German review Htc one phone gets 97% score - One (M7) General

All these fantastic reviews giving the One 9+ ratings, really make me want the phone even more. :crying:

john291 said:
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I may be wrong but the camera app looks different to previous reviews. ? Has it changed with an update or am I just hoping its improved with an update.
Custom Stock Rom 4.1 Eternity
Brilliantly Stock

ipmanwck said:
I may be wrong but the camera app looks different to previous reviews. ? Has it changed with an update or am I just hoping its improved with an update.
Custom Stock Rom 4.1 Eternity
Brilliantly Stock
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Looks to be the same to me. Anything specific you notice that's different?
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2

ipmanwck said:
I may be wrong but the camera app looks different to previous reviews. ? Has it changed with an update or am I just hoping its improved with an update.
Custom Stock Rom 4.1 Eternity
Brilliantly Stock
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Yes it does, There are some little differences with the one I tried 2 weeks ago.

Hmmmm. I wonder if they fixed the issues ??
Custom Stock Rom 4.1 Eternity
Brilliantly Stock
---------- Post added at 12:24 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:21 AM ----------
notsointeresting said:
Looks to be the same to me. Anything specific you notice that's different?
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
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The buttons for camera and video camera
Custom Stock Rom 4.1 Eternity
Brilliantly Stock

ipmanwck said:
The buttons for camera and video camera
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It's the same.

Well, thank god they're releasing the phone while all this hype is here and not a month later. Right?


Pyramid vs Kingdom?

Is one better than the other? I really can't see any differences but I jut wanted to get yalls input thanks!
johnnyham89 said:
Is one better than the other? I really can't see any differences but I jut wanted to get yalls input thanks!
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I use Pyramid ROM at the moment and I'm very happy with it. Very smooth and really good battery life.
johnnyham89 said:
Is one better than the other? I really can't see any differences but I jut wanted to get yalls input thanks!
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ok. my personal opinion:
i liked kingdom for the resolution. but its the same.
but none of them is stable. unfortunately
camcorder is a mess. the other day i had 3 sods in 5 minutes during
navigation and lost my way.
---------- Post added at 08:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:12 PM ----------
suloch said:
I use Pyramid ROM at the moment and I'm very happy with it. Very smooth and really good battery life.
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no not smooth at all. its eyecandy yes. i love sense for it.
but when it comes to stability its poor.
camcorder doesnt work, sod after taking pics. navigation is a mess.
not for daily use i think...
Well.... I guess it all depends on how you install it and fine tune.
Only problem I have with this ROM is camcorder issue (which is a known issue). This is my everyday phone now and I'm happy with it. No crash or lags. I reboot phone a once or twice a week.
Sent from my HTC HD2 Pyramid using XDA App
i've had them both and moved to energy 3.0 rom..........PUTS THEM BOTH TO SHAME
Ty5982 said:
i've had them both and moved to energy 3.0 rom..........PUTS THEM BOTH TO SHAME
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gonna have to agree with you
Ty5982 said:
i've had them both and moved to energy 3.0 rom..........PUTS THEM BOTH TO SHAME
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Kameirus said:
gonna have to agree with you
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EnergyRoms have often done so I think. From WinMo to Android I've always had a good experience.
Ty5982 said:
i've had them both and moved to energy 3.0 rom..........PUTS THEM BOTH TO SHAME
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Do you like energy ROM? Any lags or problems?
I like to try if everything works. Can you please provide me the link?
Sent from my HTC HD2 Pyramid using XDA App
suloch said:
Do you like energy ROM? Any lags or problems?
I like to try if everything works. Can you please provide me the link?
Sent from my HTC HD2 Pyramid using XDA App
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there's 3 versions out now,i aint tried the 20\09\2011 version.
17\09\2011 version works fine apart from bluetooth,but usb works
19\09\2011 version works fine apart from usb
IT'S A SHAME ALL ROMS DON'T LOOK LIKE THIS ROM,more colourful and not just plain black or grey lol,i no the colours don't effect the performance,but it still looks superb............but since i last had this now on runnymede rom.............its like the new sensation XE..............just wish there was a way to make it like the colours of energy rom..........then it would be world class
Energy ROM you can choose to download from different bases. The 3.0 builds based on desire tend to be a bit smoother.

Virtuous Infinity preview
just reposting the video they put on twitter. release very soon.
Wow, this is great news! Thanks for sharing this video!
Saw this emerging in my timeline on Twitter:
@chrisch1974: Time of teasing is over soon. I would have a look at @RootzWiki in the next hours
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Seems the release is very near! Can't wait to upgrade to full Sense 4.0!
RELEASED! :good:
not a huge sense fan but I will be trying this...
Sent from my HTC Vision using xda premium
Wow really slow
uptime 14min, and still have not gotten it to get into settings....also Rosie keeps reloading on me.
at first, incredibly slow.
after swap, supercharge and o/c, incrediby fast and smooth.
its the best alpha rom ever released for desire z. it will get better in upcoming updates tho.
btrst said:
just reposting the video they put on twitter. release very soon.
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What phone they demoing it on there ?
thanks for this! i'll test this out and tell how it compares to affinity for me once it finish downloading.
i've been running this for a few hours, and at this point its kinda laggy at 1.5 ghz. rosie redraws a lot. affinity is much faster imo. i'll let it "set in" for a day or two then report again. keep in mind though this is on a brand new G2, i literally unboxed it, rooted it, then flashed this. this rom has a lot of potential though. i haven't called anyone, but i think its suitable as a dd.
kbeezie said:
What phone they demoing it on there ?
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htc incredible s
Desire HD (ace), Desire Z (vision), Inspire 4G
When phone goes into sleep you need to make a long press of the power button to wake it up
Mic doesn't work in some apps like Voice Search, Soundhound, ...
Camera isn't working on some phones
Camcorder only works with disabling sound in the video settings
Inspire 4G: Touch screen inverted
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It says the camera isn't working on 'some' phones, does that include our Desire Z? Thanks if anyone can tell me :good:
spooke said:
It says the camera isn't working on 'some' phones, does that include our Desire Z? Thanks if anyone can tell me :good:
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Depends on to what extent it isn't working. Unless Inifnity changes things, it hasn't been working for Sense 4.0 (And half-ass working on other ICS roms). But I think the hype of infinity on vision is that you can least take a picture even if the camera may be buggy. i.e.: big + for Sense ICS on Vision/G2/DZ (PS : Vision = DZ/G2 in case you didn't know).
Infinity seems to take photos fine. Even does continuous shots. Haven't tried camcorder.
bigmacpaddy said:
Infinity seems to take photos fine. Even does continuous shots. Haven't tried camcorder.
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How about in third party apps, (i.e.: instagram etc).
kbeezie said:
How about in third party apps, (i.e.: instagram etc).
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QR Droid works.
Took a video but it seemed to take forever to save, i cancelled it.
bigmacpaddy said:
QR Droid works.
Took a video but it seemed to take forever to save, i cancelled it.
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Gona give it a try soon as the sucker is downloaded
I'm curious to what extent the camera behaves compared to some other roms I've tried (AOKP, Andromadus etc).
---------- Post added at 06:39 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:57 AM ----------
hrm, shame this rom doesn't enable adbd from the start, was wondering why I couldn't get a logcat on it's slow boot up. (i.e.: it'd be nice for relaying debugging information).
How can I overclock my device with this rom? It's a little bit laggy, but has lots of potential!! Thanks to the great developers!
The camera actually works better on infinity than it does on any non-Sense ICS rom I've used (for example on EliteMod ICS, if I were to use instagram, you can't even see an image in the camera screen, but it'll still take the picture albeit corrupted).
---------- Post added at 07:04 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:54 AM ----------
Yea while the rom itself seems pretty slow, the camera functionality is far better than any of the other ICS roms I've used, no problems with 3rd party camera applications either (instagram, pudding camera, etc).
Can anyone confirm with me is music player,wifi,sms and call working in infinity?
Sent from my Desire Z using xda app-developers app

Stabile CM9

We Get officaly stabile cm9 from cygenogen mod team....
WhAt Do u MEAn by Stabile?
Sent from my Xperia Arc S using Tapatalk 2
Its stable cm9
stupid question : can I install it on my Arc S and then change the CPU to 1,4 GhZ ? Problems / differences ?
Which rom you install would not affect the clock... So the clock would be 1.4Ghz
Sent from my LT18i using xda app-developers app
Shark107 said:
stupid question : can I install it on my Arc S and then change the CPU to 1,4 GhZ ? Problems / differences ?
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I am using it on 1.4 ghz on arc s no problem
luvrilke said:
Which rom you install would not affect the clock... So the clock would be 1.4Ghz
Sent from my LT18i using xda app-developers app
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Actually, if I'm flashing the CM9 Kernel as well ( which is made for LT15, running at 1GhZ ) it should change the clock, but it doesn't matter : aside from that, is it safe? Anyone tried?
oh great, thanks! did you notice any bug? something not working? how's the phone, lag and battery wise? thanks in advance
Shark107 said:
Actually, if I'm flashing the CM9 Kernel as well ( which is made for LT15, running at 1GhZ ) it should change the clock, but it doesn't matter : aside from that, is it safe? Anyone tried?
oh great, thanks! did you notice any bug? something not working? how's the phone, lag and battery wise? thanks in advance
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Emm its good no bug yet and stable
n1kolaa said:
We Get officaly stabile cm9 from cygenogen mod team....
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WLan still buggy, Sound & Video quality is bad. The rest seems to be ok but , ah, nvm, I don't like it, yet.
Sent from my LT18i using xda app-developers app
justkiddinghere said:
Emm its good no bug yet and stable
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ohwarumbloss said:
WLan still buggy, Sound & Video quality is bad. The rest seems to be ok but , ah, nvm, I don't like it, yet.
Sent from my LT18i using xda app-developers app
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Shark107 said:
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WLan was ok first. Then I drove to my Father in Law and wanted to connect to his WLAN, it was found and I was able to enter key but then it never connected. I know there is a workaround for this but hey, when I download something "stable", I would, at least, expect a working WLan.
Sound & Video recording is still stuttering and Soundvolume is way to low.
And, as always, when I tried to flash another Rom I got the Error message because my Phone wasnt recognized as a LT18i anymore.
On my Dream, on my GT540, on my ACE, even on my Kaiser, Cyanogen was THE alternate System to stock (in Kaisers case WinMo lol ) but for my ARC S this is nothing. It´s frustrating after I only bought the ArcS only cause of that sticker on the Case : "ICS Upgrade available"
And back to Gingerbread again :/
I gave up on this a week or so ago:
Font corruption bug means that the text is sometimes unreadable.
Low ringer/alert volumes
Buggy network geolocation (I would drive to work 25 miles away and network geolocation would still think I was at home).
Wi-Fi connect issues after a few days of use.
Unreliable camera. Sometimes it hangs up the device.
I can live with volume issues but I can't live with these other bugs. I hope CM10 is more polished.
So Arconium it is for now ... but I'll try JJs Hybrid when there is a new release.
Bug found
That's what rec71 meant with font corruption. It's acctualy faults in kernel 2d rendering.
Sent from my LT18i using Tapatalk 2
TouchScreen not working
I installed the stable cm9..flashed the fxp133 kernel..the installation went smooth but my screen touch function is lost..Any ideas??
Eventually restoring to the stock kernel with JJ hybrid..and yeah the touch is working with this one. So is the problem cos of the kernel or the ROM??
justkiddinghere said:
Bug found
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Its actually gonna stay there, that bug its been there since rc1 and cyanogenmod team say they have no intention to fix that one.
Btw, your all better of with fxp133, i at least find it better than the official one, camera working nicely, fast, smooth, youtube on hq working, only found 1 bug so far, nothing major, and of course battery life is amazing.
---------- Post added at 10:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:08 PM ----------
iwarind said:
I installed the stable cm9..flashed the fxp133 kernel..the installation went smooth but my screen touch function is lost..Any ideas??
Eventually restoring to the stock kernel with JJ hybrid..and yeah the touch is working with this one. So is the problem cos of the kernel or the ROM??
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It should work without any problems, did you wipe cache and dalvik?
is it possible to install SE Home, SE Phonebook and Phone app?
mrmojoman said:
is it possible to install SE Home, SE Phonebook and Phone app?
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Only the port of the se home, the phone and phone book apps only work with the xperia framework, cyanogenmod uses aosp framework.
Galileo said:
Only the port of the se home, the phone and phone book apps only work with the xperia framework, cyanogenmod uses aosp framework.
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is it possible to import xperia framework?
mrmojoman said:
is it possible to import xperia framework?
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Sorry dude, the framework is the structure of the rom on the which the apps and widgets work, you cant just import it to another rom d:

(Rom) 4.1.2 JB *****"LIQUID PURE CM10" **** FAST AND SMOOTH

Hi This is a latest Cm10 Build with my modifications added to make it more smooth and fast.
Added the cm calculator instead of the stock more functions and no more fc's
Flash Player ready made for jellybean
Build prop edited to make it smoother
Ram boost more free ram
increased touchscreen sensitivity
Tweaks for faster wifi speed
Performance Tweaks
Scrolling smoothness tweaks
Increased video and photo quality by editing build prop
Apex launcher latest
Any many more tweaks!!!!
Instroductions on how to flash
Back up data
Flash recovery via Odin
Reboot and put the Rom into a file
Go into recovery wipe factory, cache, dalvic cache
In CWM recovery find where you saved the Rom and install
Flash the gapps the link above
Make sure you have cwm 5.5 and up you can find it in here. Flash it using odin 1.85
Updated to the latest cm
fixed calculator fc
edited build prop
tweaks for touch and scrolling
P4wifi gt7510
latest build 31.10
p43g gT7500
-For P4WIFI UK: You must be on the US ICS bootloader odin .tar.md5 inside the .zip or you may experience rolling screen issues flash via odin tar
-For P4: You must be on the UK ICS bootloader (odin .tar.md5 from ITA inside the folder you may experience a rolling screen otherwise flash via odin tar
-For all 3g models You must be on the ICS modem or you may have problems
Known issues
screen flicker happens rarely and is very quick
face unlock
All the credit goes to pershoot
Please try and report it
Front cam and no sod as far as I can tell And its very smooth thanks to the 3.1 kernel included,
Note microphone and everything works smooth and fast
Front camera works but no voice search / mic. Almost there! Thanks for the hard work pershoot / isomobile!
gurbuza said:
Hi This is a latest Cm10 Build It was just for testing for the Wifi Edition only p4Wifi that is
1. flash via odin
2. flash via recovery
All the credit goes to isomobile and pershoot they have done everything
Please try and report it
Front cam and no sod as far as I can tell And its very smooth thanks to the 3.1 kernel included
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I can't find this build on droidbasement, Any reason why? Also should been posted in the dev section.
superdave513 said:
I can't find this build on droidbasement, Any reason why? Also should been posted in the dev section.
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Because its not by pershoot and we don't need another dozen threads open in Dev of indivudals building from the same source.
Very fast and smooth
Very Nice rom. Everything working great except microphone which who needs one in a tablet. Very smooth no Force closes feels like a whole new tablet.
---------- Post added at 07:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:00 PM ----------
ro.sniper said:
Front camera works but no voice search / mic. Almost there! Thanks for the hard work pershoot / isomobile!
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yes but who needs them anyway in a wifi only tablet
so with this ROM (compare to other JB/CM10 ROMs out there), all issues fixed (front cam, sod...etc), except only mic is not working?
I also heard that fixing front cam causing some issue with back cam? is that true? or both front and back camera now works?
andoid1907 said:
Very Nice rom. Everything working great except microphone which who needs one in a tablet. Very smooth no Force closes feels like a whole new tablet.
---------- Post added at 07:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:00 PM ----------
yes but who needs them anyway in a wifi only tablet
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The mic is quite useful for voice typing, skype / other video chat progs.
jazzespresso said:
so with this ROM (compare to other JB/CM10 ROMs out there), all issues fixed (front cam, sod...etc), except only mic is not working?
I also heard that fixing front cam causing some issue with back cam? is that true? or both front and back camera now works?
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No back camera works fine no issues there.
Just the microphone is the only problem. Its very fast and smooth all the other bugs are fixed
ro.sniper said:
The mic is quite useful for voice typing, skype / other video chat progs.
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it will get fixed soon
It's possible a 3G version?
Can we have a 3G version of this rom? Are you working on it?
andoid1907 said:
Very Nice rom. Everything working great except microphone which who needs one in a tablet. Very smooth no Force closes feels like a whole new tablet.
---------- Post added at 07:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:00 PM ----------
yes but who needs them anyway in a wifi only tablet
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Wait! No microphone? Damn. That's a deal breaker as I use mine for video calls frequently.
jtaparicio said:
Can we have a 3G version of this rom? Are you working on it?
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Here you go same rom but with 3g
TabGuy said:
Wait! No microphone? Damn. That's a deal breaker as I use mine for video calls frequently.
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This is the only jelly bean rom with front cam working and miropphone will be fixed soon
gurbuza said:
This is the only jelly bean rom with front cam working and miropphone will be fixed soon
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Once this is fixed this rom will be king. Also face unlock no worky.
External USB
Does the external usb adapter work with this Rom?
I'd love to give this a go, gonna make a nandroid backup before I do (gotta clear some space first).
Quick question to anyone who's tried, what's the video play back like on YouTube (Web or app) and how smooth is the device compared to the official ICS build?
Swyped from my finger to your face, on my Samsung Galaxy Note.
I am loving this rom so far. only been running it for one night and one morning, but it is by far the most stable cm10 build i have played with. this new kernel rocks.
netflix works great. havent tested youtube.
usafbamafan said:
I am loving this rom so far. only been running it for one night and one morning, but it is by far the most stable cm10 build i have played with. this new kernel rocks.
netflix works great. havent tested youtube.
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I agree this ROM is really good. I'm surprised that this hasn't made it to the development section.
ro.sniper said:
I'm surprised that this hasn't made it to the development section.
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I agree
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2
RavenY2K3 said:
I'd love to give this a go, gonna make a nandroid backup before I do (gotta clear some space first).
Quick question to anyone who's tried, what's the video play back like on YouTube (Web or app) and how smooth is the device compared to the official ICS build?
Swyped from my finger to your face, on my Samsung Galaxy Note.
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Youtube's videoplayback works very smooth for me.
Also very fluid and no problems at all. Best JB sofar for me. Flash also working.:good:

things you would change about the z1

Just a couple things I would change as overall I'm happy with the phone...
The bezels are huge considering the screen size. I would love a tighter fitting chassis.
I have a 6906 so I would love to be able to unlock the boot loader. The entire root process was very complex compared to every phone I've owned. It is needlessly difficult for a new user.
Viewing angles could be better.
Aside from that I'm very happy with this phone.
What would you change?
Speakers, definitely.
Sent from my C6903 using Tapatalk
I would change it for a HTC one m8....
the damned ASF
Z2 is pretty much what I want Z1 to be.......
any way to change the colour of the Font in notification bar, that white on grey looks pretty bad (no root)
I thought there was a theme editor being released, I noticed on the Z2 that the font is blue
dedei said:
the damned ASF
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Apply screen protectors straight out of the box (front & back high quality made in Japan ones) and then you don't have to worry about the ASF.
Gitaroo said:
Z2 is pretty much what I want Z1 to be.......
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This guy knows how it is...except for the 16 gb, The Z2 should have a 32gb option specially after the whole kit kat mess
Sent from my C6906 using Tapatalk
Hmmm.. I would change a few things about the phone. But would i add? IR. Definitely.
Software update to z2 features. Z1 would get most of it..but of course...why would Sony do that? It intentional updates the flagship phone every 6 months...less reason for then to update their old ones
koppee1 said:
Software update to z2 features. Z1 would get most of it..but of course...why would Sony do that? It intentional updates the flagship phone every 6 months...less reason for then to update their old ones
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actually they tense to do that with lot of the exclusive software side features after the new device is 6 months old. By the time the older devices get them, they also get the newer version. Like background defocus, the whole social camera thing all were released to older device that didn't ship with them.
olokos said:
Speakers, definitely.
Sent from my C6903 using Tapatalk
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Good call on this..
I find the sound for speakerphone and watching videos is terrible
I would give it some optimization love. The hardware is great, but it's performance is very bad. Ecspecially the ui makes it look like a low end device because of all the lags and stutters. Sad story. :'(
olokos said:
Speakers, definitely.
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So True.
---------- Post added at 11:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:15 PM ----------
koppee1 said:
Software update to z2 features. Z1 would get most of it..but of course...why would Sony do that? It intentional updates the flagship phone every 6 months...less reason for then to update their old ones
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saintgein said:
I would give it some optimization love. The hardware is great, but it's performance is very bad. Ecspecially the ui makes it look like a low end device because of all the lags and stutters. Sad story. :'(
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Weird mine definitely doesn't do that
crixley said:
Weird mine definitely doesn't do that
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What is your setup then? And tbh, this makes me feel really bad because of me having this device for just a month or something. And even with a clean install of stock firmware it gives problems with that. Meanwhile the benchmarks etc are really good. 34k in antutu is no problem. That's also why i don't understand what's going on.
---------- Post added at 01:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:36 PM ----------
Oh and it's mainly album, conversations and phonebook/call log which give way too much jank/stutter/lag in my opinion. Apps like chrome and gmail scroll pretty good, just like the ui combined with nova launcher. Almost no lag to be found there.
If I had the the Z2's screen, speakers and 32gb storage I would have the perfect phone
Sent from my Xperia Z1
saintgein said:
What is your setup then? And tbh, this makes me feel really bad because of me having this device for just a month or something. And even with a clean install of stock firmware it gives problems with that. Meanwhile the benchmarks etc are really good. 34k in antutu is no problem. That's also why i don't understand what's going on.
---------- Post added at 01:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:36 PM ----------
Oh and it's mainly album, conversations and phonebook/call log which give way too much jank/stutter/lag in my opinion. Apps like chrome and gmail scroll pretty good, just like the ui combined with nova launcher. Almost no lag to be found there.
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Just running nuts stock rooted and deodexed kk.
I don't find it ever lags
crixley said:
Just running nuts stock rooted and deodexed kk.
I don't find it ever lags
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I'm getting there also, i noticed that an app i used caused quite alot of lag. Noroot firewall. I changed it with Afwall+ and the lag is almost completely gone. I just experience some scroll lag when going through messaging or album, but i guess that's normal and will get less if i eventually get the bootloader unlocked and stuff like doomkernel installed. Until then i'm happy with the snappyness!
Btw, rajeev's black apps combined with aneurysm theme and 120fps timeshift also really help to make me love this phone more.
saintgein said:
I would give it some optimization love. The hardware is great, but it's performance is very bad. Ecspecially the ui makes it look like a low end device because of all the lags and stutters. Sad story. :'(
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If this lags then what won't ? on me it runs 100x times smoother than any other phone... M8 is close but not that smooth... apple is somewhere but not as near and finally samsung plastic toys arent even top 100 list...
