Switching from wifi to 3G - Desire HD General

Now, I can't tell if that started to happen after the famous update but as far as I can remember everything was fine before.
I used to have both wifi and 3G on and they wre swiching on and off according to availability. Now I find that several times, while I am in a known wifi location, the 3G connection is used instead. I use WiFi manager to monitor my connections and I see that the status is "connecting...". If I disable and re-enable wifi, it connects correctly.
The same happens the other way round. Which is, when a wifi connection is not available, the 3G connection doesn't start. I have to disable and enable 3G from the widget in order to return to operation.
Is there any solution?

I#ve got no solution, but had the same problem. I managed to work around in using KeepWifi


Problems with data connection

Once setting up Wifi, I cannot make my data connection work.
I know it is set up and working properly because Weather and Stock Tabs are updating fine, but all other programs cannot use data connectioin (e.g. error response in Opera, Mail, etc)
I have set up in Connection according to Internet and Company (not sure how this is called in English) but it does not work.
Does anyone have similar problems? And how do i fix this?
can we have some more info?
What happens if you turn the phone connection off in comms manager, but leave the wifi connection on?
What error are you getting?
Is your wifi router set to block any particular type of traffic?
With wifi it works fine, just my 3g data connection does not work.
i have tried numerous settings, changed, deleted, softresetted. nothing can make my HD connect through 3G
H(sdpa) and E(dge) symbols appear next to connection strength which signalizes it is connected after i switch data connection on. but whatever program i try to connect, all give me errors. i assume they keep trying to connect with either wifi or something else.
there were some times where i could update stocks and weather tab, but at same time opera, msn, google maps, etc. all gave me connection errors (could not connect etc.)
sometimes it appears when i delete an entry, it re-appears again. maybe i have to do hard-reset if there is no solution at all.
Get your network to send you a config text with the settings. Also have they activated hsdpa for your account?
sure i tried that all. also tested other prepaid cards (vodafone, o2), with all of them the problem appears to be the same. they all work on my old phone, just not on HD.
im afraid only a hardreset will help.
what happens if you turn wifi off via comms manager (making sure phone connection is still turned on)
does it update weather / stock then?
PS which mobile company are you with, and in what country?
I have a similar problem.
But in my case it often helps to disconnect the 3G connection and reconnect. In most cases Opera can then load the desired page.
Network is O2 Germany.

3G getting used rather than WiFi

Hi. Have a recent problem that developed on my HD2. It happened after installing the mod that activates a task switcher when holding the send button. Could have happened sooner but I think I would've noticed...
Problem is: I have my HD2 connected to WiFi at home and it works perfect for web browsing and all, but, the moment I use other apps such as updating weather or browsing google maps or the Windows marketplace they use the 3G regardless of my WiFi being active and working.
I am on 1.48 stock ROM.
I have uninstalled the mod BTW and I use duttys task manager.
Please please help me someone...
doubt it has anything to do with that mod... i dont have any mods on and 50% of the time even tho i am in WiFi covered area with WiFi on it will start using 3G instead of checking for WiFi. Its extremely annoying and i cant understand that HTC didnt atleast give you a small manager wich would give you different options how to connect to internet once you are trying to connect...
Its not that I am in a WiFi zone. my WiFi is connected and I am browsing the web. It's.not that it is just choosing a connection, it completely ignores my WiFi on everything but the browser. And it only started happening today. Marketplace worked on WiFi yesterday.
Nevermind. I found the problem. Earlier today I set no WiFi network to be treated as a work network instead of a internet network. this lead to most apps thinking I am not connected to the internet.
TicKByT said:
Nevermind. I found the problem. Earlier today I set no WiFi network to be treated as a work network instead of a internet network. this lead to most apps thinking I am not connected to the internet.
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Hi. My problem is more or less as described by NESO1234 above. WiFi at home is is connected, but browsing Internet is done through 3G (I guess - loading a page takes loong and the arrows indicating WiFi connection are not moving).
You mention network not set correct. Could you or someone give me a more spesific hunch (path...) on how to make WiFi beeing used?
jsw44 said:
Hi. My problem is more or less as described by NESO1234 above. WiFi at home is is connected, but browsing Internet is done through 3G (I guess - loading a page takes loong and the arrows indicating WiFi connection are not moving).
You mention network not set correct. Could you or someone give me a more spesific hunch (path...) on how to make WiFi beeing used?
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Go to the WiFi connection place (where the Wifi switch is and it shows ur acess point underneath) go to Advanced > Change Network then select ur AP and make sure 'Connects to:' is set to 'The Internet'.
Hope it helps, it worked for me

Cyanogenmod: WiFi and 3G

Hi guys,
after having installed CyanogenMod 7 v. 2.6 I have got problems with WiFi and 3G connection. Sometimes it seems my phone disconnects with the internet. Actually, the widget shows that connections are enabled but the market or browser won´t load anymore and I get the message that I need to check the connection :S
In this case, the only thing that helps is to switch to flightmode for some seconds. Sometimes even this does not solve the problem and I have to restart my phone.
Hope, you guys can help me. Thanks.
I noticed another problem, that might have a relation to the first one i have described.
Sometimes when I like to connect my phone to the internet via 3G or WiFi (using the integrated widget) it does not connect at all. The status bar does not show the WiFi or 3G sign and browsing is not possible.
Damn guys I need your help

WIFI Issues

I've had my Nexus for about a week now and noticed two strange issues with the WIFI connection.
1. I can connect to WIFI successfully at home but as soon as I go out and it switches to the 2G network and then later go back inside the WIFI doesn't auto connect it will stay on 2G, I have to disable and enable WIFI to connect to my home WIFI, is there a way round this or is it a bug?
2. Whenever I'm out an about and the phone detects a WIFI network even if its not configured to connect to the WIFI network the phone seems to disable 2G Data connection and continually notifies me of a WIFI network being in range and wanting to configure it, is there anyway of disabling this behavior and allowing the 2G Data connection to be active when no configured WIFI network are in range?
Any help would be much appreciated.
Really can't help you much on the settings as I don't quite have my N4 but you should always turn wifi off when you're not using it. You will get much better battery and you wont have problem with #2. Sorry I couldn't really help much.
Sent from my epic touch, waiting for my Nexus 4
jonchill said:
I've had my Nexus for about a week now and noticed two strange issues with the WIFI connection.
1. I can connect to WIFI successfully at home but as soon as I go out and it switches to the 2G network and then later go back inside the WIFI doesn't auto connect it will stay on 2G, I have to disable and enable WIFI to connect to my home WIFI, is there a way round this or is it a bug?
2. Whenever I'm out an about and the phone detects a WIFI network even if its not configured to connect to the WIFI network the phone seems to disable 2G Data connection and continually notifies me of a WIFI network being in range and wanting to configure it, is there anyway of disabling this behavior and allowing the 2G Data connection to be active when no configured WIFI network are in range?
Any help would be much appreciated.
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I have the same issue number 1. I find the battery is getting used quickly and the wifi will not connect. if i disable then enable, it quickly connects to the known wifi signal. I can see a different battery decay slope if I let this problem persist for a few hours, it then reverts to its usual slope once wifi is restarted. This problem usually only occurs once a day on average. I hope someone knows how to solve this issue.

available wifi networks list stuck on wrong list

I've got an issue with wifi since the 4.3 update which only seems to happen in the city where I work. When I arrive at work my phone connects to my work wifi automatically with no problems. I then go workout at a gym about 2 miles away for an hour and the phone connects to wifi there automatically too without a problem. I then return to work and no wifi and when I go into settings my list of available networks is from a location between work and the gym and its stuck on this setting. If I toggle wifi on and off nothing happens, same list of networks. Nothing I do refreshes the list I have to reboot the phone to get it to reset and reconnect to my work wifi. This happens pretty much everyday and only at work. Anyone else have this issue?

