G2 Shuts OFF(resets)! Potential FIX! - G2 and Desire Z General

For about 2 months since I have owned this phone it has given me nothing but crap. I always kept my G1 in my pocket and I always dropped it, even had it in water 3 times! (never had any problems) The G2 however if I kept it in my pocket, dropped it, or open/closed the keyboard repeatedly the phone would shutoff! Very Very disappointed at first. I missed many calls and text messages.
So How come NOW I can drop it, open/close the keyboard repeatedly, and keep it in my pocket without it shutting off?
I did a little investigating of the battery and contact points on this phone, it turns out that there is room for play with my battery. SO every so often the contacts would lose connection with the battery!
TO fix this I put a small piece of folded paper along the top edge of the battery opposite of the contact point to the phone, it made a more secure and snug fit to the contact points.
The battery does get Hot so I do not recommend this as a permanent fix as it is now a small fire hazard.
BUT, to this day I have had ZERO problems.
I am sooooo now with my G2 any questions or other comments please leave them below.
Class 10 4gb microSd
1500MAH battery
Hard rubberized black graphic case

Talk about going backward! I remember the old nokia 5160s that everyone and their brother had folded up paper in the batteries about 10 years ago! LOL

Meh... I don't think anyone else has this problem. If they did then they probably exchanged it.
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 running Cyanogenmod.

I have this problem.
I can't exchange it because I bought the phone on ebay.
If you search through the threads and on google, quite a few people experience this random freeze / shutdown where you have to do a battery pull.
I've tried flashing different roms, using only basic apps etc...
I don't think it's software related anymore, and if it is, it's too hard to diagnose. Many suggestions have been made, micro sd card slot, battery connections, software, weird app, different rom... I haven't tried removing SD card yet and my battery connection seems ok, it's pretty tight in there...
Don't know what the problem is and I wish someone could figure it out as it's frustrating to drop too much $$$ on a phone and have it act this way.

Random Reboots
I have a similar problem with my G2. It randomly reboots when its siting stationary on my desk or in my car.
This problem is made stranger though because it NEVER does this while I'm using it!! If I have it playing Pandora or Youtube - no reboots. But, like clockwork, if turn off the screen and set it on my desk, reboot... never fails... it will reboot 2 or 3 times then seems to be ok for a little while. Very annoying because I can't make or receive calls while its doing this.
Like others I've read plenty of posts on this but no working fix I can find. Some people say they returned their phone 2 or 3 times and still have the same issue. Some people say its related to signal strength but it does this will full bars or no bars.
I've tried custom Roms: CM6.1.1, CM7-RC1, & Virtuous 1.0.1 and the problem remains.
Does anyone know how to fix this? This is the only negative about an otherwise HOT little phone.

At least yours reboots! A lot of others just freeze (like mine)! And then you don't even know it.
I'm trying out another theory... Installed CM6 a few days ago. Had the same problem.
But I just started OC using CPU Tuner and the stock CM6 Kernel., the lowest option I have for clock speed is 700 something for some reason, so I just used that. So far, 36h, hasn't done it. I THINK, it might be related to the phone not getting enough juice for some odd reason - even on stock, so when you OC it and set a higher clock speed for idle, it might help. NOT sure yet but testing. Will post up if it "fixes" the problem for me.

My G2 was randomly shutting off a lot, usually right after I stuck it in my pocket. The solution? I exchanged it. The new one never does that XD

Possible fix for random reboot
I think I may have found a working fix for my random reboots. Credit goes to the OP.
I installed the Pershoot kernel and since then I haven't had a reboot and up until now it has rebooted like clockwork.
I'll see how it goes.

I had this problem while using the Red ChiChi/EVO batteries, but I believe my problem to be with the back cover. I might have dropped it and the cover got slightly tweaked, or perhaps it was the chichi battery, as it wasn't exactly a perfect fit. If a certain spot on it gets touched or pushed in, the battery loses contact with the pins and kills the phone. I have to pull the battery and let it set for a minute b4 putting it back in and powering up.
I used the same method, with a piece of folded paper on top for a while.
Perhaps its a different problem than the OP, but this only happened with my ChiChi batteries. With stock battery, it always seemed to be a good enough fit, and the corners kept it in place.
I ended up buying an extra stock battery for around $20, and now I carry 2 Stock batteries at all times.

Solution finally?!
I think I found the solution for my phone:
set OC profiles so the phone doesn't go below a certain mhz threshold.
On CM6 stock with CPU Tuner, it defaults to 700mhz lowest. Did not notice any increase in battery drain.
Uptime - 70 hours. Finally fixed!
//UPDATE: I did experience a freeze around the 100 hour mark, but so far that's the only one in the last week or so. In any case, it's doing MUCH better than before...
//OK I lied it still does it but so far just once or twice a week. Better than once a day.
So far there are apparently three problems/solutions:
- Micro SD slot loose connection / improper close - Check micro SD card slot
- Idle voltage too low, freezes phone / use OC kernel and set screen off speed higher
- Bad battery connection / manually fix
After many tries and diagnosing I think one issue is that on stock settings, the idle / screen off profile is set too low, which can freeze the phone (although I did have it freeze once while I was actively texting... not sure why). But 99% of the time it happened with the screen off. Hopefully it doesn't happen again, will keep phone on to see, but I don't remember it going more than 48h without freezing lately.
I have tried the following which did NOT fix the issue for me:
Micro SD check
Uninstall programs (skype, launcher pro, various others)
Revert to "stock"
CM6 "stock"
Checked Battery
Used stock battery / China battery
All those solutions still led to the random freeze / battery pull situation, but could potentially work for you.

2 G2's did the same thing. T-Mobile states known problem. After 14-hour shut down pulled mSDHC card and Sim and replaced battery which was drained in the off-state.
Solved problem and bought a Nokia N8.
Customer Service at T-Mobile and HTC is totally unconnected and unresponsive. Their answer wait for the FOTA.
Hope they don't send it to my Symbian ^3 jewel!

Was Shutting down multiple times a day - FIXED!
Hey Guys,
I've purchased my G2 from ebay so was not able to return it. So I've been trying to fix this problem for ever.
I have not found anything that works until now (knock on wood).
I installed the Cyanogenmod (cm_vision_full-32.zip) and updated my older CM version. The phone has not shutdown once in 4 days, which is a first.
Note: my GPS does not work with this version. I'm about to try a clean wipe to see if it will activate. I'm guessing however that the shutdown issue is 100% tied to the GPS so if I'm successful the problem will return. If a wipe does not work I'll try new radios.
I'll update any progress.

lost800 said:
I have this problem.
I can't exchange it because I bought the phone on ebay.
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Caveat emptor.

I know. Live in Canada and only way to get the phone.

Me too, although my phone is at uptime: 211 hours right now
CM6 with cpu tuner with the settings posted above... basically make sure it never underclocks below 700 mhz.


Do HD2 Batteries fail quickly when they go?

I've always read the thread about battery life problems on here thinking "Thank **** mine doesn't have that problem" - luckily since I bought mine in December the battery has been quite impressive really.
But a few days ago it suddenly started losing power VERY fast. I'm talking about 10%/hour even on standby, so I undid changes I'd made recently and it made no difference.
Then I read through loads of other threads on here from people who had poor battery life on their phones to look for clues/solutions.
It seems that the responses are (understandably) fairly consistent, eg:
check for stuff running in task manager
remove changes recently made to the phone/uninstall recently added apps
make sure your data/wireless etc isn't doing stuff it shouldn't be
turn off automatic updates
turn down the screen brightness
check activesync
do a hard reset
upgrade your radio rom
All of these of course make sense and are useful suggestions, but it seems there are a good few cases where doing these things don't help, ie you check out the different potential causes and none appear to be responsible. And in the case of sudden poor battery performance you can't point the finger at the rom/screen brighness/auto updates if they are only doing the same as they have been for ages without issue.
So is there a genuine case for the batteries just suddenly 'going weak'?
I've resorted to a hard reset on mine last night after assuming something had got corrupted hence why I could not find the cause of the sudden battery weakness.
But it hasn't helped - it's still dropping approx 10% each hour while on standby, even on a basic install, without even all the apps I normally have.
To me therefore it logically has to mean a failing battery if a hard reset does not help - or can anyone argue why that might not be true? The only exception I can think of realistically is a hardware fault with the phone.
Have ordered a new standard one anyway, and a hicap 'bulge' battery, so I'll post up if the new one cures it. Quite a few battery threads seem to have no conclusion, so ultimately they're not all that helpful in those cases.
How many other people have had issues like this where the battery life has rapidly gone downhill and a new battery has solved the issue?
Also, has anyone done any tests on their 'dodgy' batteries to see if they are indeed going bad or if it's the phone at fault? For instance (really basic I know) if I were to hook up a light bulb to the battery and measure how long it lasts before it goes dim, then compare it to the results from a new battery, would that be worth trying?
If that's the case it's p1ss poor that a state of the art phone can't even go 6-7months before the battery is junk!
I understand and appreciate that li-ion cells only have a certain number of charge cycles (like most rechargeables) but this takes the cake!
My old XDA orbit is years old, still has its original battery, and that has not deteriorated by any noticeable amount, so these shouldn't either.
See: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=688496
and let me know if the new battery fixes the problem. I think the batteries might be crap and prone to failing early.
Thanks for the link - sounds exactly the same as my issue.
Hopefully the new battery packs will sort it but that's shocking quality control or product design/testing if these are failing so quickly.
change , Toshiba Tg01 , its better , im using 2 of thems , hd2 and Tg01
made by Japan is better than Taiwanese ,
Enchanter said:
change , Toshiba Tg01 , its better , im using 2 of thems , hd2 and Tg01
made by Japan is better than Taiwanese ,
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Yeah right. But that has not solved the problems with the 6 month old phone.
What i have not read in the post of Cret is that you took the memory card out and see if that improves battery life. a corrupt file on the memory card causes a huge drain.
try because that also happenns suddenly e.g. after been connected to a computer and not disconnecting properly.
That's a damn good point actually - thanks. I had seen that mentioned in other battery threads yet somehow completely forgot to try it.
I will try and see whether it makes any difference - cheers.
If that should turn out to be the cause of the problem how do you resolve it?
To elaborate - I don't imagine you can easily identify which file would be the culprit, without formatting the card and adding the files back one by one and testing for the fault to re-appear. That's totally impractical, almost impossible with the number of files you can fit on a 16gb card, and the time it would take to carry out that process, so what do you do?
Or is it possible that simply copying them off the card, formatting it, and pasting them back would somehow resolve the issue.
Enchanter said:
change , Toshiba Tg01 , its better , im using 2 of thems , hd2 and Tg01
made by Japan is better than Taiwanese ,
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How pointless.
wilcovh said:
Yeah right. But that has not solved the problems with the 6 month old phone.
What i have not read in the post of Cret is that you took the memory card out and see if that improves battery life. a corrupt file on the memory card causes a huge drain.
try because that also happenns suddenly e.g. after been connected to a computer and not disconnecting properly.
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Doesn't this usually result in filesys.exe spiking up to 100% (or just high) CPU usage, though? It isn't doing this on mine, although I'll give it a shot without the SD card. I would expect better battery life without an SD card in anyway, but nothing dramatic.
Cret, let me know if your new battery sorts the problem so I know to buy one myself!
the battery do this only a the begining but after 6 monthes of use it becomes better day after day
hoss_n2 said:
the battery do this only a the begining but after 6 monthes of use it becomes better day after day
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What are you talking about? Again, you enlighten a thread with useless information. You can clearly see the OP has had the phone for 6 months (as have I) and the battery is failing (as is mine).
Plus, your battery must defy the laws of physics if it gets better day after day. Interesting.
Cret said:
If that should turn out to be the cause of the problem how do you resolve it?
almost impossible with the number of files you can fit on a 16gb card
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What you can try is put the memory card in a card reader and run checkdisk on the card. see if that identify's any problems on the file system
beside of that it seems that the HD2 has problems with 16GB cards, at least quite a few of them. read through the posts.
Id suggest to collect more data about the problem.
The program BattClock lets you check the battery drain in mA. A normal drain for the HD2, with no processes keeping the CPU awake, is 4mA in standby, with only the radio being powered to receive calls.
So, since the battery current value isn't update instantly, right after you wake up form stanby battclock should be showing 4mA (max6-7mA or something lik that) fora few seconds. If that's not the case, and if the drain is way higher than that, then it may be the case that the phone for some strange reasons is draining more current than it should, and it's not a real battery fault.
I had a similar issue, solved it by disabling auto backlight. Set it at 30% and all good since then.
Well, I thought there had been a slight improvement over the weekend with this battery issue but this morning on standby the phone dropped 3% in a matter of 5 or 10 minutes on standby.
So I removed the mcirosd card and in nearly 3 hours since then it has dropped another 4%. That's a big improvement and does hint that the card is the fault, but it's too early to be sure about that. I've put the card back in to see if it begins to drop fast again. If so I'll take it out for longer and monitor it again.
wilcovh said:
What you can try is put the memory card in a card reader and run checkdisk on the card. see if that identify's any problems on the file system
beside of that it seems that the HD2 has problems with 16GB cards, at least quite a few of them. read through the posts.
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Good idea. I wasn't aware that the phones had problems with cards this size. What about with 32gb ones (not that I can afford one!)?
ephestione said:
So, since the battery current value isn't update instantly, right after you wake up form stanby battclock should be showing 4mA (max6-7mA or something lik that)
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I did use battlog briefly, but just to keep an eye on the current current amount in use and it was fluctuating a lot just with the phone awake but running no apps. Sometimes it after waking it the phone would show a low figure like you quote but other times not.
I haven't checked batlog out fully in terms of what it's capable of, but what would be great would be an app that can log the current use like that does, but at the same time also log a list of which processes/services/applications are running, then that could REALLY give some useful info.
Eg the log shows normal current use, then spikes upwards when a specific process begins to run.
Cret said:
I haven't checked batlog out fully in terms of what it's capable of, but what would be great would be an app that can log the current use like that does, but at the same time also log a list of which processes/services/applications are running, then that could REALLY give some useful info.
Eg the log shows normal current use, then spikes upwards when a specific process begins to run.
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make a request for this feature in battclock's thread
The author seems to be quite open to useful suggestions (I, among others, suggested the log-to-txt feature )
Would be a good idea - I like BattClock I must admit. Nice to have the taskbar info like it does.
Ok, later on in the day, it's worked out that it's used 35% battery in approx 3.5 hours of standby - pretty horrendous. Equates to about 10.5 hours (very roughly) battery life on standby. I've checked periodically during this 3.5 hour period and the drop has been steady.
With the card removed, it went 3 hours and only lost 4%, meaning approx 77 hours of standby time at that rate.
Quite a difference between the two.
So at this point it very much looks like there is a fault relating to the memory card.
I'll try some testing tonight. Mainly that will mean I'll first do a filesystem test as suggested. Then delete all the media files, cut the remainder of files and paste them elsewhere, format the card then paste them back, and see how it then behaves.
So it seems now that buying new batteries (and almost slagging off the HTC one) was slightly hasty, but they'll still be really useful, so I'm not at all bothered about that.
Try putting the blank card in, with nothing on it. Would be interesting to see how much juice it draws just having a card in there without reading anything from it.
I have the same issue.
My HD2 worked like a charm, only around 12% battery drain in 24 hours (I could carry it around on standby for one week before recharging).
Now - it sucks around 3% per hour. After one day, I'm at around 25% charge
At first I thougth this was related to Co0kie's Home Tab, but even after hard-reseting, it still drained battery as hell.
At the moment I'm running it without memory card (4GB Kingston) to see if this might be the issue...
I've run a CHKDSK on my memory card just in case, but the filesystem's fine. Any update, Cret?
Well, I'm sure mine was caused by the card, or at least a fault that related to it (ie possibly a file rather than the card itself).
Since I removed the card the battery life returned to normal, so I formatted it, and then copied some of the content back onto it again. It has been back in the phone for a little while now and has been behaving quite well. Basically for instance it's at 77% now at 10.30pm after being removed from the charger around 8am. I haven't used the phone much except to check emails a few times, read a few texts, and go online a couple of times/read RSS feeds a little.
So I'm fairly happy with that.
BUT - not having had the chance to use the phone much (ie mess about) since I formatted the card, I just found that the phone thinks there is no card inside it at the moment for some reason!
I removed it and the PC can read the card and its contents no problem but the phone cannot see it. The only reason I can think of for this is that I formatted the card as NTFS instead of Fat since it's meant to give faster performance, but is it possible that the phone itself does not support this format?
Since it's not working at the moment I'll have to try wiping it and changing it back to fat again.
Yes I have tried rebooting it also.
Next thing is th double size replacement battery I bought arrived the other day. The battery fits ok but the replacement cover that came with it does not fit properly at all.
The cover clips in ok on the side of the volume buttons, but no matter what I do it just hangs loose on the opposite side so I can't actually use the bloody thing since the battery will just fall out like this. Really not happy at all about this.
This is the one I bought:
I think I will be trying to return this for a full refund since there appears to be a design flaw. Normally I would attempt to make something like this fit properly myself but if I failed then I'd have a piece of junk that I could neither use nor return so I think better just to return it without messing about.
It's a shame as the cover actually looks like it should fit perfectly, and seems to fit very well, it's just that it fails completely to latch in place on one side, as if the clip bit is not long enough perhaps.
What concerns me slightly at the moment
Just reformatted the card as Fat instead of NTFS and loaded my files back on and it works now.
So I'll update in due course once I've been using it loaded up again.

[Q] Is the 'suspend process' issue truly a mystery?

I have searched through XDA and read all the threads regarding the 'suspend process' issue. The specific issue is outlined in Issue # 11126 on the Google Code/Android project home...
I am trying to get to the bottom of this, as best as possible. For all intents and purposes, this really appears to be a mystery. Ultimately, it appears as though there is (currently) absolutely no specific reason a to why 'suspend' runs wild until the device is rebooted.
My question is (I know we can all only speculate):
Is there any chance that this could be Google account-specific?
The reason I ask is, I've been doing some "testing," just to try and make sense of this for myself. Here is what I've done/come across thus far...
- My fiancee's first MT4G was a black one manufactured in Taiwan. It had the inferior LCD-SH-C2 screen. Her battery was draining VERY quickly - i.e. before noon, without using the phone for much else other than texting.
- I enabled USB Debugging for her, to "rule out" the init process issue.
- Even though she only had Handcent, Facebook and Angry Birds installed, I removed all of them, leaving only Watchdog.
- I factory reset her phone, twice.
- For all of the above, the device was not rooted. I have since rooted her phone via the steps in this thread.
I'm in the process of creating a new Gmail account for her, exporting ONLY her contacts and then using that account for her new MT4G (Plum) that's scheduled to arrive today. I'm actually thinking of NOT using her new Gmail account at first though, so I can use her original Google account on this new, clean device and see if the suspend issue persists.
I might just be wasting my time, but I enjoy doing this and I don't think it's a complete waste to try and find SOME constant here. Am I nuts for thinking it's tied to the Google account? The Google account seems to be a black box of sorts. There is more than just contacts, apps and settings, yet there is no "window" into everything else that comes down - e.g. I can't log in to Gmail and "configure" it to not restore her wallpaper or WiFi settings. So that's why I say it's a black box of sorts, since it's doing more in the background than we have control over.
Nothing is truly random, at least not in the context of Android and the hardware affected. There has to be some reason why users of various devices, either do or do not experience this issue. Whether it's a specific action or the something that differs between one person's action vs. another person's, there has to be SOMETHING that's triggering this on her device, yet never triggers it on mine. I guess I'm just trying to flush everything out and hope that discussing it will help rule out/rule specific variables.
Let me know what you find. This is driving me crazy! I charge my phone at night, so when I head to work it's at 100%. By the time I'm heading home (4-430pm)... the phone is around 15% battery.
Watchdog tells me suspend ranges from 5%-49% at any given time. I've never had suspend drop below 5% except on fresh reboot. I've noticed, though, after a reboot that the suspend process will slowly work its way back up to using lots of CPU cycles (it starts at, say, .2%, then 10 minutes later its 3%... 30 minutes later its 5%... an hour later its 9%). Battery just gets hotter and hotter due to this.
I'll be checking back to see what you find! Thanks!
mwelliott said:
Let me know what you find. This is driving me crazy! I charge my phone at night, so when I head to work it's at 100%. By the time I'm heading home (4-430pm)... the phone is around 15% battery.
Watchdog tells me suspend ranges from 5%-49% at any given time. I've never had suspend drop below 5% except on fresh reboot. I've noticed, though, after a reboot that the suspend process will slowly work its way back up to using lots of CPU cycles (it starts at, say, .2%, then 10 minutes later its 3%... 30 minutes later its 5%... an hour later its 9%). Battery just gets hotter and hotter due to this.
I'll be checking back to see what you find! Thanks!
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According to XDA and Issue #11126, you're not alone.
What's really bugging me is that neither my first MT4G, nor its 1st replacement or its 2nd replacement, have ever done this. My fiancee's first phone did this. She is now using my 2nd replacement while she waits for hers to arrive (today). So a device that never exhibited this issue, over the course of at least a week of normal-for-me use, started exhibiting this issue for my fiancee maybe a day or so after using the phone.
I thought I had "solved" it when I didn't see it crop up the first day she used my replacement phone. She was quick to let me know I was incorrect.
So I've got serious pressure here - all of my MT4G's haven't exhibited the out of control 'suspend process' issue while I was using the devices, but with her, it does. <queue the jokes>
We own our own business, so we're in the same room all day long while we use our phones. I was the first to tell her, "it's something you're doing." I'm only repeating myself by saying that I blamed it on an app she installed or something she "did" to cause it. After factory resetting, what...2, 3 times...I'm starting to forget; after checking the apps that are installed (and removing all of them); after verifying every setting from USB Debugging, screen brightness, account sync, etc. I seem to at least be able to say, "every single setting, shortcut, widget, app or usage pattern, does not produce the issue on any device I have used with my Google account, whereas it does with my fiancee."
That's the most difficult part to get absolute - the usage pattern. She's doing such basic things though, but I know that even the slightest of difference can produce different results.
I will most certainly report my results, futile or not.
The only common denominator I've noticed so far is that it only affects Sense UI devices.
Chadastrophic said:
The only common denominator I've noticed so far is that it only affects Sense UI devices.
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That seems to be the constant, to a degree. I'm seeing people state that they're having this issue on anything from the Samsung Galaxy S (i9000) to a Nexus running Cyanogen 6.1. That's people stating it though, so I'm not sure if they're actually experiencing the same issue or not.
I am biting my tongue, but I think I found another common denominator...I am going to post back in a coupla days once I've seen it last for this entire week.
i'm running cyanogenmod 6.1 on a desire hd and have been experiencing the suspend process problem exactly as described in this thread a nubmer of times now over the last week. so its definately not limited to devices running sense.
the only circumstances this behavior hasnt shown is when running 2g only with all other sorts of communications and sync off
zero_oli said:
i'm running cyanogenmod 6.1 on a desire hd and have been experiencing the suspend process problem exactly as described in this thread a nubmer of times now over the last week. so its definately not limited to devices running sense.
the only circumstances this behavior hasnt shown is when running 2g only with all other sorts of communications and sync off
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Yeah, it didn't seem 100% related to devices running Sense, so thanks for posting back to this.
My fiancee was experiencing this across her first two MT4G devices and has yet to experience the issue on her third and final MT4G. I want to see it run the rest of the week though before I share, but the issue did pop-up for her pretty much within 24-48 hours on her first two MT4G's.
Shlongwoodian: I have been following your posts as the "suspend" process has been affecting me since I received my phone the first day available. However, I am reluctant to send for a replacement as all else is great on the unit I have and there seems no gaurantee that a new phone fixes this issue.
I have tried Tmo and HTC and both seem clueless; therefore, I appreciate your research and look forward to any "fix" short of waiting for Gingerbread.
Anyone have any wisdom to pass on? This issue is driving me crazy! I've noticed it most on my black MT4G (w/the good screen) after browsing the web, youtube or using the media player. My wife's red MT4G (w/the inferior screen) has had no issues and her battery is amazing! The first day she got her phone her battery lasted 24 hours without even conditioning it! Granted she doesn't use it like I do mine, but it is still a huge difference. When this issue comes up on mine, I'm dead within 3-4 hours. I have Watchdog set so when it alerts me I just soft reset. That clears it up until it decides to come back at random intervals. It usually doesn't come back until I open the browser, etc. With as much as I use my phone (I am constantly on the road), it becomes a major pain to have to constantly monitor battery life. Any help is greatly appreciated!!!
Man, I am sorry to report that I gots nothin'. Ok, here was my original theory...
I was speculating that "something" inside the Google/Gmail account was the cause. My reasoning being, essentially, your info is stored in a database. When you get an Android device, that online database is synced locally with the phone's database. We each have different databases and there is more than just your apps, Market links, contacts, etc. I never exhibited the /suspend issue on phones that she experienced the /suspend issue on. I figured it was database-specific.
If a table contains a value, or rather, does not contain a specific value (or if columns are missing, etc.), it can cause an application to respond in a negative way. Sometimes, this causes an error to bubble up in an application. Other times, it doesn't. In my experience, I've seen much more subtle issues in databases, that don't cause errors or a crash, but instead just cause "undesirable results."
When my fiancee got her final, good replacement Plum Glacier, we started with a completely new Google account. We thought we nailed it, when a handful of days passed without seeing /suspend get out of control, leading to Android System and/or OS sucking down battery life. I think it was nearly a week into it and one day while she was out, she realized she lost battery life really quickly - i.e. left the house with 90% and by the time she got to the store, shopped for a bit and looked, her phone was down to like 30-40%. She knows how to check for /suspend and it was, of course, back.
It's still not something that can be completely ruled out, since it's not a very air-tight test. There could be something about my Google account (which I've had pretty much since Gmail beta was available) that's keeping me (and others like me) from getting it or that idea could be crap.
For some reason, I have never, ever seen this happen on my Glacier(s) running stock 2.2.1. Phones that I never saw the issue on, she saw the issue on. There is so much speculation around it, but it just seems like "some people" don't experience it and "some people" do. It's all over different devices, different skill levels, etc. No apps, same apps, whatever and it happens to some but not others.
Sorry to get anyone's hopes up. I'll keep looking for differences/similarities though and if I find anything at all I'll - or if anyone else finds anything, no matter how ridiculous it sounds (yes, we've tested the 'rock' and it doesn't appear to suffer from the /suspend issue) - post it here.
Thanks for trying! It was a good theory. So . . . now what? Is there any way to get this ranked higher with Google, HTC, etc. to get more people working on it? It is really driving me nuts! It mainly happens after I use the web browser, then put the phone on standby for some reason. I can't even use the browser any more without needing to reboot it to save battery life. There is another thread, but specifically for the Evo and I think one for the Nexus one, all with the same problem. What if a new thread were started that is not device specific? That way we can get more people to star it and maybe Google or whoever will pay more attention to it! I would hate to think that we are stuck with this problem until when and if we get upgraded to 2.3. I would suggest rooting and flashing a new ROM, but even those with custom ROM's are having the same problem, so that's not going to help. Thoughts???
jpiano said:
It mainly happens after I use the web browser, then put the phone on standby for some reason.
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It truly is a mystery to this day. I've seen people say, "it happened right after I installed Handcent" or "it happens as soon as I do..." No one has come up with any concrete evidence thus far.
My fiancee has Handcent, I have Handcent. I used Handcent heavily, never had an issue. She stopped using Handcent - still has the issue. We've gotten so granular in our troubleshooting, we're literally tracking every step. LOL i.e. I pressed the trackpad to wake the phone, once; I unlocked the phone, I swiped my thumb once to view my Watchdog Widget on the screen to the left of my homescreen, etc., etc., etc.
So, for now, we just wait? My phone (and all previous phones) have been just fine. My fiancee however...yeah, I'm trying to find a fix pretty quickly.
One common theme that I've seen with this issue is that it only happens after I put the phone to sleep. I have never seen it crop up while actually using the phone. Maybe we're going about it the wrong way in trying to identify an app, etc that's causing the problem... perhaps it is simply the code involved in putting the phone to sleep and that's why there hasn't been any consistency with what one does to make it appear. In your experience, have you ever seen or heard of it showing up while the phone is being used? Perhaps it's just on mine that it works that way, but I thought it was worth mentioning. I know nothing about code or how android works so please forgive the noob comment if this is an obvious one. Merry Christmas!
I've got this problem big time. Returned my first phone because I thought it was the phone. First few days were good but lately its back and as bad as ever. First thoughts were angry birds twitter or wifi but I have no idea. If I can't figure this out I might have to sell this phone.
I will try to post some more thoughts. I think you're onto some good ideas here.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
(Re-posting from the developer's Google blog where others are following this issue): Interesting about using the phone without a Google account. Not sure if this is relevant or not, but I've noticed something else with consistency. Granted I wasn't able to document the behavior through system panel at the time, but this has consistently happened. When suspend goes crazy, I can get it to stop simply by charging the phone! Even if I charge the phone for a few seconds, then unplug, it stays dormant without having to reboot. Noob speaking here but perhaps the part of android that actually logs the battery usage is suspending when the phone goes to sleep? When it us charging, this log is reset and clears the process from running. If this is even possible, then could someone write an app that clears this system log? Maybe by mimicking what happens when the phone is charging, we can at least temporarily clear the issue without the need tovl reboot? Again, I know nothing about all this so sorry if this is all irrelevant. Just sharing what I've noticed to be consistent. Thoughts??
Also, I saw on another xda blog (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=870557&page=2) that someone linked this issue to a corrupt photo on the sd card. After formatting the card and restoring some files, says the issue has not returned!
jpiano said:
Also, I saw on another xda blog (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=870557&page=2) that someone linked this issue to a corrupt photo on the sd card. After formatting the card and restoring some files, says the issue has not returned!
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I wonder if you're on to something with the SD card. I've been thinking I haven't seen the suspend issue return on my phone in quite a while. I just realized that the only thing I've really changed is installed a new 16 gb SD card. Since then, no suspend process problems. For those who are having the problem still, I wonder if removing or formatting their cards would show any improvement? Worth a shot if at least to eliminate another possible factor.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
That's cool that this thread is flushing out other ideas and possible variables. I like the idea of connecting it to the charger for a couple of seconds, but my fiancee is so used to just rebooting her phone each morning and sometimes again by mid-day, that it's easier for her to do just that.
jpiano said:
Even if I charge the phone for a few seconds, then unplug, it stays dormant without having to reboot.
Also, I saw on another xda blog (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=870557&page=2) that someone linked this issue to a corrupt photo on the sd card. After formatting the card and restoring some files, says the issue has not returned!
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I like the microSD Card notion. This is such a weird issue, that it's so easily associated with other items - e.g. applications, usage patterns, etc. This seems feasible though, but the only way to know for sure is to reproduce it. My fiancee experiences the suspend issue daily, if she doesn't reboot regularly. So, I should be able to take her microSD card and use it in my phone and get the suspend issue. I don't want to 'muddy' up by swapping microSD cards, so I'll try reformatting her card and see if that makes any difference. She usually sees the issue within 24-48 hours of a fresh boot, so it shouldn't be long before we see if that fixes it or not. I can check the card for errors, etc. as well.
werk said:
I just realized that the only thing I've really changed is installed a new 16 gb SD card. Since then, no suspend process problems.
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I'll be upgrading to a 16 GB Class 10 soon, so I can give her my Samsung if need be. I'd really like to see if this is it though. It would explain the "some people get it and some people don't" pattern.
I also noticed that the minute I plug the phone in the problem goes away. Not sure why, just confirming it happens to me too. I also should note that when I returned my phone, they popped my old SD card into my new phone. So if there is an SD card issue with a corupt file/photo that could be something as well. I wonder woody if your girlfriends phone has had the same SD card after how many times did you say you traded it in? BTW, a side note, how did you exchange it so many times? After I took mine back to the store on day 14 they told me I wasn't able to exchange it again.
I do have a 16GB SD card but just haven't had time to install it. Wanted to double check which things I need on the new one from the old one, but it might be a good way to test this issue. Let me know some ideas before I swap the cards and maybe I can help test this.
Also, one more thing, what is the app you're using to log stuff? I'm just using Watchdog Lite right now.
I've got to figure this out or this is a dealbreaker for me. I have waited 3 years to upgrade phones, first time on Android, really wanted iPhone but wanted to stick with month to month from TMob. If this continues I think I will move to Windows Phone 7 or iPhone if I have to, but I really like this phone when the battery is not draining like a leech.
Just wondering what process you went through when you upgraded SD cards. Did you copy any files over to the new one or just start blank?
royhobbs said:
Just wondering what process you went through when you upgraded SD cards. Did you copy any files over to the new one or just start blank?
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Just straight copied the existing files over from the old card to new one (new one in phone connected via USB, old card in SD adapter in my laptops SD card slot). I think some Angry Birds files didn't make it due to long paths, but reinstalled it and no problems since then.

[HELP] Screen Blackouts, Freezes, and Reboots

I have had a rooted epic for a few months now and have been experiencing a lot of software difficulties recently. I am using Epic Experience Froyo, but I have switched to other roms and still experience the problems (which I have researched but have yet to find a cure). I have times where the screen will turn black and unresponsive, yet the capacitive buttons at the bottom are still lit up, and it will either restart the phone at the lock screen and regain signal or I will have to manually take the battery out. Sometimes I get the same issue except the screen just freezes. Other times (even if the phone is idle in my pocket) it will randomly reboot and I can feel it vibrating in my pocket. I have done many full factory resets w/oden. Everytime I get the problem it seems to gradually get more severe.
I would love for any input to work towards a solution.
Sounds exactly like the problems I was experiencing with my Evo. Do you overclock your phone by any chance? Or have you ever installed lagfix applications?
I overclocked once for about 2 days @ 1.2ghz, but then reverted to regular. For a long time I had Juice Defender installed.
Slick.dylan said:
I overclocked once for about 2 days @ 1.2ghz, but then reverted to regular. For a long time I had Juice Defender installed.
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Ok, so as far as juice defender is concerned, what are its performance characteristics? Did you ever use quadrant to see what it was putting up? I doubt the overclock for such a short period of time is what would've caused so many problems, but from my experiences, any of these add ons that take your quadrant and almost double it are usually ones that can cause some permanent damage on the phone. I used to run what was called Snap Turbo which was a performance tweaking apk attached to a linked kernal that used to go well with CM6. Well, turbo mode does exactly what ViperSpeed lag fix does. As soon as I started messing around with the Snap Turbo, that's when my screen used to become unresponsive, phone used to freeze, and I would get random reboots almost 10x per day. After I started experiencing these issues, I could never revert back to another Rom or even go back to stock without getting the same issues. I ended up getting rid of that Evo and getting another. As soon as I rooted my next one, random reboots started but not as frequently. Basically, I believe that rooting your phone is going to cause SOME issues. Constantly messing around with it will result in A LOT of issues. It's almost unavoidable and some folks are lucky enough to never experience any issues, but that's the risk you take if you want all the benefits that come with hacking the phone. I hope you find a setup on your phone that isn't so unreliable but I doubt there's anything you can do to completely fix it. I hope I'm wrong, though, because anything you do to fix those issues would be a great help to us all if we end up in the same boat in the future...God forbid!
Juice Defender mainly just altered settings with the wireless connectivity (Like stopping it from using wireless network when the phone is idle). I've also thought about this... I am using 3 different batteries, 1 is default battery, and the other 2 are of a cheap $10 ebay set.
hey guys...i was getting great battery life on di18 and dk28 but for the last week its sucked i loss on average 8-10% an hour (setCPU at 200-1000 ondemand and 200-200 sreen off) i have calibrated my battery twice and still no luck as soon as i take it off the charger it drops to 95% any thing else i can try? thanks for the help

[Q] Nexus 4 random shuts down itself

I got nexus 4, and problem is that now and then it shuts down itself... Battery is charging ok, but after working few minutes or hours (no specific time) it just shuts down (idle or working)...
Phone is not rooted, I tried factory reset, and that didn't help either...
Currently it is on 5.0.1, I got it with this version of software so I don't know did this happen earlier on 5.0 or 4.4...
I wanted to do complete root but i'm afraid that it would shutdown itself during the process..
Does anyone knows what can be the problem??
Have you tried flashing the 5.0.1 factory image through fastboot?
Even I am facing the same problem. But for me it does not show shutting down also. It just blanks out at around 40% battery.
Had the exact same problem with my phone until I rooted the phone and changed to a non-stock rom and have not had the problem since.
Hi guys don't know if this helps because mine is slightly different. Mine is reboot itself.
My suspicion is on ram, maybe the device is out ram and then reboot itself, maybe this goes the same to shut down idk (please correct me if I'm wrong). Recently I've put gravity box and I can see how much ram left when I tap the application switcher, it was mind blowing for me. I often find that when you open several application the number of ram available can reach below 500mb (especially chrome tabs, it do have a lot of ram to use) I mean it's a 2 gb ram device wow. Every few days I've checked that when the idle ram is over a gig I do reboot manually. That way my problem of random reboot vanished. Good luck
Sent from my Nexus 4 using XDA Free mobile app
Screen will not wake from sleep
The device will randomly not wake from a sleep state, and is happening more frequently. I've read that it's possibly linked to a motherboard issue. I have root, TWRP, Xposed. Will flashing a different kernel possibly resolve the issue?
I bought an N4 from eBay and it worked perfectly for months on stock rooted Lollipop. Then it suddenly started to randomly shut down - not reboot, just a sudden buzz and "Power off". I've tried Marshmallow, Chroma, and now Cyanogenmod latest dailies. Plus a new battery (an eBay special, contacts didn't align with screws, but since another suggested fix was to leave the connection screwless that's fine - it seems to hold a charge and works fine).
So my question is - even though the power button seems to be clicky and ok, is it worth trying a new one? I know that it's mainly suggested for random reboots, but maybe it's related?
Or any other bright suggestions? Any help much appreciated.
I bought a new power & volume button and the same "power off" still happens - sometimes immediately on boot, sometimes after a period when it seems to be going ok..
Anyone have any ideas at all which hardware may be responsible? I doubt it's software, since the same happens on all ROMs, rooted or not.
I had the same issue until I reformatted all partitions and installed stock 5.1.1 Now reboots are gone. Looks like my issue was software related. The only change from stock was stability mode from Root Booster
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk
Thanks, Hjicons. I wish I were so lucky...
As I said, different ROMS, root/no root, make no difference. It occasionally runs for a day or so, but as soon as I reboot it's back to immediate "power off".
On the plus side, it's *astonishingly* strong. I treat all my phones with kid gloves - always in a completely empty pocket, no keys or coins, in a plastic bag if there's the slightest threat of rain (even my water-resistant Nexus 6), I set them down gently on surfaces, yadda yadda yadda...
So in frustration, hoping to jar whatever component into proper life, I've banged it hard, very hard, on a mousemat, all four corners, no difference. And last night in a fury of annoyance, to stop myself pointlessly wasting time trying to fix the damn thing, I tried to smash the front glass with a heavy torch and the handle of a big screwdriver, hard enough to bring my wife in from another room to find out what the banging was. Not a scratch, not a crack. Gorilla glass is as strong as they claim it is.
But still not working...

random reboots/shutdowns

So in the past two weeks I have been experiencing random reboots or shutdowns of my phone. It also seems to have become more frequently. When the phone is off I need to press the power button really long, like 5+ seconds, to get it to start. Does anyone have any idea what might cause these problems or how to narrow it down?
Some more info:
- still on a really old CM13 version (27.06.) / TWRP Hybrid from that time
- haven't flashed any new ROM or modem recently / basically everything is as it was, when it was running without issues
- tried wiping cache/dalvik to no success
Flashed cosmicOS. Same issues...
So I found this (put http in front) forums.androidcentral.com/ambassador-guides-tips-how-s/479461-guide-my-battery-shot.html (am not allowed to post links)
And it says: "A battery that's throwing dendrites is one you should replace, even if it's a week old. (There are professors of chemistry and physics all over the world working on why this happens and ways to prevent it. The biggest problem is in early failures of lithium batteries in hybrid and electric cars - 2 grand down the tubes for the manufacturer when that happens to a single cell.) That's why you should look at the second page of the battery stats for a "fall off the cliff" voltage just before the phone shut off or rebooted. A dendrite causes a short. If it's thin and the short burns out almost immediately (microseconds), the phone will reboot. If the short lasts tenths of a second or more the phone shuts off. Either one shows the typical drop to zero in zero time of a dendrite."
Kinda sounds exactly like my problem... So, how do I log the voltages right before the reboot/shut off?
I was going thru the same dam thing and what I did was downgraded and followed some instructions so I mean I lost everything but know is good just get a stock ROM and do what ever they say to do .
Sent from my ONE A2005 using Tapatalk
Just flashed cosmicOS, same issue. Updated OP. Sounds like my battery is dying after less than a year.

