[Q] Jelly Bean vs ICS - HD2 Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting and Genera

Hey XDA,
Alright first things first, this ISNT a ' which rom is the best ' thread.
I wanna know which android version is more stable for everyday use. I know some people say gingerbread is the fastest and absolute best BUT i want to know which out of Jelly Bean and Ice Cream Sandwich is better. Is Jelly Bean fast? Bugfree? Comparable to GB on the HD2?
Thanks in advance

adil1508 said:
i want to know which out of Jelly Bean and Ice Cream Sandwich is better.
Is Jelly Bean fast? Bugfree?
Comparable to GB on the HD2?
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In my opinion, ICS is as smooth as Android can be on our old HD2, it is also fast. But sometimes it just hangs, like, when doing heavy stuff it can freeze (obviously).
On the other hand, jelly bean varies depending on which ROM and which version (still, based on my opinion).
As for version 4.1, it wasn't as smooth as ICS used to be (for me), it was fast, but not smooth, and yes, we do have HWA on JB and ICS.
For version 4.2, I had two experiences (which I couldn't find a reasonable explanation for).
I tried two ROMs: tytung's NexusHD2 and seaman2k's SeaJB.
I had an opposite experience from both. tytung's was fast, but not smooth, whereas seaman's was smooth but not fast. I know that that might not make much sense, so let me explain.
On seaman's, pulling down the notification's bar seems smooth and fluid, but on tytung's it kind of stutters and lags. But on tytung's, apps performance and launching speed was fast, on seaman's it was relatively slower.
I think the difference is because that seaman's is a port, while tytung's is built from source.
If you want to know whether a version is bugfree or not, just check some of the roms available. Roms with the same version are likely to have the same problem (if any). ICS and JB 4.1 are bug free as far as I know, but JB 4.2 has some issues with the camera (although I faced non, since I use a 3rd party cam app, and I don't record videos).
On GB, you might get the smooth and responsiveness, your device will also be stable (i.e. no sudden hangs or freezes like in ICS or JB) but since GB doesn't have HWA, it won't perform as good as in JB or ICS. I mean web browsing, running apps and playing games.
This was all based on my opinion. Feel free to do your own research.

Marvlesz said:
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Thanks man for very details. I tried many roms before. I'm using JB 4.2.2 now but still want to come back GB. With clean rom everything is smooth, fast until install some apps.
Do you try MIUI? It's very good but get heavy battery drain with my phone & don't have soft button. I love MIUI theme, icons, call recorder, file manager, ...
This is my opinion.


Jellybean slow as hell!

Is it just me or after a few hours of use does TAJB's Jellybean rom become incredible slow and sluggish? I know its still in early development but its only an incremental update from ICS which seems to be stable (for the most part) but sometimes its just goes crazy on JellyBean despite the Project Butter enahncement. Im starting to think that these new versions of Android are startin to push the boundaries for our tired old Galaxy S1's :S
The hardware of the SGS1 is old and outdated its just something we have to come to terms with. After using other phones with official ICS I understand why the SGS hasn't been supported, so I'm guessing its much the same with JB..
I am using the cm10 unofficial its smooth as hell
driodmaster92 said:
I am using the cm10 unofficial its smooth as hell
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Yeah ive been using that too, its only slightly more responsive but still get the same problems. especially if i try to use google voice, the thing just goes berzerk.
I'm yet on unofficial CM10 v2 and it's very smooth, I fell diffrence than ics.
driodmaster92 said:
I am using the cm10 unofficial its smooth as hell
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+1 :good:
It's the launcher, most likely. I ran into that problem as well.
I'm on iall5tar's GNex ROM 4.1.1 Port and it's smoother than ICS, which was already fairly impressive.
Our i9000's are old, but each software upgrade is just that—an upgrade. JB is better than ICS, and ICS was better than GB. We didn't get the official update because Samsung thought their Touchwiz skinned ICS wouldn't run on our hardware. In reality, it was likely because they didn't want to spend money updating a device they no longer sold. Not because our phones couldn't actually run it.
My phone has no been faster than it is now, with JB. Blame the ROM, not the OS or the hardware.
After coming from slim ics 4.2 I also noticed slowdowns almost everywhere such as app opening, entering settings etc. On the other hand I felt the same with early and not so early ics roms like icssgs, and always went to gb roms after day or two because of slowdowns, lack of toggles etc.
Then I tried slim ics 3.x and never looked back. Same will probably happen with jb, first builds are ummature but when devs look deeper into sources and find differences and optimization for sgs, the phone will be beast
I just hope there will be other option for handling the limited space in internal flash memory than removing datadata altogether, as jb seems to improve touch and animation smoothness there is little Google can do to improve I/O performance.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk 2
JB is not the end!
Hey Guys
I am using JB at the Moment, too (TAJB v6). I tested every JB ROM for our SGS from start, and in my opinion, the GNex ports were the fastest and also very stable, but unfortunately, the people want to move forward to CM10! Anyway, JB is definetly not too much for the SGS! Everything feels fast and smooth, exept of the randomly occuring super-launcher-lags. If this happens, just kill the Launcher Task or reboot. I think JB is not the last update for our SGS!
The clue in most cases lies in the term Alpha! You flash Alpha roms you are in effect becoming a tester, so don't grumble....work towards finding solutions and posting relevant feedback and bug reports
slaphead20 said:
The clue in most cases lies in the term Alpha! You flash Alpha roms you are in effect becoming a tester, so don't grumble....work towards finding solutions and posting relevant feedback and bug reports
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this slowness is because v6 is based on pawitp's CM10 build which has datadata deleted and used instead of it slower data/data.
try derteufel's JellyBean v2 - it works like a charm!
I'm on [jRO03C] OFICIAL ANDROID 4.1.1 (JELLY BEAN) GNEX STOCK ROM (16/07/12) since yesterday and it is still smooth as babyskin. No slowing down trouble.
Only issue is my BLN does not work anymore, probably because of one little setting
Fixed the BLN issue,I had to RTFM Enable pulsating notification light.
Found one other issue, volume during phone call is loud and cannot be changed.
dkjr said:
I'm on [jRO03C] OFICIAL ANDROID 4.1.1 (JELLY BEAN) GNEX STOCK ROM (16/07/12) since yesterday and it is still smooth as babyskin. No slowing down trouble.
Only issue is my BLN does not work anymore, probably because of one little setting
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For those with lots of lag I recommend flashing again. I was on CM10 Alpha and it was super slow. Couldn't believe people were saying it was fast. Flashed Slim Beans which was also slow. Figured either people are crazy or it's me. Even read something about older phones having slower memory than newer ones etc.
Flashed Slim Beans a second time and this time there is no comparison. Now it is much faster. In fact it is almost like having a different phone.
I'm on [ROM GNEXUS PORT] jro03c 4.1.1 beta 4 [oficial jelly bean stock rom] and at first it's sluggish as hell...after a while it does begin to work a little bit smoother....but then again, it's nothing compared to other ICS 4.0.3-4.0.4 custom roms out there....it still needs a lot of work.
It has nothing to do with datadata and everything to do with the fact that project butter hasn't even been implemented yet. For example I use slim and it is super fast, it has no datadata.
Also we need a driver update and until we get that no butter for us.
Plus its an alpha build. Give it a break.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using xda app-developers app
vSync is not working yet. Also all JB releases are currently signed "Alpha" or "Beta", so what do you expect? They are not (yet) made for being used as a daily driver. Thanks to the devs, the development will continue
BTW: I also tried all current JB ROMs but they are still too unstable for me. It's nice to see that the i9000 can run them but actually they are not that stable yet.
yea it`s slow
i`m using JR003C it seems so slow and the network signal is down sometimes..:confused
There is a fix for the slow V6 on teamjellybean.noez.in but this is down for now... Wait for V7 and it will be smooth i think.
troyan1988 said:
this slowness is because v6 is based on pawitp's CM10 build which has datadata deleted and used instead of it slower data/data.
try derteufel's JellyBean v2 - it works like a charm!
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no its not i've tested the one with datadata and the one without there is no difference

IceCream Sandwich vs Jellybean

Hello !!!
Can you tell me something about the differents betwin "IceCream Sandwich" and "Jellybean"
Which is best, what is best for DHD and which is progressing most etc, etc...
I have just have Jellybean so i don't know anything about ICS. Should I change to ICS or not ? I like Jellybean alot but i dont know anything about anyone else...
Please tell me what YOU think about them.
hojd said:
Hello !!!
Can you tell me something about the differents betwin "IceCream Sandwich" and "Jellybean"
Which is best, what is best for DHD and which is progressing most etc, etc...
I have just have Jellybean so i don't know anything about ICS. Should I change to ICS or not ? I like Jellybean alot but i dont know anything about anyone else...
Please tell me what YOU think about them.
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The ICS v. JB thing is covered a lot already elsewhere; the differences are the same for all Android hardware. As for DHD, the ICS ROMs are very stable and mostly feature complete, so they are not progressing as quickly as JB ROMs now. JB ones are also getting very stable and complete, but there are still little bugs here and there.
All thing considered JB is definitively smoother then ICS.
JB devs focused on shortening input->draw lag as much as possible.
I feel that jellybean is much faster than ics. I am comparing the icecoldsandwich and jellytime roms for this.
Quiglesigles said:
I feel that jellybean is much faster than ics. I am comparing the icecoldsandwich and jellytime roms for this.
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Yep, IMHO much smoother and faster. Even though it has few bugs, now I just can't go back to ICS after experiencing JB (JellyTime r9.1)
I would say that you can't really compare them as they are different but of course in an ideal world you would say jellybean should be better as it's the upgrade. I think it boils down to personal preference at the end of the day. I am a lover of moving forward with technology and so anything new is good imo (even if it's not good lol)....But others will love Gingerbread, Froyo, ICS or Jellybean for specific reasons be it battery life, look, feel or just that it's what they're used to. You've got to try them all out really before you can decide for yourself...Get flashing
I'm running JellyTime on an Inspire, used IceColdSandwich before. I liked ICS a great deal, but once I flashed JellyTime there's no way I'd go back. I feel like JT runs a bit faster, is definitely smoother, and battery life is roughly comparable.
The whole "which OS is best" thing is highly subjective, and really there's no way to answer it. But for myself, I love JellyTime.
ICS is very stable on DHD.
JB is much more faster that ICS, but has many bugs.
The most important bug is low call quality, it's hard to use it as a daily rom.
twilightgod said:
ICS is very stable on DHD.
JB is much more faster that ICS, but has many bugs.
The most important bug is low call quality, it's hard to use it as a daily rom.
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Low call quality on what ROM? This has been fixed for quite sometime in almost all the JellyBean ROMs (codefireX, JellyTime, MIUIv4).
hojd said:
Hello !!!
Can you tell me something about the differents betwin "IceCream Sandwich" and "Jellybean"
Which is best, what is best for DHD and which is progressing most etc, etc...
I have just have Jellybean so i don't know anything about ICS. Should I change to ICS or not ? I like Jellybean alot but i dont know anything about anyone else...
Please tell me what YOU think about them.
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Your best bet? Try them all and see what fits. No one person will ever know what you like and don't like except if that person is you. I, like you, and using RB's JellyTime and it works best for me (the bugs are there but it doesn't bother me due to what I use my phone for). That will be different for everyone. Just backup, try out. If you don't like the one you loaded, restore.... and have your charger ready
Currently JellyBean ROM for DHD are smoother because there is no sense on it whereas ICS ROM are less smooth but with sense. OCS Sense ROM are good to use and stable like BlackOut(Sense 3.6) and TrickDroid(Sense 4.0)
KeshavJave said:
Currently JellyBean ROM for DHD are smoother because there is no sense on it whereas ICS ROM are less smooth but with sense. OCS Sense ROM are good to use and stable like BlackOut(Sense 3.6) and TrickDroid(Sense 4.0)
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Actually, there are non-Sense ICS ROMs. IceColdSandwich and aospX come to mind.
just flashed jellytime....really really fast o.o
Thank you all for your answer...
I already have Jellybean as i wrote and after what i read here i dont see any reason to install ICS... I'm satisfied enough with Jellybean... I just hope they can fix the camera soon...
Again, what's wrong with the camera? It takes decent photos and records in 720p.
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sashank said:
Low call quality on what ROM? This has been fixed for quite sometime in almost all the JellyBean ROMs (codefireX, JellyTime, MIUIv4).
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I just tried JellyTime R9.1.
It's still there. Maximum volume is too low and sound is noisy.
Release 10 is out and the camera should work
How's the call quality in JellyTime R10?
Using Sabsa 5 at the moment and it's ok in that.
Would like to try the JT 10, but not if the call quality is poor.
i'm on r10.1 and again have the backlight issue when pressing power button to turn off the screen ...
tried cm10 nightly and there is no bug :/
anyone else got this issue?
Balthasar18 said:
i'm on r10.1 and again have the backlight issue when pressing power button to turn off the screen ...
tried cm10 nightly and there is no bug :/
anyone else got this issue?
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No, never had this since 9.1.
As far as camera bugs are concerned, there is a bug that it doesn't auto focus in barcode scanner i.e. not a major thing but still a bug

What NativeSD android for games ?

What is the best NativeSD android rom I can use for games ? Currently I'm with Dorimanx high end rom, android 2.3.7 but performance is not good. NFS Most wanted lags badly.
There is no "best rom". And personally I didn't see any difference between NativeSD and NAND. So basically, use any HWA enabled ROM and you should be good to go.
Any ICS or JB rom because of hardware acceleration.
I recommend tytung's cm9 rom, you will gain much in gaming performance, but don't expect any miracles in really demanding games such as new NFS.
nontryer said:
Any ICS or JB rom because of hardware acceleration.
I recommend tytung's cm9 rom, you will gain much in gaming performance, but don't expect any miracles in really demanding games such as new NFS.
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Is this the correct rom you were referring to http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1681906 ? I installed the rom but overall performance - swyping through menus, launching apps and etc. seems slower than dormanx gingerbread. Is this common with ICS roms ? I still haven't tried games.
EmZvr said:
Is this the correct rom you were referring to http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1681906 ? I installed the rom but overall performance - swyping through menus, launching apps and etc. seems slower than dormanx gingerbread. Is this common with ICS roms ? I still haven't tried games.
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He means this ROM: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1434860
EmZvr said:
Is this the correct rom you were referring to http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1681906 ? I installed the rom but overall performance - swyping through menus, launching apps and etc. seems slower than dormanx gingerbread. Is this common with ICS roms ? I still haven't tried games.
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Marvlesz above me has pointed you to the right direction.
As for the ROM you installed, i don't know, never tried it. You could try both of them to see which one fits you better.
Overall performance between GB and ICS should be pretty close, maybe a bit better on GB builds because it's less resource hungry, but on ICS you get some nice stuff like much better gaming performance, smoother web browsing + more.
Installed it. NFS Most Wanted works full speed now or at least a lot better than gingerbread. But again overall performance is not so good. More waiting for menus to show. Not so fluid. Dormanx rom is more fluid and faster with immediate loadings of every app. isn't it there a similar rom to dorimanx with hwa
There is no HWA on Gingerbread, we are very sorry for your disappointment. However, you may like to have a look at our selection of new devices, which have the fluidity of Gingerbread AND the performance of ICS/Jb.
^That's a joke.
Oh well, no games for me then I'm sure I wouldn't play them anyway but I like everything to work properly on my phone. I reverted back to dorimanx rom, thanks for the advices.
I will look at your selection of new devices probably when Ubuntu for phones is out :
Yeah, I personally also find ICS and above slower for everyday use than GB but I just love web browsing with HWA and the Holo UI of JB (not to mention Google Now) so I don't think I'm going to go back to GB any time soon.

[Q] JellyBean - why so laggy?

Hi. I know that it is a noob question, but I am wondering why JB builds are so laggy. They should be smooth. I don't mean performance, because that one is great, but overall interface is "heavy" and laggy. Eg. statusbar line (this one we slide up and down), switching windows etc. Scrolling is great so why these stuff aren't so? And MIUI Jellybean: I know MIUI as the smoothiest roms, but JB edition is a nightmare. I understand that these are early builds, but not so early :/
Did you tried the NativeSD releases or the NAND ones? Which class does your SD Card have?
I've tried both of them. My SDs are 4class and 2class, which 2class (about 18MB/s read in Low Level Benchmark in Flash Memory Toolkit, and about 1.5ms access time) is better than 4class, I think 4c is just dead. And transffers and I/O is perfect, but animations are sharp, like the GPU was weak, but it shouldn't be SO weak...
LordYuuki said:
Did you tried the NativeSD releases or the NAND ones? Which class does your SD Card have?
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I agree with him, and it's not a matter of NativeSD or NAND. Jelly Bean just doesn't feel as smooth as Ice Cream Sandwich, even though it has hardware acceleration. That's why I'm sticking to ICS atm.
i really dont know what yall use your phones for but i use the roms in my sig
and they are smooth and fast for my everyday use
Kameirus said:
i really dont know what yall use your phones for but i use the roms in my sig
and they are smooth and fast for my everyday use
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These ones are really smooth... Thanks!
Well admittedly I only have experience with one JB ROM on my HD2 (the one in my signature), doesn't feel laggy at all to me, in fact it's pretty zippy, and consistently so. I have OS on NAND and programs on ext (class 10 SD card). It's a rather mature version. I read that MIUI is also no slouch. Could you possibly have had a faulty install?
I have the some problem with the lag. I use kovjanos' PA ROM with the pure PA framework. Everything is smooth and fast except for the window and framework animations. When I open an app the opening animation lags and if I pull down the notification drawer, it seems like the drag bar "stays behind my finger" so it follows my movement really slow. The usual display-off animation doesn't work either. I tried different 4.1.2 ROMs and had the same thing everywhere, no matter NAND, NativeSD, or DataOnExt.
I tried the evervolv 4.2.1 as well and it works perfectly, all animations are smooth without any lag.
I think it might depend on whether the ROM is compiled from source and with which device tree, or whether it is ported from an other device and which ROM was used as a base.

Why not keep ingerbread?

Hi everyone, as a mod-addicted user i like to flash all kind of roms, even the strangest ones. recently i fuond that our Nexus S is going to die, cause of old hardware and new softwares require lot more RAM and GPUs. I'm currently using a 4.2.2 ROM, and i'm having a very good time, but don't you think that on old GB roms everything was more smooth and fast, with the best performances and apps were faster than now? I know that is because all was old, and NS was developed under that artictecture, but i have a question to you: why do we all want the newest rom, with the newest things that use a lot of battery/ram/gpu, instead of keeping GB roms that were a lot smoother and fast? GB roms are as secure as JB ones, and a lot of apps run well on both OS.
This post is not a critic, and i'm sorry for the mistakes, i'm not english.
its an old system, it looks outdated and browsing experience and overal smoothness is much worse than JB...simple as that. GB has better memory management yes, sometimes my phone struggles with lack of ram on JB, but its still worth over GB for the reasons i stated i think...
Well, i personally like CM7 more than CM10 because it feels to me much more customizable than CM10. The themes look way better (especially Cyanbread) and it is also faster. To conclude, i prefer GB over JB.
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daniel98 said:
Well, i personally like CM7 more than CM10 because it feels to me much more customizable than CM10. The themes look way better (especially Cyanbread) and it is also faster. To conclude, i prefer GB over JB.
Sent from my GT-S7500 using xda app-developers app
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Agreed CM7 was a true upgrade over stock...the ustom lookscreens are just a example but now it seames that CM only has powerwidgets over the stock and a fiew tweaks nothing else, it's to bad really but we kinda have to live with it, thank God we have the best and most balanced single core in the Android world!
Just try a good 4.2.2 rom and you will see the difference...try slim bean build 6 or jellyshot latest build
migueldbr said:
Just try a good 4.2.2 rom and you will see the difference...try slim bean build 6 or jellyshot latest build
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they are really good, but for me the ui sounds and incall sounds are always to low in 4.2 roms, they are considerably louder in roms up to and including 4.1.2, for me CM10, or hellyBean 4.1, or bb6 are enough, i miss the quick toogles and thats abou it, wel maybe the lookscren bold writing
migueldbr said:
its an old system, it looks outdated and browsing experience and overal smoothness is much worse than JB...simple as that. GB has better memory management yes, sometimes my phone struggles with lack of ram on JB, but its still worth over GB for the reasons i stated i think...
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It can be old as you want, but a lot of smartphones are now using it. I prefer JB for the examples you gave, but we are talking about android: you can customize all you want, and gb can become JB with some graphical hacks
thranduil93 said:
It can be old as you want, but a lot of smartphones are now using it. I prefer JB for the examples you gave, but we are talking about android: you can customize all you want, and gb can become JB with some graphical hacks
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its not the same...there are some really good mods but involve changing systemui and other stuff and sometimes create more problems. Anyway, there are no mods for gb to have JB smoothness. A good solution for JB when it comes to lack of RAM is to use a high bigmem kernel and greenify. Its awesome, does not let apps that you dont need start up unless you manually start them(leaving free ram to apps that matter).
I really see no advantadge in going back to GB imo...You just have to know how to tweak JB to get the most of it.
yeah a lot of devices are using GB, but i bet most of them are not by choice of the user
2.3.x Roms still very good, and loved many of them. When moving to JB there are lots of under the hood changes and many optimizations which make things better. As well as many media improvements. Which allows better apps and better user experience, once I learned all the new features of 4.1 I just couldn't go back to 2.3. I have found that 4.2 Roms preform better than their 4.1 predecessors on my i9020T as well as the many UI improvements. Yes memory is an issue, but I turn on a 1GB swapfile when I'm using memory intensive apps then turn it off when done so I don't wear out storage and it helps greatly.
In the last days of using my Nexus S i got rid of the sudden reboots which i had with all custom roms more or less and with the stock ICS and JB roms too. I think my Nexus was a weak build who barely matched the quality requirements. So i looked out for some older roms and found Oxygen 2.3.7 with great reputation.
Flashed that and: wow. I had a amazingly fast and stable cellphone again. No comparison to any ICS or JB build. I will never go back to a newer rom, as long as stability and quickness are asked.
My regards
Personally, i find 4.1.2 roms very smoother than 4.2.x, and i tried maybe a lot of them. Except some widgets and UI improvements (little), i will continue using 4.1.2 roms with better battery life and the smoothest velocity

