Posting Questions in the Q&A Section - XPERIA X8 General

Hey guys, me again this time I'm going to show you how to POST QUESTIONS correctly in the Q&A forums. I've had enough of seeing others trying to help when the OP himself/herself doesn't want to help make solving their problem easier for others. So I urge everyone to follow this method of posting questions in the future.
1. Post a suitable, descriptive title.
- Posting a suitable title will give other experienced users an idea of what their up against. That way, they will know what may be the problem and the solution to that problem at first glance.
- A suitable format would be ; [Q] (Insert problem here) (Insert ROM name here and kernel name if possible). One more thing to note ; if your problem is solved, add a [SOLVED] at the beginning of your title. That way, others can use your thread as reference in case they have the same bugs. It's much easier than opening 200 different threads with the same problem. Like the XDA video says, "You are not special.."
- DO NOT : Post titles that go "Heeelllppp meee plzzzzzz" "Pllzzzzz help !!!11!!" "Urgenntt haalp !!". It makes me sick to see titles like these. Not only do they have nothing to do with the question, it's irritating to see this 5 year old style of creating titles. Don't get me started with the spelling.
2. Be descriptive
- This is another problem I see these days. Don't just write something like "Hellp i flashed xxx ROM and now the phone act wierd". That doesn't help anyone. Not the OP nor the people trying to help. Instead be as descriptive as possible. State the ROM you're on, what kernel you used, any mods of tweaks you added, what you have tried so far. This will narrow down the problem and solution. Also, be as clear as possible on what your problem is.
3. Reuse, reduce, recycle
- As with the 3R's, it not only helps the enviroment, but the forums as well.
Reuse - If you have another problem closely related to your first problem, I highly urge users to EDIT their OP. There's an Edit button. Make use of it, not open 20 threads linking to the same problem.
Reduce - Reduce the amount of threads opened for a certain bug, especially if the said bug is quite popular in our forum. For example, if ROM X has a bug with camera, we don't need 10 people making 10 threads asking the same thing, especially when it's a well known bug.
Recycle - Search the forums instead of opening a new thread every time. If you find a thread where the OP has a similar question as you, you are much obliged to revive that thread. again, be descriptive because the OP may have posted that thread a year ago and things change here, A LOT.
4. Comparisons
- Please refrain from posting questions like "Which is better ROM X or ROM Y ?". This is not a question to be solved. This is strictly forbidden by the mods themselves. This hurts the developer.
5. ETAs
- Never open questions asking when an update will come for your favourite ROM. This act is strictly forbidden in the original ROM thread (asking for ETAs). So what makes you think opening a thread in the Q&A is any different ?
6. What are considered questions, stay in the Q&A.
- I cannot stress this enough. PLEASE POST QUESTIONS IN THE Q&A SECTION. No not the General section. Nope, not the Android Development section and hell no, not in the Original Development. I can say the same for some of the others. Why post Guides in the Q&A section, like how to dual boot roms or how to unlock bootloaders ?
7. How to...?
- I discourage many from posting threads on how to develop ROMS, THEMES, KERNELS. Those are things people learn on XDA. No one can answer that in a thread. I already see ROM/Kernel compiling guides all over the X8 forums. Be prepared to get your hands dirty tho.
8. Search search search
"Whatever your problem is, you aren't the first one to have it ! *whisper* It means the answer is already out there..." - Azrienoch in the Welcome to XDA video
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As quoted, please search for your problem before starting a new thread. It saves a lot of space in an already cluttered Q&A section. It also feels really good knowing you solved your problem by yourself instead of causing more problems for others.
9. Be grateful
- Finally, be grateful for ANY answer you get, even if it didn't solve your problem. Keep in mind, these people (like me) could have just seen your problem and scrolled past by, but they didn't. They took time out of their lives to help you, a total stranger in another part of the world. The least you can do is hit Thanks for them.
Note : If I missed out anything and you feel it should be added, please reply below


More volume?

I can't believe that none of you clever guys have developed something that increases the in call volume on the Xperia X10. If I have missed it then please let me know. Why can't it be increased? I would have thought that this was THE must have on the X10?
-PiLoT- said:
Post What Where:
General - general technical discussion items, news, anything else that does not fit into the other fora categories.
Q&A (Questions and Answers) - all questions, irrespective of type, get posted in here whether they be theme related, accessory related, technical, etc.
Accessories - any items to do with components and/or accessories relating to your device.
Rom Development - only meant for very advanced technical discussion directly related to ROM development activity and the delivery of actual ROMs and ROM components ONLY. Nothing else goes in here.
Themes & Apps - anything to do directly with the development of themes and/or applications. Nothing else goes in here.
If you have developed a ROM, or are working with others to do so, the development forum is somewhere to discuss and share ideas, post useful feedback and logs or crash dumps, and to discuss a common goal developers are trying to achieve.
It is NOT the place to post your question because it gets higher traffic, or because more experienced users frequent it. Doing this just annoys those who are working on the device, and drives them away. Developers don't want to wade through 20 threads of "Help me urgently" to find their threads for porting and fixing camera issues etc. Similarly, if a thread is designated as discussion for developers say, porting a camera fix, please do not post in there asking "When will it be ready?", "Can I flash this yet?" etc. This is both completely disrespectful to those working on the project (you evidently haven't read the important posts in the thread), and also is making it harder for developers to find comments from other developers or testers when required.
Similarly, don't make loads of "Thanks for your work here" posts in an active development thread. It's just as annoying to developers as asking when something will be ready. If a ROM is complete, then go ahead and thank the developer if you wish, but don't go into threads for devs only, and interrupt it to post "thanks". It's basically spamming, and is treated as such.
If you are posting in development, you should have read every sticky and notice there, and should be actively developing or helping in the development of something. Developing isn't installing a ROM, or using a tweak, it's creating a ROM or other hack or tweak. If you haven't read for several days before starting out on XDA, you are likely about to ask something already solved. I registered on XDA when I first wanted to post, and that was to join in a discussion on something. Sure, join up and ask a question, but read the information available in General and Q&A first, as your question will have been asked before. Search is your friend here, become familiar with it.
Regarding when to post in development if you are not actually developing something, there is one occasion where it's acceptable. If you find a leak of a new ROM, which isn't already posted, and you verify it's legitimacy via either running it, or based on the source you obtained it from, then this is assisting in development, and should be posted in development. If you want to ask when a leak will be available use search first, then if not already in discussion, open a thread in general or Q&A.
If you have a problem flashing a ROM, this is NOT related to development. It's up to you to determine if it is specific to a particular ROM, and post useful information in that developer's existing thread for the ROM. If it happens on more than one ROM, and isn't a known issue (remember you should read several times more words than you post), then find out what you are doing wrong. Check guides written by others, try to repeat the problem and see if it happens every time. Something needs to be reproducible to be fixed effectively.
Once you have identified what you need help with go to the device Q&A forum (general if device lacks one), and make a clear, informative thread that explains the issue, and what you have tried doing to fix it. Did you re-download the ROM? Did you ask a friend to flash it for you, to reduce chance of user error? What steps (exactly) did you follow? What errors did you see (exact wording)? Did you double check all the steps? Did you do a wipe or hard reset?
If you make a clear, concise, yet detailed post, you will find help forthcoming, and should get the problem sorted very quickly. If someone suggests you try something, report back on what happened, did it work etc. Then, next time someone has this issue and searches, they will find this and have a verified and tested solution.
So remember... before you start a thread in development, ask yourself what you are developing. If you can't answer, then stop, step away from the post button, and think about where you are posting. Would it be better in General or Q&A, or is some more time with your best friend, search, required?
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XperiaX10iUser said:
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+1 on what he said lol
Also, it's not really a big deal, the sound is fine for me
CuBz90 said:
+1 on what he said lol
Also, it's not really a big deal, the sound is fine for me
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+1 for both of you....sound is fine for me
Sent from my X10a using XDA App
CuBz90 said:
+1 on what he said lol
Also, it's not really a big deal, the sound is fine for me
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I don't really care if the sound is okay for you. For a lot of people it's not okay and so I was wondering if a solution exists and I thought that this would be the best place to post. Likewise, you may care about wifi tethering or HD recording or multitouch or whether it has 16e6 or 16.1e6 colours...which I don't. This sounds a bit aggressive but just because it's not a problem for you doesn't mean that someone else can have a problem with it. Yeah?
Apologies for posting in the wrong area...just thought it would be where the clever people who were developing the phone would post if they had a fix for the low volume that doesn't appear on CuBz90's phone
Wait until method of loading custom kernels is found... then, sound driver could be easily modified...
blagus said:
Wait until method of loading custom kernels is found... then, sound driver could be easily modified...
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Thank you Blagus...see it's not hard to be polite
johnaachen said:
Thank you Blagus...see it's not hard to be polite
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True, but in the same respect you could be polite to the other users, developers and rules of XDA and not posted this in Development.
Closed thread as you got an answer and moved to "General" the proper place for a thread such as this.

For people that have questions (Q)

This is a development area.
Meaning if you have created something fixed an error then this is where you post. if you have questions please make a topic in the General section this area is getting filled with junk and multiple post asking things that have been posted if you would just learn to use a button we call the search bar at the top right.
I'm not the mod on this Device but as a dev for this device I want to keep things clean unlike all the other areas. I want people to look as the development area and be like ok thats a rom or recover or root and not have to ask questions.
Next is when in a topic please keep on topic. a few topics are 90% junk because people not staying on topic. DONT make posts that say "I hope this is fixed soon or I'm going to get rid of this device" GROW UP go do some reading and help to to make a fix.
I have to add my 2 cents to this. It's really nice if people other their help and discuss things but sometimes threads have to stay clean in order to be helpful for other developers. So please think about if it's really necessary to add your stuff. Otherwise please use the general section.
If you help the developers to do their stuff quickly we'll be able to write how to threads faster for you guys.
Personally I'll pick only a few persons for testing. This will result in less bricked devices
Sent from my A500 using Tapatalk
Maybe link the [DEV] thread to a [DISCUSSION] thread in general section so noobs like use can talk about the development of a given project and not actually post in the [DEV] thread itself.
Also, I wouldn't hesitate to report a post or thread to the mod. I'm not sure how active he is here but it could use a little cleaning.
gammaRascal said:
Maybe link the [DEV] thread to a [DISCUSSION] thread in general section so noobs like use can talk about the development of a given project and not actually post in the [DEV] thread itself.
Also, I wouldn't hesitate to report a post or thread to the mod. I'm not sure how active he is here but it could use a little cleaning.
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I tried to set this a few days ago: but the people don't listen
its a good idea but if people have a question since we dont have a questions area like other forums it needs to be in the general area. or they need to learn to use a search bar/engine. im just tired of pms/email/threads that have been answered already.
dc13 said:
its a good idea but if people have a question since we dont have a questions area like other forums it needs to be in the general area. or they need to learn to use a search bar/engine. im just tired of pms/email/threads that have been answered already.
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You would think by now with how prevalent forums are for all aspects of life, people would know how to use the search feature.
Sent from my Droid using XDA Premium App
seraphimserapis said:
I tried to set this a few days ago: but the people don't listen
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What I meant, exactly, was say a developer starts in on a project - they start their development thread and in the first post, add a link to a discussion thread in the general forum:
[DEV] My project Title
This is my project explanation.
Link to [DISCUSSION] Thread.
So basically, you start you [DEV] thread. Then when you're done, start a [DISCUSSION] thread then link the two together. So noobs, right from the first post, can see the link to the discussion thread. If someone posts a question or chit chat in you [DEV] thread, have it moved to the [DISCUSSION] thread.
I know, it's not ideal, just a thought.
gammaRascal said:
What I meant, exactly, was say a developer starts in on a project - they start their development thread and in the first post, add a link to a discussion thread in the general forum:
[DEV] My project Title
This is my project explanation.
Link to [DISCUSSION] Thread.
So basically, you start you [DEV] thread. Then when you're done, start a [DISCUSSION] thread then link the two together. So noobs, right from the first post, can see the link to the discussion thread. If someone posts a question or chit chat in you [DEV] thread, have it moved to the [DISCUSSION] thread.
I know, it's not ideal, just a thought.
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This actually sounds really good to me. The only kicker being what is considred on topic and what isn't? Are testing successes and failures relevant to a dev thread? Only successes? Only "breakthrough" moments? To be determibed by an elite group of our super-dev peers? Determined by the original poster?
Its a very subjective issue, dependent on the knowledge level and/or experience of the poster and reader both (or simply based on what one is hoping to find at that moment as compared to how disappointed one is by what they do find instead).
It could also get really complicated really fast.
Ultimately thats up to the OP.
The whole point is that a dev thread can only stay as clean as there are ways to do it. At least with a seperate (though connected) discussion thread, it can be directed. If someone posts in the dev thread, it should be up to that threads OP whether or not it can stay or be moved- at least now there would be a place to move it.
BUMP!! cause people dont like going to the second page. STOP making questions here this is for DEV's that have something to make the Iconia better not hi can i do this. go to the GENERAL AREA
I am not a developer, and this is the only post I can see myself ever posting here.
I enjoy reading this section like I'd read a detailed tech news site. I know that these same people also read the general section, so I can benefit from their input there.
Here, this section, this is their place to work! They share ideas here. They make things happen here. Aside from this post, I never want to clutter their desks, because I benefit so much from their hard work!
Is there any way to just make you guys permissible to post? Maybe you should have to be a dev to post? All can read, but devs would contact the mod to post? With a Discussion Thread linked in that environment, I could see a solution.
I still want to read. Its valuable. But aside from this post, I have no reason to write here. Butt every reason to watch progress, for my own education and to see what might be round the bend
anyone can be a dev. it just means u fixed a bug or made something happen thats what this section is for not hey can some1 help get you tube working or something like that.
doing another bump to keep near the top

Less than 10 posts

Hi, I\m a member for many months now and still cannot interact with the forum of my rom. They want at least 10 posts. What to do if I have nothing to say outside my rom? There are questions asked by people I would like to answer and cannot yet. This policy needs reconsideration - I think.
shennar said:
Hi, I\m a member for many months now and still cannot interact with the forum of my rom. They want at least 10 posts. What to do if I have nothing to say outside my rom? There are questions asked by people I would like to answer and cannot yet. This policy needs reconsideration - I think.
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Well...why not go through the Q&A section and answer people's questions? Thus getting 10 posts (without spamming, and by actively contributing to the community) and then you can answer/ask more questions. I partially agree that time could be a better indicator of whether or not someone should be allowed to post in the development section, but there has to be some system by which the forums can be free of 'how do I install this ROM' questions or similarly stupid questions which could be answered by using the search function.
Speaking of the search function, I think there is a thread about this in the 'about XDA-Developers' or 'General' section
or at least allow selective forum access. I need the thread of HD2 Boypcc Nand roms.
OK you win on this. I didn't search for this specific. I searched now, found some similar complaints but not very much like my viewpoint.
About searching, in fact I searched and read and learned too too much (and donated) without asking a single question yet. To post in generic forums I'd love to, but I don't see really serious stuff (for me) to discuss outside ROM. OK 6 down 4 to go
I agree. The policy might need reconsideration but it is not really important though. 10 posts are mighty easy to achieve. Try answering questions in the QnA thread. However, if you really are unaware of how to solve member's problems and queries, you can always hang around and have some fun in the off topic thread. In that way, you will be able to achieve your target. Its not exactly how you might want your first 10 posts, but if you get to interact with your forum,then you will be able to gain more knowledge and a better understanding. Then you can truly start helping people after that.
kawshigan said:
I agree. The policy might need reconsideration but it is not really important though. 10 posts are mighty easy to achieve. Try answering questions in the QnA thread. However, if you really are unaware of how to solve member's problems and queries, you can always hang around and have some fun in the off topic thread. In that way, you will be able to achieve your target. Its not exactly how you might want your first 10 posts, but if you get to interact with your forum,then you will be able to gain more knowledge and a better understanding. Then you can truly start helping people after that.
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OK OK gentlemen, I did, I found 3 questions to answer and did. Now this is post 10 , lets see if done yet.
shennar said:
OK you win on this. I didn't search for this specific. I searched now, found some similar complaints but not very much like my viewpoint.
About searching, in fact I searched and read and learned too too much (and donated) without asking a single question yet. To post in generic forums I'd love to, but I don't see really serious stuff (for me) to discuss outside ROM. OK 6 down 4 to go
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Lol well obviously you didn't ask questions, otherwise you would have more posts
But I respect having no posts but having a membership for a year (and actually using the forums) much more than having 5billion useless posts without having helped anyone.
thread closed because is not related to HD2 Android ... for further information please go here. Regards,
12's tutorial on how to get your postcount above 10:
Keep in mind that only people we the genuine intent to post one of their developmental projects or with a (well explained) bug report NEED a postcount above 10. Nonetheless I'll give you some guidelines on how to achieve this goal in a community accepted way:
Read the stickies in About
Read this thread
Read the stickies in Questions and Answers, ask a question there about the site or anything general should anything be unclear to you
Try to answer 2 or 3 questions there
Read the stickies in your forum for your favorite device
If you have any news on the device post it in general
If you have any questions about a hack, app, ROM or theme pop into that thread and ask a question or leave a message
Check out your device specific Questions and Answers (if it has one, otherwise check out General). With everything you have learned so far you should well be able to help a few more people there
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Question Posting Questions in the Q&A Section

Hey guys, me again this time I'm going to show you how to POST QUESTIONS correctly in the Q&A forums. I've had enough of seeing others trying to help when the OP himself/herself doesn't want to help make solving their problem easier for others. So I urge everyone to follow this method of posting questions in the future.
1. Post a suitable, descriptive title.
- Posting a suitable title will give other experienced users an idea of what their up against. That way, they will know what may be the problem and the solution to that problem at first glance.
- A suitable format would be ; [Q] (Insert problem here) (Insert ROM name here and kernel name if possible). One more thing to note ; if your problem is solved, add a [SOLVED] at the beginning of your title. That way, others can use your thread as reference in case they have the same bugs. It's much easier than opening 200 different threads with the same problem. Like the XDA video says, "You are not special.."
- DO NOT : Post titles that go "Heeelllppp meee plzzzzzz" "Pllzzzzz help !!!11!!" "Urgenntt haalp !!". It makes me sick to see titles like these. Not only do they have nothing to do with the question, it's irritating to see this 5 year old style of creating titles. Don't get me started with the spelling.
2. Be descriptive
- This is another problem I see these days. Don't just write something like "Hellp i flashed xxx ROM and now the phone act wierd". That doesn't help anyone. Not the OP nor the people trying to help. Instead be as descriptive as possible. State the ROM you're on, what kernel you used, any mods of tweaks you added, what you have tried so far. This will narrow down the problem and solution. Also, be as clear as possible on what your problem is.
3. Reuse, reduce, recycle
- As with the 3R's, it not only helps the enviroment, but the forums as well.
Reuse - If you have another problem closely related to your first problem, I highly urge users to EDIT their OP. There's an Edit button. Make use of it, not open 20 threads linking to the same problem.
Reduce - Reduce the amount of threads opened for a certain bug, especially if the said bug is quite popular in our forum. For example, if ROM X has a bug with camera, we don't need 10 people making 10 threads asking the same thing, especially when it's a well known bug.
Recycle - Search the forums instead of opening a new thread every time. If you find a thread where the OP has a similar question as you, you are much obliged to revive that thread. again, be descriptive because the OP may have posted that thread a year ago and things change here, A LOT.
4. Comparisons
- Please refrain from posting questions like "Which is better ROM X or ROM Y ?". This is not a question to be solved. This is strictly forbidden by the mods themselves. This hurts the developer.
5. ETAs
- Never open questions asking when an update will come for your favourite ROM. This act is strictly forbidden in the original ROM thread (asking for ETAs). So what makes you think opening a thread in the Q&A is any different ?
6. What are considered questions, stay in the Q&A.
- I cannot stress this enough. PLEASE POST QUESTIONS IN THE Q&A SECTION. No not the General section. Nope, not the Android Development section and hell no, not in the Original Development. I can say the same for some of the others. Why post Guides in the Q&A section, like how to dual boot roms or how to unlock bootloaders ?
7. How to...?
- I discourage many from posting threads on how to develop ROMS, THEMES, KERNELS. Those are things people learn on XDA. No one can answer that in a thread. I already see ROM/Kernel compiling guides all over the X8 forums. Be prepared to get your hands dirty tho.
8. Search search search
"Whatever your problem is, you aren't the first one to have it ! *whisper* It means the answer is already out there..." - Azrienoch in the Welcome to XDA video
As quoted, please search for your problem before starting a new thread. It saves a lot of space in an already cluttered Q&A section. It also feels really good knowing you solved your problem by yourself instead of causing more problems for others.
9. Be grateful
- Finally, be grateful for ANY answer you get, even if it didn't solve your problem. Keep in mind, these people (like me) could have just seen your problem and scrolled past by, but they didn't. They took time out of their lives to help you, a total stranger in another part of the world. The least you can do is hit Thanks for them.
Note : If I missed out anything and you feel it should be added, please reply below

QA Bot - opinions?

Am I alone in thinking that every ROM/kernel/mod getting their own Q & A thread is messy, fragmented, confusing and generally Not A Good Thing?
They're here to stay unfortunately, mods choice, but sheesh.... Even more room for dumb questions that have been answered many gazillion times before.
My $0.02.
Sent from my N9005
So, what, you want all 5,867,631 members posting every question they have about every ROM single in one massive topic? Or would you prefer that everyone makes a new thread for every question? Which will inevitably lead to thousands of people asking the exact same question over and over and over again, making a new thread for every single one.
Good luck sorting out that nightmare.
Information is much more specific, sorted and organised this way. You need specific information in a thread, that's what the 'Search this thread' bar on the top right side is for.
ShadowLea said:
So, what, you want all 5,867,631 members posting every question they have about every ROM single in one massive topic? Or would you prefer that everyone makes a new thread for every question? Which will inevitably lead to thousands of people asking the exact same question over and over and over again, making a new thread for every single one.
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In my experience, the latter is exactly what's going to happen anyway. Always has been that way, always will.
Your point of view is cogent, logical and eminently sensible. And that's why this new system won't work - because those who can't /won't use search, read more than one post, start with "I've tried searching but it didn't help" etc continue down their diametrically opposed routes...
I also have read one dev stating that he wants no part of an extra Q & A forum and won't be replying to any questions there.
So who gains?
A further thought - from what I can see, the Q&A Bot seems to be triggered by questions in the ROM/kernel fora/threads, judging by the redirects to the new Q&A threads.
But some of the former threads are 20+ pages long. I cannot see how further fragmentation will possibly lead to less clutter. Duplicate questions answered in different sub-fora, and extra threads for people not to search in will be the result. Hope I'm wrong. But I'm not, wait and see
Here's a prime example....
In all honesty i dont care how they want to structure the forum.
I do personally think it should be the other way Around. i.e. The MAIN Release of the ROM is on the Q&A and people have to earn the correct Rep to post in the Dev Section.
Well most people on this forum dont know how to use a search function, So what better way, Post your question in one section
Then post it again in another section, Double the chances / speed of being answered.
If a user cannot google a question or search the forum, How do the expect to filter the stupidity down by opening a new thread for people to post stupid questions.
Each Thread Q&A has all the normal stuff it does right now.
The Thread links off to the Dev section, where you will need X Reputation in order to post stuff in the development section.
I think this would reduce the stupid question and leave the developers forum free for actual debug, issues and fix's being posted.
Regardless of what suggestions are made, They will never be taken on board. Mods aint what they used to be Maybe i have been here too long.
No disrespect of course

