Problems syncing gmail - Hero CDMA General

I am running CM6 RC1 with battery tweak. Lately, when I have gone to get my Gmail, it would sync with the server, and I would read my email just fine. But when I was done reading all of them, it would still show 2 or 3 still unread, depending on how many I marked as read. Funny thing is, I go to my desktop, and its not marked as read. What is the problem and what can I do about it?
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Just clear data in gmail under settings, applications, manage applications. Once it syncs back it should work fine.
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dpeeps74 said:
Just clear data in gmail under settings, applications, manage applications. Once it syncs back it should work fine.
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Thanks it worked!


Gmail app not deleting?

When I delete emails from the Gmail app, its not deleting from my Gmail on the computer. And this is after syncing. This seems to have just starting happening in the past few days. Anyone else noticing this?
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I had that same problem so I uninstalled the gmail app and reinstalled it. I'm on a CM6 rom though. It's working fine for me now.
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texagg01 said:
I had that same problem so I uninstalled the gmail app and reinstalled it. I'm on a CM6 rom though. It's working fine for me now.
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CM6..... what? this is the Vibrant forum
I was just explaining that I reinstalled and then it worked. Irregardless of what phone someone has.
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gmail not marking emails as read?

ok so this started this past week. I get an email and I read and delete it on my phone. later on, I go back in the gmail app and in the top left corner by "inbox" it says I have a new email, however I don't actually have a new email...when I check the gmail mobile site it shows the same email I read and deleted earlier, as unread and not deleted...
does anyone else experience this/know what I can do to fix it?
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uninstall the app and reinstall it from the market.
well I can't uninstall it fully (at least not from the market) but I uninstalled updates and then updated so I'll see how that goes
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The same thing has happened to me. I'm on cm7 nightly 11.
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I'm on stock 2.3.3 rooted. but it also happened when I tried cm7 nightly 12.
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Make sure your syncing is on. I had this problem, turned on background syncing and it was fixed. Hope that helps.
that was the first thing I checked haha. I have background data and auto sync both enabled though.
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Happens to me all the time. I use gmail unread widget to view only unread mail to find the offending message
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jaker.the.skater said:
well I can't uninstall it fully (at least not from the market) but I uninstalled updates and then updated so I'll see how that goes
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ADB / Root Explorer and delete Gmail.apk in /system/app/
I know that (sorry not trying to sound like an arrogant ass) so far uninstalling updates has worked though.
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jaker.the.skater said:
I know that (sorry not trying to sound like an arrogant ass) so far uninstalling updates has worked though.
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or that! and nope not at all
ive had this problem in the past too. just wanted to help you out to get it working, glad to hear
cool. thanks again man!
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Help.. Gmail wont send emails

I am able to receive but sending all messages sit in outbox with red sending next to them... I am on stock tmo with 9.2 faux kernel
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Are you on wifi or data?
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Nicgraner said:
Are you on wifi or data?
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Data.... everything else works fine though
Sounds like a problem with the app. Clear gmail cache data and see if that works. Also check your settings in gmail for anything that would prevent you from sending mail.
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dcb108 said:
Sounds like a problem with the app. Clear gmail cache data and see if that works. Also check your settings in gmail for anything that would prevent you from sending mail.
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That did it.... just cleared data and good to go.... wonder what caused it in the first place
Make sure you clear your caches when going to a new kernel, always good to practice safe flashing lol.
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dcb108 said:
Make sure you clear your caches when going to a new kernel, always good to practice safe flashing lol.
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I always clear them in Rom manager.... that's what weird to me.....
Hmm...I belive a rom i use had a similar gmail problem clearing gmail cache fixed it tho. Must have just been a google thing since that thing is updated frequently.
Sent from my RoyalLiquid using XDA App
Thanks for the help.... now maybe it'll stay up n runnin

Messaging app no longer shows contact pics

Used mybackuppro to wipe cache of everything and froze some bloat and now messaging app no longer shows contact pics even though the pics are synced in contact list.
Btw wiping cache of HTC checkin service makes phone reboot!
I unfroze everything but it didn't fix it, still no contact pics in messaging app. Also tried wiping app data for messaging. No go.
I don't want to wipe phone data over this. Any ideas?
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I had the same problem. the solution I used is labor intensive but worked well enough. I synched contacs with google and now no matter what cache, ROM flash etc. my contacts re-sync with photos. I hope that helps in some way
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romuloxiii said:
I had the same problem. the solution I used is labor intensive but worked well enough. I synched contacs with google and now no matter what cache, ROM flash etc. my contacts re-sync with photos. I hope that helps in some way
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I've been doing that, no help.
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Phateless said:
I've been doing that, no help.
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Just want to make you have them checked to sync under accounts and sync?
ronin178 said:
Just want to make you have them checked to sync under accounts and sync?
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Yup, it worked perfectly until I started ****ing with it.
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[Q] Gmail not syncing

Anybody having that problem?
It only syncs when I go to settings and click SYNC NOW
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fishhelmet said:
Anybody having that problem?
It only syncs when I go to settings and click SYNC NOW
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I have had this before in other devices, not in the S4, at least not yet, just clear Cache and Data from Application Manager, normally that's all it takes to begin working fine again.

