Titanium backup Problem - Wildfire General

So when I open TB It does all the stuff that it always does and then after like 2 secs my phone just reboots :/ This started happening after I wiped dalvik cache, atleast I think it did. I tried uninstalling it and re-installing frtom market but still the same problem :/

Really need help!

try re-flashing your ROM with clockworkmod

Go to manage applications and open TB. then clear data and cache. May be solved. Worth giving a try before installing new rom.
Even try uninstalling and re-installing.
Sent from my HTC Wildfire using XDA App

Maybe OC?
I had problem with rebooting buzz while using TB. Everything back to norm after restoring stock cpu freq.

None of the above worked, so guess I'll just have to flash newer nightly and see if it works..


marketplace down?

I recently performed a nand restore from a custom Rom I didn't want to keep and now, everything I try to download from the marketplace fails. when you do a restore, do you need to factory wipe and dalvic wipe as well? sorry of this is a dumb question!
Sent from my Eris using the XDA mobile application powered by Tapatalk
I had this problem and it may be for a completely different reason. I was uninstalling apps i don't use and I uninstalled Google talk. After some searching people who were having trouble downloading apps in the market fixed it by signing into google talk. I restored to a backup before i removed it and logged in and it worked fine.
Sometimes I have trouble d/l ing when I'm on wifi.
jadesdan said:
Sometimes I have trouble d/l ing when I'm on wifi.
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Me too. Whenever I am on wifi the download just hangs at "Starting" until I switch the wifi off. Im not sure if this is by design or not.
ugh this is really bugging me. I've done a factory and dalvic wipe and restored again and still cannot download off the marketplace. I'm at my wits end.
edit: I even did just a factory wipe with no restore and started from scratch and the marketplace still won't download. I'm stumped. maybe I should do the revert back to stock unrooted 1.5 and then root again. or maybe I should wipe then reflash the rooted 2.1. any suggestions? thanks!
Sent from my Eris using the XDA mobile application powered by Tapatalk
Tried it. Didn't work. I just reflashed to the rooted 2.1 and still cannot dl from market and now cannot sign in to Gtalk.... maybe it's a google thing?

[Q] Help!

Hey guys, I'm pretty new to root, started out with ice glacier then decided to try cm7+google apps pack, and since i did that i was unable to download apps from the market. Tried flashing back to ice glacier numerous times with same results. "download unsuccessful"
In all the craziness of trying every fix i could find i did the worst possible thing of reformatting my sd card which had my nand backup to go to stock froyo. So now Im still not able to get apps and i have no backup lol.
any suggestions? im wondering if perhaps its just my google account is having issues and maybe tomorrow market will work. but i just want some input and a possible backup that i can download to try and just start this all over. thanks for any help and suggestions!
Have you tried clearing Market cache?
i tried every fix i could find. on these forums and on other forums. no dice.
clearing cache, uninstalling market update, clearing cache of other apps, flashing new rom, flashing old rom, deleting android.secure folder in root of sd... i tried everything i could find. XD

Have anyone try the CM7 120901 by tezet? I have encountered a problem in sending sms.

Yesterday, I have installed the new CM7 120901 by tezet. Almost everything is working perfectly. But when I try to send sms, it shows failure immediately, and the error code in sms detail information is 254. But it can receive sms normally.
I tried to change the SMS center in the menu after *#*#4636#*#*, but it doesn't work.
Is there anyone trying this rom? Do you have the same problem?
If you have the same problem, could you help to post this issue to the develop forum? I have the permission to post reply to the tezet's thread.
I don't have this problem....
Sent from my MotoA953 using xda premium
Try to full wipe. I don't have this prob but when restore from titanium backup, many app get FC. Wifi auto disconnect and reconnect after. Batterry drain so fast.
Will try reflash and full wipe tomorrow.
Sent from my MotoA953 using Tapatalk 2
thanh933 said:
Try to full wipe. I don't have this prob but when restore from titanium backup, many app get FC. Wifi auto disconnect and reconnect after. Batterry drain so fast.
Will try reflash and full wipe tomorrow.
Sent from my MotoA953 using Tapatalk 2
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It's a problem specific to Titanium backup on quite some roms for some time now (at least the CM9/10 in here) since it doesn't happens when you do the same with My Backup Root (another backup ap, free one, that works a bit differently than TB).
Try the rom without restoring apps with TB and reinstall them from market, only reinstall the app's data you REALLY need (like highscores, saved games, sms/call log and so on) and reinstall the apps manually (making an AppBrain list for that helps).
Restoring SMS and call logs via Titanium backup made my phone and sms apps crash, since then i'm using SMS Backup + (it's in the market) which backs them up on my gmail.
Restoring data for system applications usually makes them FC!
I've reflash and make full wipe, it's ok now. using go backup and all app don't have any FC
Sent from my MotoA953 using Tapatalk 2
It seems to be solved by another wiping data and wiping cache.
It's strange that I have done the both wiping after installing the CM7 120901. Maybe the cause is that my phone is in fly mode when I installed the rom.
Thanks for your kindly reply.
zjuerkzhang said:
It seems to be solved by another wiping data and wiping cache.
It's strange that I have done the both wiping after installing the CM7 120901. Maybe the cause is that my phone is in fly mode when I installed the rom.
Thanks for your kindly reply.
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No it's something that has to do with the flashing process, sometimes it seems unable to wipe properly the /system partition and some strange things happens.
It regularily happens to some people to have to make the whole process twice for it to work properly.
Now the technical explanation is surely out there, but it's out of my reach for now (and i'm not interested enough to search for it, since there is a workaround for it ).

[Q] Sudden reboot and lost app data?

I was running cm-10.1-20130222-NIGHTLY and Faux's new 7b6 beta kernel. I had just overclocked to 1.8ghz and had run some benchmarks when I decided to get Geekbench and try that too. It installed fine and I clicked to open the app when the entire system froze and it rebooted. I then got stuck on the boot screen so I though i must have over clocked it to hard so I wiped cache, reflashed cm-10.1-20130222-NIGHTLY and the stable faux v6 kernel.
Once I got in, the wallpaper had reset, when I tried to open any paid app it insisted that "App not installed"( when I could see the package in the /apps-asec folder), i couldn't re install the missing paid apps (error -24) and some free apps had its data wiped. I though it might be permissions so I rebooted to recovery(which was unusually laggy) and fixed permissions, which didn't help.
This is the strangest occurrence I have ever had on my Nexus 4. The system seems to work fine, besides the above problems and a simple wipe and flash should fix those problem. I understand the freeze was probably caused an unstable overclock but why did I loose my data and Android cant find my paid apps? I just fear i might have damaged the flash storage somehow and am mad I lost some semi-important data. Does anyone else know what just happened?
AW: [Q] Sudden reboot and lost app data?
This has also happened to me a minute ago. Using Rootbox 3.7.1 as ROM and Fauxkernel 7b6. A lot of data is suddenly gone, when flashing gapps I can't use my phone at all anymore because the setup keeps crashing and yeah. I tried wiping cache etc but without success. Gonna do a factory reset now..
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app

[Q] Rebooting when uninstalling any app

As title suggests my phone reboots when uninstalling any app via google play store or settings/apps.. it soft reboots from the rom load up logo
i've tried
reinstalling the rom/gapps
wiped system/cache/dalvik
deleted google play app data
deleting accounts
using stock kernel
used diferent launchers
virus scans
removed all apps recently installed (uninstall does work, it reboots imediately on completion)
i really want to avoid wiping the data partition which is all i can think is wrong.
anybody come across this ? any ideas
meangreenie said:
As title suggests my phone reboots when uninstalling any app via google play store or settings/apps.. it soft reboots from the rom load up logo
i've tried
reinstalling the rom/gapps
wiped system/cache/dalvik
deleted google play app data
deleting accounts
using stock kernel
used diferent launchers
virus scans
removed all apps recently installed (uninstall does work, it reboots imediately on completion)
i really want to avoid wiping the data partition which is all i can think is wrong.
anybody come across this ? any ideas
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Ur phone may RIP!!
I haven't come across such problem....Just wipe the cache, dalvik cache & flash the stock rom with the stock kernel.
Did you try uninstalling using titanium backup?
Does that cause reboot as well?
I gave up and formatted the data partition, I guess it got corrupted somehow or maybe a virus was responsible.
Working ok now...shrugs

