To buy a Windows 8 tablet now or to keep waiting? - Windows 8 General

This past Christmas I wanted one but I held off because there wasn't very many good tablets to choose from at all (I want x86).
The Acer Iconia W3 is now out to buy (in the US anyway, so I guess I'll have to order it online to get one in Canada). This tablet appeals to me because it's small and cheap.
The only thing is that it only has 8 hour battery life and I'm not sure if the CPU it comes with is bad, apparently there are better ones coming out soon.
Should I fold, and just give into a W3? Or if I wait several more months is something better coming?

The CPU is great for web browsing, Media consumption (including 1080p video) & Light productivity (office, light photoshop . . . . )
if the 8 inch size is great for you go for the Acer but working in desktop mode will be better with a mouse or a stylus
If price is important to you then i recommend getting an Acer w510 or a Dell Latitude 10 for 300-400$, The next gen x86 will cost more than 500$ for sure

I would wait for a bit. There are a whole bunch of new machines in the pipeline. At Computes in Asia they were showing of a raft of new devices. The machines will also feature the new Haswell processer which means better battery life amongst other things. Some of these are shipping now or very, very soon
Also later this year the new Atom processors will be out which will mean better performance and battery as well.
Macmee said:
This past Christmas I wanted one but I held off because there wasn't very many good tablets to choose from at all (I want x86).
The Acer Iconia W3 is now out to buy (in the US anyway, so I guess I'll have to order it online to get one in Canada). This tablet appeals to me because it's small and cheap.
The only thing is that it only has 8 hour battery life and I'm not sure if the CPU it comes with is bad, apparently there are better ones coming out soon.
Should I fold, and just give into a W3? Or if I wait several more months is something better coming?
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I'm in the same boat. Looking to upgrade my TF701 for a full Windows 8 device. I'm personally waiting for the new Atom Silvermont chips to appear.

baritoneguy said:
I would wait for a bit. There are a whole bunch of new machines in the pipeline. At Computes in Asia they were showing of a raft of new devices. The machines will also feature the new Haswell processer which means better battery life amongst other things. Some of these are shipping now or very, very soon
Also later this year the new Atom processors will be out which will mean better performance and battery as well.
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The new macbook airs have like 13 hour battery life, and I don't understand why they can't make just a Windows tablet with that same Haswell processor and similar battery life...

Macmee said:
The new macbook airs have like 13 hour battery life, and I don't understand why they can't make just a Windows tablet with that same Haswell processor and similar battery life...
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According to the apple website (, the 11" macbook air actually only lasts 9 hours. That's how long my 10.1" W510 lasts (without the dock, with dock it's easily 16-18 hours!) and my friend claims his (11.6") W700 with a core i3 lasts 9 hours as well (I have not verified this!).
So, yes they can. You just have to compare the same sizes.

I think the Sony duo 13 convertible is haswell and Acer have a 11" haswell tablet coming.
And guy above, of course the w510 gets a half decent battery, its an Intel atom not a full blown core i3/i5/i7

SixSixSevenSeven said:
And guy above, of course the w510 gets a half decent battery, its an Intel atom not a full blown core i3/i5/i7
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yes, that's why I was listing my friends W700 as well, which is a "full blown" i3. He claims he can get about 9 hours out of it, which would be on par with the macbook air of the same screen size.
EDIT: note that the W700 is also twice as thick as the W510, so it might not be as powerefficient as the Atom, but it merely has a larger capacity.

Localhorst86 said:
yes, that's why I was listing my friends W700 as well, which is a "full blown" i3. He claims he can get about 9 hours out of it, which would be on par with the macbook air of the same screen size.
EDIT: note that the W700 is also twice as thick as the W510, so it might not be as powerefficient as the Atom, but it merely has a larger capacity.
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apple claim 9 hours for an ivy bridge MacBook. Tests have shown that the haswell air is in the 13hour+ range the same way tests show a w700 to get about 7 and a half hours. Both are video playack test results so idle times will be higher.


Will XOOM be best in class in 6 months?

Thoughts on the hardware and capabilities vs. the Honeycomb experience.
Wanted to see what you all thought. XOOM is the first out the gate so everyone after has an opportunity to pick it apart and do better. We all know the XOOM is crippled right now but when all is said and done. Hardware wise, do we think the XOOM will be best in class?
No one is psychic, so this is just discussion. Here are my thoughts:
- It very well could be. Motorola makes SOLID devices. The issues are mostly software based for now.
- Samsung will have best display, possibly best camera quality video and still
- There will be thinner, lighter tablets but with less features
- 3 core things will sway the onlookers to other tabs: more bright/vivid display, USB charging, price.
Surely not.
(but it is today!!)
it definately won't be.
Look back 6 months ago... The Galaxy S series was introduced. My GF didn't even get a year with her phone before it became outdated.
The same is true with the Xoom.
It will definitely still be the "****" though
I think it will be like the original Droid. I still have mine, sure it's outdated now and there are better things out there but it still does everything I need it to do and still runs current software. Shelf life on electronics is 6 months at best IMHO. How long has the iPad been out? A year and we already have an iPad 2. It's the normal course for technology.
RadDudeTommy said:
It will definitely still be the "****" though
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Seriously. My HTC Incredible is nowhere near to best in class today. Matter of fact, although it was billed so, probably wasn't back then either... but I digress.
My Inc is still snappy and works awesomely and I have a hard time thinking that it is like the PC universe where your stuff starts to not be able to keep up with software.
Hoping the same for the XOOM. Where it's pretty damn fast now and even in 2 years for the available software, it will still be pretty damn fast.
BUT, maybe what I meant to ask was, vs. other Tegra2 pads, will it be best in class. Tegra 2 class. Quad cores don't count. I would call it another class. Of the parade of Tegra2's coming out, will Motorola have made the best?
The product life cycle of a typical mobile device is 12mos.
In those terms, 6mos is a LOOOONG TIME.
Tablet devices are still new, but I wouldn't be surprised to see similar product life cycles, esp this early in the game. All these tablets including the iPad have a long ways to go before they can replace my laptop.
I think the term 'best' is always in the eye of the beholder; if you play a lot of high-end games then you'll find yourself in need of new hardware at latest every 12 months. If you don't really care about high-end performance but are happy with what you have now then I don't see why the Xoom should not be the best tablet for you! I can only reiterate that the biggest flaw for me is the display but that's still no reason not to love the Xoom!
Verizon devices are almost always copycat items that came out 6 months ago for another carrier (drives me bloody nuts), so your statement about the Inc is pretty much dead on lol. I have not even looked at the specs, but I bet the Thunderbolt is pretty damned close to the Desire HD that has been out for a bit now.
In this case however, They are sporting the early adopter advantage, as well as it being an AOSP device.
I would not count the Xoom out anytime soon.
It most definitely won't be the best 10 inch Android tablet in 6 months. Look at the smartphones have been introduced in the last 6 months! The Android market is booming and there's no reason to think it'll slow down now, especially since NVIDIA have said they'll have quad cores in devices by the end of the year.
However, my wife's HTC Hero is still a decent phone (rooted and custom ROM of course) and she's had it about 20 months. It still does a job.
Technologically, no, it won't be the best, but personally, yes, it could be. It depends on the person. I still think my HTC EVO is hands down the best smartphone on the market. It does everything I want it to do and then some.
Something will come out with a better screen, or take 3D images, or have more RAM, who knows. It will be classified as the "best." However, I think the Xoom beats other tablets in the fact that it's the first one with Honeycomb, it's set the standard for which Google will be updating, so it will likely always be running the latest Android OS. Honeycomb is what sets this device apart from everything else out there, not the hardware in my opinion.
If Google updates the Xoom in 2 weeks, and in 4 weeks a new tablet is released, it will likely already be behind the version of Honeycomb on the Xoom.
Best in class or not 6 months from now, Im hoping for a similar experience that I've had with the Evo. 9 months since I bought it and not once have I had the urge to switch out for something else. Sure, theres better gear out there, but not so much so that it detracts from my purchase.
This question is pointless as very few things are best in class after 6 months. The question is will they be behind in performance. Will the XOOM still do everything Honeycomb can do in 6 months, in a year. I say yes it will. In 6 months to a year though there will probably be at least one tablet with a quad core kal-el tegra 3.
Hopefully that processor brings with it the irrelevant but nice ability to play 1080p high profile video. Between that and adobe hopefully bringing adequate hardware acceleration to flash, our tablets can start doing everything we need.
6 months from now is when nVidia anticipates Tegra 3 in tablets, so no, I don't think the Xoom will make it that long. I think, however, it will remain amongst the best until Tegra 3 launches.
The whole no usb charging thing just puts me off. whatever tablet will charge via usb will get my consideration the most.
Gotta admit, that sucks for me too. But it is what it is. I'll live. Shoulda did what the Nook did. Special USB jack. Allows for high voltage charging.
lockheedload said:
The whole no usb charging thing just puts me off. whatever tablet will charge via usb will get my consideration the most.
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I dont Think any tablet will. Sucks but probably True. Unless Computers can output higher Voltage.
You must understand that USB charging is simply not a viable option. It would take FOREVER.
The point of USB charging is not always that it charges, but that you can consume less
DatterBoy said:
Gotta admit, that sucks for me too. But it is what it is. I'll live. Shoulda did what the Nook did. Special USB jack. Allows for high voltage charging.
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Then people have a charger around the house that could be potentially dangerous to other devices. Even apple recommends not using the ipad charger with anything else.
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DatterBoy said:
Thoughts on the hardware and capabilities vs. the Honeycomb experience.
Wanted to see what you all thought. XOOM is the first out the gate so everyone after has an opportunity to pick it apart and do better. We all know the XOOM is crippled right now but when all is said and done. Hardware wise, do we think the XOOM will be best in class?
No one is psychic, so this is just discussion. Here are my thoughts:
- It very well could be. Motorola makes SOLID devices. The issues are mostly software based for now.
- Samsung will have best display, possibly best camera quality video and still
- There will be thinner, lighter tablets but with less features
- 3 core things will sway the onlookers to other tabs: more bright/vivid display, USB charging, price.
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"- It very well could be. Motorola makes SOLID devices. The issues are mostly software based for now." - Having been an Android user since day 1 of the G1, I can tell you this is par for the course. I cant wait for that first OTA. Android 1.1 was so much better than Android 1.0.
"- Samsung will have best display, possibly best camera quality video and still" - My concerns with Samsung is that they are not very friendly to the aftermarket. My wife has an Epic 4g and I have a Galaxy Tab, they are very cumbersome to mod. I like that the Xoom is a Google Experience device and has an unlocked bootloader.
"- There will be thinner, lighter tablets but with less features" - We cant control whats coming down the pike. There will be better devices but those could be a year away.
"- 3 core things will sway the onlookers to other tabs: more bright/vivid display, USB charging, price." - I agree with display. USB charging maybe. Price is the biggest factor and the main reason I got my Xoom at Costco.

great review by AnandTech
"Unfortunately with most Honeycomb tablets today we find ourselves in a difficult position when it comes to making any recommendations. NVIDIA's Kal-El target was originally August, I've heard more recently that the date has slipped to around September. Regardless of the specific month, there's a high likelihood that within the next four months you'll be able to get a much more powerful Android tablet for the same amount of money you'd spend today. With that in mind, I can't in good conscience recommend spending any amount of money on a tablet today if you can wait another two quarters. Remember Kal-El won't really change single threaded performance, but it will improve GPU performance and address the video decoding limitations of Tegra 2 today."
Honeycomb OS is still not stable enough ... but it is usable.
Hopefully, the upcoming ICS will be very stable.
Or NOT? I meant, we will be in the same cycle ...
Hmmm. I'm going to wait this one out now.
In a couple months if the 10.1 really is the best and there is decent development going on for it then I'll pick one up.
Otherwise it will probably be an ASUS Kal-El for me...
e.mote said:
"Unfortunately with most Honeycomb tablets today we find ourselves in a difficult position when it comes to making any recommendations. NVIDIA's Kal-El target was originally August, I've heard more recently that the date has slipped to around September. Regardless of the specific month, there's a high likelihood that within the next four months you'll be able to get a much more powerful Android tablet for the same amount of money you'd spend today. With that in mind, I can't in good conscience recommend spending any amount of money on a tablet today if you can wait another two quarters. Remember Kal-El won't really change single threaded performance, but it will improve GPU performance and address the video decoding limitations of Tegra 2 today."
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It was a good review. And it even had me thinking maybe I should wait for Kal-El. But no. I Kal-El could launch in 4 months, it could also be 6 months. And just because a tablet or two comes out with a Kal-El processor doesn't necessarily mean it'll be a good quality tablet I'd want. I could very well be waiting until 2012 for a decent thin, light, tablet with high quality display.
So I'm going to go ahead and buy now, enjoy now. Well buy in 3 days anyway.
I agree. Eveb though we know Tegra 3 will be out "soon" I don't see shipping products until Christmas at the earliest.
If we all were spending $2,000 dollars on our max out credit cards to get these Tegra 2 based tablets I would probably wait as well but the fact remains they arnt that expensive, Tegra 3 could take even longer to mature driver wise and as always if you wait for the next best it will never happen and remember these are tablets, not oxygen masks required for daily living.....
That's true indeed. That's why I settled with this GT 10.1 Tegra 2 as "stop gap", while waiting the magical perfect Android tablet. My feeling is telling me this Tegra 3 will be available next year (available = able to purchase). Because it is too soon to make it available this year where Tegra 2 devices are still new. I don't think manufacturers will rush to make new product every half year. They should want to make money for current products!
And I think Tegra 2 is still nice platform as long as you don't expect to watch high profile encoded MKV video (I don't !).
Back to this AnandTech review ... the thing that made me think is the battery life. I don't expect only 8.5 hours for daily use! That's too low (less) for 7000 mAH battery. I was expecting more.
MrSewerPickle said:
I agree. Eveb though we know Tegra 3 will be out "soon" I don't see shipping products until Christmas at the earliest.
If we all were spending $2,000 dollars on our max out credit cards to get these Tegra 2 based tablets I would probably wait as well but the fact remains they arnt that expensive, Tegra 3 could take even longer to mature driver wise and as always if you wait for the next best it will never happen and remember these are tablets, not oxygen masks required for daily living.....
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Is that true about the Google IO LE version having a worse panel? Anyone say otherwise?
That "4 months it'll be obsolete" comment is annoying purely on the basis that a product launch doesn't mean it'll be available to us consumers anytime soon.
gogol said:
I don't think manufacturers will rush to make new product every half year. They should want to make money for current products!
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They can't make a lot of money off of their current Tegra 2 products if their competitors are selling Tegra 3 products at attractive prices. There are supposedly at least 5 companies working on Tegra 3 tablets right now. Some, like Amazon, don't have a Tegra 2 product, so you know they will release it as quickly as possible. Once just a couple release Tegra 3 products, the others will have to also release Tegra 3, and/or deeply discount their Tegra 2 products, to continue selling them.
There's not a lot to these things. It doesn't take much of a redesign to put in a different chip. Look how fast Samsung completely, physically, re-designed the 10.1 once they realized how thin the ipad 2 was. If you sleep in this market, you get left behind. Buy one now if you need one now, but don't be upset in six months when you want the new ones.
Ravynmagi said:
It was a good review. And it even had me thinking maybe I should wait for Kal-El. But no. I Kal-El could launch in 4 months, it could also be 6 months. And just because a tablet or two comes out with a Kal-El processor doesn't necessarily mean it'll be a good quality tablet I'd want. I could very well be waiting until 2012 for a decent thin, light, tablet with high quality display.
So I'm going to go ahead and buy now, enjoy now. Well buy in 3 days anyway.
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Totally agree. My idea of a perfect tablet would be something that looks like the GT10.1 with a microSD card slot and a Kal-El processor. Anything else that it comes with is just a bonus.
I wouldn't be using the tablet for anything massively processor intensive so the main reasons for wanting a Kal-El chip is for better video/audio codec support and lower power usage (hence better battery life). I can live with the current Tegra 2 power usage but the video/audio codec support is a real let down.
However, I think I'll be getting the GT10.1 anyway to fill the gap between now and the ideal tablet.
(Obviously, my idea of ideal/perfect tablet changes overtime as my preferences changes and new technology becomes available. Therefore, one could argue that I'll never get my perfect tablet.)
Ravynmagi said:
It was a good review. And it even had me thinking maybe I should wait for Kal-El. But no. I Kal-El could launch in 4 months, it could also be 6 months. And just because a tablet or two comes out with a Kal-El processor doesn't necessarily mean it'll be a good quality tablet I'd want. I could very well be waiting until 2012 for a decent thin, light, tablet with high quality display.
So I'm going to go ahead and buy now, enjoy now. Well buy in 3 days anyway.
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agreed.. it makes sense for people who can wait to do so.. but if you need a tablet now, then i suggest going ahead, as you'll always just be waiting for something new and better to come along. it's an endless cycle. the moment you realize that what's out now is fine for your current needs.. is the moment you'll be satisfied with your purchase without having buyers regrets. technology moves fast, so might as well not worry about what's to come
Amazon will likely have a unrecognizable UI/skin on it. A nexus tablet wouldn't launch until ics. If you can make a convincing argument that someone will launch a quad core tablet as thin and light as the tab with equal quality screen before then I will be happy to hear it.

FYI - Tegra 3 Performance, Power Consumption, In-Game screenshots

Just read the article and I put it here in case you are interested.
Original thread:
Tegra 3 Bechmarks - xbitlabs
Tegra 3 architecture revealed - Anandtech
Some Game Screenshots/Videos:
In game shots
First Demo
Side by side comparsion
Next-gen games
Linking another article article
I _really_ can't wait to see the Transformer 2.
So the Transformer 2 is real and is coming next month? Perfect!
Is it confirmed?
GetPatriotized said:
So the Transformer 2 is real and is coming next month? Perfect!
Is it confirmed?
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No. A better guess in Q1 of 2012. Nvidia is still working on the CPU
thebadfrog said:
No. A better guess in Q1 of 2012. Nvidia is still working on the CPU
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Personally, I'd be surprised to see it even in Q1 of 2012. Last I heard, they were still having issues getting enough SOC's for developer boards. We've seen 6+ month development cycles from most major manufacturers (or more) in regards to attaining the dev boards to putting a product out. I forsee products at the earliest of Q2 of 2012, if not Q3.
My concern is more with the video decoding. Are they going to get it right this time around? Tegra 2 has been pretty disappointing IMHO when it comes to media.
Check this! ZTE Kal-El Tablet
First tablet spotted with the Kal-El SoC running android 3.2.
I'd say November release is more real, than October, but who knows.
if they dont start really supporting the tegra 2 i dont think the tegra 3 will matter much. what is there 11 or so tegra games, might be a few more, but only a few that really use tegra.
justPorter said:
if they dont start really supporting the tegra 2 i dont think the tegra 3 will matter much. what is there 11 or so tegra games, might be a few more, but only a few that really use tegra.
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I agree. I feel like I bought an obsolete device that isn't even a year old.
I'll wait patiently. The Kal-El processor seems pretty slick. Read an article recently that indicates it actually as a 5th core that is permanently underclocked, so that it can run the background, mundane crap, and leave the four primary cores for heavy lifting.
The TF2 could be a pretty damn powerful tablet.
FrayAdjacent said:
I'll wait patiently. The Kal-El processor seems pretty slick. Read an article recently that indicates it actually as a 5th core that is permanently underclocked, so that it can run the background, mundane crap, and leave the four primary cores for heavy lifting.
The TF2 could be a pretty damn powerful tablet.
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Incorrect....The 5th core is for when the tablet is in 'sleep' mode or when there is almost nothing going on. If the SOC determines that the 5th core can handle the load, it will switch to just that core, and turn off the 4 main cores to preserve battery life. The whole point is to reduce battery consumption, more importantly when nothing or very little is happening, or when it's sleeping. The 5th core runs at a lower voltage and clock speed (up to 500 MHz).
Anandtech Link
The article really gets into the nitty gritty concerning the issue. Basically, you have 4 different states, either a single low power core, a single normal power core, dual (normal power) cores, or quad (normal power) cores. The differences between the cores come from the transistors used. The LP core uses non-leaky transistors that can't be switched as fast (thus the limited to 500 MHz), whereas the normal cores use leaky 'fast switching' transistors to get the speed.
It's an interesting way of trying to increase battery life, at the cost of more transistors and space.
Honestly, the things I want to know haven't been answered yet....How much RAM can we have with this CPU? How fast? If I don't see something more than 1 gb of ram and something greater than 1 GHz (preferably closer to 2 GHz), then the competition very well may catch up very quickly.
Drybonz said:
I agree. I feel like I bought an obsolete device that isn't even a year old.
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Welcome to the world that Apple created and everyone openly accepted.
from what i have read Q1 looks more reasonable for transformer 2 especially since Asus has said they expect sales of transformer 2 to hit 1m for q4, if they release T2 in q4 i dont see it hitting that number!
blessedswine said:
from what i have read Q1 looks more reasonable for transformer 2 especially since Asus has said they expect sales of transformer 2 to hit 1m for q4, if they release T2 in q4 i dont see it hitting that number!
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Also, where do you get the 1m from? Asus are selling 600,000 transformers every month.
well it only sold 400k in april and may, 300k for june, and after june i cant find anyone saying anything about sales numbers other then they are what they expected.
and yes i meant to type transformer 1 for q4. i havent found anything saying they are selling 600k a month but im not disputing that if that is true they will hit the million sales goal they are setting out for in q4. what i was saying though is if they release the transformer 2 it will kill sales of original im also assuming they wont keep making it. i could be wrong.
CrazyPeter said:
Welcome to the world that Apple created and everyone openly accepted.
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I'm wondering how that is going to sit with the general public. Shelling out $200 for a new phone every two years is one thing, but $500-800 for a new tablet every year or two is going sting even those with the heftiness IT budgets. I wonder if Apple will hit a wall there.
My friend from work is loving it. He's bought an iPad I for a song he expects the II's will be just as cheap when the III's come out.
That's probably the biggest down side of the Android tablet market (or upside) you aren't going to get much for your T1. Here's hoping the dock works with the T2!
Amazon $199 price tag is very close to the disposable cell phone price that people seem to be willing to shell out blindly. Arnova is promising $250ish capacitive 1080p 10" tablets very soon. Tegra 3 will sure push down the prices of Tegra 2 tablets into low $300. Probably be able to pick them up for high $250ish on a good sale.
I think these things are going to really leap frog for the next 3 years. I think Kal-El is the beginning of the end for the laptop as we know it. I'm wondering how Apple is going to handle it. If they sell iPad's they'll kill there lucrative laptop business. If MS gets Windows 8 working on a Kal-El tablet, that would be a real shot across Apple's bow. A Windows 8 Transformer. I think that could put MS back in the game. Will Android's phone success translate into Tablets? Interesting times.
I think olit'll be announced in October for release in time for Christmas.
Nvida said KalEl was going to be ready in October. So I expect ASUS will want to be among the first with a quad core tablet.
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Added the Engadget link with some screenshots - nice graphics there
It's kinda getting ridiculous how new devices are getting developed and released so fast. Whats the point of buying the new TF2 when there really hasn't been anything to come out to take full advantage of the Tegra 2 chip other than a few games??? Sure it would be cool to show the new TF2 to everyone and it will be faster than anything on the market, but for what? It's way to soon in my opinion to release the TF2 with nothing to really show benefit other than a few benchmarks and a screen shot of a game that will more than likely run just fine on the Tegra 2. I'm sure the everyday android tablet user would not notice the difference between the TF1 and 2 when using it for browsing, video streaming and other basic operations used tablet wise.
Riley1524 said:
It's kinda getting ridiculous how new devices are getting developed and released so fast. Whats the point of buying the new TF2 when there really hasn't been anything to come out to take full advantage of the Tegra 2 chip other than a few games??? Sure it would be cool to show the new TF2 to everyone and it will be faster than anything on the market, but for what? It's way to soon in my opinion to release the TF2 with nothing to really show benefit other than a few benchmarks and a screen shot of a game that will more than likely run just fine on the Tegra 2. I'm sure the everyday android tablet user would not notice the difference between the TF1 and 2 when using it for browsing, video streaming and other basic operations used tablet wise.
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Tegra 2 ist one year old and outdated. It's not capable of 1080p High Profile, it has problems with 720p content, it's only running at 1000Mhz, the GPU is not fast enough.
The reason why Asus updated their line up is that the Transformer was very late to the market, like every other Honeycomb-Tablet.

PSA: CES is just around the corner

Where am I going with this one ?
Just wait 3 more weeks and many more devices shall be revealed. Ones with same/faster CPUs, same/comparable resolution (any pixels in excess of 1920x1200 are an overkill in this size and only make it work harder for no visual gain), same 2GB RAM, microSD expansion, keyboard docks, decent chargers. And no light bleed May be even with a WACOM stylus.
WACOM screens are different type of touchscreen and arent really compatible with the high resolution displays. If you want one of those just get the Note II 10.1 since that will probably be the only device with such a feature until the Note III
rashid11 said:
Where am I going with this one ?
Just wait 3 more weeks and many more devices shall be revealed. Ones with same/faster CPUs, same/comparable resolution (any pixels in excess of 1920x1200 are an overkill in this size and only make it work harder for no visual gain), same 2GB RAM, microSD expansion, keyboard docks, decent chargers. And no light bleed May be even with a WACOM stylus.
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Wait even longer and there will be yet other devices with 4 gigs of RAM, 2 microSD slots, better screens and 8 core CPUs!!!
What is the point of your idiot post? Trolling? Some strange hatred of a decent, cheap tablet? Did Nexus10 kill your parents?
Even if CES brings many cool tablets, they likely won't go on sale until March at the earliest and probably longer. The Nexus 10 is a fine tablet with a great spec set. The screen is nice (no, 1920x1200 isn't enough for me, I have exceptional eyesight and prefer very high resolution) and the speed is good. Having unadulterated 4.2 with updates is nice too. The light bleed thing is blown WAY out of proportion. It is an issue on some, but I've found that the vast majority of people I've spoken with would never notice it or find it to be an issue. Mine has no problems with it. And I bet none of them will be $400 when released...
Basically, you can keep waiting for better and better devices or you can buy this one that is very good. If it suits your needs, I think you'll be happy with it. If you keep chasing specs, well then yes, you'll be sorry in a month when the new tech comes. And then again in another month when still newer stuff comes. And again and again.
Many of us have older tablets and an itch to upgrade. Original expectations were sky-high, but somewhat tempered by early feedback.
I have N10 in stock in stores just 2 miles away from where I live. Just might pull the trigger, but not before I see what's announced at CES.
Been an avid Android user - ordered my N1 the hour it was announced and never looked back. Use Android tablet daily, around 2 hours every day.
Aint no troll, just an educated and spoiled bourgeois consumer who likes to understand his options.
Have to agree with kpluiten. This post serves no purpose.
Hey guys did you know that they're gonna start selling 2013 model cars soon? I heard they were gonna be better than the 2012 models
Sent from my One X using xda app-developers app
On subject of cars - I *waited* for VW to release diesel Passat. I now enjoy 50MPG hwy and laugh all the way to the bank. Anyone in the market for a new SUV outta be crazy not to wait a bit - in Jan there will be diesel Cherokees released in US market. V6 diesel Motori engine ... 40MPG hwy likely .
So sometimes it is worth to wait a little - builds one's character too, not a bad thing in this age of ppl wanting instant gratification
rashid11 said:
(any pixels in excess of 1920x1200 are an overkill in this size and only make it work harder for no visual gain)
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Your opinion... I'm happy with my 1.8million extra pixels
Now you are just spamming the forum. I vote for removal of the thread
Sent from my Nexus 10 using XDA Premium HD app

My new tablet vs. Xperia Play

I recently picked up a Coby 7 inch 7065-8 tablet which has a dual core am8726-mx processor running at 1.2 ghz, a gig of ram, and dual mali-400 gpu. Given what I know about the hardware and benchmark results it would seem that the tablet should blow the Play out of the water when it comes to gaming (don't get me wrong, I'm still a Play fan all the way but I thought my son would like watching me play on a bigger screen since I'm trying to get him interested in gaming) but it does not. In every game I have tested it is slower and emulation is slower as well. I know a lot of things are not optimized to support dual core but I still can't figure out why things would actually be slower. Any help would be appreciated.
what is the android version of that tablet?
pedyvirus said:
what is the android version of that tablet?
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4.04, and I'm comparing it to stock r800i running GB
BrianChase said:
4.04, and I'm comparing it to stock r800i running GB
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My cousin has a coby tablet 7 inches but it has jelly bean and it sucks no offence but its very badly made and very badly optimized like u said. If u can return it then u should. A samsung galaxy tab 2 7inch is only 149 $ and much better. Also nexus 7 for a liitle more is also a lot better. I recommend you go with those
Sent from my LG-P970g
That's a shame; I was under the impression that the majority of the optimizations came from the android operating system especially since the hardware is very mainstream. If anyone has had any luck with making the 7065 work worth a damn let me know, I believe I'm out of the return window sadly.
I've read everywhere that the Coby tablets just suck in general. And if you're trying to get your son into gaming (awesome parenting btw ), I'd recommend getting one of these. Just search for reviews, most of them are pretty nice overall.
I picked up a original Galaxy Tab 10.1 GT=P7510 for $160 from last Oct. It was used but in excellent condition. I know its old specs, Tegra 2 I OC mine to 1.4 but it does a great job and I am very happy with it. I have seen them for about $135 online if you look.
But I must admit this particular JinXing device looks nice spec wise:
Sorry to hear about the Coby, a friend of mine did have that same tablet and he returned it do to poor performance.
Here is a review on that JXD 7800b:
JXD 7800b on preorder for $170 free shipping.. thats an awesome price for what you get... I would be seriously inclined to snag it... of course I will wait for it to come out and go through the reviews, plus see if it gets any DEV love...
Thanks for the advice everyone
I'm going to try Drastic on both devices side by side since it is actually supposed to be optimized for dual core and the bigger screen will be a benefit but if performance sucks on it then I'm finding a way to get rid of this terrible little device. Oh, and just for laughs, it has a 2 hour and 45 minute battery life!

