great review by AnandTech - Galaxy Tab 10.1 General

"Unfortunately with most Honeycomb tablets today we find ourselves in a difficult position when it comes to making any recommendations. NVIDIA's Kal-El target was originally August, I've heard more recently that the date has slipped to around September. Regardless of the specific month, there's a high likelihood that within the next four months you'll be able to get a much more powerful Android tablet for the same amount of money you'd spend today. With that in mind, I can't in good conscience recommend spending any amount of money on a tablet today if you can wait another two quarters. Remember Kal-El won't really change single threaded performance, but it will improve GPU performance and address the video decoding limitations of Tegra 2 today."

Honeycomb OS is still not stable enough ... but it is usable.
Hopefully, the upcoming ICS will be very stable.
Or NOT? I meant, we will be in the same cycle ...

Hmmm. I'm going to wait this one out now.
In a couple months if the 10.1 really is the best and there is decent development going on for it then I'll pick one up.
Otherwise it will probably be an ASUS Kal-El for me...

e.mote said:
"Unfortunately with most Honeycomb tablets today we find ourselves in a difficult position when it comes to making any recommendations. NVIDIA's Kal-El target was originally August, I've heard more recently that the date has slipped to around September. Regardless of the specific month, there's a high likelihood that within the next four months you'll be able to get a much more powerful Android tablet for the same amount of money you'd spend today. With that in mind, I can't in good conscience recommend spending any amount of money on a tablet today if you can wait another two quarters. Remember Kal-El won't really change single threaded performance, but it will improve GPU performance and address the video decoding limitations of Tegra 2 today."
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It was a good review. And it even had me thinking maybe I should wait for Kal-El. But no. I Kal-El could launch in 4 months, it could also be 6 months. And just because a tablet or two comes out with a Kal-El processor doesn't necessarily mean it'll be a good quality tablet I'd want. I could very well be waiting until 2012 for a decent thin, light, tablet with high quality display.
So I'm going to go ahead and buy now, enjoy now. Well buy in 3 days anyway.

I agree. Eveb though we know Tegra 3 will be out "soon" I don't see shipping products until Christmas at the earliest.
If we all were spending $2,000 dollars on our max out credit cards to get these Tegra 2 based tablets I would probably wait as well but the fact remains they arnt that expensive, Tegra 3 could take even longer to mature driver wise and as always if you wait for the next best it will never happen and remember these are tablets, not oxygen masks required for daily living.....

That's true indeed. That's why I settled with this GT 10.1 Tegra 2 as "stop gap", while waiting the magical perfect Android tablet. My feeling is telling me this Tegra 3 will be available next year (available = able to purchase). Because it is too soon to make it available this year where Tegra 2 devices are still new. I don't think manufacturers will rush to make new product every half year. They should want to make money for current products!
And I think Tegra 2 is still nice platform as long as you don't expect to watch high profile encoded MKV video (I don't !).
Back to this AnandTech review ... the thing that made me think is the battery life. I don't expect only 8.5 hours for daily use! That's too low (less) for 7000 mAH battery. I was expecting more.
MrSewerPickle said:
I agree. Eveb though we know Tegra 3 will be out "soon" I don't see shipping products until Christmas at the earliest.
If we all were spending $2,000 dollars on our max out credit cards to get these Tegra 2 based tablets I would probably wait as well but the fact remains they arnt that expensive, Tegra 3 could take even longer to mature driver wise and as always if you wait for the next best it will never happen and remember these are tablets, not oxygen masks required for daily living.....
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Is that true about the Google IO LE version having a worse panel? Anyone say otherwise?

That "4 months it'll be obsolete" comment is annoying purely on the basis that a product launch doesn't mean it'll be available to us consumers anytime soon.

gogol said:
I don't think manufacturers will rush to make new product every half year. They should want to make money for current products!
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They can't make a lot of money off of their current Tegra 2 products if their competitors are selling Tegra 3 products at attractive prices. There are supposedly at least 5 companies working on Tegra 3 tablets right now. Some, like Amazon, don't have a Tegra 2 product, so you know they will release it as quickly as possible. Once just a couple release Tegra 3 products, the others will have to also release Tegra 3, and/or deeply discount their Tegra 2 products, to continue selling them.
There's not a lot to these things. It doesn't take much of a redesign to put in a different chip. Look how fast Samsung completely, physically, re-designed the 10.1 once they realized how thin the ipad 2 was. If you sleep in this market, you get left behind. Buy one now if you need one now, but don't be upset in six months when you want the new ones.

Ravynmagi said:
It was a good review. And it even had me thinking maybe I should wait for Kal-El. But no. I Kal-El could launch in 4 months, it could also be 6 months. And just because a tablet or two comes out with a Kal-El processor doesn't necessarily mean it'll be a good quality tablet I'd want. I could very well be waiting until 2012 for a decent thin, light, tablet with high quality display.
So I'm going to go ahead and buy now, enjoy now. Well buy in 3 days anyway.
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Totally agree. My idea of a perfect tablet would be something that looks like the GT10.1 with a microSD card slot and a Kal-El processor. Anything else that it comes with is just a bonus.
I wouldn't be using the tablet for anything massively processor intensive so the main reasons for wanting a Kal-El chip is for better video/audio codec support and lower power usage (hence better battery life). I can live with the current Tegra 2 power usage but the video/audio codec support is a real let down.
However, I think I'll be getting the GT10.1 anyway to fill the gap between now and the ideal tablet.
(Obviously, my idea of ideal/perfect tablet changes overtime as my preferences changes and new technology becomes available. Therefore, one could argue that I'll never get my perfect tablet.)

Ravynmagi said:
It was a good review. And it even had me thinking maybe I should wait for Kal-El. But no. I Kal-El could launch in 4 months, it could also be 6 months. And just because a tablet or two comes out with a Kal-El processor doesn't necessarily mean it'll be a good quality tablet I'd want. I could very well be waiting until 2012 for a decent thin, light, tablet with high quality display.
So I'm going to go ahead and buy now, enjoy now. Well buy in 3 days anyway.
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agreed.. it makes sense for people who can wait to do so.. but if you need a tablet now, then i suggest going ahead, as you'll always just be waiting for something new and better to come along. it's an endless cycle. the moment you realize that what's out now is fine for your current needs.. is the moment you'll be satisfied with your purchase without having buyers regrets. technology moves fast, so might as well not worry about what's to come

Amazon will likely have a unrecognizable UI/skin on it. A nexus tablet wouldn't launch until ics. If you can make a convincing argument that someone will launch a quad core tablet as thin and light as the tab with equal quality screen before then I will be happy to hear it.


iPad2 tomorrow. Who's on the fence?

I know I am.
We can debate about it till the end of time and end of day, it's just preference. I dislike the Apple arrogance, but they make a kick ass piece of hardware. To do what it can do on lesser hardware specs (CPU) is an amazing accomplishment. Once you get into an app on either platform, it's pretty much the same thing.
However, I am in the Android ecosystem and I dig it. I am a tinkerer, so it's definitely for me since I love the customization. But I am also a cheap bastard, and price could win this war for me.
The XOOM is expensive, even with the 25% coupon.
Here's where I jump ship to iPad vs. XOOM (which I do have on order and is shipping)
- Lower iPad entry price. 400 - 450 for a 16gb iPad2 is killer. However, it would have to be closer to 400. At 450, it's 150 away from full flash, higher resolution, more capacity and expandability... etc etc...
- Higher resolution screen. This is huge. I want to be able to paint with sketchbook and already believe 4:3 is better than 16:10 for this, but even a 16:10 1280 x 800 is already better than iPad 1's 1024 x 768. A higher res screen would likely be 1280 x 1024.
If they get both of these, price and screen, I am not leaving Android, but I will leave the XOOM behind. And not just as an in comparison vs. iPad stance, but lets look at 2011. Almost every Android pad coming out has similar to same specs as XOOM. We all knew we were paying the premium for first adopter syndrome, but at some point, I need to be smart about all this.
DatterBoy said:
I know I am.
We can debate about it till the end of time and end of day, it's just preference. I dislike the Apple arrogance, but they make a kick ass piece of hardware. To do what it can do on lesser hardware specs (CPU) is an amazing accomplishment. Once you get into an app on either platform, it's pretty much the same thing.
However, I am in the Android ecosystem and I dig it. I am a tinkerer, so it's definitely for me since I love the customization. But I am also a cheap bastard, and price could win this war for me.
The XOOM is expensive, even with the 25% coupon.
Here's where I jump ship to iPad vs. XOOM (which I do have on order and is shipping)
- Lower iPad entry price. 400 - 450 for a 16gb iPad2 is killer. However, it would have to be closer to 400. At 450, it's 150 away from full flash, higher resolution, more capacity and expandability... etc etc...
- Higher resolution screen. This is huge. I want to be able to paint with sketchbook and already believe 4:3 is better than 16:10 for this, but even a 16:10 1280 x 800 is already better than iPad 1's 1024 x 768. A higher res screen would likely be 1280 x 1024.
If they get both of these, price and screen, I am not leaving Android, but I will leave the XOOM behind. And not just as an in comparison vs. iPad stance, but lets look at 2011. Almost every Android pad coming out has similar to same specs as XOOM. We all knew we were paying the premium for first adopter syndrome, but at some point, I need to be smart about all this.
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Sources in the media say the higher res screen is not going to happen because it would cause more power drain. They are going to make a thinner screen, though, allowing the device to be thinner.
I can never get an iPad because iOS is pathetic for a tablet OS. Not near enough functionality for my tastes. It's just an app delivery system.
Unfortunately, this leaves me still waiting for a tablet that fits my needs (Toshiba? LG?). My Xoom is going back, I'm too bothered by the power button and speaker placement, especially considering the price.
They aren't going to lower the price and they aren't bumping the screen specs up. So your decision is already made. Apple hits the same price point every year, they aren't going to lower it when they are already below all relevant competition. They have already confirmed that the screen is the same resolution as well.
What will change I think is that Apple will be running a dual core TI OMAP4430 processor with the Imagination Technologies Powervr SGX540 clocked at 300mhz. The reason I think this is what they will use is that Apple owns a significant stake in Imaginations Technology, they might even outright own it at this point, and they have used their technology in past iphones and ipads.
If they do use this SoC, then the iPad will have SIGNIFICANTLY higher graphics processing power than the Xoom and other Tegra 2 tablets. Also, Apple won't support it, but it would be capable of playing back 1080p high profile content flawlessly. Maybe once its jailbroken and XBMC is installed . . . . .
I'm not really on the fence, as I will get a Xoom eventually. But I do think that the pricing of the Xoom is ridiculous, and I do think that this will change once the iPad 2 is announced.
Motorola justified the premium price by saying it has many features that the iPad doesn't have. This is stupid. First, 4G and Flash are not available on it, yet. Second, the product that the Xoom should really be compared to is the iPad 2, not the original iPad. Flash can certainly be ruled out for the iPad 2, given Steve Jobs' stance on it. But how come Motorola is so certain that iPad 2 won't get 4G support? And front+rear cameras support, and faster CPU, are unlikely to be missing on the iPad 2.
I do think that Motorola will change the pricing on the Xoom once the iPad 2 is out there. This is probably why they don't say anything about the price of the wifi-only version yet (except informally said to be around $600, not saying anything about the capacity). The official price of the current 3G+wifi model probably won't change, but I'm sure they will do some coupon or mail-in rebate to effectively lower its price, and then introduce a range of lower capacity and wifi-only model to try to match iPad's pricing.
Apple probably will lower the prices with the new iPad. They typically cut the price of the same capacity model (due to flash memory price dropping like crazy all the time?) when they introduce a new generation of products every year (see iPod Touch). I highly doubt they can do much lower than $499 for the cheapest model though, because honestly that's already shockingly cheap when it was introduced last year. My guess is the starting price will still be around $499, maybe $450 but not any lower. Maybe they will retain the current generation 16GB iPad and slash its price, just like what they did with the iPhone 3GS. But the prices of the newer higher capacity models should be lower than what they are now.
tsekh501 said:
I'm not really on the fence, as I will get a Xoom eventually. But I do think that the pricing of the Xoom is ridiculous, and I do think that this will change once the iPad 2 is announced.
Motorola justified the premium price by saying it has many features that the iPad doesn't have. This is stupid. First, 4G and Flash are not available on it, yet. Second, the product that the Xoom should really be compared to is the iPad 2, not the original iPad. Flash can certainly be ruled out for the iPad 2, given Steve Jobs' stance on it. But how come Motorola is so certain that iPad 2 won't get 4G support? And front+rear cameras support, and faster CPU, are unlikely to be missing on the iPad 2.
I do think that Motorola will change the pricing on the Xoom once the iPad 2 is out there. This is probably why they don't say anything about the price of the wifi-only version yet (except informally said to be around $600, not saying anything about the capacity). The official price of the current 3G+wifi model probably won't change, but I'm sure they will do some coupon or mail-in rebate to effectively lower its price, and then introduce a range of lower capacity and wifi-only model to try to match iPad's pricing.
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I don't think flash can be ruled out. They could easily just say that it wasn't ready to run as smooth as they require, but now with the new hardware it does. They have reversed themselves on dozens of things as vehemently rejected as Flash in the past. That would be a major coup against Android too.
There is no on the fence for me, Honeycomb compared to the sorry excuse for a tablet OS they call iOS is a no brainer.
DatterBoy said:
I know I am.
We can debate about it till the end of time and end of day, it's just preference. I dislike the Apple arrogance, but they make a kick ass piece of hardware. To do what it can do on lesser hardware specs (CPU) is an amazing accomplishment. Once you get into an app on either platform, it's pretty much the same thing.
However, I am in the Android ecosystem and I dig it. I am a tinkerer, so it's definitely for me since I love the customization. But I am also a cheap bastard, and price could win this war for me.
The XOOM is expensive, even with the 25% coupon.
Here's where I jump ship to iPad vs. XOOM (which I do have on order and is shipping)
- Lower iPad entry price. 400 - 450 for a 16gb iPad2 is killer. However, it would have to be closer to 400. At 450, it's 150 away from full flash, higher resolution, more capacity and expandability... etc etc...
- Higher resolution screen. This is huge. I want to be able to paint with sketchbook and already believe 4:3 is better than 16:10 for this, but even a 16:10 1280 x 800 is already better than iPad 1's 1024 x 768. A higher res screen would likely be 1280 x 1024.
If they get both of these, price and screen, I am not leaving Android, but I will leave the XOOM behind. And not just as an in comparison vs. iPad stance, but lets look at 2011. Almost every Android pad coming out has similar to same specs as XOOM. We all knew we were paying the premium for first adopter syndrome, but at some point, I need to be smart about all this.
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Not a big deal, the 32gb 3g I pad currently costs $729, the new I pad will be the same or more, I could careless about $70, also the xoom with no flash sucks balls, to be stuck with an iPad that will never get flash would be a travesty. Please hurry up adobe
I am on the fence. What I really need is a good tablet that will replace my notes at work as well as be a nice toy for my 2.5 year old to play with and learn on. We won't know everything until tomorrow, but I love how Android is an actual OS whereas iOS is an app launcher. The thing to realize, Apple is also going to show some stuff coming out in iOS5. Nobody knows what is in the new OS. For all we know, they completely revamped it to be more like a desktop experience. If this is the case, I think I am going to have to go with IPad. If this is not the case, I will probably stick with Android, maybe not the Xoom but the Samsung 10.1 or another one. The only part that I am wary about are the amount of apps. I know that android will be getting more apps as time goes by, but IPad already has those apps. Therefore there is no waiting at all for them. Ahh, it's going to be such a hard decision to make when it comes down to it.
Disclaimer: I have never owned a single piece of Apple hardware/software before. The only android hardware/software that I have used is my HTC Hero CDMA.
I am waiting the next Samsung 8.9" tablet that will be announced on March 22
Hoping it doesn't use Tegra 2, has nicer screen like super amoled and 64 gb model.
I might jump into iPad 2 if iOS5 is not just a launcher.
Xoom is nice, but too expensive for current state (dislike Tegra 2 performance, hate the screen, hate the power button).
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
I'm not seriously on the fence about an iPad2...not a big apple fan, but I may still return my Xoom and wait a few weeks given that the iPad2 can change pricing and speed up some of the missing features (ie flash).
I don't own (or ever have owned) an current generation Apple product. I did own a original Macintosh and Apple II GS. I do like their hardware though.
As an aside, I always thought Apple should start using other apple names besides macintosh. The iphone could've been the fiji and the ipad the granny smith.
I am also on the fence - and I am coming from the GTablet. Dont get me wrong the Tegra 2 is an awesome platform and have become very comfortable with the source strucutre (Froyo), etc. etc. BUT I hated the screen. I just could not get past how bad the screen was on the GTablet. This now brings me to a point where I am tablet-less. Since the iPAD 2 announcement is tomorrow I am definitely on the fence. Other than an iPOD I don't own any Apple equipment. Having a strong linux/java development background so I do gravitate towards the Google platform BUT as I see it for what I want it to do (Browsing, Playing Games, Email, Media, E-Reading, etc.) the IPAD 2 is just as good (if not better possibly). With the GTablet I LOVED the tinkering with the kernel, loading up different ROMs, creating FrankinROMs, the little development I did, etc. but honestly I have enough tech playing in my life/profession soo.. the net net is I just need something that works, has great support and most importantly a great screen.
NOW.... If Motorola was smarter the WIFI would be out by now; someone like me would have pulled the trigger already especially due to the fact the 3G version is utterly crazily priced!... Unfortunately for them I have now reserved my self to be on the fence... Stupid stupid Motorola... I suspect everyone who is on the fence is/was in the same position! Listen Motorla - you probably just lost many customers to the (right now) king of Tablets... I would love to know the strategy of these manufacturers... Apple was smart to wait till after ALL the tablet announcements... its like seeing a boxer throw punch after punch barely connecting, tiring out the opponent... By the time the IPAD 2 hits the shelves - Android 3.0 will be a whisper in the wind - unfortunately due to the fact XOOM hasnt had the glaring reviews we all suspected and all others delayed till end of April or beyond. I suspect Apple will announce the IPAD 2 will be released 1st week of April - killing a huge market share of potential Google purchasers (like me?). If I were Apple this is what I would do.
Anyway... fun to discuss, speculate, etc.
Count me in as being on the fence. I was really hyped on Xoom coming out but the price and lack of options has completely killed my desire for one.
The biggest complaint I have is the fact that there is no WiFi version available at this time. I really dont need another data contract, and with having a Evo I can thether for free and dont need an overpriced CDMA radio. Having played with a Xoom, I think its great device and would really like one, but it loses out to the iPad in the following:
1) No WiFi $500-600 version
2) No Apps. I know there will be apps, but if I pay $800 for a device, I expect strong app support.
3) Fully thought out & functional product. Xoom seems rushed with no flash, no SD memory card, and crappy video support. I dont mind that these things will be updated in the future, but at a $800 price point its utterly retarded that its not fully functional.
I think the biggest mistake Motorola made is not offering a WiFi only version and releasing sooo close to the iPad 2 launch.
I will likely buy a iPad 2, since it will be announced tomorrow, WiFi version will be available soon and has the better apps. Although iOS sucks balls, I would rather have a cheaper tablet that is comparable.
No Brainer
i have never connected this to my computer and have already 20 albums, 3 movies and all my contacts, calendar, bookmarks.
oh i also have :
my jobs wifi with password
my house wifi with password
and all my friends wifi with passwords....i didnt do anything besides sign in my google account.
4g connections...micro sd...flash..soon enough (complain all you want about that..early adopters are a rare breed)
heavy dev help on the way....massive google overhauls as well
you do the math...
if your cheap i can see the complaining. otherwise, nah bro
also forgot
apple Ram is being up'ed to only 512mb.
and they arent using a Micro sd card
and they arent using a hdmi port
and they arent using a micro usb cord
but its apple so it doesnt matter, right?
Bauxite said:
There is no on the fence for me, Honeycomb compared to the sorry excuse for a tablet OS they call iOS is a no brainer.
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The few people I spoke to about this said they were waiting for an iPad 2 because they like the sleek UI - can't fault iPad/Phone/Pod for the simple, easy to use, non-breakable UI - but I'd feel trapped and even jailbroken - a broken man...
Xoom caught my eye in the end (was contemplating something like the HTC Flyer but think its too small for a home-wifi-only-tab) and I'm waiting for the £450 wifi version to hit the pre-order so I can pre-order!
Dude... I think your in the wrong thread... This is the iPAD2 on the fence thread... Not sure what your saying (my Chrome Translation feature is not working) but its not coming across.. you may need to resend the message or your in the wrong thread...
dudeimgeorge said:
i have never connected this to my computer and have already 20 albums, 3 movies and all my contacts, calendar, bookmarks.
oh i also have :
my jobs wifi with password
my house wifi with password
and all my friends wifi with passwords....i didnt do anything besides sign in my google account.
4g connections...micro sd...flash..soon enough (complain all you want about that..early adopters are a rare breed)
heavy dev help on the way....massive google overhauls as well
you do the math...
if your cheap i can see the complaining. otherwise, nah bro
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Lets not all forget about the horrible iTunes that is basically required to sync the iPad. Hrm. I've gone so long without ever needing to install that hunk of junk. That might be the main reason I pick Xoom at the end of the day.
cheebahawk said:
Count me in as being on the fence. I was really hyped on Xoom coming out but the price and lack of options has completely killed my desire for one.
The biggest complaint I have is the fact that there is no WiFi version available at this time. I really dont need another data contract, and with having a Evo I can thether for free and dont need an overpriced CDMA radio. Having played with a Xoom, I think its great device and would really like one, but it loses out to the iPad in the following:
1) No WiFi $500-600 version
2) No Apps. I know there will be apps, but if I pay $800 for a device, I expect strong app support.
3) Fully thought out & functional product. Xoom seems rushed with no flash, no SD memory card, and crappy video support. I dont mind that these things will be updated in the future, but at a $800 price point its utterly retarded that its not fully functional.
I think the biggest mistake Motorola made is not offering a WiFi only version and releasing sooo close to the iPad 2 launch.
I will likely buy a iPad 2, since it will be announced tomorrow, WiFi version will be available soon and has the better apps. Although iOS sucks balls, I would rather have a cheaper tablet that is comparable.
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I'm a little confused, iPad will never have flash or SD support. The fact you have to wait a couple of weeks for flash means they should've delayed the project, your trippin. 1080p video when iPad doesn't have it isn't much of a comparison. When watching comcast on demand on my xoom everything looks a million times better then with my iPad. Everyoe is different and has different needs, but your points are mute except for price
First of all, a disclaimer, I own both ;-) I am a self proclaimed hardware whore. I currently use a nexus one but have owned 2 iphones in the past. I have a macbook pro as well as a dell xps, oh and I (or my kids) have an iPad.
Plain and simple, no one can knock apple for shaking up an industry. What they originally did for the phone scene and the eventual tablet scene was a well needed shot in the arm and they deserve the success they have received.
However, on a day to day basis do I use the iPad or iPhone? No. Why? Because while they do the basics very well they are certainly not flexible. Try to do something that Apple doesn't approve of and you'll quickly realize what I mean. While Jailbreaking is cool n' all that, I still prefer my functionality to be sanctioned by the manufacturer rather than hacked in.
As for the iPad2, my biggest complaint about the original iPad (and why my kids now exclusively use it) is browsing. Their browser is horribly slow, scrolling a page and waiting while the checkered pattern cleared up annoyed the crap out of me. And sure, flash sucks but it is a standard - and shame on you Apple for not embracing standards.
So, I genuinely don't care what the iPad2 has over the first generation if they don't fix the browser.
.... although I truly, truly miss Netflix
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA Premium App

Will XOOM be best in class in 6 months?

Thoughts on the hardware and capabilities vs. the Honeycomb experience.
Wanted to see what you all thought. XOOM is the first out the gate so everyone after has an opportunity to pick it apart and do better. We all know the XOOM is crippled right now but when all is said and done. Hardware wise, do we think the XOOM will be best in class?
No one is psychic, so this is just discussion. Here are my thoughts:
- It very well could be. Motorola makes SOLID devices. The issues are mostly software based for now.
- Samsung will have best display, possibly best camera quality video and still
- There will be thinner, lighter tablets but with less features
- 3 core things will sway the onlookers to other tabs: more bright/vivid display, USB charging, price.
Surely not.
(but it is today!!)
it definately won't be.
Look back 6 months ago... The Galaxy S series was introduced. My GF didn't even get a year with her phone before it became outdated.
The same is true with the Xoom.
It will definitely still be the "****" though
I think it will be like the original Droid. I still have mine, sure it's outdated now and there are better things out there but it still does everything I need it to do and still runs current software. Shelf life on electronics is 6 months at best IMHO. How long has the iPad been out? A year and we already have an iPad 2. It's the normal course for technology.
RadDudeTommy said:
It will definitely still be the "****" though
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Seriously. My HTC Incredible is nowhere near to best in class today. Matter of fact, although it was billed so, probably wasn't back then either... but I digress.
My Inc is still snappy and works awesomely and I have a hard time thinking that it is like the PC universe where your stuff starts to not be able to keep up with software.
Hoping the same for the XOOM. Where it's pretty damn fast now and even in 2 years for the available software, it will still be pretty damn fast.
BUT, maybe what I meant to ask was, vs. other Tegra2 pads, will it be best in class. Tegra 2 class. Quad cores don't count. I would call it another class. Of the parade of Tegra2's coming out, will Motorola have made the best?
The product life cycle of a typical mobile device is 12mos.
In those terms, 6mos is a LOOOONG TIME.
Tablet devices are still new, but I wouldn't be surprised to see similar product life cycles, esp this early in the game. All these tablets including the iPad have a long ways to go before they can replace my laptop.
I think the term 'best' is always in the eye of the beholder; if you play a lot of high-end games then you'll find yourself in need of new hardware at latest every 12 months. If you don't really care about high-end performance but are happy with what you have now then I don't see why the Xoom should not be the best tablet for you! I can only reiterate that the biggest flaw for me is the display but that's still no reason not to love the Xoom!
Verizon devices are almost always copycat items that came out 6 months ago for another carrier (drives me bloody nuts), so your statement about the Inc is pretty much dead on lol. I have not even looked at the specs, but I bet the Thunderbolt is pretty damned close to the Desire HD that has been out for a bit now.
In this case however, They are sporting the early adopter advantage, as well as it being an AOSP device.
I would not count the Xoom out anytime soon.
It most definitely won't be the best 10 inch Android tablet in 6 months. Look at the smartphones have been introduced in the last 6 months! The Android market is booming and there's no reason to think it'll slow down now, especially since NVIDIA have said they'll have quad cores in devices by the end of the year.
However, my wife's HTC Hero is still a decent phone (rooted and custom ROM of course) and she's had it about 20 months. It still does a job.
Technologically, no, it won't be the best, but personally, yes, it could be. It depends on the person. I still think my HTC EVO is hands down the best smartphone on the market. It does everything I want it to do and then some.
Something will come out with a better screen, or take 3D images, or have more RAM, who knows. It will be classified as the "best." However, I think the Xoom beats other tablets in the fact that it's the first one with Honeycomb, it's set the standard for which Google will be updating, so it will likely always be running the latest Android OS. Honeycomb is what sets this device apart from everything else out there, not the hardware in my opinion.
If Google updates the Xoom in 2 weeks, and in 4 weeks a new tablet is released, it will likely already be behind the version of Honeycomb on the Xoom.
Best in class or not 6 months from now, Im hoping for a similar experience that I've had with the Evo. 9 months since I bought it and not once have I had the urge to switch out for something else. Sure, theres better gear out there, but not so much so that it detracts from my purchase.
This question is pointless as very few things are best in class after 6 months. The question is will they be behind in performance. Will the XOOM still do everything Honeycomb can do in 6 months, in a year. I say yes it will. In 6 months to a year though there will probably be at least one tablet with a quad core kal-el tegra 3.
Hopefully that processor brings with it the irrelevant but nice ability to play 1080p high profile video. Between that and adobe hopefully bringing adequate hardware acceleration to flash, our tablets can start doing everything we need.
6 months from now is when nVidia anticipates Tegra 3 in tablets, so no, I don't think the Xoom will make it that long. I think, however, it will remain amongst the best until Tegra 3 launches.
The whole no usb charging thing just puts me off. whatever tablet will charge via usb will get my consideration the most.
Gotta admit, that sucks for me too. But it is what it is. I'll live. Shoulda did what the Nook did. Special USB jack. Allows for high voltage charging.
lockheedload said:
The whole no usb charging thing just puts me off. whatever tablet will charge via usb will get my consideration the most.
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I dont Think any tablet will. Sucks but probably True. Unless Computers can output higher Voltage.
You must understand that USB charging is simply not a viable option. It would take FOREVER.
The point of USB charging is not always that it charges, but that you can consume less
DatterBoy said:
Gotta admit, that sucks for me too. But it is what it is. I'll live. Shoulda did what the Nook did. Special USB jack. Allows for high voltage charging.
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Then people have a charger around the house that could be potentially dangerous to other devices. Even apple recommends not using the ipad charger with anything else.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA Premium App
DatterBoy said:
Thoughts on the hardware and capabilities vs. the Honeycomb experience.
Wanted to see what you all thought. XOOM is the first out the gate so everyone after has an opportunity to pick it apart and do better. We all know the XOOM is crippled right now but when all is said and done. Hardware wise, do we think the XOOM will be best in class?
No one is psychic, so this is just discussion. Here are my thoughts:
- It very well could be. Motorola makes SOLID devices. The issues are mostly software based for now.
- Samsung will have best display, possibly best camera quality video and still
- There will be thinner, lighter tablets but with less features
- 3 core things will sway the onlookers to other tabs: more bright/vivid display, USB charging, price.
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"- It very well could be. Motorola makes SOLID devices. The issues are mostly software based for now." - Having been an Android user since day 1 of the G1, I can tell you this is par for the course. I cant wait for that first OTA. Android 1.1 was so much better than Android 1.0.
"- Samsung will have best display, possibly best camera quality video and still" - My concerns with Samsung is that they are not very friendly to the aftermarket. My wife has an Epic 4g and I have a Galaxy Tab, they are very cumbersome to mod. I like that the Xoom is a Google Experience device and has an unlocked bootloader.
"- There will be thinner, lighter tablets but with less features" - We cant control whats coming down the pike. There will be better devices but those could be a year away.
"- 3 core things will sway the onlookers to other tabs: more bright/vivid display, USB charging, price." - I agree with display. USB charging maybe. Price is the biggest factor and the main reason I got my Xoom at Costco.

FYI - Tegra 3 Performance, Power Consumption, In-Game screenshots

Just read the article and I put it here in case you are interested.
Original thread:
Tegra 3 Bechmarks - xbitlabs
Tegra 3 architecture revealed - Anandtech
Some Game Screenshots/Videos:
In game shots
First Demo
Side by side comparsion
Next-gen games
Linking another article article
I _really_ can't wait to see the Transformer 2.
So the Transformer 2 is real and is coming next month? Perfect!
Is it confirmed?
GetPatriotized said:
So the Transformer 2 is real and is coming next month? Perfect!
Is it confirmed?
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No. A better guess in Q1 of 2012. Nvidia is still working on the CPU
thebadfrog said:
No. A better guess in Q1 of 2012. Nvidia is still working on the CPU
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Personally, I'd be surprised to see it even in Q1 of 2012. Last I heard, they were still having issues getting enough SOC's for developer boards. We've seen 6+ month development cycles from most major manufacturers (or more) in regards to attaining the dev boards to putting a product out. I forsee products at the earliest of Q2 of 2012, if not Q3.
My concern is more with the video decoding. Are they going to get it right this time around? Tegra 2 has been pretty disappointing IMHO when it comes to media.
Check this! ZTE Kal-El Tablet
First tablet spotted with the Kal-El SoC running android 3.2.
I'd say November release is more real, than October, but who knows.
if they dont start really supporting the tegra 2 i dont think the tegra 3 will matter much. what is there 11 or so tegra games, might be a few more, but only a few that really use tegra.
justPorter said:
if they dont start really supporting the tegra 2 i dont think the tegra 3 will matter much. what is there 11 or so tegra games, might be a few more, but only a few that really use tegra.
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I agree. I feel like I bought an obsolete device that isn't even a year old.
I'll wait patiently. The Kal-El processor seems pretty slick. Read an article recently that indicates it actually as a 5th core that is permanently underclocked, so that it can run the background, mundane crap, and leave the four primary cores for heavy lifting.
The TF2 could be a pretty damn powerful tablet.
FrayAdjacent said:
I'll wait patiently. The Kal-El processor seems pretty slick. Read an article recently that indicates it actually as a 5th core that is permanently underclocked, so that it can run the background, mundane crap, and leave the four primary cores for heavy lifting.
The TF2 could be a pretty damn powerful tablet.
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Incorrect....The 5th core is for when the tablet is in 'sleep' mode or when there is almost nothing going on. If the SOC determines that the 5th core can handle the load, it will switch to just that core, and turn off the 4 main cores to preserve battery life. The whole point is to reduce battery consumption, more importantly when nothing or very little is happening, or when it's sleeping. The 5th core runs at a lower voltage and clock speed (up to 500 MHz).
Anandtech Link
The article really gets into the nitty gritty concerning the issue. Basically, you have 4 different states, either a single low power core, a single normal power core, dual (normal power) cores, or quad (normal power) cores. The differences between the cores come from the transistors used. The LP core uses non-leaky transistors that can't be switched as fast (thus the limited to 500 MHz), whereas the normal cores use leaky 'fast switching' transistors to get the speed.
It's an interesting way of trying to increase battery life, at the cost of more transistors and space.
Honestly, the things I want to know haven't been answered yet....How much RAM can we have with this CPU? How fast? If I don't see something more than 1 gb of ram and something greater than 1 GHz (preferably closer to 2 GHz), then the competition very well may catch up very quickly.
Drybonz said:
I agree. I feel like I bought an obsolete device that isn't even a year old.
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Welcome to the world that Apple created and everyone openly accepted.
from what i have read Q1 looks more reasonable for transformer 2 especially since Asus has said they expect sales of transformer 2 to hit 1m for q4, if they release T2 in q4 i dont see it hitting that number!
blessedswine said:
from what i have read Q1 looks more reasonable for transformer 2 especially since Asus has said they expect sales of transformer 2 to hit 1m for q4, if they release T2 in q4 i dont see it hitting that number!
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Also, where do you get the 1m from? Asus are selling 600,000 transformers every month.
well it only sold 400k in april and may, 300k for june, and after june i cant find anyone saying anything about sales numbers other then they are what they expected.
and yes i meant to type transformer 1 for q4. i havent found anything saying they are selling 600k a month but im not disputing that if that is true they will hit the million sales goal they are setting out for in q4. what i was saying though is if they release the transformer 2 it will kill sales of original im also assuming they wont keep making it. i could be wrong.
CrazyPeter said:
Welcome to the world that Apple created and everyone openly accepted.
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I'm wondering how that is going to sit with the general public. Shelling out $200 for a new phone every two years is one thing, but $500-800 for a new tablet every year or two is going sting even those with the heftiness IT budgets. I wonder if Apple will hit a wall there.
My friend from work is loving it. He's bought an iPad I for a song he expects the II's will be just as cheap when the III's come out.
That's probably the biggest down side of the Android tablet market (or upside) you aren't going to get much for your T1. Here's hoping the dock works with the T2!
Amazon $199 price tag is very close to the disposable cell phone price that people seem to be willing to shell out blindly. Arnova is promising $250ish capacitive 1080p 10" tablets very soon. Tegra 3 will sure push down the prices of Tegra 2 tablets into low $300. Probably be able to pick them up for high $250ish on a good sale.
I think these things are going to really leap frog for the next 3 years. I think Kal-El is the beginning of the end for the laptop as we know it. I'm wondering how Apple is going to handle it. If they sell iPad's they'll kill there lucrative laptop business. If MS gets Windows 8 working on a Kal-El tablet, that would be a real shot across Apple's bow. A Windows 8 Transformer. I think that could put MS back in the game. Will Android's phone success translate into Tablets? Interesting times.
I think olit'll be announced in October for release in time for Christmas.
Nvida said KalEl was going to be ready in October. So I expect ASUS will want to be among the first with a quad core tablet.
Sent from my Sensation using xda premium
Added the Engadget link with some screenshots - nice graphics there
It's kinda getting ridiculous how new devices are getting developed and released so fast. Whats the point of buying the new TF2 when there really hasn't been anything to come out to take full advantage of the Tegra 2 chip other than a few games??? Sure it would be cool to show the new TF2 to everyone and it will be faster than anything on the market, but for what? It's way to soon in my opinion to release the TF2 with nothing to really show benefit other than a few benchmarks and a screen shot of a game that will more than likely run just fine on the Tegra 2. I'm sure the everyday android tablet user would not notice the difference between the TF1 and 2 when using it for browsing, video streaming and other basic operations used tablet wise.
Riley1524 said:
It's kinda getting ridiculous how new devices are getting developed and released so fast. Whats the point of buying the new TF2 when there really hasn't been anything to come out to take full advantage of the Tegra 2 chip other than a few games??? Sure it would be cool to show the new TF2 to everyone and it will be faster than anything on the market, but for what? It's way to soon in my opinion to release the TF2 with nothing to really show benefit other than a few benchmarks and a screen shot of a game that will more than likely run just fine on the Tegra 2. I'm sure the everyday android tablet user would not notice the difference between the TF1 and 2 when using it for browsing, video streaming and other basic operations used tablet wise.
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Tegra 2 ist one year old and outdated. It's not capable of 1080p High Profile, it has problems with 720p content, it's only running at 1000Mhz, the GPU is not fast enough.
The reason why Asus updated their line up is that the Transformer was very late to the market, like every other Honeycomb-Tablet.

[Q] The Future of the Nexus 4

Lets face it, this last year and the one coming have been and are going to be full of new technological advancements. Powerful quad-core processors, smaller longer lasting and cheaper batteries, 1080p screens and much more. With the coming of "unbreakable screens" from samsung with super HD displays, better processors and battery is it worth it to buy the Nexus 4 now knowing that in 4-6 months time those new products will be out?
Yes we all know that once you buy a device its essentially already outdated but I believe that in this case 6 months from now, the Nexus 4 will be more than outdated but using old technology.
As far as software goes I am an Android Purest so I love 100% AOSP and hate touchwiz, and sense etc...
What do you guys think?
Get the next nexus next year...... problem solved
a pigeon delivered this message.... ##your welcome##
What are you going to say when 6 months rolls around with new specs in a phone? You could say that exact same thing: wait another 6 months for better specs. It's best to just buy it now because you'll be waiting forever.
The nexus 4 will probably be supported by Google for several years.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
- Processors are always getting better, no different here
- 1080p screens, nice but not really essential, esp if Nexus 4's is 'Retina' anyway.
- Battery wise - if that is true that's a big deal but I'm skeptical. As long as I can last a day happily I'm ok.
- 'Unbreakable screens'. Great, that's big change too but how unbreakable will they be?
I don't think this is much different compared to any other time, you've also missed LTE which also don't think is too big of deal.
People tend buy new phones every few years so even if that's true it's not the end of the world. Also, whatever comes along won't be sub £300 either...
Virtuososteve said:
Lets face it, this last year and the one coming have been and are going to be full of new technological advancements. Powerful quad-core processors, smaller longer lasting and cheaper batteries, 1080p screens and much more. With the coming of "unbreakable screens" from samsung with super HD displays, better processors and battery is it worth it to buy the Nexus 4 now knowing that in 4-6 months time those new products will be out?
Yes we all know that once you buy a device its essentially already outdated but I believe that in this case 6 months from now, the Nexus 4 will be more than outdated but using old technology.
As far as software goes I am an Android Purest so I love 100% AOSP and hate touchwiz, and sense etc...
What do you guys think?
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Yeah, it will be outdated but I don't think it will be a huge difference. The N4 is great, I'll worry about a new phone in a year or two, not four to six months later.
I think in this case new technology is unveiled earlier in the year, so the N4 comes out first and newer stuff is coming out right around the corner.

[Q] Nexus 10: Buy now or Wait 'till 2nd gen?

Hello, everyone.
I am in a search of a 10" tablet, and ever since I found out about Nexus 10 - I have been wanting to get one, and this time seems to be a good moment to get it, especially since its price has dropped since it's official launch a year ago, and I'm not even looking at the prices for used devices.
But what currently concerns me is a chance to gen in an awkward situation of getting a Nexus 10 and a few months later Google could announce the second generation of this tablet, just like with Nexus 7 when I bought it back in December only to find about the second generation which is FAR superior, and I just couldn't resist to not buy it (probably my best bought ever).
First I guess I should get it straight for every one who shall post in this thread - even despite N10 may be behind the rest of the tablet market compared to the latest and greatest 10" devices out there, I really dislike the Big Four (e.g. GNote 10.1 2014, iPad Air, Xperia Tablet Z and Transformer TF701) for various reasons, mainly being the OEM logo on the front and some design decisions I don't quite like.
So I guess you could consider this thread as "Convince me to get the N10", and I have several questions about this device:
1) How is the screen compared to N7 2013, if there are any owners of both devices?
2) How well does it perform? Do you face the lack of available RAM? Does it perform well on latest Android versions?
3) How good it this tablet for gaming? Is Mali GPU powerful enough to run Real Racing 3, Asphalt 8, Dead Trigger 2, Dungeon Hunter 4, Galaxy on Fire 2?
I was also thinking about an option of getting a used N10 + used iPad 2 if I am lucky with money
Thanks in advance
Well there were some rumors that LG will release a 2nd Gen nexus 10 but there's no official announcement yet. I'd say it's pretty close so you can wait a month until the holidays.
Either way, this is still a great tablet, kit kat brought a lot of under the hood improvements and the device is running very well, especially if you root it.
Unless you have to have the latest and great, you can pick up a used 1st gen cheap in like new shape... That's what I just did. People are unloading them now...
We're only talking maybe a month at most at this point so I'd just wait, you can go ahead and buy a refurbished one to save money though
Fatal1ty_18_RUS said:
So I guess you could consider this thread as "Convince me to get the N10", and I have several questions about this device:
1) How is the screen compared to N7 2013, if there are any owners of both devices?
2) How well does it perform? Do you face the lack of available RAM? Does it perform well on latest Android versions?
3) How good it this tablet for gaming? Is Mali GPU powerful enough to run Real Racing 3, Asphalt 8, Dead Trigger 2, Dungeon Hunter 4, Galaxy on Fire 2?
I was also thinking about an option of getting a used N10 + used iPad 2 if I am lucky with money
Thanks in advance
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Love my N10. I had thought about purchasing a Samsung Note 10.1 2014 edition, but changed my mind after using it for over a week (borrowed one from a friend). Nice performance boost, but no where near enough to make a large enough to warrant $500 when I have a decent tablet that does everything I need. S-Pen was really nice, but I stopped using it two days into the trial.
As to the questions.
1. The N10 has a super crisp 320ppi display. The resolution is higher than the N7 2013 tab, but the N7 has a higher price rating. One very important note: Kitkat 4.4 has made a significant change on the N10. Improved the color calibration. See the color calibration thread and check the posts post 4.4. I have an N10 and a N7 (original) and the color really improved on the N10. Someone who has the new N7 as well as the N10 will need to confirm, but I believe that they close to parity now.
2. Performance is great! I'm able to do whatever I want without lagging performance. The Mali God used also does a great job. Sure faster GPU's have since been released but the one selected was a top performer at release and still holds it's own. 4.4 also brought a boost in my benchmarks so the driver is better optimized than prior.
I don't know of any lack of memory. The 2GB does have a portion allocated to the GPU's, but I multitask a number of apps and have yet run into a problem related to a memory constraint. KitKat has also improved memory handling, so even less of an issue than previously.
3. Gaming? This tab really rocks. I have Asphalt 7 and Batman TDKR, Nova 3 and several others. Very smooth and perform well. Would like to see options to change screen resolution as the few times there is any reduced fps would be improved at a lower resolution.
iPad 2? Why? So that you can repurchase your apps on both platforms? Makes little sense to me.
Bipedial said:
We're only talking maybe a month at most at this point so I'd just wait, you can go ahead and buy a refurbished one to save money though
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A refurbished tab makes sense as you still get the warranty and save even more.
I disagree about one month at best. Media hype started this trend. If pattern follows suit, it's more likely in July 2014.
SeaFractor said:
Love my N10. I had thought about purchasing a Samsung Note 10.1 2014 edition, but changed my mind after using it for over a week (borrowed one from a friend). Nice performance boost, but no where near enough to make a large enough to warrant $500 when I have a decent tablet that does everything I need. S-Pen was really nice, but I stopped using it two days into the trial.
As to the questions.
1. The N10 has a super crisp 320ppi display. The resolution is higher than the N7 2013 tab, but the N7 has a higher price rating. One very important note: Kitkat 4.4 has made a significant change on the N10. Improved the color calibration. See the color calibration thread and check the posts post 4.4. I have an N10 and a N7 (original) and the color really improved on the N10. Someone who has the new N7 as well as the N10 will need to confirm, but I believe that they close to parity now.
2. Performance is great! I'm able to do whatever I want without lagging performance. The Mali God used also does a great job. Sure faster GPU's have since been released but the one selected was a top performer at release and still holds it's own. 4.4 also brought a boost in my benchmarks so the driver is better optimized than prior.
I don't know of any lack of memory. The 2GB does have a portion allocated to the GPU's, but I multitask a number of apps and have yet run into a problem related to a memory constraint. KitKat has also improved memory handling, so even less of an issue than previously.
3. Gaming? This tab really rocks. I have Asphalt 7 and Batman TDKR, Nova 3 and several others. Very smooth and perform well. Would like to see options to change screen resolution as the few times there is any reduced fps would be improved at a lower resolution.
iPad 2? Why? So that you can repurchase your apps on both platforms? Makes little sense to me.
A refurbished tab makes sense as you still get the warranty and save even more.
I disagree about one month at best. Media hype started this trend. If pattern follows suit, it's more likely in July 2014.
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Uhh, I think you overshot the date by half a year+
Those that are saying it is only a month away etc are PURELY speculating, or citing those dodgey link bait troll sites.
There has been NO credible evidence that a second gen N10 is even in existence.
It could be 1 week. It could be 6 months, OR they might NEVER make another 10 incher again!
I'll just happily plod along with my HP touchpad until it is released.. but I CANT STOP SEARCHING FOR NEWS ABOUT IT. I don't know what it is but I want a 2nd gen N10 so bad.. I think because I saw how good the 2012 N7 was, then the 2013 N7 blew it out of the water..
I got a 90 warranty refurbished delivered for $314 and I expect the new N10 when it comes out soon will be like $500+shipping+tax and so be heading to $550+, will it be twice as good as the $314 I paid? Doubt it.
Is there anything wrong about the current N10 which justifies delay? I'd say the biggest problem it has is probably battery life.
jideay said:
Unless you have to have the latest and great, you can pick up a used 1st gen cheap in like new shape... That's what I just did. People are unloading them now...
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I guess you're talking about Ebay and the like now, right?
Bipedial said:
We're only talking maybe a month at most at this point so I'd just wait, you can go ahead and buy a refurbished one to save money though
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SeaFractor said:
A refurbished tab makes sense as you still get the warranty and save even more.
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Why refurbushed and not just used? Is it any different from a regular device somehow?
SeaFractor said:
iPad 2? Why? So that you can repurchase your apps on both platforms? Makes little sense to me.
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Well I'm not using my first gen iPad as my main device, and I am not planning to do so with iPad 2 either - it's just for few exclusive games and Tap Tap Revenge stuff, so no need in buying anything again
I disagree about one month at best. Media hype started this trend. If pattern follows suit, it's more likely in July 2014.
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Hmm, so if I get a N10 for christmas or my b-day (both of which are in december) - I'll still have 6 months until the tablet is announced and a couple more until it arrives to Russia, which would be pretty similar to my N7 -> N7 2013 scenario
andyroo54 said:
Those that are saying it is only a month away etc are PURELY speculating, or citing those dodgey link bait troll sites.
There has been NO credible evidence that a second gen N10 is even in existence.
It could be 1 week. It could be 6 months, OR they might NEVER make another 10 incher again!
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True, about speculation and yeah, maybe it does not even exist in the first place, but why would Google ditch the 10" market? The Nexus line needs devices of every popular size there is, and Google delivered just that with N4, N7 and N10. I see no reason in leaving that particular category by not releasing a second gen N10
nigelhealy said:
Is there anything wrong about the current N10 which justifies delay? I'd say the biggest problem it has is probably battery life.
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What about it? Is 9000mAh battery not enough for a whole day of moderate usage?
Woot currently has a refurbished Nexus 10 32 GB on sale for $279. It's really tempting, but I think I'm going to hold off.
I just ordered mine off woot... Great deal not to pass up even if new model coming out. Basically ended up being the same price I paid for the nexus 7 2013
Sent from my Nocturnal Google Edition CDMA 5.0 using xda app-developers app
Fatal1ty_18_RUS said:
I guess you're talking about Ebay and the like now, right?
Why refurbushed and not just used? Is it any different from a regular device somehow?
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Reason: a bit more protection if its dud, refurbished at least has gone through kind of factory checking.
Fatal1ty_18_RUS said:
What about it? Is 9000mAh battery not enough for a whole day of moderate usage?
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W'e're making different points. I agree the battery is long enough because for those situations I'm using it for many hours, I'm static right next to a mains power which I'd use anyway, those situations where power is not available, there's enough battery life.
I was making the point in the tablet universe, it is not amazingly good life, it is the weakpoint to improve in next version.
I have a 12000mah USB larger battery which will do one full recharge of a 9000mah tablet and was like $40 and works with everything, plus a 5400mah slim battery if I was space/weight concerned.
nigelhealy said:
Reason: a bit more protection if its dud, refurbished at least has gone through kind of factory checking.
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But is it safe to get such a device?
W'e're making different points. I agree the battery is long enough because for those situations I'm using it for many hours, I'm static right next to a mains power which I'd use anyway, those situations where power is not available, there's enough battery life.
I was making the point in the tablet universe, it is not amazingly good life, it is the weakpoint to improve in next version.
I have a 12000mah USB larger battery which will do one full recharge of a 9000mah tablet and was like $40 and works with everything, plus a 5400mah slim battery if I was space/weight concerned.
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Well, the almost 3000mAh battery capaticy difference between N10 and iPad 3/4 obviously affects how long a tablet can live, that's not to mention the ridiculous 2500x1600-whatever resolution and the Exynos chip (which, AFAIK but I may be mistaken, isn't as efficent in the battery life aspect as Snapdragon CPUs are)
jbuggydroid said:
I just ordered mine off woot... Great deal not to pass up even if new model coming out. Basically ended up being the same price I paid for the nexus 7 2013
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My thinking exactly, they're still in stock.
I got a few issues, one is when the N10 immediately comes out, it will be only from Google Play, and they'll hit it with both tax and shipping. If I wait a few months (typically) I can get it without either and the price drops. So the Woot offer is $314, whilst N10 successor, in reality will be in the $580 region, which is 85% higher cost.
Refurbished with 90days warranty covers against receiving a dud.
I looked at ebay, and they're selling used for at least that price.
---------- Post added at 10:55 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:32 AM ----------
Fatal1ty_18_RUS said:
But is it safe to get such a device?
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I'm not understanding you. From a dealer, on a creditcard, will you get a working system? That's my concern.
If you're concerned about buying just before a successor comes out, then you must cover that in two ways:
only get it if the current specification, performance, meets your needs, so when successor comes out you don't actually have a problem which needs solving.
Take the age of the device into account when buying used. I'd say at the price Woot is asking, its fair given the date N10 came out and the % probability of a new device coming out. The Nexus 10 was announced over a year ago, I'd say chance of a new model announcement soon is high.
If you're trying to decide about waiting for new product which may come out soon, then you'll always have issues, e.g. the new product may get defects with initial batches, so even if the new device was announced today, you'd be wise to not get right anyway, I always wait for others to get it, and let defects get discovered and buy from the 2nd batch anyway so I'd not buy the next N10 for a few months anyway.
Fatal1ty_18_RUS said:
Well, the almost 3000mAh battery capaticy difference between N10 and iPad 3/4 obviously affects how long a tablet can live, that's not to mention the ridiculous 2500x1600-whatever resolution and the Exynos chip (which, AFAIK but I may be mistaken, isn't as efficent in the battery life aspect as Snapdragon CPUs are)
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Anyone who spend hours and hours working on a tablet, should have the PSU with them, I don't think the battery life is so low to render it useless, a typical example of me being away from power is about 3 hours.
The PSU on tablets are small, microusb cables can be small, its not a Netbook with a bulky PSU and cord.
nigelhealy said:
I'm not understanding you. From a dealer, on a creditcard, will you get a working system? That's my concern.
If you're concerned about buying just before a successor comes out, then you must cover that in two ways:
only get it if the current specification, performance, meets your needs, so when successor comes out you don't actually have a problem which needs solving.
Take the age of the device into account when buying used. I'd say at the price Woot is asking, its fair given the date N10 came out and the % probability of a new device coming out. The Nexus 10 was announced over a year ago, I'd say chance of a new model announcement soon is high.
If you're trying to decide about waiting for new product which may come out soon, then you'll always have issues, e.g. the new product may get defects with initial batches, so even if the new device was announced today, you'd be wise to not get right anyway, I always wait for others to get it, and let defects get discovered and buy from the 2nd batch anyway so I'd not buy the next N10 for a few months anyway.
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My concern is about the "refurbished" mark - what differs a normal new device from the same but refurbished one? From the definition I read about it being returned to the manufacturer for some kind of repairs, but what about scratches, breakings on the body, any damage, etc?
And yeah, if there is a second gen N10 coming - I'm probably getting it anyway, especially if it's not Samsung which means "Hello, Snapdragon" and maybe a Full HD screen instead of current N10's resoltion (like, seriosuly - who needs such a big-a$$ resolution on a 10" tablet!? These number races are killing the industry today ffs)
Fatal1ty_18_RUS said:
My concern is about the "refurbished" mark - what differs a normal new device from the same but refurbished one? From the definition I read about it being returned to the manufacturer for some kind of repairs, but what about scratches, breakings on the body, any damage, etc?
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So your choices:
So imagine the N10's used value is $250 selling on ebay when the N10 2 comes out and suppose to swap to N10 2 in 6 months from now.
If you buy a N10 new now they're available for about $415 delivered, you'll add small blemishes to it, so it will look the same when you sell it as a refurbished one, you'll pay more $ for it and so when you sell it, you've lost $165, so you paid $1/day to use it.
If you buy a refurbished N10 for $314, it will look the same when you sell it as the new one when you sell it, but you lost $64, so you paid $0.4/day to use it.
The key thing is what you get in your hands is fully working with no significant marks than you'd do yourself to a new unit.
Fatal1ty_18_RUS said:
And yeah, if there is a second gen N10 coming - I'm probably getting it anyway, especially if it's not Samsung which means "Hello, Snapdragon" and maybe a Full HD screen instead of current N10's resoltion (like, seriosuly - who needs such a big-a$$ resolution on a 10" tablet!? These number races are killing the industry today ffs)
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Well you've answered your own question then, there are problems for you with the current model, issues you'd find an urgent need to swap it out, so don't buy the current N10 obviously.
I'm that guy who paid $200 for an additional 4MB of memory in 1993 on my PC, things getting better is just a fact of life, the key is to know what is not acceptable to you and hold off buying til what is your need is delivered. Apple started good-spec tablets, but I deemed their
Google is acting to drive down prices, even if N10 2 isn't out soon, they're stimulating the market so you'll get whatever you deem you need eventually.
Also you can get a year warranty for like 50 dollars from woot if you want. Believe you also get the standard 90 day warranty with just the tablet purchase
Sent from my Nocturnal Google Edition CDMA 5.0 using xda app-developers app
jbuggydroid said:
Also you can get a year warranty for like 50 dollars from woot if you want. Believe you also get the standard 90 day warranty with just the tablet purchase
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I think 90days is enough to cover for receiving a dud, anything after is really about you accidentally damaging it and those longer warranties do not cover for accidental damage. Hence the free supplied warranty in reality is sufficient.
jbuggydroid said:
Also you can get a year warranty for like 50 dollars from woot if you want. Believe you also get the standard 90 day warranty with just the tablet purchase
Sent from my Nocturnal Google Edition CDMA 5.0 using xda app-developers app
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Well not in my case, getting it from the HS, finding it to be broken or something, and then sending it back, and waiting again until a new one arrives... Too much time consuming, especially with how much time the deliveries usually take from the states to Russia (which can reach up to 2 weeks or even more)
I don't care if the nexus 10 2 was $1000 I would buy it the instant it is released..

