Problem with russian characters encoding like ??? - Windows 8 General

Im starting a russian program and all the characters show up like "???"
Does anybody know how to solve the problem?

Usually means either the character encoding is set wrong (if it's a web site or web view, right-click and change the encoding; if it's built into the app then there's not much you can do) or it means that you don't have the correct (cyrillic?) fonts installed. Installing the Russian language pack for WIndows, or just installing the font packs from it, would hopefully solve this.

I installed the russian language pack but it doesn't help
It's weird that it runs just normal to a friend of mine without doing anything


Hi Asukal...

it its for quite some time now that i am trying to "teach" my universal the hebrew language.
I started by copying several hebrew fonts to the fonts directory under windows so after a soft reset i could see hebrew words under sms, mms, pop3 email accounts and hebrew websites in mobile internet explorer. ( i copied the following fonts : arial, times new roman, courier, david and tahoma+tahomabd total of 2M in size).
the second issue is to be able to see the sentences in the right way, meaning to align the words and sentences to the right (hebrew is written like arabic from right to left).
in the pictures you posted in the begining of this thread you show a hebrew website however it has this problem of being written aligned to the left instead of to the right so actually it is wrong - i took this picture and i explained in the attached picture how it should be, as i understand you do not know hebrew.
could you guide me or give me some hints on how should this problem be fixed ? is it a registry value? maybe a certain dll should be made to patch the OS?
thanks for any help, yol.

Chinese on English HTC HD ?

I'm having a problem emails in Chinese on my HTC HD. I have 智能输入 installed with the fonts that lets me enter text in Chinese or surf websites.
But when I get emails in Chinese, the subject line comes up fine, but the message itself displays in ASCII, even if I view in UTF-8, and I don't have the option to view in other Chinese encodings.
Is there a component I can install to fix this?
I also have an English HTC HD, when I bought it they installed for me:
雅黑字体_14mb , 马兰花全屏手写, and 梅花输入法
and I can see and write Chinese.
I'm also looking for an other pinyin input method, the one I have now is not very convenient for me because when I input in pinyin "hao" the soft propose me characters for "hao, gao, gan" mixed and it is more difficult for me to find the right one...(i'm a french guy and my Chinese is still not very good...)
my solution is with CE-Star installed, and replace the font with the one you liked say msyh, and change the FontLink registry (google it)
and install the SIP you're used to..
that would pretty much done everything
EDIT: you can even change the system language to chinese, meaning displaying almost everything in chinese like you're using a CHS/CHT rom
To any and all of the three of you. I am English but visit Chinaa lot and like to be able to show Chinese characters / SMS messages etc. to taxi drivers etc.
At present, I cannot even show Chinese chacters on my screen (they always come up as ASCII).
Can you explian what:
雅黑字体_14mb , 马兰花全屏手写, and 梅花输入法
is in English and I will try and track it down.
I don't want to replace my SIP or my default language at all - just have Chinese charcetrs display ont he screen.
Faguopal said:
I also have an English HTC HD, when I bought it they installed for me:
雅黑字体_14mb , 马兰花全屏手写, and 梅花输入法
and I can see and write Chinese.
I'm also looking for an other pinyin input method, the one I have now is not very convenient for me because when I input in pinyin "hao" the soft propose me characters for "hao, gao, gan" mixed and it is more difficult for me to find the right one...(i'm a french guy and my Chinese is still not very good...)
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u got the cab for 马兰花全屏手写 by any chance? i was brought up in the uk so i can't exactly type chinese but i can write a little
雅黑字体_14mb is a Chinese font
马兰花全屏手写 is to hand write, I found it at
梅花输入法 is a pinyin input I found it at
Thank you for the information. I'm sorry to be a pain but since I really can't begin to search for the font:
[FONT=&quot]雅黑字体[/FONT][FONT=&quot]_14mb [/FONT]
in English, is there any way you could let me know if it is freely available and poiint me in the directin of a download site? I know I'm asking you to do some search for me but I'm not being lazy - I really can't do this on my own.
Thank you in advance for any extra help you can give.
I'm in the same boat. I don't read or write Chinese, but want to be able to display it on a WWE HD. CE-Star corrupted my softkey backgrounds (see here .)
The search continues
Funnily enough I have that same problem with my softkeys and I hadn't even heard of CE Star.
Mine seems to correct itself after every second or third soft reset an d I think was initially caused by trialling AEButtons Plus. Unfortunately, having uninstalled AEB+ many days ago, I wouldn't know which orphan files to look for any more.
Do please update this post if you find an adequate solution to displaying the Chinese fonts. I will do likewise.
In the following website you can find the package I used to display Chinese in the past year or so, on Kaiser and HD, the package also includes an input method but I use touchpal instead for Chinese input.
The is not officially supported on HD, I had to install multiple times to get it working - failed installation result in freeze that you can only get your phone back by HARD RESET! However once it works (restart after the phone without freeze) the problem never comes back, I have tried many many times and combination however cannot find a right combination to bypass the problem constantly..
Because of the problems above, please use it with caution. But I have to say this package in combination with touchpal (which are both free) is the best package for Chinese reading/writing I have tried so far, I have used CEStar and Monster Chinese, both have intermittent problems, compare to the package I am using, although not perfect, but it only gives you headache until you get it installed successfully.
(click on the link read " (3610KB)" to download, you will need to check the checkbox and click on the accept button on the popup page to start the download)
Note: you can also download the " (1469KB)" on the same site, which will install the "Google Droid Sans Fallback" font, its very pretty and clear.
Fantastic - although scary! Since I am only interested in output rather than input, would it be safer for me to just install the Google Droid font? (I assume this is a Chinese font). And is WinMo clever enough to know that all incoming chinese text can be displayed in this font rather than ASCII or do I need to chnage some things to point it there?
Much appreciated lawrencel... I have ibnstalled only the droid font, and all looks well. It required a soft reset after install and no issues whatsoever.
When I try to download from that site, it gives me a 404 error file not found, can anybody upload it somewhere else. I'm only interested in the fonts only as well, thanks in advance.
edit: I went back to the website and tried to download again, noticed that I forgot to turn javascript block off, now it's download just fine. Works on first attempt, was kind of hesistant to install it after what I have read in this thread, but glad nothing bad happens. My thanks goes to lawrencel for the link.
I just downloaded and installed the " (1469KB)" with expectation to be able to display chinese characters as well, and as the result, my HD has restarted by itself more than 10 times and I have not even saw the result yet. Now I have to find a way to uninstall it immediately. No sure what is the problem, but my HD cannot complete the reset process and keep restarting itself.
马兰花全屏手写 is this simplified chinese only?
No way to back out. I have to hard-reset my HD. I would advice you not to install this.
I have never seen such an intrusive software.
No easy way out
Here's a detailed reply I got on another forum :
The problem with IE (and any other browser/email program) is that most mainland chinese web pages are encoded in GB2312. A lot of traditional ones use Big5. The code pages for these charsets aren't included in the standard windows mobile builds. There are a few solutions to this problem:
Install the code pages
Unfortunately easier said than done. The relevant file is called wince.nls, and you can get the right version it if you search for it. However the only way to install it is download a ROM where someone cooked it in, or cook it in yourself.
Install CE-Star
CE-Star has a special hack which installs the full wince.nls file. However I believe it's this hack along with their anti-piracy garbage that makes CE-Star so flaky on many systems. However if reading this content is important to you you're pretty much stuck with this option unless you're technical and enterprising enough to muck with the first option.​
I am only interested in simplified Chinese, but given what I've been hearing about CE-Star, I most probably won't install it. Until I find a ROM to download, I will stick with A4 and go check my Chinese mail directly with Opera.
And I'll check whether I can get any replacement email program that can handle Chinese, don't know whether QMAIL does.
Has anyone found so far any trusted method to receive sms, mails, surf web in chinese and keep the system in english??
Has anyone install the file lawrencel is talking about?
So far 2 members has installed the droid file, for one it worked marvellous for the another it was a disaster
Sorry to hear this is still a problem for some. What I didn't realise until a couple of days ago is that CE-Star Suite II is bundled with the Touch HD English version here in HKG. The EULA shows "CE-Star 1.1 License Agreement (05-25-2000)". I haven't installed it (and don't plan to because droid works) it but maybe someone has and can report back for other users.
works partially
with both the sunglobe font and ZTA4_VGA installed, I enter text in Chinese, display Chinese without any problem in Opera, IE, SMS, outlook-synched email, and the subject line of downloaded pop3 emails. Of course Pleco works beautifully, but they have their own system. All of the above in both simplified an traditional characters.
What I still can't do is read the body text of pop3 emails, which drives me crazy. I suspect this has to do with GB-encoding (I use simplified Chinese), which does not seem to be supported by either FlexMail or the WM native mail.
The weird thing is, I have an auto-forward from my pop3 email to Outlook at the office. After synching, the emails that come out garbled in my pop3 inbox display perfectly in the outlook inbox. It looks like Outlook does perform the GB to UTF-8 conversion automatically.

chinese input writing system

Hi there am using HTC 7501 looking for a software that can input Chinese words
using stroke method (writing) am not familair with the pinyin system
i personally am using the CE-Star app.
It works pretty well as you can use the stylus for brush strokes or via pinyin
this is my first post and not sure about the linking etiquette, but you can goggle for it easy enough
hope that helps
Hi there,eddiepbauer,thanks for your reply,I have been told about CE Star,but
from a posting in a forum,there was this problem that the input frame for Pen-power is too small and the text is tiny,do you have the same problem???
btw which version of CE Star you are using??
sogou chinese input
sogou sip.. chinese input is the best chinese input nowadays.. FREE, easy to use, fast.. and also support to all smartphone include WM5 , WM6... and symbian all version. if you already have CE star... u don't need to uninstall it.. it can also work together.
let's have a try to and choose your mobile operating system
the latest update is 2009-08-17
Hi there elvia thanks for the info,will give it a try and will let you know the
For Chinese suport, Personally, CEstar is not a good option. What you need are just FONT and INPUT.
Try to find this if you can read Chinese. INPUT
See how they use Michy's ROM for Chinese.
Hi there wadeshi,may I know what type of input you are using??
I am basically looking for a pen-input (writing) to use with my dictionary
I am not familair with pin yin system
well, now that you mention it and I went back to check, the pen power sip IS rather small.
it's irrelevant tho. I don't know how others use it, but for me, I could draw anywhere on the screen and it works fine. the only time i use the input area is when i "spell" a character incorrectly or if there are similar looking characters and it gives a list of chars to choose from.
as for text size... it's rather small on the 92dpi resolution, but i'm able to read it and don't need to adjust text size
the best way is to simply try it for yourself, as far as i know there aren't any crash issues involving this program

70 Characters Problem

Hello, I have installed ONYX ULTIMATE 4.6 with EzInput 1.5 Keyboard and greek characters, but when I try to write a SMS it allows me only 70 characters per message, while the default is 160. Is there a way, through registry, for example, or by another program, to solve the problem?
Thanks in advance!!!!!
Dont worry, Manufacturing default.
Only in english than it will be 160 charactors.
Even when I type in Chinese, it is 70 charactors too.
If you mix both english and chinese, it will be 70 charactors too.
The best way is to use english completely, so you get 160 charactors.
Thanks Jeremy again for your reply. It is a little bit difficult to write in english since I used to write in Greek. I read in some forums that there is a way through registry that solves that problem, like change the unicode for some letters, or something like that, kinda wired since each letter has its own code. Anyway, if anyone find something please post.
BigMen 2007 said:
Thanks Jeremy again for your reply. It is a little bit difficult to write in english since I used to write in Greek. I read in some forums that there is a way through registry that solves that problem, like change the unicode for some letters, or something like that, kinda wired since each letter has its own code. Anyway, if anyone find something please post.
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I am not too sure.
You might want to check this out:
isnt the problem with chinese and greek that their characters are not in unicode (or some standard characterset) and that they have to switch to another (bigger) character set 16byte per char instead of 8
Yeah Yeah.
But I really have to applaud those developers which is able to make it to 160/sms.

[Q] Add LTR support and fonts, possible?

I was reading on and some posts on XDA about RTL support and supporting more languages (for apps like opera mobile and for books), specifically Hebrew. At this point when I browse to any Hebrew web site I can see only squares.
Is it possible? If it is possible, how can I do it?
/system/fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf is the font of choice when all else fails.
Apparently it has Chinese but no Hebrew. (I'd never though to look.)
The DejaVu fonts have Hebrew, find them here:
Copy whichever you want over to /system/fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf
You will lose Chinese when you do that.
Renate NST said:
/system/fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf is the font of choice when all else fails.
Apparently it has Chinese but no Hebrew. (I'd never though to look.)
The DejaVu fonts have Hebrew, find them here:
Copy whichever you want over to /system/fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf
You will lose Chinese when you do that.
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So all I need to do is to rename the dejavu font and copy it over to the nook?
What about the RTL support? Do you have idea how do I make ir work?
I know that some guys here have Arabic installed, it's also RTL. But I don't know how they did it
Installed the fonts and it works great! Thank you.
All that is left is to find a Hebrew keyboard and RTL support.
I don't know anything about RTL but HTML with dir="rtl" gets reversed in Opera Mobile.
Neither have I looked into soft IMEs for other charsets.
However, if you want to use an external USB keyboard it's trivial to put the Unicode into /system/usr/keychars/qwerty.kcm.bin
ObiWan_C said:
I was reading on and some posts on XDA about RTL support and supporting more languages (for apps like opera mobile and for books), specifically Hebrew. At this point when I browse to any Hebrew web site I can see only squares.
Is it possible? If it is possible, how can I do it?
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dark_hawk said:
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dark_hawk said:
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I was playing around with this app, but it doesn't recognized the nook as a phone and can't patch it. How did you get it to work on your nook?
ObiWan_C said:
I was playing around with this app, but it doesn't recognized the nook as a phone and can't patch it. How did you get it to work on your nook?
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What app?
I was referring to this post.
It works well enough for Arabic and I find no reason why it won't work for Hebrew.
Great, it worked!
At first I thought that you where talking about the app from your first post.

