Facebook sync in Contacts - Nexus 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi to all!
Can I sync or merge Facebook contacts to my contacts in gmail like other phones ?
E.g pictures from profiles in Facebook appearing on Contracts.
I use stock 4.2.2
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kostasrogue said:
Hi to all!
Can I sync or merge Facebook contacts to my contacts in gmail like other phones ?
E.g pictures from profiles in Facebook appearing on Contracts.
I use stock 4.2.2
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I do not think so.....I am afraid
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Too bad.... Thanks.
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Try using haxsync
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kostasrogue said:
Hi to all!
Can I sync or merge Facebook contacts to my contacts in gmail like other phones ?
E.g pictures from profiles in Facebook appearing on Contracts.
I use stock 4.2.2
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It syncs but not very well as Facebook has a crap android app. Only about 3/4 of my contacts sync, and I use Contact Picture Sync to get the rest synced. It has something to do with Facebook not using Android API's or something to that effect as why it doesn't work well. Facebook and Google aren't the best of friends and we suffer.

Try Sync.me : http://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.syncme.syncmeapp
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I think haxsync screws up the display pic of contacts.. The quality of the image is really bad...

I've been using UberSync and am happy with how it works in syncing contacts and photos. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ro.weednet.contactssync


Syncing Facebook contact Phone numbers in Jellybean?

Hello everyone need a little help. I just got my Nexus 4 and am trying to get all of my phone numbers from facebook to sync over to my people contacts in jellybean but can not get it to work? Is there a special application I need? If anyone could help it would be greatly appreciated.
Haxsync will do the trick for ya.
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Use haxsync and the haxsync jellybean workaround.
Superb app and it will pull nice high res contact pics too
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Hereisphilly said:
Use haxsync and the haxsync jellybean workaround.
Superb app and it will pull nice high res contact pics too
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I tried Haxsync but it does not pull peoples phone numbers for some reason?

Best calendar app

Is there a good calendar app that will sync with the iPhone? My wife wont switch from that phone and I am struggling to find a good one that can sync over both platforms. Any suggestions?
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alphamale99 said:
Is there a good calendar app that will sync with the iPhone? My wife wont switch from that phone and I am struggling to find a good one that can sync over both platforms. Any suggestions?
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I think google calendar works on both devices. HERE . She have to liik in iTunes Store for one
Tried that one but would prefer a calendar that shows on the widget what is happening without having to open the app
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alphamale99 said:
Tried that one but would prefer a calendar that shows on the widget what is happening without having to open the app
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then try this Google Calendar Live Widget. I think iPhones don't have ability to use widgets.
No they dont but it would be nice to be able to enter a calendar event and have it show up on my wifes iPhone calendar also
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I am able to instantly sync 2 Iphones and three android phones using Google calendar threw a datacated Gmail account, it's strictly for calendar synchronization threw out both platforms. I have no issues just syncing the calendar only.
No matter where the phones are the calendar events anyone puts in gets pushed to the other phones.
Hope that helps...
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I sync the built-in calendar app on my S4 with the built-in calendar app on ipad, also using gmail. It's dead simple to use. Just enter an appointment on one and it instantly shows up on the other.
You could try Cozi. I believe it supports both devices and Android version had widgets. Can also assign tasks, grocery list, etc between family members. My wife and I use it and it works pretty well.
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Sync Picasa web albums.

Well basically I'm unable to sync my Picasaweb albums to my phone and view them in ng albums app. There is no option to sync that. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
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jhorton014 said:
Well basically I'm unable to sync my Picasaweb albums to my phone and view them in ng albums app. There is no option to sync that. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
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I've only gotten mine to sync in the gallery 1.1.40001 app.
there is also a picasa web app (non-google) available for free on the market that works very well.
Thanks for the reply what would the name of that app be?
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Search for "picasa tool" on the market.
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Found my answer. Although this doesn't bring up an option in the settings menu to sync Picasa it still shows picasa photos. Just install this zip of the stock 4.2 camera/gallery with your recovery. The only thing that doesn't work of course is the Photo sphere. Here is the Dropbox link.

Picasa auto backup

I don't use Picasa and hate it. How do I remove the constant auto backup that shows up in my Gallery?
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dinosaur1 said:
I don't use Picasa and hate it. How do I remove the constant auto backup that shows up in my Gallery?
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Log into Google plus and delete the album's, then go turn sync and auto backup off in the g+ settings
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VoiD_Dweller said:
Log into Google plus and delete the album's, then go turn sync and auto backup off in the g+ settings
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But what if I want Google+ to backup my photos that I take? I just don't want the autobackup galleries to appear on my phone from Picasa.
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dinosaur1 said:
But what if I want Google+ to backup my photos that I take? I just don't want the autobackup galleries to appear on my phone from Picasa.
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well, as far as I know either you use it or you don't.. I don't think you can hide albums unless you use a different 3rd party gallery..
You can switch off sync for Google Photos, and then clear cache and data for Gallery. (It won't delete any photos).
This will help you to show only the offline photos in the gallery.

New Hangouts V2.1.1

New hangouts version 2.1.1 has been released. Doesn't seem to be a major update, mainly bug fixes I imagine. Here's the DL link.
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I have noticed, on Sprint with this version I can now see the APN option in the SMS settings menu. Have never had that appear before, there are TONS of options for Sprint/SPCS now
Does anyone have this issue where you can't see the avatar of the person who texted you?
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When I send pics it dissapears
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raymond4 said:
When I send pics it dissapears
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Got similar issue on stock. In my case Hangouts also didn't send pics. Killing and restarting app helped.
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hay89 said:
Got similar issue on stock. In my case Hangouts also didn't send pics. Killing and restarting app helped.
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I don't have a problem sending it after it sends the pic dissapears from hangout.
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Still have the problem with peoples contact picture not showing up in the notification window
The only thing irking me is the fact that randomly when I go into sms conversations it'll show the hangouts bubble on the bottom left - greyed out with the word "sms" in it... Drives me nuts cause the text is also in a weird spot... If it at least centered it wouldn't annoy me as much.
krolla03 said:
Still have the problem with peoples contact picture not showing up in the notification window
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You have to manually set the photo in contacts again to update for notifications.
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Wagedroid said:
You have to manually set the photo in contacts again to update for notifications.
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What do you mean? I use a Facebook sync app
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krolla03 said:
What do you mean? I use a Facebook sync app
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OK so the app automatically syncs em but for hangout notification pictures to pop up in notification pull down you have to MANUALLY set the photo again in contacts app. I emphasize on manually
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Wagedroid said:
OK so the app automatically syncs em but for hangout notification pictures to pop up in notification pull down you have to MANUALLY set the photo again in contacts app. I emphasize on manually
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So i would have to manually DL everyones FB photo and go into my contacts and attach each one?
krolla03 said:
So i would have to manually DL everyones FB photo and go into my contacts and attach each one?
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Yes, which is a pain and I have already raised this as a bug in the Google forums.
If you could reply there it would help get this fixed faster!
PulpzillA said:
Yes, which is a pain and I have already raised this as a bug in the Google forums.
If you could reply there it would help get this fixed faster!
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I replied to the Google Issue Group

