Hi all,
Just received notification from Samsung that the SGS3 will NOT be getting any features like the Note 2 has ie. Multi Window, Popup Note or Idea sketch...Shame as they look awesome hope someone can PORT the apps or the Note 2 ROM
Well, I think it shouldn't be that hard to port a Note 2-ROM to the SGS 3, as they're based on nearly the same specs... Would be nice to see some of those features in a custom ROM though
There are already ROMs with the Note 2 gallery and camera, for example.
henrybravo said:
There are already ROMs with the Note 2 gallery and camera, for example.
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indeed but they are problematic for some people, i'd much prefer to see a full ROM port which cant be that difficult as hardware is pretty much identical, although there could be ram issues.
None of features sound that ground breaking. I will stick to the stock ROM + root. Thanks.
Sent from Samsung Galaxy S3
bunglebp said:
Hi all,
Just received notification from Samsung that the SGS3 will NOT be getting any features like the Note 2 has ie. Multi Window, Popup Note or Idea sketch...Shame as they look awesome hope someone can PORT the apps or the Note 2 ROM
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Samsung contacted you personally to tell you this?
Can i get in on that action please?
Well this is obvious they have to make it different you can't expect to get every new feature that they release in they're new flagships
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
What exactly is it that you want to get? The note has a separate sensor on the screen for he stylus so you would get any short cuts or quick notes.
Anything else software related should be available to port.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
kdskamal said:
None of features sound that ground breaking. I will stick to the stock ROM + root. Thanks.
Sent from Samsung Galaxy S3
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Who asked you?
bunglebp said:
Hi all,
Just received notification from Samsung that the SGS3 will NOT be getting any features like the Note 2 has ie. Multi Window, Popup Note or Idea sketch...Shame as they look awesome hope someone can PORT the apps or the Note 2 ROM
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Sooner or later we will all switch to CyanogenMod when Samsung stops updating our phones and newer Android versions released.
When you feature gets ported people say it's awesome, when it dosent people say it's not that good. :banghead:
《swagged from aokp》
tanjiajun_34 said:
Sooner or later we will all switch to CyanogenMod when Samsung stops updating our phones and newer Android versions released.
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and at some point in the future we'll have hoverboards and spangly clothing, so what...
Lol, why would they give you the Note's features on an S3? what's the point of a note then? xD
Cmon, you bought a phone and agreed to have what it had at that point of time, heck samsung doesn't even have to update it (the box had 4.0.4 and you agreed to that.
So be happy and stop complaining.
lets not question the validity of peoples need / want for these features, that's just stupid.
I also want Note 2 features and I have a solution...
I am selling my GS3 and getting Note 2 today
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S III using xda premium
Skander1998 said:
Lol, why would they give you the Note's features on an S3? what's the point of a note then? xD
Cmon, you bought a phone and agreed to have what it had at that point of time, heck samsung doesn't even have to update it (the box had 4.0.4 and you agreed to that.
So be happy and stop complaining.
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What the hell are you doing in this forum then? True curiosity.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
I heard we may be getting it as an ota after jb has rolled out worldwide. It will likely come with the lte and ram upgrade.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
I seem to have this feeling that we're not getting these features due to the lack of RAM (1GB vs 2GB).
IMHO Samsung should have really put 2GB into the GT-I9300...
Hopefully later revisions of the GT-I9300 will have 2GB of RAM. Fat chance but one can wish.
ryanswj said:
I seem to have this feeling that we're not getting these features due to the lack of RAM (1GB vs 2GB).
IMHO Samsung should have really put 2GB into the GT-I9300...
Hopefully later revisions of the GT-I9300 will have 2GB of RAM. Fat chance but one can wish.
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There are already version with 2gb ram n quadcore with Lte
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
da.trute said:
and at some point in the future we'll have hoverboards and spangly clothing, so what...
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Well that depends on how soon it is. Like imagine iPhone 6 is coming out tmr. Will you buy the iPhone 5 now?
Samsung will normally just update 2 Android versions and the update is gone. That is about a year left for Key Lime Pie update I guess. So in the end I really don't mind not having Note 2 features. Plus I don't trust Samsung software features. Samsung is a hardware not a software company.
Do all these new sensors and proprietary software (camera features, gesture features, etc) make it more difficult to develop customs ROMs for the gs4? Or will we just get ROMs that don't use all these new features and sensors
Sent from my aokp_tenderloin using Tapatalk 2
take a look at i9300 sgs3 development section,
then come back here with your findings
If it's anything like the Note 2 you will loss any Samsung tweaks if you go with a non-touchwiz Rom. Even GPS and bluetooth is a little hairy on Aosp or cyanogenmod Roms. But each phone/team working on the Rom is different. I'm actually sticking with a custom touchwiz Rom because I need the reliability for a business trip this upcoming week.
And it will be extreme luck if the IR sensor works without Samsung's framework. The IR port is the one thing I've been dying for to make a come back. I would actually pay $20 for a fully programmable IR app that has the same functionality of one of those expensive Logitech models.
The development scene for Samsung phones has been huge and vibrant. Samsung is nice about keeping things unlocked and releasing source code, and while it may take time for AOSP/CM/AOKP ROM's to be fully functional and stable the S4 will have plenty of custom ROM's in its future.
GGXtreme said:
The development scene for Samsung phones has been huge and vibrant. Samsung is nice about keeping things unlocked and releasing source code, and while it may take time for AOSP/CM/AOKP ROM's to be fully functional and stable the S4 will have plenty of custom ROM's in its future.
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I have no doubt that the S4 will get AOSP/CM/AOKP roms but the OP question was about the sensors. You got temp sensor, IR sensor, hover with finger sensor, and some of the camera tweaks. I don't think those Roms will have the sensor fully functionals. That's the issue I have right now on my Note 2. I love the cleanness of a stock Android Rom but I miss it when a note automatically pops up when the s-pen is removed. And battery life on touchwiz Roms appear to be better. These are choices we're going to have to make.
cdmoore74 said:
...I miss it when a note automatically pops up when the s-pen is removed...
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Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that entirely part of the launcher and TouchWiz apps rather than the ROM?
Piaband said:
Do all these new sensors and proprietary software (camera features, gesture features, etc) make it more difficult to develop customs ROMs for the gs4? Or will we just get ROMs that don't use all these new features and sensors
Sent from my aokp_tenderloin using Tapatalk 2
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I assure you it will be huge and vibrant, for now....
Wait 1 year later.
S3 & Note 2 users will now experience what S2 and Note users experienced for the past year. Total nightmare and hell.
cdmoore74 said:
I have no doubt that the S4 will get AOSP/CM/AOKP roms but the OP question was about the sensors. You got temp sensor, IR sensor, hover with finger sensor, and some of the camera tweaks. I don't think those Roms will have the sensor fully functionals. That's the issue I have right now on my Note 2. I love the cleanness of a stock Android Rom but I miss it when a note automatically pops up when the s-pen is removed. And battery life on touchwiz Roms appear to be better. These are choices we're going to have to make.
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You hit the nail on the head my friend. I am looking to run stock android jelly bean on my next device.
I had a nexus s for my first android phone and I took it for granted how amazingly easy it was to flash not only roms but radios, kernels, basically anything. And I just love stock android.
I am now on an HTC rezound. While I do like it, I sorely miss stock android and flashing away at will. Already had quite a few flashing mishaps.
If I am forced to run touchwiz to use all these new features, then I'm not going to pay attention to the features when choosing my next device.
This wouldn't even be an issue if the LG nexus was released on Verizon.
Ugh, looks like I'm still waiting.
Rezound, s-off, loving it.
Livebyte said:
I assure you it will be huge and vibrant, for now....
Wait 1 year later.
S3 & Note 2 users will now experience what S2 and Note users experienced for the past year. Total nightmare and hell.
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Sent from my s-off Rezound
GGXtreme said:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that entirely part of the launcher and TouchWiz apps rather than the ROM?
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Actually it depends on the feature.. Some of the features see baked into the framework apk others have individual apps... None of them are launcher dependent.. However all of these together make a ROM.. So I don't know you are referring to??
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
---------- Post added at 05:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:31 PM ----------
Piaband said:
Sent from my s-off Rezound
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He means all the devs will fly in droves to the new flagship device leaving the flagship devices of last year stranded..
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
Piaband said:
Sent from my s-off Rezound
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Most experienced developers are leaving Samsung for manufacturers that don't treat them like **** (see the Superbrick fiasco), leaving only the "me-too" smali-hack-kangs and a very small number of experienced competent developers like Andrei.
Quality, not quantity - most of the stuff in the I9100 and I9300 forums is crap, people who took a Touchwizz base, themed it, made some build.prop hacks, and called it a whole new firmware package. They're lucky in that Touchwizz is so bad that it's easy to improve upon it.
Compare to, for example, the Xperia T where there are 5-10 or more developers all contributing as a team to something that only has two threads (One for CM10, one for CM10.1) There aren't many people working with Sony stock firmwares because, honestly, it's REALLY hard to improve upon them because they're so good to begin with. Most of the few things that can be improved are achievable with simple TiBu freezes, no smali hacking required.
I think it'll make AOSP (CM/AOKP) hard to develop but there super people! I'm sure they'll figure it out and help!
However Touchwiz ROM's could be pulled and edited! We won't lose any features/it won't be hard.
Reviewers said:
I think it'll make AOSP (CM/AOKP) hard to develop but there super people! I'm sure they'll figure it out and help!
However Touchwiz ROM's could be pulled and edited! We won't lose any features/it won't be hard.
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Project Butter in Exynos 4210 devices (eg. Note & S2) is still broken until today and will never be solved.
A technically inferior Galaxy Nexus is superior to the Note. Take that for a change.
You have no idea how frustrated and angry are we people targeting Samsung in the Note & S2 forums.
I swore never to buy anymore Exynos devices after this fiasco.
Livebyte said:
Project Butter in Exynos 4210 devices (eg. Note & S2) is still broken until today and will never be solved.
A technically inferior Galaxy Nexus is superior to the Note. Take that for a change.
You have no idea how frustrated and angry are we people targeting Samsung in the Note & S2 forums.
I swore never to buy anymore Exynos devices after this fiasco.
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And the S3 community, count it in. We're fed up with all those broken promises too.
Piaband said:
Do all these new sensors and proprietary software (camera features, gesture features, etc) make it more difficult to develop customs ROMs for the gs4? Or will we just get ROMs that don't use all these new features and sensors
Sent from my aokp_tenderloin using Tapatalk 2
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Only for developers that want to wipe Samsung off the phone. Which I don't understand since most of the new hardware features require drivers Samsung rightfully will not release. For the longest time and to this day you could not get the FM radio to work on CM without buying a $10 Spirit radio app.
I'm sure there will be plenty of developers that will develop deoxed custom ROMs and great kernels with tweaks OCing etc. . Omega already to jump in. The only custom ROM's I've ever used were that of STOCK ROM development where features could be enhanced and drivers would not be a problem. CM always seems to have something missing or not working.
Why buy a Samsung device and then wipe it clean of all the great features? Just buy a Nexus 4
That said. I don't mind running an ASOP ROM on my Nexus 7 I will be glad to get rid of when Samsung releases the 6.5" Note 3.
For many a stock base is good enough with a custom launcher. This is a very very small community. I know at least 12 people with an S 3and 6 with Notes. None of them even want their phones rooted.
Sent from my GT-N7100 using xda premium
The real question I have is.. If the UK and the US get the quad core processor, Which device would have more developers....Exynos or Snapdragon?
Sent from my SGS3 using xda premium
Phoneguy589 said:
The real question I have is.. If the UK and the US get the quad core processor, Which device would have more developers....Exynos or Snapdragon?
Sent from my SGS3 using xda premium
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Snapdragon always gets more aosp... So i assume more serious devs that are still in board will get Qualcomm
trolol and awayyy!! Expect typos this is my phone.
Piaband said:
Do all these new sensors and proprietary software (camera features, gesture features, etc) make it more difficult to develop customs ROMs for the gs4? Or will we just get ROMs that don't use all these new features and sensors
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I think GS4 & Note3 development will be pretty similar to GS2, Note, GS3 and Note2.
AFAIK, for example, the AOSP based ROMs don't really support the S-Pen on the Notes, but that's more app specific.
Cameras have long been, and will likely continue to be a problem. Video capture rates may be lower, features like both cameras, sound in pictures, smart scroll may not be supportable.
As always, for stock features, there will be stock based ROMs. Take your choice, features or AOSP based.
As with all the other Galaxy S class devices, there will be two main variants: International Exynos Octa & US/LTE/Qualcomm. ROMs, XDA forum sections and many issues will be different for each.
I predict that many ROM devs will continue to complain about the lack of Exynos info and source code. But they will develop, as best they can. I'd like to see Samsung open up more, Sony and Qualcomm are better at open-ness.
And there will be at least one other group for the Qualcomm variants; I'd hope the US carrier variants will all be able to run the same ROMs, but previous experience is different I guess.
tbong777 said:
For the longest time and to this day you could not get the FM radio to work on CM without buying a $10 Spirit radio app.
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1st post of my thread has links to free versions, as well as free alphas of Spirit2, with digital audio features for Galaxy S class devices.
I hope the proposed Android FM API will see success and provide more options.
howtomen said:
Snapdragon always gets more aosp... So i assume more serious devs that are still in board will get Qualcomm
trolol and awayyy!! Expect typos this is my phone.
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Only reason I ask is that the i9300 get newer software updates vs the 8747 or t999. I was recently dead set on getting the i9500 but now it well be based more on development. The the ir blaster won't work km cm or aosp as it doesn't work on the note 10.1...Only touch wiz. Not really a big deal to me but I was Curtis as th where most devs are from that usually get the international ones. LTE to me means is reach my data cap sooner so hsdpa+ is plenty quick got me.
Sent from my SGS3 using xda premium
Entropy512 said:
Most experienced developers are leaving Samsung for manufacturers that don't treat them like **** (see the Superbrick fiasco), leaving only the "me-too" smali-hack-kangs and a very small number of experienced competent developers like Andrei.
Quality, not quantity - most of the stuff in the I9100 and I9300 forums is crap, people who took a Touchwizz base, themed it, made some build.prop hacks, and called it a whole new firmware package. They're lucky in that Touchwizz is so bad that it's easy to improve upon it.
Compare to, for example, the Xperia T where there are 5-10 or more developers all contributing as a team to something that only has two threads (One for CM10, one for CM10.1) There aren't many people working with Sony stock firmwares because, honestly, it's REALLY hard to improve upon them because they're so good to begin with. Most of the few things that can be improved are achievable with simple TiBu freezes, no smali hacking required.
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Yeah, I guess that's just for exynos based galaxy devices. My US S2 Variant has several 4.2.2 aosp roms. Aokp, cm10.1, pac, slim, rootbox etc. I assume the USA s4 will be similar.
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda app-developers app
We should send many messages to customer service.
I will share links and all who is with me?
Sent from my GT-I9500 using xda app-developers app
They're not going to push out an update cause of some messages. They know you'll keep your device either way and its their way of making money
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
KitKat is awesome ... but ..
morell2 said:
We should send many messages to customer service.
I will share links and all who is with me?
Sent from my GT-I9500 using xda app-developers app
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You know , more than kitkat , I feel samsung should fix all the bugs , which to my surprise they are doing it in full force looking at the number of updates on .
I have an S4 .. it got updated to kitkat , but honestly dint feel much of a difference as it was running smoothly before too .
So yeh , bug fixes first priority , according to me .. cuz in the end its the apps that you are gona use the most and they should perform flawlessly first
Im tired of hearing about kitkat....its really nothing special....its not a big deal. Get over will come, and when it does...then what?
suzook said:
Im tired of hearing about kitkat....its really nothing special....its not a big deal. Get over will come, and when it does...then what?
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Exactly lol people are becoming obsessive. You'll get it when ya get it. And when ya do, you'll start complaining about what ya don't like and raving about what you do, and then asking for the next update in a month.
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
I don't even like Kitkats Lol
Sent from my SM-P600 using XDA Premium HD app
Lmao!!! Me neither. I like jelly beans a lot more... Speaking of which, gotta get some easter candy soon
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
hpblze said:
You know , more than kitkat , I feel samsung should fix all the bugs
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This. I'd prefer a perfectly stable and bug free 4.3 to a buggy 4.4 any day.
Samsung's been showing M-UX as a N10.1-14 feature for over a month. That means people buying it should expect it to be there. Rather than call or write *****ing about wanting KitKat call or write asking where to find M-UX because it's shown as a feature and you can't find it on your device. M-UX is listed on Samsung's global N10.1-14 microsite and for the Canada, UK, India, and Australia regional sites. You'll get further complaining about the absence of something Samsung's described as a feature on their websites than wanting the next Android version update faster.
BarryH_GEG said:
Samsung's been showing M-UX as a N10.1-14 feature for over a month. That means people buying it should expect it to be there. Rather than call or write *****ing about wanting KitKat call or write asking where to find M-UX because it's shown as a feature and you can't find it on your device. M-UX is listed on Samsung's global N10.1-14 microsite and for the Canada, UK, India, and Australia regional sites. You'll get further complaining about the absence of something Samsung's described as a feature on their websites than wanting the next Android version update faster.
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Thousand times this!!! I asked this to my local Samsung, they told me they look in to this.
BarryH_GEG said:
Samsung's been showing M-UX as a N10.1-14 feature for over a month. That means people buying it should expect it to be there. Rather than call or write *****ing about wanting KitKat call or write asking where to find M-UX because it's shown as a feature and you can't find it on your device. M-UX is listed on Samsung's global N10.1-14 microsite and for the Canada, UK, India, and Australia regional sites. You'll get further complaining about the absence of something Samsung's described as a feature on their websites than wanting the next Android version update faster.
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Maybe that's why the update is taking so long to be released. Some of the Note Pro features being ported over. Me personally the feature I would like the most is Hancom office and 4 multiwindow support. If we get those in the update them all good.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
ProFresh4 said:
Maybe that's why the update is taking so long to be released. Some of the Note Pro features being ported over. Me personally the feature I would like the most is Hancom office and 4 multiwindow support. If we get those in the update them all good.
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The Tab|Pro 10.1 doesn't have four window Multi-View so I doubt we'll get it. I also doubt we'll get the distinct "Pro" features; especially Hancom Office. Samsung screwed up by not making the N10.1-14 the first of the Pro series (Note|Pro 10.1) even if it launched the way we have it with the Pro features added later via a Premium Suite when the other Pros were launched. I'm betting all we get is 4.4, the freshened TW interface, updates to Samsung's stock apps, and M-UX.
Somewhere between CES and launch M-UX was castrated so the choice of widgets for it is pretty slim and the ability to use tiles to launch non-M-UX apps is missing. I'll probably use the one mandatory M-UX page as a news feed and keep the rest of my set-up exactly how I have it. I'm one of those that got Hancom before they asked XDA to pull it and all the other Pro features except e-Meeting (which requires another Pro device to work) are available on XDA or the Internet. The only things I'm looking forward to are the fluidity and battery life improvements in 4.4 and the freshened TW interface. But I haven't had some of the issues others complain about so either I have lower standards than everyone else or I'm just lucky. I've been using a 4.4 stock ROM on my N3 for almost two months and aesthetically and feature wise there's very little different from 4.3. I expect our 4.4 update will be pretty similar in that regard.
GalaxyNotesTx said:
I don't even like Kitkats Lol
Sent from my SM-P600 using XDA Premium HD app
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What! KitKats are awesome. Well maybe not the Chuncky versions but the normal KitKats are amazing esp with hot chocolate. Sorry had to comment - Hate on OS KitKat if you will but I wont accept people hating actual KitKat chocolate hahaha
Back to the topic....I think I will hate 4.4 thanks to this stupid SD Card malarky :thumbdown:
Sent from Galaxy Note 10.1 2014 Edition via Tapatalk.
To the person who said they had a samsung s4 with kitkat on what networks this on
i am in uk on o2 and still have not had the update
simo0151 said:
To the person who said they had a samsung s4 with kitkat on what networks this on
i am in uk on o2 and still have not had the update
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I'm on Sprint and my S4 was updated to KitKat a couple of weeks ago.
simo0151 said:
To the person who said they had a samsung s4 with kitkat on what networks this on
i am in uk on o2 and still have not had the update
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l'm on AT&T and have had KK for a month or so.
my friend S4 i9500 has some problem after installed official 4.4.2 update
I don't understand why some people think that the magazine ux advertised for our device has anything to do with the new magazine ux which is made for the PRO devices.
Our device has already a magazine ux, which you can find if you swipe from home button - up. No more no less.
After owning 3 Samsung devices i have learned that If you expect to get the latest software from Samsung then you'll be highly disappointed.
So to summarize... At some point within 9 months we'll get the 4.4.2 which will contain zero interface changes except from the white battery and the camera in the lock screen. That's it.
Sent from my GT-I9505 using xda app-developers app
Touchwiz Fatigue
Lympe said:
At some point within 9 months we'll get the 4.4.2 which will contain zero interface changes except from the white battery and the camera in the lock screen. That's it.
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I'm hoping we at least get the option for multiple user accounts.
Getting this tablet has made me remember how much Touchwiz suffocates some genuinely useful features while giving you a tonne of gimmicks and a few usable features that you could easily replicate with a few apps and full control of your device.
I think if multi user accounts gets left out in the update I won't be worrying too much about tripping knox.
Not sure how they can cry foul when people have paid some decent $ and they're the one that have crippled a far better OS.
Lympe said:
I don't understand why some people think that the magazine ux advertised for our device has anything to do with the new magazine ux which is made for the PRO devices.
Our device has already a magazine ux, which you can find if you swipe from home button - up. No more no less.
After owning 3 Samsung devices i have learned that If you expect to get the latest software from Samsung then you'll be highly disappointed.
So to summarize... At some point within 9 months we'll get the 4.4.2 which will contain zero interface changes except from the white battery and the camera in the lock screen. That's it.
Sent from my GT-I9505 using xda app-developers app
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We do not have the magazine ux. All we have is the MyMagazine App. We just have to wait... We will see
Gesendet von meinem GT-I9505 mit Tapatalk
I am quite new to the forums but I am just wondering if CM is coming to this device... seeing as installing CM11 on my mother's Galaxy S3 and it works super duper fast, the Tab 4 Lags with touchwiz...
ladarkphoenix said:
I am quite new to the forums but I am just wondering if CM is coming to this device... seeing as installing CM11 on my mother's Galaxy S3 and it works super duper fast, the Tab 4 Lags with touchwiz...
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Probably not. This devices are not so popular and all good devs have a Nexus 7 or 9. So Id bet this tabs wont get cm11 or 12 or anything but a debloated stock rom.
What is your device?
MarckozZ said:
Probably not. This devices are not so popular and all good devs have a Nexus 7 or 9. So Id bet this tabs wont get cm11 or 12 or anything but a debloated stock rom.
What is your device?
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T230NU, I really need a langauge pack on this device since my mom doesn't quite understand English.. Russian would be good
Thats upsetting considering they had CM working on a little crappy Huawei phone, but wont do it for a samsung tablet...
It depends on the devs. We got so lucky that some devs owned the tab s and made a unoffical build of cm11 and aphla build of cm12. I own a tab s and are lucky to have cm11 on this device.
If a talented Dev applied himself it is possible but mostly the issue is our chip set is hard to work with. The tab s wasn't.
Sent from my XT907 using XDA Free mobile app
i bought a SM-T530 today, first tablet but had many android phones (htc desire, s2, s3, htc m8 and so on) and rooted/rom on all of them.
impulse bought this tab 4 tablet expecting good things due to the fact its a samsung tab series and just expected there would be a scene of roms for these samsung tablets! boy was i wrong.
very dissapointed i bought this tablet now considering i cant even find an aosp rom for it at the moment.
first time i have not researched a device. i burnt myself big time. im never a fan of stock roms. :crying:
will keep an eye on these forums for roms. hoping someone does an aosp rom of some kind for it.
mrkhigh said:
If a talented Dev applied himself it is possible but mostly the issue is our chip set is hard to work with. The tab s wasn't.
Sent from my XT907 using XDA Free mobile app
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Yes. I do not think the Tab 4 chipsets are exynos. Our tab s are exynos which is probaly why some devs who dont own this tablet still makes kernels and roms.
roamin said:
i bought a SM-T530 today, first tablet but had many android phones (htc desire, s2, s3, htc m8 and so on) and rooted/rom on all of them.
impulse bought this tab 4 tablet expecting good things due to the fact its a samsung tab series and just expected there would be a scene of roms for these samsung tablets! boy was i wrong.
very dissapointed i bought this tablet now considering i cant even find an aosp rom for it at the moment.
first time i have not researched a device. i burnt myself big time. im never a fan of stock roms. :crying:
will keep an eye on these forums for roms. hoping someone does an aosp rom of some kind for it.
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Yeah, my niece got a tab 4 for christmas, and I was helping her out with it, since I'm the "tech" guy. I was pretty disappointed with it, to be honest. It made me really appreciate my nexus.
So far only real gripe I have is lack of brightness sensor... Amazed they left that off.
Sent from my XT907 using XDA Free mobile app
DUHAsianSKILLZ said:
Yes. I do not think the Tab 4 chipsets are exynos. Our tab s are exynos which is probaly why some devs who dont own this tablet still makes kernels and roms.
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Exynos are even more a pain than this tablet.
mrkhigh said:
So far only real gripe I have is lack of brightness sensor... Amazed they left that off.
Sent from my XT907 using XDA Free mobile app
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Yeah, same here. And the non lighted software keys are kind of annoying when using the tab in the dark like I am right now.
antiseen said:
Yeah, same here. And the non lighted software keys are kind of annoying when using the tab in the dark like I am right now.
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completely agree. not sure why they did that.
Not an exynos in t230. Its marvell pxa1088 Which is a four core similar to the dual core in tab 3 7 inch
Sent from my SM-T230NU using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Maybe create a petition on porting cyanogenmod to tab 4?
the sm-t23x is going to hit the same wall that the tab 3 7.0 hit because of the marvell situation.
although, from the effort with the tab 3 7, there may be new knowledge available marvell wise for working
with the tab 4 7.
I would recommend getting to work on it over waiting for someone else to do it. :good:
Hi everyone. I was just chatting with a Samsung Representative and he/she has confirmed lollipop for the SM-P600 (at least in the US) very soon!
I have attached a screenshot of the conversation as proof of this exciting news.
I am sure Lollipop is coming to the SM-P60X devices eventually, but I would take the word of a lowest-level web support tech who is likely reading from a fill-in-the-blanks style script with SEVERAL grains of salt.
It will come when it comes.
The man stated that lollipop has been released for some versions already, which isn't true. It will come but there is no guarantee it will be soon as this guy in the chat doesn't seem to have a clue.
Out of curiosity: why is there so much interest in Lollipop for this tablet? I have Lollipop on my phone and 7 inch tablet, and KitKat on two of my Samsung tablets and I haven't noticed any features I'm missing on the Samsung tablets. Lollipop seems only slightly different, and I don't know if I can say it's any better. Am I missing some feature that would improve our Samsung tablet usage experience?
Sent from my SM-P600 using XDA Premium HD app
kisrita said:
Out of curiosity: why is there so much interest in Lollipop for this tablet? I have Lollipop on my phone and 7 inch tablet, and KitKat on two of my Samsung tablets and I haven't noticed any features I'm missing on the Samsung tablets. Lollipop seems only slightly different, and I don't know if I can say it's any better. Am I missing some feature that would improve our Samsung tablet usage experience?
Sent from my SM-P600 using XDA Premium HD app
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Leaner TouchWiz among others...
I think Samsung's history is that newer TouchWiz versions only ship with new products, I don't recall them shipping new TW versions on older devices - i.e. most likely TouchWiz will remain at the current functionality level even with the Lollipop update on the Note 2014.
Given how buggy Lollipop is/was - I almost want them to either go straight to M or at the very least get us 5.1.1. (Moto G Alarm did not sound today due to messy and buggy downtime settings - no thanks Lollipop!)
blinkingled said:
I think Samsung's history is that newer TouchWiz versions only ship with new products, I don't recall them shipping new TW versions on older devices - i.e. most likely TouchWiz will remain at the current functionality level even with the Lollipop update on the Note 2014.
Given how buggy Lollipop is/was - I almost want them to either go straight to M or at the very least get us 5.1.1. (Moto G Alarm did not sound today due to messy and buggy downtime settings - no thanks Lollipop!)
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Not sure 5.1.1 is good enough. I have that on my phone and its performing worse than on the earlier lollipop versions. Could be a sign I need to upgrade my phone, but I think lollipop needs more work. Though I also think Samsung Touchwiz needs a lot of work too...
Sent from my Nexus 4 using XDA Premium HD app
Yeah 5.1.1 is terrible with the s6, still has memory leak, ram management problems.. I'll stick to cm12 on my tablet
Sent from my SM-P600 using XDA Free mobile app
tylerholbrook said:
Yeah 5.1.1 is terrible with the s6, still has memory leak, ram management problems.. I'll stick to cm12 on my tablet
Sent from my SM-P600 using XDA Free mobile app
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Lolipop on Tab S actually made it faster than ever whilst letting it use less ram. I think that our version would be closer to what was released on Tab S than S6
Stevethegreat said:
Lolipop on Tab S actually made it faster than ever whilst letting it use less ram. I think that our version would be closer to what was released on Tab S than S6
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Errm not really. Yeah its smooth and all that but multitasking and switching apps is where it is absolutely terrible. I own the Tab S and only the scrolling lag and a few things are better. Ram usage is a ton higher and is terrible on lollipop.
DUHAsianSKILLZ said:
Errm not really. Yeah its smooth and all that but multitasking and switching apps is where it is absolutely terrible. I own the Tab S and only the scrolling lag and a few things are better. Ram usage is a ton higher and is terrible on lollipop.
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I don't own one but I played with one running lollipop and it felt quite a lot faster/smoother than my Note 10.1 even when a new Rom was installed which I thought as weird given that they run the same hardware. Also checked Ram consumption after booting and it was 500-600 MB less as compared to my my Note's...
Of course all this may change after extended use. For example due to the ram bug that exists on many lollipop setups ram may go out of the window pretty fast. In which case performance may/will follow. But my initial experience was exactly that (as compared to KitKat): way more mature drivers.
Here's hoping -then- with all that extra time that Samsung put into it would fix any bug that lollipop brought to all other of her devices before releasing lollipop to our device.
The multitasking lag is a Google issue not something we can help. I would say that my Tab S is lightning quick now.
I sometimes wonder how google can **** up stuff like that, also the memory leak etc. I mean they are probably the richest company in the world and they hire the most intelligent people. And half the world will use their OS on multiple devices. IMHO they should only release new versions when they are sure that now big bugs are still present.
Lollipop definitely speeds this device up. I'm running the P905 port at the moment and it's awesomely snappy.
Any thoughts on gaining root access on Lollipop after updating?
My S4 had to root before updating and install a special update version...
Shanghai.Knight said:
Any thoughts on gaining root access on Lollipop after updating?
My S4 had to root before updating and install a special update version...
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I use a P905 port of Lollipop on my P605 and hadn't any problems to maintain root. Flashed Rom and twrp with odin, then Supersu via recovery.
Svartsyn333 said:
I use a P905 port of Lollipop on my P605 and hadn't any problems to maintain root. Flashed Rom and twrp with odin, then Supersu via recovery.
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I hope they port it to p600
Sent from my SM-P600 using Tapatalk
demmo81 said:
I hope they port it to p600
Sent from my SM-P600 using Tapatalk
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Most likely not, you guys always seem to forget that P600 and P605 have totally different processors.
I, personally, do not like Lollipop on my Nexus 7. I do like KitKat on my Note 4.
What I'd really like to have KitKat on my US Note 10.1 (I have 4.4.2 and it says no other updates available). I haven't found anything in these forums about the US 4.4.3 or 4.4.4, but maybe I missed them.
peaceridge said:
I, personally, do not like Lollipop on my Nexus 7. I do like KitKat on my Note 4.
What I'd really like to have KitKat on my US Note 10.1 (I have 4.4.2 and it says no other updates available). I haven't found anything in these forums about the US 4.4.3 or 4.4.4, but maybe I missed them.
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It's not about lollipop. It's about the upgraded sources and drivers. To this day even the hardware of this tablet (espec the exynos version) goes untapped. Android version 5.0 would be a side-effect, the real "star" would be tapping more of the resources of the tablet.
See here:
These guys are running the same hardware as us but their (official) lollipop based Roms caused their tablets to ... take flight. Basically that's what many of us wait, more optimization.
I mean we can have (some of) it by using AOSP but then we lose proper MultiWindow and Pen Support. An official Lollipop release solves all...