Best calendar app - AT&T Samsung Galaxy S 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshootin

Is there a good calendar app that will sync with the iPhone? My wife wont switch from that phone and I am struggling to find a good one that can sync over both platforms. Any suggestions?
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alphamale99 said:
Is there a good calendar app that will sync with the iPhone? My wife wont switch from that phone and I am struggling to find a good one that can sync over both platforms. Any suggestions?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using xda premium
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I think google calendar works on both devices. HERE . She have to liik in iTunes Store for one

Tried that one but would prefer a calendar that shows on the widget what is happening without having to open the app
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alphamale99 said:
Tried that one but would prefer a calendar that shows on the widget what is happening without having to open the app
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then try this Google Calendar Live Widget. I think iPhones don't have ability to use widgets.

No they dont but it would be nice to be able to enter a calendar event and have it show up on my wifes iPhone calendar also
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I am able to instantly sync 2 Iphones and three android phones using Google calendar threw a datacated Gmail account, it's strictly for calendar synchronization threw out both platforms. I have no issues just syncing the calendar only.
No matter where the phones are the calendar events anyone puts in gets pushed to the other phones.
Hope that helps...
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I sync the built-in calendar app on my S4 with the built-in calendar app on ipad, also using gmail. It's dead simple to use. Just enter an appointment on one and it instantly shows up on the other.

You could try Cozi. I believe it supports both devices and Android version had widgets. Can also assign tasks, grocery list, etc between family members. My wife and I use it and it works pretty well.
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Problems syncing gmail

I am running CM6 RC1 with battery tweak. Lately, when I have gone to get my Gmail, it would sync with the server, and I would read my email just fine. But when I was done reading all of them, it would still show 2 or 3 still unread, depending on how many I marked as read. Funny thing is, I go to my desktop, and its not marked as read. What is the problem and what can I do about it?
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Just clear data in gmail under settings, applications, manage applications. Once it syncs back it should work fine.
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dpeeps74 said:
Just clear data in gmail under settings, applications, manage applications. Once it syncs back it should work fine.
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Thanks it worked!

Help Calendar notifications not working

Hi all,
I just switched from a nexus to epic (wanted a keyboard) and I am using jorte as m calendar on nonrooted device.
For some reason my calendars both stock and jorte are not notifying me of events any clue why? I have notifications turned on and to vibrate...
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What is your setup? Are you on a stock ROM or custom?
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I am completely stock
jokerpt50 said:
I am completely stock
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Did you go into settings/ account and sync and make sure its all set to sync up?
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
Yup sync is on. I get them or my exchange calendar but not or google one
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Best email app

What is the best email application? So far, the stock application seems to be most visually appealing and has most functionality, especially with exchange server email.
Does anyone recommend anything else that has a good look to it and function? I am on cm7 and it has a pretty bad email application IMHO. I have enhanced email as well, but no server search.
Ps, I prefer apps that integrate with android calendar and contacts, not separate apparently like touchdown( also hideously ugly) or moxier.
Thanks for your feedback.
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Enhanced Email
Sent from my MB860 using xda premium
Touchdown is good if you're synching with Exchange and you want a full function client.
Swiftks said:
Enhanced Email
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Enhanced can be a bit buggy. Sometimes forwarded emails become total jargon.
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I like Kaiten mail. It's based on the same engine as K9 email. Paid app.
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Corporate Exchange

Am I missing something or is it Google, I can't find a way to search corporate Exchange directory for contacts with my nexus that are not on it yet? My Rezound can search for Exchange contacts and then add them to local contacts. Seems HTC has added a lot of little things that Google forgot.
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The HTC Sense Exchange support makes stock Android look like a joke, sadly.
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Apparently auto sync needs to be enabled as without this, manual sync didn't work very well.
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nolig2278 said:
Apparently auto sync needs to be enabled as without this, manual sync didn't work very well.
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Yup. I believe all versions of Exchange 2k3 and above require autosync. Your SysAdmin should have let you know.

Facebook sync in Contacts

Hi to all!
Can I sync or merge Facebook contacts to my contacts in gmail like other phones ?
E.g pictures from profiles in Facebook appearing on Contracts.
I use stock 4.2.2
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kostasrogue said:
Hi to all!
Can I sync or merge Facebook contacts to my contacts in gmail like other phones ?
E.g pictures from profiles in Facebook appearing on Contracts.
I use stock 4.2.2
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I do not think so.....I am afraid
Sent from my NXT Brick
Too bad.... Thanks.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
Try using haxsync
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
kostasrogue said:
Hi to all!
Can I sync or merge Facebook contacts to my contacts in gmail like other phones ?
E.g pictures from profiles in Facebook appearing on Contracts.
I use stock 4.2.2
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
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It syncs but not very well as Facebook has a crap android app. Only about 3/4 of my contacts sync, and I use Contact Picture Sync to get the rest synced. It has something to do with Facebook not using Android API's or something to that effect as why it doesn't work well. Facebook and Google aren't the best of friends and we suffer.
Try :
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I think haxsync screws up the display pic of contacts.. The quality of the image is really bad...
I've been using UberSync and am happy with how it works in syncing contacts and photos.

