone and pull out the battery. When I reinsert it, the phone takes a long time to switch on. Finally, it said system is not responding and reboot and the message re appeared, and reboot... I must remove the battery and reinsert it to restart the phone correctly: the message doesn't appeared. I tried removing the battery one more time to see if the message apprear when I pull out the battery but it didn't appear. However, there are no reboot since, but I think it is because it appeared tomorrow (27th july), and I have to wait to see if the reboots are still here, but I think yes because of this strange message. Or it may be a pure coincidence?
Please help me with all this strange events! I said all I know!
Finally I solved it by deleting nova launcher. And the pop up is only a simple coincidence!

