available wifi networks list stuck on wrong list - Nexus 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I've got an issue with wifi since the 4.3 update which only seems to happen in the city where I work. When I arrive at work my phone connects to my work wifi automatically with no problems. I then go workout at a gym about 2 miles away for an hour and the phone connects to wifi there automatically too without a problem. I then return to work and no wifi and when I go into settings my list of available networks is from a location between work and the gym and its stuck on this setting. If I toggle wifi on and off nothing happens, same list of networks. Nothing I do refreshes the list I have to reboot the phone to get it to reset and reconnect to my work wifi. This happens pretty much everyday and only at work. Anyone else have this issue?


Switching from wifi to 3G

Now, I can't tell if that started to happen after the famous update but as far as I can remember everything was fine before.
I used to have both wifi and 3G on and they wre swiching on and off according to availability. Now I find that several times, while I am in a known wifi location, the 3G connection is used instead. I use WiFi manager to monitor my connections and I see that the status is "connecting...". If I disable and re-enable wifi, it connects correctly.
The same happens the other way round. Which is, when a wifi connection is not available, the 3G connection doesn't start. I have to disable and enable 3G from the widget in order to return to operation.
Is there any solution?
I#ve got no solution, but had the same problem. I managed to work around in using KeepWifi

[Q] Wifi connection issues

Ran into some weird issues this weekend with my wifi connection with my focus.
The phone would randomly disconnect from my home network (strong signal, secured) and connect to an open network with weak signal. I would find this out as I would try to do something that required data and it would just hang and do nothing, I would have to go into settings and disconnect from the open network, reconnect to mine.
Frustrating that there was no way to force it to use our home network or to forget the other network and it stay forgotten.
Anyone had any similar issues. It was just this one day it did it, but was incredibly frustrating. I'm still within my 30 days, so if this is going to be an ongoing issue, I might should reurn the thing for something else.

[Q] Change in wifi behavior since update

I have noticed this only since the latest update to the Note 3. Before when I left range of my home wifi the phone would go to LTE and upon returning home, automatically reconnect to my home wifi. Now it goes to 4g when I leave, but does not reconnect when I return home. Last night for example, I had been home for a couple of hours and wifi was still turned off and the phone was using 4g. When I manually turned on wifi, it connected immediately. I have played around with settings but can not seem to get it to reconnect automatically as it used to. Below are my advanced wifi settings. Thanks!
Notify: Off
Passpoint: Off
Sort by: Alpha
Keep on during sleep: Always
Always allow scanning: Unchecked
Auto network switch: Checked
I would swap the last 2 checks you have listed. The first check, even though it will scan intermittently, will not affect battery life enough to worry that much about. This also assists in location discovery. The second check will cause your phone to disconnect from your current wifi and force you to manually reconnect if there is ever an unstable connection with your WiFi that the phone detects.
Just my suggestion.
I did change those but may not have had that combo. The last one, auto network switch, I may have just toggled that off, then back on to try and get it to stick. Intuitively, to me at least, that seems to be exactly what was happening before and what I want now. It was automatically switching from wifi to 4g when I left, and automatically switching back on when I returned to my home network. It seems that turning that off would be the opposite of what I had before, but I will try. My home wifi network seems very stable. Five phones and six computers and none of us ever have trouble with it that we notice.
Thanks! I'll try those options and test it out.
Well I tried that for several days now and it did not work. Tonight, for example, I had been home for 3 hours and then noticed the phone was still using 4g. I switched on the wifi and it immediately connected. I think it is turning off when I am away for wifi for an extended period. I do not remember for sure, but I think before, wifi did not actually turn off. I think it just went out of range and then started using it again when I returned home. I don't really recall the specifics except that before I never had to do anything to get it to start using our home wifi network. lt would just automatically reconnect when I got home. Now unless I remember to turn wifi on manually, I could be home all weekend and still be on 4g.
Any other suggestions anyone might have would be appreciated. Thanks.

[Q] Nexus 4 with AOKP won't connect to Wifi, "WPS failed" error

My Nexus 4 isn't connecting to wifi. More specifically, if I am connected to a remembered network, my phone does not automatically reconnect when I leave the range then come back into it.
Now, there are 2 wifi networks in the apartment and I've tried both. I actually just "forgot network" on the last remembered network on my phone because I was trying to connect to the better one.
Since I've done that, I am unable to connect to wifi at all, because the only way for me to connect to wifi before was to restart my phone and have it automatically connect to the remembered network.
Now that I don't have a remembered network, I cannot connect to anything, and my Wifi page on my phone will not show any wifi networks available and it won't even give the option to turn on wifi or to refresh the list. I have to reboot my phone, making sure the wifi is off first (using the toggle on the dropdown notification menu), then I can at least refresh the empty list. When I refresh the list, it gives me an error, "WPA failed. Retry in a few minutes."
I need this fixed. I live in a basement apartment and my cell signal is usually unavailable while I'm home.
I was running the AOKP 4.3 milestone when I started having the problem, then went back to stock, put on a 4.4 nightly ROM, had the same problem, then went back to the same 4.3 milestone. Unfortunately, I didn't leave my phone on stock 4.4 long enough to see if the problem persisted there.
Is there anything I can do at this point before going through the process of bringing my phone back to stock again?
Update: After restarting my phone some 20 or more times, I was eventually able to see the list of networks and put the password in for the new network. So I at least have wifi now because my phone automatically connects.
However, all the problems stated above are still the same. I lose connection and cannot automatically reconnect when I go out and back into range of the signal, and can only regain the connection when I restart my phone and it automatically connects to the one known network on reboot.
If there's any information or anyway to try to fix it, I'd love to know.

Wifi not working randomly

I have a problem that my WiFi network disconnects and disappear from the list. Even if I search for network it will not show up.
It looks like a lot of the other WiFi networks around me is also missing when this is happening.
It will suddenly come back again and work as it should for several hours.
I have i locked to 2,4GHz, WiFi always on, scanning is on.
Had the same problem when I used Auto 2,4GHz/5GHz.
All other devices is working as they should. Have also reset the wireless router. (Netgear X4 R7500)
I have the same problem. When I turn the wifi off, and the back on again it discovers my router and connects.
Does anybody have a fix for this?
Same problem here. My 2,4ghz network sometimes just vanishes and shows up after a couple of minutes. And it just won't connect at all with my 5ghz network. My router is a D-link dir 868l. I'm on the latest firmware. My other devices all connect just fine, except for my 6p.
Updated to 6.0.1 and I have still problems. When I come back home, I need to turn off and on WiFi to reconnect. Wifi have not dropped since i updated to 6.0.1 yesterday.
Just curious
Who is your service provider? My girls 5x is connected to Sprint and she has no problems on my network. I have Tmobile on my 6p and it keeps dropping the wifi. Maybe its a Tmobile thing?
reset network config
I had the same problem and try to go to airplane mode on and off then even forget network and add back on. Work for a second and disconnected. So far this way work. Try this.
Got to Setting > Backup & reset > Network Settings reset
Hopefully this will work for you guys too.
Good luck! :good:
My brother has a Nexus 6p and the WiFi doesn't switch on at all after he updated to 6.0.1. I reflashed factory image of 6.0.1 again and it didn't work. I then flashed 6.0 but it still doesn't switch on. Any help?
Anyone have a solution to this problem? I still have this big active, and have been using mobile data since.

