[Q] Sudden reboot and lost app data? - Nexus 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I was running cm-10.1-20130222-NIGHTLY and Faux's new 7b6 beta kernel. I had just overclocked to 1.8ghz and had run some benchmarks when I decided to get Geekbench and try that too. It installed fine and I clicked to open the app when the entire system froze and it rebooted. I then got stuck on the boot screen so I though i must have over clocked it to hard so I wiped cache, reflashed cm-10.1-20130222-NIGHTLY and the stable faux v6 kernel.
Once I got in, the wallpaper had reset, when I tried to open any paid app it insisted that "App not installed"( when I could see the package in the /apps-asec folder), i couldn't re install the missing paid apps (error -24) and some free apps had its data wiped. I though it might be permissions so I rebooted to recovery(which was unusually laggy) and fixed permissions, which didn't help.
This is the strangest occurrence I have ever had on my Nexus 4. The system seems to work fine, besides the above problems and a simple wipe and flash should fix those problem. I understand the freeze was probably caused an unstable overclock but why did I loose my data and Android cant find my paid apps? I just fear i might have damaged the flash storage somehow and am mad I lost some semi-important data. Does anyone else know what just happened?

AW: [Q] Sudden reboot and lost app data?
This has also happened to me a minute ago. Using Rootbox 3.7.1 as ROM and Fauxkernel 7b6. A lot of data is suddenly gone, when flashing gapps I can't use my phone at all anymore because the setup keeps crashing and yeah. I tried wiping cache etc but without success. Gonna do a factory reset now..
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app


[Q] ACS force closing Logs Provider on boot

I'm running the latest version of ACS, and I keep getting a force close loop for "com.sec.android.provider.logsprovider", when I boot. Meaning I tap force close, and it comes right back, giving me no access to my phone. This is after two crashes (using the phone then it turns off). Does anyone have a suggestion? My father's Evo did this too, and he had to scream at Sprint before they'd swap the phone, but it's working fine now. I have the insurance thing on my plan, should I try that? If so, would I have to use Odin first?
Did you try to restore a backup with titanium backup??? I would boot to clockwork recovery and try to fix permissions by going to advanced in the menu.
Already done. I wiped user settings or whatever too. I'm now trying to reflash ACS and it says can't open /sdcard/foo/bar/syndicatefro110-standard-signed.zip (bad) could it be my sdcard? Does Sprint cover those under my hardware thing? I'm using ext4 afaik.
Im not sure if the cover the sd card I want to say no unless it is under a month old. However I wouldnt bring the phone in like that I would odin to a stock unrooted rom. Try to recopy the acs rom to the root of your sd card and then wipe data/factory reset 3 times in clockwork and then try to reinstall the rom.
I've been having issues on all my roms, so I'm thinking it could be my sd card. I'll bring it in as a last resort. Don't want to Odin if I can avoid it. Thanks for the help.
the logs provider has to do with mms and call logs and the sd card shouldn't affect it since it is a system app data/data/com.sec.android.provider.logsprovider. Did you try to clear the dalvik in advanced within clockwork???
That's crazy, I'm having the same exact problem. I was running the latest ACS fine for weeks and then I just rebooted it and BAM, 'Force closes' like crazy!
I reformatted, cleared all cache and factory reset to no avail. I still kept getting the same things pop up. I finally installed it through the zip file the 3rd time and somehow iit's working fine. I lost all my apps and evidently they didn't back up to my google account.
I'm too scared to reboot myphone now since that's what seems to trigger the problem.
Anybody know the source of the problem?
Curious if your getting any oneDram errors in dmesg? Seems like you guys are starting to have those odd errors were seeing in the Bonsai 4.1.0 beta.
Sent from Bonsai 7.0.3
I don't think i saw a oneDram error message, I remember seeing force closes for most of the services or processes that usually run in the background like phone and DRM service.
The persistent force close message that kept popping up was the logs.provider one.
This problem is currently happening to me now
I'm to lazy to fix it now though by the end of the week I'll do something
This happened to me while I had very bad/varying signal
(0-2 bars on a six bar scale)
And low battery
I clicked on my email app and while it was loading I locked my phone and walked toward a window for better signal
When I looked back at my phone it rebooted by it self and everything is force closing like email and messaging.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA Premium App
Yeah that's very similar to how out started with me too. Actually it might be exactly how it started.
Please let us know what you find out, because I've actually had this problem once before with an ACS rom.
I had my phone do this the other day with the logs provider. Reinstalled the rom (ACS Latest) and the issue went away...
Brother has been having the same issue for weeks on his epic too. He was running Bonsai 4.0.1 getting the same force closes, only his started first when he tried to open his mms app... He installed the latest ACS to see if it was Bonsai, about an hour later got the force closes again until he had an endless loop again.
We checked our memory blocks just for giggles and noticed he has 3 bad blocks while i have 11... cant be the issue...
He would get those force closes on EB13 and DK28 too.
We always do the 3x 3x 3x dance in clockwork before installing a rom too...
Dont know if this info helps or not. He thought about going stock and hitting up a Sprint store today and taking out an insurance claim....
Sorry I missed this thread.
Here's what I want you guys to do.
Back up your sdcard to your pc. ( just the files you wanna save.
Format your sd card with your phone
put the rom zip on your sdcard
Back up everything with your favorite back up program. titanium or mybackup root.
Reboot into cwm make sure it's
Wipe data, cache, dalvik 3x's ( don't cheat )
Flash your rom.
Boot your phone.
Restore your back up from your backup program. ( apps only no data )
Reboot into cwm again.
This time only wipe cache and dalvik 3x's ( no cheating )
Reboot and you should be good to go
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
^ This is a guaranteed solution to any unexpected FC problems.
k0nane said:
^ This is a guaranteed solution to any unexpected FC problems.
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I wish it was, but it isn't a guaranteed solution. It might work 99% of the time.
Sent from Bonsai 7.0.3
Top Nurse said:
I wish it was, but it isn't a guaranteed solution. It might work 99% of the time.
Sent from Bonsai 7.0.3
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I said for FCs, not bricks.
I'm having the exact same problem with the same ROM. The other day it froze after I took a picture and wouldn't respond. Had to do a battery pull after which I was stuck in an endless boot loop.
Tried just reflashing the ROM from SD and no dice, then cleared all caches 3 times and reflashed and I had a working phone again.
Then about 10 minutes ago I was using the phone and it shut down out of nowhere, after that booted back up with a tone of force closes and now the log provider force close won't go away. I'm just going to switch ROMs cause this is ridiculous.
No need to do that. The solution for freezing is excrutiatingly simple - and if it only freezes when you're in the camera, you need only format your SD card.
Do that, wipe data, and reflash, and everything will work 100% perfectly.
i had this issue more than once. and any kind of restoration of a backup made after the fc started resulted in continued fc's. i had to start fresh no backup and restore.
darksideauto said:
i had this issue more than once. and any kind of restoration of a backup made after the fc started resulted in continued fc's. i had to start fresh no backup and restore.
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As expected - Nandroid bad data, and your bad data will remain. Use MyBackup Root for that.
Just take a Nandroid backup and restore it when you're running properly - or use the zip in the development section to turn journaling on. No problem.

Titanium backup Problem

So when I open TB It does all the stuff that it always does and then after like 2 secs my phone just reboots :/ This started happening after I wiped dalvik cache, atleast I think it did. I tried uninstalling it and re-installing frtom market but still the same problem :/
Really need help!
try re-flashing your ROM with clockworkmod
Go to manage applications and open TB. then clear data and cache. May be solved. Worth giving a try before installing new rom.
Even try uninstalling and re-installing.
Sent from my HTC Wildfire using XDA App
Maybe OC?
I had problem with rebooting buzz while using TB. Everything back to norm after restoring stock cpu freq.
None of the above worked, so guess I'll just have to flash newer nightly and see if it works..

Tablet suddenly froze - Not able to Wipe data etc.

Hi Forum
I'm experiencing an odd thing with the P7510. I've been using AOKP for weeks now and all the sudden the thing froze up on me. This time I'm not able to reboot and go any further than the booting screen after the Galaxy Tab logo.
I thought a Wipe data / factory reset would help but It freezes as soon as I select the Wipe data function.
Nor am I able to wipe Dalvik Cache nor fix permissions (heck you try everything at this point). - All instant freeze except for Wipe Cashe Partition and using the install zip from sdcard, back etc.
Unfortunately I do not have the AOKP zip on the tablet anymore but if I'm remembering correct you need to wipe data when installing AOKP which I won't be able to do no mater what.
Do you guys have any idea what I could do to save the unit?
Fixed I was able to bring it back using the unroot guide. Unfortunately everything I got on there is gone - Either way thank you for looking!
That's really weird.
Sent from my GT-P7510 using Tapatalk 2
The interesting thing is a number of cases seems to happen in mid June this year.
Is this problem date related?
I'm using roman rom by the way.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using XDA

process com.google.process.gapps has stopped working error

I've searched for a fix for this error but all it brings up are like 100 page threads and I can't get to the exact page. Does anybody know how I can stop getting this to pop up? I've tried switching roms but the next one does it as well. Any tips?
Nobody knows a fix for this one?
For me, turning off Sync Browser in sync settings for my Google account fixed this problem. I am using a HP Touch pad though, but should be the same on any android device.
tedrogers61 said:
For me, turning off Sync Browser in sync settings for my Google account fixed this problem. I am using a HP Touch pad though, but should be the same on any android device.
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Same thing is happening on my touchpad when I click sync browser that comes up. Turning it off is fine with me thanks for the tip.
This happened to me occasionally when I was running a custom rom but since I updated to the next version of the rom and flashed gapps, it hasn't come back. There did not appear to be a reason or rhyme. I tried to reinstall chrome and gmail but not sure of the results. May want to try that.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
process com.google.process.gapps has stopped working
I have the same problem. The only difference that I know exactly when happened and what is the reason.
I upgraded to JellyBean, but just before that I force stopped some running apps thinking of a "clear" upgrade (WRONG).
Then after the upgrade (I was rooted before it) I opened Titanium Backup and noticed that some applications were showing as uninstalled ???
I did not uninstall them - but somehow they ended up uninstalled after the upgrade.
I suppose this happened because I stopped those few processes just before upgrading.
Now the applications showed as uninstalled are: "DRM Storage Protected..." Media Storage" , "Gallery" and some more
All those missing now ... I cannot start Google Store at all !? It opens for a second and closes itself. Tried to restore those with Titanium Backup but it does not restore them ... just runs endlessly.
I would try to flash the factory rom, unless you are using custom, flash the custom with gapps.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
buffnutz1 said:
I've searched for a fix for this error but all it brings up are like 100 page threads and I can't get to the exact page. Does anybody know how I can stop getting this to pop up? I've tried switching roms but the next one does it as well. Any tips?
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Here's the most simple fix. Remove your Google account and add it again.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using xda premium
It's been driving me nuts.
As soon as my Nexus 7 boots I get the message.
I removed my Google account and re-entered my details.
The message popped up again as soon as the account was added.
I'm on the stock 4.2.1 rooted ROM.
Factory reset next without restoring a backup.
Speaking of backup. When I used the ADB restore command.
I had the message that my device will restart. It did. I then had the Restore screen on my Nexus 7.
I hit Restore my data button or whatever it's called, and my tablet reset immediately. And no data was restored to my Nexus.
It's seems that is broken too.
I cleared Data and Cache of Browser (my stock Browser) and error disappeared, problem fixed...
I'm having this issue as well. Started happening after I flashed Paranoid Android 2.99 Beta 6 and the current gApps zip.
clankfu said:
I'm having this issue as well. Started happening after I flashed Paranoid Android 2.99 Beta 6 and the current gApps zip.
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VladaP85 said:
I cleared Data and Cache of Browser (my stock Browser) and error disappeared, problem fixed...
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Did you tried this? (Comment before yours)
Finally cured it on my stock rooted Nexus 7.
Factory wipe and didn't restore any system apps.
So far so good.
I tried every other trick in the book.
So in the end, a wipe was the only option.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
I just solved this on my Nexus. It was one of the google apps having a sync issue. I solved it by turning each one off till the error stopped then uninstalling it and reloading it.
TWRP 2.3.3 installed via Goomanager.
With rooted stock ROM 4.2.1 I used GooManager to download latest Paranoid Android 2.99 Beta 9 and GAPPS-JB-20121011.zip.
Factory reset and wipe of Cache & Dalvik then flashed PA from Goomanager
Nexus booted into PA
Opened Goo manager and flashed the GAPPS I'd already downloaded.
Nexus boots into unlock screen but then says "Unfortunately, the process com.google.process.gapps has stopped" and when that is cleared I get "Unfortunately, Setup Wizard has stopped" over and over again.
I don't get an opportunity to do anything other that re-boot into recovery.
I've re-flashed GAPPS by itself over the top, as well as PA and have tried, from within TWRP, to flash both one after the other. I always get the same errors.
Any advice please?
[Edit #1]
Used Wug's NRT 1.6.1 to flash back to stock, unlock and rooted again.
Installed Goo Manager again and downloaded GAPPS and PA 2.99 and going to see what happens.
Exactly the same problem!
[Edit #2]
There was a later version of GAPPS that Goo didn't have listed.

[Q] Rebooting when uninstalling any app

As title suggests my phone reboots when uninstalling any app via google play store or settings/apps.. it soft reboots from the rom load up logo
i've tried
reinstalling the rom/gapps
wiped system/cache/dalvik
deleted google play app data
deleting accounts
using stock kernel
used diferent launchers
virus scans
removed all apps recently installed (uninstall does work, it reboots imediately on completion)
i really want to avoid wiping the data partition which is all i can think is wrong.
anybody come across this ? any ideas
meangreenie said:
As title suggests my phone reboots when uninstalling any app via google play store or settings/apps.. it soft reboots from the rom load up logo
i've tried
reinstalling the rom/gapps
wiped system/cache/dalvik
deleted google play app data
deleting accounts
using stock kernel
used diferent launchers
virus scans
removed all apps recently installed (uninstall does work, it reboots imediately on completion)
i really want to avoid wiping the data partition which is all i can think is wrong.
anybody come across this ? any ideas
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Ur phone may RIP!!
I haven't come across such problem....Just wipe the cache, dalvik cache & flash the stock rom with the stock kernel.
Did you try uninstalling using titanium backup?
Does that cause reboot as well?
I gave up and formatted the data partition, I guess it got corrupted somehow or maybe a virus was responsible.
Working ok now...shrugs

