What is wrong in opening useful topics? - Galaxy S 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Mods seem to be going on a closing spree here and I fail to understand why
How can a topic for discussing bugs (and serious for that matter) be just dumped along in the KitKat 4.4 thread. All discussion/news/rumors here! topic?
Does not seem practical that I have to read 157 odd pages to check if an issue I have is genuine or not and if it has been discussed.
I had an issue with 4.4.2 and S-view in relation to alarms as discussed here -> http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=50792737 and the thread was closed! No, this was not moaning ... it was a real bug, but no, the mods think it should be merged into a general thread.
Others had an issue with their email app and that thread was closed too!
Don't bugs report need to stand out? Having a topic specially for Bug report thread would help reduce a number of unnecessary threads from being opened as people will know where they are to discuss it.
Why is it that 4.2 and 4.3 discussions are spared but all KitKat related stuff need to go in one place? Averse to chocolates? Size conscious? The way I see it, with the current trend of closures, all we needed was a single topic "Android phones" and everything related to phones could go in there!
Please for the sake of common sense ... open a thread for OS related Bug reports and let us have a more streamlined discussion there.

Paparasee said:
Mods seem to be going on a closing spree here and I fail to understand why
How can a topic for discussing bugs (and serious for that matter) be just dumped along in the KitKat 4.4 thread. All discussion/news/rumors here! topic?
Does not seem practical that I have to read 157 odd pages to check if an issue I have is genuine or not and if it has been discussed.
I had an issue with 4.4.2 and S-view in relation to alarms as discussed here -> http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=50792737 and the thread was closed! No, this was not moaning ... it was a real bug, but no, the mods think it should be merged into a general thread.
Others had an issue with their email app and that thread was closed too!
Don't bugs report need to stand out? Having a topic specially for Bug report thread would help reduce a number of unnecessary threads from being opened as people will know where they are to discuss it.
Why is it that 4.2 and 4.3 discussions are spared but all KitKat related stuff need to go in one place? Averse to chocolates? Size conscious? The way I see it, with the current trend of closures, all we needed was a single topic "Android phones" and everything related to phones could go in there!
Please for the sake of common sense ... open a thread for OS related Bug reports and let us have a more streamlined discussion there.
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don't find anything wrong with it..
They don't want it to spread into numerous threads,and want everything to be in one place..
About reading 157 pages,there is a reasonthat search option was introduced...make used of it...
and,quite frankly,I will rather read 200 pages than roaming xda looking for a specific thread..
Sent from my GT-I9500

I've given up trying to reason with this moderation team. Ever since the device teams got re-arranged sometime last year it just went down the toilet as a discussion platform. The S3 had awesome moderators and some other forums still do. You just need to browse around and see the difference.
As long as moderators consider themselves editors then it will continue to go downhill.

It's sad/ironical because this thread itself is going to get closed soon. Give it a couple of hours.

Yeah funny cause this thread has nothing to with the s4..
Just someone whinning about having to do some research before posting...
Sent from my GT-I9505 using xda app-developers app

I'm glad someone brought this up. I've even tried complaining against a couple of the mods. Apparently they're allowed to do as they please.
Sent from my Nexus 5 using xda app-developers app

Mod Edit
If people followed the XDA RULES , there would be no need for Moderation.
Unfortunately...that is not the case.
Thread closed
Forum Moderator


More volume?

I can't believe that none of you clever guys have developed something that increases the in call volume on the Xperia X10. If I have missed it then please let me know. Why can't it be increased? I would have thought that this was THE must have on the X10?
-PiLoT- said:
Post What Where:
General - general technical discussion items, news, anything else that does not fit into the other fora categories.
Q&A (Questions and Answers) - all questions, irrespective of type, get posted in here whether they be theme related, accessory related, technical, etc.
Accessories - any items to do with components and/or accessories relating to your device.
Rom Development - only meant for very advanced technical discussion directly related to ROM development activity and the delivery of actual ROMs and ROM components ONLY. Nothing else goes in here.
Themes & Apps - anything to do directly with the development of themes and/or applications. Nothing else goes in here.
If you have developed a ROM, or are working with others to do so, the development forum is somewhere to discuss and share ideas, post useful feedback and logs or crash dumps, and to discuss a common goal developers are trying to achieve.
It is NOT the place to post your question because it gets higher traffic, or because more experienced users frequent it. Doing this just annoys those who are working on the device, and drives them away. Developers don't want to wade through 20 threads of "Help me urgently" to find their threads for porting and fixing camera issues etc. Similarly, if a thread is designated as discussion for developers say, porting a camera fix, please do not post in there asking "When will it be ready?", "Can I flash this yet?" etc. This is both completely disrespectful to those working on the project (you evidently haven't read the important posts in the thread), and also is making it harder for developers to find comments from other developers or testers when required.
Similarly, don't make loads of "Thanks for your work here" posts in an active development thread. It's just as annoying to developers as asking when something will be ready. If a ROM is complete, then go ahead and thank the developer if you wish, but don't go into threads for devs only, and interrupt it to post "thanks". It's basically spamming, and is treated as such.
If you are posting in development, you should have read every sticky and notice there, and should be actively developing or helping in the development of something. Developing isn't installing a ROM, or using a tweak, it's creating a ROM or other hack or tweak. If you haven't read for several days before starting out on XDA, you are likely about to ask something already solved. I registered on XDA when I first wanted to post, and that was to join in a discussion on something. Sure, join up and ask a question, but read the information available in General and Q&A first, as your question will have been asked before. Search is your friend here, become familiar with it.
Regarding when to post in development if you are not actually developing something, there is one occasion where it's acceptable. If you find a leak of a new ROM, which isn't already posted, and you verify it's legitimacy via either running it, or based on the source you obtained it from, then this is assisting in development, and should be posted in development. If you want to ask when a leak will be available use search first, then if not already in discussion, open a thread in general or Q&A.
If you have a problem flashing a ROM, this is NOT related to development. It's up to you to determine if it is specific to a particular ROM, and post useful information in that developer's existing thread for the ROM. If it happens on more than one ROM, and isn't a known issue (remember you should read several times more words than you post), then find out what you are doing wrong. Check guides written by others, try to repeat the problem and see if it happens every time. Something needs to be reproducible to be fixed effectively.
Once you have identified what you need help with go to the device Q&A forum (general if device lacks one), and make a clear, informative thread that explains the issue, and what you have tried doing to fix it. Did you re-download the ROM? Did you ask a friend to flash it for you, to reduce chance of user error? What steps (exactly) did you follow? What errors did you see (exact wording)? Did you double check all the steps? Did you do a wipe or hard reset?
If you make a clear, concise, yet detailed post, you will find help forthcoming, and should get the problem sorted very quickly. If someone suggests you try something, report back on what happened, did it work etc. Then, next time someone has this issue and searches, they will find this and have a verified and tested solution.
So remember... before you start a thread in development, ask yourself what you are developing. If you can't answer, then stop, step away from the post button, and think about where you are posting. Would it be better in General or Q&A, or is some more time with your best friend, search, required?
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XperiaX10iUser said:
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+1 on what he said lol
Also, it's not really a big deal, the sound is fine for me
CuBz90 said:
+1 on what he said lol
Also, it's not really a big deal, the sound is fine for me
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+1 for both of you....sound is fine for me
Sent from my X10a using XDA App
CuBz90 said:
+1 on what he said lol
Also, it's not really a big deal, the sound is fine for me
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I don't really care if the sound is okay for you. For a lot of people it's not okay and so I was wondering if a solution exists and I thought that this would be the best place to post. Likewise, you may care about wifi tethering or HD recording or multitouch or whether it has 16e6 or 16.1e6 colours...which I don't. This sounds a bit aggressive but just because it's not a problem for you doesn't mean that someone else can have a problem with it. Yeah?
Apologies for posting in the wrong area...just thought it would be where the clever people who were developing the phone would post if they had a fix for the low volume that doesn't appear on CuBz90's phone
Wait until method of loading custom kernels is found... then, sound driver could be easily modified...
blagus said:
Wait until method of loading custom kernels is found... then, sound driver could be easily modified...
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Thank you Blagus...see it's not hard to be polite
johnaachen said:
Thank you Blagus...see it's not hard to be polite
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True, but in the same respect you could be polite to the other users, developers and rules of XDA and not posted this in Development.
Closed thread as you got an answer and moved to "General" the proper place for a thread such as this.

[I9001] Is there hope for us?

If someone takes a look at our little community, on first thought he wouldn't find anything interesting, well except the fact that not much developing is being done, but if they keep an eye on our section for a while they would notice a lot of rule breaking, bad habits, childish comments etc... so, after a while a person starts to ask himself some stuff, like:
Will people ever learn not to post non dev stuff in dev section? especially those who post questions, while there is a dedicated Q&A section for that, u just have to use the [I9001] tag and someone will answer u.There are also the general threads, like benchmarking ,announcements, enquiries (especially about ICS and other progress) etc... and all this stuff should be originally posted in General. now it's normal that every now and then someone opens a non dev related thread in dev section, but when u get 4-5 new threads daily it becomes annoying.
Now moving on to the bad habits, things like lil chit chats, non related posts, posts in different language other than english etc... they're all basic stuff that people who ever used any forums should be aware of.
And lastly, the childish reactions/comments by some people (and i'm not gonna name names here) which really isn't necessary in this forum. comments like "this is a copy of my rom" or "my tool has more options than the other one u are using" or "when i build a rom it will be the best one" adding to that the benchmark competitions, as if we're all in a penis measuring contest in which everyone has to prove he's the biggest man. that kind of attitude doesn't contribute to the general mood of our section. What some people need to understand is that all roms we have are based on stock roms, with little modifications/themes/tweaks that are universal, non of those which were ported by one dev exclusively onto his rom, so accusing someone else of stealing or copying is for least funny and childish.
The fact stays that among the active users in our section there are only 3 real devs, 2 of them are hardly logging in, while the third is the most active at the moment and he's the only one working on porting something, my point is, people should accept the fact that the majority are modders at best, and should keep their heads and feet on the ground.
anyways, i decided to open this thread coz everytime i throw a comment in a non related thread in dev section i get replies that accuse me of rage and disrespectfulness towards the other, which is not the case. so, as a conclusion, i hope there is hope for our community, and i hope someone will come across this post and it will remind him everytime he'd think about doing one of the things mentioned above. Cheers.
A lot of your points are true but I want to mention this too:
I haven't been hanging around long on XDA but ever since early november im checking our development section 10-20 times per day.
Most time I see you posting is about offending others to stop posting offtopic.
This was (in some cases) as well against the rules.
Why don't you just ignore them?
Sometimes it is as annoying to see people posting "this is off topic", "stop spaming"(when there are only few off topic posts) as it is to see actually spam.
I just remind you of the ICS testing thread in dev where you "kindly" asked the mods to not move your thread. Whatever.
Yes, you're right. We only have about 2-3 developers. But due to the lack of development our dev section is more like a general section for our phone.
It is reasonable that people post non dev related things in the dev section, just because the general forum is not often used by I9001 user.
Lets be honest: 99% of the user have no idea of development (me included and you probably too). But we are all interested and like to contribute. It is not spam if someone thanks (for example) Yarde for his CM7 work. Its just annoying to see you insulting people who want to thank developers.
(And yes I know, there is a "thanks" button)
It always depends on the point of view.
Maybe Yarde/skywalker01 look at your post and the only thing they can see is spam (just because it is technically wrong).
Don't forget, it is just a forum where a lot of people come together to share interests.
Everyone has the right to their opinion, u stated urs, and i respect it , but not necessarily agree with it
annqx said:
Most time I see you posting is about offending others to stop posting offtopic.
ts just annoying to see you insulting people who want to thank developers.
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link me to any of my posts where i "insult" people, and i don't mean when i comment stuff like "this is off topic" or "stop spamming and post in general" , i never insulted anyone in any of my posts i can assure u
I just remind you of the ICS testing thread in dev where you "kindly" asked the mods to not move your thread. Whatever.
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yes i kindly asked the mods not to move it so people could see it, and i got pm's from people who wanted to test what zackconsole was trying to build, and u can find all this in that thread, also if u check my last post in that thread, u will see that i also "kindly" asked the mods to close it bcoz of the spamming and non related posts.
Yes, you're right. We only have about 2-3 developers. But due to the lack of development our dev section is more like a general section for our phone.
It is reasonable that people post non dev related things in the dev section, just because the general forum is not often used by I9001 user.
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it's ok , if u're all satisfied with the way things are now and trust me, i've written this post coz i don't feel like guiding people every single day in which section they should post. if it was to xda rules, none of the questions that are asked in rom (and other dev) threads are allowed, when people have questions of any type they should ask in Q&A , the dev threads are only for dev discussion, but xda and the mods are flexible enough to let people post and ask in the corresponding threads, but it doesn't mean that that flexibility should be abused
And as for posts like "wow, this is great" , "thank u" , "nice job" etc.. they only pump up the post count and make it hard to navigate throughout the thread and find useful posts.Ignoring all these "issues" only leaves space for more such acts.
So what is the solution? Posting in [I9000] General forum even tho the majority of the user won't see it?
Popularity for our phone would help, otherwise I don't see a "Galaxy S I9001 General" section.
Add this to your signature:
annqx said:
So what is the solution? Posting in [I9000] General forum even tho the majority of the user won't see it?
Popularity for our phone would help, otherwise I don't see a "Galaxy S I9001 General" section.
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if u take a look at our Q&A and General threads u will see a lot of my posts, i come by whenever i'm online even though i'm not obliged to, but i look at it this way, if people asking for help won't get it here it's logical that they will start posting their questions and problems in dev, so even if i don't have a solution for someone's problem i try to give a suggestion or any sort of help, and i would appreciate it if more users would visit our threads and help others, that's the only way to get people to post there. If someone doesn't want to use our threads they can always post in I9000 Q&A or General sections , as long as they use the [I9001] tag, someone of us will notice it for sure, after all that's how u got to my post in I9000 General
wintel_mac said:
Add this to your signature:
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lol i remember baadnewz when he was still in the desire forum, he made that link famous


People, we are moving far too many questions into Q&A!
If your question has a [Q] in front of it, it DOESN"T BELONG IN GENERAL!!
Even if there isn't a [Q] there, if it's a question, it DOESN'T BELONG IN GENERAL!!
Please, post in the appropriate forum​
Why not redirect threads marked with [Q] automatically to Q&A? People won't stop posting questions in the General section
marcellocord said:
Why not redirect threads marked with [Q] automatically to Q&A? People won't stop posting questions in the General section
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We've asked for that feature, I don't know if it's possible, but it sure would help.
reinbeau said:
We've asked for that feature, I don't know if it's possible, but it sure would help.
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I see that the people posting in the General section at least mark the thread as question. So redirecting it automatically could reduce something like 60%+ of the questions here.
Do they know what Q&A is?
marcellocord said:
I see that the people posting in the General section at least mark the thread as question. So redirecting it automatically could reduce something like 60%+ of the questions here.
Do they know what Q&A is?
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It's not that they don't know what Q and A is, its just that they think that the question will be solved faster if its in a section where a lot of users visit (more interesting).
But their logic is flawed, since a big flame feast will start the moment they do that lool
I haven't opened a new thread to ask a question in a while, but as far as i know, if you check the box "this is a question" you get an additional warning that posting it in any other section than q&a is a rule violation and one has to confirm to actually post it.
that means that those people clearly violate forum rules after being warned about it. in some devices' sections, threads like that are deleted without further notice, because the moderators don't see themselves as maids for lazy or impudent users.
also, it should be noted, that posting problems, bugs or hardware issues also counts as posting a question.
that means:
- hardware issues should be posted in existing threads of the same issue and for every broken button, the bezel, the display and the battery there already is at least one thread in Q&A.
- hardware issues with accessories should be posted in the accessories section (also in existing threads, where applicable).
- problems with certain apps can be discussed in the themes and apps section, if they are published there, or in Q&A, if not.
- problems that apply to specific roms only should be discussed in the rom's development thread (except for CM), if that helps getting rid of bugs.
If you are a new user that does not yet have the permission to post in development, search if the bug or problem you want to report is already posted, if not, you can either get to the post minimum (without spamming!) to post there yourself or ask in Q&A.
It is so easy and self-explanatory, I don't see, why people keep breaking those rules.
Well the last thing I want to do is warn and/or infract people for posting questions here, but I have to say, this is ridiculous. Dozens and dozens of reports a day (if it weren't for Chef Tony this would be even worse) of questions posted here in General.
Post in the proper forum!!! We have much bigger fish to fry than to constantly have to fix your mistakes! Sorry, but at this point I am thoroughly frustrated. Official warnings and infractions from now on, especially if you've put that [Q] there and ignored the warning.
It's simple why they doesn't follow the rules... they just doesn't read the rules You can just tap I accept and done. Who likes to spend a lot of time reading rules? 90% [i think it's really 90%] here doesn't read it. But most of them just know what they can and cannot do.
reinbeau said:
Well the last thing I want to do is warn and/or infract people for posting questions here, but I have to say, this is ridiculous. Dozens and dozens of reports a day (if it weren't for Chef Tony this would be even worse) of questions posted here in General.
Post in the proper forum!!! We have much bigger fish to fry than to constantly have to fix your mistakes! Sorry, but at this point I am thoroughly frustrated. Official warnings and infractions from now on, especially if you've put that [Q] there and ignored the warning.
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I do not envy the jobs of you guys as moderators. I am often thoroughly annoyed by various rule violations to the point where I would admonish the violators, but seeing as how I have no actual power, I tend to just as often get flamed for daring to question their status as a special snowflake.
ctomgee said:
I do not envy the jobs of you guys as moderators. I am often thoroughly annoyed by various rule violations to the point where I would admonish the violators, but seeing as how I have no actual power, I tend to just as often get flamed for daring to question their status as a special snowflake.
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I can assure you that Moderators appreciate help. Some think they are being a pain when they report but they're really not - we can't be everywhere at once. Instead of engaging on the thread tell us and we'll handle it for you
sir i got a samsung galaxy s2 and am new to android so i dont no what is this plz tell me how to check its model no and info of ma mobile.i"ll be very thankfull to every one.
fesi157 said:
sir i got a samsung galaxy s2 and am new to android so i dont no what is this plz tell me how to check its model no and info of ma mobile.i"ll be very thankfull to every one.
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Oh boy... wtf?
Enviado de meu GT-I9300 usando o Tapatalk 2
Thread closed
Obviously people just don't read. Thread closed by suggestion, it was a good one.

Posting Questions in the Q&A Section

Hey guys, me again this time I'm going to show you how to POST QUESTIONS correctly in the Q&A forums. I've had enough of seeing others trying to help when the OP himself/herself doesn't want to help make solving their problem easier for others. So I urge everyone to follow this method of posting questions in the future.
1. Post a suitable, descriptive title.
- Posting a suitable title will give other experienced users an idea of what their up against. That way, they will know what may be the problem and the solution to that problem at first glance.
- A suitable format would be ; [Q] (Insert problem here) (Insert ROM name here and kernel name if possible). One more thing to note ; if your problem is solved, add a [SOLVED] at the beginning of your title. That way, others can use your thread as reference in case they have the same bugs. It's much easier than opening 200 different threads with the same problem. Like the XDA video says, "You are not special.."
- DO NOT : Post titles that go "Heeelllppp meee plzzzzzz" "Pllzzzzz help !!!11!!" "Urgenntt haalp !!". It makes me sick to see titles like these. Not only do they have nothing to do with the question, it's irritating to see this 5 year old style of creating titles. Don't get me started with the spelling.
2. Be descriptive
- This is another problem I see these days. Don't just write something like "Hellp i flashed xxx ROM and now the phone act wierd". That doesn't help anyone. Not the OP nor the people trying to help. Instead be as descriptive as possible. State the ROM you're on, what kernel you used, any mods of tweaks you added, what you have tried so far. This will narrow down the problem and solution. Also, be as clear as possible on what your problem is.
3. Reuse, reduce, recycle
- As with the 3R's, it not only helps the enviroment, but the forums as well.
Reuse - If you have another problem closely related to your first problem, I highly urge users to EDIT their OP. There's an Edit button. Make use of it, not open 20 threads linking to the same problem.
Reduce - Reduce the amount of threads opened for a certain bug, especially if the said bug is quite popular in our forum. For example, if ROM X has a bug with camera, we don't need 10 people making 10 threads asking the same thing, especially when it's a well known bug.
Recycle - Search the forums instead of opening a new thread every time. If you find a thread where the OP has a similar question as you, you are much obliged to revive that thread. again, be descriptive because the OP may have posted that thread a year ago and things change here, A LOT.
4. Comparisons
- Please refrain from posting questions like "Which is better ROM X or ROM Y ?". This is not a question to be solved. This is strictly forbidden by the mods themselves. This hurts the developer.
5. ETAs
- Never open questions asking when an update will come for your favourite ROM. This act is strictly forbidden in the original ROM thread (asking for ETAs). So what makes you think opening a thread in the Q&A is any different ?
6. What are considered questions, stay in the Q&A.
- I cannot stress this enough. PLEASE POST QUESTIONS IN THE Q&A SECTION. No not the General section. Nope, not the Android Development section and hell no, not in the Original Development. I can say the same for some of the others. Why post Guides in the Q&A section, like how to dual boot roms or how to unlock bootloaders ?
7. How to...?
- I discourage many from posting threads on how to develop ROMS, THEMES, KERNELS. Those are things people learn on XDA. No one can answer that in a thread. I already see ROM/Kernel compiling guides all over the X8 forums. Be prepared to get your hands dirty tho.
8. Search search search
"Whatever your problem is, you aren't the first one to have it ! *whisper* It means the answer is already out there..." - Azrienoch in the Welcome to XDA video
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As quoted, please search for your problem before starting a new thread. It saves a lot of space in an already cluttered Q&A section. It also feels really good knowing you solved your problem by yourself instead of causing more problems for others.
9. Be grateful
- Finally, be grateful for ANY answer you get, even if it didn't solve your problem. Keep in mind, these people (like me) could have just seen your problem and scrolled past by, but they didn't. They took time out of their lives to help you, a total stranger in another part of the world. The least you can do is hit Thanks for them.
Note : If I missed out anything and you feel it should be added, please reply below

[Q] S4 questions please help

Hi all I'm new to android and have been reading a ton
But have a few question?
1. I have a bell s4 Smg-i337 with latest firmware (I believe moto chopper will not work)
But think cw autoroot root method works
Am I correct or how can I root with latest firmware
2. If I install GE rom will it use less storage
(Right now Touchwiz only give my phone like 9.2gb but I read the GE editions s4 doesn't use up as much space)
So will flashing a rom free up space ?
3. Is removing bloat ware bad previously I would just freeze the app but I'm curious about removing it (I read somewhere that if u remove it it screws up ur phone for updates ?
Is that true?
That's all for now thank you
duboisbrian said:
Hi all I'm new to android and have been reading a ton
But have a few question?
1. I have a bell s4 Smg-i337 with latest firmware (I believe moto chopper will not work)
But think cw 10.2 root method works
Am I correct or how can I root with latest firmware
2. If I install GE rom will it use less storage
(Right now Touchwiz only give my phone like 9.2gb but I read the GE editions s4 doesn't use up as much space)
So will flashing a rom free up space ?
3. Is removing bloat ware bad previously I would just freeze the app but I'm curious about removing it (I read somewhere that if u remove it it screws up ur phone for updates ?
Is that true?
That's all for now thank you
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Please read the XDA forum rules.
Questions should be posted in the Q & A section...
before questions are posted in the Q &A section, you should search for already posted answers and look at the "similar suggested links" that appeared while you were posting your question.
I suggest you do what I posted above and also (very important) read the "pinned" threads in the "General" section to help you learn more about your phone. Good luck.
Ok, so you decided to only read the first part of what I said and make a duplicate thread in Q & A without reading the second part about searching and reading BEFORE posting in Q & A..you know, like the XDA rules state?
And for future reference, the little triangle in the top of your post can be used to notify the moderators that a thread needs to be moved to a different section. Making multiple posts is considered spamming.
Very sorry
Please delete thread
Thank you
scott14719 said:
Please read the XDA forum rules.
Questions should be posted in the Q & A section...
before questions are posted in the Q &A section, you should search for already posted answers and look at the "similar suggested links" that appeared while you were posting your question.
I suggest you do what I posted above and also (very important) read the "pinned" threads in the "General" section to help you learn more about your phone. Good luck.
Ok, so you decided to only read the first part of what I said and make a duplicate thread in Q & A without reading the second part about searching and reading BEFORE posting in Q & A..you know, like the XDA rules state?
And for future reference, the little triangle in the top of your post can be used to notify the moderators that a thread needs to be moved to a different section. Making multiple posts is considered spamming.
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If I may say without you getting all upset..
These questions attract people to this forum, especially through Google. More people = more knowledge, through questions and answers. If more people come here donations would increase in my opinion.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using XDA Premium HD app
agent929 said:
If I may say without you getting all upset..
These questions attract people to this forum, especially through Google. More people = more knowledge, through questions and answers. If more people come here donations would increase in my opinion.
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I see what you are saying and there is no need to get upset, but the problem is that if these questions attract people to the forum, why didn't they attract people the first several times they were posted? The answer is because the people that are making these posts clearly didn't search or read in the first place or they would have seen that the question(s) have already been posted several times and they would have not felt the need to post the exact same question again. If these people were using Google to look for their answers here on XDA, they would be coming here to read about and learn about their issues (the links would show them the threads they need) but instead, they come here and post repetitive, already answered question. This tells me that they definitely are not searching in the first place. The Knowledge is already here and posting the same repetitive questions over and over again isn't increasing it. People aren't searching for it or reading about like they are supposed to (XDA rules). And those rules exist for a reason. 100 posts of the same question don't help anyone and slow down the overall usefulness of any forum. Donations are voluntary and, unless it is a bounty type of situation, are not anticipated. Any XDA developer will tell you that. And frankly, the people that don't take the time to search, read, and learn are not people that are giving donations to developers anyway.
scott14719 said:
I see what you are saying and there is no need to get upset, but the problem is that if these questions attract people to the forum, why didn't they attract people the first several times they were posted? The answer is because the people that are making these posts clearly didn't search or read in the first place or they would have seen that the question(s) have already been posted several times and they would have not felt the need to post the exact same question again. If these people were using Google to look for their answers here on XDA, they would be coming here to read about and learn about their issues (the links would show them the threads they need) but instead, they come here and post repetitive, already answered question. This tells me that they definitely are not searching in the first place. The Knowledge is already here and posting the same repetitive questions over and over again isn't increasing it. People aren't searching for it or reading about like they are supposed to (XDA rules). And those rules exist for a reason. 100 posts of the same question don't help anyone and slow down the overall usefulness of any forum. Donations are voluntary and, unless it is a bounty type of situation, are not anticipated. Any XDA developer will tell you that. And frankly, the people that don't take the time to search, read, and learn are not people that are giving donations to developers anyway.
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Alright that's fair. Never thought of that way. I try to donate when I can, but your definitely right about the donations.
I agree, it does attract people to the forum, but you do NOT need to post the issue in 2 threads, also, people get tired of seeing the same thing ask over and over, so read the rules of the site, because this is just plain shows laziness.
Its like if someone post something that has been said before and clutter the forum, it only makes the answered forum harder to search for because you have 1 answered forum against 30 unanswered cluttering up the forum pushing the 1 down and making it harder to find.
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