Its finaly here 😁 - One (M7) General

The new update is here for the international Htc One with sense 5.5 ?
Sent from my HTC One

Well done, another pointless thread when have a massive one for Updates already going...

Thread closed,
Please check for existing threads before creating new ones. This thread here would have been suitable.


TMOUS ROM Officially Released (3.14)

For what it's worth, if you don't happen to peruse the TMOUS LEO Forum, TMobile US has released the "official" 3.14 ROM upgrade.
Sir, the next time read this!!
Thinking of posting a new thread???
Use the search button on the top bar between "New Posts" and "Quick Links"
If any mod, including myself, continue to find new threads about topics that have threads already existing.
The thread will be locked with no notice and/or up to a temp BAN!!.
Mods, including myself, are not here to keep the forum organized after the fact, we need your help to keep it organized, clean and grouped.
To the dedicated members that care to keep this forum, subforums included, clean and organized and grouped.
Please start reporting threads to the mods to take action. Using this button.
Thank You and happy easy searching.
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Reason; take a look on this thread!
It's not fore blaming you, but double threads aren't easy!
Yeah yeah yeah...
I appreciate you jumping all over me. I am aware of the post by football... I've been following it all along.
I was simply advising that the OFFICIAL update from TMobile's own site is available. The thread you list was based on a leaked copy. Some people (myself included), were waiting for the product from the official site. Now it's official.
Feel free to remove the post if you want. I was just trying to be helpful.
I understand your action/reaction way you opened this thread sir;
But honestly for new users it isn't easy!
I mean with this if new users find this post and not the other and thy have questions, probably the answer is already be given on the other thread.
I hope you can follow me.
It is the same thing on all the other threads who are be open today, you sea peoples ask the same question that are already be ask.
I'ts more easy'r fore new persons if there is one thread with all information than 2 ore even 5 threads.
Understood. Peace.
If you want to remove the posting, I'm okay with it. I'm sure the subject will be posted in the XDA homepage as "breaking news" anyway.
You all knew it was coming... Thread closed.
kcfong2 might I advise you to post the same information in the thread mentioned by kurt-willems if it hasn't already been posted in that thread? It would probably be far more useful to users in that thread than creating an entire new thread.

facebook post!

MOD EDIT: Seriously is another thread needed, with a very mature message to HTC? You really think that will make HTC change their mind?
Thread Closed.

Jelly Bean Source? New build link? Yes?, Then READ ME BEFORE POSTING

There have been WAY to many threads created about JB source being released lately as well when a new build is released.
I know some of you get excited and want to "break" the news to the community and I'm sure some of you feel like it will be your chance to be in the "spotlight" for a few but 99.9% of the time the news has already made it's way around the community.
If you are thinking of creating a thread about it DON'T! Use one of the many existing threads discussing the issue. Link to a new FW? No NEED to create a thread for that, just find one of the existing FW threads and post there.
We have been closing so many threads about JB source and other silliness that has been posted time and time again.
If people continue to do this, instead of just closing the thread I am going to start to hand out official warnings/infractions for anyone who just grossly does not use search before creating a thread like the many we have been seeing the past few days. If you get too many warnings/infractions you are in jeopardy of getting banned from XDA.
For ALL Jelly Bean discussion use This Thread

What is wrong in opening useful topics?

Mods seem to be going on a closing spree here and I fail to understand why
How can a topic for discussing bugs (and serious for that matter) be just dumped along in the KitKat 4.4 thread. All discussion/news/rumors here! topic?
Does not seem practical that I have to read 157 odd pages to check if an issue I have is genuine or not and if it has been discussed.
I had an issue with 4.4.2 and S-view in relation to alarms as discussed here -> and the thread was closed! No, this was not moaning ... it was a real bug, but no, the mods think it should be merged into a general thread.
Others had an issue with their email app and that thread was closed too!
Don't bugs report need to stand out? Having a topic specially for Bug report thread would help reduce a number of unnecessary threads from being opened as people will know where they are to discuss it.
Why is it that 4.2 and 4.3 discussions are spared but all KitKat related stuff need to go in one place? Averse to chocolates? Size conscious? The way I see it, with the current trend of closures, all we needed was a single topic "Android phones" and everything related to phones could go in there!
Please for the sake of common sense ... open a thread for OS related Bug reports and let us have a more streamlined discussion there.
Paparasee said:
Mods seem to be going on a closing spree here and I fail to understand why
How can a topic for discussing bugs (and serious for that matter) be just dumped along in the KitKat 4.4 thread. All discussion/news/rumors here! topic?
Does not seem practical that I have to read 157 odd pages to check if an issue I have is genuine or not and if it has been discussed.
I had an issue with 4.4.2 and S-view in relation to alarms as discussed here -> and the thread was closed! No, this was not moaning ... it was a real bug, but no, the mods think it should be merged into a general thread.
Others had an issue with their email app and that thread was closed too!
Don't bugs report need to stand out? Having a topic specially for Bug report thread would help reduce a number of unnecessary threads from being opened as people will know where they are to discuss it.
Why is it that 4.2 and 4.3 discussions are spared but all KitKat related stuff need to go in one place? Averse to chocolates? Size conscious? The way I see it, with the current trend of closures, all we needed was a single topic "Android phones" and everything related to phones could go in there!
Please for the sake of common sense ... open a thread for OS related Bug reports and let us have a more streamlined discussion there.
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don't find anything wrong with it..
They don't want it to spread into numerous threads,and want everything to be in one place..
About reading 157 pages,there is a reasonthat search option was introduced...make used of it...
and,quite frankly,I will rather read 200 pages than roaming xda looking for a specific thread..
Sent from my GT-I9500
I've given up trying to reason with this moderation team. Ever since the device teams got re-arranged sometime last year it just went down the toilet as a discussion platform. The S3 had awesome moderators and some other forums still do. You just need to browse around and see the difference.
As long as moderators consider themselves editors then it will continue to go downhill.
It's sad/ironical because this thread itself is going to get closed soon. Give it a couple of hours.
Yeah funny cause this thread has nothing to with the s4..
Just someone whinning about having to do some research before posting...
Sent from my GT-I9505 using xda app-developers app
I'm glad someone brought this up. I've even tried complaining against a couple of the mods. Apparently they're allowed to do as they please.
Sent from my Nexus 5 using xda app-developers app
Mod Edit
If people followed the XDA RULES , there would be no need for Moderation.
Unfortunately...that is not the case.
Thread closed
Forum Moderator

News On Marshmallow

If you have any news or updates on the update or its progress please let us know on this thread.
There are many threads about this. Creating new one creates spam.
You are right ElmirBuljubasic, plus the fact that the name of the thread gives higher heart rate until you open the page...
Thread closed.
Use the existing threads.

