Yesterday, my nexus 10 got down to 18% battery, so I plugged it in to the pogo plug and all of a sudden it dropped to 0%. I had noticed the area around the camera was unusually warm/hot most of the day when I was using it And just dismissed it as overerly active graphics. I mean really noticeably hot and the couple times I checked (using battery widget pro) the battery temp was approx. 98-99 degrees.
After plugging it in, I checked battery usage in android 4.4 settings. It shows that Google goggles had used 50% of the battery while my display only used 25%!
The thing is, I haven't used Google goggles in months! I may have tried it a couple times a few months ago, but just started the n10 with a fresh restart a day ago. The only photo app I recall using was the n10's photo gallery. Is it possible that gallery was loading it?
I checked running apps, and it had 3 goggles associated services running. I also checked in running/recent apps, it was not listed as a current app! But it did show up as running in the apps/settings menu? Not sure why they were running, but the app was using more battery than the n10's display was. So I uninstalled goggles and rebooted. So far, today, there is no heat coming off my tablet (temp is 84-85 for the past couple hours), battery use seems normal.
Is that normal for goggles to use that much battery? Some setting I have set to make goggles load and keep running services? Goggles should not use more battery than my display? (When I never started it?)
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metaled222 said:
Yesterday, my nexus 10 got down to 18% battery, so I plugged it in to the pogo plug and all of a sudden it dropped to 0%. I had noticed the area around the camera was unusually warm/hot most of the day when I was using it And just dismissed it as overerly active graphics. I mean really noticeably hot and the couple times I checked (using battery widget pro) the battery temp was approx. 98-99 degrees.
After plugging it in, I checked battery usage in android 4.4 settings. It shows that Google goggles had used 50% of the battery while my display only used 25%!
The thing is, I haven't used Google goggles in months! I may have tried it a couple times a few months ago, but just started the n10 with a fresh restart a day ago. The only photo app I recall using was the n10's photo gallery. Is it possible that gallery was loading it?
I checked running apps, and it had 3 goggles associated services running. I also checked in running/recent apps, it was not listed as a current app! But it did show up as running in the apps/settings menu? Not sure why they were running, but the app was using more battery than the n10's display was. So I uninstalled goggles and rebooted. So far, today, there is no heat coming off my tablet (temp is 84-85 for the past couple hours), battery use seems normal.
Is that normal for goggles to use that much battery? Some setting I have set to make goggles load and keep running services? Goggles should not use more battery than my display? (When I never started it?)
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This is a weird issue, somehow you the Google Goggles app was running in background, and as it uses camera, the battery used is very high and the device can be very hot. I don't know why it was running in background, but as you said you never uses it, then I guess there's no problem leaving it uninstalled.
If you want to reinstall the app and the problem persists, then you can share a screenshot of what was running (the Goggles Processes I mean), this is not something that should happen...
"Time is too short to cry, long enough to try." - March of Time (Helloween)
Sent from my KitKat Nexus 10
I recently got a replacement for one of my Nexus 4s and I'm having horrible battery life.
The battery monitor app built into the stock android does not seem to help much when it comes to monitoring battery life.
There is no way to reset the information, so that one can properly calculate whether applying certain setting/app changes have effected battery life or not.
As of now; It shows the "Screen" as using 38% of the battery, and "Phone Idle" as 14%.
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I'm not sure how this is possible, as the phone has hardly been used since I received the replacement 4 days ago.
I've been avoiding using it, while waiting for the screen protectors to arrive.
How is it possible that the Screen percentage is greater than the Phone Idle? I assuming something is preventing the screen from turning off... but whenever I glance at the phone sitting on my desk the screen is always black..
Not sure what could be causing the phone to not put the screen to sleep, as I have only installed 2 apps.. Apex Launcher and Google Voice.
Apex Launcher is not even running (at least not as the default launcher). Also I've only used the phone to make 4 short phone calls, totaling 45 min.
When looking at the graph (inside the battery app) it shows the Screen On more than Awake.
Anyone have any Ideas?? Or should I send this replacement back due to poor battery?
And does anyone know how to reset the data in the Batter Monitor app, so that I can test changes?
Come to the conclusion that Apex might be the 'cause of the battery drain.
I removed Apex (Pro), powered off the phone, and charged to 100% (Atleast thats what the phone said) Powered on, then powered back off and placed back on charger... Phone has been off the Charger, Powered on for 24+hrs now and I'm getting a 78% batter reading..
Screen: 8%
Phone Idle: 19%
Stats as they should be.
So it seems Apex was preventing the screen from going into "sleep" mode..
Which is a shame, because there goes the Homescreen I worked hard on..
Give nova a try.
kenhicg said:
Give nova a try.
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I tried Nova, even have the Pro version.. It doesn't seem to want to play nice with the Single Screen Wallpaper I made in photoshop..
Maybe I'm just missing a setting somewhere.. Will try again.
Apex has nothing to do with "putting the screen to sleep" if the screen is off it is off.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
I have the same issue, though.
Save for Later
UberSlackr said:
Come to the conclusion that Apex might be the 'cause of the battery drain.
I removed Apex (Pro), powered off the phone, and charged to 100% (Atleast thats what the phone said) Powered on, then powered back off and placed back on charger... Phone has been off the Charger, Powered on for 24+hrs now and I'm getting a 78% batter reading..
Screen: 8%
Phone Idle: 19%
Stats as they should be.
So it seems Apex was preventing the screen from going into "sleep" mode..
Which is a shame, because there goes the Homescreen I worked hard on..
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Just backup the homescreen that you made, and report the problem to Apex's developers. If they fixed it, you could put it back on =)
btw is it the homescreen shown on your signature?
So. I tried updating from CM10.2 to CM11 a few months ago and I encountered a whole mess of wakelock issues that utterly destroyed any semblance of battery life. Compared to 10.2, I literally got half the battery life I was getting, which was not acceptable as a normal day of average usage on 10.2 would end me around 50% and a heavy-use day would have me around 30%. Losing half my battery life is simply not an option.
Using BetterBatteryStats, I discovered that the browser and Google Play Services were both generating absurd numbers of wakelocks via NlpCollectorWakelock. Turning off location services "fixed" this, but also disabled all location services. Not a real useful solution for someone who actually uses location services, especially since there's no "fast" way to enable location services and GPS all at once from location completely off.
This was annoying enough, but then I noticed as well that I was getting another wakelock when on wifi: msm_hsic_host. This didn't happen every time, but it seemed to be entirely linked to using wifi. Again, like the location services wakelocks, this conspired to murder battery life. Rebooting seemed to clear this one, but the fact that it exists at all in CM11 (and does not happen ever in CM10.2) is causing me a problem in that I have to allow wifi to turn itself off when the phone sleeps. This uses less battery than getting stupid wakelocks but not less than simply leaving wifi on all the time in CM10.2. So that's annoying.
These issues conspired to kill my battery life so thoroughly that I flashed back to CM10.2 and everything was fine, but Kitkat brings a lot of great things that I really don't want to give up. So I tried installing CM11 again, this time using the M6 snapshot release. At first, everything was pretty cool and I didn't see any unusual wakelocks, but after a few days, the wakelocks returned. All of the same ones from the nightly I used back in March!
NlpCollectorWakelock on both the Browser and Google Play Services, and msm_hsic_host whenever using wifi. The gremlins were back and my battery started going fast.
This time I tried a few things to help and managed to kill the NlpCollectorWakelock issues simply by using App Ops to prevent Play Services and the Browser from ever being allowed to create a wakelock. That actually worked really, really well to kill those wakelocks and any others (I don't see any reason why either application would need to wakelock my device other than to phone home to Google and tell them where the phone is, and my tests have borne this out, though occasionally the restricted apps will force-close when I wake the phone from sleep).
However, this didn't stop the msm_hsic_host kernel wakelocks. I can't stop them other than by either not using wifi at all (not an option) or allowing the device to power the wifi radio off when the device is asleep, or simply dealing with msm_hsic_host wakelocks when they appear, rebooting the device whenever I catch them. For now this is what I'm doing, letting the device power off my wifi radio, but it's annoying because my signal at home is bad and I sometimes miss notifications when in certain rooms of my apartment due to dropped cell signal.
Anyway, I don't really want to have to go back to CM10.2 again. But having my battery randomly slaughtered by msm_hsic_host wakelocks are making it somewhat less useful. I had this wakelock hit me tonight and for five hours the phone was awake when it should have been asleep for four hours and fifty minutes... and I dropped from 75% to 55% battery in that five hours. That's absolutely crippling.
Some things are attached below--unfortunately I didn't take screenshots of BetterBatteryStats before rebooting and the log doesn't stick around after reboots in Kitkat like it did in 4.3.
Device Stats:
ROM: CyanogenMod 11 M6 release
Kernel: Stock CM11 kernel
Radio: .33/.98 hybrid radio (LTE enabled)
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I find the OPT's battery life to be pretty disappointing, and a bit inconsistent over time.
I rooted and installed Amplify with some pretty aggressive settings. I have also tried Powernap, but disabled it when I saw it had very little impact.
Below are today's stats for my battery, which is just about 20% after 13 hours of moderate use.
It looks to me like wakelock should be under control (1% of battery in GSAM), but why is the phone awake so often then? Plus there was some odd GPS behavior: what is your opinion on this?
I hope I am not breaking any rules. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
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You're not reading the GSam stats properly, your wakelocks are almost equal to your screen time, and like 28% of your screen off time.. Not good. Your awake time percentage is roughly three times what mine is. You may have a kernel wakelock rather than apps causing problems but can't tell without wakelock detector or similar.
Sent from my A0001 using Tapatalk
Thanks, will try wakelock detector and report back
Can't confirm your disappointment...
In my opinion it's OK to have roundabout 2,5h DOT and last half battery with an Lollipop rom
Wow, wakelock detector revealed a massive drain from the fingerprint scanner... Probably due to the fact that I keep the phone in my pocket with no case, so it turns on very frequently only to "read" my thigh through the fabric.
I tried disabling fingerprint scanner and had immediate benefits on standby time. I wonder if this means I will be unable to ever use this great feature, or if sensitivity will be adjusted in future OTAs.
Screen on time remains rather poor though, or at least a far cry from the 5 hours everyone else seems to get.
My battery with screen off goes down 52% after 2 days. Have 2.1, latest custom kernel,greenify + amplify. the culprit is mobile standby as there are parts of house with bad reception. airplane mode not an option
Last night I tested battery drainage overnight from around 11pm to 7am.
I lost 3% total.
I set the phone to LTE (WiFi off) and disabled Auto-Sync Data under Accounts.
3% overnight is not bad IMHO.
Hi guys,
The standby time on OPT is very bad, however if I use it I get amazing SOT.
I am gettng these 2 kernel wakelocks in OPT, qpnp_fg_memaccess & qpnp_fg_update_sram.
These are always in top 3 wakelocks. I tried to search about them but could not find anything.
Can anyone tell me what are these and why do they occur and how can i avoid them?
Donaroriak said:
Wow, wakelock detector revealed a massive drain from the fingerprint scanner... Probably due to the fact that I keep the phone in my pocket with no case, so it turns on very frequently only to "read" my thigh through the fabric.
I tried disabling fingerprint scanner and had immediate benefits on standby time. I wonder if this means I will be unable to ever use this great feature, or if sensitivity will be adjusted in future OTAs.
Screen on time remains rather poor though, or at least a far cry from the 5 hours everyone else seems to get.
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So ... why don't you keep it somewhere else? Or put it in a flip case? That would be an easy remedy without sacrificing usability too much. I never really get it why people deliberately expose their thighs and possibly also their reproductive organs to so much radio waves ... or keep their mobile connection activated over night ...
Actually I have solved this by always pocketing the phone with the screen facing away
I am using Sky dragon ROM and Boeflla v18
Used 70 % battery in 23 hours with around 6 Hrs active. so it is good. Mostly Used in real racing 3 and asphalt. Plus I am running several xposed mods and Layers Themes
Hello everyone is someone experiencing battery drain after updating to MM. Today at 9am my battery was 100% after 4 hours without using my phone droped to 53% i dont think that's normal when i looked to details the majority was drained by Android system over 70%.
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Sent from my ASUS_Z00AD using XDA-Developers mobile app
kalicci said:
Hello everyone is someone experiencing battery drain after updating to MM. Today at 9am my battery was 100% after 4 hours without using my phone droped to 53% i dont think that's normal when i looked to details the majority was drained by Android system over 70%.
Sent from my ASUS_Z00AD using XDA-Developers mobile app
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I do not have that battery drain problem. In fact battery usage appears lesser than lolli. I saw some people complain about the battery drain though.
When I upgrade MM from Lolli I did clear the cache.
When I installed MM 2nd time, I did the factory reset.
In MM, Asus drops a couple of apps and add some apps that could work with MM. (I do really miss the asus mail which is no long compatible with MM)
MM has autostart manager please use it to prevent autostarting the apps that you do not use.
Also go to the app manager and disable the apps that you are not using.
That is what I did.
Do a clean wipe and see if issue still persists.
Did you disable Asus mobile manager? I did because I hate its addition to the notification bar. When I did this my battery life became awful. I then enabled Mobile Manager and my battery life is fine again (I just have to deal with the notification).
After MM official update
I found out how to reduce the memory and battery drain. Go to setting and location, click on menu on your top right corner then scanning, uncheck wifi and Bluetooth scanning! It save another 10%
Also battery problem here battery only get me one day with Android OS at 55% usage, report it already as bug cause even if the system is new without user apps it still persist for me, something woke up the phone all the time.
I disabled Locations, re-add g-account, disabled G+, and also Facebook Crap. Sad that I'm not rooted, to have a deeper look into it, but I have to send phone to service next month cause the vibration'engine' is dead. just found out that BetterBatteryStats work without root only with adb...
Attached a Screenshot right after a full load. Post second if it's empty.
After installing BBS and could watched at the stats I found the OSPM Wakelock as highest in my stats.... But why my battery is so fast drained if I'm not using the phone
With me also. I use skype like an our a day, and last night i noticed that it went from 97% to 30% in that hour. When i was on LP, it usually dropped to like 60%.
I did a factory reset before rooting the device.
sway8966 said:
I do not have that battery drain problem. In fact battery usage appears lesser than lolli. I saw some people complain about the battery drain though.
When I upgrade MM from Lolli I did clear the cache.
When I installed MM 2nd time, I did the factory reset.
In MM, Asus drops a couple of apps and add some apps that could work with MM. (I do really miss the asus mail which is no long compatible with MM)
MM has autostart manager please use it to prevent autostarting the apps that you do not use.
Also go to the app manager and disable the apps that you are not using.
That is what I did.
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yup same here now i hav double the battery life i had cm 13 and i was rooted the battery was horrorble but i unrooted and went back to stock and updated and its much better
I switch off wifi and Bluetooth scanning and battery life improves significantly but yet it did Not last for 1 day.
timbernot said:
After MM official update
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Managed another 17 minutes more than the 5hrs 46 mins sot a couple of nights after with adjusted brightness
I`d also like to add the MM official was sideloaded from .184
What the heck. I'm on pure nexus , custom elementalx kernel and some tweaks here and there , and this afternoon I was driving of the highway and felt that my phone was getting a bit hot , as if it was on. Looked at the screen and nothing , it was off , nothing was running. After like , 1 hours , I came back home , looked at my phone and the battery was like on 30% , when I was previously on 50 some .. Just look at this graphic and tell me what you think of this. I force stopped the app from running , cleaned the cache and data. What's going on with Google app ?
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Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
When the chart started going down , is when the Google app was running . Lol , didn't even opened it today , why was it draining this much battery ? I was maybe on almost 75% , was testing my battery , mas having good results , but now , WTF Google
Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
Go into Settings / Accounts / Google and see if it shows any sync errors. You also might want to disable sync for any services that you don't use.
I have the same problem with the recent 7.1.2 beta update. The phone doesn't last for more than 4 hours in idle (stand by) state.
rahul.r said:
I have the same problem with the recent 7.1.2 beta update. The phone doesn't last for more than 4 hours in idle (stand by) state.
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Ok, do you know what is draining your battery...Google App? On my phone in just over 6 hours Google App has only used 1% battery, calculated at 20 mAh. Assuming you have a known good battery (eg. capacity >85%) it may be time for a factory reset? If you don't know what state your battery is in, try running Accubattery for a few days to get an estimated capacity of the battery vs. design. I'm running 7.1.2 Beta 2 and only losing 0.3%/hour (standby overnight) per BBS. Lost 3% battery last night over 9 hours. Stock ROM, rooted, EX kernel. My battery shows 97% capacity using Accubattery.
I had very poor battery life on 7.1.2 on the stock kernel unrooted and ended up rooting and going back to a custom Rom and kernel. I don't suppose you checked the stock kernel settings before flashing ExKernel? Stock based Roms based on the latest Google images have been reporting bad battery drain. I think Google has started using default kernel settings that are causing battery drain and if you aren't rooted and using a custom kernel there's nothing you can do about it.
I have no battery problem after flashing factory 7.1.2 DP2 including factory reset. Quite the opposite actually. All sync, backup, high precision localisation, Google photos , etc.. enabled. And most of the time on 3G or LTE.