[Q] T-Mobile 4G LTE on the I9505G? - Galaxy S 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

My friend and I are on the same carrier (T-mobile) and own the same type of phone, he has the T-Mobile S4 and I the GPE S4 (I9505G, I think?). I have the same quoted data plan as him from a pre-existing family plan and am supposed to be receiving 4G LTE service. We are both at the same location and his status bar reads LTE and mine only H (for what I assume is only HSPA(+)).
Does the GPE S4 truly not have the LTE band(s) necessary to cover T-Mo's LTE network, is this just a difference in software/labels or is this something I have to go to T-Mobile and get upgraded on my plan?
Please don't flame/troll for I am but a lowly n00b to this topic.

...or am I just pissin' in the wind.

Smalls_ said:
...or am I just pissin' in the wind.
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Go to Apps - Settings - More - About device and make screenshot pls

Joku1981 said:
Go to Apps - Settings - More - About device and make screenshot pls
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I am running completely stock, with the 4.4 update from the play store. But what does this have to do with not having LTE (or the LTE logo)?

Smalls_ said:
I am running completely stock, with the 4.4 update from the play store. But what does this have to do with not having LTE (or the LTE logo)?
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No worries ur phone go perfect. Only u are using different ROM than ur friend. If u want take a look:
~ Apps - Settings - Connections - More networks - Mobile networks - Network mode - And see u have LTE there... For the icon no worries coz is an early update of 4.4. They will add the icon later in next update maybe


[Q] Is it possible to force HSPA or HSPA+ and disable LTE?

G2 seems to have worse LTE reception compared to few other devices I had, is there anyway to disable LTE and go down to HSPA or HSPA+?
I know my area has terrible LTE coverage, but for some reason it sticks to LTE even if it means I am forced to 0.3mbps speeds! Ouch.
hydeah said:
G2 seems to have worse LTE reception compared to few other devices I had, is there anyway to disable LTE and go down to HSPA or HSPA+?
I know my area has terrible LTE coverage, but for some reason it sticks to LTE even if it means I am forced to 0.3mbps speeds! Ouch.
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You can disable LTE from the service menu,use the code 5457#*(your phone model here)# And you will find an option there with the bands to do so.You can enable only the ones you want and dissable all others.Dont change anything else tho.I cant tell you exactly where you will find it cause the menu is slightly different for every variant it seems.
woof123 said:
You can disable LTE from the service menu,use the code 5457#*(your phone model here)# And you will find an option there with the bands to do so.You can enable only the ones you want and dissable all others.Dont change anything else tho.I cant tell you exactly where you will find it cause the menu is slightly different for every variant it seems.
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Thank you so much, I remember now people were running this trick on Nexus 4, but sadly it did not work. When you say Model here, I just put numbers only right? I got the D800 from AT&T, in dialer I just hit 5457#*800# and hit call, nothing happens, I get invalid MMI error. I tried 5457#800# no luck.
However, using your suggestion, I found the code to access service menu, but it wasn't as clear as I hoped it would be so I did not touch anything.
AT&T LG G2 D800 Service Menu: 3845#*800#
T-Mobile LG G2 D801 Service Menu: 3845#*801#
Verizon LG G2 VS980 Service Menu: 3845#*980#
Sprint LG G2 LS980 Service Menu: 3845#*980#
I expected on/off switches, but there is WDCMA-Only, LTE-Only, and nothing else. There is no HSPA or HSPA+ only or any switch, and I don't want to hit LTE only assuming that will limit the reception to LTE and I will get stuck with no coverage when there is no LTE.
On Sprint, I can go into data settings via dialer (##3282#), and edit LTE screen (requires service code). From there, I can disable LTE and force CDMA/EvDo. Of course, this is on Sprint variant, not sure how AT&T/T-Mobile does it or whichever carrier you're on.
Ascertion said:
On Sprint, I can go into data settings via dialer (##3282#), and edit LTE screen (requires service code). From there, I can disable LTE and force CDMA/EvDo. Of course, this is on Sprint variant, not sure how AT&T/T-Mobile does it or whichever carrier you're on.
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I am on ATT and I can't find this setting anywhere.
Sent from my LG-D800
I also tried *#*#4636#*#* which does not let me go into OEM-Info or any Radio selection.
Why does AT&T do this!?
I believe if you go into settings and go into the mobile networks menu, there is a menu that allows you to choose whether the phone will go into LTE if available or just stay on 4G HSPA+. I'm getting my G2 tomorrow, so I don't remember exactly how I did it when I played with it in the store. If you can't find it, I'll let you know what it is once I get my phone. This is with the T-Mobile G2.
Howie Dub said:
I believe if you go into settings and go into the mobile networks menu, there is a menu that allows you to choose whether the phone will go into LTE if available or just stay on 4G HSPA+. I'm getting my G2 tomorrow, so I don't remember exactly how I did it when I played with it in the store. If you can't find it, I'll let you know what it is once I get my phone. This is with the T-Mobile G2.
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In order of Nice to Naughty,
Verizon (wayyyyy low in the list, naughtiest)
So, considering above, I am pretty sure A&T disabled that menu you are referring to (In Mobile Networks) some confirmed it working on Sprint, but I don't think it is available on AT&T. I am stuck with LTE.
hydeah said:
In order of Nice to Naughty,
Verizon (wayyyyy low in the list, naughtiest)
So, considering above, I am pretty sure A&T disabled that menu you are referring to (In Mobile Networks) some confirmed it working on Sprint, but I don't think it is available on AT&T. I am stuck with LTE.
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Sorry, missed it earlier when you said you were on AT&T. Are you able to go to Settings > Tethering & networks > Mobile networks > Network mode? With the T-Mobile version, there's gsm/wcdma/lte auto, gsm/cdma auto, wcdma only, and gsm only selections under the Network Mode menu. That would really suck if they diabled that setting. I'm assuming you're on stock unrooted.
Howie Dub said:
Sorry, missed it earlier when you said you were on AT&T. Are you able to go to Settings > Tethering & networks > Mobile networks > Network mode? With the T-Mobile version, there's gsm/wcdma/lte auto, gsm/cdma auto, wcdma only, and gsm only selections under the Network Mode menu. That would really suck if they diabled that setting. I'm assuming you're on stock unrooted.
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Nope, it's not there.
ATT disabled it.
Sent from my LG-D800
Possible solution for your case: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2361631#post60145354
Ascertion said:
On Sprint, I can go into data settings via dialer (##3282#), and edit LTE screen (requires service code). From there, I can disable LTE and force CDMA/EvDo. Of course, this is on Sprint variant, not sure how AT&T/T-Mobile does it or whichever carrier you're on.
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Where i can get this "service code"? I just want do the oposite, i want to activate LTE.
Did you ever figure this out?
Superorb said:
Did you ever figure this out?
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Service code for the d800 is 3845#*800#
Go to LTE settings, modem setting, then select RAT then you can force what ever mode you want.
Sent from my LG-D800 using Tapatalk
xmayhemreturnsx said:
Service code for the d800 is 3845#*800#
Go to LTE settings, modem setting, then select RAT then you can force what ever mode you want.
Sent from my LG-D800 using Tapatalk
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There's no RAT selection for me under the LTE modem settings. I have LTE Band Selection, VoLTE Radio, Null Integrity, and LTE-A CA.
Superorb said:
There's no RAT selection for me under the LTE modem settings. I have LTE Band Selection, VoLTE Radio, Null Integrity, and LTE-A CA.
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Try using a custom ROM such as cloudy g2 I know it works there because that is what I am using
Sent from my LG-D800 using Tapatalk
xmayhemreturnsx said:
Try using a custom ROM such as cloudy g2 I know it works there because that is what I am using
Sent from my LG-D800 using Tapatalk
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Alright, thanks.
I use this tool from the market to force the band(s) I want...
I'm on Cloudy 2.2 and it works like a charm.
nomad4ever said:
I use this tool from the market to force the band(s) I want...
I'm on Cloudy 2.2 and it works like a charm.
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Note 3 LTE no option for 4G network connection

Hello people,
I have recently acquired a Note 3 LTE (Snapdragon 800) model of the phone which is 4G compatible but for some reason, I get no option to select a 4G network. The only options I have to chose from is 3G/2G (auto connect) and 3G only. I have attached a screenshot below showing what I mean. On other Note 3 LTE phones, I've seen a different set of options such as LTE/WCDMA/GSM etc...
Why is it so? I am running the latest version of android according to Samsung update which is version 4.3. So is this a software issue or what? My service provider says that samsung should release a software update to solve this issue but I don't understand why this is the case. If anyone can clarify this issue for me I would be very glad.
Dimitri Stephan said:
Hello people,
I have recently acquired a Note 3 LTE (Snapdragon 800) model of the phone which is 4G compatible but for some reason, I get no option to select a 4G network. The only options I have to chose from is 3G/2G (auto connect) and 3G only. I have attached a screenshot below showing what I mean. On other Note 3 LTE phones, I've seen a different set of options such as LTE/WCDMA/GSM etc...
Why is it so? I am running the latest version of android according to Samsung update which is version 4.3. So is this a software issue or what? My service provider says that samsung should release a software update to solve this issue but I don't understand why this is the case. If anyone can clarify this issue for me I would be very glad.
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What region are you in?
What firmware version are you on?
Has your LTE been activated by your provider yet?
radicalisto said:
What region are you in?
What firmware version are you on?
Has your LTE been activated by your provider yet?
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I am in Beirut, Lebanon.
I also have a Galaxy S4 with the latest updates and I get a 4G connection in certain areas. So yes, 4G had already been activated by my provider.
I've attached another screenshot because I am not sure what you mean by firmware version.
Can you compare the S4 and Note 3 "apn settings" to see if they are the same? You might have to manually input your carrier's apn settings into the note.
440bro said:
Can you compare the S4 and Note 3 "apn settings" to see if they are the same? You might have to manually input your carrier's apn settings into the note.
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Yup try this and see ^^^ :good:
440bro said:
Can you compare the S4 and Note 3 "apn settings" to see if they are the same? You might have to manually input your carrier's apn settings into the note.
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The apn settings are the same since they have been both configured automatically when the service provider sent the settings to be saved.
What else could it be?
Dimitri Stephan said:
I am in Beirut, Lebanon.
I also have a Galaxy S4 with the latest updates and I get a 4G connection in certain areas. So yes, 4G had already been activated by my provider.
I've attached another screenshot because I am not sure what you mean by firmware version.
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Try flashing one of the other LTE N9005 roms and see if you get the listings under settings appear( backup first). I know some roms take this option out like at&t here in the states.
---------- Post added at 10:01 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:55 AM ----------
Better yet try this:
open your dialer and type *#2263# and see if you get the lte option.
daraj said:
Try flashing one of the other LTE N9005 roms and see if you get the listings under settings appear( backup first). I know some roms take this option out like at&t here in the states.
---------- Post added at 10:01 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:55 AM ----------
Better yet try this:
open your dialer and type *#2263# and see if you get the lte option.
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Alright so good news. I received a message telling me that there is a new firmware update available, so I downloaded and installed it. Now I get a 4G option even though I never once got a 4G signal during the day. I guess waiting is my only option now. What do you think?
Dimitri Stephan said:
Alright so good news. I received a message telling me that there is a new firmware update available, so I downloaded and installed it. Now I get a 4G option even though I never once got a 4G signal during the day. I guess waiting is my only option now. What do you think?
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thats good but still you should have the lte option. did u try the code?
daraj said:
thats good but still you should have the lte option. did u try the code?
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I did but got this message: "Connection problem or invalid MMI code". What is this code supposed to tell me?
Hi guys.
I am facing a somewhat similar issue. What makes it different is that I had the LTE option when I bought the Note 3, although there was no 4G service in the country at that time. However, I think it was after an update that I no longer have the LTE option available to in my network settings. Right now, in my home country, LTE hasnt yet been introduced. But like I said, there was no LTE in my previous country of residence either yet I had the LTE option.
By the way, the code *#2263# does nothing at all on my set.
Appreciate any feedback and resolutions.
Dimitri Stephan said:
Hello people,
I have recently acquired a Note 3 LTE (Snapdragon 800) model of the phone which is 4G compatible but for some reason, I get no option to select a 4G network. The only options I have to chose from is 3G/2G (auto connect) and 3G only. I have attached a screenshot below showing what I mean. On other Note 3 LTE phones, I've seen a different set of options such as LTE/WCDMA/GSM etc...
Why is it so? I am running the latest version of android according to Samsung update which is version 4.3. So is this a software issue or what? My service provider says that samsung should release a software update to solve this issue but I don't understand why this is the case. If anyone can clarify this issue for me I would be very glad.
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If your phone is rooted (seems like it isn't) then you can manually edit a config file to enable LTE. If not, you'll be waiting for another OTA update I think.
Dimitri Stephan said:
Alright so good news. I received a message telling me that there is a new firmware update available, so I downloaded and installed it. Now I get a 4G option even though I never once got a 4G signal during the day. I guess waiting is my only option now. What do you think?
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sadi2e you have to go Touch or Alfa to replace your SIM with a 4g compatible one, btw ignore the costumer support telling you that you won't receive any signal if you get out of 4g zones,they are total idiots
I replaced mine and now getting 13 14 mb/s speeds
Contact me here if you need any further assistance
lesalloum said:
sadi2e you have to go Touch or Alfa to replace your SIM with a 4g compatible one, btw ignore the costumer support telling you that you won't receive any signal if you get out of 4g zones,they are total idiots
I replaced mine and now getting 13 14 mb/s speeds
Contact me here if you need any further assistance
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Nice to see a Lebanese on these forums. I've already changed my sim card to the 4G capable one but I still don't see a 4G icon wherever I go.
Dimitri Stephan said:
Nice to see a Lebanese on these forums. I've already changed my sim card to the 4G capable one but I still don't see a 4G icon wherever I go.
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Im from there too originally. Did you change your modem at some point? It could be that your current modem is not LTE capable. Or let me ask you this: Did you install a stock rom from a different country other then the one that your device is intended to? bas bi beirut fi LTE aw wen maken?
daraj said:
Im from there too originally. Did you change your modem at some point? It could be that your current modem is not LTE capable. Or let me ask you this: Did you install a stock rom from a different country other then the one that your device is intended to? bas bi beirut fi LTE aw wen maken?
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What modem are you talking about? The rom is stock. LTE is only available in Beirut and some other places surrounding it.
i have got same issues with LTE
please help
how ?
Dimitri Stephan said:
Alright so good news. I received a message telling me that there is a new firmware update available, so I downloaded and installed it. Now I get a 4G option even though I never once got a 4G signal during the day. I guess waiting is my only option now. What do you think?
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Hello , I have a USIM, and note3 4G ( bought from KSA and tried on 4G in Dubai and KSA) . I did not get any updates on wifi nor through kies .
Did you change you upload a new platform ( kitkat) before you got the update ? or did you just wake up and found an update ?
PS : I live in Beirut Lebanon too .
Me too with the same problem
I bought my phone from Dubai.. i saw the LTE option when i used my phone there.. but then i flashed Poland's latest firmware and rooted my device.. now i am in South Asia , and my phone doesn't show any LTE option..! :silly: weird..
I'll say it again: Each CSC has a different list of 4G activated providers that are not directly related to the region they are in.
Which means that a device can have 4G activated for 50 providers, just not the one your SIM belongs to. As such, if you insert the SIM, the 4G toggle is disabled.
Each provider has to individually pass on the fact that they have 4G to Samsung. Even then it's not activated for each CSC.
As such, my DBT Note 3 had 4G on T-Mobile NL months before the TL and PHN ROMs had it.
Also, South Asia uses a different frequency your EU firmware can't detect.

[Q] How to get 4G/LTE on N9005

I can't seem to figure this out, I have the N9005 and currently reside in the US. Anyone knows how to turn on the 4G/LTE on the phone? My provider has 4g/LTE here and want to be able to use 4G/LTE instead of H/H+ that shows on the phone.
Would really appreciate any help. :crying:
mrpug said:
I can't seem to figure this out, I have the N9005 and currently reside in the US. Anyone knows how to turn on the 4G/LTE on the phone? My provider has 4g/LTE here and want to be able to use 4G/LTE instead of H/H+ that shows on the phone.
Would really appreciate any help. :crying:
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Enter *#2263# and select LTE Mode.
Check your APN settings in more networks/mobile network/APN. Make sure your on the providers LTE APN.
mrpug said:
I can't seem to figure this out, I have the N9005 and currently reside in the US. Anyone knows how to turn on the 4G/LTE on the phone? My provider has 4g/LTE here and want to be able to use 4G/LTE instead of H/H+ that shows on the phone.
Would really appreciate any help. :crying:
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N9005 does not support many of the LTE frequencies in US.
mrpug said:
I can't seem to figure this out, I have the N9005 and currently reside in the US. Anyone knows how to turn on the 4G/LTE on the phone? My provider has 4g/LTE here and want to be able to use 4G/LTE instead of H/H+ that shows on the phone.
Would really appreciate any help. :crying:
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1. Change with a root explorer of your choice (e.g. Root Explorer, Solid Explorer or EF File Explorer) the value“false”*in file*persist.radio.lteon*into*“true”*by way of build-in text editor of the root explorer. The file is located in root/data/property. Be sure permissions of*persist.radio.lteon*are set to rw, after altering the file save the file and make it read-only. Reboot your phone, now you will see and be able to pick the option* “LTE/WCDMA/GSM *(auto connect)” in Network Mode menu.*Important: before altering ANY file on your phone be sure you have a copy of the original, unaltered file!!!*Advantage of this solution: even after a phone reboot the option* “LTE/WCDMA/GSM *(auto connect)” will remain visible/activated.
2. When you are afraid or not tech-savvy enough to alter phone files you can download*“Advanced Signal Status” on Google Play. Start the app, go into*Advanced Info*located on bottom of the app and subsequent choose *LTE/GSM/CDMA auto (PRL) in the first sub-menu of Advanced Info. In phone Network Mode menu option* “LTE/WCDMA/GSM *(auto connect)” will still not be visible but nevertheless you will be able to use LTE/4G. Disadvantage of this solution will be that after every phone reboot you have to start “Advanced Signal Status app” and reactivate LTE/GSM/CDMA option.
Please remember that LTE/4G will only work in area’s with LTE and your phone data-plan includes the use of LTE. Good luck and have fun!
Source: http://smokeys.wordpress.com/2014/04/06/how-to-enable-lte4g-on-samsung-galaxy-note-3-sm-n9005/
Sent from Galaxy Note 3 SM-N9005
"Enter *#2263# and select LTE Mode."
I tried this and when I select LTE, I end up having no service.
xclub_101 said:
N9005 does not support many of the LTE frequencies in US.
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Yes I know it doesnt support many of the LTE frequencies but I thought there was a way to enable that, but I'm not sure how.
thahim said:
1. Change with a root explorer of your choice (e.g. Root Explorer, Solid Explorer or EF File Explorer) the value“false”*in file*persist.radio.lteon*into*“true”*by way of build-in text editor of the root explorer. The file is located in root/data/property. Be sure permissions of*persist.radio.lteon*are set to rw, after altering the file save the file and make it read-only. Reboot your phone, now you will see and be able to pick the option* “LTE/WCDMA/GSM *(auto connect)” in Network Mode menu.*Important: before altering ANY file on your phone be sure you have a copy of the original, unaltered file!!!*Advantage of this solution: even after a phone reboot the option* “LTE/WCDMA/GSM *(auto connect)” will remain visible/activated.
2. When you are afraid or not tech-savvy enough to alter phone files you can download*“Advanced Signal Status” on Google Play. Start the app, go into*Advanced Info*located on bottom of the app and subsequent choose *LTE/GSM/CDMA auto (PRL) in the first sub-menu of Advanced Info. In phone Network Mode menu option* “LTE/WCDMA/GSM *(auto connect)” will still not be visible but nevertheless you will be able to use LTE/4G. Disadvantage of this solution will be that after every phone reboot you have to start “Advanced Signal Status app” and reactivate LTE/GSM/CDMA option.
Please remember that LTE/4G will only work in area’s with LTE and your phone data-plan includes the use of LTE. Good luck and have fun!
Source: http://smokeys.wordpress.com/2014/04/06/how-to-enable-lte4g-on-samsung-galaxy-note-3-sm-n9005/
Sent from Galaxy Note 3 SM-N9005
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I tried this but it doesnt seem to work, My phone already has the option LTE/WCDMA/GSM, so the wouldnt really apply to it.
mrpug said:
"Enter *#2263# and select LTE Mode."
I tried this and when I select LTE, I end up having no service.
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Try this: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=56086191&postcount=4
☆Jamie☆ said:
Check your APN settings in more networks/mobile network/APN. Make sure your on the providers LTE APN.
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how would you know if your on the LTE APN? mine currently just say T-mobile US
mrpug said:
how would you know if your on the LTE APN? mine currently just say T-mobile US
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Nope, don't care about APN at this step.
APN settings does not affect at this step.
mrpug said:
Yes I know it doesnt support many of the LTE frequencies but I thought there was a way to enable that, but I'm not sure how.
I tried this but it doesnt seem to work, My phone already has the option LTE/WCDMA/GSM, so the wouldnt really apply to it.
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I have n9005 note 3 I had to do this to get lte option.
If you have it goto network settings and change mode to LTE.
Sent from Galaxy Note 3 SM-N9005
So you have LTE mode selected in settings, but it still doesn't go past H+, and you're sure you're in a 4G area?
Firmwares and secret codes aren't going to solve this.
Your provider likely uses a different frequency than the phone supports.
You could simply look up your provider frequencies and check them against the phone specs. If they don't match, game over.
Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk 2
ShadowLea said:
So you have LTE mode selected in settings, but it still doesn't go past H+, and you're sure you're in a 4G area?
Firmwares and secret codes aren't going to solve this.
Your provider likely uses a different frequency than the phone supports.
You could simply look up your provider frequencies and check them against the phone specs. If they don't match, game over.
Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk 2
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Well I have the n9005 and currently is on the T-mobile US carrier. I thought n9005 has one frequency that is the same as the T-mobile 4G/LTE unless im mistaken?
mrpug said:
Well I have the n9005 and currently is on the T-mobile US carrier. I thought n9005 has one frequency that is the same as the T-mobile 4G/LTE unless im mistaken?
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The LTE frequencies for the N9005 are 800/850/900/1800/2100/2600.
T-Mobile US uses 700/1700/1900/(2100)
The 2100 overlaps, but unfortunately T-Mobile US only uses it as a support network. Meaning it's not active by default. 1900Mhz is the main network.
mrpug said:
Well I have the n9005 and currently is on the T-mobile US carrier. I thought n9005 has one frequency that is the same as the T-mobile 4G/LTE unless im mistaken?
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Follow this topic to add required bands to your phone.
Wait a moment is your SIM is LTE/4G supported?
Some providers only allow you to connect to the 4G, if you have such contract. For example, I am customer of Tele2 in Estonia and I can not use 4G either, because I currently have such contract, which only permits me to use speeds upto HSPA+.
meawww said:
Wait a moment is your SIM is LTE/4G supported?
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yes my sim is 4G/LTE supported
Someguyfromhell said:
Some providers only allow you to connect to the 4G, if you have such contract. For example, I am customer of Tele2 in Estonia and I can not use 4G either, because I currently have such contract, which only permits me to use speeds upto HSPA+.
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I tried using my sim card on a T-mobile phone and was able to get 4G/LTE at no problem
vndnguyen said:
Follow this topic to add required bands to your phone.
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Thanks for link, I tried doing it but something is not working, I'm not sure if its cause I need to change the modem or maybe the rom is not working or maybe something else.

[N9005] 4G was working. Now it's not. Help!

One morning when I woke up my N9005 was stuck in the boot animation. I waited a while but I had to hold the power button in to force a power off. Since then I have had no 4G at all. 4G was working before this. Can anyone suggest anything that might re-enable 4G?
Contact your operator.
AndrOmega said:
Contact your operator.
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It's nothing to do with my operator. I have tried two different SIMs from two different operators that both worked with 4G before. I own the phone, it came from eBay but as I said it was doing 4G before.
Brian G. (In the UK)
More info
See attached screenshots:
I'm not sure why "Available CSC Codes" is blank.
Could that be part of the problem?
bdg2 said:
See attached screenshots:
I'm not sure why "Available CSC Codes" is blank.
Could that be part of the problem?
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Reflash your phone with the latest version from sam mobile
AndrOmega said:
Reflash your phone with the latest version from sam mobile
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I already did that. At least I think I did it right. Afterwards it started up exactly as usual. There was no extra optimising apps like after an upgrade. I used Odin. Do you think I did it right? I also tried a factory reset. Still no 4G.
Brian G. (In the UK)
bdg2 said:
I already did that. At least I think I did it right. Afterwards it started up exactly as usual. There was no extra optimising apps like after an upgrade. I used Odin. Do you think I did it right? I also tried a factory reset. Still no 4G.
Brian G. (In the UK)
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I can't help anyhow but what I do if I loose LTE connection I force it back with 4G Switcher app. You choose LTE only and it should connect (though I can't call or receive calls in LTE only mode) so what I do is when LTE conects I swap mode to LTE/Gsm auto and LTE stays as long as I'm on LTE area (until I somehow loose LTE again in area where LTE is available). Try that out maybe it will drive you to some new conclusions what the issue may be.
boloboss said:
I can't help anyhow but what I do if I loose LTE connection I force it back with 4G Switcher app. You choose LTE only and it should connect (though I can't call or receive calls in LTE only mode) so what I do is when LTE conects I swap mode to LTE/Gsm auto and LTE stays as long as I'm on LTE area (until I somehow loose LTE again in area where LTE is available). Try that out maybe it will drive you to some new conclusions what the issue may be.
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Do you mean this one?
It says it's incompatible with my device!
Also it sounds like you had the situation where you lose the ability to select "LTE/WCDMA/GSM (auto connect)" and can only select "WCDMS/GSM (auto connect)". I have not lost the ability to select "LTE/WCDMA/GSM (auto connect)".
bdg2 said:
Do you mean this one?
It says it's incompatible with my device!
Also it sounds like you had the situation where you lose the ability to select "LTE/WCDMA/GSM (auto connect)" and can only select "WCDMS/GSM (auto connect)". I have not lost the ability to select "LTE/WCDMA/GSM (auto connect)".
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1- Yes, that's the one
2- It works on my Note 3
3- As to your assumption...well I'm not sure what you talk about. I'll explain my issue. Sometimes when I'm on LTE available area my phone connects to HDSPA+. Then I do what I described (I choose LTE on this app to force connect via LTE). I don't know do I loose "ability to select "LTE/WCDMA/GSM (auto connect)" as you said. To be specific what are you reffering with it to? To phone settings or to this app setiings? All I can choose on phone settings is 2g,3g and 4g. There's no X/Y auto connect. This option is in apps settings though and I don't really care what I loose there as long as it works when I want to force LTE with it. I'm courius why it's not compatible with your device. What phone do you have?
All in all in the end use of this app won't solve your issue permanently but with it you could make sure LTE receiver and LTE drivers on your phone system works. Then you could dig down further. You would just know that LTE works at all on your phone.
boloboss said:
1- Yes, that's the one
2- It works on my Note 3
3- As to your assumption...well I'm not sure what you talk about. I'll explain my issue. Sometimes when I'm on LTE available area my phone connects to HDSPA+. Then I do what I described (I choose LTE on this app to force connect via LTE). I don't know do I loose "ability to select "LTE/WCDMA/GSM (auto connect)" as you said. To be specific what are you reffering with it to? To phone settings or to this app setiings? All I can choose on phone settings is 2g,3g and 4g. There's no X/Y auto connect. This option is in apps settings though and I don't really care what I loose there as long as it works when I want to force LTE with it. I'm courius why it's not compatible with your device. What phone do you have?
All in all in the end use of this app won't solve your issue permanently but with it you could make sure LTE receiver and LTE drivers on your phone system works. Then you could dig down further. You would just know that LTE works at all on your phone.
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"LTE/WCDMA/GSM (auto connect)" is a setting on my phone. See my Screenshot_A.png above. It tells the phone to automatically switch between LTE (4G), WCDMA (3G) and GSM (2G). The other choices don't include 4G. I reach it by Settings / Connections / More networks / Mobile networks / Network mode.
Is you phone rooted? Mine isn't. Could that be why the app doesn't like my phone?
Further info: apparently the phone was originally Portuguese but has been flashed with UK BTU firmware. However as I said before it definitely did do 4G when I first got it. Samsung tried to tell me there was some kind of update that might has disabled 4G in the UK for this device. Sounds like a made up excuse to me.
Brian G. (In the UK)
What baseband and bootloader are on the phone? Do they match the uk firmware?
audit13 said:
What baseband and bootloader are on the phone? Do they match the uk firmware?
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I think so. Isn't the info in my screenshots of Samsung Phone Info Plus (in a post a further up the thread) enough to confirm?
If not could you guide me how I can check. Thanks.
I compared it to uk firmware on sammobile.com and it seems to match. Maybe you need to flash the entire uk firmware again in Odin?
Still same. I've taken it to a Samsung service centre now.
Brian G. (In the UK)
bdg2 said:
Still same. I've taken it to a Samsung service centre now.
Brian G. (In the UK)
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It's back, and it's working fine now. And, nice surprise, it was apparently just inside it's guarantee period so I didn't have to pay.
I'm not sure what they did but it's back on Portuguese firmware, which doesn't seem to matter, I just select English (UK) after factory reset and all is well.
Oddly the WiFi adapter has a new MAC address but the magnetic field sensor must be the original one since it's calibration is way off exactly as it was originally. (You have to calibrate it after every reboot by rotating the device in three axis if you want compass functions to work).
Brian G. (In the UK)

Note fe won't get 4g lte. 3g only.

Hi there! My note fe can only get 3g. My model is n935k and I am a current an ATT user. I tried to force the phone to LTE only but when I did that, the phone was totally out of service. No network and no call service. I thought note fe LTE band will be worldwide, so is there any setting that I missed?
Tim007super said:
Hi there! My note fe can only get 3g. My model is n935k and I am a current an ATT user. I tried to force the phone to LTE only but when I did that, the phone was totally out of service. No network and no call service. I thought note fe LTE band will be worldwide, so is there any setting that I missed?
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1. make sure your APN is ATT Nextgenphone (should have been auto-configured when you booted phone the first time) 2. Try reseting your network settings (this will remove bluetooth and wifi settings) settings->general management->reset->reset network settings and/or 3.Call ATT and make sure your account is (still) provisioned for LTE. i have the same model as you do and have no problem getting LTE service. picture below shows i'm connecting to LTE Bands 2, 4, 5 & 17.
I reset the network setting and still doesn't work. The apn is nextgenphone.
cortez.i said:
1. make sure your APN is ATT Nextgenphone (should have been auto-configured when you booted phone the first time) 2. Try reseting your network settings (this will remove bluetooth and wifi settings) settings->general management->reset->reset network settings and/or 3.Call ATT and make sure your account is (still) provisioned for LTE. i have the same model as you do and have no problem getting LTE service. picture below shows i'm connecting to LTE Bands 2, 4, 5 & 17.
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May I see your apn setting?
fellow note fe user in north america here.
no issue with lte. but @cortez.i what LTE log app is that? and also how did you customize your icons on the status bar?
LTE Discovery from the play store... Substratum theme for Samsung (Swift Dark) for icons.
Tim007super said:
May I see your apn setting?
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It's the same as on att website. Pic attached
cortez.i said:
It's the same as on att website. Pic attached
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I tried ways you told me and the phone is still connected to 3g
cortez.i said:
It's the same as on att website. Pic attached
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And I have tried some app like force phone to switch to lte. After forcing the phone to lte, the phone signal is lost and become emergency call only.
I had the same exact problem and I'm also on AT&T. Restarting the phone fixed it, at least for now.
mb523 said:
I had the same exact problem and I'm also on AT&T. Restarting the phone fixed it, at least for now.
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sigh, I restarted it and it still showed 3g
Tim007super said:
sigh, I restarted it and it still showed 3g
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if you haven't done this already, consider trying another SIM. I'd also post screen shots of your configurations; could be something we've missed in our attempts to help you resolve your issues.

