[Q] Freeze and reboot - Nexus 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hello everbody,
bought 2 weeks ago the Nexus 4 16GB and I'm very happy with it.
But i have the problem, that the device restarts when it is under load, means i play or watch something what needs
the full power of the CPU and GPU.
It happens a lot when i play Iron Man 3 The Official Game or Dead Trigger.
Than the device freezes, can't kill the app or even lock the screen and after 10~ seconds it reboots itself.
Active Wifi, Bluetooth, 3G or not doesn't make any difference.
The only strange thing is, what i discovered after a few crashes, is that the battery gauge stands still before the crash and after the reboot the gauge drops to it assumed level.
Screenshot as attachment.
System: Android 4.3 Stock (with this last mini patch from last week)
Does anyone have a idea how i can fix this?
I tried, to charge the battery while android is off and to turn android at 100% on, but this doesn't help.

GTrash81 said:
Hello everbody,
bought 2 weeks ago the Nexus 4 16GB and I'm very happy with it.
But i have the problem, that the device restarts when it is under load, means i play or watch something what needs
the full power of the CPU and GPU.
It happens a lot when i play Iron Man 3 The Official Game or Dead Trigger.
Than the device freezes, can't kill the app or even lock the screen and after 10~ seconds it reboots itself.
Active Wifi, Bluetooth, 3G or not doesn't make any difference.
The only strange thing is, what i discovered after a few crashes, is that the battery gauge stands still before the crash and after the reboot the gauge drops to it assumed level.
Screenshot as attachment.
System: Android 4.3 Stock (with this last mini patch from last week)
Does anyone have a idea how i can fix this?
I tried, to charge the battery while android is off and to turn android at 100% on, but this doesn't help.
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Did you undervolt the CPU?

If this is happening without rooting/etc... then I would definitely get a replacement. It sounds like the processor is overheating and causing a reboot rather than throttling.

Today i checked if the device is getting too hot.
But after 2 minutes playing Iron Man, by 9°C outside (i was on the way to the city, waiting for the train), it rebooted.
So i started the game, deactivated the display and put it on the table. After 4 hours i checked the game and played over 10 minutes without a crash.
So what i think is, that these two don't like Trim (most new feature with 4.3) or the are badly programmed and must reload/refresh objects while playing and Trim must work to clear temporary files.
And they are badly programmed, because i red at the developers page, that a few other people have the same problems.
So excuse me for wasting your time. But hey, to err is human.


Calendar rinsing the battery?

Just got my Galaxy S yesterday, but had big problems with the Samsung apps right out of the box.
The main launcher would repeatedly lock up, it was totally unusable. After being frozen for a few minutes I would be able to kill twlauncher process, then it would start up again and run for a few seconds before freezing. I managed to download LauncherPro from the market place to replace it, which is much better.
However, the calendar is causing me grief now. It takes a long time to load, and is not particularly responsive, but the big issue is the battery usage.
1 hour 40 since unplugging and I'm down to 50% battery left (from a full overnight charge) - calendar is responsible for 17% of this(!) with 47 minutes of CPU usage. What is going on?!
Any advice on how to either fix this, or blitz the Samsung calendar app and use the standard google one?
Hi Meza1,
First thing to be aware of is that it takes about 5-7 days before the battery starts to settle down, the first 2 days are a little scary.
Your launcher locking up doesnt sound normal, so I'd keep an eye on that.
As for calendar, I've not noticed it being an issue. The usual battery hogs are when apps are set to high frequency updates. So recently I installed twitter on a 15min update and it took my battery from 2-3days standby down to 6hours!
You could reset your phone to factory and start again and if its still locking up you might want to get it exchanged. We all suffer lag of a few seconds here and there which we hope will be fixed, but not to the level you've just reported.
Root your phone and install "AutoKiller". Great app, it automatically cleans out your ram and uneeded background applications. Phone runs smoothly with no lag. I use "LauncherPro" instead of "TouchWiz".
My GPS also fixes almost instantly, less than 30 secs in most cases. This is in both Google Maps and Co-Pilot.
I really think that it would be unwise to root the phone at this stage, because it would appear to have problems that are not seen on most SGS's and therefore the chances are that the phone needs to be returned.
This would not be possible if "rooted".
Thanks for the responses. I think I'll try one of the lag-fix ROMs that are being mentioned and see how it goes. Is there a way to back up my apps and settings before doing this?
I would agree with Geryatrix and hold off rooting or upgrading your phone just yet, in case you need to return it.

G2 Shuts OFF(resets)! Potential FIX!

For about 2 months since I have owned this phone it has given me nothing but crap. I always kept my G1 in my pocket and I always dropped it, even had it in water 3 times! (never had any problems) The G2 however if I kept it in my pocket, dropped it, or open/closed the keyboard repeatedly the phone would shutoff! Very Very disappointed at first. I missed many calls and text messages.
So How come NOW I can drop it, open/close the keyboard repeatedly, and keep it in my pocket without it shutting off?
I did a little investigating of the battery and contact points on this phone, it turns out that there is room for play with my battery. SO every so often the contacts would lose connection with the battery!
TO fix this I put a small piece of folded paper along the top edge of the battery opposite of the contact point to the phone, it made a more secure and snug fit to the contact points.
The battery does get Hot so I do not recommend this as a permanent fix as it is now a small fire hazard.
BUT, to this day I have had ZERO problems.
I am sooooo now with my G2 any questions or other comments please leave them below.
Class 10 4gb microSd
1500MAH battery
Hard rubberized black graphic case
Talk about going backward! I remember the old nokia 5160s that everyone and their brother had folded up paper in the batteries about 10 years ago! LOL
Meh... I don't think anyone else has this problem. If they did then they probably exchanged it.
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 running Cyanogenmod.
I have this problem.
I can't exchange it because I bought the phone on ebay.
If you search through the threads and on google, quite a few people experience this random freeze / shutdown where you have to do a battery pull.
I've tried flashing different roms, using only basic apps etc...
I don't think it's software related anymore, and if it is, it's too hard to diagnose. Many suggestions have been made, micro sd card slot, battery connections, software, weird app, different rom... I haven't tried removing SD card yet and my battery connection seems ok, it's pretty tight in there...
Don't know what the problem is and I wish someone could figure it out as it's frustrating to drop too much $$$ on a phone and have it act this way.
Random Reboots
I have a similar problem with my G2. It randomly reboots when its siting stationary on my desk or in my car.
This problem is made stranger though because it NEVER does this while I'm using it!! If I have it playing Pandora or Youtube - no reboots. But, like clockwork, if turn off the screen and set it on my desk, reboot... never fails... it will reboot 2 or 3 times then seems to be ok for a little while. Very annoying because I can't make or receive calls while its doing this.
Like others I've read plenty of posts on this but no working fix I can find. Some people say they returned their phone 2 or 3 times and still have the same issue. Some people say its related to signal strength but it does this will full bars or no bars.
I've tried custom Roms: CM6.1.1, CM7-RC1, & Virtuous 1.0.1 and the problem remains.
Does anyone know how to fix this? This is the only negative about an otherwise HOT little phone.
At least yours reboots! A lot of others just freeze (like mine)! And then you don't even know it.
I'm trying out another theory... Installed CM6 a few days ago. Had the same problem.
But I just started OC using CPU Tuner and the stock CM6 Kernel., the lowest option I have for clock speed is 700 something for some reason, so I just used that. So far, 36h, hasn't done it. I THINK, it might be related to the phone not getting enough juice for some odd reason - even on stock, so when you OC it and set a higher clock speed for idle, it might help. NOT sure yet but testing. Will post up if it "fixes" the problem for me.
My G2 was randomly shutting off a lot, usually right after I stuck it in my pocket. The solution? I exchanged it. The new one never does that XD
Possible fix for random reboot
I think I may have found a working fix for my random reboots. Credit goes to the OP.
I installed the Pershoot kernel and since then I haven't had a reboot and up until now it has rebooted like clockwork.
I'll see how it goes.
I had this problem while using the Red ChiChi/EVO batteries, but I believe my problem to be with the back cover. I might have dropped it and the cover got slightly tweaked, or perhaps it was the chichi battery, as it wasn't exactly a perfect fit. If a certain spot on it gets touched or pushed in, the battery loses contact with the pins and kills the phone. I have to pull the battery and let it set for a minute b4 putting it back in and powering up.
I used the same method, with a piece of folded paper on top for a while.
Perhaps its a different problem than the OP, but this only happened with my ChiChi batteries. With stock battery, it always seemed to be a good enough fit, and the corners kept it in place.
I ended up buying an extra stock battery for around $20, and now I carry 2 Stock batteries at all times.
Solution finally?!
I think I found the solution for my phone:
set OC profiles so the phone doesn't go below a certain mhz threshold.
On CM6 stock with CPU Tuner, it defaults to 700mhz lowest. Did not notice any increase in battery drain.
Uptime - 70 hours. Finally fixed!
//UPDATE: I did experience a freeze around the 100 hour mark, but so far that's the only one in the last week or so. In any case, it's doing MUCH better than before...
//OK I lied it still does it but so far just once or twice a week. Better than once a day.
So far there are apparently three problems/solutions:
- Micro SD slot loose connection / improper close - Check micro SD card slot
- Idle voltage too low, freezes phone / use OC kernel and set screen off speed higher
- Bad battery connection / manually fix
After many tries and diagnosing I think one issue is that on stock settings, the idle / screen off profile is set too low, which can freeze the phone (although I did have it freeze once while I was actively texting... not sure why). But 99% of the time it happened with the screen off. Hopefully it doesn't happen again, will keep phone on to see, but I don't remember it going more than 48h without freezing lately.
I have tried the following which did NOT fix the issue for me:
Micro SD check
Uninstall programs (skype, launcher pro, various others)
Revert to "stock"
CM6 "stock"
Checked Battery
Used stock battery / China battery
All those solutions still led to the random freeze / battery pull situation, but could potentially work for you.
2 G2's did the same thing. T-Mobile states known problem. After 14-hour shut down pulled mSDHC card and Sim and replaced battery which was drained in the off-state.
Solved problem and bought a Nokia N8.
Customer Service at T-Mobile and HTC is totally unconnected and unresponsive. Their answer wait for the FOTA.
Hope they don't send it to my Symbian ^3 jewel!
Was Shutting down multiple times a day - FIXED!
Hey Guys,
I've purchased my G2 from ebay so was not able to return it. So I've been trying to fix this problem for ever.
I have not found anything that works until now (knock on wood).
I installed the Cyanogenmod (cm_vision_full-32.zip) and updated my older CM version. The phone has not shutdown once in 4 days, which is a first.
Note: my GPS does not work with this version. I'm about to try a clean wipe to see if it will activate. I'm guessing however that the shutdown issue is 100% tied to the GPS so if I'm successful the problem will return. If a wipe does not work I'll try new radios.
I'll update any progress.
lost800 said:
I have this problem.
I can't exchange it because I bought the phone on ebay.
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Caveat emptor.
I know. Live in Canada and only way to get the phone.
Me too, although my phone is at uptime: 211 hours right now
CM6 with cpu tuner with the settings posted above... basically make sure it never underclocks below 700 mhz.

[Q] SGS2 Overheating?

I've been having a few issues with a couple of games freezing and have also had the phone get quite hot, particularly around the camera end. The two games I've had freeze up a lot are Fruit Slice and Pinball Classic, neither are spectacular graphics wise. Basically the games just freeze up and either I'm ejected to the home screen or I have to power off/restart. Occasionally I do get the "Force Close" box, but not very often, this contrary to what I would expect if it were just a normal bug related issue. sometimes it crashes after 5 mins or so, other times straight away. What makes me think it might be overheating is that once it does freeze up, it will do so again almost instantly if I relaunch. The rest of the phone seems okay in operation, I've run a few benchmarks and stress tests, all run okay so far. However (and it is a BIG however), once the phone has got warm, if I go to adjust my screen brightness I am limited to how high I can raise it and receive the following message: "To avoid overheating, maximum brightness has been reduced" (I've attached a screen print below).
Does anybody else get these issues or that message?
Got that "To avoid overheating..." message too while using Navigon Mobile Navigator inside my car (attached to charger).
In some other post I also read about a message like "To avoid overheating, the charging process has been paused", but this depends on the temperature of the battery only (I think).
Regarding the crashing games, that might be a problem of the game. But I had some crashing games, too, but I could not find a relation to the temperature of the phone.
Anyway, it could still be a heat problem.
In my opinion it would had be better for samsung to make the phone some mm thicker to better deal with heat and including a more powerful battery than just claiming to have the thinnest superphone.
Anyway, its still a great device.
Useful to hear it happens on other handsets, in fact I've now found a few threads talking about the issue happening on other models of samsung phone, such as the Infuse.
On the crashing games front, would you mind trying out Fruit Slice for a bit, to see if it hangs on you? If it dosen't crash after 10 mins or so I would think you're okay.
about overheating
i did experience it
when i left the phone in the car it became very hot and i get the same message
TacticalTimbo said:
On the crashing games front, would you mind trying out Fruit Slice for a bit, to see if it hangs on you? If it dosen't crash after 10 mins or so I would think you're okay.
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I'll try that as soon as I have it back (and if I remember to test), its currently at the repair facility because of a faulty camera.
EvilGeniusHST said:
I'll try that as soon as I have it back (and if I remember to test), its currently at the repair facility because of a faulty camera.
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Cheers, really appreiated. Just to update, I played it again just now, managed 3 games before it froze and kicked me out to the home screen; again no crash dialoge asking force close/wait?! I also checked my temp immediatly after it crashed, using Stability Test V1.5, it reported 31c, which dosen't sound too hot from what I've heard...who knows, cheers agian though!
EvilGeniusHST said:
I'll try that as soon as I have it back (and if I remember to test), its currently at the repair facility because of a faulty camera.
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Cheers, really appreiated. Just to update, I played it again just now, managed 3 games before it froze and kicked me out to the home screen; again no crash dialoge asking force close/wait?! I also checked my temp immediatly after it crashed, using Stability Test V1.5, it reported 31c, which dosen't sound too hot from what I've heard...who knows, cheers agian though!
sorry about the double post
Okay, I've been playing now about 15+ minutes without any problem. The phone doesnt get even hot, just a little bit warm. Using Navigon Navigator it gets a LOT more hotter.
So maybe you should try a factory reset? Or its a faulty phone...
By the way, I had display brightness set to Auto and I'm on german KE7 firmware.

[Q] Screen response

Hi All,
I have got my Ideos X5 for about 2,5 weeks now and at first everything was fine. I had a battery life of about 2 full days, made it 3 days once! The response was quick and everthing was as I wanted it.
The last week however when i scroll in my menu, it's not fluent anymore, switching from screens (left and right) is not fluent anymore and i am unable to remove widgets from my homescreen. This is because when i press the widget (if you do it long enough you should be able to place it in the garbage can) it only holds it a for a fraction and then it drops it again, or it simply loads the program. Angry birds simply crashes after like 5-10 games for another example. When i do a quadrant test at that moment, it scores like 1000.
Now the strange thing is: this is not all the time. Sometimes it has these problems, sometimes it works fluently, no problems, no crashes, quadrant of 1400.
I tried to find out if it was a particular application that was running that caused it, but i ended every application that i've downloaded so far and it still occurs.
Anyone have any idea what it could be and how to solve the problem?
What Rom are you running?
I use the stock os.
build number: V100R001c00b135sp01
custom version: Custdeuc253d001
so i guess B135?
Hi all, quick update. I think i might have found the answer to my problems.... I downloaded this battery app earlier and i removed it now. This night cost 0% battery (earlier it sometimes cost 30%) and angry birds didn't crash even though i played for like an hour and alle screens work fluently again. Lets hope it stays that way! (otherwise i'll be back )
Meiga44 said:
Hi all, quick update. I think i might have found the answer to my problems.... I downloaded this battery app earlier and i removed it now. This night cost 0% battery (earlier it sometimes cost 30%) and angry birds didn't crash even though i played for like an hour and alle screens work fluently again. Lets hope it stays that way! (otherwise i'll be back )
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Every battery saving app is oNLY for stupid people who don't know what is their phone and how to lower brighness or disable GPS. Apps CAN NOT make any difference in battery life, only shorting it. Cause it's again only just one more app running in background and using phone resources - and it's from battery.

[Q] Nexus 4 random shuts down itself

I got nexus 4, and problem is that now and then it shuts down itself... Battery is charging ok, but after working few minutes or hours (no specific time) it just shuts down (idle or working)...
Phone is not rooted, I tried factory reset, and that didn't help either...
Currently it is on 5.0.1, I got it with this version of software so I don't know did this happen earlier on 5.0 or 4.4...
I wanted to do complete root but i'm afraid that it would shutdown itself during the process..
Does anyone knows what can be the problem??
Have you tried flashing the 5.0.1 factory image through fastboot?
Even I am facing the same problem. But for me it does not show shutting down also. It just blanks out at around 40% battery.
Had the exact same problem with my phone until I rooted the phone and changed to a non-stock rom and have not had the problem since.
Hi guys don't know if this helps because mine is slightly different. Mine is reboot itself.
My suspicion is on ram, maybe the device is out ram and then reboot itself, maybe this goes the same to shut down idk (please correct me if I'm wrong). Recently I've put gravity box and I can see how much ram left when I tap the application switcher, it was mind blowing for me. I often find that when you open several application the number of ram available can reach below 500mb (especially chrome tabs, it do have a lot of ram to use) I mean it's a 2 gb ram device wow. Every few days I've checked that when the idle ram is over a gig I do reboot manually. That way my problem of random reboot vanished. Good luck
Sent from my Nexus 4 using XDA Free mobile app
Screen will not wake from sleep
The device will randomly not wake from a sleep state, and is happening more frequently. I've read that it's possibly linked to a motherboard issue. I have root, TWRP, Xposed. Will flashing a different kernel possibly resolve the issue?
I bought an N4 from eBay and it worked perfectly for months on stock rooted Lollipop. Then it suddenly started to randomly shut down - not reboot, just a sudden buzz and "Power off". I've tried Marshmallow, Chroma, and now Cyanogenmod latest dailies. Plus a new battery (an eBay special, contacts didn't align with screws, but since another suggested fix was to leave the connection screwless that's fine - it seems to hold a charge and works fine).
So my question is - even though the power button seems to be clicky and ok, is it worth trying a new one? I know that it's mainly suggested for random reboots, but maybe it's related?
Or any other bright suggestions? Any help much appreciated.
I bought a new power & volume button and the same "power off" still happens - sometimes immediately on boot, sometimes after a period when it seems to be going ok..
Anyone have any ideas at all which hardware may be responsible? I doubt it's software, since the same happens on all ROMs, rooted or not.
I had the same issue until I reformatted all partitions and installed stock 5.1.1 Now reboots are gone. Looks like my issue was software related. The only change from stock was stability mode from Root Booster
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk
Thanks, Hjicons. I wish I were so lucky...
As I said, different ROMS, root/no root, make no difference. It occasionally runs for a day or so, but as soon as I reboot it's back to immediate "power off".
On the plus side, it's *astonishingly* strong. I treat all my phones with kid gloves - always in a completely empty pocket, no keys or coins, in a plastic bag if there's the slightest threat of rain (even my water-resistant Nexus 6), I set them down gently on surfaces, yadda yadda yadda...
So in frustration, hoping to jar whatever component into proper life, I've banged it hard, very hard, on a mousemat, all four corners, no difference. And last night in a fury of annoyance, to stop myself pointlessly wasting time trying to fix the damn thing, I tried to smash the front glass with a heavy torch and the handle of a big screwdriver, hard enough to bring my wife in from another room to find out what the banging was. Not a scratch, not a crack. Gorilla glass is as strong as they claim it is.
But still not working...

